- Erotica
- [Bookcases M & N] (334 books)
- Fiction: Anonymous
- Fiction: Alphabetical
- Fiction: Anthologies
- Comics & BDs
- Magazines
- Non-fiction
- [Bookcases M & N] (334 books)
1, 2 … = shelf numbers counting downwards
[b] = back row of a double row
i, ii = partition / section number (left to right)
• = on top of other books (left to right)
[…] = bound Xerox copy
Fiction: Anonymous
Fiction: Alphabetical
Fiction: Anthologies
Comics & BDs
- Anon. The Adventures of a Schoolboy, or The Freaks of Youthful Passion & The Power of Mesmerism: A Highly Erotic narrative of Voluptuous Facts and Fancies. 1984. A Star Book. London: W. H. Allen, 1986.
- Anon. A Man with a Maid. 1895-96, 1981. A Star Book. London: W. H. Allen, 1986.
- Anon. A Man with a Maid, Volume 2. 1982. A Star Book. London: W. H. Allen, 1985.
- Anon. A Man with a Maid, Volume 3. 1983. A Star Book. London: W. H. Allen, 1987.
- Anon. The Amorous Memoirs of Captain Charles De Vane: being the Military and Amorous Reminiscences of Captain. Charles De Vane, Royal Sussex Regiment. Introduction by Richard Manton. 1981. New York: Grove Press, 1982.
- Anon. Beatrice. 1889. Foreword by Patrick Henden, Ph D. 1983. A Star Book. London: W. H. Allen, 1985.
- Anon. Champions of Love. 1986. A Nexus Book. London: W. H. Allen, 1989.
- Anon. Eveline: The Amorous Adventures of a Victorian Lady. 1983. A Star Book. London: W. H. Allen, 1986.
- Anon. More Eveline, or The Adventures of a Young Lady of Quality Who was Never Found Out. 1983. A Star Book. London: W. H. Allen, 1985.
- Anon. First Training. Wordsworth Classic Erotica. Ware, Hertfordshire: Wordsworth Editions Ltd., 1995.
- Anon. “Frank” and I. A Star Book. London: W. H. Allen, 1983.
- Anon. Frannie: Lady Ballington – Her Memoirs. London: Futura, 1988.
- Anon. Laura Middleton and the New Epicurean. A Star Book. London: W. H. Allen, 1984.
- Anon. The Lustful Turk & Virgin Love Cult. 1828. USA: Walton Press, 1968.
- Anon. The Memoirs of Dolly Morton: From the Rare Carrington Edition of 1899. Introduction by Donald Thomas. London: The Odyssey Press, 1970.
- Anon. The Memoirs of a Voluptuary. Wordsworth Classic Erotica. Ware, Hertfordshire: Wordsworth Editions Ltd., 1996.
- Anon. Oh Wicked Country! 1978. Translated by Celeste Piano. 1982. A Star Book. London: W. H. Allen, 1985.
- Anon. Parisian Frolics. Introduction by C. J. Scheiner. A Star Book. London: W. H. Allen, 1985.
- Anon. Pleasure-Bound Afloat: The Extraordinary Adventures of a Party of Travellers, et Leurs Affaires Gallants, by the author of ‘Maudie’. A Star Book. London: W. H. Allen, 1985.
- Anon. Randiana or Excitable Tales. A Star Book. London: W. H. Allen, 1984.
- Anon. Sadopaideia. Wordsworth Classic Erotica. Ware, Hertfordshire: Wordsworth Editions Ltd., 1995.
- Anon [John Sheffield]. Scandal in Paradise. London: Headline Delta, 1994.
- Anon. The Sign of the Scorpion: An Erotic Mystery Story. 1970. New York: Grove Press, 1981.
- Anon. A Slave to Love. London: Headline, 1991.
- Anon. Suburban Souls: The Erotic Psychology of a Man and a Maid. 1901. New York: Grove Press, 1979.
- Emmanuelle Arsan (1932- )
- Valentina Cilescu ['Aran Ashe']
- Penny Birch
- Mel Crowson
- Ronald De Forrest
- Captain Charles Devereaux
- Alain Dorval
- Esparbec
- Molly Flute
- Kitt Gerrard
- Ray Gordon (1951- )
- Almudena Grandes (1960- )
- J. J. Howe
- Susanna Hughes
- John James
- Paul Little
- Philippa Masters
- Stan Myers
- Anaïs Nin (1903-1977)
- Sean O'Kane
- M. Orlando
- Melissa P.
- Alina Reyes (1954- )
- Antoine S.
- Laurence St. Clair
- Morgan St. Michel
- Scott Tucker
- Sarah Steel
- Larry Stern
- 'Vlas Tenin'
- Sarah Veitch
- Paul Verguin
- Anne-Marie Villefranche
- Jean-Louis Villiers
- Amanda Ware
- Olivia Watkins
- Tracy Wilde
- Arsan, Emmanuelle. Emmanuelle. Translated by Lowell Blair. 1975. London: Grafton, 1988.
- Ashe, Aran. The Slave of Lidir. The Chronicles of Lidir: A Saga of Erotic Domination, 1. A Nexus Book. London: W. H. Allen, 1991.
- Ashe, Aran. The Dungeons of Lidir. The Chronicles of Lidir: A Saga of Erotic Domination, 2. A Nexus Book. 1991. London: W. H. Allen, 1994.
- Ashe, Aran. The Forest of Bondage. The Chronicles of Lidir: A Saga of Erotic Domination, 3. A Nexus Book. London: W. H. Allen, 1991.
- Ashe, Aran. Pleasure Island. The Chronicles of Lidir: A Saga of Erotic Domination, 4. 1992. A Nexus Classic. London: W. H. Allen, 2001.
- [Ashe, Aran. The Chronicles of Lidir. A Saga of Erotic Domination, 4: Pleasure Island. London: Nexus, 1992.]
- Ashe, Aran. Choosing Lovers for Justine. A Nexus Book. 1993. London: W. H. Allen, 1995.
- Ashe, Aran. The Handmaidens. The Chronicles of Tormunil, 1. A Nexus Book. London: W. H. Allen, 1995.
- Ashe, Aran. Citadel of Servitude. The Chronicles of Tormunil, 2. 1997. A Nexus Classic. London: W. H. Allen, 1999.
- Ashe, Aran. Slave-Mines of Tormunil. The Chronicles of Tormunil, 3. A Nexus Book. London: W. H. Allen, 2002.
- Ashe, Aran. Love-Chattel of Tormunil. The Chronicles of Tormunil, 4. A Nexus Book. London: W. H. Allen, 2003.
- Ashe, Aran. Leah’s Punishment. The Chronicles of Tormunil, 5. A Nexus Book. London: W. H. Allen, 2008.
- Cilescu, Valentina. Kiss of Death. London: Headline, 1992.
- Birch, Penny. Brat. A Nexus Book. London: W. H. Allen, 1999.
- Birch, Penny. Bad Penny. A Nexus Book. London: W. H. Allen, 1999.
- Birch, Penny [as”Cruella”]. The Indiscretions of Isabelle. A Nexus Book. London: W. H. Allen, 2004.
- Birch, Penny [as”Cruella”]. The Indecencies of Isabelle. A Nexus Book. London: W. H. Allen, 2005.
- Crowson, Mel. Slave to Pain. Female Prisoner Series. North Hollywood, CA: American Art Enterprises, 1984.
- De Forrest, Roland. Dirk and Honey: Sin-Dicated. New York: Warner Books, 1983.
- Devereaux, Charles. Venus in India. 1889. Introduction by Ronald Pearsall. 1969. London: Sphere books, 1973.
- Dorval, Alain. Indiscreet Memoirs. 1984. A Nexus Book. London: W. H. Allen, 1985.
- Esparbec. Monsieur est servi. Lectures amoureuses. 2007. Paris: La musardine, 2008.
- Flute, Molly. Through the Looking Glass. New York: Dell Books, 1976.
- Gerrard, Kitt. Midnight Tales of Torment. London: Headline Delta, 1997.
- Gordon, Ray. Addicted. New York: Blue Moon Books, 1998.
- Gordon, Ray. Enslaved. London: New English Library, 1997.
- Gordon, Ray. Haunting Lust. New York: Blue Moon Books, 1996.
- Gordon, Ray. Two for One: Hot Sheets & Sextortion. 1998 & 1999. London: New English Library, 2000.
- Grandes, Almudena. The Ages of Lulu. 1989. Trans. Sonia Soto. 1993. New York: Grove Press, 1994.
- Howe, J. J. Too Hot, Too Lovable. Dallas, Texas: Sensual Fantasies, n.d.
- Hughes, Susanna. Melinda and The Roman. London: Nexus, 1995.
- James, John. Janet’s Financial Pleasure. Dallas, Texas: Sensual Fantasies, n.d.
- Little, Paul. The Best of Paul Little. New York: Masquerade Books, 1996.
- Little, Paul. Captive Maidens. 1990. New York: Masquerade Books, 1996.
- Little, Paul. Slave Island. 1991. New York: Masquerade Books, 1996.
- Little, Paul. Love Slave / The Peculiar Passions of Meg. New York: Masquerade Books, 1997.
- Masters, Philippa. The Awakening of Lydia. London: Nexus, 1995.
- Masters, Philippa. ‘S’ – A Story of Submission. London: Nexus, 1998.
- Myers, Stan. Handy Man. Hollywood, California; Adult Fantasy Press, 1993.
- O’Kane, Sean. Taming the Brat. London: Silver Moon Books, 1999.
- Orlando, M. The Architecture of Desire. New York: Blue Moon Books, 1996.
- P, Melissa. One Hundred Strokes of the Brush Before Bed. 2003. Trans. Lawrence Venuti. London: Serpent’s Tail, 2004.
- Reyes, Alina. Behind Closed Doors. 1994. Trans. David Watson. London: BCA, 1995.
- S., Antoine. Lust in Paris. Translated by Celeste Piano. A Star Book. London: W. H. Allen, 1986.
- St Clair, Laurence. Isabelle and Véronique. London: Grafton Books, 1989.
- St. Michel, Morgan. Nicole. New York: Jove Books, 1982.
- St. Michel, Morgan. Nicole in Captivity. New York: Jove Books, 1982.
- St. Michel, Morgan. Nicole’s Private Diary. New York: Jove Books, 1983.
- Scott, Tucker. Angela & the Male Boarder. Cleveland, Ohio: TWN, n.d.
- Steel, Sarah. Spilt Milk. London: Delta, 1999.
- Stern, Larry. Helen: A Modern Odalisque. London: Nexus, 1993.
- Tenin, Vlas. Moscow Nights (Sleep Soundly, Dear Comrade). Translated by Michel Le Masque. 1971. New York: Bantam Books, 1973.
- Veitch, Sarah. Lingering Lessons. London: Nexus, 1995.
- Verguin, Paul. Liliane. A Nexus Book. London: W. H. Allen, 1991.
- Villefranche, Anne-Marie [Jane Purcell]. Ménage à Trois: Plaisir d’Amour; Joie d’Amour; Folies d’Amour. 1982, 1983, 1984. London: W. H. Allen, 1986.
- Villiers, Jean-Louis. Apolline aux Enfers. Les Erotiques de Gerard de Villiers. Paris: Vaugirard, 1992.
- Ware, Amanda. Bound to Obey. London: Nexus, 1995.
- Watkins, Olivia. In Deep. London: Past Venus Press, 2004.
- Wilde, Tracy. Sex Gym. New York: Beeline, 1995.
- The Best of Beeline: A Triple Novel – Beckman, Lee. Bunny’s Buns / Munn, Alfred. Tart’s Night Out / Quist, Joanathan. Sexual Surrender. New York: Beeline, 1989.
- Bold, Alan, ed. Making Love: The Picador Book of Erotic Verse. London: Picador, 1978.
- Bold, Alan, ed. Mounts of Venus: The Picador Book of Erotic Prose. London: Picador, 1980.
- Forbidden Frolics: A Night in a Moorish Harem; Flossie: A Venus of Sixteen; Maudie. A Star Book. London: W. H. Allen, 1988.
- Hidden Pleasures, Secret Vices: The Devil’s Advocate; The Power of Mesmerism; Flossie. A Star Book. London: W. H. Allen, 1991.
- Lindsay, Jack, ed & trans. Ribaldry of Rome: An Anthology. London: Bestseller Library, 1961.
- Manguel, Alberto, ed. The Gates of Paradise: The Anthology of Erotic Literature. London: Flamingo, 1993.
- Mills, Jane, ed. Bloomsbury Guide to Erotic Literature. London: Bloomsbury, 1993.
- Untermeyer, Louis, ed. A Treasury of Ribaldry. London: Elek Books, 1957.
- La Vie Parisienne: Blue Moon Highlights from Underground Novels of the Belle Époque. 1987. New York: Blue Moon Books, 1988.
- Wanton Excesses: A Gallery of Nudes; The Town Bull; Blanche; Madge. London: Headline, 1992.
- Wicked Victorians: An Anthology of Clandestine Literature of the Nineteenth Century. Ed. Gordon Grimley. London: The Odyssey Press, 1970.
Marayat Rollet-Andriane [nee Bibidh] ['Emmanuelle Arsan'] (1932- )
Valentina Cilescu ['Aran Ashe']
Penny Birch ['Cruella']
Mel Crowson
Ronald De Forrest
Captain Charles Devereaux
Alain Dorval
Georges Pailler ['Esparbec']
Molly Flute
Kitt Gerrard
Ray Gordon (1951- )
Almudena Grandes Hernández (1960- )
J. J. Howe
Susanna Hughes
John James
Paul Little
Philippa Masters
Stan Myers
Sean O'Kane
M. Orlando
Melissa P.
Aline Patricia Nardone [Alina Reyes] (1954- )
Antoine S.
Laurence St. Clair
Morgan St. Michel
Scott Tucker
Sarah Steel
Larry Stern
'Vlas Tenin'
Sarah Veitch
Paul Verguin
Jane Purcell ['Anne-Marie Villefranche']
Jean-Louis Villiers
Amanda Ware
Olivia Watkins
Tracy Wilde
- Alfonso Azpiri (1947- )
- 'Barroso'
- 'Belore' (1960- )
- 'Chris' (1942- )
- 'W. G. Colber' (1931- )
- Guido Crepax (1933-2003)
- Jean-Claude Forest (1930-1998)
- Atilio Gambedotti
- 'Kovacq' (1936- )
- G. Lévis (1924-1988)
- Milo Manara (1945- )
- James McQuade (1933- )
- Ignacio Noé (1965- )
- 'Rebecca'
- Luis Royo (1954- )
- Paolo Eleuteri Serpieri (1944- )
- Luca Tarlazzi
- Franz von Bayros (1866-1924)
- Erich von Götha (1924- )
- Serge Zubeldia
- Anthologies & Secondary Literature
- Alfonso Mejia Azpiri (1947- )
- Azpiri, Alfonso. Wet Dreams. New York: Heavy Metal, 2000.
- Barroso. The Lambada Collection. Volume 1: Buttfuque U. and Other Stories. Seattle, WA: Eros Comix, 1995.
- Barroso. The Lambada Collection. Volume 2: Venus with a Hot Crotch and Other Stories. Seattle, WA: Eros Comix, 1996.
- Belore. Lolita. Vol. 1. New York: Eurotica, 1994.
- Belore. Lolita. Vol. 4. 1996-2001. New York: Eurotica, 2002.
- Chris. Le Dressage de Jane. CEE: Edition International Presse Magazine, n.d.
- Colber, W. G. Cleo (2ème épisode). Paris: BD Adultes, 1988.
- Colber, W. G. Lydia, Soubrette de luxe. Paris: BD Adultes, 1988.
- Crepax, Guido. The Complete Crepax: Dracula, Frankenstein, And Other Horror Stories. 1966, 1967, 1968, 1985 & 2002. Vol. 1 of 10. Seattle, WA: Fantagraphics Books, Inc., 2016.
- Crepax, Guido. The Complete Crepax: The Time Eater and Other Stories. 1967, 1968, 1969 & 1975. Vol. 2 of 10. Seattle, WA: Fantagraphics Books, Inc., 2016.
- Crepax, Guido. The Complete Crepax: Evil Spells. 1967, 1970, 1987, 1989 & 1990. Vol. 3 of 10. Seattle, WA: Fantagraphics Books, Inc., 2017.
- Crepax, Guido. Anita Live. 1972. Volume 1. New York: Eurotica, 1991.
- Crepax, Guido. Anita Live & Input Anita. 1972. Volume 2. New York: Eurotica, 1992.
- Crepax, Guido & Pauline Reage. The Story of O. 1975. Volume 1. Translated by Stefano Gaudiano. New York: Eurotica, 1990.
- Crepax, Guido & Pauline Reage. The Story of O. 1975. Volume 2. Translated by Stefano Gaudiano. New York: Eurotica, 1991.
- Crepax, Guido. The Story of O. 1975. Volume 3. Translated by Stefano Gaudiano. New York: Eurotica, 1991.
- Crepax, Guido. Emmanuelle 1. 1978. Translated by Stefano Gaudiano. 1989. New York: Eurotica, 1990.
- Crepax, Guido. Emmanuelle 2. 1978. Translated by Stefano Gaudiano. 1989. New York: Eurotica, 1990.
- Crepax, Guido & Emmanuelle Arsan. Emmanuelle 3: The Anti-Virgin. 1978. Translated by Stefano Gaudiano. 1990. New York: Eurotica, 1992.
- Crepax, Guido. Emmanuelle, Bianca and Venus in Furs. 1978 & 1984. Introduction by Paolo Caneppele & Günter Krenn. Evergreen. Köln: Benedikt Taschen Verlag GmbH, 2000.
- Crepax, Guido. Justine and The Story of O. 1979 & 1975. Introduction by Paolo Caneppele & Günter Krenn. Evergreen. Köln: Benedikt Taschen Verlag GmbH, 2000.
- Crepax, Guido & Robert Louis Stevenson. Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde. 1987. Translated by Stefano Gaudiano. Introduction by Maurice Horn. 1989. New York: Catalan Communications, 1990.
- Crepax, Guido & Henry James. The Turn of the Screw. 1989. Translated by Stefano Gaudiano. New York: Eurotica, 1995.
- Forest, Jean-Claude. Barbarella. Paris: J’ai lu BD, 1988.
- Gambedotti, Atilio & Ivan Guevara. Room Mates. 2 vols. 2004. New York: Eurotica, 2005-6.
- Gambedotti, Atilio. 4 Girlfriends. Vol. 1. New York: Eurotica, 2006.
- Kovacq. Hilda. Tome 2. CEE: Edition International Presse Magazine, n.d.
- Lévis, G. Liz & Beth. Volume 1: Entrée de ses Vices. Grenoble: Le Marquis, 1987.
- Lévis, G. Liz & Beth. Volume 3: Tit for Twat. 1991. Seattle: Eros Comix, 1995.
- Manara, Milo. Le déclic. 1987. Paris: J’ai lu BD, 1990.
- Manara, Milo & Jean-Pierre Enard. L’Art de la fessée. Grenoble: Le Marquis, 1988.
- Manara, Milo. Le Déclic 2. Paris: L’Echo des Savanes / Albin Michel, 1991.
- Manara, Milo. Le Déclic: L’Intégrale. Paris: L’Echo des Savanes/ Albin Michel, 2003.
- Manara, Milo. Nouvelles Coquines. 1989. Paris: J’ai lu BD, 1990.
- Manara, Milo. Le Parfum de l’invisible: L’Intégrale. Paris: L’Echo des Savanes/ Albin Michel, 2004.
- Manara, Milo. Le piège. Paris: L’Echo des Savanes/ Albin Michel, 1998.
- Manara, Milo. www. New York: Eurotica, 1999.
- Manara, Milo, with Hugo Pratt. The Manara Library. Vol. 1: Indian Summer and Other Stories - Indian Summer & The Paper Man. 1983, 1981-82. Foreword by Frank Miller. Introduction by Andrea Plazzi. Trans. Kim Thompson. 6 vols. Dark Horse Books. Milwaukie, Oregon: Dark Horse Comics, 2011.
- Manara, Milo, with Hugo Pratt. The Manara Library. Vol. 2: El Gaucho and Other Stories - El Gaucho & Trial by Jury. 1991-94, 1975-76. Trans. Kim Thompson. 6 vols. Dark Horse Books. Milwaukie, Oregon: Dark Horse Comics, 2012.
- Manara, Milo, with Federico Fellini & Silverio Pisu. The Manara Library. Vol. 3: Trip to Tulum and Other Stories - Trip to Tulum, The Journey of G. Mastorna & The Ape. 2012, 1976-77. Trans. Kim Thompson. 6 vols. Dark Horse Books. Milwaukie, Oregon: Dark Horse Comics, 2012.
- Manara, Milo. The Manara Erotica. Vol. 1: Click! and Other Stories - Click! 1-4; Rendezvous in B-Flat; The Last Tragic Day of Gori Bau & the Callipygian Sister. 1983, 1991, 1994, 2001, 1997, 1982. Ed. Diana Schutz. 2012. 3 vols. Dark Horse Books. Milwaukie, Oregon: Dark Horse Comics, 2016.
- McQuade, James. Misty. Los Angeles, California: Sherbourne Press, 1972.
- Noé, Ignacio. Doctor, I’m Too Big!. 1997. New York: Eurotica, 1998.
- Noé, Ignacio. Ship of Fools. New York: Eurotica, 1999.
- Rebecca. Housewives at Play: Book One. 2002. Eros Graphic Albums, 53. Seattle, WA: ErosComix, 2005.
- Royo, Luis. Prohibited Sketchbook. New York: Heavy Metal, 2004.
- Serpieri, Paolo Eleuti. Druuna 1: Morbus Gravis. 1986. Paris: Bagheera Editeur, 2003.
- Serpieri, Paolo Eleuti. Morbus Gravis. 1986. Histoires Fantastiques. Paris: Dargaud Editeur – Presses Pocket, 1989.
- Serpieri, Paolo Eleuti. Druuna 2: Druuna. 1987. Paris: Bagheera Editeur, 2003.
- Serpieri, Paolo Eleuti. Druuna. 1987. Histoires Fantastiques. Paris: Dargaud Editeur – Presses Pocket, 1989.
- Serpieri, Paolo Eleuti. Druuna 3: Creatura. Paris: Bagheera Editeur, 1990.
- Serpieri, Paolo Eleuti. Druuna 4: Carnivora. Paris: Bagheera Editeur, 1992.
- Serpieri, Paolo Eleuti. Druuna 5: Mandragora. 1995. Paris: Bagheera Editeur, 2003.
- Serpieri, Paolo Eleuti. Druuna 5: Mandragore. 1995. New York: Heavy Metal, 1996.
- Serpieri, Paolo Eleuti. Druuna 6: Aphrodisia. 1997. Paris: Bagheera Editeur, 2000.
- Serpieri, Paolo Eleuti. Druuna 7: La Planète oubliée. Paris: Bagheera Editeur, 2000.
- Serpieri, Paolo Eleuti. Druuna 8: Clone. Paris: Bagheera Editeur, 2003.
- Serpieri, Paolo Eleuti. Druuna X. New York: Diva Graphix, 1993.
- Serpieri, Paolo Eleuti. Druuna X 2. Paris: Bagheera Editeur, 1998.
- Serpieri, Paolo Eleuti. Sketchbook. New York: Heavy Metal, 1995.
- Tarlazzi, Luca. Vixxxen: The Adventures of Selen. Seattle: Eros Comix, 1997.
- von Bayros, Franz. The Amorous Drawings of the Marquis von Bayros. Ed. Ludwig von Brunn. New York: The Cythera Press, 1968.
- von Götha, Erich. Les Malheurs de Janice. Tome 1. CEE: Edition International Presse Magazine, n.d.
- von Götha, Erich. The Troubles of Janice. Part 2. San Francisco: Last Gasp / Priaprism Press / Priaprism Press, 2001.
- von Götha, Erich & Bernard Joubert. Les Malheurs de Janice. Tome 3. CEE: Edition International Presse Magazine, n.d.
- von Götha, Erich & Bernard Joubert. The Troubles of Janice. Part 4. San Francisco: Last Gasp / Priaprism Press, 2002.
- von Götha, Erich. Curiosités Perverses de Sophie. CEE: Edition International Presse Magazine, n.d.
- von Götha, Erich. The Dream of Cécilia. San Francisco: Last Gasp / Priaprism Press, 1997.
- von Götha, Erich. A Very Special Prison. San Francisco: Last Gasp / Priaprism Press, 1997.
- von Götha, Erich. Twenty. San Francisco: Last Gasp / Priaprism Press, 1999.
- von Götha, Erich. Twenty 2. London: The Erotic Print Society, 2007.
- von Götha, Erich. Twenty 3. Paris: Dynamite, 2008.
- Zubeldia, Serge. Le Concile d’Amour. 1987. Paris: J’ai lu BD, 1989.
- Adelman, Bob. Tijuana Bibles: Art and Wit in America’s Forbidden Funnies, 1930s-1950s. Introduction by Art Spiegelman; Commentary by Richard Merkin, Essay by Madeline Kripke. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1997.
- Fantasie di Femmine: fumetti erotici – storie e immagini realizzate da donne. B. D. Bodybook. No. 1 (November 1996)
- Filippini, Henri. Encyclopédie de la bande dessinée érotique. (Nouvelle edition mise à jour et augmentée). 1997 & 1999. Paris: La Musardine, 2006.
- Pilcher, Chris. Erotic Comics: A Graphic History, Vol. 1 – From Birth to the 1970s. Foreword by Aline Kominsky Crumb. Lewes, East Sussex; Ilex, 2008.
- Pilcher, Chris. Erotic Comics: A Graphic History, Vol. 2 – From the 1970s to the Present Day. Foreword by Alan Moore. Lewes, East Sussex; Ilex, 2008.
- Yoe, Craig. Clean Cartoonists’ Dirty Drawings. Foreword by R. Crumb. San Francisco: Last Gasp, 2007.
'Belore' (1960- )
Xavier Musquera ['Chris'] (1942- )
Robert Hugues ['W. G. Colber'] (1931- )
Guido Crepas [Crepax] (1933-2003)
Jean-Claude Forest (1930-1998)
Atilio Gambedotti
Bernard Dufossé ['Kovacq'] (1936- )
Jean Sidobre ['G. Lévis'] (1924-1988)
Maurilio [Milo] Manara (1945- )
James McQuade (1933- )
Ignacio Noé (1965- )
Luis Royo (1954- )
Paolo Eleuteri Serpieri (1944- )
Luca Tarlazzi
Franz von Bayros (1866-1924)
Robin Ray ['Erich von Götha' / 'Erich von Gotha de la Rosière'] (1924- )
Serge Zubeldia
Anthologies & Secondary Literature
- Australian Hot Talk
- Australian Variations
- Bédé X
- Bédé Adult
- The Boudoir
- Kiss Comix
- Lettres cruelles
- The Oyster
- The Pearl
- Penthouse
- Playboy
- Selen
- Spanking Tails

- Australian Hot Talk:
- Australian Hot Talk 20 (1990)
- Australian Hot Talk 22 (1991)
- Australian Hot Talk 24 (1991)
- Australian Hot Talk 25 (1991)
- Australian Hot Talk 30 (1992)
- Australian Hot Talk 31 (1992)
- Australian Hot Talk 32 (1992)
- Australian Hot Talk 36 (1993)
- Australian Hot Talk 37 (1993)
- Australian Hot Talk 38 (1993)
- Australian Hot Talk 39 (1994)
- Australian Hot Talk 40 (1994)
- Australian Hot Talk 42 (1994)
- Australian Hot Talk 45 (1994)
- Australian Hot Talk 48 (1995)
- Australian Hot Talk 50 (1995)
- Australian Variations 43 (1993)
- Australian Variations 44 (1993)
- Australian Variations 46 (1994)
- Australian Variations 48 (1994)
- Australian Variations 50 (1995)
- Australian Variations 51 (1995)
- Bédé X: Album No. 17 – Recueil des Nos 10/11/12/13.
- Bédé X + SM Comix 57.
- Bédé Adult: Bandes Dessinées pour Adultes: Mensuel No. 148.
- Bédé Adult: Bandes Dessinées pour Adultes: Mensuel No. 189.
- The Boudoir. A Star Book. London: W. H. Allen, 1984.
- Kiss Comix 46 (1995)
- Kiss Comix 50 (1995)
- Kiss Comix 56 (1996)
- Kiss Comix 58 (1996)
- Kiss Comix 59 (1996)
- Lettres cruelles 2 (1991)
- The Oyster, Volume 1: A Novel from the Victorian Classic Underground Magazine ‘Printed and Published for the Uninhibited Members of Voluptuous Society.’ 1985. London: New English Library, 1986.
- The Oyster, Volume 2: A Novel from the Victorian Classic Underground Magazine ‘Printed and Published for the Uninhibited Members of Voluptuous Society.’ 1986. London: New English Library, 1987.
- The Pearl: A Journal of Facetiae and Voluptuous Reading. 1879-80. Grove Press, 1968. New York: Ballantine Books, 1981.
- The Pearl: A Journal of Facetiae and Voluptuous Reading. 1879-80. 1968. New York: Ballantine Books, 1987.
- The Pearl: A Journal of Facetiae and Voluptuous Reading. Volume Three: Further Selections from Volumes 1-18 July 1879 – December 1880, Together with some items from The Oyster. 1970, 1981 & 1984. London: New English Library, 1994.
- The Pearl: A Journal of Facetiae and Voluptuous Reading. The Complete Journals: Volumes One, Two and Three. 1879-80. 1970, 1981 & 1984. London: New English Library, 1994.
- Penthouse (August, 1978)
- Penthouse (December, 1978)
- Letters to Penthouse III. Ed. the Editors of Penthouse Magazine. New York: Warner Books, 1992.
- Playboy: Entertainment for Men (June, 1977)
- Selen: Cultura erotica e fumetti. No. 7 (August / September 1995)
- Selen: Cultura erotica e fumetti. No. 8 (October 1995)
- Selen: Cultura erotica e fumetti. No. 9 (November / December 1995)
- Spanking Tails 3: “Much Too Cheeky.” A Gallery Girls Collection. Columbus, NJ: SQP, Inc., 2008.
Australian Variations:
Bédé X:
Bédé Adult:
The Boudoir:
Kiss Comix:
Lettres cruelles:
The Oyster:
The Pearl:
Spanking Tails:
- Henry Spencer Ashbee (1834-1900)
- Richard F. Burton (1821-1890)
- Havelock Ellis (1859-1939)
- Frank Harris (1856-1931)
- Anthologies & Secondary Literature
- Henry Spencer Ashbee [‘Pisanus Fraxi’ / 'Walter'] (1834-1900)
- Ashbee, Henry Spencer [‘Pisanus Fraxi’]. Index of Forbidden Books. 1879. London: Sphere, 1969.
- Ashbee, Henry Spencer [‘Walter’]. My Secret Life I: Volumes 1-4. 1888-92. Introduction by Donald Thomas. London: Arrow, 1994.
- Ashbee, Henry Spencer [‘Walter’]. My Secret Life II: Volumes 5-8. 1888-92. Introduction by Donald Thomas. London: Arrow, 1994.
- Ashbee, Henry Spencer [‘Walter’]. My Secret Life III: Volumes 9-11. 1888-92. Introduction by Donald Thomas. London: Arrow, 1995.
- Gibson, Ian. The Erotomaniac: The Secret Life of Henry Spencer Ashbee. 2001. London: Faber & Faber, 2002.
- “Ardonne, Marcus,” ed. The Secret Sutras: The ‘Lost’ Erotic Journals of Sir Richard Burton. London: New English Library, 1996.
- Ellis, Havelock. Studies in the Psychology of Sex. 1897-1910. 2 vols. 1936. New York: Random House, 1942.
- Ellis, Havelock. My Life: Autobiography. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1939.
- Harris, Frank. My Life and Loves: Five Volumes in One (Complete and Unexpurgated). 1925. London: Corgi Books. 1973.
- Harris, Frank. The Fifth Volume of Frank Harris’s My Life and Loves: An Irreverent Treatment by Alexander Trocchi. The Olympia Press Travellers’ Companion Series, 108. 1958-59. London: New English Library, 1966.
- Harris, Frank. Oscar Wilde: His Life and Confessions. 1938. London: Panther, 1965.
- The Allure of Eros (Sale and Exhibition of Erotic Paintings and Sculptures). Symonds Street, Auckland: 1-3 October, 2004.
- Blackledge, Catherine. The Story of V: Opening Pandora’s Box. 2003. London: Phoenix, 2004.
- Bornoff, Nicholas. Pink Samurai: The Pursuit and Politics of Sex in Japan. 1991. London: HarperCollins, 1994.
- Edwardes, Allen, and R. E. L. Masters. The Cradle of Erotica: A Study of Afro-Asian Sexual Expression and an Analysis of Erotic Freedom in Social Relationships. 1962. New York: Julian P, 1966.
- Garber, Marjorie. Vice Versa: Bisexuality and the Eroticism of Everyday Life. London: Simon & Schuster, 1995.
- Jakubowski, Maxim & Marilyn Jaye Lewis, ed. The Mammoth Book of Erotic Photography. 2001. London: Robinson, 2006.
- Leguay, Thierry. Histoire Raisonnée de la Fellation. 1999. Paris: Le Cercle Poche, 2003.
- Peakman, Julie. Lascivious Bodies: A Sexual History of the Eighteenth Century. 2004. London: Atlantic Books, 2005.
- Pearsall, Ronald. Tell Me, Pretty Maiden: The Victorian and Edwardian Nude. London: Book Club Associates, 1981.
- Pearsall, Ronald. The Worm in the Bud: The World of Victorian Sexuality. 1969. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1983.
- Sharp, Kerri, ed. The Black Lace Book of Women’s Sexual Fantasies. 1999. London: Black Lace Books, 2002.
- St Jorre, John de. Venus Bound: The Erotic Voyage of the Olympia Press and Its Writers. New York: Random House, 1994.
- Stryker, Susan, ed. Lesbian Pulp Address Book. San Francisco: Chronicle Books, 2000.
- Travis, Alan. Bound & Gagged: A Secret History of Obscenity in Britain. 2000. London: Profile Books, 2001.
Captain Sir Richard Francis Burton (1821-1890)
Henry Havelock Ellis (1859-1939)
Frank Harris (1856-1931)
Anthologies & Secondary Literature