Secondary & Miscellaneous
- Alba
- Antic
- Artists’ Alliance Magazine
- Art New Zealand
- Auckland Poetry Website
- Australian Canadian Studies
- Book
- Boxkite (Australia)
- Bravado
- brief
- Broadsheet
- Campus News
- Catalyst
- Citymix
- Climate
- Context
- Crease
- Creative Forum (India)
- Critic
- Dominion Post
- Edge
- evasion / Flint
- Five Bells (Australia)
- Frontiers
- Glottis
- Hasard
- HeadworX Publishers Website
- Hue & Cry
- Image
- Inter-Arts (UK)
- International Literary Quarterly (NY)
- Investigate
- Islands
- The John Dory Report
- Ka Mate Ka Ora
- Katnip Reviews (US):
- Landfall
- Last Tapes
- Listener (NZ)
- Magazine (NZ)
- Magazine (US)
- Massey News
- Masthead
- Mate
- Micropress NZ
- New Hope International Review (US)
- New Zealand Books
- nzepc
- NZ Geographic
- NZ Herald
- NZ Poetry Society Newsletter
- New Zealand Poetry Yearbook
- North & South
- Numbers
- Otago Daily Times
- Outloud
- Pander (Holland)
- Pander (NZ)
- Papertiger (Australia)
- Percutio
- Phantom Billstickers Cafe Reader
- Poetry Live
- Poetry New Zealand
- Poetry NZ
- Poetry New Zealand Yearbook
- Reading the Maps
- Review
- Rose Centre Writers Newsletter
- Salt (NZ)
- School Journal (NZ)
- Small Press Review (US)
- Southern Ocean Review
- Spin / Kokako
- Sport
- Starch
- Sunday Star-Times
- Takahe
- Titus Books Online
- Tongue in Your Ear
- Trains at a Glance (India)
- University of Auckland News
- University of Edinburgh Journal (UK)
- Valley Micropress
- Village News
- Waikato Times
- Wairarapa Times Age
- Web Writers’ Workshop (US)
- Zoetropes
- Alba:
- Alba One (31 August 1995).
- Antic Seven (June 1990). Ed. Tina Barton, Susan Davis, & Priscilla Pitts. Auckland, 1990.
- Artists’ Alliance Magazine # 69 (2004)
- Artists’ Alliance Magazine # 70 (2004)
- Art New Zealand 46 (Autumn 1988)
- [Auckland Poetry Website {}].
- Australian Canadian Studies, 18 (1-2) (2001): 189-94.
- Australasian Victorian Studies Association: Conference Papers 1993. Ed. Joanne Wilkes (Auckland: University Press, 1993).
- Book: A Miscellany from the Caxton Press 5 (February 1942). Christchurch: The Caxton Press, 1942.
- Book: A Miscellany from the Caxton Press 7 (February 1946). Christchurch: The Caxton Press, 1946.
- Book: A Miscellany from the Caxton Press viii. Christchurch: The Caxton Press, 1946.
- Boxkite: A Journal of Poetry & Poetics 2 (1998), ed. James Taylor.
- Bravado 1 (November 2003), ed. Sue Emms, Owen Bullock, Jenny Argante (Tauranga).
- Bravado 2 (2004), ed. Sue Emms, Owen Bullock & Jenny Argante (Tauranga).
- Bravado 3 (2004), ed. Sue Emms, Owen Bullock & Jenny Argante (Tauranga).
- Bravado 4 (May 2005), ed. Sue Emms, Owen Bullock, Jenny Argante (Tauranga).
- Bravado 6 (2005), ed. Sue Emms, Tim Upperton & Jenny Argante (Tauranga).
- Bravado 16 (2009), ed. Sue Emms, Bryan Walpert & Jenny Argante (Tauranga).
- Bravado 19 (2010). Guest Fiction Editor: Jack Ross; Guest Poetry editor: Majella Cullinane, Arts Editor: Pete Morris (Tauranga).
- A Brief Description of the Whole World. No 1 (December 1995): Ed. Alan Loney (Auckland: The Writers Group, 1995).
- A Brief Description of the Whole World. No 2. (March 1996): Ed. Alan Loney (Auckland: The Writers Group, 1996).
- A Brief Description of the Whole World. No 3. (June 1996): Ed. Alan Loney (Auckland: The Writers Group, 1996).
- A Brief Description of the Whole World. No 4. (November 1996): Ed. Alan Loney (Auckland: The Writers Group, 1996).
- A Brief Description of the Whole World. No 5. (May 1997): Ed. Alan Loney (Auckland: The Writers Group, 1997).
- A Brief Description of the Whole World. No 6. (July 1997): Ed. Alan Loney (Auckland: The Writers Group, 1997).
- A Brief Description of the Whole World. No 7. (September 1997): Ed. Alan Loney (Auckland: The Writers Group, 1997).
- A Brief Description of the Whole World. No 8. (December 1997): Ed. Alan Loney (Auckland: The Writers Group, 1997).
- A Brief Description of the Whole World. No 9. (April 1998): Ed. Alan Loney (Auckland: The Writers Group, 1998).
- A Brief Description of the Whole World. Nos 10 & 11. (October 1998): Ed. Alan Loney (Auckland: The Writers Group, 1998).
- A Brief Description of the Whole World. No 12. (June 1999): Ed. John Geraets. Leigh Davis. Willy’s Gazette. 1983. (Auckland: The Writers Group, 1999).
- ABDOTWW. No 13. (September 1999). Ed. John Geraets (Auckland: The Writers Group, 1999).
- ABDOTWW. No 14. (December 1999). Ed. John Geraets (Auckland: The Writers Group, 1999).
- ABDOTWW / description. No 15. (March 2000). Ed. John Geraets (Auckland: The Writers Group, 2000).
- Ab.WW / AbdotWW. No 16. (June 2000). Ed. John Geraets (Auckland: The Writers Group, 2000).
- Ab.ww / Loney. No 17 - Loney. (September 2000). Ed. John Geraets (Auckland: The Writers Group, 2000).
- brief. No 18. (December 2000). Ed. John Geraets (Auckland: The Writers Group, 2000).
- brief. No 19. (March 2001). Ed. John Geraets (Auckland: The Writers Group, 2001).
- brief. No 20 – aesthetics. (June 2001). Ed. John Geraets (Auckland: The Writers Group, 2001).
- brief. No 21 – aesthetics. (September 2001). Ed. John Geraets (Auckland: The Writers Group, 2001).
- brief. No 22. (December 2001). Ed. John Geraets (Auckland: The Writers Group, 2001).
- brief. No 23. (March 2002). Ed. John Geraets (Auckland: The Writers Group, 2002).
- brief. No 24 – less formal than bull. (July 2002). Ed. Jack Ross (Auckland: The Writers Group, 2002).
- brief. No 25 – trains at a glance. (October 2002). Ed. Jack Ross (Auckland: The Writers Group, 2002).
- brief. No 26 – Smithymania. (January 2003). Ed. Jack Ross (Auckland: The Writers Group, 2003).
- Jack Ross. A brief index: A breakdown by issue & author of 7 years / 26 issues of brief, the magazine formerly known as: A Brief Description of the Whole World / ABDOTWW / description / ABdotWW / Ab.ww / brief. &c., December 1995 – January 2003. ISSN 1175-9313. Auckland: The Writers Group, February 2003.
- brief. No 27 – season of the remakes. (June 2003). Ed. Jack Ross (Auckland: The Writers Group, 2003).
- brief. No 28 – Alan Brunton. (October 2003). Ed. Jack Ross (Auckland: The Writers Group, 2003).
- brief. No 29 – more fun than you've ever seen. (March 2004). Ed. Jack Ross (Auckland: The Writers Group, 2004).
- brief. No 30 – Kunst. (October 2004). Ed. Jack Ross (Auckland: The Writers Group, 2004).
- brief. No 31 – Kultur. (October 2004). Ed. Jack Ross (Auckland: The Writers Group, 2004).
- brief. No 32 – Joanna Margaret Paul. (May 2005). Ed. Jack Ross (Auckland: The Writers Group, 2005).
- Jack Ross. A brief index: Supplement 1. A breakdown by issue & author of 3 years / 7 issues of brief ... June 2003 – May 2005. Auckland: The Writers Group, 2005.
- brief. No 33 – exile and home. (March 2006). Ed. Scott Hamilton (Auckland: The Writers Group, 2006).
- brief. No. 34 – war. (February 2007). Ed. Scott Hamilton (Auckland: The Writers Group, 2007).
- brief. No 35 – a brief world order. (September 2007). Ed. Brett Cross (Auckland: The Writers Group, 2007).
- brief. No 36 – The NZ Music Issue. (September 2008). Ed. Brett Cross & Bill Direen (Auckland: The Writers Group, 2008).
- brief. No 37 – the exotic. (April 2009). Ed. Michael Arnold (Auckland: The Writers Group, 2009).
- brief. No 38. (August 2009). Ed. Jen Crawford (Auckland: The Writers Group, 2009).
- brief. No 39. (March 2010). Ed. Michael Arnold (Auckland: The Writers Group, 2010).
- brief the fortieth. No 40. (July 2010). Ed. Ted Jenner (Auckland: The Writers Group, 2010).
- brief. No 41. (December 2010). Ed. Richard von Sturmer (Auckland: The Writers Group, 2010).
- brief. No 42. (March 2011). Ed. Bill Direen (Auckland: The Writers Group, 2011).
- brief. No 43. (November 2011). Ed. Hamish Dewe (Auckland: The Writers Group, 2011).
- brief. Nos 44-45 - Oceania. (May 2012). Ed. Scott Hamilton (Auckland: The Writers Group, 2012).
- brief. No 46 - Survival. (November 2012). Ed. Bronwyn Lloyd (Auckland: The Writers Group, 2012).
- brief. No 47 - The Mid City Arcade Project. (April 2013). Ed. Alex Wild (Auckland: The Writers Group, 2013).
- brief. No 48. (June 1999): Ed. Brett Cross. Bill Direen. The Ballad of Rue Belliard (Auckland: The Writers Group, 2013).
- Broadsheet: New New Zealand Poetry 6 (November 2010). Ed. Mark Pirie (Wellington: The Night Press).
- Campus News: the alternative alternative 1 (3) (5 Oct, 1984) (Auckland University).
- Campus News: the alternative alternative 1 (4) (11 July, 1984) (Auckland University).
- Catalyst 1 (September 2003), ed. Doc Drumheller (Christchurch: Neo Ismist Press).
- Catalyst 2 (April 2004), ed. Doc Drumheller (Christchurch: Neo Ismist Press).
- Catalyst 4 (Spring 2005) (Christchurch: Neoismist Press).
- Catalyst 5 (Spring 2006) (Christchurch: Neoismist Press).
- Catalyst 7 - The Original Branch Manual (August 8 2008) (Christchurch: Neoismist Press).
- Catalyst 9 - Export Quality (2012) (Christchurch: Neoismist Press).
- Citymix 5 (July 2006) (Auckland).
- Climate 29: A Journal of New Zealand and Australian Writing (Autumn 1979): Featuring Jan Kemp. Ed. Alistair Paterson.
- Context: dress / fashion / textiles 34 (Winter 2017): Costume and Textile Association of New Zealand.
- Crease, Issue 4 (2004). Ed. Eve Armstrong, Chloe Lane, Rachel O'Neill & Susie Pratt.
- Creative Forum: A Quarterly Journal of Contemporary Writing {India}, 13 (1-2) (2000).
- Critic: Letters Column (13/10/2005). Dunedin: Otago University.
- Dominion Post: Indulgence (15/7/2006). Wellington.
- Dominion Post: Weekend (27/1/2007). Wellington.
- Edge 2 (August 1971). Ed. D. S. Long & Gary R. Langford. Christchurch: The Edge Press, 1971.
- evasion 1 (1) (July 2000), ed. James McGoram & Hamish Dewe (Auckland).
- Flint 1 (August 1999), ed. Hamish Dewe (Auckland).
- evasion 1 (2) (October 2000), ed. James McGoram (Auckland).
- evasion – life advanced 2.1 (February 2003), ed. James McGoram & Malcolm Burgess (Auckland).
- [evasion online (2003): Servants of the Wankh
{}]. - [evasion online (2003): The Great NZ Vortex (1)
{}]. - [evasion online (2003): The Great NZ Vortex (2)
{}]. - [evasion online (2003): Bird Girl (1)
{}]. - [evasion online (2004): The Bird Girl (2)
{}]. - [evasion online (2004): Don’t miss the monkey {}].
- Five Bells 9 (3) (2002)
- Frontiers 1 (4) (February 1969). Christchurch: Frontiers Publishers, 1969.
- Frontiers 2 (2). Christchurch: : Frontiers Publishers, n.d.
- Glottis: New Writing 8 (2003), ed. Nick Ascroft & Richard Reeve (Dunedin).
- Hasard 1 (August 1977). Ed. Martin Edmond, Janet Macaskill, & Simon Wilson. Wellington: V.U.W. Students’ Association, 1977.
- [HeadworX Publishers Website
{}]. - [Hue & Cry: A Literary Slash Art Journal 6: An Exercise in Optimism (2012), ed. Amy Brown, Chloe Love, Andrea Bell.
- Ika 4 (May 2016), ed. Anne Kennedy (Auckland: MIT, 2016).
- Image 2 (April 1958), ed. Robert Thompson (Castor Bay, Auckland).
- Inter-Arts: A Quarterly Journal of Cultural Connections 1 (7) (October 1988) ed. Moussa Jogee, Colin Nicholson & Jenny Dawe (Edinburgh). (x 2)
- Inter-Arts: A Quarterly Journal of Cultural Connections 1 (9) (September 1989), ed. Moussa Jogee & Jenny Dawe (Edinburgh).
- The International Literary Quarterly 12 (August 2010).
- Investigate: The Smoking Gun Issue 69 (October 2006), ed. Moussa Jogee & Jenny Dawe (Edinburgh).
- Islands: Arts & Letters. A New Zealand Quarterly 5 [Vol. 2, no.3] (Spring 1973), ed. Robin Dudding (4 Sealy Road, Torbay, Auckland). Dunedin: John McIndoe Ltd., 1973.
- Islands: Arts & Letters. A New Zealand Quarterly 14 [Vol. 4, no.4] (Summer 1975), ed. Robin Dudding (4 Sealy Road, Torbay, Auckland). Dunedin: John McIndoe Ltd., 1975.
- Islands: Arts & Letters. A New Zealand Quarterly 15 [Vol. 5, no.1] (Autumn 1976), ed. Robin Dudding (4 Sealy Road, Torbay, Auckland). Dunedin: John McIndoe Ltd., 1977.
- Islands: Arts & Letters. A New Zealand Quarterly 16 [Vol. 5, no.2] (Spring 1976): Dick Seddon's Great Dive: A Novel, by Ian Wedde, ed. Robin Dudding (4 Sealy Road, Torbay, Auckland). Dunedin: John McIndoe Ltd., 1976.
- Islands: Arts & Letters. A New Zealand Quarterly 17 [Vol. 5, no.3] (Winter 1976), ed. Robin Dudding (4 Sealy Road, Torbay, Auckland). Dunedin: John McIndoe Ltd., 1977.
- Islands: Arts & Letters. A New Zealand Quarterly 18 [Vol. 5, no.4] (Summer 1976), ed. Robin Dudding (4 Sealy Road, Torbay, Auckland). Dunedin: John McIndoe Ltd., 1976.
- Islands: Arts & Letters. A New Zealand Quarterly. Index: Volumes 1-5 (1972-76), ed. Robin Dudding (4 Sealy Road, Torbay, Auckland). Dunedin: John McIndoe Ltd., 1977.
- Islands: Arts & Letters. A New Zealand Quarterly 19 [Vol. 6, no.1] (Autumn 1977), ed. Robin Dudding (4 Sealy Road, Torbay, Auckland). Dunedin: John McIndoe Ltd., 1977.
- Islands: Arts & Letters. A New Zealand Quarterly 20 [Vol. 6, no.2] (Winter 1977), ed. Robin Dudding (4 Sealy Road, Torbay, Auckland). Dunedin: John McIndoe Ltd., 1977.
- Islands: Arts & Letters. A New Zealand Quarterly 22 [Vol. 6, no.4] (Summer 1977), ed. Robin Dudding (4 Sealy Road, Torbay, Auckland). Dunedin: John McIndoe Ltd., 1977.
- Islands: Arts & Letters. A New Zealand Quarterly 27 [Vol. 7, no.5] (November 1979), ed. Robin Dudding (4 Sealy Road, Torbay, Auckland). Dunedin: John McIndoe Ltd., 1979.
- Islands: Arts & Letters. A New Zealand Quarterly 28 [Vol. 8, no.1] (March 1980), ed. Robin Dudding (4 Sealy Road, Torbay, Auckland). Dunedin: John McIndoe Ltd., 1980.
- Islands: Arts & Letters. A New Zealand Quarterly 31-32 [Vol. 8, no.4 / Vol. 9, no.1] (June 1981), ed. Robin Dudding (4 Sealy Road, Torbay, Auckland). Dunedin: John McIndoe Ltd., 1981.
- Islands: Arts & Letters. A New Zealand Quarterly 36 [New Series: Vol. 2, no.2] (November 1985), ed. Robin Dudding (4 Sealy Road, Torbay, Auckland). Auckland: University Printing Services, 1985.
- Islands: Arts & Letters. A New Zealand Quarterly 38 [New Series: Vol. 3, no.2] (December 1987), ed. Robin Dudding (4 Sealy Road, Torbay, Auckland). Auckland: University Printing Services, 1987.
- JAAM 12 (October 1999), ed. Helen Rickerby & Anne-Marie Clarke (Thorndon, Wellington).
- JAAM 13 (March 2000), ed. Mark Pirie (Thorndon, Wellington).
- JAAM 14 (October 2000), ed. Anna Jackson (Thorndon, Wellington).
- JAAM 15 (May 2001), ed. Mark Pirie (Thorndon, Wellington).
- JAAM 16 (October 2001), ed. Helen Rickerby (Thorndon, Wellington).
- JAAM 18 (October 2002), ed. Anna Jackson (Thorndon, Wellington).
- JAAM 19 (May 2003), ed. Mark Pirie (Thorndon, Wellington).
- JAAM 21 – An Anthology of Writing 1984-2004 (March 2004), ed. Michael O’Leary & Mark Pirie (Thorndon, Wellington).
- JAAM 24 (2006), ed. Claire Needham & Helen Rickerby (Wellington: JAAM Publishing Collective).
- JAAM 25 (2007), ed. Siobhan Harvey (Wellington: JAAM Publishing Collective).
- The John Dory Report 24 (2010)(Christchurch: HSP, P O Box 3733).
- Journal of New Zealand Literature 20 (July 2003), ed. K. O. Arvidson, Sarah Shieff, Mark Houlahan & Kirstine Moffat (Hamilton: University of Waikato).
- Journal of New Zealand Literature 22 (2004), ed. K. O. Arvidson, Sarah Shieff, Mark Houlahan & Kirstine Moffat (Hamilton: University of Waikato).
- [Ka Mate Ka Ora 3 (2007): Pound’s Fascist Cantos Revisited].
- Katnip Reviews 11 (April 2002), ed. Seth Taplin (Nederland CO)
- Landfall: A New Zealand Quarterly 15 (September 1950). Ed. Charles Brasch. Christchurch: The Caxton Press, 1950.
- Landfall: A New Zealand Quarterly 25 (March 1953). Ed. Charles Brasch. Christchurch: The Caxton Press, 1953.
- Landfall: A New Zealand Quarterly 55 (September 1960). Ed. Charles Brasch. Christchurch: The Caxton Press, 1960.
- Landfall: A New Zealand Quarterly 68 (December 1963). Ed. Charles Brasch. Christchurch: The Caxton Press, 1963.
- Landfall: A New Zealand Quarterly 70 (June 1964). Ed. Charles Brasch. Christchurch: The Caxton Press, 1964.
- Landfall: A New Zealand Quarterly 71 (September 1964). Ed. Charles Brasch. Christchurch: The Caxton Press, 1964.
- Landfall: A New Zealand Quarterly 72 (December 1964). Ed. Charles Brasch. Christchurch: The Caxton Press, 1964.
- Landfall: A New Zealand Quarterly 73 (March 1965). Ed. Charles Brasch. Christchurch: The Caxton Press, 1965.
- Landfall: A New Zealand Quarterly 74 (June 1965). Ed. Charles Brasch. Christchurch: The Caxton Press, 1965.
- Landfall: A New Zealand Quarterly 75 (September 1965). Ed. Charles Brasch. Christchurch: The Caxton Press, 1965.
- Landfall: A New Zealand Quarterly 76 (December 1965). Ed. Charles Brasch. Christchurch: The Caxton Press, 1965.
- Landfall: A New Zealand Quarterly 77 (March 1966). Ed. Charles Brasch. Christchurch: The Caxton Press, 1966.
- Landfall: A New Zealand Quarterly 78 (June 1966). Ed. Charles Brasch. Christchurch: The Caxton Press, 1966.
- Landfall: A New Zealand Quarterly 80 (December 1966). Ed. Charles Brasch. Christchurch: The Caxton Press, 1966.
- Landfall: A New Zealand Quarterly 87 (September 1968). Ed. Robin Dudding. Christchurch: The Caxton Press, 1968.
- Landfall: A New Zealand Quarterly 88 (December 1968). Ed. Robin Dudding. Christchurch: The Caxton Press, 1968.
- Landfall: A New Zealand Quarterly 89 (March 1969). Ed. Robin Dudding. Christchurch: The Caxton Press, 1969.
- Landfall: A New Zealand Quarterly 90 (June 1969). Ed. Robin Dudding. Christchurch: The Caxton Press, 1969.
- Landfall: A New Zealand Quarterly 91 (September 1969). Ed. Robin Dudding. Christchurch: The Caxton Press, 1969.
- Landfall: A New Zealand Quarterly 92 (December 1969). Ed. Robin Dudding. Christchurch: The Caxton Press, 1969.
- Landfall: A New Zealand Quarterly 98 (June 1971). Ed. Robin Dudding. Christchurch: The Caxton Press, 1971.
- Landfall: A New Zealand Quarterly 101 (March 1972). Ed. Robin Dudding. Christchurch: The Caxton Press, 1972.
- Landfall: A New Zealand Quarterly 102 (June 1972). Ed. Leo Bensemann. Christchurch: The Caxton Press, 1972.
- Landfall: A New Zealand Quarterly 104 (December 1972). Ed. Leo Bensemann. Christchurch: The Caxton Press, 1972.
- Landfall: A New Zealand Quarterly 105 (March 1973). Ed. Leo Bensemann. Christchurch: The Caxton Press, 1973.
- Landfall: A New Zealand Quarterly 115 (September 1975). Ed. Leo Bensemann. Christchurch: The Caxton Press, 1975.
- Landfall: A New Zealand Quarterly 133 (March 1980). Ed. Peter Smart. Christchurch: The Caxton Press, 1980.
- Landfall: A New Zealand Quarterly 134 (June 1980). Ed. Peter Smart. Christchurch: The Caxton Press, 1968.
- Landfall: A New Zealand Quarterly 135 (September 1980). Ed. Peter Smart. Christchurch: The Caxton Press, 1968.
- Landfall: A New Zealand Quarterly 146 (June 1983), ed. David Dowling (Christchurch: The Caxton Press, 1983).
- Landfall: A New Zealand Quarterly 149 (March 1984), ed. David Dowling (Christchurch: The Caxton Press, 1984).
- Landfall 160 (December 1986), ed. Judith Baker (Christchurch: The Caxton Press).
- Landfall 181 (March 1992) ed. Judith Baker, Mark Williams, Michele Leggott, Iain Sharp (NZ).
- Landfall 184 (December 1992), ed. Alan Riach (NZ).
- Landfall 194 (Spring 1997): 50th Anniversary Issue, ed. Chris Price (Dunedin: University of Otago Press).
- Landfall 197 (Autumn 1999), ed. Chris Price (Dunedin).
- Landfall 200: Travellers’ Guide (November 2000). Ed. Justin Paton & Chris Price. Dunedin: Otago University Press, 2000.
- Landfall 201: Shelter (May 2001). Ed. Justin Paton. Dunedin: Otago University Press, 2001.
- Landfall 202 (November 2001), ed. Justin Paton (Dunedin).
- Landfall 203 (May 2002), ed. Justin Paton (Dunedin).
- Landfall 204: The Wild (November 2002). Ed. Justin Paton. Dunedin: Otago University Press, 2002.
- Landfall 206: The Magic Shop (November 2003). Ed. Justin Paton. Dunedin: Otago University Press, 2003.
- Landfall 207: Sic [Sic] Sick (May 2004). Ed. Justin Paton. Dunedin: Otago University Press, 2004.
- Landfall 214: Open House (November, 2007), ed. Jack Ross. Dunedin: Otago University Press, 2007.
- Landfall 214: Open House (November 2007), ed. Jack Ross. Dunedin: Otago University Press, 2007.
- Landfall 219: On Music (May 2010), ed. Bill Direen. Dunedin: Otago University Press, 2010.
- Landfall 221: Outside In (May 2011), ed. David Eggleton. Dunedin: Otago University Press, 2011.
- Landfall 225: My Auckland (May 2013), ed. David Eggleton. Dunedin: Otago University Press, 2013.
- Landfall 227: Vital Signs (May 2014), ed. David Eggleton. Dunedin: Otago University Press, 2014.
- Landfall 228: Aotearoa New Zealand Arts and Letters (November 2014), ed. David Eggleton. Dunedin: Otago University Press, 2014.
- Landfall 229: Aotearoa New Zealand Arts and Letters (May 2015), ed. David Eggleton. Dunedin: Otago University Press, 2015.
- Landfall 232: Aotearoa New Zealand Arts and Letters (November 2016), ed. David Eggleton. Dunedin: Otago University Press, 2016.
- Landfall 233: Aotearoa New Zealand Arts and Letters (May 2017), ed. David Eggleton. Dunedin: Otago University Press, 2017.
- Landfall 234: Aotearoa New Zealand Arts and Letters (November 2017), ed. David Eggleton. Dunedin: Otago University Press, 2017.
- Landfall 235: Aotearoa New Zealand Arts and Letters (May 2018), ed. Emma Neale. Dunedin: Otago University Press, 2018.
- Landfall 236: Aotearoa New Zealand Arts and Letters (November 2018), ed. Emma Neale. Dunedin: Otago University Press, 2018.
- Landfall 237: Aotearoa New Zealand Arts and Letters (May 2019), ed. Emma Neale. Dunedin: Otago University Press, 2019.
- Landfall 238: Aotearoa New Zealand Arts and Letters (November 2019), ed. Emma Neale. Dunedin: Otago University Press, 2019.
- Last Tapes 1 – The Beginning Issue (2005).
- NZ Listener, Vol. 174, No. 3140. ISSN 0110 5787 (July 15-21, 2000), ed. Finlay Macdonald (Auckland).
- NZ Listener 3146 (August 26-September , 2000), ed. Finlay Macdonald (Auckland)
- NZ Listener 3196 (August 11-17, 2001), ed. Finlay Macdonald (Auckland).
- NZ Listener 3357 (September 11-17, 2004), ed. Pamela Stirling (Auckland).
- NZ Listener, Vol. 200, No. 3412. ISSN 0110 5787 (October 1-7, 2005), ed. Pamela Stirling (Auckland).
- Magazine 1 (November 2003), ed. Raewyn Alexander (Grey Lynn, Auckland).
- Magazine 2 (November 2004), ed. Raewyn Alexander (Grey Lynn, Auckland).
- Magazine 3 (November 2005), ed. Raewyn Alexander (Grey Lynn, Auckland).
- Magazine 5 (November 2007), ed. Raewyn Alexander (Grey Lynn, Auckland).
- Magazine 6 (November 2008), ed. Raewyn Alexander (Grey Lynn, Auckland).
- Magazine 6 – The Key West Issue (2006).
- Massey News 39 (9 November 1998).
- Massey School of Social and Cultural Studies: School News (5 June, 2005).
- Massey School of Social and Cultural Studies: School News (6 October, 2005).
- Massey News 9 (6 June 2006).
- Massey News 14 (14 August 2006).
- Massey Research 3 (13 October, 2006).
- Massey News 21 (20 November 2006).
- Massey 21 (November, 2006).
- Massey News 22 (4 December 2006).
- Massey News 9 (16 July 2007).
- Massey News 8 (16 June 2008).
- Massey News 10 (21 July 2008).
- Massey University: Defining NZ (Summer 2009/10).
- Masthead 6 (2002) {}.
- Mate 11 (July 1963), ed. Robin Dudding (Queen Street, Auckland)
- Micropress New Zealand 4 (2) (1999).
- [New Hope International Review Online (10/8/2003). {}]
- New Zealand Books 54 [vol. 11 (2)] (June 2001) .
- New Zealand Books 62 [vol. 13 (2)] (June 2003) .
- New Zealand Books 70 [vol. 15 (2)] (June 2005) .
- New Zealand Books 103 [vol. 23 (3)] (Spring 2013).
- [New Zealand Electronic Poetry Centre (12/9/02) {}]
- [New Zealand Electronic Poetry Centre (12/3/03) {}].
- [New Zealand Electronic Poetry Centre (22/10/03) {}
- [New Zealand Electronic Poetry Centre (5/3/04) {}].
- [New Zealand Electronic Poetry Centre (24/9/04) {}].
- [New Zealand Electronic Poetry Centre (4/3/05) {}].
- [New Zealand Electronic Poetry Centre (26/4/05) {}].
- [New Zealand Electronic Poetry Centre (26/8/05) {}].
- [New Zealand Electronic Poetry Centre (28/4/06) { }].
- New Zealand Geographic 116 (July-August 2012).
- New Zealand Geographic 122 (July-August 2013).
- New Zealand Herald: Canvas (9/7/05).
- New Zealand Herald: Canvas (15/7/06).
- New Zealand Herald: Canvas (26/8/06).
- [New Zealand Herald: Canvas (18/11/06).]
- New Zealand Herald: Canvas (11/8/07).
- New Zealand Herald: Canvas (8/12/07).
- New Zealand Herald: Arts (19/7/08).
- [New Zealand Poetry Society: Newsletter (March 2003).]
- New Zealand Poetry Society: Newsletter (February 2005).
- Johnson, Louis, ed. New Zealand Poetry Yearbook. Volume One – 1951. An Annual Collection. Wellington: A. H. & A. W. Reed, October 1951.
- Johnson, Louis, ed. New Zealand Poetry Yearbook. Volume Two – 1952. An Annual Collection. Wellington: A. H. & A. W. Reed, November 1952.
- Johnson, Louis, ed. New Zealand Poetry Yearbook. Volume Three – 1953. An Annual Collection. Wellington: A. H. & A. W. Reed, December 1953.
- Johnson, Louis, ed. New Zealand Poetry Yearbook. Volume Four – 1954. An Annual Collection. Christchurch: Pegasus Press, November 1954.
- Johnson, Louis, ed. New Zealand Poetry Yearbook. Volume Five – 1955. An Annual Collection. Christchurch: Pegasus Press, October 1955.
- Johnson, Louis, ed. New Zealand Poetry Yearbook. Volume Six – 1956. An Annual Collection. Christchurch: Pegasus Press, February 1957.
- Johnson, Louis, ed. New Zealand Poetry Yearbook. Volume Seven – 1957-8. An Annual Collection. Christchurch: Pegasus Press, April 1958.
- Johnson, Louis, ed. New Zealand Poetry Yearbook. Volume Eight – 1958-9. An Annual Collection. Christchurch: Pegasus Press, July 1959.
- Johnson, Louis, ed. New Zealand Poetry Yearbook. Volume Nine – 1960. An Annual Collection. Christchurch: Pegasus Press, October 1960.
- Johnson, Louis, ed. New Zealand Poetry Yearbook. Volume Ten – 1961-2. An Annual Collection. Christchurch: Pegasus Press, 1962.
- Johnson, Louis, ed. New Zealand Poetry Yearbook. Volume Eleven – 1964. An Annual Collection. Christchurch: Pegasus Press, 1964.
- North & South (December 2004).
- Numbers 3 (June 1955), ed. Charles Doyle, Louis Johnson & James K. Baxter (Lambton Quay, Wellington).
- Otago Daily Times: Weekend (15-16/7/06).
- Outloud Too. Ed. Vaughan Rapatahana, Kate Rogers, Madeleine Slavick. ISBN 978-988-13114-0-5. Hong Kong: MCCM Creations, 2014.
- Pander (March 1999) (Maastricht-Aachen).
- Pander 1 (Spring 1997), ed. Andrew Forsberg, Robert Hutchinson & Vanessa York (Mt Eden, Auckland).
- Pander 2 (Summer ’97/’98), ed. Andrew Forsberg, Robert Hutchinson & Vanessa York (Mt Eden, Auckland).
- Pander 3 (Autumn 1998), ed. Andrew Forsberg, Jack Ross, Vanessa York et al. (Mt Eden, Auckland).
- Pander 4: On the Map (Winter 1998), ed. Andrew Forsberg, Jack Ross, Vanessa York et al. (Mt Eden, Auckland).
- Pander 5: Pimping (Spring 1998), ed. Andrew Forsberg, Jack Ross, Vanessa York et al. (Mt Eden, Auckland).
- Pander 6/7: Capital (March 1999), ed. Andrew Forsberg, Jack Ross, Vanessa York et al. (Mt Eden, Auckland).
- Pander 8: Oceania (July 1999), ed. Andrew Forsberg, Jack Ross, Vanessa York et al. (Mt Eden, Auckland).
- Pander 9: Crime (November 1999), ed. Andrew Forsberg, Jack Ross, Vanessa York et al. (Mt Eden, Auckland).
- [Pander OS 2.0: Kendrick Smithyman’s Northland (24/6/01).]
- [Pander OS 2.0: Robinsonade (24/6/01).]
- [Pander OS 2.0: Adiòs DOS (24/6/01).]
- [Pander OS 2.0: G. Bruno: Grafton Amours (24/6/01).]
- [Pander OS 2.0: Kathy Goes to Mexico (24/6/01).]
- [Pander OS 2.0: Going West Literary Festival (24/6/01).]
- [Pander OS 2.0: Going West Five Years On (28/9/04).]
- Papertiger: new world poetry #04, edited by Paul Hardacre & B. R. Dionysius (Australia).
- Percutio 1[a] (2006), ed. Bill Direen (Dunedin).
- Percutio 1 (2007), ed. Bill Direen (Dunedin).
- Percutio 2 (2008), ed. Bill Direen (Dunedin).
- Phantom Billstickers Cafe Reader 4 (Spring 2014), ed. Kelly Wilson (Auckland).
- Percutio 1 (2007), ed. Bill Direen (Dunedin).
- Percutio 2 (2008), ed. Bill Direen (Dunedin).
- [Poetry Live & four-by-two publishing Website {}].
- Poetry New Zealand. Volume One (1971), ed. Frank McKay (Christchurch: Pegasus Press Limited).
- Poetry New Zealand. Volume Two (1974), ed. Frank McKay (Christchurch: Pegasus Press Limited).
- Poetry New Zealand. Volume Three (1976), ed. Frank McKay (Christchurch: Pegasus Press Limited).
- Poetry New Zealand. Volume Four (1979), ed. Frank McKay (Dunedin: John McIndoe Limited).
- Poetry New Zealand. Volume Five (1982), ed. Frank McKay (Dunedin: John McIndoe Limited).
- Poetry New Zealand 6 (1984), ed. Elizabeth Caffin (Dunedin: John McIndoe Limited).
- Poetry NZ 1 (1990), ed. David Drummond. Auckland: Brick Row Publishing Co. Ltd. / Palmerston North: Nagare Press, 1990.
- Poetry NZ 2 (1990), ed. Harry Ricketts. Auckland: Brick Row Publishing Co. Ltd. / Palmerston North: Nagare Press, 1990.
- Poetry NZ 3 (1991), ed. Elizabeth Smither & Brian Turner. Auckland: Brick Row Publishing Co. Ltd. / Palmerston North: Nagare Press, 1991.
- Poetry NZ 4 (1991), ed. Leonard Lambert. Auckland: Brick Row Publishing Co. Ltd., 1991.
- Poetry NZ 5 (1992), ed. Riemke Ensing. Auckland: Brick Row Publishing Co. Ltd., 1992.
- Poetry NZ 6 (1992), ed. Grant Duncan. Auckland: Brick Row Publishing Co. Ltd., 1992.
- Poetry NZ 8: Featuring Amanda Eason (1994), ed. Alistair Paterson. Auckland: Brick Row Publishing Co. Ltd., 1994.
- Poetry NZ 9: Featuring Riemke Ensing (1994), ed. Alistair Paterson. Auckland: Brick Row Publishing Co. Ltd., 1994.
- Poetry NZ 10: Featuring Alan Riach (1995), ed. Alistair Paterson. Auckland: Brick Row Publishing Co. Ltd., 1995.
- Poetry NZ 11: Featuring Gregory O’Brien (1995), ed. Alistair Paterson. Auckland: Brick Row Publishing Co. Ltd., 1995.
- Poetry NZ 12: Featuring Jennifer Compton (1996), ed. Alistair Paterson. Auckland: Brick Row Publishing Co. Ltd., 1996.
- Poetry NZ 14: Featuring John Allison (1997), ed. Alistair Paterson. Auckland: Brick Row Publishing Co. Ltd., 1997.
- Poetry NZ 15: Featuring Julie Leibrich (1997), ed. Alistair Paterson. Auckland: Brick Row Publishing Co. Ltd., 1998.
- Poetry NZ 16: Featuring Mark Pirie (1998), ed. Alistair Paterson. Auckland: Brick Row Publishing Co. Ltd., 1998.
- Poetry NZ 17: Featuring Paula Green (1998), ed. Alistair Paterson. Auckland: Brick Row Publishing Co. Ltd., 1998.
- Poetry NZ 18: Featuring Wanda Coleman (1999), ed. Alistair Paterson. Auckland: Brick Row, 1999.
- Poetry NZ 19: Featuring Judy Parker (1999), ed. Alistair Paterson. Auckland: Brick Row, 1999.
- Poetry NZ 20: Featuring Stephanie de Montalk (2000), ed. Alistair Paterson. Auckland: Brick Row, 2000.
- Poetry NZ 21: Featuring David Eggleton (2000), ed. Alistair Paterson. Auckland: Brick Row, 2000.
- Poetry NZ 22: Featuring Jack Ross (2001), ed. Alistair Paterson. Auckland & Palm Springs, CA: Brick Row, 2001.
- Poetry NZ 23: Featuring Pooja Mittal (2001), ed. Alistair Paterson. Auckland & Palm Springs, CA: Brick Row, 2001.
- Poetry NZ 24: Featuring Michael Harlow (2002), ed. Alistair Paterson. Auckland & Palm Springs, CA: Brick Row, 2002.
- Poetry NZ 25: Featuring Tracey Slaughter (2002), ed. Alistair Paterson. Auckland & Palm Springs, CA: Brick Row, 2002.
- Poetry NZ 26: Featuring Stephen Oliver (2003), ed. Alistair Paterson. Auckland & Palm Springs, CA: Brick Row, 2003.
- Poetry NZ 27: Featuring Owen Bullock (2003), ed. Alistair Paterson. Auckland & Palm Springs, CA: Brick Row, 2003.
- Poetry NZ 28: Featuring Anne Kennedy (2004), ed. Alistair Paterson. Auckland & Palm Springs, CA: Brick Row, 2004.
- Poetry NZ 29: Featuring Olivia Macassey (2004), ed. Alistair Paterson. Auckland & Palm Springs, CA: Brick Row, 2004.
- Poetry NZ 30: Featuring James Norcliffe (2005), ed. Alistair Paterson. Auckland & Palm Springs, CA: Brick Row, 2005.
- Poetry NZ 31: Featuring Alistair Campbell (2005), ed. Alistair Paterson. Auckland & Palm Springs, CA: Brick Row, 2005.
- Poetry NZ 32: Featuring Jessica Le Bas (2006), ed. Alistair Paterson. Auckland & Palm Springs, CA: Brick Row, 2006.
- Poetry NZ 33: Featuring Siobhan Harvey (2006), ed. Alistair Paterson. Auckland & Palm Springs, CA: Brick Row, 2006.
- Poetry NZ 34: Featuring Bernard Gadd (2007), ed. Alistair Paterson. Auckland: Puriri Press / Palm Springs, CA: Brick Row, 2007.
- Poetry NZ 35: Featuring Nicolas Kurtovich (2007), ed. Owen Bullock. Auckland: Puriri Press / Palm Springs, CA: Brick Row, 2007.
- Poetry NZ 36: Featuring Marissa Johnpillai (2008), ed. Owen Bullock. Auckland: Puriri Press / Palm Springs, CA: Brick Row, 2008.
- Poetry NZ 37: Featuring Michele Leggott (2008), ed. Owen Bullock. Auckland: Puriri Press / Palm Springs, CA: Brick Row, 2008.
- Poetry NZ 38: Featuring Jen Crawford (2009), ed. Jack Ross. Auckland: Puriri Press / Palm Springs, CA: Brick Row, 2009.
- Poetry NZ 39: Featuring Zarah Butcher (2009), ed. Siobhan Harvey. Auckland: Puriri Press / Palm Springs, CA: Brick Row, 2009.
- Poetry NZ 40: Featuring Robert McLean (2010), ed. Alistair Paterson. Auckland: Puriri Press / Palm Springs, CA: Brick Row, 2010.
- Poetry NZ 41: Featuring Richard Reeve (2010), ed. Nicholas Reid. Auckland: Puriri Press / Palm Springs, CA: Brick Row, 2010.
- Poetry NZ 42: Featuring Mark Young (2011), ed. Alistair Paterson. Auckland: Puriri Press / Palm Springs, CA: Brick Row, 2011.
- Poetry NZ 43: Featuring Anne French (2011), ed. Nicholas Reid. Auckland: Puriri Press / Palm Springs, CA: Brick Row, 2011.
- Poetry NZ 44: Featuring Maris O'Rourke (2012), ed. Siobhan Harvey. Auckland: Puriri Press / Palm Springs, CA: Brick Row, 2011.
- Poetry NZ 45: Featuring Tony Beyer (2012), ed. Owen Bullock. Auckland: Puriri Press / Palm Springs, CA: Brick Row, 2012.
- Poetry NZ 46: Featuring Courtney Sina Meredith (2013), ed. Nicholas Reid. Auckland: Puriri Press / Palm Springs, CA: Brick Row, 2013.
- Poetry NZ 47: Featuring Harry Ricketts (2013), ed. Alistair Paterson. Auckland: Puriri Press / Palm Springs, CA: Brick Row, 2013.
- Poetry NZ 48: Featuring Jan Kemp (2014), ed. Nicholas Reid. Auckland: Puriri Press / Palm Springs, CA: Brick Row, 2014.
- Poetry New Zealand Yearbook 1 [Issue 49]: Featuring Lisa Samuels (2014), ed. Jack Ross. Auckland: Massey School of English and Media Studies, 2014.
- Poetry New Zealand Yearbook 2 [Issue 50]: Featuring Robert Sullivan (2015), ed. Jack Ross. Auckland: Massey School of English and Media Studies, 2015.
- Poetry New Zealand Yearbook 2017 [Issue 51], ed. Jack Ross. Auckland: Massey University Press, 2017.
- Poetry New Zealand Yearbook 2018 [Issue 52], ed. Jack Ross. Auckland: Massey University Press, 2018.
- Poetry New Zealand Yearbook 2019 [Issue 53], ed. Jack Ross. Auckland: Massey University Press, 2019.
- Poetry New Zealand Yearbook 2020 [Issue 54], ed. Johanna Emeney. Auckland: Massey University Press, 2020.
- [Reading the Maps: Jack’s Sampling (3/10/05) {}].
- [Reading the Maps: Jack’s Picks (16/8/06) {}].
- Review: Annual Literary Magazine Published by the Otago Students' Association 63 (1963). Dunedin: Otago Daily Times & Witness Newspapers Co. Ltd., 1963
- Rose Centre Writers Newsletter. (October, 2005).
- Salt 5 (1997), ed. Hamish Dewe & Scott Hamilton (Auckland).
- Salt 6i (1998), ed. Hamish Dewe & Scott Hamilton (Auckland).
- Salt 6ii (1999), ed. Hamish Dewe & Scott Hamilton (Auckland).
- [Salt Online: Poetry {}].
- School Journal. Vol. 38, No. 1 (Part II). Department of Education, Wellington: School Publications Branch, February 1944.
- School Journal. Vol. 43, No. 1 (Part II). Department of Education, Wellington: School Publications Branch, February 1949.
- School Journal. Vol. 43, No. 2 (Part IV). Department of Education, Wellington: School Publications Branch, March 1949.
- School Journal. Vol. 45, No. 8 (Part 4). Department of Education, Wellington: School Publications Branch, September 1951.
- School Journal. Vol. 46, No. 3 (Part 2). Department of Education, Wellington: School Publications Branch, May 1952.
- School Journal. Vol. 46, No. 6 (Part 2). Department of Education, Wellington: School Publications Branch, August 1952.
- School Journal. Vol. 46, No. 7 (Part 2). Department of Education, Wellington: School Publications Branch, September 1952.
- School Journal. Vol. 46, No. 8 (Part 2). Department of Education, Wellington: School Publications Branch, October 1952.
- School Journal. Vol. 46, No. 9 (Part 2). Department of Education, Wellington: School Publications Branch, November 1952.
- School Journal. Vol. 46, No. 9 (Part 3). Department of Education, Wellington: School Publications Branch, November 1952.
- School Journal. Vol. 47, No. 1 (Part 2). Department of Education, Wellington: School Publications Branch, February 1953.
- School Journal. Vol. 47, No. 2 (Part 2). Department of Education, Wellington: School Publications Branch, March 1953.
- School Journal. Vol. 47, No. 3 (Part 2). Department of Education, Wellington: School Publications Branch, April 1953.
- School Journal. Vol. 47, No. 4 (Part 2). Department of Education, Wellington: School Publications Branch, May 1953.
- School Journal. Vol. 47, No. 5 (Part 3). Department of Education, Wellington: School Publications Branch, June 1953.
- School Journal. Vol. 48, No. 1 (Part 3). Department of Education, Wellington: School Publications Branch, Autumn 1954.
- School Journal. Vol. 48, No. 2 (Part 3). Department of Education, Wellington: School Publications Branch, Winter 1954.
- School Journal. Part 2. Department of Education, Wellington: School Publications Branch, April 1955.
- School Journal. Part 2. Department of Education, Wellington: School Publications Branch, May-June 1955.
- School Journal. Part 2. Department of Education, Wellington: School Publications Branch, July 1955.
- School Journal. Part 2. Department of Education, Wellington: School Publications Branch, August 1955.
- School Journal. Vol. 49, No. 1 (Part 3). Department of Education, Wellington: School Publications Branch, Autumn 1955.
- School Journal. Vol. 49, No. 1 (Part 4). Department of Education, Wellington: School Publications Branch, Autumn 1955.
- School Journal. Vol. 50, No. 4 (Part 3). Department of Education, Wellington: School Publications Branch, Summer 1956.
- School Journal. No. 4 (Part 2). Department of Education, Wellington: School Publications Branch, 1956.
- School Journal. Vol. 51, No. 3 (Part 4). Department of Education, Wellington: School Publications Branch, Spring 1957.
- School Journal. Vol. 51, No. 4 (Part 3). Department of Education, Wellington: School Publications Branch, Summer 1957.
- School Journal. Vol. 51, No. 4 (Part 4). Department of Education, Wellington: School Publications Branch, Summer 1957.
- School Journal. Vol. 52, No. 1 (Part 3). Department of Education, Wellington: School Publications Branch, Autumn 1958.
- School Journal. Vol. 52, No. 1 (Part 4). Department of Education, Wellington: School Publications Branch, Autumn 1958.
- School Journal. Vol. 52, No. 2 (Part 4). Department of Education, Wellington: School Publications Branch, Winter 1958.
- School Journal. No. 3 (Part 1). Department of Education, Wellington: School Publications Branch, 1959.
- School Journal. Vol. 53, No. 1 (Part 4). Department of Education, Wellington: School Publications Branch, Autumn 1959.
- School Journal. Vol. 53, No. 3 (Part 3). Department of Education, Wellington: School Publications Branch, Spring 1959.
- School Journal. No. 3 (Part 1). Department of Education, Wellington: School Publications Branch, 1960.
- School Journal. No. 3 (Part 2). Department of Education, Wellington: School Publications Branch, 1960.
- School Journal. Vol. 54, No. 1 (Part 4). Department of Education, Wellington: School Publications Branch, Autumn 1960.
- School Journal. Vol. 54, No. 2 (Part 3). Department of Education, Wellington: School Publications Branch, Winter 1960.
- School Journal. Vol. 54, No. 2 (Part 4). Department of Education, Wellington: School Publications Branch, Winter 1960.
- School Journal. Vol. 54, No. 3 (Part 4). Department of Education, Wellington: School Publications Branch, Spring 1960.
- School Journal. Vol. 54, No. 4 (Part 3). Department of Education, Wellington: School Publications Branch, Summer 1960.
- School Journal. No. 2 (Part 2). Department of Education, Wellington: School Publications Branch, 1961.
- School Journal. Vol. 55, No. 1 (Part 4). Department of Education, Wellington: School Publications Branch, Autumn 1961.
- School Journal. Vol. 55, No. 2 (Part 4). Department of Education, Wellington: School Publications Branch, Winter 1961.
- School Journal. Vol. 55, No. 4 (Part 3). Department of Education, Wellington: School Publications Branch, Summer 1961.
- School Journal. Vol. 56, No. 2 (Part 3). Department of Education, Wellington: School Publications Branch, Winter 1962.
- School Journal. Vol. 56, No. 3 (Part 4). Department of Education, Wellington: School Publications Branch, Spring 1962.
- School Journal. Vol. 56, No. 4 (Part 3): The Wisdom of Mr Kim (S. C. George). Department of Education, Wellington: School Publications Branch, Summer 1962.
- School Journal. No. 5 (Part 2). Department of Education, Wellington: School Publications Branch, 1962.
- School Journal. No. 3 (Part 2): True Tales for My Grandchildren (Joy Laws). Department of Education, Wellington: School Publications Branch, 1961.
- School Journal. Vol. 57, No. 1 (Part 3): A Spring Journey (Brenda Colloms). Department of Education, Wellington: School Publications Branch, Autumn 1963.
- School Journal. Vol. 57, No. 1 (Part 4). Department of Education, Wellington: School Publications Branch, Autumn 1963.
- School Journal. Vol. 57, No. 2 (Part 3): A New Day for Calabria (Brenda Colloms). Department of Education, Wellington: School Publications Branch, Winter 1963.
- School Journal. Vol. 57, No. 4 (Part 3): Under Greek Skies. Department of Education, Wellington: School Publications Branch, Summer 1963.
- School Journal. No. 2 (Part 2): The Circus Comes to Town (Louis Johnson). Department of Education, Wellington: School Publications Branch, 1965.
- School Journal. No. 3 (Part 2): Stories (Rae Huson). Department of Education, Wellington: School Publications Branch, 1965.
- School Journal. No. 5 (Part 2): The Midnight People: Stories (Margaret Mahy). Department of Education, Wellington: School Publications Branch, 1965.
- School Journal. No. 6 (Part 2): Ring for the Sorcerer (Ruth Park). Department of Education, Wellington: School Publications Branch, 1965.
- School Journal. Part 4: Provincial Jigsaw Puzzle: New Zealand 1860-1876 (Elsie Locke). Department of Education, Wellington: School Publications Branch, Autumn 1965.
- School Journal. No. 3 (Part 1). Department of Education, Wellington: School Publications Branch, 1966.
- School Journal. No. 3 (Part 3): The Wind Between the Stars (Margaret Mahy). Department of Education, Wellington: School Publications Branch, 1966.
- School Journal. No. 1 (Part 4): Children of the Country (Alison Drummond). Department of Education, Wellington: School Publications Branch, 1967.
- School Journal. No. 3 (Part 4). Department of Education, Wellington: School Publications Branch, 1967.
- School Journal. No. 4 (Part 2). Department of Education, Wellington: School Publications Branch, 1967.
- School Journal. No. 2 (Part 4). Department of Education, Wellington: School Publications Branch, 1968.
- School Journal. No. 4 (Part 2). Department of Education, Wellington: School Publications Branch, 1970.
- School Journal. No. 1 (Part 2). Department of Education, Wellington: School Publications Branch, 1971.
- School Journal. No. 1 (Part 4). Department of Education, Wellington: School Publications Branch, 1972.
- School Journal. No. 3 (Part 2). Department of Education, Wellington: School Publications Branch, 1972.
- School Journal. No. 1 (Part 4). Department of Education, Wellington: School Publications Branch, 1982.
- Small Press Review 33 (7-8) (July-August, 2001).
- [Southern Ocean Review 26 (31/1/03).]
- Spin 28 (1997), ed. Catherine Mair (Katikati).
- Spin 29 (1997), ed. Leicester Kyle (Auckland).
- Spin 30 (1998), ed. p.n.w.donnelly (Auckland).
- Winterspin 31 (1998), ed. Catherine Mair & Bernard Gadd (Auckland).
- Spin 32 (1998), ed. Leicester Kyle (Millerton).
- Spin 33 (1999), ed. Jack Ross (Mairangi Bay, Auckland).
- Winterspin 34 (1999), ed. Catherine Mair & Bernard Gadd (Auckland).
- Spin 35 (1999), ed. Leicester Kyle (Millerton).
- Spin 36 (2000), ed. Jack Ross (Mairangi Bay, Auckland).
- Winterspin 37 (2000), ed. Catherine Mair & Bernard Gadd (Auckland).
- Spin 38 (2000), ed. Leicester Kyle (Millerton).
- Spin 39 (2001), ed. Jack Ross (Mairangi Bay, Auckland).
- Winterspin 40 (2001), ed. Bernard Gadd & Patricia Prime (Auckland).
- Spin 41 (2001), ed. Tony Chad (Silverstream, Upper Hutt).
- Spin 42 (March 2002), ed. Jack Ross (Mairangi Bay, Auckland).
- Winterspin 43 (2002), ed. Bernard Gadd & Patricia Prime (Auckland).
- Spin 44 (2002), ed. Tony Chad (Silverstream, Upper Hutt).
- Spin 45 (March 2003), ed. Jack Ross (Mairangi Bay, Auckland).
- Kokako 1 [Spin 46] (2003), ed. Bernard Gadd & Patricia Prime (Auckland)
- Spin 47 (2004), ed. Owen Bullock (Tauranga).
- Kokako 2 [Spin 48] (2004), ed. Bernard Gadd & Patricia Prime (Auckland)
- Spin 49 (2005), ed. Owen Bullock (Tauranga).
- Kokako 3 [Spin 50] (2005), ed. Owen Bullock, Bernard Gadd & Patricia Prime (Auckland).
- Sport 20 (Autumn 1998). Ed. James Brown & Fergus Barrowman. Wellington: Victoria University Press.
- Starch 1 (June 2011). Ed. Dean Havard & Michael Steven. Dunedin: Kilmog Press.
- Sunday Star-Times (October 18, 1998).
- Sunday Star-Times (August 2, 1998).
- Sunday Star-Times (February 1, 2004).
- Sunday Star-Times (December 5, 2004).
- Sunday Star-Times (July 2, 2006).
- Takahe 35 (1998) (Christchurch).
- Takahe 53 (2004) (Christchurch).
- [Takahe 54 (2005) (Christchurch).]
- [Takahe 55 (2005) (Christchurch).]
- Takahe 56 (2005) (Christchurch).
- Takahe 57 (2005) (Christchurch).
- Takahe 60 (2006) (Christchurch).
- Takahe 62 (Summer 2007). Ed. Isa Moynihan, with Karen Zelas, James Norcliffe, & Cassandra Fusco. Christchurch: The Takahe Collective Trust.
- Takahe 64 (Winter 2008). Guest Ed. Janine Sowerby, with Karen Zelas, James Norcliffe, & Cassandra Fusco. Christchurch: The Takahe Collective Trust.
- [Titus Books Online: in the beginning was the launch … (28/7/2005)
{}]. - [Titus Books Online: ‘On Sampling’ by Jack Ross … (19/8/2005)
{}]. - [Titus Books Online: Olivia Macassey considered by Jack Ross … (1/9/2005)
{}]. - Tongue in Your Ear 1 (December 1995), ed. Raewyn Alexander, David Lyndon Brown, Olwyn Stewart & Judith McNeil (Auckland: Four/Two Publishing).
- Tongue in Your Ear 2 (n.d. [c.1996]), ed. Raewyn Alexander, David Lyndon Brown, Olwyn Stewart & Judith McNeil (Auckland: Four/Two Publishing).
- Tongue in Your Ear 3 (1997), ed. Olwyn Stewart, Simon Field, Raewyn Alexander & Judith McNeil (Auckland: Four/Two Publishing).
- Tongue in Your Ear 4 (1999), ed. Christopher Harrod, Ingrid Joachim, Judith McNeil & Saul Situmorang (Auckland: Four/Two Publishing).
- Tongue in Your Ear 5 (2001), ed. Ingrid Joachim, Jack Ross, Nik Smythe & Judith McNeil (Grey Lynn, Auckland).
- Tongue in Your Ear 6 (2002), ed. Ingrid Joachim & Judith McNeil (Grey Lynn, Auckland).
- Tongue in Your Ear 7 (2003), ed. Gregory Brimblecombe, Ingrid Joachim, Jack Ross & Judith McNeil (Grey Lynn, Auckland).
- Tongue in Your Ear 8 (2003), ed. Ingrid Joachim, Jack Ross, James Crompton & Judith McNeil (Grey Lynn, Auckland).
- Tongue in Your Ear 9 (2006), ed. Miriam Barr, Christian Jensen, Renee Liang, Ila Selwyn & Judith McNeil (Grey Lynn, Auckland).
- Trains at a Glance (Indian Railways, 2001).
- University of Auckland News 38 (17) (12 September 2008).
- University of Edinburgh Journal 33 (1987).
- Valley Micropress 1 (11). Ed. Tony Chad. Silverstream: Upper Hutt, 1998.
- Valley Micropress 2 (1). Ed. Tony Chad. Silverstream: Upper Hutt, 1999.
- Valley Micropress 8 (8). Ed. Tony Chad. Silverstream: Upper Hutt, 2005.
- Valley Micropress 8 (9). Ed. Tony Chad. Silverstream: Upper Hutt, 2005.
- Valley Micropress 8 (10). Ed. Tony Chad. Silverstream: Upper Hutt, 2005.
- Valley Micropress 9 (4). Ed. Tony Chad. Silverstream: Upper Hutt, 2006.
- Village News: The Official Magazine of the Mairangi Bay Business Association 3 (March 2010).
- [Waikato Times (19/6/99)].
- [Waikato Times (23/9/06)].
- [Wairarapa Times Age (14/4/07)].
- [Web Writers’ Workshop {}].
- WLWE: World Literature Written in English (UK) 39 (2) (2002-3).
- WLWE: World Literature Written in English (UK) 40 (2): (2004).
- [Zoetropes: New Zealand Literature / Nga Pukapuka o Aotearoa online. {}].
Artists’ Alliance Magazine:
Art New Zealand:
Auckland Poetry Website:
Australian Canadian Studies:
Australasian Victorian Studies Association:
Boxkite (Australia):
Campus News:
Creative Forum (India):
Dominion Post:
evasion / Flint:
Five Bells (Australia):
HeadworX Publishers Website:
Hue & Cry:
Inter-Arts (UK):
International Literary Quarterly (NY):
JAAM [Just Another Art Movement]:
The John Dory Report:
JNZL [Journal of New Zealand Literature]:
Ka Mate Ka Ora:
Katnip Reviews (US):
Last Tapes:
Listener (NZ):
Magazine (NZ):
Magazine (US):
Massey News:
Micropress NZ:
New Hope International Review (US):
New Zealand Books: A Quarterly Review
NZ Geographic:
NZ Herald:
NZ Poetry Society Newsletter:
New Zealand Poetry Yearbook (1951-1964):
North & South:
Otago Daily Times:
Pander (Holland):
Pander (NZ):
Papertiger (Australia):
Phantom Billstickers Cafe Reader:
Poetry Live:
Poetry New Zealand (1971-1984):
Poetry NZ (1990-2014):
Poetry New Zealand Yearbook:
Reading the Maps:
Rose Centre Writers Newsletter:
Salt (NZ):
School Journal (NZ):
Small Press Review (US):
Southern Ocean Review:
Spin [WinterSpin / Kokako]:
Sunday Star-Times:
Titus Books Online:
Tongue in Your Ear:
Trains at a Glance (India):
University of Auckland News:
University of Edinburgh Journal (UK):
Valley Micropress:
Village News:
Waikato Times:
Wairarapa Times Age:
Web Writers’ Workshop (US):
WLWE [World Literature Written in English] (UK):
Zoetropes [New Zealand Literature / Nga Pukapuka o Aotearoa online]:
- Ackerley, Chris. The Bridging of Troy, or Tales from the Trojan Tournament. London: Victor Gollancz, 1986.
- Alexander, John H. Historic Wellington. Wellington: A. H. & A. W. Reed, 1959.
- Anderson, Louise. Takapuna-Milford Walk. North Shore City Heritage Trails. Auckland: North Shore City Council, 2002.
- Auckland: The Best of Life. Christchurch: Philip King Publishers & Shoal Bay Press, 1993.
- AUP Catalogue 2003. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 2003.
- AUP Catalogue 2007. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 2007.
- AUP Catalogue 2008. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 2008.
- Bentley, Trevor. Captured by Maori: White Female Captives, Sex and Racism on the Nineteenth-century New Zealand Frontier. Auckland: Penguin Books (NZ) Ltd., 2004.
- Bullock, Craig. Quake Cats: Heart-warming Stories of Christchurch Cats. Auckland: Random House New Zealand, 2014.
- Chapman, Clive (the Investigator) & his Journalist Friend G. A. W. The Blue Room: Being the Absorbing Story of the Development of Voice-to-Voice Communication in BROAD LIGHT with Souls who have Passed into THE GREAT BEYOND. Auckland: Whitcombe and Tombs Ltd., 1927.
- [Chapman, Clive (the Investigator) & his Journalist Friend G. A. W. The Blue Room: Being the Absorbing Story of the Development of Voice-to-Voice Communication in BROAD LIGHT with Souls who have Passed into THE GREAT BEYOND. Auckland: Whitcombe and Tombs Ltd., 1927.]
- Convocation for the Conferment of Degrees and Award of Diplomas. Ed. Kathy Mathers et al. New Zealand: The University Of Auckland, Autumn 2002.
- Convocation for the Conferment of Degrees and Award of Diplomas. New Zealand: The University Of Auckland, Spring 2010.
- Cooper, Annabel. Filming the Colonial Past: The New Zealand Wars on Screen. Dunedin: Otago University Press, 2018.
- Crowe, Andrew. A Guide to the Identification of New Zealand Native Trees. A Mini Book. Auckland: Viking Penguin, 1997.
- Crowhurst, T.E., J. P., An Old Colonist. Life & Adventures in New Zealand: Including “The Invisible Hand,” “The Power Within” and “Why I Became a Spiritualist.” Auckland: Whitcombe and Tombs Ltd., n.d.
- Cullen, Michael. Budget 2001. Wellington: Treasury, 2001.
- Dittmer, W. Te Tohunga: The Ancient Legends and Traditions of the Maoris. London: George Routledge & Sons, Limited, 1907. Wellington: A. H. & A. W. Reed, 1970.
- Dougherty, Ian. Arawata Bill: The Story of Legendary Gold Prospector William James O'Leary. 1996. Auckland: Exisle Publishing Ltd., 2005.
- Dudding, Adam. My Father's Island: A Memoir. Wellington: Victoria University Press, 2016.
- Dyne, Dudley G. Famous New Zealand Murders. Auckland: Collins, 1969.
- Eagle, Audrey. Eagle's Trees and Shrubs of New Zealand in Colour: Two Hundred and Twenty-Eight Botanical Paintings. 1975. Auckland: William Collins (New Zealand) Ltd., 1977.
- Earle, P. R. The Coalminers. Illustrated by Peter Campbell. A Primary School Bulletin. Department of Education, Wellington: School Publications Branch, 1960.
- Edwards, Mihi. Mihipeka: Early Years. Auckland: Penguin Books, 1990.
- Ell, Gordon. New Zealand Ghost Towns and Glimpses of the Past. Auckland: The Bush Press, 1988.
- Farrell-Green, Simon, ed. Coast Bush Foothills. Legends of the West. Auckland: Waitakere City Council, 2010.
- Fenton, John. Slightly Foxed b.o.f.: A Society for Book Lovers. Auckland: Slightly Foxed, 1997.
- Filer, David. Painting the Frontier: The Art of New Zealand's Pioneers. Auckland: David Bateman Ltd., 2009.
- Gilderdale, Betty. A Sea Change: 145 Years of New Zealand Junior Fiction. Auckland: Longman Paul, 1982.
- Gluckman, Ann. Postcards from Tukums – A Family Detective Story. Ed. Kirsten Warner. Auckland: David Ling, 2010.
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