
Rudyard Kipling: The Cause of Humanity (2019)
[Paper Plus - 6/11/2024]:
Rudyard Kipling. The Cause of Humanity and Other Stories: Uncollected Prose Fictions. Ed. Thomas Pinney. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019.
A few years ago I put up a post called "The Eleven Books of Rudyard Kipling." It covered the major canonical books of short stories he published between 1888 and 1932 - "excluding the seven collections written - at least ostensibly - for children."
These books of stories must surely be seen as his main claim to fame as a serious writer. There are (at least by my count) 191 stories included in these 11 collections. if you add to these the 76 stories included in the children's collections, together with the pieces in Thy Servant a Dog and Other Dog Stories (1938), you reach a total of 267.
Add to these the 30 stories in Abaft the Funnel (1909), a collection of early sketches put out by certain piratical publishers in America, forcing Kipling to reissue them himself in his own "authorised" (i.e. royalties-paying) edition, and you have 297.
And yet the attempt at a complete chronological list of his stories I've provided below lists 418 stories (including the 4 serialised novels). That's a lot of stories!
For the most part, one would have to say that Kipling was a pretty good judge of the merits - or otherwise - of his own work. The pieces in Abaft the Funnel are, for the most part, pretty negligible, and it's easy to see why he'd decided to leave them on the cutting room floor.
Alas, the same must be said for most of the 86 stories and sketches resurrected by that doyen of Kipling editors, Thomas Pinney, in his latest book The Cause of Humanity and Other Stories. They are, for the most part, clearly intended for Kipling completists and super-fans only.
But nothing Kipling put his hand to can ever be entirely without interest. So as long as you continually remind yourself that it's only those 18 or so canonical collections which actually had his blessing, there can surely be little harm in resuscitating these ancient pieces of local colour and outdated drollery?
Professor Pinney's bona fides can be taken for granted. His previous contributions to the publication of Kipling's uncollected work include:
- Kipling's India: Uncollected Sketches, 1884-1888 (London: Macmillan, 1985)
- Rudyard Kipling: Something of Myself and Other Autobiographical Writings (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990)
- The Letters of Rudyard Kipling. 6 vols (London: Macmillan, 1990-2004)
- A Second Book of Words: Some Uncollected Speeches, 1884-1935 (North Carolina at Greenboro: ELT Press, 2008)
- The Cambridge Edition of the Poems of Rudyard Kipling. 3 vols (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013)
It's safe to say that the landscape of Kipling studies has been permanently transformed by Pinney's endeavours. But now that he's covered Kipling's uncollected letters, poems, sketches, speeches, autobiographical fragments, and stories, it's hard to see how there could be any new worlds left for him to conquer.
His indispensible three-volume edition of Kipling's Poems, in particular, must surely represent enough finicky, backbreaking labour for any one normal lifetime. Kipling did a far worse job of collecting them than he did of his stories, which were left in pretty good shape, by and large.
Mind you, there are still a few stories which remain inaccessible except in the far reaches of the 'Uncollected Prose' volumes in the posthumous English "Sussex" (1937-40) and American "Burwash" (1941) editions of his works.
One of these, "Proofs of Holy Writ," was constructed around the supposition that Ben Jonson might have been asked by the translators of the 1611 Authorised Version of the Bible - the so-called "King James" version - to improve some of the wording in the more poetic passages. What, then, could be more natural than a visit to his recently retired old friend Will Shakespeare at his home in Stratford-upon-Avon to discuss some of the knottier verses?
The story constitutes a fitting swan song to Kipling's own work as an increasingly exacting, obsessive wordsmith: never content with the obvious word or phrase, but always determined to refine it to the uttermost degree of expression. And yet it was written too late to be included in any of his own books of stories!
In fact, it it weren't for the assiduous efforts of the Kipling Society in making virtually all of the Master's stories and poems available online - along with extensive notes - you'd find it pretty difficult to read it at all. I myself had to xerox the text from an old set of the Burwash edition in the stacks of a university library I won't name (for fear of embarrassing them).
In any case, here's my own best attempt at a list of his complete stories:
Key to Abbreviations:
- [AF] - Abaft the Funnel (1909)
- [AR] - Actions and Reactions (1909)
- [CH] - The Cause of Humanity and Other Stories (2019)
- [DC] - Debits and Credits (1926)
- [DoC] - A Diversity of Creatures (1917)
- [DW] - The Day’s Work (1898)
- [EA] - The Eyes of Asia (1917)
- [FSS] - From Sea to Sea and Other Sketches (1899)
- [JB] - The Jungle Book (1894)
- [JB2] - The Second Jungle Book (1895)
- [JSS] - Just So Stories (1902)
- [LH] - Life’s Handicap (1891)
- [LR] - Limits and Renewals (1932)
- [LST] - Land and Sea Tales for Scouts and Guides (1923)
- [MI] - Many Inventions (1893)
- [PP] - Puck of Pook’s Hill (1906)
- [PT] - Plain Tales from the Hills (1888)
- [RF] - Rewards and Fairies (1910)
- [SC] - Stalky & Co. (1899)
- [SCC] - The Complete Stalky & Co. (1929)
- [SE] - The Sussex Edition (1937-1940)
- [ST] - Soldiers Three and Other Stories (1890)
- [TD] - Traffics and Discoveries (1904)
- [TSD] - Thy Servant a Dog, Told by Boots (1930)
- [TSDC] - Thy Servant a Dog and Other Dog Stories (1938)
- [WWW] - Wee Willie Winkie and Other Stories (1890)
- My First Adventure (Nov, 1878) [CH]
- Ibbetson Dun (part i) (Mar 20, 1882) [CH]
- Ibbetson Dun (part ii) (Jun 3, 1882) [CH]
- The Gate of the Hundred Sorrows (Sep 26, 1884) [PT]
- The Tragedy of Crusoe, C.S. (Sep 13, 1884) [CH]
- The Dream of Duncan Parrenness (Dec 25, 1884) [LH]
- Twenty Years After (Or What It May Come To) (Jan 6, 1885) [CH]
- At the Pit’s Mouth (Feb 11, 1885) [CH]
- Dis Aliter Visum (Jul 4, 1885) [CH]
- De Profundis (Aug 7, 1885) [CH]
- ‘The City of Dreadful Night’ (Sep 10, 1885) [LH]
- The Unlimited “Draw” of “Tick” Boileau (Sep 24, 1885) [CH]
- The Phantom Rickshaw (Dec 1, 1885) [WWW]
- The Strange Ride of Morrowbie Jukes (Dec 1, 1885) [WWW]
- My Christmas Caller (Dec 25, 1885) [CH]
- The History of a Crime (Feb 3, 1886) [CH]
- Prisoners and Captives (Mar 4, 1886) [CH]
- In the House of Suddhoo (Apr 30, 1886) [PT]
- From Olympus to Hades (Aug 12, 1886) [CH]
- Naboth (Aug 26, 1886) [LH]
- Les Miserables (Aug 28, 1886) [CH]
- A Nightmare of Rule (Sep 3, 1886) [CH]
- The Story of Muhammad Din (Sep 8, 1886) [PT]
- What Came of It (Sep 17, 1886) [CH]
- An Official Secret (Oct 12, 1886) [CH]
- The Other Man (Nov 13, 1886) [PT]
- Le Roi en Exil (Nov 15, 1886) [CH]
- Three – and an Extra (Nov 17, 1886) [PT]
- The Rescue of Pluffles (Nov 19, 1886) [PT]
- The Arrest of Lieutenant Golightly (Nov 23, 1886) [PT]
- Lispeth (Nov 29, 1886) [PT]
- Venus Annodomini (Dec 4, 1886) [PT]
- ‘Yoked with an Unbeliever’ (Dec 7, 1886) [PT]
- Consequences (Dec 9, 1886) [PT]
- A Scrap of Paper (Dec 13, 1886) [CH]
- The Mystification of Santa Claus (Dec 25, 1886) [CH]
- On the Strength of a Likeness (Jan 10, 1887) [PT]
- In Error (Jan 24, 1887) [PT]
- His Wedded Wife (Feb 25, 1887) [PT]
- The Bisara of Pooree (Mar 4, 1887) [PT]
- The Three Musketeers (Mar 11, 1887) [PT]
- Kidnapped (Mar 21, 1887) [PT]
- Watches of the Night (Mar 25, 1887) [PT]
- His Chance in life (Apr 2, 1887) [PT]
- The Broken-link Handicap (Apr 6, 1887) [PT]
- The Taking of Lungtungpen (Apr 11, 1887) [PT]
- A Bank Fraud (Apr 14, 1887) [PT]
- Tods’ Amendment (Apr 16, 1887) [PT]
- Bitters Neat (Apr 19, 1887) [SE]
- Miss Youghal’s Sais (Apr 25, 1887) [PT]
- The Conversion of Aurelian McGoggin (Apr 28, 1887) [PT]
- A Friend’s Friend (May 2, 1887) [PT]
- In the Pride of His Youth (May 5, 1887) [PT]
- The Daughter of the Regiment (May 11, 1887) [PT]
- A Germ-Destroyer (May 17, 1887) [PT]
- Wressley of the Foreign Office (May 20, 1887) [PT]
- Haunted Subalterns (May 27, 1887) [SE]
- Pig (Jun 3, 1887) [PT]
- By Word of Mouth (Jun 10, 1887) [PT]
- Love in Old Cloathes (Jul 4, 1887) [CH]
- The Case of Adamah (Jul 6, 1887) [CH]
- A Tale of ’98 (Jul 18, 1887) [CH]
- A Rather More Fishy Case (Jul 26, 1887) [CH]
- The House of Shadows (Aug 4, 1887) [CH]
- The Confession of an Impostor (Aug 11, 1887) [CH]
- The Judgement of Paris (Aug 12, 1887) [CH]
- Five Days After Date (Sep 24, 1887) [CH]
- The Hill of Illlusion (Sep 28, 1887) [WWW]
- Le Monde ou L’On S’Amuse (Oct 1, 1887) [CH]
- An Intercepted Letter (Oct 12, 1887) [CH]
- The Recurring Smash (Oct 13, 1887) [CH]
- How Liberty Came to the Bolan (Oct 19, 1887) [CH]
- Under Sentence (Oct 20, 1887) [CH]
- The Dreitarbund (Oct 22, 1887) [CH]
- In Memoriam (Oct 27, 1887) [CH]
- On Signature (Nov 2, 1887) [CH]
- The Great Strike (Nov 5, 1887) [CH]
- The Biggest Liar in Asia (Nov 7, 1887) [CH]
- Deputating a Viceroy (Nov 8, 1887) [CH]
- A Merry Christmas (Dec 31, 1887) [CH]
- The New Year’s Sermon (Jan 2, 1888) [CH]
- New Year’s Gifts (Jan 2, 1888) [CH]
- The God from the Machine (Jan 7, 1888) [ST]
- Mister Anthony Dawkins (Jan 11, 1888) [CH]
- Gemini (Jan 14, 1888) [ST]
- The Luck of Roaring Camp (Jan 17, 1888) [CH]
- Bubbling Well Road (Jan 18, 1888) [LH]
- A Wayside Comedy (Jan 21, 1888) [WWW]
- Wee Willie Winkie (Jan 28, 1888) [WWW]
- Verbatim et Literatim (Feb 3, 1888) [CH]
- The Likes o’ Us (Feb 4, 1888) [AF]
- The Sending of Dana Da (Feb 11, 1888) [ST]
- The Wedding Guest (Feb 16, 1888) [CH]
- At Twenty-Two (Feb 18, 1888) [ST]
- My Own True Ghost Story (Feb 25, 1888) [WWW]
- The Tracking of Chuckerbutti (Mar 1, 1888) [CH]
- Beyond the Pale (Mar 5, 1888) [PT]
- The Bronckhorst Divorce Case (Mar 5, 1888) [PT]
- Cupid’s Arrows (Mar 5, 1888) [PT]
- False Dawn (Mar 5, 1888) [PT]
- The Madness of Private Ortheris (Mar 5, 1888) [PT]
- The Rout of the White Hussars (Mar 5, 1888) [PT]
- Thrown Away (Mar 5, 1888) [PT]
- To be Filed for Reference (Mar 5, 1888) [PT]
- The Education of Otis Yeere (Mar 10, 1888) [WWW]
- Bread Upon the Waters (Mar 14, 1888) [CH]
- A Fallen Idol (Mar 16, 1888) [AF]
- A Free Gift (Mar 21, 1888) [CH]
- The Big Drunk Draf' (Mar 24, 1888) [ST]
- The Minstrel (Mar 27, 1888) [CH]
- A Hill Homily (Mar 30, 1888) [CH]
- At Howli Thana (Mar 31, 1888) [ST]
- His Brother’s Keeper (Apr 7, 1888) [AF]
- The “Kingdom” of Bombay (Apr 10, 1888) [CH]
- In the Matter of a Private (Apr 14, 1888) [ST]
- In an Opium Factory (Apr 16, 1888) [FSS]
- Bombaystes Furioso (Apr 18, 1888) [CH]
- Dray Wara Yow Dee (Apr 28, 1888) [ST]
- A Day Off (May 4, 1888) [CH]
- His Majesty the King (May 5, 1888) [WWW]
- Sleipner, Late Thurinda (May 12, 1888) [AF]
- The Unpunishable Cherub (May 15, 1888) [CH]
- In Gilded Halls (May 18, 1888) [CH]
- The World Without (May 18, 1888) [ST]
- A Supplementary Chapter (May 19, 1888) [AF]
- Till the Day Break (May 19, 1888) [CH]
- Poor Dear Mamma (May 26, 1888) [ST]
- Through the Fire (May 28, 1888) [LH]
- The Fountain of Honour (Jun 4, 1888) [CH]
- The Burden of Nineveh (Jun 6, 1888) [CH]
- The Solid Muldoon (Jun 9, 1888) [ST]
- With Any Amazement (Jun 16, 1888) [ST]
- The Garden of Eden (Jun 30, 1888) [ST]
- The Valley of the Shadow (Jun 30, 1888) [ST]
- The Swelling of Jordan (Jul 7, 1888) [ST]
- His Natural Destiny (Jul 10, 1888) [CH]
- That District Log Book (Jul 10, 1888) [CH]
- An Unequal Match (Jul 11, 1888) [CH]
- The Track of a Lie (Jul 12, 1888) [SE]
- Private Learoyd’s Story (Jul 14, 1888) [ST]
- Little Tobrah (Jul 17, 1888 ) [LH]
- A Horrible Scandal (Jul 24, 1888) [CH]
- The Judgment of Dungara (Jul 28, 1888) [ST]
- New Brooms (Aug 3, 1888) [AF]
- With the Main Guard (Aug 4, 1888) [ST]
- In Flood Time (Aug 11, 1888) [ST]
- The Tents of Kedar (Aug 18, 1888) [ST]
- Only a Subaltern (Aug 25, 1888) [WWW]
- My New Purchase (Aug 27, 1888) [CH]
- A Second-Rate Woman (Sep 8, 1888) [WWW]
- Exercises in Administration (Sep 15, 1888) [CH]
- The Last of the Stories (Sep 15, 1888) [AF]
- Jews in Shushan (Oct 4, 1888) [LH]
- The Dignity of It (Oct 6, 1888) [CH]
- Exercises in Administration (Oct 12, 1888) [CH]
- Tiglath Pileser (Oct 16, 1887) [AF]
- In Wonderland (Oct 20, 1888) [CH]
- Black Jack (Nov, 1888) [ST]
- Georgie Porgie (Nov 3, 1888) [LH]
- In the Year ’92 (Nov 8, 1888) [CH]
- A Free Hand (Nov 10, 1888) [CH]
- Susannah and the Elder (Nov 12, 1888) [CH]
- The Coming K (Nov 28, 1888) [CH]
- Fatima (Dec, 1888) [ST]
- The Man who would be King (Dec, 1888) [WWW]
- What the World Said (Dec 4, 1888) [CH]
- An Interesting Condition (Dec 20, 1888) [CH]
- Baa Baa, Black Sheep (Dec 21, 1888) [WWW]
- On the City Wall (Jan, 1889) [ST]
- At the Pit’s Mouth (Jan, 1889) [WWW]
- The Drums of the Fore and Aft (Mar, 1889) [WWW]
- A Menagerie Aboard [aka “One Lady at Large”] (Mar 30, 1889) [AF]
- The Wandering Jew (Apr 4, 1889) [LH]
- Reingelder and the German Flag (Apr 16, 1889) [LH]
- The Wreck of the Visigoth (Apr 25, 1889) [SE]
- Sons of Belial (May, 1889) [CH]
- The Lang Men o’ Larut (May 29, 1889) [LH]
- It! (Jun 1, 1889) [AF]
- The Red Lamp (Jun 20, 1889) [AF]
- Of Those Called (Jul 13, 1889) [SE]
- A Smoke of Manila (Jul 18, 1889) [AF]
- The Shadow of his Hand (Aug 2, 1889) [AF]
- Erastasius of the Whanghoa (Aug 21, 1889) [AF]
- The Bow Flume Cable-car (Sep 10, 1889) [AF]
- A Little More Beef (Sep 18, 1889) [AF]
- Her Little Responsibility (Sep 19, 1889) [AF]
- The History of a Fall (Sep 23, 1889) [AF]
- The Comet of a Season (Nov 21, 1889) [CH]
- Gallihauk’s Pup (Nov 30, 1889) [CH]
- The Incarnation of Krishna Mulvaney (Dec 1, 1889) [LH]
- The Limitations of Pambé Serang (Dec 7, 1889) [LH]
- The New Dispensation — I (Dec 10, 1889) [AF]
- The New Dispensation — II (Dec 16, 1889) [AF]
- The Pit That They Digged (Dec 19, 1889) [SE]
- The Battle of Rupert Square (Dec 28, 1889) [SE]
- A Daughter of Heth (1889) [CH]
- The Head of the District (Jan 1, 1890) [LH]
- The Three Young Men (Jan 2, 1890) [AF]
- My Great and Only (Jan 11, 1890) [AF]
- “The Betrayal of Confidences” (Jan 23, 1890) [AF]
- The Adoration of the Mage (Jan 25, 1890) [AF]
- A Death in the Camp (Jan 29, 1890) [AF]
- One View of the Question (Feb 1, 1890) [MI]
- A Really Good Time (Feb 8, 1890) [AF]
- On Exhibition (Feb 21, 1890) [AF]
- The Courting of Dinah Shadd (Mar 1, 1890) [LH]
- A Parable (Mar 29, 1890) [CH]
- Chautauquaed (April 1, 1890) [AF]
- For One Night Only (Apr 1, 1890) [SE]
- The Man who Was (Apr 1, 1890) [LH]
- The Lamentable Comedy of Willow Wood (May 1, 1890) [SE]
- A Conference of the Powers (May 23, 1890) [MI]
- Without Benefit of Clergy (Jun 1, 1890) [LH]
- The Mark of the Beast (Jul 12, 1890) [LH]
- The Inauthorated Corpses (Jul 15, 1890) [CH]
- At the End of the Passage (Jul 20, 1890) [LH]
- Griffiths the Safe Man (Jul 31, 1890) [AF]
- On Greenhow Hill (Aug 23, 1890) [LH]
- The Enlightenments of Pagett, M.P. (Sep 11, 1890) [SE]
- Letters on Leave (Sep 27, 1890) [AF]
- “The Record of Badalia Herodsfoot” (Nov 15, 1890) [MI]
- Mrs Hauksbee Sits Out (Dec 1, 1890) [SE]
- On Dry-Cow Fishing as a Fine Art (Dec 13, 1890) [SE]
- The Light that Failed (Jan, 1891)
- Moti Guj – Mutineer (Mar 9, 1891) [LH]
- Bertran and Bimi (Mar 9, 1891) [LH]
- The Mutiny of the Mavericks (Mar 9, 1891) [LH]
- Namgay Doola (Mar 9, 1892) [LH]
- The Return of Imray (Mar 9, 1891) [LH]
- The Last Relief (Apr 25, 1891) [SE]
- ‘The Finest Story in the World’ (Jul 1, 1891) [MI]
- The Amir’s Homily (Sep, 1891) [LH]
- The Finances of the Gods (Sep, 1891) [LH]
- The Disturber of Traffic (Sep 1, 1891) [MI]
- His Private Honour (Oct 1, 1891) [MI]
- ‘Brugglesmith’ (Oct 17, 1891) [MI]
- The Children of the Zodiac (Dec 5, 1891) [MI]
- The Naulahka (Nov 1, 1891 to 1 Jul, 1892)
- A Matter of Fact (Jan 24, 1892) [MI]
- One Lady at Wairakei (Jan 30, 1892) [CH]
- The Lost Legion (May 1, 1892) [MI]
- My Lord the Elephant (Dec 27, 1892) [MI]
- The Potted Princess (Jan 1, 1893) [SE]
- Collar-Wallah and the Poison Stick (Mar 1, 1893) [SE]
- In the Rukh (May 31, 1893) [MI]
- Judson and the Empire (May 31, 1893) [MI]
- ‘Love-o’-Women’ (May 31, 1893) [MI]
- The Legs of Sister Ursula (Jun 4, 1893) [SE]
- The White Seal (Aug 1, 1893) [JB]
- An English School (Oct 19, 1893) [LST]
- ‘Rikki-Tikki-Tavi’ (Nov 1, 1893) [JB]
- The Bridge-Builders (Dec 1, 1893) [DW]
- Toomai of the Elephants (Dec 1, 1893) [JB]
- The Son of His Father (Dec 10, 1893) [LST]
- Mowgli’s Brothers (Jan 1, 1894) [JB]
- ‘Tiger! Tiger!’ (Feb 1, 1894) [JB]
- Her Majesty’s Servants (Mar 3, 1894) [JB]
- Kaa’s Hunting (Mar 31, 1894) [JB]
- How Fear Came (Jun 7, 1894) [JB2]
- The Miracle of Purun Bhagat (Oct 18, 1894) [JB2]
- The Undertakers (Nov 8, 1894) [JB2]
- An Error in the Fourth Dimension (Dec 1, 1894) [DW]
- A Walking Delegate (Dec 1, 1894) [DW]
- Letting in the Jungle (Dec 12, 1894) [JB2]
- An Unqualified Pilot (Feb 1, 1895) [LST]
- The King’s Ankus (Mar 1, 1895) [JB2]
- My Sunday at Home (Apr 1, 1895) [DW]
- The Maltese Cat (Jun 26, 1895) [DW]
- Red Dog (Jul 29, 1895) [JB2]
- The Bold ‘Prentice (Sep 19, 1895) [LST]
- The Spring Running (Sep 25, 1895) [JB2]
- Quiquern (Oct 24, 1895) [JB2]
- ‘Bread upon the Waters’ (Dec 1, 1895) [DW]
- The Brushwood Boy (Dec 1, 1895) [DW]
- The Devil and the Deep Sea (Dec 1, 1895) [DW]
- The Ship that Found Herself (Dec 1, 1895) [DW]
- William the Conqueror – Part I (Dec 1, 1895) [DW]
- William the Conqueror – Part II (Jan 1, 1896) [DW]
- ‘Captains Courageous’ (Nov 1896 to Mar 1897)) [DW]
- Slaves of the Lamp - Part I (Apr 1, 1897) [SC]
- Slaves of the Lamp - Part II (May 1, 1897) [SC]
- Winning the Victoria Cross (Jun 1, 1897) [LST]
- .007 (Aug 1, 1897) [DW]
- How the Whale got his Throat (Dec 1, 1897) [JSS]
- The Tomb of his Ancestors (Dec 1, 1897) [DW]
- How the Camel got his Hump (Jan 1, 1898) [JSS]
- How the Rhinoceros got his Skin (Feb 1, 1898) [JSS]
- ‘In Ambush’ (Aug 1, 1898) [SC]
- The Burning of the Sarah Sands (Nov 10, 1898) [LST]
- “Stalky” (Dec 1, 1898) [LST]
- An Unsavoury Interlude (Jan 1, 1899) [SC]
- The Impressionists (Feb 1, 1899) [SC]
- The Moral Reformers (Mar 1, 1899) [SC]
- A Little Prep. (Apr 1, 1899) [SC]
- The Flag of their Country (May 1, 1899) [SC]
- The Last Term (May 1, 1899) [SC]
- Garm – a Hostage (Dec 23, 1899) [AR]
- The Elephant’s Child (Apr 1, 1900) [JSS]
- With Number Three (Apr 21, 1900) [SE]
- The Beginning of the Armadilloes (May 1, 1900) [JSS]
- The Sing-Song of Old Man Kangaroo (Jun 1, 1900) [JSS]
- The Way that he Took (Jun 12, 1900) [LST]
- The Outsider (Jun 19, 1900) [SE]
- A Burgher of the Free State (Jun 26, 1900) [SE]
- Folly Bridge (Jul 2, 1900) [SE]
- Kim (Dec 1, 1900 to 1901)
- Railway Reform in Great Britain (Jan 1, 1901) [SE]
- A Village Rifle Club (Jun 22, 1901) [SE]
- How the Leopard got his Spots (Oct 1, 1901) [JSS]
- How the First Letter was Written (Dec 1, 1901) [JSS]
- A Sahib’s War (Dec 1, 1901) [TD]
- The Cat that Walked by Himself (Jul 1, 1902) [JSS]
- The Crab that Played with the Sea (Aug 1, 1902) [JSS]
- ‘Wireless’ (Aug 1, 1902) [TD]
- Below the Mill Dam (Sep 1, 1902) [TD]
- How the Alphabet was Made (Sep 30, 1902) [JSS]
- The Butterfly that Stamped (Oct 1, 1902) [JSS]
- The Comprehension of Private Copper (Oct 1, 1902) [TD]
- Steam Tactics (Dec 1, 1902) [TD]
- The Captive (Dec 6, 1902) [TD]
- The Bonds of Discipline (Aug 15, 1903) [TD]
- The Tabu Tale (Aug 29, 1903) [SE]
- ‘Their Lawful Occasions’ – Part I (Oct 3, 1903) [TD]
- ‘Their Lawful Occasions’ – Part II (Oct 10, 1903) [TD]
- The Army of a Dream - Part I (Jun 15, 1904) [TD]
- The Army of a Dream - Part II (Jun 17, 1904) [TD]
- ‘They’ (Aug 1, 1904) [TD]
- Mrs Bathurst (Sep 1, 1904) [TD]
- A Tour of Inspection (Oct 1, 1904) [SE]
- An Habitation Enforced (Aug 1, 1905) [AR]
- With the Night Mail (Nov 1, 1905) [AR]
- Weland’s Sword (Jan 1, 1906) [PP]
- The Puzzler (Jan 15, 1906) [AR]
- Young Men at the Manor (Feb 1, 1906) [PP]
- The Knights of the Joyous Venture (Mar 1, 1906) [PP]
- Old Men at Pevensey (Apr 1, 1906) [PP]
- A Centurion of the Thirtieth (May 1, 1906) [PP]
- On the Great Wall (Jun 1, 1906) [PP]
- The Winged Hats (Jul 1, 1906) [PP]
- Hal o’ the Draft (Aug 1, 1906) [PP]
- Dymchurch Flit (Sep 1, 1906) [PP]
- The Treasure and the Law (Oct 1, 1906) [PP]
- A Deal in Cotton (Dec 14, 1907) [AR]
- The Mother Hive (Nov 28, 1908) [AR]
- Little Foxes (Mar 27, 1909) [AR]
- Cold Iron (Sep 1, 1909) [RF]
- The House Surgeon (Sep 1, 1909) [AR]
- A Doctor of Medicine (Oct 1, 1909) [RF]
- The Wrong Thing (Nov 1, 1909) [RF]
- Gloriana (Dec 1, 1909) [RF]
- The Knife and the Naked Chalk (Dec 1, 1909) [RF]
- The Conversion of St Wilfrid (Jan 1, 1910) [RF]
- The Tree of Justice (Feb 1, 1910) [RF]
- Simple Simon (Jun 1, 1910) [RF]
- Brother Square-Toes (Jul 1, 1910 ) [RF]
- The Parable of Boy Jones (Jul 15, 1910) [LST]
- A Priest in Spite of Himself (Aug 1, 1910) [RF]
- The Horse Marines (Oct 1, 1910) [DoC]
- Marklake Witches (Oct 4, 1910) [RF]
- Why Snow Falls at Vernet (Jan 7, 1911) [CH]
- The Honours of War (May 1, 1911) [DoC]
- In the Same Boat (Dec 1, 1911) [DoC]
- As Easy as A.B.C. (Feb 25, 1912) [DoC]
- In the Presence (Mar 1, 1912) [DoC]
- A Reinforcement (May 10, 1912) [SE]
- The Benefactors (Jul 1, 1912) [SE]
- The Edge of the Evening (Dec 1, 1913) [DoC]
- Friendly Brook (Mar 1, 1914) [DoC]
- The Dog Hervey (Apr 1, 1914) [DoC]
- The Vortex (Aug 1, 1914) [DoC]
- ‘Swept and Garnished’ (Jan 1, 1915) [DoC]
- Mary Postgate (Sep 1, 1915) [DoC]
- Sea Constables, a Tale of ’15 (Sep 1, 1915) [DC]
- Regulus (Apr 1, 1917) [DoC]
- ‘My Son’s Wife’ (Apr 17, 1917) [DoC]
- The Village that Voted the Earth was Flat (Apr 17, 1917) [DoC]
- A Flight of Fact (Jun 1, 1918) [LST]
- ‘In the Interests of the Brethren’ (Dec 1, 1918) [DC]
- The First Assault upon the Sorbonne (Dec 21, 1921) [SE]
- His Gift (Nov 15, 1923) [LST]
- The Janeites (May 1, 1924) [DC]
- The United Idolaters (Jun 1, 1924) [DC]
- A Friend of the Family (Jun 15, 1924) [DC]
- The Enemies to Each Other (Jul 15, 1924) [DC]
- A Madonna of the Trenches (Aug 15, 1924) [DC]
- The Prophet and the Country (Oct 1, 1924) [DC]
- The Wish House (Oct 1, 1924) [DC]
- The Bull that Thought (Dec 1, 1924) [DC]
- The Gardener (Apr 1, 1925) [DC]
- The Propagation of Knowledge (Jan 1, 1926) [DC]
- On the Gate: a Tale of ’16 (Jun 1, 1926) [DC]
- The Eye of Allah (Sep 1, 1926) [DC]
- Fairy-kist (Sep 15, 1927) [LR]
- Dayspring Mishandled (Mar 1, 1928) [LR]
- The Church that was at Antioch (Aug 1, 1928) [LR]
- The Woman in His Life (Sep 1, 1928) [LR]
- The Satisfaction of a Gentleman (Sep 1, 1929) [SCC]
- The Tender Achilles (Dec 1, 1929) [LR]
- The Debt (Apr 26, 1930) [LR]
- Thy Servant a Dog (Jul 7, 1930) [TSD]
- The Great Play Hunt (Sep 1, 1930) [TSD]
- The Manner of Men (Sep 1, 1930) [LR]
- Unprofessional (Oct 1, 1930) [LR]
- Toby Dog (Oct 28, 1930) [TSD]
- The Miracle of Saint Jubanus (Dec 1, 1930) [LR]
- A Naval Mutiny (Dec 1, 1931) [LR]
- Beauty Spots (Jan 1, 1932) [LR]
- Aunt Ellen (Apr 21, 1932) [LR]
- The Tie (Apr 21, 1932) [LR]
- Uncovenanted Mercies (Apr 21, 1932) [LR]
- The Pleasure Cruise (Nov 11, 1933) [SE]
- Proofs of Holy Writ (Apr 1, 1934) [SE]
- A Sea Dog (Oct 5, 1934) [TSDC]
- Ham and the Porcupine (Oct 1, 1935) [The Princess Elizabeth Gift Book]
- Will Briart’s Ghost (Jan 25, 1936) [CH]
- Teem — a Treasure-Hunter (May 1, 1936) [TSDC]
- The Cause of Humanity (1970) [CH]
- The Princess in the Pickle-Bottle (Dec 6, 2006) [CH]
Books I own are marked in bold:
Short Stories:
- The City of Dreadful Night (1885)
- [with John Lockwood Kipling, Alice Kipling (née MacDonald) and & Alice ('Trix') Kipling]. Quartette (1885)
- The Unlimited 'Draw' of 'Tick' Boileau
- The Strange Ride of Morrowbie Jukes, C.E.
- The Phantom 'Rickshaw
- My Christmas at the Ajaibgaum Exhibition [?]
- Plain Tales from the Hills (1888) [PT]
- Lispeth
- Three and an Extra
- Thrown Away
- Miss Youghal’s Sais
- ‘Yoked with an Unbeliever’
- False Dawn
- The Rescue of Pluffles
- Cupid’s Arrows
- The Three Musketeers
- His Chance in Life
- Watches of the Night
- The Other Man
- Consequences
- The Conversion of Aurelian McGoggin
- The Taking of Lungtungpen
- A Germ Destroyer
- Kidnapped
- The Arrest of Lieutenant Golightly
- In the House of Suddhoo
- His Wedded Wife
- The Broken-link Handicap
- Beyond the Pale
- In Error
- A Bank Fraud
- Tods’ Amendment
- The Daughter of the Regiment
- In the Pride of his Youth
- Pig
- The Rout of the White Hussars
- The Bronckhorst Divorce Case
- Venus Annodomini
- The Bisara of Pooree
- A Friend’s Friend
- The Gate of the Hundred Sorrows
- The Madness of Private Ortheris
- The Story of Muhammad Din
- On the Strength of a Likeness
- Wressley of the Foreign Office
- By Word of Mouth
- To be Filed for Reference Sussex Edition, Vol. I (1937-40):
- Bitters Neat
- Haunted Subalterns
- Plain Tales from the Hills. 1888. The Dominions Edition. London: Macmillan & Co. Ltd., 1913.
- Soldiers Three and Other Stories (1888 / 1890) [ST]
Soldiers Three (Nov 1888)
- The God from the Machine
- Private Learoyd’s Story
- The Big Drunk Draf'
- The Solid Muldoon
- With the Main Guard
- In the Matter of a Private
- Black Jack The Story of the Gadsbys (Dec 1888)
- Poor Dear Mamma
- The World Without
- The Tents of Kedar
- With any Amazement
- The Garden of Eden
- Fatima
- The Valley of the Shadow
- The Swelling of Jordan In Black and White (Jan 1889)
- Dray Wara Yow Dee
- The Judgment of Dungara
- At Howli Thana
- Gemini
- At Twenty-Two
- In Flood Time
- The Sending of Dana Da
- On the City Wall
- Soldiers Three / The Story of the Gadsbys / In Black and White. 1888 & 1890. The Dominions Edition. London: Macmillan & Co. Ltd., 1913.
- Wee Willie Winkie and Other Stories (1888 / 1890) [WWW]
Under the Deodars (Jan 1889)
- The Education of Otis Yeere
- At the Pit’s Mouth
- A Wayside Comedy
- The Hill of Illusion
- A Second-Rate Woman
- Only a Subaltern The Phantom Rickshaw and other Eerie Tales (Feb 1889)
- The Phantom Rickshaw
- My Own True Ghost Story
- The Strange Ride of Morrowbie Jukes
- The Man who Would be King
- The Phantom 'Rickshaw and other Tales. 1889 & 1890. New York: American Publishers Corporation, n.d.
Wee Willie Winkie and Other Child Stories (Mar 1889)
- Wee Willie Winkie
- Baa Baa, Black Sheep
- His Majesty the King
- The Drums of the Fore and Aft Sussex Edition, Vol. III (1937-40)
- The Pit That They Digged
- Of Those Called
- The Track of a Lie
- The Wreck of the Visigoth
- Wee Willie Winkie / Under the Deodars / The Phantom 'Rickshaw and other Stories. 1888 & 1890. The Dominions Edition. London: Macmillan & Co. Ltd., 1913.
- Wee Willie Winkie: Under the Deodars / The Phantom Rickshaw and other Eerie Tales / Wee Willie Winkie and Other Child Stories. 1888 & 1890. Ed. Hugh Haughton. Penguin Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1988.
- Life's Handicap: Being Stories of Mine Own People (1891) [LH]
The Courting of Dinah Shadd (Sept 1890)
- The Incarnation of Krishna Mulvaney
- The Courting of Dinah Shadd
- On Greenhow Hill
- The Man who Was
- Without Benefit of Clergy (DS) Mine own People (March 9th 1891)
- At the End of the Passage
- The Mutiny of the Mavericks
- The Return of Imray
- Namgay Doola
- Bertran and Bimi
- Moti Guj – Mutineer Life's Handicap (1891)
- The Head of the District
- The Mark of the Beast
- The Lang Men o’ Larut
- Reingelder and the German Flag
- The Wandering Jew
- Through the Fire
- The Finances of the Gods
- The Amir’s Homily
- Jews in Shushan
- The Limitations of Pambé Serang
- Little Tobrah
- Bubbling Well Road
- ‘The City of Dreadful Night’
- Georgie Porgie
- Naboth
- The Dream of Duncan Parrenness
- Life's Handicap: Being Stories of Mine Own People. 1891. Library Edition. London: Macmillan & Co. Limited, 1948.
- Life's Handicap: Being Stories of Mine Own People. 1891. Ed. P. N. Furbank. Penguin Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1987.
- Many Inventions (1893) [MI]
- The Disturber of Traffic
- A Conference of the Powers
- My Lord the Elephant
- One View of the Question
- ‘The Finest Story in the World’
- His Private Honour
- A Matter of Fact
- The Lost Legion
- In the Rukh
- ‘Brugglesmith’
- ‘Love-o’-Women’
- “The Record of Badalia Herodsfoot”
- Judson and the Empire
- The Children of the Zodiac Sussex Edition, Vol. V (1937-40):
- The Enlightenments of Pagett, M.P.
- Mrs Hauksbee Sits Out
- Many Inventions. 1893. The Dominions Edition. London: Macmillan & Co. Limited, 1913.
- The Jungle Book (1894) [JB]
- Mowgli’s Brothers
- Kaa’s Hunting
- ‘Tiger! Tiger!’
- The White Seal
- ‘Rikki-Tikki-Tavi’
- Toomai of the Elephants
- Her Majesty’s Servants Sussex Edition, Vol. XII (1937-40)
- Author’s Note on names
- The Second Jungle Book (1895) [JB2]
- How Fear Came
- The Miracle of Purun Bhagat
- Letting in the Jungle
- The Undertakers
- The King’s Ankus
- Quiquern
- Red Dog
- The Spring Running
- The Jungle Books. 1894 & 1895. Illustrated by Stuart Tresilian. 1955. London: the Reprint Society, 1956.
- Animal Stories from Rudyard Kipling. Illustrated by Stuart Tresilian. 1932. London: Macmillan & Co. Ltd., 1961.
- All the Mowgli Stories. 1933. St. Martin’s Library. 1961. London: Macmillan & Co. Ltd., 1962.
- The Day's Work (1898) [DW]
- The Bridge-Builders
- A Walking Delegate
- The Ship that Found Herself
- The Tomb of his Ancestors
- The Devil and the Deep Sea
- William the Conqueror
- .007
- The Maltese Cat
- ‘Bread upon the Waters’
- An Error in the Fourth Dimension
- My Sunday at Home
- The Brushwood Boy
- The Brushwood Boy. 1898. Illustrations by F. H. Townsend. 1907. London: Macmillan & Co., Limited, 1914.
- The Day's Work. 1898. London: Macmillan & Co., Limited, 1945.
- Stalky & Co. (1899) [SC]
- ‘In Ambush’
- Slaves of the Lamp – Part I
- An Unsavoury Interlude
- The Impressionists
- The Moral Reformers
- A Little Prep.
- The Flag of their Country
- The Last Term
- Slaves of the Lamp, Part II The Complete Stalky & Co. (1929)
- ‘Stalky’
- The United Idolaters
- Regulus
- The Propagation of Knowledge
- The Satisfaction of a Gentleman
- [Scylla and Charybdis (March 2004)]
- Stalky & Co.: Complete. 1899 & 1929. Ed. Isabel Quigley. The World’s Classics. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1987.
- Just So Stories (1902) [JSS]
- How the Whale got his Throat
- How the Camel got his Hump
- How the Rhinoceros got his Skin
- How the Leopard got his Spots
- The Elephant’s Child
- The Sing-Song of Old Man Kangaroo
- The Beginning of the Armadilloes
- How the First Letter was Written
- How the Alphabet was Made
- The Crab that Played with the Sea
- The Cat that Walked by Himself
- The Butterfly that Stamped Sussex Edition, Vol. XVI (1937-40)
- The Tabu Tale (1903)
- Ham and the Porcupine (1935)
- Just So Stories for Little Children. 1902. London: Macmillan and Co., Limited, 1948.
- Just So Stories for Little Children: A Reprint of the First Edition. Illustrated by the Author. 1902. New York: Weathervane Books, 1978.
- Traffics and Discoveries (1904) [TD]
- The Captive
- The Bonds of Discipline
- A Sahib’s War
- ‘Their Lawful Occasions’
- The Comprehension of Private Copper
- Steam Tactics
- ‘Wireless’
- The Army of a Dream
- ‘They’
- Mrs Bathurst
- Below the Mill Dam
- Traffics and Discoveries. London: Macmillan & Co. Limited, 1904.
- Puck of Pook's Hill (1906) [PP]
- Weland’s Sword
- Young Men at the Manor
- The Knights of the Joyous Venture
- Old Men at Pevensey
- A Centurion of the Thirtieth
- On the Great Wall
- The Winged Hats
- Hal o’ the Draft
- Dymchurch Flit
- The Treasure and the Law
- Puck of Pook's Hill. 1906. London: Macmillan & Co. Ltd., 1957.
- Actions and Reactions (1909) [AR]
- An Habitation Enforced
- Garm – a Hostage
- The Mother Hive
- With the Night Mail
- A Deal in Cotton
- The Puzzler
- Little Foxes
- The House Surgeon
- Actions and Reactions. 1909. Macmillan’s Pocket Kipling. London: Macmillan & Co. Limited, 1920.
- Abaft the Funnel (1909) [AF]
- Erastasius of the Whanghoa
- Her Little Responsibility
- A Menagerie Aboard [aka “One Lady at Large”]
- A Smoke of Manila
- The Red Lamp
- The Shadow of his Hand
- A Little More Beef
- The History of a Fall
- Griffiths the Safe Man
- It!
- A Fallen Idol
- New Brooms
- Tiglath Pileser
- The Likes o’ Us
- His Brother’s Keeper
- Sleipner, Late Thurinda
- A Supplementary Chapter
- Chautauquaed
- The Bow Flume Cable-car
- In Partibus
- Letters on Leave
- The Adoration of the Mage
- A Death in the Camp
- A Really Good Time
- On Exhibition
- The Three Young Men
- My Great and Only
- “The Betrayal of Confidences”
- The New Dispensation
- The Last of the Stories
- Abaft the Funnel: Authorized Edition. 1909. New York: Doubleday, Page & Company, 1909.
- Rewards and Fairies (1910) [RF]
- Cold Iron
- Gloriana
- The Wrong Thing
- Marklake Witches
- The Knife and the Naked Chalk
- Brother Square-Toes
- A Priest in Spite of Himself
- The Conversion of St Wilfrid
- A Doctor of Medicine
- Simple Simon
- The Tree of Justice
- Rewards and Fairies. 1910. Macmillan’s Pocket Kipling. London: Macmillan & Co. Limited, 1920.
- All the Puck Stories. With Illustrations by H. R. Millar & Charles E. Brock, R.I. 1906 & 1910. London: Macmillan & Co. Ltd., 1935.
- A Diversity of Creatures (1917) [DoC]
- As Easy as A.B.C.
- Friendly Brook
- In the Same Boat
- The Honours of War
- The Dog Hervey
- The Village that Voted the Earth was Flat
- In the Presence
- Regulus
- The Edge of the Evening
- The Horse Marines
- ‘My Son’s Wife’
- The Vortex
- ‘Swept and Garnished’
- Mary Postgate Sussex Edition, Vol. IX (1937-40)
- A Tour of Inspection
- A Diversity of Creatures. 1917. The Medallion Edition. Dunedin: James Johnston, Limited / London: Macmillan and Co. Limited, n.d.
- The Eyes of Asia (1917) [EA]
- A Retired Gentleman
- The Fumes of the Heart
- The Private Account
- A Trooper of Horse
- Land and Sea Tales for Scouts and Guides (1923) [LST]
- Winning the Victoria Cross
- The Way that he Took
- An Unqualified Pilot
- His Gift
- A Flight of Fact
- “Stalky”
- The Burning of the Sarah Sands
- The Parable of Boy Jones
- The Bold ‘Prentice
- The Son of His Father
- An English School
- Land & Sea Tales for Scouts and Guides. 1923. Macmillan’s Pocket Kipling. London: Macmillan & Co. Limited, 1935.
- Debits and Credits (1926) [DC]
- The Enemies to Each Other
- Sea Constables, a Tale of ‘15
- In the Interests of the Brethren
- The United Idolaters
- The Wish House
- The Janeites
- The Prophet and the Country
- The Bull that Thought
- A Madonna of the Trenches
- The Propagation of Knowledge
- A Friend of the Family
- On the Gate
- The Eye of Allah
- The Gardener
- Debits and Credits. Macmillan’s Pocket Kipling. London: Macmillan & Co. Limited, 1926.
- Thy Servant a Dog, Told by Boots (1930) [TSD]
- Thy Servant a Dog
- The Great Play Hunt
- Toby Dog
- Thy Servant a Dog, Told by Boots. Illustrated by G. L. Stampa. 1930. London: Macmillan & Co. Limited, 1931.
- Limits and Renewals (1932) [LR]
- Dayspring Mishandled
- The Woman in His Life
- The Tie
- The Church that was at Antioch
- Aunt Ellen
- Fairy-Kist
- A Naval Mutiny
- The Debt
- The Manner of Men
- Unprofessional
- Beauty Spots
- The Miracle of Saint Jubanus
- The Tender Achilles
- Uncovenanted Mercies
- Limits and Renewals. The Dominions Edition. London: Macmillan & Co. Limited, 1932.
- Limits and Renewals. 1932. Ed. Phillip V. Mallett. Penguin Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1987.
- Collected Dog Stories (1934) [CDS]
- Private Learoyd’s story
- Garm, a Hostage
- Quiquern
- The Dog Hervey
- The Woman in his Life
- Thy Servant a Dog
- The Great Play Hunt
- Toby Dog
- A Sea Dog
- 'Thy Servant a Dog' and Other Dog Stories (1938) [TSDC]
- Thy Servant a Dog
- The Great Play Hunt
- Toby Dog
- A Sea Dog
- Teem — a Treasure-Hunter
- 'Thy Servant a Dog' and Other Dog Stories. Illustrated by G. L. Stampa. 1938. London: Macmillan & Co. Limited, 1960.
- The Collected Short Stories. 5 vols (2005)
- Plain Tales from the Hills (1888)
Soldiers Three and Other Stories (1888) - Wee Willie Winkie and other stories (1888)
Life's Handicap (1891) - Many Inventions (1893)
The Day's Work (1898) - Traffics and Discoveries (1904)
Actions and Reactions (1909)
A Diversity of Creatures - A Diversity of Creatures, cont. (1917)
Debits and Credits (1926)
Limits and Renewals (1932)
- The Collected Short Stories. Illustrated by Philip Bannister. 5 vols. London: The Folio Society, 2005.
- Plain Tales from the Hills (1888)
- The Light that Failed (1891)
- The Light that Failed. 1891. The Dominions Edition. London: Macmillan & Co. Limited, 1913.
- [with Wolcott Balestier]. The Naulahka: A Story of West and East (1892)
- [with Wolcott Balestier]. The Naulahka: A Story of West and East. 1892. 2 vols. The Service Edition of the Works of Rudyard Kipling. London: Macmillan & Co., Limited, 1915.
- ‘Captains Courageous’ (1896)
- ‘Captains Courageous’: A Story of the Grand Banks. 1896. Melbourne & London: Macmillan & Company Ltd., 1942.
- Kim (1901)
- Kim. 1901. London: Macmillan & Co. Limited, 1940.
- American Notes (1891)
- A Fleet in Being (1898)
- From Sea to Sea and Other Sketches (1899) [FSS]
Vol. I
- Letters of Marque (1887)
- From Sea to Sea: I to XXIV (1889) Vol. II
- From Sea to Sea: XXV to XXXVII (1889)
- The City of Dreadful Night (1888)
- Among the Railway Folk
- The Giridih Coal-fields
- In an Opium Factory
- The Smith Administration (1887-88)
- From Sea to Sea and Other Sketches: Letters of Travel. 1899. 2 vols. Macmillan’s Pocket Kipling. London: Macmillan & Co. Limited, 1914.
- France at War (1915)
- France
- On the Frontier of Civilization
- A Nation’s Spirit
- Battle Spectacle and a Review
- The Land tnat Endures
- Trenches on a Mountain Side
- The Common Task
- The New Army in Training (1915)
- The Men at Work
- Iron into Steel
- Guns and Supply
- Canadians in Camp
- Indian Troops
- Territorial Battalions
- Sea Warfare (1916)
- The Fringes of the Fleet (1915)
- Tales of “The Trade” (1916)
- Destroyers at Jutland (1916)
- Sea Warfare. The Dominions Edition. London: Macmillan & Co. Limited, 1916.
- The War in the Mountains (1917)
- The Roads of an Army
- Podgora
- A Pass, a King, and a Mountain
- Only a Few Steps Higher Up
- The Trentino Front
- The Graves of the Fallen (1919)
- Letters of Travel, 1892-1913 (1920)
- From Tideway to Tideway (1892)
- Letters to the Family (1907)
- Egypt of the Magicians (1913)
- Letters of Travel (1892-1913). Macmillan’s Pocket Kipling. London: Macmillan and Co., Limited, 1920.
- Independence. Rectorial Address Delivered at St. Andrews (October 10, 1923)
- The Irish Guards in the Great War. 2 vols (1923)
- The First Battalion
- The Second Battalion
- The Irish Guards in the Great War. Edited and Compiled from Their Diaries and Papers. 1923. Foreword by George Webb. Staplehurst: Spellmont Limited, 1997.
- A Book of Words: Speeches 1907-1927 (1928)
- Literature (May 1907)
- The Claims of Art (May 1907)
- Values in Life (October 1907)
- Imperial Relations (October 1907)
- Growth and Responsibility (October 1907)
- The Handicaps of Letters (May 1908)
- A Doctor’s Work (October 1908)
- The Spirit of the Navy (October 1908)
- The Ritual of Government (November 1910)
- The Verdict of Equals (May 1912)
- The Uses of Reading (May 1912)
- Some Aspects of Travel (February 1914)
- The War and the Schools (December 1915)
- The Magic Square (1917)
- The First Sailor (1918)
- England and the English (April 1920)
- The Scot and the War (July 1920)
- The Virtue of France (November 1921)
- A Thesis (November 1921)
- A Return to Civilisation (November 1921)
- The Trees and the Wall (November 1921)
- Waking From Dreams (November 1921)
- Surgeons and the Soul (February 1923)
- Independence (October 1923)
- The Classics and the Sciences (October 1923)
- Work in the Future (June 1924)
- Shipping (February 1925)
- Stationery (July 1925)
- Fiction (June 1926)
- The Spirit of the Latin (March 1927)
- Our Indian Troops in France (October 1927)
- A Book of Words: Selections from Speeches and Addresses Delivered Between 1906 and 1927. London: Macmillan & Co. Limited, 1928.
- Souvenirs of France (1933)
- Something of Myself (1937)
- Something of Myself: For My Friends Known and Unknown. 1937. London: Macmillan & Co. Limited, 1937.
- Something of Myself: For My Friends Known and Unknown. 1937. Ed. Robert Hampson. Introduction by Richard Holmes. Penguin Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1987.
- Something of Myself and Other Autobiographical Writings. Ed. Thomas Pinney. 1990. Canto Classics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013.
- Brazilian Sketches (1938)
- The Journey Out
- Rio
- The Father of Lightnings
- A Snake Farm
- San Paulo and a Coffee Estate
- Railways and a Two-Thousand Feet Climb
- A World Apart
- Ten Stories. London: Pan Books Ltd., 1947.
- A Choice of Kipling's Prose. Ed. W. Somerset Maugham. London: Macmillan & Co. Ltd., 1952.
- Short Stories. Volume 1: A Sahib’s War and Other Stories. Ed. Andrew Rutherford. 1971. Penguin Modern Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1977.
- Short Stories. Volume 2: Friendly Brook and Other Stories. Ed. Andrew Rutherford. 1971. Penguin Modern Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1977.
- Kipling's India: Uncollected Sketches (1884-1888). Ed. Thomas Pinney (1986)
- The Viceroy at Patiala
- A Week in Lahore
- A Week in Lahore
- Music for the Middle-Aged
- The Tragedy of Crusoe, C.S.
- The Amritsar Fair [I]
- The Amritsar Fair [II]
- A Week in Lahore
- A Week in Lahore
- Typhoid at Home
- To Meet the Ameer
- The City of Evil Countenances
- To Meet the Ameer
- To Meet the Ameer
- To Meet the Ameer
- To Meet the Ameer
- Simla Notes
- Simla Notes
- Simla Notes
- De Profundis
- My Christmas Caller, or the Prescription of Sieur Asmodeus
- An Armoured Train
- A Week in Lahore
- A Week in Lahore
- A Week in Lahore
- A Popular Picnic
- Captain Hayes and the Horse
- Hobson-Jobson
- A Week in Lahore
- The Queen’s Highway
- Out of Society
- The Epics of India
- Tommy Atkins in Burma
- Of Criticisms
- Of Criticisms
- Anglo-Indian Society
- The Jubilee in Lahore
- In Reply to the Amateur
- The First Empress of the East
- The Sutlej Bridge
- The Chak-Nizam Bridge
- Concerning One Gymkhana
- In the Clouds
- Further Developments
- The Private Services Commission
- Our Change. By ‘Us’
- The House of Shadows
- A Break on the Line
- An Important Discovery
- The Longest Way Round
- ‘The City of the Two Creeds’
- To Kabul and Back: Mr O’Meara’s Experiences
- The Great Strike (A Tale of 1910)
- ‘The Biggest Liar in Asia’ (by One Who Knows Him)
- The Old Station (by the Visitor)
- ‘Till the Day Break’
- The Complete Supernatural Stories of Rudyard Kipling. Ed. Peter Haining. London: W. H. Allen & Co. Plc., 1987.
- A Second Book of Words: Some Uncollected Speeches (1884-1935). Ed. Thomas Pinney (2008)
- At the Punjab Club, Lahore (25 Jan. 1884)
- To the Tokyo Club (7 May 1892)
- To the Authors’ Club (9 July 1894)
- On the Retirement of Cormell Price (25 July 1894)
- To the Society of Medical Phonographers (25 Nov. 1897)
- To the Anglo-African Writers’ Club (16 May 1898)
- At a Navy League Meeting, Rottingdean (24 Nov. 1899)
- At a Recruiting Meeting, Rottingdean (19 Dec. 1899)
- At a Dinner for Lord Roberts, Bloemfontein (28 March 1900)
- To the South African Hospitals Commission (1 August 1900)
- At a Meeting of the Navy League, Rottingdean (20 Oct. 1900)
- At the Opening of the Rifle Range, Sydenham (2 August 1902)
- To a Meeting of the Cape Town Progressive Association (26 Jan. 1903)
- To the Electors of Rondebosch (3 Feb. 1904)
- To the Automobile Club of South Africa (31 March 1905)
- To the Students of Durham University (24 June 1907)
- To the Canadian Club, Vancouver (7 Oct. 1907)
- To the Canadian Club, Victoria (9 Oct. 1907)
- To the Canadian Club, Ottawa (21 Oct. 1907)
- To the Canadian Club, Montreal (24 Oct. 1907)
- At the Opening of the Burwash Institute (4 Dec. 1907)
- Speech Delivered in the Hall of Trinity College, Cambridge (17 June 1908)
- At the Cecil Club Dinner for Admiral Lord Charles Beresford (13 July 1910)
- At an International Conference on Air Safety,Folkestone (25 Oct. 1910)
- To the Electors of Ashton-under-Lyne (18 Oct. 1912)
- At a National Service League Meeting, Burwash (25 Sept. 1913)
- At a Public Meeting Protesting Home Rule, Tunbridge Wells (16 May 1914)
- At a Recruiting Meeting, the Dome, Brighton (7 Sept. 1914)
- In Aid of Recruiting, Southport (21 June 1915)
- At the Maple Leaf Club, Berkeley Square (3 August 1915)
- Short Speech at Opening of the Maple Leaf clubs (21 Dec. 1916)
- At Opening of a Meeting on War Aims, Folkestone (15 Feb. 1918)
- At the U.S. Army Rest Camp, Winnall Down (20 July 1918)
- At the Opening of a Y.M.C.A. Hut for American Officers, Winnall Down (20 July 1918)
- To the Parliamentary Army Committee (27 April 1920)
- At Etchingham Church on the Occasion of the Unveiling of the War Memorial (28 April 1920)
- At a Meeting of the Courts of Brotherhood and Guestling, Sandwich (19 May 1920)
- At a Graduation Luncheon, Edinburgh University Union (8 July 1920)
- To the Associated Franco-British Societies (22 May 1922)
- At University House, to the Students of St. Andrews (9 Oct. 1923)
- At the Re-Opening of the Men’s Student Union, St. Andrews (11 Oct. 1923)
- To Students at the Railway Station, Dundee (12 Oct. 1923)
- At the Canada Club Dinner to Stanley Baldwin (21 Nov. 1927)
- To the Fountain Club, St. Bartholomew’s Hospital (15 Dec. 1927)
- At a Luncheon of the Stationers’ Company (June 1931)
- At a Dinner for Prime Minister Bennett (14 Dec. 1932)
- At a Dinner of the African Society (3 May 1933)
- To Canadian Schoolchildren at Eastbourne (13 August 1935)
- The Cause of Humanity and Other Stories: Uncollected Prose Fictions. Ed. Thomas Pinney (2019) [CH]
- The Tragedy of Crusoe, C.S. (Sep 13, 1884)
- Twenty Years After (Or What It May Come To) (Jan 6, 1885)
- Dis Aliter Visum (Jul 4, 1885)
- De Profundis (Aug 7, 1885)
- The Unlimited “Draw” of “Tick” Boileau (Sep 24, 1885)
- My Christmas Caller (Dec 25, 1885)
- The History of a Crime (Feb 3, 1886)
- Prisoners and Captives (Mar 4, 1886)
- From Olympus to Hades (Aug 12, 1886)
- Les Miserables (Aug 28, 1886)
- A Nightmare of Rule (Sep 3, 1886)
- What Came of It (Sep 17, 1886)
- An Official Secret (Oct 12, 1886)
- Le Roi en Exil (Nov 15, 1886)
- A Scrap of Paper (Dec 13, 1886)
- The Mystification of Santa Claus (Dec 25, 1886)
- Love in Old Cloathes (Jul 4, 1887)
- The Case of Adamah (Jul 6, 1887)
- A Tale of ’98 (Jul 18, 1887)
- A Rather More Fishy Case (Jul 26, 1887)
- The House of Shadows (Aug 4, 1887)
- The Confession of an Impostor (Aug 11, 1887)
- The Judgement of Paris (Aug 12, 1887)
- Five Days After Date (Sep 24, 1887)
- The Hill of Illlusion (Sep 28, 1887)
- Le Monde ou L’On S’Amuse (Oct 1, 1887)
- An Intercepted Letter (Oct 12, 1887)
- The Recurring Smash (Oct 13, 1887)
- How Liberty Came to the Bolan (Oct 19, 1887)
- Under Sentence (Oct 20, 1887)
- The Dreitarbund (Oct 22, 1887)
- In Memoriam (Oct 27, 1887)
- On Signature (Nov 2, 1887)
- The Great Strike (Nov 5, 1887)
- The Biggest Liar in Asia (Nov 7, 1887)
- Deputating a Viceroy (Nov 8, 1887)
- A Merry Christmas (Dec 31, 1887)
- The New Year’s Sermon (Jan 2, 1888)
- New Year’s Gifts (Jan 2, 1888)
- Mister Anthony Dawkins (Jan 11, 1888)
- The Luck of Roaring Camp (Jan 17, 1888)
- The Wedding Guest (Feb 16, 1888)
- The Tracking of Chuckerbutti (Mar 1, 1888)
- Bread Upon the Waters (Mar 14, 1888)
- A Free Gift (Mar 21, 1888)
- A Hill Homily (Mar 30, 1888)
- The “Kingdom” of Bombay (Apr 10, 1888)
- Bombaystes Furioso (Apr 18, 1888)
- A Day Off (May 4, 1888)
- The Unpunishable Cherub (May 15, 1888)
- In Gilded Halls (May 18, 1888)
- Till the Day Break (May 19, 1888)
- The Fountain of Honour (Jun 4, 1888)
- The Burden of Nineveh (Jun 6, 1888)
- His Natural Destiny (Jul 10, 1888)
- That District Log Book (Jul 10, 1888)
- An Unequal Match (Jul 11, 1888)
- A Horrible Scandal (Jul 24, 1888)
- My New Purchase (Aug 27, 1888)
- Exercises in Administration (Sep 15, 1888)
- The Dignity of It (Oct 6, 1888)
- Exercises in Administration (Oct 12, 1888)
- In Wonderland (Oct 20, 1888)
- In the Year ’92 (Nov 8, 1888)
- A Free Hand (Nov 10, 1888)
- Susannah and the Elder (Nov 12, 1888)
- The Coming K (Nov 28, 1888)
- What the World Said (Dec 4, 1888)
- An Interesting Condition (Dec 20, 1888)
- The Comet of a Season (Nov 21, 1889)
- Gallihauk’s Pup (Nov 30, 1889)
- The Inauthorated Corpses (Jul 15, 1890)
- One Lady at Wairakei (Jan 30, 1892)
- The Princess in the Pickle-Bottle (Dec 6, 2006)
- Why Snow Falls at Vernet (Jan 7, 1911)
- The Cause of Humanity (1970) Juvenilia:
- Will Briart’s Ghost (Jan 25, 1936)
- My First Adventure (Nov, 1878) Incomplete and Fragmentary Stories:
- Ibbetson Dun (part i) (Mar 20, 1882)
- Ibbetson Dun (part ii) (Jun 3, 1882)
- At the Pit’s Mouth (Feb 11, 1885)
- Sons of Belial (May, 1889)
- A Daughter of Heth (1889) Doubtfully Attributed:
- Verbatim et Literatim (Feb 3, 1888)
- The Minstrel (Mar 27, 1888)
- A Parable (Mar 29, 1890)
- The Cause of Humanity and Other Stories: Uncollected Prose Fictions. Ed. Thomas Pinney. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019.
- Schoolboy Lyrics (1881)
- [with Alice Kipling] Echoes (1884)
- Departmental Ditties and Other Verses (1886)
- Barrack-Room Ballads (1889)
- The Complete Barrack-Room Ballads of Rudyard Kipling. 1892. Ed. Charles Carrington. London: Methuen & Co. Ltd., 1973.
- The Seven Seas and Further Barrack-Room Ballads (1896)
- The Seven Seas. 1896. The Dominions Edition. London: Methuen & Co., Limited, 1914.
- An Almanac of Twelve Sports. Illustrations by William Nicholson (1898)
- The Five Nations (1903)
- The Five Nations. 1903. The Dominions Edition. 1914. London: Methuen & Co., Limited, 1916.
- Collected Verse (1907)
- A Song of the English (1909)
- A Song of the English. Illustrated by W. Heath Robinson. 1909. London: Hodder & Stoughton, n.d. [c.1925]
- [with C. R. L. Fletcher]. 'Twenty-two original Historical Poems.' A History of England (1911)
- Songs from Books (1912)
- The Years Between (1919)
- Rudyard Kipling's Verse: Definitive Edition (1940)
- Rudyard Kipling’s Verse: Definitive Edition. 1912. Second Edition. 1919. Third Inclusive Edition. 1927. Fourth Inclusive Edition. 1933. Definitive Edition. 1940. London: Hodder and Stoughton Limited, 1945.
- Rudyard Kipling’s Verse: Definitive Edition. 1912. Second Edition. 1919. Third Inclusive Edition. 1927. Fourth Inclusive Edition. 1933. Definitive Edition. 1940. London: Hodder and Stoughton Limited, 1949.
- A Choice of Kipling's Verse. Ed. T. S. Eliot. 1941. Faber Paper Covered Editions. London: Faber, 1963.
- Early Verse by Rudyard Kipling, 1879-1889: Unpublished, Uncollected, and Rarely Published Poems. Ed. Andrew Rutherford. 1986. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1986.
- The Cambridge Edition of the Poems of Rudyard Kipling. Ed. Thomas Pinney. 3 vols. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013.
- Collected Poems I
- Collected Poems II
- Uncollected Poems
- The Surprising Mr Kipling. Ed. Brian Harris (2014)
- The One Volume Kipling: Authorized (1893 / 1928)
- Ballads and Barrack-Room Ballads
- The Light that Failed
- City of Dreadful Night
- Plain Tales from the Hills
- Soldiers Three
- Mine Own People
- In Black and White
- The Phantom 'Rickshaw & Other Ghost Stories
- Under the Deodars
- Wee Willie Winkie
- The Story of the Gadsbys
- Departmental Ditties and Other Verses
- The One Volume Kipling: Authorized. 1893 & 1928. New York: Doubleday, Doran & Company, Inc., 1930.
- The Outward Bound Edition. 36 vols (New York, 1897–1937)
- The Edition de Luxe. 38 vols (London, 1897–1937)
- The Bombay Edition. 31 vols (London, 1913–38)
- The Sussex Edition (1937-1940) [SE]
Vol. XXIX: Uncollected Prose - I
- The Battle of Rupert Square
- For One Night Only
- On Dry Cow Fishing as a Fine Art
- The Last Relief
- The Lamentable Comedy of Willow Wood Vol XXX: Uncollected Prose - II
- The Potted Princess (1893)
- Collar-Wallah and the Poison Stick (1893)
- The Legs of Sister Ursula (1893)
- My First Book (1894)
- How Shakespeare came to write “The Tempest" (1898)
- With Number Three (1900)
- Surgical and Medical (1900)
- Folly Bridge (1900)
- The Outsider (1900)
- A Burgher of the Free State (1900)
- Railway Reform in Great Britain (1901)
- The Science of Rebellion (1901)
- A Village Rifle Club (1901)
- Quo Fata Vocant (1902)
- The Benefactors (1912)
- A Reinforcement (1912)
- The Soul of a Battalion (1915)
- A Displaie of New Heraldrie (1917)
- The First Assault upon The Sorbonne (1921)
- Mary Kingsley (1932)
- The Pleasure Cruise (1933)
- Proofs of Holy Writ (1934)
- Two Forewords, Outward Bound Edn Vol.I (1897 & 1935)
- The Burwash Edition. 28 vols (New York, 1941)
Vol XXIII: Uncollected Prose
- Proofs of Holy Writ (1934) [pp. 661-78]
- “O Beloved Kids”: Rudyard Kipling’s Letters to his Children. Ed. Elliot L. Gilbert. London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson., 1983.
- Green, Roger Lancelyn. Kipling and the Children. London: Elek Books Ltd., 1965.
- Carrington, Charles. Rudyard Kipling: His Life and Work. 1955. London: Macmillan Limited, 1978.
- Ricketts, Harry. The Unforgiving Minute: A Life of Rudyard Kipling. 1999. Pimlico. London: Random House, 2000.
Prose Selections:
Collected Editions:
- category - English prose (post-1900): Authors