Czech Republic
Former Yugoslavia
- Josef (1887-1945) & Karel Čapek (1890-1938)
- John Amos Comenius (1592-1670)
- Jaroslav Hašek (1883-1923)
- Vladimír Holan (1905-1980)
- Miroslav Holub (1923-1998)
- Ivan Klíma (1931- )
- Milan Kundera (1929-2023)
- Ludvík Vaculík (1926- )
- Anthologies & Secondary Literature
Josef Čapek (1887-1945) &
Karel Čapek (1890-1938)
- Čapek, Josef & Karel. R.U.R. & The Insect Play. 1923. Trans. Paul Selver. Adapted by Nigel Playfair & Clifford Bax. Oxford Paperbacks. 1961. London: Oxford University Press, 1973.
- Čapek, Karel. Apocryphal Stories. 1945. Trans. Dora Round. 1949. Penguin Modern Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1975.
John Amos Comenius (1592-1670)
- Comenius, John Amos. Orbis Pictus: A Facsimile of the First English Edition of 1659. The Juvenile Library. Introduction by John Sadler. London: Oxford University Press, 1968.
Jaroslav Hašek (1883-1923)
- Hašek, Jaroslav. The Good Soldier Schweik. Trans. Paul Selver. Illustrations by Josef Lada. 1930. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1952.
- Hašek, Jaroslav. The Good Soldier Švejk and His Fortunes in the World War. Trans. Cecil Parrott. Illustrations by Josef Lada. 1973. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1978.
- Hašek, Jaroslav. The Red Commissar: Including Further Adventures of the Good Soldier Švejk and Other Stories. Trans. Cecil Parrott. Illustrations by Josef Lada. 1981. London: Abacus, 1983.
- Parrott, Sir Cecil. The Bad Bohemian: A Life of Jaroslav Hašek, Creator of the Good Soldier Švejk. 1978. London: Abacus, 1983.
Václav Havel (1936-2011)
- Havel, Václav. Letters to Olga. 1983. Trans. Paul Wilson. 1988. London: Faber, 1990.
Vladimír Holan (1905-1980)
- Holan, Vladimir. Selected Poems. Trans. Jarmila & Ian Milner. Introduction by Ian Milner. Penguin Modern European Poets. Ed. A. Alvarez. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1971.
Miroslav Holub (1923-1998)
- Holub, Miroslav. Selected Poems. Trans. Ian Milner & George Theiner. Introduction by A. Alvarez. Penguin Modern European Poets. Ed. A. Alvarez. 1967. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1969.
- Holub, Miroslav. Poems Before & After: Collected English Translations. Trans. Ian & Jarmila Milner, Ewald Osers & George Theiner. 1990. Newcastle upon Tyne: Bloodaxe Books Ltd., 1995.
Ivan Klíma (1931- )
- Klíma, Ivan. Love and Garbage. 1986. Trans. Ewald Osers. 1990. Penguin International Writers. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1991.
Milan Kundera (1929-2023)
- Kundera, Milan. The Joke. 1967. Trans. Michael Henry Heim. 1982. King Penguin. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1984.
- Kundera, Milan. Laughable Loves. 1969. Trans. Suzanne Rappaport. Introduction by Philip Roth. 1974. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1987.
- Kundera, Milan. Life is Elsewhere. 1973. Trans. Peter Kussi. 1986. London: Faber, 1988.
- Kundera, Milan. The Farewell Party. 1976. Trans. Peter Kussi. 1977. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1986.
- Kundera, Milan. The Book of Laughter and Forgetting. 1979. Trans. Michael Henry Heim. 1980. King Penguin. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1987.
- Kundera, Milan. Jacques and His Master. 1981. Trans. Simon Callow. London: Faber, 1986.
- Kundera, Milan. The Unbearable Lightness of Being. 1984. Trans. Michael Henry Heim. 1984. London: Faber, 1987.
- Kundera, Milan. The Art of the Novel. 1986. Trans. Linda Asher. London: Faber, 1988.
- Kundera, Milan. The Art of the Novel. 1986. Trans. Linda Asher. 1988. London: Faber, 1990.
- Kundera, Milan. Immortality. Trans. Peter Kussi. London: Faber, 1991.
- Kundera, Milan. Les testaments trahis: essai. 1993. Collection Folio. Paris: Gallimard, 2003.
- Kundera, Milan. La lenteur. 1995. Postface de François Ricard. 1998. Collection Folio. Paris: Gallimard, 2003.
- Kundera, Milan. L’identité. 1997. Postface de François Ricard. 2000. Collection Folio. Paris: Gallimard, 2003.
- Kundera, Milan. L’ignorance: roman. 2000. Paris: Gallimard, 2003.
- Kundera, Milan. Ignorance. 2002. Trans. Linda Asher. London: Faber, 2003.
Ludvík Vaculík (1926- )
- Vaculík, Ludvík. The Guinea Pigs. 1971. Trans. Káča Poláčková. 1973. Writers from the Other Europe. ed. Philip Roth. Introduction by Neal Ascherson. New York: Penguin, 1975.
Anthologies & Secondary Literature
- Esslin, Martin, ed. Three East European Plays – Julius Hay: The Horse; Václav Havel: The Memorandum; Slawomir Mrozek: Tango. Trans. Peter Hay; Nicholas Bethell & Tom Stoppard; Vera Blackwell. 1964, 1967, 1968. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1970.
- Fárrová, Anna. Josef Sudek. Trans. Derek Paton. Prague: Torst, 2002.
- Polansky, Paul. Living through it Twice: Poems of the Romany Holocaust (1940-1997). Prague: G plus G, 1998.
- Three Czech Poets: Vitezslau Nezval / Antonin Bartusek / Josef Hanzlik. Selected Poems. Trans. Ewald Osers & George Theiner. Introduction by Graham Martin. Penguin Modern European Poets. Ed. A. Alvarez. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1971.
- Volavková, Hana, Anita Franková & Hana Povolná, ed. I have not seen a butterfly around here: Children’s drawings and poems from Terezín. 1955. Trans. Joy Kadečková, Jeanne Nĕmcová & Edith Pargeretová. Prague: The Jewish Museum, 1993.
- Christine Arnothy (1930-2015)
- Géza Gárdonyi (1863-1922)
- Arthur Koestler (1905-1983)
- László Krasznahorkai (1954- )
- Ágota Kristóf (1935-2011)
- Sándor Márai (1900-1989)
- Anthologies & Secondary Literature
Christine Arnothy [née Irène Kovach de Szendrö] (1930-2015)
- Arnothy, Christine. I Am Fifteen and I Do Not Want to Die. ['J'ai quinze ans et je ne veux pas mourir', 1954]. Trans. Antonia White. London: Collins, 1956.
Géza Ziegler [Géza Gárdonyi] (1863-1922)
- Gárdonyi, Géza. Slave of the Huns. 1901. Trans. Andrew Feldmar. Illustrated by Victor C. Ambrus. 1969. A Peacock Book. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1973.
Arthur Koestler (1905-1983)
- Koestler, Arthur. The Gladiators. Trans. Edith Simon. 1939. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1947.
- Koestler, Arthur. Darkness at Noon. 1940. Trans. Daphne Hardy. Penguin Modern Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin. 1973.
- Koestler, Arthur. Darkness at Noon: The New Translation of the Rediscovered Manuscript. 1941. Trans. Philip Boehm. Introduction by Michael Scammell. Vintage Koestler. London: Penguin Random House UK, 2019.
- Koestler, Arthur. Arrival and Departure. 1943. Harmondsworth: Penguin. 1969.
- Koestler, Arthur. Thieves in the Night: Chronicle of an Experiment. 1946. London: Macmillan & Co., 1947.
- Koestler, Arthur. The Age of Longing. 1951. London: Collins, 1951.
- Koestler, Arthur. The Call Girls: A Tragicomedy with a Prologue and Epilogue. 1972. London: Pan Books, 1976.
- Koestler, Arthur. Twilght Bar: An Escapade in Four Acts. London: Jonathan Cape, 1945.
Autobiography & Reportage:
- Koestler, Arthur. Spanish Testament. Trans. Trevor & Phyllis Blewitt. Left Book Club Edition. London: Gollancz, 1937.
- Koestler, Arthur. Dialogue with Death. Trans. Trevor & Phyllis Blewitt. 1937. Abridged ed. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1942.
- Koestler, Arthur. Dialogue with Death. Trans. Trevor & Phyllis Blewitt. 1937. Abridged ed., 1942. Rev. Danube ed., 1966. London: Papermac, 1983.
- Koestler, Arthur. Scum of the Earth. London: Jonathan Cape, 1941.
- Koestler, Arthur. Scum of the Earth. 1941. An Ace Book. London: The Harborough Publishing Co. Ltd., 1958.
- Koestler, Arthur. Arrow In The Blue: The First Volume Of An Autobiography, 1905-31. London: Collins with Hamish Hamilton, 1952.
- Koestler, Arthur. The Invisible Writing: An Autobiography 1931-1955. London: Collins with Hamish Hamilton, 1954.
- Koestler, Arthur & Cynthia. Stranger on the Square. Ed. Harold Harris. 1984. London: Hutchinson, 1984.
- Koestler, Arthur. The Yogi and the Commissar and Other Essays. 1945. London: Jonathan Cape, 1971.
- Koestler, Arthur. Promise and Fulfilment: Palestine 1917-1949. London: Macmillan & Co, 1949.
- Koestler, Arthur. Insight and Outlook: An Inquiry into the Common Foundations of Science, Art and Social Ethics. London: Macmillan & Co, 1949.
- Koestler, Arthur. The Trail of the Dinosaur and Other Essays. London: Collins, 1955.
- Koestler, Arthur. Reflections on Hanging. London: Victor Gollancz, 1956.
- Koestler, Arthur. The Sleepwalkers: A History of Man's Changing Vision of the Universe. Introduction by Herbert Butterfield. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1959.
- Koestler, Arthur. The Sleepwalkers: A History of Man's Changing Vision of the Universe. 1959. Introduction by Herbert Butterfield. A Pelican Book. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1972.
- Koestler, Arthur. The Lotus and the Robot. London: Hutchinson, 1960.
- Koestler, Arthur. The Act of Creation. 1964. London: Hutchinson & Co. (Publishers) Ltd., 1964.
- Koestler, Arthur. The Act of Creation. 1964. Danube Edition. 1969. London: Pan Books, 1970.
- Koestler, Arthur. The Ghost in the Machine. London: Hutchinson, 1967.
- Koestler, Arthur. Drinkers of Infinity: Essays 1955-1967. London: Hutchinson, 1968.
- Koestler, Arthur. The Case of the Midwife Toad. 1971. London: Pan Books, 1974.
- Koestler, Arthur. The Roots of Coincidence. Postscript by Renée Haynes. 1972. London: Picador, 1974.
- Koestler, Arthur. The Heel of Achilles: Essays 1968-1973. 1974. London: Picador, 1976.
- Koestler, Arthur. The Thirteenth Tribe: The Khazar Empire and Its Heritage. 1976. London: Picador, 1980.
- Koestler, Arthur. Janus: A Summing Up. 1978. London: Picador, 1983.
- Koestler, Arthur. Bricks to Babel: Selected Writings with Comments by the Author. 1980. London: Picador, 1982.
- Koestler, Arthur. Kaleidoscope: Essays from Drinkers of Infinity, and The Heel of Achilles and later pieces and stories. The Danube Edition. London: Hutchinson & Co (Publishers) Ltd., 1981.
Edited & Collaborations:
- Crossman, Richard, ed. The God That Failed, by André Gide, Richard Wright, Ignazio Silone, Stephen Spender, Arthur Koestler, & Louis Fischer. 1950. New York: Bantam Books, 1959.
- Koestler, Arthur, & C. H. Rolph. Hanged by the Neck: An Exposure of Capital Punishment in England. A Penguin Special. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1961.
- Koestler, Arthur, ed. Suicide of a Nation? An Enquiry into the State of Britain Today. London: Hutchinson, 1963.
- Koestler, Arthur, & J. R. Smythies, ed. Beyond Reductionism: New Perspectives in the Life Sciences. The Alpbach Symposium 1968. London: Hutchinson, 1969.
- Koestler, Arthur, Alister Hardy & Robert Harvie, ed. The Challenge of Chance: Experiments and Speculations. 1973. London: Hutchinson, 1973.
- Atkins, John. Arthur Koestler. London: Nevill Speaman Ltd., 1956.
- Harris, Harold, ed. Astride the Two Cultures: Arthur Koestler at 70. London: Hutchinson, 1975.
- Hamilton, Iain. Koestler: A Biography. London: Secker & Warburg, 1982.
- Scammell, Michael. Koestler: The Literary and Political Odyssey of a Twentieth-Century Skeptic. New York: Random House, 2009.
Ágota Kristóf (1935-2011)
- Kristóf, Ágota. The Notebook Trilogy: The Notebook; The Proof; The Third Lie. 1986, 1988, 1991. Trans. Alan Sheridan, David Watson & Marc Romano. 1989, 1991, 1996. Afterword by Slavoj Žižek. 2013. Melbourne: The Text Publishing Company, 2016.
László Krasznahorkai (1954- )
- Krasznahorkai, László. Seiobo There Below. 2008. Trans. Ottilie Mulzet. 2013. Tuskar Rock Press. London: Profile Books Ltd., 2016.
Sándor Károly Henrik Grosschmid de Mára [Sándor Márai] (1900-1989)
- Márai, Sándor. Conversations in Bolzano. 1940. Trans. George Szirtes. 2004. London: Penguin, 2005.
Anthologies & Secondary Literature
- Weöres, Sándor, & Ferenc Juhász. Selected Poems. Trans. Edwin Morgan, & David Wevill. Penguin Modern European Poets. Ed. A. Alvarez. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1970.
- Tomas Venclova (1937- )
Tomas Venclova (1937- )
- Venclova, Tomas. The Junction: Selected Poems. 1997, 2005 & 2008. Ed. Ellen Hinsey. Trans. Ellen Hinsey, Constantine Rusanov. & Diana Senechal. 1997 & 2008. Highgreen, Tarset, Northumberland: Bloodaxe Books Ltd., 2008.
- Sholem Asch (1880-1957)
- Joseph Conrad (1857-1924)
- Witold Gombrowicz (1904-1969)
- Zbigniew Herbert (1924-1998)
- Gustaw Herling (1919-2000)
- Ryszard Kapuściński (1932-2007)
- Jerzy Kosiński (1933–1991)
- Stanisław Lem (1921-2006)
- Czesław Miłosz (1911-2004)
- Count Jan Potocki (1761–1815)
- Slavomir Rawicz (1915-2004)
- Tadeusz Różewicz (1921-2014)
- Bruno Schulz (1892-1942)
- Henryk Sienkiewicz (1846-1916)
- Isaac Bashevis Singer (1902-1991)
- I. J. Singer (1893-1944)
- Wisława Szymborska (1923-2012)
- Karol Wojtyła (1920-2005)
- Adam Zagajewski (1945- )
- Anthologies & Secondary Literature
Szalom Asz [Sholem Asch] (1880-1957)
- Asch, Sholem. From Many Countries: The Collected Short Stories of Sholem Asch. Trans. Maurice Samuel & Meyer Levin. London: Macdonald & Co. (Publishers), Ltd., 1958.
Józef Teodor Konrad Nalecz Korzeniowski [Joseph Conrad] (1857-1924)
- Conrad, Joseph. The First and Last of Conrad: Almayer's Folly; An Outcast of the Islands; The Arrow of Gold; & The Rover. 1895, 1896, 1919, & 1923. London: Ernest Benn Limited, 1929.
- Conrad, Joseph. Almayer's Folly: A Story of an Eastern River / Tales of Unrest. 1895 & 1898. Illustrated by Mick Müller & Jutta Ash. Joseph Conrad: Complete Works. Geneva: Heron Books, 1968.
- Conrad, Joseph. An Outcast of the Islands. 1896. Ed. J. H. Stape & Hans van Marle. The World's Classics. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1992.
- Conrad, Joseph. The Nigger of the 'Narcissus' / Typhoon; Amy Foster; Falk; Tomorrow. 1897 & 1903. Penguin Modern Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1970.
- Conrad, Joseph. The Nigger of the 'Narcissus' / Typhoon; Amy Foster; Falk; Tomorrow. 1897 & 1903. The Works of Joseph Conrad. Vol. 3 of 20. Edinburgh & London: John Grant, 1925.
- Conrad, Joseph. Lord Jim: A Tale. 1900. Joseph Conrad’s Works: Collected Edition. London: J. M. Dent & Sons Ltd., 1946.
- Conrad, Joseph. Lord Jim: Authoritative Text; Backgrounds; Sources; Criticism. 1900. Ed. Thomas C. Moser. A Norton Critical Edition. 1968. 2nd ed. New York & London: W. W. Norton & Company, 1996.
- Conrad, Joseph, & Ford Madox Ford. The Inheritors: An Extravagant Story / Laughing Anne: A Play / One Day More: A Play. 1901 & 1924. Illustrated by Jutta Ash. Joseph Conrad: Complete Works. Geneva: Heron Books, 1969.
- Conrad, Joseph, & Ford Madox Ford. Romance. 1903. Joseph Conrad’s Works: Collected Edition. London: J. M. Dent & Sons Ltd., 1949.
- Conrad, Joseph. Nostromo: A Tale of the Seaboard. 1904. The Works of Joseph Conrad: Uniform Edition. London & Toronto: J. M. Dent & Sons Ltd. / Paris: J. M. Dent et Fils, 1923.
- Conrad, Joseph. Nostromo. 1904. Penguin Modern Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1965.
- Conrad, Joseph. Nostromo: A Tale of the Seaboard. 1904. Ed. Martin Seymour-Smith. 1983. Penguin Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1986.
- Conrad, Joseph. Nostromo: A Tale of the Seaboard. 1904. Introduction by Richard Holmes. Lithographs by Paul Hogarth. London: The Folio Society, 1984.
- Conrad, Joseph. The Secret Agent: A Simple Tale. 1907. Penguin Modern Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1969.
- Conrad, Joseph. The Secret Agent: A Simple Tale. 1907. Penguin Modern Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1974.
- Conrad, Joseph. The Secret Agent: A Simple Tale. 1907. Ed. Roger Tennant. The World's Classics. 1983. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1996.
- Conrad, Joseph. Under Western Eyes. 1911. Penguin Modern Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1966.
- Conrad, Joseph. Chance: A Tale in Two Parts. 1913. Joseph Conrad’s Works: Collected Edition. London: J. M. Dent & Sons Ltd., 1949.
- Conrad, Joseph. Chance: A Tale in Two Parts. 1913. Penguin Modern Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1984.
- Conrad, Joseph. Victory: An Island Tale. 1915. Introduction by V. S. Pritchett. London: The Book Society, 1952.
- Conrad, Joseph. The Shadow Line: A Confession. 1917. Ed. Jacques Berthoud. Penguin Modern Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1986.
- Conrad, Joseph. The Rescue: A Romance of the Shallows. 1920. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1950.
- Conrad, Joseph. The Rescue: A Romance of the Shallows. 1920. Illustrated by Virginia Smith. Joseph Conrad: Complete Works. Geneva: Heron Books, 1969.
- Conrad, Joseph. The Rover / Tales of Hearsay. 1923 & 1925. Illustrated by Janos Kass. Joseph Conrad: Complete Works. Geneva: Heron Books, 1968.
- Conrad, Joseph. Suspense. Introduction by Richard Curle. London & Toronto: J. M. Dent & Sons Ltd., 1925.
Short Stories:
- Conrad, Joseph. Tales of Unrest [The Idiots; The Lagoon; An Outpost of Progress; The Return; Karain: A Memory]. 1898. Penguin Modern Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1977.
- Conrad, Joseph. Youth; Heart of Darkness; The End of the Tether: Three Stories. 1902. Joseph Conrad’s Works: Collected Edition. 1946. London: J. M. Dent & Sons Ltd., 1961.
- Conrad, Joseph. Youth: A Narrative; Heart of Darkness; The End of the Tether. 1902. Ed. A. J. Hoppé. Everyman’s Library. London: J. M. Dent / New York: E. P. Dutton, 1967.
- Conrad, Joseph. Two Tales of the Congo: Heart of Darkness & An Outpost of Progress. Copper-Engravings by Dolf Rieser. London: The Folio Society. 1952.
- Conrad, Joseph. Heart of Darkness: An Authoritative Text; Backgrounds and Sources; Essays in Criticism. 1899. Ed. Robert Kimbrough. A Norton Critical Edition. New York & London: W. W. Norton & Company, 1963.
- Conrad, Joseph. Heart of Darkness: An Authoritative Text; Backgrounds and Sources; Essays in Criticism. 1899. Ed. Robert Kimbrough. 1963. Second Edition. 1971. Third Edition. A Norton Critical Edition. New York & London: W. W. Norton & Company, 1988.
- Conrad, Joseph. A Set of Six [Gaspar Ruiz; The Informer; The Brute; An Anarchist; The Duel; Il Conde]. 1908. London: Methuen & Co. Ltd., 1927.
- Conrad, Joseph. ’Twixt Land and Sea: Three Tales [A Smile of Fortune; The Secret Sharer; Freya of the Seven Isles]. 1912. Penguin Modern Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1978.
- Conrad, Joseph. Within the Tides [The Planter of Malata; The Partner; The Inn of the Two Witches; Because of the Dollars]. 1915. Penguin Modern Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1978.
- Conrad, Joseph. Tales of Hearsay and Last Essays [The Warrior's Soul; Prince Roman; The Tale; The Black Mate]. 1925 & 1926. Joseph Conrad’s Works: Collected Edition. London: J. M. Dent & Sons Ltd., 1955.
- Conrad, Joseph. The Complete Short Stories
[To-morrow (1902);
Amy Foster (1901);
Karain: A Memory (1897);
The Idiots (1896);
An Outpost of Progress (1896);
The Return (1897);
The Lagoon (1896);
Youth: A Narrative (1898);
Heart of Darkness (1898-99);
The End of the Tether (1902);
Gaspar Ruiz (1904-5);
The Informer (1906);
The Brute (1906);
An Anarchist (1905);
The Duel (1908);
Il Conde (1908);
A Smile of Fortune (1910);
The Secret Sharer (1909);
Freya of the Seven Isles (1910-11);
The Planter of Malata (1914);
The Partner (1911);
The Inn of the Two Witches (1913);
Because of the Dollars (1914);
The Warrior's Soul (1915-16);
Prince Roman (1910);
The Tale (1916);
The Black Mate (1886)]. London: Hutchinson & Co. (Publishers), Ltd., [1933].
- Hynes, Samuel, ed. The Complete Short Fiction of Joseph Conrad: The Stories, Volume I [The Idiots (1896); The Lagoon (1896); An Outpost of Progress (1896);
Karain: A Memory (1897); The Return (1897); Youth: A Narrative (1898); Amy Foster (1901);
To-morrow (1902); Gaspar Ruiz: A Romantic Tale (1904-5)]. 4 vols. New York: The Ecco Press, 1991.
- Hynes, Samuel, ed. The Complete Short Fiction of Joseph Conrad: The Stories, Volume II [An Anarchist: A Desperate Tale (1905); The Informer: An Ironic Tale (1906); The Brute: An Indignant Tale (1906); The Black Mate (1886); Il Conde: A Pathetic Tale (1908); The Secret Sharer: An Episode from the Coast (1909); Prince Roman (1910); The Partner (1911); The Inn of the Two Witches: A Find (1913); Because of the Dollars (1914); The Warrior's Soul (1915-16); The Tale (1916); Appendix: The Sisters (1895)]. 4 vols. New York: The Ecco Press, 1992.
- Hynes, Samuel, ed. The Complete Short Fiction of Joseph Conrad: The Tales, Volume III [Heart of Darkness (1898-99); Typhoon (1899-1901]; The End of the Tether (1902)]. 4 vols. New York: The Ecco Press, 1992.
- Hynes, Samuel, ed. The Complete Short Fiction of Joseph Conrad: The Tales, Volume IV [Falk: A Reminiscence (1901); The Duel (1908); A Smile of Fortune (1910); Freya of the Seven Isles: A Story of Shallow Waters (1910-11); The Planter of Malata (1914)]. 4 vols. New York: The Ecco Press, 1992.
Miscellaneous Prose:
- Conrad, Joseph. The Mirror of the Sea: Memories and Impressions / A Personal Record: Some Reminiscences. 1906 & 1912. Everyman’s Library, 1189. London: J. M. Dent & Sons Ltd., 1972.
- Conrad, Joseph. Notes on Life and Letters. London & Toronto: J. M. Dent & Sons Ltd., 1921.
- Conrad, Joseph. Congo Diary and Other Uncollected Pieces. Ed. Zdzislaw Najder. New York: Doubleday & Company, Inc., 1978.
- Stape, J. H., ed. Conrad’s Congo. Preface by Adam Hochschild. London: The Folio Society, 2013.
- Conrad, Joseph. Laughing Anne & One Day More: Two Plays. Introduction by John Galsworthy. London: John Castle, 1924.
- Najder, Zdzislaw, ed. Conrad’s Polish Background: Letters to and from Polish Friends. Trans. Halina Carroll. London: Oxford University Press, 1964.
- Watts, C. T, ed. Joseph Conrad’s Letters to R. B. Cunninghame Graham. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1969.
- Baines, Jocelyn. Joseph Conrad: A Critical Biography. 1960. Pelican Biographies. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1971.
- Bradbrook, M. C. Joseph Conrad: Józef Teodor Konrad Nalecz Korzeniowski. Poland’s English Genius. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1942.
- Conrad, Borys. My Father: Joseph Conrad. London: Calder & Boyars, 1970.
- Curle, Richard. Joseph Conrad: A Study. London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co., Ltd., 1914.
- Eames, Andrew. Crossing the Shadow Line: Travels in South-East Asia. Sceptre. London: Hodder and Stoughton Paperbacks, 1986.
- Karl, Frederick R. Joseph Conrad: The Three Lives. A Biography. London: Faber, 1979.
- Sherry, Norman. Conrad's Eastern World. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1966.
- Watt, Ian, ed. Conrad: The Secret Agent. A Casebook. Casebook Series. Ed. A. E. Dyson. London: The Macmillan Press Ltd., 1973.
- Watt, Ian. Joseph Conrad: Nostromo. Landmarks of World Literature. Ed. J. P. Stern. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press Ltd., 1988.
Witold Marian Gombrowicz (1904-1969)
- Gombrowicz, Witold. Ferdydurke. 1937. Trans. Eric Mosbacher. Introduction by Czeslaw Milosz. 1961. Penguin Modern Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1986.
- Gombrowicz, Witold. Pornografia. 1960. Trans. Alastair Hamilton. 1966. Penguin Modern Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1991.
- Gombrowicz, Witold. Diary: Volume 1. Ed. Jan Kott. 1957. Trans. Lillian Vallee. Evanston, IL: Northwestern University Press, 1988.
Zbigniew Herbert (1924-1998)
- Herbert, Zbigniew. Selected Poems. Trans. Czeslaw Milosz & Peter Dale Scott. Introduction by A. Alvarez. Penguin Modern European Poets. Ed. A. Alvarez. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1968.
- Herbert, Zbigniew. The Collected Poems: 1956-1998. Trans. & ed. Alissa Valles. With Additional Translations by Czeslaw Milosz & Peter Dale Scott. Introduction by Adam Zagajewski. 2007. Ecco Paperbacks. New York: HerperCollins Publishers, 2008.
Gustaw Herling-Grudziński (1919-2000)
- Herling, Gustaw. Volcano and Miracle: A Selection from The Journal Written at Night. Trans. Ronald Strom. 1996. New York: Penguin, 1997.
Ryszard Kapuściński (1932-2007)
- Kapuściński, Ryszard. Another Day of Life. 1976. Trans. William R. Brand & Katarzyna Mroczkowska-Brand, with Klara Glowczewska. 1987. Penguin Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 2001.
- Kapuściński, Ryszard. The Emperor: Downfall of an Autocrat. 1978. Trans. William R. Brand & Katarzyna Mroczkowska-Brand. A Helen & Kurt Wolff Book. San Diego: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich Publishers, 1983.
- Kapuściński, Ryszard. Imperium. 1993. Trans. Klara Glowczewska. 1994. London: Granta Books, in association with Penguin, 1995.
- Kapuściński, Ryszard. The Shadow of the Sun: My African Life. 1998. Trans. Klara Glowczewska. 2001. Penguin Celebrations. London: Penguin, 2007.
- Kapuściński, Ryszard. Travels with Herodotus. 2004. Trans. Klara Glowczewska. 2007. London: Penguin, 2008.
Jerzy Kosiński (1933–1991)
- Kosinski, Jerzy. The Painted Bird. 1965. London: W. H. Allen & Company, 1966.
- Kosinski, Jerzy. Steps. 1968. London: The Bodley Head Ltd., 1969.
- Kosinski, Jerzy. The Devil Tree. Hart-Davis, MacGibbon Ltd. Frogmore, St Albans, Herts: Granada Publishing Limited, 1973.
Stanisław Lem (1921-2006)
- Lem, Stanisław. Hospital of the Transfiguration. [‘Czas nieutracony: Szpital przemienienia’, 1955]. Trans. William Brand. A Helen and Kurt Wolff Book. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc., 1988.
- Lem, Stanisław. The Star Diaries. [‘Dzienniki gwiazdowe’, 1957-71]. Trans. Michael Kandel. Illustrated by the Author. 1976. An Orbit Book. London: Futura, 1978.
- Lem, Stanisław. Memoirs of a Space Traveller: Further Reminiscences of Ijon Tichy. [‘Dzienniki gwiazdowe’, 1957-71]. Trans. Joel Stern & Maria Swiecicka-Ziemianek. Illustrated by the Author. 1982. A Helen and Kurt Wolff Book. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1982.
- Lem, Stanisław. Eden. [‘Eden’, 1959]. Trans. Marc E. Heine. 1989. A Helen and Kurt Wolff Book. San Diego: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich Publishers, 1989.
- Lem, Stanisław. The Investigation. ['Śledztwo', 1959]. Trans. Adele Milch. 1974. A Harvest Book. San Diego: Harcourt Brace & Company, 1986.
- Lem, Stanisław. Mortal Engines. [‘Bajki robotów’, 1961]. Trans. Michael Kandel. 1977. A Bard Book. New York: Avon Books, 1982.
- Lem, Stanisław. Tales of Pirx the Pilot / Return from the Stars / The Invincible. [‘Opowieści o pilocie Pirxie’, 1973; ‘Powrót z gwiazd’, 1961; & ‘Niezwyciężony’, 1964]. Trans. Louis Iribarne; Barbara Marszal & Frank Simpson; Wendayne Ackerman. 1979, 1980 & 1973. King Penguin. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1981.
- Lem, Stanisław. Solaris. 1961. Trans. Joanna Kilmartin & Steve Cox. 1971. London: Arrow Books, 1973.
- Lem, Stanisław. Solaris / The Chain of Chance / A Perfect Vacuum. [‘Solaris’, 1961; ‘Katar’, 1975; & ‘Doskonała próżnia’, 1971]. Trans. Joanna Kilmartin & Steve Cox; Louis Iribarne; Michael Kandel. 1971, 1978 & 1979. King Penguin. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1981.
- Lem, Stanisław. Memoirs Found in a Bathtub. [‘Pamiętnik znaleziony w wannie’, 1961]. Trans. Michael Kandel & Christine Rose. 1973. A Harvest / HBJ Book. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1986.
- Lem, Stanisław. The Invincible. [‘Niezwyciężony’, 1964]. Trans. Wendayne Ackerman. 1973. Penguin Science Fiction. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1976.
- Lem, Stanisław. Summa Technologiae. [‘Summa Technologiae’, 1964]. Trans. Joanna Zylinska. Electronic Mediations, 40. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2013.
- Lem, Stanisław. The Cyberiad: Fables for the Cybernetic Age. [‘Cyberiada’, 1967]. Trans. Michael Kandel. Illustrated by Daniel Mroz. 1974. An Orbit Book. London: Futura, 1977.
- Lem, Stanisław. His Master's Voice. [‘Głos pana’, 1968]. Trans. Michael Kandel. 1983. London: Mandarin, 1990.
- Lem, Stanisław. Microworlds: Writings on Science Fiction and Fantasy. [‘Fantastyka i futurologia’, 1970]. Ed. Franz Rottensteiner. 1984. London: Secker & Warburg, 1985.
- Lem, Stanisław. The Futurological Congress. [‘Ze wspomnień Ijona Tichego; Kongres futurologiczny’, 1971]. Trans. Michael Kandel. 1974. An Orbit Book. London: Futura, 1977.
- Lem, Stanisław. More Tales of Pirx the Pilot. [‘Opowieści o pilocie Pirxie’, 1973]. Trans. Louis Iribarne with Magdalena Majcherczyk & Michael Kandel. 1982. London: Mandarin, 1990.
- Lem, Stanisław. Imaginary Magnitude. [‘Wielkość urojona’, 1973]. Trans. Marc E. Heine. 1984. London: Mandarin, 1991.
- Lem, Stanisław. Highcastle: A Remembrance. ['Wysoki zamek', 1975]. Trans. Michael Kandel. 1995. Krakow, Poland: Pro Auctore Wojciech Zemek, 2017.
- Lem, Stanisław. The Cosmic Carnival of Stanisław Lem: An Anthology of Entertaining Stories by the Modern Master of Science Fiction. Ed. Michael Kandel. New York: Continuum, 1981.
- Lem, Stanisław. One Human Minute. ['Biblioteka XXI wieku', 1986]. Trans. Catherine S. Leach. 1986. London: Mandarin, 1991.
- Lem, Stanisław. Fiasco. [‘Fiasko’, 1986]. Trans. Michael Kandel. 1987. London: Futura, 1989.
- Lem, Stanisław. Peace on Earth: From the Memoirs of Ijon Tichy. ['Pokój na Ziemi', 1987]. Trans. Michael Kandel & Elinor Ford. 1994. A Harvest Book, A Helen and Kurt Wolff Book. San Diego: Harcourt, Inc., 2002.
- Lem, Stanisław. A Stanislaw Lem Reader. Ed. Peter Swirsky. 'Rethinking Theory' Series. Ed. Gary Saul Morson. Evanston, Illinois: Northwestern University Press, 1997.
- Raczynska, Magda, & Ra Page, ed. Lemistry: A Celebration of the Work of Stanisław Lem. Manchester: Comma Press, 2011.
- Lem, Stanisław. The Truth and Other Stories. 1956-1993. Trans. Antonia Lloyd-Jones. Foreword by Kim Stanley Robinson. Cambridge, Mass & London: The MIT Press, 2021.
Czesław Miłosz (1911-2004)
- Milosz, Czeslaw. New and Collected Poems: 1931-2001. Ed. & trans. Robert Hass. 2001. New York: Ecco Press, 2003.
- Milosz, Czeslaw. Native Realm: A Search for Self Definition. Trans. Catherine S. Leach. 1968. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1988.
- Milosz, Czeslaw. To Begin Where I Am: Selected Essays. Ed. Bogdana Carpenter & Madeline G. Levine. 2001. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2002.
- Milosz, Czeslaw, ed & trans. Post-War Polish Poetry. 1965. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1970.
- Milosz, Czeslaw, ed. A Book of Luminous Things: An International Anthology of Poetry. 1996. A Harvest Book. San Diego, New York & London: Harcourt Brace & Company, 1998.
Count Jan Nepomucen Potocki (1761–1815)
- Potocki, Jean. Manuscrit trouvé à Saragosse: Première edition intégrale. Ed. René Radrizzani. Paris: Librairie José Corti, 1989.
- Potocki, Jan. The Manuscript Found in Saragossa. 1989. Trans. Ian Maclean. 1995. Penguin Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1996.
Slavomir Rawicz (1915-2004)
- Rawicz, Slavomir. The Long Walk. 1956. London: Pan Books, 1971.
Tadeusz Różewicz (1921-2014)
- Rozewicz, Tadeusz. Selected Poems. Trans. Adam Czerniawski. Penguin Modern European Poets. Ed. A. Alvarez. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1976.
Bruno Schulz (1892-1942)
- Schulz, Bruno. The Street of Crocodiles. 1934. Trans. Celina Wienieska. 1963. London: Picador, 1980.
- Schulz, Bruno. Sanatorium Under the Sign of the Hourglass. 1937. Trans. Celina Wienieska. Introduction by John Updike. 1979. London: Picador, 1980.
- Ficowski, Jerzy. Regions of the Great Heresy: Bruno Schulz, a Biographical Portrait. Trans. Theodosia Robertson. New York: W. W. Norton, 2003.
Henryk Adam Aleksander Pius Sienkiewicz (1846-1916)
- Sienkiewicz, Henryk. Quo Vadis? (Whither Goest Thou?) A Tale of the Time of Nero. London: George Routledge & Sons, Ltd. n.d.
Isaac Bashevis Singer (1902-1991)
- Singer, Isaac Bashevis. Satan in Goray. 1935. Trans. Jacob Sloan. 1958. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1981.
- Singer, Isaac Bashevis. The Family Moskat. 1950. Trans. A. H. Gross. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1980.
- Singer, Isaac Bashevis. The Magician of Lublin. 1960. Trans. Elaine Gottlieb & Joseph Singer. A Four Square Book. London: New English Library Limited, 1963.
- Singer, Isaac Bashevis. The Slave. 1962. Trans by the Author & Cecil Hemley. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1974.
- Singer, Isaac Bashevis. The Manor. 1967. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1975.
- Singer, Isaac Bashevis. The Estate. 1969. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1975.
- Singer, Isaac Bashevis. Enemies: A Love Story. 1972. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1980.
- Singer, Isaac Bashevis. Shosha. 1978. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1980.
- Singer, Isaac Bashevis. Gimpel the Fool and Other Stories. 1957. An Avon Library Book. New York: Avon Books, 1969.
- Singer, Isaac Bashevis. The Spinoza of Market Street. 1961. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1981.
- Singer, Isaac Bashevis. Short Friday and Other Stories. 1964. New York: Fawcett Crest Books, 1978.
- Singer, Isaac Bashevis. The Séance and Other Stories. 1968. Bard Books. New York: Avon Books, 1972.
- Singer, Isaac Bashevis. A Friend of Kafka and Other Stories. 1970. A Delta Book. New York: Dell Publishing Co., Inc., 1972.
- Singer, Isaac Bashevis. Passions and Other Stories. 1975. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1979.
- Singer, Isaac Bashevis. Old Love. 1979. London: Jonathan Cape, 1980.
- Singer, Isaac Bashevis. The Penguin Collected Stories of Isaac Bashevis Singer. 1982. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1984.
- Singer, Isaac Bashevis. Collected Stories. One Night in Brazil to The Death of Methuselah: Old Love / The Collected Stories / The Image & Other Stories / Gifts / The Death of Methuselah & Other Stories / Uncollected Stories. Ed. Ilan Stavans. Vol. 3 of 3. The Library of America, 151. New York: Literary Classics of the United States, Inc., 2004.
Children's Stories:
- Singer, Isaac Bashevis. Joseph and Koza, or The Sacrifice to the Vistula. Trans. the author & Elizabeth Shuh. Pictures by Symeon Shimin. New York: Farrar Straus & Giroux, 1970.
- Singer, Isaac Bashevis. The Power of Light: Eight Stories for Hanukkah. Illustrations by Irene Lieblich. 1980. London: Robson Books, 1983.
- Singer, Isaac Bashevis. In My Father’s Court: A Memoir. 1966. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1980.
Israel Joshua Singer (1893-1944)
- Singer, I. J. The Brothers Ashkenazi. Trans. Maurice Samuel. London: Putnam & Company, 1936.
Maria Wisława Anna Szymborska (1923-2012)
- Szymborska, Wisława. Poems, New and Collected: 1957-1997. Trans. Stanisław Barańczak & Clare Cavanagh. 1998. A Harvest Book. San Diego, New York, London: Harcourt, Inc., 2000.
Olga Nawoja Tokarczuk (1962- )
- Tokarczuk, Olga. The Books of Jacob, or: A Fantastic Journey Across Seven Borders, Five Languages, and Three Major Religions, Not Counting the Minor Sects. Told by the Dead, Supplemented by the Author, Drawing from a Range of Books, and Aided by Imagination, the Which Being the Greatest Natural Gift of Any Person. That the Wise Might Have It for a Record, That My Compatriots Reflect, Laypersons Gain Some Understanding, and Melancholy Souls Obtain Some Slight Enjoyment. 2014. Trans. Jennifer Croft. Melbourne: The Text Publishing Company, 2021.
Karol Józef Wojtyła, Pope John Paul II (1920-2005)
- Wojtyla, Karol. The Collected Plays and Writings on Theatre. Trans. Boleslaw Taborski. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1987.
Adam Zagajewski (1945- )
- Zagajewski, Adam. Selected Poems. Trans. Clare Cavanagh, Renata Gorczynski, Benjamin Ivry & C. K. Williams. London: Faber, 2004.
Anthologies & Secondary Literature
- Wieniewska, Celina, ed. Polish Writing Today. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1967.
- Milorad Pavić (1929-2009)
- Vasko Popa (1922-1991)
- Anthologies & Secondary Literature
Milorad Pavić (1929-2009)
- Pavic, Milorad. Dictionary of the Khazars: A Lexicon Novel in 100,000 words (Male Edition). Trans. Christina Pribicevic-Zoric. 1988. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1989.
Vasile [Vasko] Popa (1922-1991)
- Popa, Vasko. Selected Poems. Trans. Anne Pennington. Introduction by Ted Hughes. Penguin Modern European Poets. Ed. A. Alvarez. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1969.
Anthologies & Secondary Literature
- Johnson, Bernard, ed. New Writing in Yugoslavia. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1970.
1, 2 … = shelf numbers counting downwards
[…] = bound Xerox copy
[1] Outsize & Miscellaneous
[2] Arabic & Persian Literature
[3] Arabic & Persian Literature (cont.)
[4] Hungarian Literature
[5] Jewish Literature (cont.)
[6] Netherlands Literature (cont.)
[7] Swedish Literature (cont.)
- Curtis International / Library of Knowledge. Renaissance to Revolution. Philadelphia: Curtis Books / London: Aldus Books, 1968.
- Kramer, Samuel Noah & the Editors of Time-Life Books. Cradle of Civilization. 1967. Ed. Leonard Krieger. Rev. E. W. C. Wilkins. Preface by Thorkild Jacobsen. Great Ages of Man: A History of the World’s Cultures. Nederland: Time-Life International B.V., 1975.
- Casson, Lionel & the Editors of Time-Life Books. Ancient Egypt. 1965. Ed. Leonard Krieger. Preface by John A. Wilson. Great Ages of Man: A History of the World’s Cultures. Nederland: Time-Life International B.V., 1975.
- Schafer, Edward H. & the Editors of Time-Life Books. Ancient China. 1967. Ed. Leonard Krieger. Preface by David Hawkes. Great Ages of Man: A History of the World’s Cultures. Nederland: Time-Life International B.V., 1975.
- Schulberg, Lucille & the Editors of Time-Life Books. Historic India. 1968. Ed. Leonard Krieger. Rev. E. W. C. Wilkins. Preface by Percival Spear. Great Ages of Man: A History of the World’s Cultures. Nederland: Time-Life International B.V., 1976.
- Leonard, Jonathan Norton & the Editors of Time-Life Books. Early Japan. 1968. Ed. Leonard Krieger. Preface by L. E. Baragwanath. Great Ages of Man: A History of the World’s Cultures. Nederland: Time-Life International B.V., 1978.
- Davidson, Basil & the Editors of Time-Life Books. African Kingdoms. 1966. Ed. Leonard Krieger. Rev. E. W. C. Wilkins. Preface by Roland Oliver. Great Ages of Man: A History of the World’s Cultures. Nederland: Time-Life International B.V., 1975.
- Leonard, Jonathan Norton & the Editors of Time-Life Books. Ancient America. 1967. Ed. Leonard Krieger. Preface by Victor Andrew Belaunde. Great Ages of Man: A History of the World’s Cultures. Nederland: Time-Life International B.V., 1968.
- Bowra, C. M. & the Editors of Time-Life Books. Classical Greece. 1965. Ed. Leonard Krieger. Preface by Homer A. Thompson. Great Ages of Man: A History of the World’s Cultures. Nederland: Time-Life International B.V., 1975.
- Hadas, Moses & the Editors of Time-Life Books. Imperial Rome. 1965. Ed. Leonard Krieger. Preface by T. Robert S. Broughton. Great Ages of Man: A History of the World’s Cultures. Nederland: Time-Life International B.V., 1974.
- Sherrard, Philip & the Editors of Time-Life Books. Byzantium. 1966. Ed. Leonard Krieger. Rev. E. W. C. Wilkins. Preface by Dimitri Obolensky. Great Ages of Man: A History of the World’s Cultures. Nederland: Time-Life International B.V., 1972.
- Stewart, Desmond & the Editors of Time-Life Books. Early Islam. 1967. Ed. Leonard Krieger. Rev. E. W. C. Wilkins. Preface by Philip K. Hitti. Great Ages of Man: A History of the World’s Cultures. Nederland: Time-Life International B.V., 1975.
- Wallace, Robert & the Editors of Time-Life Books. Rise of Russia. 1967. Ed. Leonard Krieger. Rev. E. W. C. Wilkins. Preface by W. Averell Harriman. Great Ages of Man: A History of the World’s Cultures. Nederland: Time-Life International B.V., 1975.
- Simons, Gerald & the Editors of Time-Life Books. The Birth of Europe. 1968. Ed. Leonard Krieger. Rev. E. W. C. Wilkins. Preface by J. M. Wallace-Hadrill. Great Ages of Man: A History of the World’s Cultures. Nederland: Time-Life International B.V., 1969.
- Fremantle, Anne & the Editors of Time-Life Books. Age of Faith. 1965. Ed. Leonard Krieger. Preface by Robert S. Lopez. Great Ages of Man: A History of the World’s Cultures. Nederland: Time-Life International B.V., 1972.
- Hale, John R. & the Editors of Time-Life Books. Renaissance. 1965. Ed. Leonard Krieger. Rev. E. W. C. Wilkins. Preface by J. H. Hexter. Great Ages of Man: A History of the World’s Cultures. Nederland: Time-Life International B.V., 1975.
- Simon, Edith & the Editors of Time-Life Books. The Reformation. 1966. Ed. Leonard Krieger & Richard C. Marius. Rev. E. W. C. Wilkins. Preface by Robert Londin. Great Ages of Man: A History of the World’s Cultures. Nederland: Time-Life International B.V., 1974.
- Hale, John R. & the Editors of Time-Life Books. Age of Exploration. 1966. Ed. Leonard Krieger. Preface by J. H. Parry. Great Ages of Man: A History of the World’s Cultures. Nederland: Time-Life International B.V., 1972.
- Blitzer, Charles & the Editors of Time-Life Books. Age of Kings. 1967. Ed. Leonard Krieger. Rev. E. W. C. Wilkins. Preface by Carl J. Friedrich. Great Ages of Man: A History of the World’s Cultures. Nederland: Time-Life International B.V., 1975.
- Gay, Peter & the Editors of Time-Life Books. Age of Enlightenment. 1966. Ed. Leonard Krieger. Rev. E. W. C. Wilkins. Preface by Crane Brinton. Great Ages of Man: A History of the World’s Cultures. Nederland: Time-Life International B.V., 1974.
- Burchell, Samuel C. & the Editors of Time-Life Books. Age of Progress. 1966. Ed. Leonard Krieger. Rev. E. W. C. Wilkins. Preface by Sir Denis Brogan. Great Ages of Man: A History of the World’s Cultures. Nederland: Time-Life International B.V., 1971.
- Colton, Joel & the Editors of Time-Life Books. Twentieth Century. 1970. Ed. Leonard Krieger. Rev. E. W. C. Wilkins. Preface by the Editors of Time-Life Books. Epilogue by William G. McNeill. Great Ages of Man: A History of the World’s Cultures. Nederland: Time-Life International B.V., 1974.
Casanova, Giacomo di Seingalt. The Memoirs of Giacomo Casanova di Seingalt. Translated into English by Arthur Machen. Privately Printed for Subscribers Only. 1894. Limited Edition of 1,000 numbered sets. 12 Volumes. [+ The Twelfth Volume of the Memoirs of Giacomo Casanova; Containing Chapters VII. and VIII. Never Before Printed; Discovered and Translated by Mr. Arthur Symons; and Complete with an Index and Maps by Mr. Thomas Wright]. London: The Casanova Society, 1922[-1923].
- Vol. 1
- Vol. 2
- Vol. 3
- Vol. 4
- Vol. 5
- Vol. 6
- Vol. 7
- Vol. 8
- Vol. 9
- Vol. 10
- Vol. 11
- Vol. 12
- Arberry, Arthur J., trans. Modern Arabic Poetry: An Anthology with English Verse Translations. Cambridge Oriental Series, 1. London: Taylor's Foreign Press, 1950.
- Barber, Richard. The Arthurian Legends: An Illustrated Anthology. 1979. The Boydell Press. Woodbridge, Suffolk: Boydell & Brewer Ltd., 1991.
- Lipton, James. An Exaltation of Larks or, The Venereal Game. 1968. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1977.
- Muir, Percy. Victorian Illustrated Books. 1971. London: Portman Books, 1989.
- Singer, Isaac Bashevis. Joseph and Koza, or The Sacrifice to the Vistula. Trans. the author & Elizabeth Shuh. Pictures by Symeon Shimin. New York: Farrar Straus & Giroux, 1970.
- Volavková, Hana, Anita Franková & Hana Povolná, ed. I have not seen a butterfly around here: Children’s drawings and poems from Terezín. 1955. Trans. Joy Kadečková, Jeanne Nĕmcová & Edith Pargeretová. Prague: The Jewish Museum, 1993.
Shelf 2:
[Arabic & Persian Literature]
- Dawood, N. J., trans. The Koran: With Parallel Arabic Text. Penguin Classics. 1956. Harmondsworth: Penguin Books, 1990.
- Bell, Gertrude. The Letters. Ed. Lady Bell. 1927. London: Ernest Benn Limited, 1930.
- Howell, Georgina. Daughter of the Desert: The Remarkable Life of Gertrude Bell. 2006. Pan Books. London: Pan Macmillan Ltd., 2007.
- Blunt, Wilfrid Scawen. Poems. Ed. Floyd Dell. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1923.
- Longford, Elizabeth. A Pilgrimage of Passion: The Life of Wilfrid Scawen Blunt. 1979. London: Granada, 1982.
- Brent, Peter. Far Arabia: Explorers of the Myth. 1977. London: Quartet Books, 1979.
- Eberhardt, Isabelle. The Passionate Nomad: The Diary of Isabelle Eberhardt. Trans. Nina de Voogd. Ed. Rana Kabbani. London: Virago, 1987.
- Morier, James. The Adventures of Hajji Baba of Ispahan. 1824. New York: Hart, 1976.
- Said, Edward W. Orientalism. 1978. Afterword. 1995. Preface. Penguin Classics. London: Penguin, 2003.
- Bruce, Ian, ed. The Nun of Lebanon: The Love Affair of Lady Hester Stanhope and Michael Bruce. Their Newly Discovered Letters. London: Collins, 1951.
- Stark, Freya. The Valleys of the Assassins and Other Persian Travels. 1934. London: John Murray, 1937.
- Verrier, Michelle. The Orientalists. All Colour Paperback. London: Academy Editions, 1979.
- al-Udhari, Abdullah, trans. Victims of a Map: Mahmud Darwish; Samih al-Qasim; Adonis. A Bilingual Anthology of Arabic Poetry. London: Al Saqi books, 1984.
- Darwish, Mahmoud. The Butterfly's Burden. Trans. Fady Joudah. 2007. Highgreen, Tarset, Northumberland: Bloodaxe Books Ltd., 2008.
- Faqih, Ahmad. Gardens of the Night: A Trilogy. Trans. Russell Harris, Amin al-Ayouti & Suraya Allam. London: Quartet Books, 1995.
- Maalouf, Amin. Leo the African. 1986. Trans. Peter Sluglett. 1988. London: Abacus, 1995.
- Mahfouz, Naguib. Palace Walk: The Cairo Trilogy 1. 1956. Trans. William Maynard Hutchins & Olive E. Kenny. 1990. London: Doubleday, 1991.
- Mahfouz, Naguib. Palace of Desire: The Cairo Trilogy 2. 1957. Trans. William Maynard Hutchins, Lorne M. Kenny & Olive E. Kenny. London: Doubleday, 1991.
- Mahfouz, Naguib. Sugar Street: The Cairo Trilogy 3. 1957. Trans. William Maynard Hutchins & Angèle Botros Samaan. 1992. London: Doubleday, 1993.
- Mahfouz, Naguib. Autumn Quail. 1962. Trans. Roger Allen. Rev. John Rodenbeck. 1985. Anchor Books. New York: Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group, Inc., 1990.
- Mahfouz, Naguib. Respected Sir / Wedding Song / The Search. 1975, 1981, 1964. Trans. Rasheed El-Enanay; Olive E. Kenny (ed. Mursi Saad El Din & John Rodenbeck); Mohamed Islam (ed. Magdi Wahba). 1986, 1984, 1987. New York: Anchor Books, 2001.
- Mahfouz, Naguib. The Beggar. 1965. Trans. Kristin Walker Henry & Nariman Naili al-Warraki. 1986. New York: Doubleday, 1990.
- Mahfouz, Naguib. Adrift on the Nile. 1966. Trans. France Liardet. 1986. New York: Doubleday, 1994.
- Mahfouz, Naguib. The Harafish. 1977. Trans. Catherine Cobham. 1994. New York: Doubleday, 1995.
- Mahfouz, Naguib. Arabian Nights and Days. 1982. Trans. Denys Johnson-Davies. New York: Doubleday, 1995.
- Mahfouz, Naguib. Before the Throne: Dialogues with Egypt's Great from Menes to Anwar Sadat. 1983. Trans. Raymond Stock. Anchor Books. New York: Random House, Inc., 2009.
- Mahfouz, Naguib. Akhenaten: Dweller in Truth. 1985. Trans. Tagreid Abu-Hassaba. 1998. New York: Anchor Books, 2000.
- Mahfouz, Naguib. Morning and Evening Talk: A Novel. 1987. Trans. Christina Phillips. 2007. Anchor Books. New York: Random House, Inc., 2009.
- Mahfouz, Naguib. Echoes of an Autobiography. 1994. Trans. Denys Johnson-Davies. 1994. New York: Anchor Books / Doubleday, 1997.
- Rumi, Jalal al-Din. Tales from the Masnavi. Trans. A. J. Arberry. 1961. London: George Allen & Unwin, 1968.
- Hamilton, Iain. Koestler: A Biography. London: Secker & Warburg, 1982.
- Scammell, Michael. Koestler: The Literary and Political Odyssey of a Twentieth-Century Skeptic. New York: Random House, 2009.
Shelf 3:
[Arabic & Persian Literature] (cont.)
- Attar, Farid ud-Din. The Conference of the Birds. Trans. Afkham Darbandi and Dick Davis. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1984.
- Attar, Farid ud-Din. The Conference of the Birds, Mantiq ut-Tair: A Philosophical Religious Poem in Prose - Rendered into English from the Literal and Complete French Translation of Garcin de Tassy. Trans. C. S. Nott. 1954. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1967.
- Boochani, Behrouz. No Friend but the Mountains: Writing from Manus Prison. Trans. Omid Tofighian. 2018. Picador. Sydney: Pan Macmillan Australia Pty Ltd, 2019.
- Dole, Nathan Haskell, & Belle M. Walker, eds. The Persian Poets. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell, 1901.
Ernst, Paul, ed. Erzählungen aus tausendundein Tag; Vermehrt um andere Morgenländische Geschichten. Trans. Felix Paul Greve and Paul Hansmann. 2 vols. Frankfurt: Insel Verlag, 1987.
- Vol. 1
- Vol. 2
- Fehse, Willi, ed. The Thousand and One Days. Trans. Anthea Bell. London: Abelard-Schumann, 1971.
- McCarthy, J., trans. The Thousand and One Days: Persian Tales. Vol. 1 of 2. London: Chatto, 1892.
- Ferdowsi. The Epic of the Kings: Shah-Nama, the National Epic of Persia. Trans. Reuben Levy. 1967. Rev. Amin Banani. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1985.
- Ferdowsi, Abolqasem. Shahnameh: The Persian Book of Kings. Trans. Dick Davis. 2007. Rev. ed. Foreword by Azar Nafisi. Penguin Classics. London: Penguin, 2016.
- Ganjavi, Nizami. Haft Paykar: A Medieval Persian Romance. 1197. Trans. Julie Scott Meisami. World’s Classics. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1995.
- Hilu, Virginia, ed. Beloved Prophet: the Love Letters of Kahlil Gibran and Mary Haskell and her Private Journal. 1972. London: Quartet, 1973.
Dole, Nathan Haskell, ed. Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám: Multi-Variorum Edition. English, French, German, Italian and Danish Translations Comparatively Arranged in Accordance with the the Text of Edward Fitzgerald's Version, with Further Selections, Notes, Biographies, Bibliographies, and Other Material. 2 vols. Boston: L. C. Page and Company (Incorporated) / London: Macmillan & Co., Limited., 1898.
- Vol. 1
- Vol. 2
- Fitzgerald, Edward, trans. The Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám and Six Plays of Calderon. Everyman’s Library 819. 1928. London & New York: J. M. Dent & E. P. Dutton, 1948.
- Arberry, A. J., ed. The Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám and Other Persian Poems: An Anthology of Verse Translations. Everyman’s Library 1996. London & New York: Dent & Dutton, 1954.
- Fitzgerald, Edward, trans. Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám. Courage and Friendship Booklets, 2. Auckland: Whitcombe & Tombs, n.d. [1941]
- Graves, Robert, & Omar Ali-Shah, trans. The Rubaiyyat of Omar Khayaam: A New Translation with Critical Commentaries. 1967. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1972.
- Avery, Peter, & John Heath-Stubbs, trans. The Ruba’iyat of Omar Khayyam. 1979. Penguin Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1981.
- Levy, Reuben, trans. The Three Dervishes and other Persian Tales and Legends. Oxford: Humphrey Milford, 1923.
- Nafizi, Azar. Reading Lolita in Tehran: A Memoir in Books. 2003. Random House Trade Paperbacks. New York: Random House, Inc., 2004.
- Olcott, Frances Jenkins. Tales of the Persian Genii. Illustrated by Willy Pogany. London: George G. Harrap & Company Limited, 1919.
- Pickard, William Bashyr. The Adventures of Alcassim: An Iranian Entertainment. London: Jonathan Cape, 1936.
- Pétis de la Croix, ed. The Persian and Turkish Tales, compleat. Trans. Dr. King. Vol. 2 of 2. London: Richard Ware, 1714.
- Rumi, Jalal al-Din. Selected Poems. Trans. Coleman Banks, with John Moyne, A. J. Arberry & Reynold Nicholson. As 'The Essential Rumi', 1995. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 2004.
- Sadi. Gulistan or Flower-Garden. Trans. James Ross. Ed. Charles Sayle. London: Walter Scott, n.d. [c.1890].
- Safâ, Z., ed. Anthologie de la poésie persane: XIe-XXe siècle. Trans. G. Lazard, R. Lescot & H. Massé. Paris: Éditions Gallimard, 1964.
- Varâvini, Sa’d al-Dîn. Contes du Prince Marzbân. 1220. Trans. Marie-Hélène Ponroy. Connaissance de l’Orient. Paris: Gallimard, 1992.
[Czech Literature]
- Čapek, Josef & Karel. R.U.R. & The Insect Play. 1923. Trans. Paul Selver. Adapted by Nigel Playfair & Clifford Bax. Oxford Paperbacks. 1961. London: Oxford University Press, 1973.
- Čapek, Karel. Apocryphal Stories. 1945. Trans. Dora Round. 1949. Penguin Modern Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1975.
- Comenius, John Amos. Orbis Pictus: A Facsimile of the First English Edition of 1659. The Juvenile Library. Introduction by John Sadler. London: Oxford University Press, 1968.
- Hašek, Jaroslav. The Good Soldier Schweik. Trans. Paul Selver. Illustrations by Josef Lada. 1930. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1952.
- Hašek, Jaroslav. The Good Soldier Švejk and His Fortunes in the World War. Trans. Cecil Parrott. Illustrations by Josef Lada. 1973. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1978.
- Hašek, Jaroslav. The Red Commissar: Including Further Adventures of the Good Soldier Švejk and Other Stories. Trans. Cecil Parrott. Illustrations by Josef Lada. 1981. London: Abacus, 1983.
- Parrott, Sir Cecil. The Bad Bohemian: A Life of Jaroslav Hašek, Creator of the Good Soldier Švejk. 1978. London: Abacus, 1983.
- Havel, Václav. Letters to Olga. 1983. Trans. Paul Wilson. 1988. London: Faber, 1990.
- Holub, Miroslav. Poems Before & After: Collected English Translations. Trans. Ian & Jarmila Milner, Ewald Osers & George Theiner. 1990. Newcastle upon Tyne: Bloodaxe Books Ltd., 1995.
- Kundera, Milan. The Joke. 1967. Trans. Michael Henry Heim. 1982. King Penguin. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1984.
- Kundera, Milan. Laughable Loves. 1969. Trans. Suzanne Rappaport. Introduction by Philip Roth. 1974. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1987.
- Kundera, Milan. Life is Elsewhere. 1973. Trans. Peter Kussi. 1986. London: Faber, 1988.
- Kundera, Milan. The Farewell Party. 1976. Trans. Peter Kussi. 1977. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1986.
- Kundera, Milan. The Book of Laughter and Forgetting. 1979. Trans. Michael Henry Heim. 1980. King Penguin. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1987.
- Kundera, Milan. Jacques and His Master. 1981. Trans. Simon Callow. London: Faber, 1986.
- Kundera, Milan. The Unbearable Lightness of Being. 1984. Trans. Michael Henry Heim. 1984. London: Faber, 1987.
- Kundera, Milan. The Art of the Novel. 1986. Trans. Linda Asher. London: Faber, 1988.
- Kundera, Milan. Immortality. Trans. Peter Kussi. London: Faber, 1991.
- Kundera, Milan. Les testaments trahis: essai. 1993. Collection Folio. Paris: Gallimard, 2003.
- Kundera, Milan. La lenteur. 1995. Postface de François Ricard. 1998. Collection Folio. Paris: Gallimard, 2003.
- Kundera, Milan. L’identité. 1997. Postface de François Ricard. 2000. Collection Folio. Paris: Gallimard, 2003.
- Kundera, Milan. L’ignorance: roman. 2000. Paris: Gallimard, 2003.
- Kundera, Milan. Ignorance. 2002. Trans. Linda Asher. London: Faber, 2003.
- Perutz, Leo. The Marquis of Bolibar. 1926. Trans. John Brownjohn. London: Collins Harvill, 1989.
- Perutz, Leo. By Night under the Stone Bridge. 1975. Trans. Eric Mosbacher. London: Collins Harvill, 1991.
- Polansky, Paul. Living through it Twice: Poems of the Romany Holocaust (1940-1997). Prague: G plus G, 1998.
- Eyewitness Travel Guides: Prague. Main Contributor: Vladimir Soukup. 1994. London: Dorling Kindersley Ltd., 2004.
- Fárrová, Anna. Josef Sudek. Trans. Derek Paton. Prague: Torst, 2002.
- Vaculík, Ludvík. The Guinea Pigs. 1971. Trans. Káča Poláčková. 1973. Writers from the Other Europe. ed. Philip Roth. Introduction by Neal Ascherson. New York: Penguin, 1975.
- Esslin, Martin, ed. Three East European Plays – Julius Hay: The Horse; Václav Havel: The Memorandum; Slawomir Mrozek: Tango. Trans. Peter Hay; Nicholas Bethell & Tom Stoppard; Vera Blackwell. 1964, 1967, 1968. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1970.
[Danish Literature]
- Ditlevsen, Tove. The Trouble with Happiness. 1952, 1963. Trans. Michael Favala Goldman. Modern Classics. London: Penguin, 2023.
- Dru, Alexander, trans. The Journals of Søren Kierkegaard: A Selection, 1834-1854. 1938. The Fontana Library. London: Collins, 1958.
- Kierkegaard, Søren. The Last Years; Journals 1853-1855. Trans. Ronald Gregor Smith. 1965. The Fontana Library. London: Collins, 1968.
- Hollander, Lee M., trans. Selections from the Writings of Kierkegaard. 1923. A Doubleday Anchor Book. New York: Anchor Books., 1960.
- Kierkegaard, Søren. Purity of Heart is to Will One Thing; Spiritual Preparation fro the Office of Confession. Trans. Douglas Steere. 1938. The Fontana Library. London: Collins, 1961.
- Kierkegaard, Søren. Fear and Trembling & The Sickness Unto Death. Trans. Walter Lowrie. 1941. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1974.
- Kierkegaard, Søren. Concluding Unscientific Postscript. Trans. David F. Swenson & Walter Lowrie. American Scandinavian Foundation. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, n.d.
- Kierkegaard, Søren. Edifying Discourses: A Selection. Trans. David F. & Lilian Marvin Swenson. 1944. Ed. Paul L. Holmer. The Fontana Library. London: Collins, 1958.
- Lowrie, Walter. Kierkegaard. Vol. 1. 1938. Harper Torchbooks. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1962.
[Finnish Literature]
Lönnrot, Elias. Kalevala: The Land of the Heroes. Trans. W. F. Kirby. 2 vols. Everyman’s Library 259 & 260. 1907. London & New York: J. M. Dent and Sons & E. P. Dutton & Co., inc., 1951.
- Vol. 1
- Vol. 2
- Lönnrot, Elias. The Kalevala, or Poems of the Kaleva District. Trans. Francis Peabody Magoun, Jr. 1963. Cambridge, Massachusetts & London: Harvard University Press, 1969.
- Lönnrot, Elias. The Kalevala: An Epic Poem after Oral Tradition. Trans. Keith Bosley. Foreword by Albert B. Lord. 1989. Oxford World’s Classics. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999.
- Lönnrot, Elias. The Kanteletar: Lyrics and Ballads after Oral Tradition. Trans. Keith Bosley. The World’s Classics. Oxford & New York: Oxford University Press, 1992.
- Linna, Väinö. The Unknown Soldier. 1954. Trans. 1957. Porvoo / Helsinki / Juva: Werner Söderström Osakeyhtiö, 1991.
- Arnothy, Christine. I Am Fifteen and I Do Not Want to Die. ['J'ai quinze ans et je ne veux pas mourir', 1954]. Trans. Antonia White. London: Collins, 1956.
- Gárdonyi, Géza. Slave of the Huns. 1901. Trans. Andrew Feldmar. Illustrated by Victor C. Ambrus. 1969. A Peacock Book. Harmondsworth: Penguin. 1973.
- Crossman, Richard, ed. The God That Failed, by André Gide, Richard Wright, Ignazio Silone, Stephen Spender, Arthur Koestler, & Louis Fischer. 1950. New York: Bantam Books, 1959.
- Koestler, Arthur. Spanish Testament. Trans. Trevor & Phyllis Blewitt. Left Book Club Edition. London: Gollancz, 1937.
- Koestler, Arthur. Dialogue with Death. Trans. Trevor & Phyllis Blewitt. 1937. Abridged ed. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1942.
- Koestler, Arthur. Dialogue with Death. Trans. Trevor & Phyllis Blewitt. 1937. Abridged ed., 1942. Rev. Danube ed., 1966. London: Papermac, 1983.
- Koestler, Arthur. The Gladiators. Trans. Edith Simon. 1939. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1947.
- Koestler, Arthur. Darkness at Noon. 1940. Trans. Daphne Hardy. Penguin Modern Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin. 1973.
- Koestler, Arthur. Darkness at Noon: The New Translation of the Rediscovered Manuscript. 1941. Trans. Philip Boehm. Introduction by Michael Scammell. Vintage Koestler. London: Penguin Random House UK. 2019..
- Koestler, Arthur. Scum of the Earth. London: Jonathan Cape, 1941.
- Koestler, Arthur. Scum of the Earth. 1941. An Ace Book. London: The Harborough Publishing Co. Ltd., 1958.
- Koestler, Arthur. Arrival and Departure. 1943. Harmondsworth: Penguin. 1969.
- Koestler, Arthur. The Yogi and the Commissar and Other Essays. 1945. London: Jonathan Cape, 1971.
- Koestler, Arthur. Twilght Bar: An Escapade in Four Acts. London: Jonathan Cape, 1945.
- Koestler, Arthur. Thieves in the Night: Chronicle of an Experiment. 1946. London: Macmillan & Co., 1947.
- Koestler, Arthur. Promise and Fulfilment: Palestine 1917-1949. London: Macmillan & Co, 1949.
- Koestler, Arthur. Insight and Outlook: An Inquiry into the Common Foundations of Science, Art and Social Ethics. London: Macmillan & Co, 1949.
- Koestler, Arthur. The Age of Longing. 1951. London: Collins, 1951.
- Koestler, Arthur. Arrow In The Blue: The First Volume Of An Autobiography, 1905-31. London: Collins with Hamish Hamilton, 1952.
- Koestler, Arthur. The Invisible Writing: An Autobiography 1931-1955. London: Collins with Hamish Hamilton, 1954.
- Koestler, Arthur. The Trail of the Dinosaur and Other Essays. London: Collins, 1955.
- Koestler, Arthur. Reflections on Hanging. London: Victor Gollancz, 1956.
- Koestler, Arthur. The Sleepwalkers: A History of Man's Changing Vision of the Universe. Introduction by Herbert Butterfield. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1959.
- Koestler, Arthur. The Sleepwalkers: A History of Man's Changing Vision of the Universe. 1959. Introduction by Herbert Butterfield. A Pelican Book. Harmondsworth: Penguin. 1972.
- Koestler, Arthur. The Lotus and the Robot. London: Hutchinson, 1960.
- Koestler, Arthur, & C. H. Rolph. Hanged by the Neck: An Exposure of Capital Punishment in England. A Penguin Special. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1961.
- Koestler, Arthur, ed. Suicide of a Nation? An Enquiry into the State of Britain Today. London: Hutchinson, 1963.
- Koestler, Arthur. The Act of Creation. 1964. London: Hutchinson & Co. (Publishers) Ltd., 1964.
- Koestler, Arthur. The Act of Creation. 1964. Danube Edition. 1969. London: Pan Books, 1970.
- Koestler, Arthur. The Ghost in the Machine. London: Hutchinson, 1967.
- Koestler, Arthur. Drinkers of Infinity: Essays 1955-1967. London: Hutchinson, 1968.
- Koestler, Arthur, & J. R. Smythies, ed. Beyond Reductionism: New Perspectives in the Life Sciences. The Alpbach Symposium 1968. London: Hutchinson, 1969.
- Koestler, Arthur. The Case of the Midwife Toad. 1971. London: Pan Books, 1974.
- Koestler, Arthur. The Roots of Coincidence. Postscript by Renée Haynes. 1972. London: Picador, 1974.
- Koestler, Arthur. The Call Girls: A Tragicomedy with a Prologue and Epilogue. 1972. London: Pan Books, 1976.
- Koestler, Arthur., Alister Hardy & Robert Harvie, ed. The Challenge of Chance: Experiments and Speculations. 1973. London: Hutchinson, 1973.
- Koestler, Arthur. The Heel of Achilles: Essays 1968-1973. 1974. London: Picador, 1976.
- Koestler, Arthur. The Thirteenth Tribe: The Khazar Empire and Its Heritage. 1976. London: Picador, 1980.
- Koestler, Arthur. Janus: A Summing Up. 1978. London: Picador, 1983.
- Koestler, Arthur. Bricks to Babel: Selected Writings with Comments by the Author. 1980. London: Picador, 1982.
- Koestler, Arthur. Kaleidoscope: Essays from Drinkers of Infinity, and The Heel of Achilles and later pieces and stories. The Danube Edition. London: Hutchinson & Co (Publishers) Ltd., 1981.
- Koestler, Arthur & Cynthia. Stranger on the Square. Ed. Harold Harris. 1984. London: Hutchinson, 1984.
- Atkins, John. Arthur Koestler. London: Nevill Speaman Ltd., 1956.
- Harris, Harold, ed. Astride the Two Cultures: Arthur Koestler at 70. London: Hutchinson, 1975.
- Krasznahorkai, László. Seiobo There Below. 2008. Trans. Ottilie Mulzet. 2013. Tuskar Rock Press. London: Profile Books Ltd., 2016.
- Kristóf, Ágota. The Notebook Trilogy: The Notebook; The Proof; The Third Lie. 1986, 1988, 1991. Trans. Alan Sheridan, David Watson & Marc Romano. 1989, 1991, 1996. Afterword by Slavoj Žižek. 2013. Melbourne: The Text Publishing Company, 2016.
- Márai, Sándor. Conversations in Bolzano. 1940. Trans. George Szirtes. 2004. London: Penguin, 2005.
[Jewish Literature]
- Agnon, S. Y. Two Tales: Betrothed & Edo and Enam. Trans. Walter Lever. Preface by Allen Mandelbaum. 1966. Penguin Modern Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1971.
- Agnon, S. Y. A Guest for the Night. 1939. Rev ed. 1953. Trans. Misha Louvish. Ed. Naftali C. Brandwein & Allen Mandelbaum. London: Victor Gollancz Ltd., 1968.
- Aleichem, Sholom. The Old Country. Trans. Frances & Julius Butwin. 1946. Modern Jewish Classics. London: Vallentine, Mitchell & Co., Ltd., 1973.
- Aleichem, Sholom. Old Country Tales. Trans. Curt Leviant. 1966. Paperback Library. New York: Coronet Communications, Inc., 1969.
- Aleichem, Sholom. Some Laughter, Some Tears: Tales from the Old World and the New. Trans. Curt Leviant. 1968. Paperback Library. New York: Coronet Communications, Inc., 1969.
- Aleichem, Sholom. The Adventures of Menahem-Mendl. Trans. Tamara Kahana. 1969. Paperback Library. New York: Coronet Communications, Inc., 1970.
- Amichai, Yehuda. A Life of Poetry: 1948-1991. Trans. Benjamin & Barbara Harshav. 1994. HarperPerennial. New York: HarperCollins Publishers, 1995.
- Asch, Sholem. From Many Countries: The Collected Short Stories of Sholem Asch. Trans. Maurice Samuel & Meyer Levin. London: Macdonald & Co. (Publishers), Ltd., 1958.
- Buber, Martin. Hundert Chassidische Geschichten. Bücherie des Schocken Verlags, 4. Berlin: Schocken Verlag, 1933.
- Buber, Martin. I and Thou. Trans. Ronald Gregor Smith. 1937. Edinburgh: T & T. Clark, 1958.
- Buber, Martin. Between Man and Man. Trans. Ronald Gregor Smith. 1947. The Fontana Library. 1961. London: Collins, 1971.
- Buber, Martin. Tales of the Hasidim: The Early Masters. Trans. Olga Marx. London: Thames and Hudson, 1956.
- Buber, Martin. Tales of the Hasidim: The Later Masters. Trans. Olga Marx. 1948. New York: Schocken Books, 1977.
- Buber, Martin. Paths in Utopia. Introduction by Ephraim Fischoff. Boston: Beacon Press, 1949.
- Buber, Martin. The Tales of Rabbi Nachman. 1956. Trans. Maurice Friedman. A Condor Book. London: Souvenir Press, 1974.
- Canetti, Elias. Auto da Fé. 1935. Trans. C. V. Wedgwood. 1946. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1965.
- Canetti, Elias. Crowds and Power. 1960. Trans. Carol Stewart. 1962. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1973.
- Canetti, Elias. The Voices of Marrakesh: A Record of a Visit. 1967. Trans. J. A. Underwood. 1978. London: Marion Boyars Publishers Ltd., 1982.
- Canetti, Elias. The Human Province. 1973. Trans. Joachim Neugroschel. 1978. London: Picador, 1986.
- Canetti, Elias. The Conscience of Words / Earwitness. 1976 & 1979. Trans. Joachim Neugroschel. 1986 & 1979. London: Picador, 1987.
- Canetti, Elias. The Tongue Set Free: Remembrance of a European Childhood. 1977. Trans. Joachim Neugroschel. 1979. London: Picador, 1989.
- Canetti, Elias. The Torch in My Ear. 1980. Trans. Joachim Neugroschel. 1982. London: Picador, 1990.
- Canetti, Elias. The Play of the Eyes. 1985. Trans. Joachim Neugroschel. 1986. London: Picador, 1991.
- Canetti, Elias. Party in the Blitz: The English Years. 2003. Trans. Michael Hofmann. Introduction by Jeremy Adler. London: Harvill Press, 2005.
Shelf 5:
[Jewish Literature] (cont.)
- Celan, Paul. Die Gedichte: Kommentierte Gesamtausgabe in einem Band. Ed. Barbara Weidemann. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp, 2003.
- Celan, Paul. Gesammelte Werke in fünf Bänden. Erster Band - Gedichte I: Mohn und Gedächtnis; Von Schwelle zu Schwelle; Sprachgitter; Die Niemandsrose. 1952, 1955, 1959, 1963. Ed. Beda Allemann & Stefan Reichert. 1983. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp Taschenbuch Verlag, 1986.
- Celan, Paul. Gesammelte Werke in fünf Bänden. Zweiter Band - Gedichte II: Atemwende; Fadensonnen; Lichtzwang; Schneepart. 1967, 1968, 1970, 1971. Ed. Beda Allemann & Stefan Reichert. 1983. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp Taschenbuch Verlag, 1986.
- Celan, Paul. Gesammelte Werke in fünf Bänden. Dritter Band - Gedichte III: Der Sand aus den Urnen; Zeitgehöft / Prosa / Reden. 1948, 1976. Ed. Beda Allemann & Stefan Reichert. 1983. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp Taschenbuch Verlag, 1986.
- Celan, Paul. Gesammelte Werke in fünf Bänden. Vierter Band: Übertragungen I - Zweisprachig. Ed. Beda Allemann & Stefan Reichert. 1983. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp Taschenbuch Verlag, 1986.
- Celan, Paul. Gesammelte Werke in fünf Bänden. Fünfter Band: Übertragungen II - Zweisprachig. Ed. Beda Allemann & Stefan Reichert. 1983. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp Taschenbuch Verlag, 1986.
- Celan, Paul. From Threshold to Threshold. ['Von Schwelle zu Schwelle', 1955]. Trans. David Young. Grosse Point Farms, Michigan: Marick Press, 2010.
- Celan, Paul. Language Behind Bars. ['Sprachgitter', 1959]. Trans. David Young. Grosse Point Farms, Michigan: Marick Press, 2012.
- Celan, Paul. No One's Rose. ['Die Niemandsrose', 1963]. Trans. David Young. Grosse Point Farms, Michigan: Marick Press, 2014.
- Celan, Paul. Breathturn. ['Atemwende', 1967]. Trans. Pierre Joris. Sun & Moon Classics, 74. Los Angeles: Sun & Moon Press, 1995.
- Celan, Paul. Threadsuns. ['Fadensonnen', 1968]. Trans. Pierre Joris. Sun & Moon Classics, 122. Los Angeles: Sun & Moon Press, 2000.
- Celan, Paul. Fathomsuns / Fadensonnen and Benighted / Eingedunkelt. 1968. Trans. Ian Fairley. Manchester: Carcanet Press Limited, 2001.
- Celan, Paul. Lightduress. ['Lichtzwang', 1970]. Trans. Pierre Joris. Green Integer, 113. København & Los Angeles: Green Integer Books, 2005.
- Celan, Paul. Snow Part / Schneepart. 1971. Trans. Ian Fairley. Riverdale-on-Hudson, New York: The Sheep Meadow Press, 2007.
- Celan, Paul. Romanian Poems. Trans. Julian Semilian & Sanda Agdidi. Green Integer, 81. København & Los Angeles: Green Integer Books, 2003.
- Celan, Paul. Selected Poems. Trans. Michael Hamburger & Christopher Middleton. 1962 & 1967. Introduction by Michael Hamburger. Penguin Modern European Poets. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1972.
- Celan, Paul. Selected Poems. Trans. Michael Hamburger. 1988. Penguin International Poets. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1990.
- Celan, Paul. Selected Poems and Prose. Trans. John Felstiner. New York & London: W. W. Norton, 2001.
- Celan, Paul. Selections. Ed. Pierre Joris. Poets for the Millennium, 3. Trans. Pierre Joris & Jerome Rothenberg. Berkeley & Los Angeles: University of California Press / London: University of California Press, Ltd., 2005.
- Gillespie, Susan H., trans. Corona: Selected Poems of Paul Celan. Station Hill of Barrytown. New York: Institute for Publishing Arts, Inc., 2013.
- Celan, Paul, & Nelly Sachs. Correspondence. Ed. Barbara Wiedemann. 1993. Trans. Christopher Clark. Introduction by John Felstiner. Riverdale-on-Hudson, New York: The Sheep Meadow Press, 1995.
- Celan, Paul, & Gisèle Celan-Lestrange. Correspondance (1951-1970), avec un choix de letters de Paul Celan à son fils Eric. I – Lettres. Ed. Bertrand Badiou & Eric Celan. La Librairie du XXIe siècle. Paris: Éditions du Seuil, 2001.
- Celan, Paul, & Gisèle Celan-Lestrange. Correspondance (1951-1970), avec un choix de letters de Paul Celan à son fils Eric. II – Commentaires et Illustrations. Ed. Bertrand Badiou & Eric Celan. La Librairie du XXIe siècle. Paris: Éditions du Seuil, 2001.
- Bachmann, Ingeborg, & Paul Celan. Correspondence: With the Correspondence between Paul Celan and Max Frisch, and between Ingeborg Bachmann and Gisèle Celan-Lestrange. Ed. Bertrand Badiou, Hans Höller, Andrea Stoll & Barbara Weidemann. 2008. Trans. Wieland Hoban. The German List. London: Seagull Books, 2010.
- Gillespie, Susan H., trans. The Correspondence of Paul Celan & Ilana Shmueli. 2004. Preface by John Fesltiner. Introduction by Norman Manea. Afterword by Ilana Shmueli. Conversation between Norman Manea & Ilana Shmueli. Riverdale-on-Hudson, New York: The Sheep Meadow Press, 2010.
- Chalfen, Israel. Paul Celan: A Biography of His Youth. 1979. Trans. Maximilian Bleyleben. Introduction by John Felstiner. New York: Persea Books, 1991.
- Daive, Jean. Under the Dome: Walks With Paul Celan. [La Condition d'infini 5: Sous la coupole, P.O.L. Editeur, 1996]. Trans. Rosmarie Waldrop. Série d'écriture, 22. Anyart, Providence: Burning Deck Press, 2009.
- Felstiner, John. Paul Celan: Poet, Survivor, Jew. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1995.
- Cohn, Norman. The Pursuit of the Millennium: Revolutionary Millenarians and the Mystical Anarchists of the Middle Ages. 1957. A Paladin Book. Frogmore, St Albans: Granada Publishing Ltd., 1970.
- Cohn, Norman. Warrant for Genocide: The Myth of the Jewish World-Conspiracy and the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. London: Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1967.
- Cohn, Norman. Europe’s Inner Demons. 1975. A Paladin Book. Frogmore, St Albans: Granada Publishing Ltd., 1976.
- Frank, Anne. The Diary of a Young Girl. 1947. Trans. B. M. Mooyaart-Doubleday. Introduction by Eleanor Roosevelt. 1952. Special Scholastic book services Edition. New York: Pocket Books, Inc., 1965.
- Frank, Anne. The Diary of a Young Girl: The Definitive Edition. Ed. Otto H. Frank & Mirjam Pressler. 1991. Trans. Susan Massotty. 1995. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1997.
- Frank, Anne. Tales from the House Behind: Fables, Personal Reminiscences and Short Stories. 1952 & 1959. Trans. Michel Mok & H. H. B. Mosberg. Introduction by G. B. Stern. Illustrated by Peter Spier. London: The World’s Work (1913) Ltd., 1960.
- Schnabel, Ernst. The Footsteps of Anne Frank. 1958. Great Pan Illustrated. London: Pan Books, Ltd., 1961.
- Gilbert, Martin. The Holocaust: The Jewish Tragedy. 1986. Fontana Paperbacks. London: Collins, 1987.
- Goldhagen, Daniel Jonah. Hitler's Willing Executioners: Ordinary Germans and the Holocaust. 1996. Abacus. London: Little, Brown and Company (UK), 1997.
- Leftwich, Jospeh, ed. Yisroël: The Jewish Omnibus. 1933. Rev. ed. 1945. London: Henry Pordes, 1981.
- Neugroschel, Joachim, ed. Great Works of Jewish Fantasy. 1976. London: Picador, 1978.
- Pick, Hella. Simon Wiesenthal: A Life in Search of Justice. 1996. A Phoenix Paperback. London: Orion Books Ltd., 1997.
- Potok, Chaim. The Chosen. 1966. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1978.
- Potok, Chaim. The Promise. 1969. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1971.
- Potok, Chaim. My Name is Asher Lev. 1972. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1979.
- Potok, Chaim. In the Beginning. 1975. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1977.
- Scholem, Gershom G. Major Trends in Jewish Mysticism. 1941. New York: Schocken Books, 1974.
- Scholem, Gershom G., ed. Zohar: The Book of Splendour. Basic Readings from the Kabbalah. 1963. London: Rider & Company, n.d.
- Schulz, Bruno. The Street of Crocodiles. 1934. Trans. Celina Wienieska. 1963. London: Picador, 1980.
- Schulz, Bruno. Sanatorium Under the Sign of the Hourglass. 1937. Trans. Celina Wienieska. Introduction by John Updike. 1979. London: Picador, 1980.
- Ficowski, Jerzy. Regions of the Great Heresy: Bruno Schulz, a Biographical Portrait. Trans. Theodosia Robertson. New York: W. W. Norton, 2003.
- Sebastian, Mihail. Journal, 1935-1944. Ed. Gabriela Omat & Leon Volovici. 1996. Trans. Patrick Camiller. Introduction & Notes by Radu Ioanid. 2001. Pimlico. London: Random House, 2003.
- Singer, I. J. The Brothers Ashkenazi. Trans. Maurice Samuel. London: Putnam & Company, 1936.
- Singer, Isaac Bashevis. The Family Moskat. Trans. A. H. Gross. 1950. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1980.
- Singer, Isaac Bashevis. Gimpel the Fool. 1957. An Avon Library Book. New York: Avon Books, 1969.
- Singer, Isaac Bashevis. Satan in Goray. Trans. Jacob Sloan. 1958. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1981.
- Singer, Isaac Bashevis. The Magician of Lublin. Trans. Elaine Gottlieb & Joseph Singer. 1960. A Four Square Book. London: New English Library Limited, 1963.
- Singer, Isaac Bashevis. The Spinoza of Market Street. 1961. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1981.
- Singer, Isaac Bashevis. The Slave. Trans by the Author & Cecil Hemley. 1962. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1974.
- Singer, Isaac Bashevis. Short Friday and Other Stories. 1964. New York: Fawcett Crest Books, 1978.
- Singer, Isaac Bashevis. In My Father’s Court: A Memoir. 1966. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1980.
- Singer, Isaac Bashevis. The Manor. 1967. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1975.
- Singer, Isaac Bashevis. The Séance. 1968. Bard Books. New York: Avon Books, 1972.
- Singer, Isaac Bashevis. The Estate. 1969. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1975.
- Singer, Isaac Bashevis. A Friend of Kafka and Other Stories. 1970. A Delta Book. New York: Dell Publishing Co., Inc., 1972.
- Singer, Isaac Bashevis. Enemies: A Love Story. 1972. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1980.
- Singer, Isaac Bashevis. Passions and Other Stories. 1975. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1979.
- Singer, Isaac Bashevis. Shosha. 1978. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1980.
- Singer, Isaac Bashevis. Old Love. 1979. London: Jonathan Cape, 1980.
- Singer, Isaac Bashevis. The Power of Light: Eight Stories for Hanukkah. Illustrations by Irene Lieblich. 1980. London: Robson Books, 1983.
- Singer, Isaac Bashevis. The Penguin Collected Stories of Isaac Bashevis Singer. 1982. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1984.
- Singer, Isaac Bashevis. Collected Stories. One Night in Brazil to The Death of Methuselah: Old Love / The Collected Stories / The Image & Other Stories / Gifts / The Death of Methuselah & Other Stories / Uncollected Stories. Ed. Ilan Stavans. Vol. 3 of 3. The Library of America, 151. New York: Literary Classics of the United States, Inc., 2004.
- Wiesel, Elie. Night. Trans. Marion Wiesel. 1958. Penguin Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 2006.
- Wiesel, Elie. Souls on Fire and Somewhere a Master. Trans. Marion Wiesel. 1972 & 1982. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1984.
[Netherlands Literature]
- Jensen, Walter. Montségur. London: Excalibur Press, 1994.
- Kopland, Rutger. Memories of the Unknown: A Bilingual Edition. Trans. James Brockway. Foreword by J. M. Coetzee. London: the Harvill Press, 2001.
- Maeterlinck, Maurice. The Life of the Bee. 1901. Trans. Alfred Suto. 1901. London: George Allen & Co., Ltd., 1913.
- Maeterlinck, Maurice. The Blue Bird: A Fairy Play in Six Acts. 1909. Trans. Alexander Teixeira de Mattos. 1909. London: Methuen & Co., 1911.
- Maeterlinck, Maurice. The Unknown Guest. 1914. Trans. Alexander Teixeira de Mattos. London: Methuen & Co., Ltd., 1914.
- Maeterlinck, Maurice. Mountain Paths. 1919. Trans. Alexander Teixeira de Mattos. London: Methuen & Co., Ltd., 1919.
Shelf 6:
[Netherlands Literature] (cont.)
- Bouwman, André, & Bart Besamusca, ed. Of Reynaert the Fox: Text and Facing Translations of the Middle Dutch Beast Epic "Van Den Vos Reynaerde". Trans. Thea Summerfield. Including a chapter on Middle Dutch by Matthias Hüning & Ulrike Vogl. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2009.
- Claus, Hugo. The Sorrow of Belgium. 1983. Trans. Arnold J. Pomerans. London: Viking, 1990.
- Coenen, Frans. The House on The Canal / Van Oudshoorn, J. Alienation. Trans. James Brockway & N. C. Clegg. Bibliotheca Neerlandica. Leyden & London & New York: Sijthoff & Heinemann & Maxwell, 1965.
- Elsschot, Willem. Three Novels: Soft Soap / The Leg / Will-o-the-Wisp. Trans. A. Brotherton. Bibliotheca Neerlandica. Leyden & London & New York: Sijthoff & Heinemann & Maxwell, 1965.
- Masereel, Frans. Passionate Journey: A Novel Told in 165 Woodcuts. Trans. Joseph M. Bernstein. Introduction by Thomas Mann. 1919. London: Penguin, 1988.
- Multutali. Max Havelaar, Or The Coffee Auctions of the Dutch Trading Company. Trans. Roy Edwards. Introduction by D. H., Lawrence. 1967. Afterword by E. M. Beekman. Amherst, Mass: the University of Massachusetts Press, 1982.
- Walschapp, Gerard. Marriage / Ordeal. Trans. A. Brotherton. Bibliotheca Neerlandica. Leyden & London & New York: Sijthoff & Heinemann & Maxwell, 1963.
[Lithuanian Literature]
- Venclova, Tomas. The Junction: Selected Poems. 1997, 2005 & 2008. Ed. Ellen Hinsey. Trans. Ellen Hinsey, Constantine Rusanov. & Diana Senechal. 1997 & 2008. Highgreen, Tarset, Northumberland: Bloodaxe Books Ltd., 2008.
[Norwegian Literature]
- Bengtsson, Frans. The Long Ships: A Saga of the Viking Age. Trans. Michael Meyer. 1954. A Fontana Book. London: Collins, 1956.
- Björnson, Björnstjerne. Three Comedies. Trans. R. Farquharson Sharp. 1912. Everyman’s Library. London: J. M. Dent / New York: E. P. Dutton, 1925.
- Björnson, Björnstjerne. Three Dramas. Trans. R. Farquharson Sharp. 1914. Everyman’s Library. London: J. M. Dent / New York: E. P. Dutton, 1924.
- Hamsun, Knut. Hunger. 1890. Trans. Robert Bly. Introduction by Isaac Bashevis Singer. 1967. London: Picador, 1976.
- Hamsun, Knut. Mysteries. 1892. Trans. Gerry Bothmer. 1971. London: Picador, 1977.
- Hamsun, Knut. Pan: From Lieutenant Thomas Glahn’s Papers. 1894. Trans. James W. McFarlane. 1955. A Condor Book. 1974. London: Souvenir Press, 1980.
- Hamsun, Knut. Victoria. 1898. Trans. Oliver Stallybrass. 1969. London: Picador, 1979.
- Hamsun, Knut. The Wanderer: Under the Autumn Star & On Muted Strings. 1937. Trans. Oliver & Gunnvor Stallybrass. 1975. London: Picador, 1977.
- Ibsen, Henrik. The Oxford Ibsen. Vol I: Early Plays. Ed & Trans. James Walter McFarlane & Graham Orton. 8 vols. London: Oxford University Press, 1970.
- Ibsen, Henrik. The Oxford Ibsen. Vol II: The Vikings at Helgeland; Love’s Comedy; the Pretenders. Ed. James Walter McFarlane. 8 vols. London: Oxford University Press, 1962.
- Ibsen, Henrik. The Oxford Ibsen. Peer Gynt: Play in Five Acts. Ed. James Walter McFarlane. Trans. Christopher Fry & Johan Filllinger. London: Oxford University Press, 1970.
- Ibsen, Henrik. Peer Gynt. Trans. R. Farquharson Sharp. Illustrated by Arthur Rackham. 1936. Harrap Illustrated Classics. London: Harrap Limited, 1985.
- Ibsen, Henrik. Peer Gynt. Trans. Michael Meyer. Anchor Books. New York: Doubleday, 1963.
- Ibsen, Henrik. Brand: A Dramatic Poem. Trans. F. E. Garrett. 1894. Introduction by Philip H. Wicksteed. Everyman’s Library. London: J. M. Dent / New York: E. P. Dutton, n.d.
- Ibsen, Henrik. The Oxford Ibsen. Vol IV: The League of Youth; Emperor and Galilean. Ed & Trans. James Walter McFarlane & Graham Orton. 8 vols. London: Oxford University Press, 1963.
- Ibsen, Henrik. The Complete Major Prose Plays. Trans. Rolf Fjelde. A Plume Book. New York: New American Library, 1978.
- Ibsen, Henrik. Three Plays: The Pillars of the Community; The Wild Duck; Hedda Gabler. Trans. Una Ellis-Fermor. 1950. Penguin Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1954.
- Ibsen, Henrik. Rosmersholm; The Master Builder; Little Eyolf; John Gabriel Borkman. Trans. Una Ellis-Fermor. Penguin Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1958.
- Ibsen, Henrik. Ghosts; A Public Enemy; When We Dead Wake. Trans. Peter Watts. 1964. Penguin Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1976.
- Ibsen, Henrik. Plays: The League of Youth; A Doll’s House; The Lady from the Sea. Trans. Peter Watts. 1965. Penguin Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1980.
- Meyer, Michael. Ibsen: A Biography. 1967 & 1971. Abridged by the Author. A Pelican Book. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1974.
- Knausgaard, Karl Ove. A Death in the Family. My Struggle. Book 1. 2009. Trans. Don Bartlett. 2012. Vintage Books. London: Random House, 2013.
- Lie, Jonas. Weird Tales from Northern Seas: Norwegian Legends. 1891. Trans. R. Nisbet Bain. Illustrated by Laurence Housman. 1893. Iowa City: Penfield Books, 2007.
- Undset, Sigrid. Kristin Lavransdatter. 1937. Trans. Charles Archer & J. S. Scott. 1930. London: Picador, 1980.
[Polish Literature]
- Davies, Norman. Rising '44: 'The Battle for Warsaw'. 2003. Pan Books. London: Pan Macmillan Ltd., 2004.
- Gombrowicz, Witold. Ferdydurke. 1937. Trans. Eric Mosbacher. Introduction by Czeslaw Milosz. 1961. Penguin Modern Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1986.
- Gombrowicz, Witold. Pornografia. 1960. Trans. Alastair Hamilton. 1966. Penguin Modern Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1991.
- Gombrowicz, Witold. Diary: Volume 1. Ed. Jan Kott. 1957. Trans. Lillian Vallee. Evanston, IL: Northwestern University Press, 1988.
- Hautzig, Esther. The Endless Steppe. 1968. Peacock Books. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1971.
- Herbert, Zbigniew. The Collected Poems: 1956-1998. Trans. & ed. Alissa Valles. With Additional Translations by Czeslaw Milosz & Peter Dale Scott. Introduction by Adam Zagajewski. 2007. Ecco Paperbacks. New York: HerperCollins Publishers, 2008.
- Herling, Gustaw. Volcano and Miracle: A Selection from The Journal Written at Night. Trans. Ronald Strom. 1996. New York: Penguin, 1997.
- Kapuściński, Ryszard. Another Day of Life. 1976. Trans. William R. Brand & Katarzyna Mroczkowska-Brand, with Klara Glowczewska. 1987. Penguin Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 2001.
- Kapuściński, Ryszard. The Emperor: Downfall of an Autocrat. 1978. Trans. William R. Brand & Katarzyna Mroczkowska-Brand. A Helen & Kurt Wolff Book. San Diego: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich Publishers, 1983.
- Kapuściński, Ryszard. Imperium. 1993. Trans. Klara Glowczewska. 1994. London: Granta Books, in association with Penguin, 1995.
- Kapuściński, Ryszard. The Shadow of the Sun: My African Life. 1998. Trans. Klara Glowczewska. 2001. Penguin Celebrations. London: Penguin, 2007.
- Kapuściński, Ryszard. Travels with Herodotus. 2004. Trans. Klara Glowczewska. 2007. London: Penguin, 2008.
- Milosz, Czeslaw. New and Collected Poems: 1931-2001. Ed. & trans. Robert Hass. 2001. New York: Ecco Press, 2003.
- Milosz, Czeslaw. Native Realm: A Search for Self Definition. Trans. Catherine S. Leach. 1968. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1988.
- Milosz, Czeslaw. To Begin Where I Am: Selected Essays. Ed. Bogdana Carpenter & Madeline G. Levine. 2001. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2002.
- Milosz, Czeslaw, ed & trans. Post-War Polish Poetry. 1965. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1970.
- Milosz, Czeslaw, ed. A Book of Luminous Things: An International Anthology of Poetry. 1996. A Harvest Book. San Diego, New York & London: Harcourt Brace & Company, 1998.
- Potocki, Jean. Manuscrit trouvé à Saragosse: Première edition intégrale. Ed. René Radrizzani. Paris: Librairie José Corti, 1989.
- Potocki, Jan. The Manuscript Found in Saragossa. 1989. Trans. Ian Maclean. 1995. Penguin Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1996.
- Rawicz, Slavomir. The Long Walk. 1956. London: Pan Books, 1971.
- Sienkiewicz, Henryk. Quo Vadis? (Whither Goest Thou?) A Tale of the Time of Nero. London: George Routledge & Sons, Ltd. n.d.
- Szymborska, Wisława. Poems, New and Collected: 1957-1997. Trans. Stanisław Barańczak & Clare Cavanagh. 1998. A Harvest Book. San Diego, New York, London: Harcourt, Inc., 2000.
- Tokarczuk, Olga. The Books of Jacob, or: A Fantastic Journey Across Seven Borders, Five Languages, and Three Major Religions, Not Counting the Minor Sects. Told by the Dead, Supplemented by the Author, Drawing from a Range of Books, and Aided by Imagination, the Which Being the Greatest Natural Gift of Any Person. That the Wise Might Have It for a Record, That My Compatriots Reflect, Laypersons Gain Some Understanding, and Melancholy Souls Obtain Some Slight Enjoyment. 2014. Trans. Jennifer Croft. Melbourne: The Text Publishing Company, 2021.
- Wieniewska, Celina, ed. Polish Writing Today. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1967.
- Maechler, Stefan. The Wilkomirski Affair: A Study in Biographical Truth. Including the Text of Fragments. 1995 & 2000. Trans. John E. Woods & Carol Brown Janeway. 1996. Schocken Books. New York: Random House, Inc., 2001.
- Wojtyla, Karol. The Collected Plays and Writings on Theatre. Trans. Boleslaw Taborski. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1987.
- Zagajewski, Adam. Selected Poems. Trans. Clare Cavanagh, Renata Gorczynski, Benjamin Ivry & C. K. Williams. London: Faber, 2004.
[Swedish Literature]
- Lagerlöf, Selma. Gösta Berling's Saga: From Gösta Berling's Saga, Part I & Part II. 1891. Trans. Lillie Tudeer. 1894 & 1918. Ed. Greta Anderson. Iowa City, Iowa: Penfield Press, 1997.
- Lagerlöf, Selma. The Wonderful Adventures of Nils. 1906. Translated by Velma Swanston Howard. 1911. Illustrated by Hans Baumhauer. The Children’s Illustrated Classics. 1950. London: J. M. Dent & Sons, Ltd., 1962.
- Lagerlöf, Selma. The Further Adventures of Nils. 1907. Translated by Velma Swanston Howard. 1911. Illustrated by Hans Baumhauer. The Children’s Illustrated Classics. 1953. London: J. M. Dent & Sons, Ltd., 1957.
- Lagerkvist, Pär. Barabbas. Trans. Alan Blair. Preface by Lucien Maury. Letter by André Gide. 1951. Bantam Modern Classics. New York: Bantam Books, 1968.
- Lagerkvist, Pär. Modern Theatre: Seven Plays and an Essay. Trans. Thomas R. Buckman. A Bison Book. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1966.
- Lagerkvist, Pär. Guest of Reality. Trans. Robin Fulton. 1985. Quartet Encounters. London: Quartet Books, 1989.
- Lagerkvist, Pär. The Eternal Smile and Other Stories. 1920, 1925 & 1933. Trans. Erik Mesterson, Denys W. Harding & David O’Gorman. London: Chatto & Windus, 1971.
- Lagerkvist, Pär. Pilgrim at Sea: A Novel. Trans. Naomi Walford. 1951. London: Chatto & Windus, 1964.
- Lagerkvist, Pär. The Dwarf. Trans. Alexandra Dick. New York: Hill & Wang, 1945.
- Strindberg, August. Seven Plays. Trans. Arvid Paulson. Introduction by John Gassner. 1960. New York: Bantam Books, 1964.
Shelf 7:
[Swedish Literature] (cont.)
- Meyer, Michael. Strindberg: A Biography. 1985. Oxford Lives. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1987.
Meyer, Michael, trans. The Plays of Strindberg. 2 vols. 1964. New York: Vintage Books, 1976.
- Vol. 1
- Vol. 2
- Strindberg, August. Plays: The Dream Play; The Link; The Dance of Death, Parts 1 & 2. Trans. Edwin Björkman. London: Duckworth & Co., 1913.
- Strindberg, August. The Son of a Servant: The Story of the Evolution of a Human Being, 1849-67. Trans. Evert Springhorn. London: Jonathan Cape, 1967.
- Strindberg, August. Inferno and From an Occult Diary (Selected by Torsten Eklund). Trans. Mary Sandbach. 1962 & 1965. Penguin Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1979.
- Strindberg, August. The Red Room: Scenes of Artistic and Literary Life. 1879. Trans. Elizabeth Sprigge. Everyman’s Library. London: Dent / New York: Dutton, 1967.
- Strindberg, August. Getting Married: Parts I and II. 1884-5. Trans. Mary Sandbach. 1972. London: Quartet Books, 1977.
- Tranströmer, Tomas. New Collected Poems. Trans. Robin Fulton. 1997. Rev. ed. 2006. Highgreen, Tarset, Northumberland: Bloodaxe Books, 2011.
[Swiss Literature]
- Lunn, Arnold, ed. Switzerland in English Prose and Poetry. The New Alpine Library. London: Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1947.
- Wyss, Johann David. The Swiss Family Robinson; or, The Adventures of a Shipwrecked Family on an Uninhabited Island near New Guinea. Ed. Johann Rudolf Wyss. 1812. Trans. Mrs. H. B. Paull. 1879. London: Frederic Warne & Co., n.d.
- Wyss, Johann David. The Swiss Family Robinson. 1812. Illustrated by C. Walter Hodges. 1949. London: Oxford University Press, 1958.
[Turkish Literature]
- de Bellaigue, Christopher. The Lion House: The Coming of a King. The Bodley Head. London: Penguin Random House UK, 2022.
- Hikmet, Nazim. Poems of Nazim Hikmet. Trans. Randy Blasing & Mutlu Konuk. 1994. Foreword by Carolyn Forché. A Karen and Michael Braziller Book. New York: Persea Books, 2002.
- Hikmet, Nazim. Human Landscapes from My Country: An Epic Novel in Verse. Trans. Randy Blasing & Mutlu Konuk. Foreword by Edward Hirsch. A Karen and Michael Braziller Book. New York: Persea Books, 2002.
- Lewis, Geoffrey, trans. The Book of Dede Korkut. Penguin Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin Books, 1974.
- Menemencioglu, Nermin, in collaboration with Fahir Iz, ed. The Penguin Book of Turkish Verse. Penguin Poets. Harmondsworth: Penguin Books, 1978.
- Pamuk, Orhan. The White Castle. 1979. Trans. Victoria Holbrook. 1990. London : Faber, 1991.
- Pamuk, Orhan. Istanbul: Memories of a City. 2003. Trans. Maureen Freely. 2005. London: Faber, 2006.
- Pamuk, Orhan. The Museum of Innocence: A Novel. 2008. Trans. Maureen Freely. 2009. London: Faber, 2010.
- Rosen, Georg, trans. Tutti-Nameh: Das Papageienbuch. Aus der türkischen Fassung übertragen von Georg Rosen. Stuttgart: Europäischer Buchklub, 1957.
[West-Indian Literature]
- Anderson, Vernon F. Sudden Glory. London: Heinemann Educational Books Ltd., 1987.
- Brathwaite, Edward. The Arrivants: A New World Trilogy. Rights of Passage / Masks / Islands. 1967, 1968, 1969. London: Oxford University Press, 1973.
- Deren, Maya. The Voodoo Gods. 1953. Foreword by Joseph Campbell. 1970. Paladin. Frogmore, St Albans, Herts: Granada Publishing Limited, 1975.
- Ghose, Zulfikar. The Beautiful Empire. The Incredible Brazilian, 2. London: Macmillan London Ltd., 1975.
- Ghose, Zulfikar. A Different World. The Incredible Brazilian, 3. London: Macmillan London Ltd., 1978.
- Ghose, Zulfikar. A New History of Torments. 1982. A Black Swan Book. London: Transworld Publishers Ltd., 1984.
- Ghose, Zulfikar. Don Bueno. 1983. A Black Swan Book. London: Transworld Publishers Ltd., 1984.
- Harris, Wilson. The Guyana Quartet: Palace of the Peacock; The Far Journey of Oudin; The Whole Armour; The Secret Ladder. 1960, 1961, 1962, 1963. London: Faber, 1985.
- Harris, Wilson. The Eye of the Sacrecrow. 1965. Faber Paper Covered Editions. London: Faber, 1974.
- Harris, Wilson. Tumatumari. London: Faber, 1968.
- Harris, Wilson. The Tree of the Sun. London: Faber, 1978.
- Harris, Wilson. The Carnival Trilogy: Carnival; The Infinite Rehearsal; The Four Banks of the River of Space. 1985, 1987, 1990. London: Faber, 1993.
- Harris, Wilson. The Dark Jester. London: Faber, 2001.
- Gilkes, Michael. Wilson Harris and the Caribbean Novel. Longman Caribbean Limited. London: Longman Group Limited, 1975.
- Heath, Roy. The Murderer. 1978. Flamingo. London: Fontana Paperbacks, 1984.
- Heath, Roy. From the Heat of the Day. 1979. Flamingo. London: Fontana Paperbacks, 1984.
- Heath, Roy. One Generation. 1981. Flamingo. London: Fontana Paperbacks, 1984.
- Heath, Roy. Genetha. 1981. Flamingo. London: Fontana Paperbacks, 1984.
- Heath, Roy. Kwaku, or the man who could not keep his mouth shut. 1982. Flamingo. London: Fontana Paperbacks, 1985.
- Heath, Roy. Orealla. 1984. Flamingo. London: Fontana Paperbacks, 1986.
- Heath, Roy. The Shadow Bride. 1988. Flamingo. London: Fontana Paperbacks, 1986.
- Heath, Roy. Shadows Round the Moon: Caribbean Memoirs. London: William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd., 1990
- Naipaul, Shiva. Journey to Nowhere: A New World Tragedy. 1980. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1982.
- Naipaul, Shiva. A Hot Country. 1983. Abacus. London: Sphere Books Ltd., 1984.
- Naipaul, Shiva. Beyond the Dragon’s Mouth. 1984. Abacus. London: Sphere Books Ltd., 1985.
- Naipaul, V. S. The Middle Passage: Impressions of Five Societies – British, French and Dutch – in the West Indies and South America. 1962. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1969.
- Naipaul, V. S. The Loss of El Dorado: A History. 1969. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1973.
- Phillips, Caryl. The Atlantic Sound. 2000. Vintage. London: Random House, 2001.
- Ramchand, Kenneth. The West Indian Novel and Its Background. London: Faber, 1970.
- Senior, Olive. Gardening in the Tropics. 1994. Toronto: Insomniac Press, 2005.
- Senior, Olive. Shell. Toronto: Insomniac Press, 2007.
- Street, Brian V. The Savage in Literature: Representations of ‘Primitive’ Society in English Fiction, 1858-1920. International Library of Anthropology. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1975.
- Walcott, Derek. In a Green Night: Poems 1948-1960. 1962. London: Jonathan Cape, 1972.
- Walcott, Derek. Another Life. Cape Poetry Paperbacks. London: Jonathan Cape, 1973.
- Walcott, Derek. Another Life: Fully Annotated. 1973. Ed. Edward Baugh and Colbert Nepaulsingh. 2004. London & Boulder, Colorado: Lynne Rienner Publishers, Inc., 2009.
- Walcott, Derek. The Star-Apple Kingdom. Cape Poetry Paperbacks. London: Jonathan Cape, 1980.
- Walcott, Derek. Poems 1965-1980: The Castaway and Other Poems; The Gulf and Other Poems; Sea-Grapes; The Star-Apple Kingdom. 1965, 1969, 1976, 1980. London: Jonathan Cape, 1992.
- Walcott, Derek. The Fortunate Traveller. London: Faber, 1982.
- Walcott, Derek. Collected Poems 1948-1984. London: Faber, 1986.
- Walcott, Derek. The Arkansas Testament. 1987. London: Faber, 1988.
- Walcott, Derek. Omeros. 1990. London: Faber, 1991.
- Walcott, Derek. The Bounty. London: Faber, 1997.
- Walcott, Derek. Tiepolo’s Hound. 2000. London: Faber, 2001.
- Walcott, Derek. The Prodigal: A Poem. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2004.
- Walcott, Derek. Selected Poems. Ed. Edward Baugh. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2007.
- Walcott, Derek. White Egrets: Poems. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2010.
- Walcott, Derek. Dream on Monkey Mountain and Other Plays. 1970. The Noonday Press. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1997.
- Walcott, Derek. Three Plays: The Last Carnival; Beef, No Chicken; A Branch of the Blue Nile. New York: Farrar Straus Giroux, 1986.
- Walcott, Derek. The Odyssey: A Stage Version. London: Faber, 1993.
- Walcott, Derek. The Haitian Trilogy: Henri Christophe; Drums and Colours; The Haitian Earth. 1948 & 1984. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2002.
- Walcott, Derek. What the Twilight Says: Essays. 1998. London: Faber, 1998.
[Yugoslav Literature]
- Pavic, Milorad. Dictionary of the Khazars: A Lexicon Novel in 100,000 words (Male Edition). Trans. Christina Pribicevic-Zoric. 1988. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1989.
- Johnson, Bernard, ed. New Writing in Yugoslavia. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1970.
