Showing posts with label Travel Writing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Travel Writing. Show all posts


Travel & Exploration

Le douanier Rousseau: La cascade (1910)

A Bibliography of my Collection

Anthologies & Secondary Literature

Singapore Airlines: Romance of Travel playing-cards

[120 books]

  1. Isabella Lucy Bird (1831-1904)
  2. Bill Bryson (1951- )
  3. Robert Byron (1905-1941)
  4. Madame Calderón de la Barca (1804-1882)
  5. Bruce Chatwin (1940-1989)
  6. Jim Corbett (1875-1955)
  7. Violet O. Cressy-Marcks (1895–1970)
  8. R. B. Cunninghame Graham (1852–1936)
  9. William Dalrymple (1965- )
  10. Joan Druett (1939- )
  11. Rowena Farre (1921-1979)
  12. Patrick Leigh Fermor (1915-2011)
  13. Richard Fidler (1964- )
  14. Robert Peter Fleming (1907-1971)
  15. Robert Gibbings (1889-1958)
  16. James Hamilton-Paterson (1941- )
  17. Heinrich Harrer (1912-2006)
  18. Sebastian Junger (1962- )
  19. A. W. Kinglake (1809-1891)
  20. T. E. Lawrence (1888-1935)
  21. Peter Levi (1931-2000)
  22. Norman Lewis (1908-2003)
  23. Sven Lindqvist (1932- )
  24. Fitzroy Maclean (1911-1996)
  25. Bronisław Malinowski (1884-1942)
  26. Lady Mary Wortley Montagu (1689-1762)
  27. Jan Morris (1926- )
  28. Eric Newby (1919-2006)
  29. Lt. Col. J. H. Patterson (1867-1947)
  30. Jonathan Raban (1942-2023)
  31. Tahir Shah (1966- )
  32. Francis Spufford (1964- )
  33. Freya Stark (1893-1993)
  34. John L. Stephens (1805–1852) & Frederick Catherwood (1799–1854)
  35. Paul Theroux (1941- )
  36. H. M. Tomlinson (1873–1958)
  37. A. F. Tschiffely (1895–1954)
  38. Alfred Wainright (1907–1991)

    Isabella Lucy Bird (1831-1904)

  1. Bird, Isabella. A Lady’s Life in the Rocky Mountains. 1879. Könemann Travel Classics. Köln: Könemann, 2000.

  2. William McGuire [Bill] Bryson (1951- )

  3. Bryson, Bill. The Lost Continent: Travels in Small Town America. 1989. An Abacus Book. London: Little, Brown and Company (UK), 1997.

  4. Bryson, Bill. The Lost Continent: Travels in Small Town America & Neither Here Nor There: Travels in Europe. 1989 & 1991. London: Secker & Warburg, 2003.

  5. Bryson, Bill. Made in America. Illustrated by Bruce McCall. London: Secker & Warburg, 1994.

  6. Bryson, Bill. The Complete Notes: Notes from a Small Island & Notes from a Big Country. 1995 & 1998. London: Doubleday, 2000.

  7. Bryson, Bill. A Walk in the Woods. Illustrated by David Cook. London: Doubleday, 1997.

  8. Bryson, Bill. Down Under. Illustrations by Neil Gower. 2000. A Black Swan Book. London: Transworld Publishers, 2001.

  9. Bryson, Bill. A Short History of Nearly Everything. 2003. A Black Swan Book. London: Transworld Publishers, 2004.

  10. Bryson, Bill. A Short History of Nearly Everything - Illustrated. 2003. London: Transworld Publishers, 2005.

  11. Bryson, Bill. The Life and Times of the Thunderbolt Kid: Travels through My Childhood. 2006. London: Black Swan, 2007.

  12. Bryson, Bill. One Summer: America 1927. Illustrations by Neil Gower. Doubleday. London: Transworld Publishers, 2013.

  13. Bryson, Bill. The Road from Little Dribbling: More Notes from a Small Island. Illustrations by Neil Gower. Doubleday. London: Transworld Publishers, 2015.

  14. Robert Byron (1905-1941)

  15. Byron, Robert. The Station. Athos: Treasures and Men. 1928. Introduction by Christopher Sykes. A Phoenix Press Paperback. London: The Orion Publishing Group Ltd., 2000.

  16. Byron, Robert. The Road to Oxiana. 1937. Introduction by Bruce Chatwin. London: Picador, 1981.

  17. Frances [Fanny] Erskine Inglis, Marquise of Calderón de la Barca (1804-1882)

  18. Calderon de la Barca, Madame. Life in Mexico: During a Residence of Two Years in That Country. Preface by William H. Prescott. 1843. Introduction by Henry Baerlein. Everyman's Library. London: J. M. Dent & Sons Ltd. / New York: E. P. Dutton & Co., n.d.

  19. Charles Bruce Chatwin (1940-1989)

  20. Chatwin, Bruce. In Patagonia. 1977. Picador. London: Pan Books Ltd., 1979.

  21. Chatwin, Bruce. In Patagonia. 1977. Vintage Classics. London: Vintage, 1998.

  22. Chatwin, Bruce. The Viceroy of Ouidah. 1980. Picador. London: Pan Books Ltd., 1983.

  23. Chatwin, Bruce. On the Black Hill. 1982. Picador. London: Pan Books Ltd., 1984.

  24. Chatwin, Bruce, & Paul Theroux. Patagonia Revisited. Illustrated by Kyffin Williams. Wilton, Salisbury: Michael Russell (Publishing ) Ltd., 1985.

  25. Chatwin, Bruce. The Songlines. 1987. Picador. London: Pan Books Ltd., 1988.

  26. Chatwin, Bruce. Utz. 1988. Picador. London: Pan Books Ltd., 1989.

  27. Chatwin, Bruce. What am I Doing Here. 1989. Picador. London: Pan Books Ltd., 1990.

  28. Chatwin, Bruce. Photographs and Notebooks. Ed. David King & Francis Wyndham. Introduction by Francis Wyndham. Jonathan Cape. London: Random House, 1993.

  29. Chatwin, Bruce. Anatomy of Restlessness: Uncollected Writings. Ed. Jan Borm & Matthew Graves. Jonathan Cape. London: Random House, 1996.

  30. Chatwin, Bruce. Anatomy of Restlessness: Uncollected Writings. Ed. Jan Borm & Matthew Graves. Picador. London: Macmillan Publishers Ltd., 1997.

  31. Shakespeare, Nicholas. Bruce Chatwin. 1999. Vintage. London: The Random House Group Limited / The Harvill Press, 2000.

  32. Chatwin, Elizabeth, & Nicholas Shakespeare, ed. Under the Sun: The Letters of Bruce Chatwin. 2010. Vintage. London: The Random House Group Limited, 2011.

  33. Edward James [Jim] Corbett (1875-1955)

  34. Corbett, Jim. My India. 1952. London: Geoffrey Cumberlege / Oxford University Press, 1954.

  35. Corbett, Jim. Maneaters of Kumaon and The Temple Tiger. 1944 & 1954. Introduction by Geoffrey Cumberlege. The World’s Classics, 577. London: Oxford University Press, 1960.

  36. Violet Olivia Cressy-Marcks (1895–1970)

  37. Cressy-Marcks, Violet O. Up the Amazon and Over the Andes. Introduction by Admiral Sir William E. Goodenough. London: Hodder and Stoughton, Limited, 1932.

  38. Robert Bontine Cunninghame Graham (1852–1936)

  39. Cunninghame Graham, R. B. Mogreb-el-Acksa: A Journey in Morocco. 1898. Introduction by Edward Garnett. National Travel Club. New York: The Viking Press Inc., 1930.

  40. Cunninghame Graham, R. B. Mogreb-el-Acksa. 1898. Introduction by Philip Healy. Foreword by Jean Cunninghame Graham. The Century Travellers. London: Century Hutchinson Ltd., 1988.

  41. Cunninghame Graham, R. B. Thirteen Stories. 1900. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1942.

  42. Cunninghame Graham, R. B. A Vanished Arcadia: Being Some Account of the Jesuits in Paraguay, 1607 to 1767. 1901. Introduction by Philip Healy. The Century Travellers. London: Century Hutchinson Ltd., 1988.

  43. Cunninghame Graham, R. B. Success. The Greenback Library. London: Duckworth & Co, 1902.

  44. [Cunninghame Graham, R. B. A Brazilian Mystic: Being the Life and Miracles of Antonio Conselheiro. London: William Heinemann, 1920. 2 vols.]

  45. Cunninghame Graham, R. B. Cartagena and the Banks of the Sinú. 1920. London: William Heinemann, 1922.

  46. Bloomfield, Paul, ed. The Essential R. B. Cunninghame Graham. London: Jonathan Cape Ltd., 1952.

  47. Cunninghame Graham, R. B. Redeemed and Other Sketches. 1927. London: William Heinemann, Ltd., 1928.

  48. Tschiffely, A. F., ed. Rodeo: A Collection of the Tales and Sketches of R. B. Cunninghame Graham. London: William Heinemann, Ltd., 1936.

  49. Cunninghame Graham, R. B. Beattock for Moffat and the Best of R. B. Cunninghame Graham. Introduction by Alanna Knight. Edinburgh: Paul Harris Publishing, 1979.

  50. Cunninghame Graham, R. B. Tales of Horsemen. Ed. & Illustrated by Alexander Maitland. Edinburgh: Canongate Publishing, 1981.

  51. Walker, John, ed. The Scottish Sketches of R. B. Cunninghame Graham. Edinburgh: Scottish Academic Press Ltd., 1982.

  52. Walker, John, ed. The North American Sketches of R. B. Cunninghame Graham. Edinburgh: Scottish Academic Press Ltd., 1986.

  53. Maitland, Alexander. Robert and Gabriela Cunninghame Graham. Edinburgh: William Blackwood and Sons Limited, 1983.

  54. Tschiffely, A. F. Don Roberto: Being the Account of the Life and Works of R. B. Cunninghame Graham, 1852-1936. London: William Heinemann Ltd., 1937.

  55. William Hamilton-Dalrymple (1965- )

  56. Dalrymple, William. In Xanadu: A Quest. 1989. Flamingo. London: HarperCollins, 1990.

  57. Dalrymple, William. City of Djinns: A Year in Delhi. Illustrations by Olivia Fraser. 1993. New Delhi: Penguin Books India, 2004.

  58. Dalrymple, William. From the Holy Mountain: A Journey in the Shadow of Byzantium. 1997. Flamingo. London: HarperCollins Publishers, 1998.

  59. Dalrymple, William. The Age of Kali: Indian Travels and Encounters. 1998. Melbourne: Lonely Planet Publications, 2000.

  60. Dalrymple, William. White Mughals: Love and Betrayal in Eighteenth-Century India. 2002. Flamingo. London: HarperCollins Publishers, 2003.

  61. Dalrymple, William. The Last Mughal: The Fall of a Dynasty. 2006. London: Penguin, 2007.

  62. Dalrymple, William. Nine Lives: In Search of the Sacred in Modern India. London: Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, 2009.

  63. Dalrymple, William. Return of a King: The Battle for Afghanistan. 2012. London: Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, 2013.

  64. Dalrymple, William, & Anita Anand. Koh-i-Noor: The History of the World's Most Infamous Diamond. 2016. London: Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, 2017.

  65. Dalrymple, William. The Anarchy: The Relentless Rise of the East India Company. London: Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, 2019.

  66. Joan Druett (1939- )

  67. Druett, Joan. In the Wake of Madness: The Murderous Voyage of the Whaleship Sharon. 2003. Auckland: HarperCollins Publishers (New Zealand) Limited, 2004.

  68. Druett, Joan. Island of the Lost: A Harrowing True Story of Shipwreck, Death and Survival on a Godforsaken Island at the Edge of the World. Crows Nest NSW: Allen & Unwin, 2007.

  69. Daphne Lois Macready ['Rowena Farre'] (1921-1979)

  70. Farre, Rowena. Seal Morning. Decorations by Raymond Sheppard. 1957. London: Hutchinson & Co. (Publishers) Ltd., 1957.

  71. Farre, Rowena. A Time from the World. 1962. London: Hutchinson & Co. (Publishers) Ltd., 1962.

  72. Sir Patrick [Paddy] Michael Leigh Fermor (1915-2011)

  73. Fermor, Patrick Leigh. The Traveller’s Tree: A Journey Through the Caribbean Islands. Illustrated by A. Costa. 1950. A Grey Arrow. London: Arrow Books Ltd., 1961.

  74. Fermor, Patrick Leigh. A Time of Gifts - On Foot to Constantinople: From the Hook of Holland to the Middle Danube. Introduction by Jan Morris. 1977. New York Review Books. New York: The New York Review of Books, 2005.

  75. Cooper, Artemis. Patrick Leigh Fermor: An Adventure. London: John Murray (Publishers), 2012.

  76. Richard Fidler (1964- )

  77. Fidler, Richard. Ghost Empire. 2016. ABC Books. Sydney: HarperCollins Publishers Australia Pty Ltd., 2017.

  78. Fidler, Richard, & Kári Gíslason. Saga Land: The Island of Stories at the Edge of the World. ABC Books. Sydney: HarperCollins Publishers Australia Pty Ltd., 2017.

  79. Fidler, Richard. The Golden Maze: A Biography of Prague. 2020. ABC Books. Sydney: HarperCollins Publishers Australia Pty Ltd., 2021.

  80. Robert Peter Fleming (1907-1971)

  81. Fleming, Peter. Brazilian Adventure. 1933. World Books. London: The Reprint Society Ltd. / Jonathan Cape Ltd., 1940.

  82. Fleming, Peter. Travels in Tartary: One’s Company and News from Tartary. 1934 & 1936. London: Jonathan Cape Ltd., 1948.

  83. Robert John Gibbings (1889-1958)

  84. Gibbings, Robert. Sweet Thames Run Softly. With Engravings by the Author. 1940. The Temple Press. London: J. M. Dent & Sons Ltd., 1948.

  85. Gibbings, Robert. Over the Reefs. With Engravings by the Author. London: J. M. Dent & Sons Ltd., 1948.

  86. James Hamilton-Paterson (1941- )

  87. Hamilton-Paterson, James. Gerontius. 1989. Vintage. London: Macmillan London Ltd., 1990.

  88. Hamilton-Paterson, James. America's Boy: The Marcoses and the Philippines. 1998. London: Granta Books, 1999.

  89. Heinrich Harrer (1912-2006)

  90. Harrer, Heinrich. Seven Years in Tibet. Trans. Richard Graves. Introduction by Peter Fleming. 1953. London: Pan, 1956.

  91. Sebastian Junger (1962- )

  92. Junger, Sebastian. The Perfect Storm: A True Story of Men Against the Sea. 1997. London: Fourth Estate, 1998.

  93. Alexander William Kinglake (1809-1891)

  94. Kinglake, A. W. Eothen, or Traces of Travel brought Home from the East. 1844. Everyman’s Library 337. London: Dent, New York: Dutton, 1936.

  95. Thomas Edward Lawrence (1888-1935)


  96. Lawrence, T. E. Crusader Castles. 1910. Ed. A. W. Lawrence. 2 vols. 1936. Introduction by Mark Bostridge. London: The Folio Society, 2010.

  97. Lawrence, T. E. The Complete 1922 Seven Pillars of Wisdom: The ‘Oxford’ Text. 1922. Ed. Jeremy Michael Wilson & Nicole Wilson. 1997. Rev. ed. 2003. 2 vols. Somerset, England: Castle Hill Press, 2014.

  98. Lawrence, T. E. Seven Pillars of Wisdom: A Triumph. 1926 & 1935. 2 vols. London: The Reprint Society Ltd. by arrangement with Jonathan Cape Ltd., 1939.

  99. Lawrence, T. E. Seven Pillars of Wisdom: A Triumph. 1926 & 1935. London: Jonathan Cape Ltd., 1946.

  100. Lawrence, T. E. Revolt in the Desert. New York: Garden City Publishing Company Inc., 1927.

  101. Shaw, T. E. (Colonel T. E. Lawrence), trans. The Odyssey of Homer: Translated into English Prose. 1932. London: Oxford University Press, 1960.

  102. Lawrence, T. E. The Mint: The Complete Unexpurgated Text. 1928 & 1936. Ed. A. W. Lawrence. 1955. Preface by J. M. Wilson. Penguin Modern Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1978.

  103. Lawrence, T. E. The Mint and Later Writings about Service Life. 1955. Ed. Jeremy and Nicole Wilson. Introduction by Jeremy Wilson. 2009. T. E. Lawrence Studies. Somerset, England: Castle Hill Press, 2016.

  104. Lawrence, T. E. Oriental Assembly. With Photographs by the Author. Ed. A. W. Lawrence. 1939. London: Williams and Norgate Ltd., 1939.

  105. Garnett, David, ed. The Essential T. E. Lawrence: A Selection of His Finest Writings. London: Jonathan Cape, 1951.

  106. Garnett, David, ed. The Essential T. E. Lawrence: A Selection of His Finest Writings. 1951. Introduction by Malcolm Brown. Oxford Paperbacks. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1992.

  107. Lawrence, T. E., ed. Minorities. Ed. J. M. Wilson. Preface by C. Day Lewis. London: Jonathan Cape, 1971.

  108. Letters:

  109. Garnett, David, ed. The Letters of T. E. Lawrence. London: Jonathan Cape Ltd., 1938.

  110. Lawrence, M. R., ed. The Home Letters of T. E. Lawrence and His Brothers. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1954.

  111. Lawrence, A. W., ed. Letters to T. E. Lawrence. London: Jonathan Cape Ltd., 1962.

  112. Secondary:

  113. Thomas, Lowell. With Lawrence in Arabia. London: Hutchinson & Co. (Publishers), Ltd., 1924

  114. Graves, Robert. Lawrence and the Arabs. Illustrations ed. Eric Kennington. Maps by Herry Perry. 1927. London: Jonathan Cape Ltd., 1928.

  115. Liddell Hart, B. H. ‘T. E. Lawrence’: In Arabia and After. London: Jonathan Cape Ltd., 1934.

  116. Lawrence, A. W., ed. T. E. Lawrence by His Friends. 1937. London: Jonathan Cape Ltd., 1938.

  117. Aldington, Richard. Lawrence of Arabia: A Biographical Enquiry. London: Collins, 1955.

  118. Mack, John E. A Prince of Our Disorder: The Life of T. E. Lawrence. 1976. New Preface by the Author. Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press, 1998.

  119. Wilson, Jeremy. Lawrence of Arabia: The Authorised Biography of T. E. Lawrence. 1989. Minerva. London: Mandarin Paperbacks, 1990.

  120. Anderson, Scott. Lawrence in Arabia: War, Deceit, Imperial Folly and the Making of the Modern Middle East. 2013. London: Atlantic Books, 2014.

  121. Peter Chad Tigar Levi (1931-2000)

  122. Levi, Peter. The Light Garden of the Angel King: Journeys in Afghanistan. 1972. Rev. ed. Penguin Travel Library. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1984.

  123. Levi, Peter. The Frontiers of Paradise: A Study of Monks and Monasteries. 1987. London: Collins Harvill, 1988.

  124. Norman Lewis (1908-2003)

  125. Lewis, Norman. An Empire of the East: Travels in Indonesia. 1993. London: Picador, 1995.

  126. Sven Lindqvist (1932- )

  127. Lindqvist, Sven. 'Exterminate All the Brutes'. 1992. Trans. Joan Tate. 1996. London: Granta Books, 1997.

  128. Sir Fitzroy Hew Royle Maclean (1911-1996)

  129. Maclean, Fitzroy. Eastern Approaches. 1949. London: the Reprint Society, by arrangement with Jonathan Cape, Ltd., 1952.

  130. Bronisław Kasper Malinowski (1884-1942)

  131. Malinowski, Bronislaw. Argonauts of the Western Pacific: An Account of Native Enterprise and Adventure in the Archipelagoes of Melanesian New Guinea. Preface by Sir James G. Frazer. 1922. A Dutton Paperback. New York: E. P. Dutton & Co, Ltd., 1961.

  132. Lady Mary Wortley Montagu (1689-1762)

  133. Montagu, Lady Mary Wortley. Letters 1709-1762. Ed. R. Brimley Johnson. Everyman’s Library 69. 1906. London & New York: J. M. Dent & E. P. Dutton, 1914.

  134. James [Jan] Morris (1926- )

  135. Morris, James. The Market of Seleukia. London: Faber, 1957.

  136. Morris, James. Pax Britannica: The Climax of an Empire. Pax Britannica, 2. 1968. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1981.

  137. Morris, James. Heaven’s Command: An Imperial Progress. Pax Britannica, 1. 1973. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1979.

  138. Morris, Jan. Conundrum. 1974. London: Faber, 2002.

  139. Morris, James. Farewell the Trumpets: An Imperial Retreat. Pax Britannica, 3. 1978. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1981.

  140. Morris, Jan, ed. The Oxford Book of Oxford. 1978. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1984.

  141. Morris, Jan. Wales: Epic Views of a Small Country. [as 'The Matter of Wales', 1984]. Rev. ed. 1998. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 2000.

  142. Morris, Jan. Among the Cities. 1985. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1986.

  143. Morris, Jan. Fifty Years of Europe: An Album. London: Viking, 1997.

  144. George Eric Newby (1919-2006)

  145. Newby, Eric. A Short Walk in the Hindu Kush. 1958. Picador Travel Classics, 17. Foreword by Evelyn Waugh. London: Picador, 1997.

  146. Newby, Eric. Love and War in the Apennines. 1971. London: Picador, 1983.

  147. Newby, Eric. A Traveller’s Life. 1982. London: Picador, 1983.

  148. Lieutenant-Colonel John Henry Patterson (1867-1947)

  149. Patterson, Lt.-Col. J. H. The Man-Eaters of Tsavo. 1907. The Peter Capstick Library. Foreword by Peter Capstick. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1986.

  150. Jonathan Raban (1942-2023)

  151. Raban, Jonathan. Old Glory: An American Voyage. London: Collins, 1981.

  152. Raban, Jonathan. Coasting. 1986. Picador. London: Pan Books, 1987.

  153. Raban, Jonathan. Coasting. 1986. Picador, in association with Collins Harvill. London: Macmillan General Books, 1987.

  154. Raban, Jonathan. For Love & Money: Writing / Reading / Travelling, 1968-1987. 1987. Picador. London: Pan Books Ltd., 1988.

  155. Raban, Jonathan. Hunting Mister Heartbreak. 1990. London: Picador, 1991.

  156. Raban, Jonathan. Bad Land: An American Romance. 1996. London: Picador, 1997.

  157. Raban, Jonathan. Passage to Juneau: A Sea and Its Meanings. 1999. London: Picador, 2000.

  158. Raban, Jonathan. Waxwings. Picador. London: Pan Macmillan Ltd., 2003.

  159. Sayyid Tahir al-Hashimi [Tahir Shah] (1966- )

  160. Shah, Tahir. In Arabian Nights: In Search of Morocco through its Stories and Storytellers. London: Doubleday, 2008.

  161. Francis Spufford (1964- )

  162. Spufford, Francis. I May Be Some Time: Ice and the English Imagination. London: Faber, 1996.

  163. Spufford, Francis. The Child that Books Built. 2002. London: Faber, 2003.

  164. Spufford, Francis. Backroom Boys: The Secret Return of the English Boffin. London: Faber, 2003.

  165. Spufford, Francis, ed. The Vintage Book of the Devil. 1992. Vintage. London: Random House, 1997.

  166. Dame Freya Madeleine Stark (1893-1993)

  167. Stark, Freya. The Valleys of the Assassins and Other Persian Travels. 1934. London: John Murray, 1937.

  168. John Lloyd Stephens (1805–1852) &
    Frederick Catherwood (1799–1854)

  169. Stephens, John L. Incidents of Travel in Egypt, Arabia Petraea, and The Holy Land. 1837. Ed. Victor Wolfgang von Hagen. Illustrated by Frederick Catherwood. 1970. San Francisco: Chronicle Books, 1991.

  170. Stephens, John L. Incidents of Travel in Central America, Chiapas, & Yucatán. Illustrated by F. Catherwood. 1841. Ed. Richard L. Prodmore. 2 vols. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, 1949.

  171. Stephens, John L. Incidents of Travel in Yucatán. Illustrated by F. Catherwood. 2 vols. 1843. New York: Dover Publications, Inc., 1963.

  172. Von Hagen, Victor W. Search for the Maya: The Story of Stephens & Catherwood. 1973. Saxon House. London: Book Club Associates / Westmead, Farnborough, Hampshire: D. C. Heath Ltd., 1974.

  173. Carlsen, William. Jungle of Stone: The Extraordinary Journey of John L. Stephens & Frederick Catherwood, and the Discovery of the Lost Civilisation of the Maya. 2016. William Morrow. New York: HarperCollins Publishers, Inc., 2017.

  174. Paul Edward Theroux (1941- )

  175. Theroux, Paul. The Black House. 1974. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1986.

  176. Theroux, Paul. The Great Railway Bazaar. 1975. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1981.

  177. Theroux, Paul. The Family Arsenal. 1976. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1978.

  178. Theroux, Paul. The Consul’s File. 1977. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1983.

  179. Theroux, Paul. The Old Patagonian Express. 1979. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1983.

  180. Theroux, Paul. The Mosquito Coast. 1981. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1982.

  181. Theroux, Paul. The Kingdom by the Sea. 1983. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1984.

  182. Theroux, Paul. Doctor Slaughter. 1984. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1985.

  183. Theroux, Paul. The Happy Isles of Oceania: Paddling the Pacific. 1992. New York: Ballantine Books, 1993.

  184. Theroux, Paul. The Collected Stories: Sinning with Annie; World’s End; The Consul’s File; The London Embassy. 1969, 1980, 1977, 1982 & 1997. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1997.

  185. Theroux, Paul. The Collected Short Novels: Murder in Mount Holly; The Greenest Island; Doctor Slaughter; Dr DeMarr; Bottom Feeders; The Rat Room. 1969, 1980, 1984, 1990, 1996, 1998. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1999.

  186. Henry Major Tomlinson (1873–1958)

  187. Tomlinson, H. M. The Sea and the Jungle: Being the narrative of the voyage of the tramp steamer Capella from Swansea to Santa Maria de Belem do Grâo Pará in the Brazils, and thence 2,000 miles along the forest of the Amazon and Madeira rivers to the san Antonio Falls; afterwards returning to Barbados for orders, and going by way of Jamaica to Tampa in Florida, where she loaded for home. Done in the years 1909 and 1910. 1912. Penguin Travel Library. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1985.

  188. Flora Tristan (1803–1844)

  189. Tristan, Flora. Peregrinations of a Pariah, 1833-1834. 1838. Trans. & ed. Jean Hawkes. Virago Travellers. London: Virago Press Limited, 1986.

  190. Aimé Félix Tschiffely (1895–1954)

  191. Tschiffely, A. F. Tschiffely’s Ride: Being the Account of 10,000 Miles in the Saddle Through the Americas from Argentina to Washington. 1933. London: William Heinemann Ltd., 1935.

  192. Tschiffely, A. F. This Way Southward: An Account of a Journey through Patagonia to Tierra del Fuego. 1940. London: Hodder & Stoughton Limited, 1946.

  193. Tschiffely, A. F. Coricancha (Garden of Gold): Being an Account of the Conquest of the Inca Empire. London: Hodder & Stoughton Limited, 1943.

  194. Tschiffely, A. F. Bohemia Junction. London: Hodder & Stoughton Limited, 1950.

  195. Alfred Wainright (1907–1991)

  196. Wainright, A. A Pictorial Guide to the Lakeland Fells: Being an Illustrated Account of a Study and Exploration of the Mountains in the English Lake District. 50th Anniversary Edition. London: Frances Lincoln Limited, 2005.
    1. The Eastern Fells (1955)
    2. The Far Eastern Fells (1957)
    3. The Central Fells (1958)
    4. The Southern Fells (1960)
    5. The Northern Fells (1962)
    6. The North Western Fells (1964)
    7. The Western Fells (1966)

Séraphine de Senlis: L'arbre de vie

[99 books]

  1. Roald Amundsen (1872-1928)
  2. Lord Anson (1697-1762)
  3. Robert D. Ballard (1942- )
  4. Gertrude Bell (1868-1926)
  5. William Bligh (1754-1817)
  6. Richard F. Burton (1821-1890)
  7. Richard E. Byrd (1888-1957)
  8. Apsley Cherry-Garrard (1886-1959)
  9. Christopher Columbus (c.1451-1506)
  10. James Cook (1728-1779)
  11. Jacques Cousteau (1910-1997)
  12. Charles M. Doughty (1843–1926)
  13. Isabelle Eberhardt (1877-1904)
  14. Percy Fawcett (1867-c.1925)
  15. Matthew Henson (1866-1955)
  16. Sir Edmund Hillary (1919-2008)
  17. Frank Hurley (1885-1962)
  18. Jean-François de Galaup de La Pérouse (1741-1788)
  19. David Lewis (1917-2002)
  20. Douglas Mawson (1882-1958)
  21. Fridtjof Nansen (1861-1930)
  22. Tenzing Norgay (1914-1986)
  23. Robert E. Peary (1856-1920)
  24. Marco Polo (c.1254–1324)
  25. Robert Falcon Scott (1868-1912)
  26. Tim Severin (1940- )
  27. Ernest Shackleton (1874-1922)
  28. Eric Shipton (1907-1977)
  29. Joshua Slocum (1844-1909)
  30. Frank Smythe (1900-1949)
  31. John Hanning Speke (1827-1864)
  32. Lady Hester Stanhope (1776-1839)
  33. Wilfred Thesiger (1910-2003)
  34. H. W. Tilman (1898-1977)
  35. Frank Worsley (1872-1943)

    Roald Engelbregt Gravning Amundsen (1872-1928)

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  28. Translations:

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  30. Fox, Robert. The Inner Sea: The Mediterranean and Its People. London: Book Club Associates, 1991.

  31. French, Patrick. Younghusband: The Last Great Imperial Adventurer. 1994. Flamingo. London: HarperCollins Publishers, 1995.

  32. Ghosts of Everest: The Authorised Story of the Search for Mallory & Irvine, by Jochen Hemmleb, Larry A. Johnson, & Eric R. Simonson of the Expedition Team that Found Mallory on Everest, as Told to William R. Nothdurft. 1999. Pan Books. London: Macmillan Publishers Ltd., 2000.

  33. Gilmour, Martin. For the Love of Tasmania. Photographs by Owen Hughes. 1985. Launceston, Tasmania: Owen Hughes, 1990.

  34. Granta 20 (Winter 1986) – In Trouble Again: A Special Issue of Travel Writing. Ed. Bill Buford. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1986.

  35. Granta 22 (Autumn 1987) – With Your Tongue Down My Throat: A Paperback Magazine of New Writing. Ed. Bill Buford. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1987.

  36. Granta 23 (Spring 1988) – Home. Ed. Bill Buford. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1988.

  37. Granta 36 (Summer 1991) – Vargas Llosa for President. Ed. Bill Buford. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1991.

  38. Greene, A. Kendra. The Museum of Whales You Will Never See. 2020. London: Granta Books, 2021.

  39. Hakluyt, Richard. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques & Discoveries of the English nation made by Sea or Overland to the Remote & Farthest Distant Quarters of the Earth at any time within the compasse of these 1600 Yeares. Introduction by John Masefield. 1907. 8 vols. Everyman’s Library. London: J. M. Dent & Sons Ltd. / New York: E. P. Dutton & Co., 1926.

  40. Hanbury-Tenison, Robin, ed. The Oxford Book of Exploration. Oxford & New York: Oxford University Press, 1993.

  41. Hanson, Earl Parker. South from the Spanish Main: South America Seen through the Eyes of Its Discoverers. The Great Explorers Series. New York: Delacorte Press, 1967.

  42. Harper, Damian et al., ed. Lonely Planet China. 1984. 15th Edition. Singapore: Lonely Planet Global Limited, 2017.

  43. Hickman, John. The Enchanted Islands: The Galapagos Discovered. 1978. Oswestry, Shropshire: Anthony Nelson Ltd., 1985.

  44. Honour, Hugh. The New Golden Land: European Images of America from the Discoveries to the Present Time. Pantheon Books. New York: Random House, Inc., 1975.

  45. Hulme, Peter & Tim Youngs, ed. The Cambridge Companion to Travel Writing. 2002. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005.

  46. Hunt, John. The Ascent of Everest. London: The Companion Book Club, 1954.

  47. Hunt, John. Our Everest Adventure: The Pictorial History from Kathmandu to the Summit. Leicester: Brockhampton Press Ltd., 1954.

  48. Keay, John. Explorers Extraordinary. London: John Murray (Publishers) Ltd. / The British Broadcasting Corporation, 1985.

  49. Johnson, Donald S. Phantom Islands of the Atlantic: The Legends of Seven Lands that Never Were. 1994. New York: Walker Publishing Company, Inc., 1996.

  50. Kemp, P. K. ed. A Hundred Years of Sea Stories: From Melville to Hemingway. London: Cassell & Company, Ltd., 1955.

  51. Kennedy, Ludovic, ed. A Book of Sea-Journeys: An Anthology. 1981. London: Fontana/Collins, 1982.

  52. Kirwan, L. P. A History of Polar Exploration. 1959. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1962.

  53. Komroff, Manuel, ed. Contemporaries of Marco Polo: Consisting of the Travel Records to the Eastern Parts of the World of William of Rubruck [1253-1255]; The Journey of John of Pain de Carpini [1245-1247] & The Journal of Friar Odoric [1318-1330]. 1928. The Travellers’ Library. London: Jonathan Cape, 1929.

  54. Learmonth, Eleanor, & Jenny Tabakoff. No Mercy: True Stories of Disaster, Survival and Brutality. Melbourne: The Text Publishing Company, 2013.

  55. Leslie, Edward E. Desperate Journeys, Abandoned Souls: True Stories of Castaways and Other Survivors. 1988. London: Macmillan, n.d. [c.1989].

  56. Littlewood, Barbara, & Rebecca Smelling, ed. The AA Touring Book of Britain. Basingstoke, Hampshire: The Automobile Association, 1984.

  57. Lockhart, J. G. Mysteries of the Sea: A Book of Strange Tales. The Nautilus Library, 1. 1924. London: Philip Allan & Co., 1937.

  58. Lockhart, J. G. A Great Sea Mystery: The True Story of the "Mary Celeste". 1927. Rev. ed. The Nautilus Library, 14. London: Philip Allan & Co., 1930.

  59. Lorimer, Joyce. English and Irish Settlements on the River Amazon 1550-1646. Hakluyt Society, Second Series 171. London: The Hakluyt Society, 1989.

  60. McGoogan, Ken. Fatal Passage: The Untold Story of John Rae, the Arctic Adventurer Who Discovered the Fate of Franklin. 2001. A Bantam Book. London: Transworld Publishers, 2002.

  61. Manley, Deborah, ed. The Nile: A Traveller's Anthology. London: Cassell, 1991.

  62. Minta, Stephen. Aguirre: The Re-Creation of a Sixteenth Century Journey Across South America. Jonathan Cape. London: Random House UK Limited, 1993.

  63. Milton, Giles. Nathaniel's Nutmeg: How One Man's Courage Changed the Course of History. A Sceptre Paperback. London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1999.

  64. Mitenbuler, Reid. Wanderlust: An Eccentric Explorer, An Epic Journey, A Lost Age. Sugar 23 Books / Mariner Books. New York: HarperCollins Publishers, 2023.

  65. Nicholl, Charles. The Creature in the Map: A Journey to El Dorado. Jonathan Cape. London: Random House, 1995.

  66. Nichols, Peter. A Voyage for Madmen. 2001. Harper Perennial. New York: HarperCollins Publishers Inc., 2002.

  67. Niven, Jennifer. The Ice Master: The Doomed 1913 Voyage of the Karluk. Macmillan. London: Macmillan Publishers Ltd, 2000.

  68. Penguin 60s: Travel. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1996:
    1. Blixen, Karen (Isak Dinesen). From the Ngong Hills [from Out of Africa (1937)].
    2. Fermor, Patrick Leigh. Loose as the Wind [from A Time of Gifts (1977)].
    3. Frater, Alexander. Where the Dawn Comes Up Like Thunder [from Beyond the Blue Horizon (1986)].
    4. Hepburn, Katherine. Little Me [from Me (1991)].
    5. Morris, Jan. Scenes from Havian Life [from Last Letters from Hav (1985)].
    6. Shand, Mark. Elephant Tales [from Travels on My Elephant (1991)].
    7. Theroux, Paul. Slow Trains to Simla [from The Great Railway Bazaar (1975)].
    8. Thubron, Colin. Samarkand [from The Lost Heart of Asia (1994)].
    9. Tully, Mark. Beyond Purdah [from The Heart of India (1995)].
    10. Young, Gavin. Something of Samoa [from Slow Boats Home (1985)].

  69. Pizzey, Jack. Sweat of the Sun, Tears of the Moon: In South America with Jack Pizzey. 1985. Queen Anne Press. London: Macdonald & Co. (Publishers) Ltd., 1986.

  70. Plunkett, Richard, Teresa Cannon, Peter Davis, Peter Greenaway, & Paul Harding, ed. Lonely Planet South India. 1998. 2nd Edition. Melbourne: Lonely Planet Publications, 2001.

  71. Poncins, Gontran de, & Lewis Galantière. Kabloona. Introduction by Eric Linklater. London: Readers Union Ltd., 1942.

  72. Raynal, François. Wrecked on a Reef; or, Twenty Months in the Auckland Isles. A True Story of Shipwreck, Adventure, and Suffering. A Facsimile of the text and illustrations of the 1880 edition. Ed. Christiane Mortelier. Wellington: Steele Roberts Ltd., 2003.

  73. Selbourne, David, ed. & trans. The City of Light. The Hidden Journal of the Man who Entered China Four Years before Marco Polo: Jacob D'Ancona. 1997. Citadel Press. New York: Kensington Publishing Corp., 2000.

  74. Simpson, A. W. Brian. Cannibalism and the Common Law: The Story of the Tragic last Voyage of the Mignonette and the Strange Legal Proceedings to Which It Gave Rise. 1984. King Penguin. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1986.

  75. Sinclair, David. The Land That Never Was: Sir Gregor MacGregor and the Most Audacious Fraud in History. 2003. Review. London: Headline Book Publishing, 2004.

  76. Sobel, Dava, & William H. Andrewes. The Illustrated Longitude: The True Story of a Lone Genius Who Solved the Greatest Scientific Problem of His Time. 1995. London: Fourth Estate Limited, 1998.

  77. Stidwill, Allen, ed. Touring Scotland: the Complete AA Touring Guide. Basingstoke, Hampshire: The Automobile Association, 1987.

  78. Thompson, Carl. Travel Writing. London & New York: Routledge, 2011.

  79. Tomalin, Nicholas, & Ron Hall. The Strange Voyage of Donald Crowhurst. 1970. Newton Abbot, Devon: Readers Union LImited, 1971.

  80. Trewby, Mary, ed. Antarctica: An Encyclopaedia from Abbott Ice Shelf to Zooplankton. Firefly Books. Auckland: David Bateman Ltd., 2002.

  81. Twigger, Robert. Red Nile: A Biography of the World's Greatest River. Weidenfeld & Nicolson. London: Orion Publishing Group Ltd., 2013.

  82. Wilcox, Desmond. Explorers. London: Book Club Associates, 1975.

  83. Williams, Glyn. Voyages of Delusion: The Search for the Northwest Passage in the Age of Reason. 2002. London: HarperCollins Publishers, 2003.

  84. Willis, Clint. Ice: Stories of Survival from Polar Exploration. An Adrenaline Book. New York: Thunder's Mouth Press and Ballett & Fitzgerald Inc., 1999.

  85. Wright, Ed. Ghost Colonies: Failed Utopias, Forgotten Exiles and Abandoned Outposts of Empire. Lost and Found in History. Pier 9. Sydney: Murdoch Books Pty Limited, 2009.

  86. Wright, Olive. The Voyage of the Astrolabe – 1840. An English Rendering of the Journals of Dumont d’Urville and his Officers of their Visit to New Zealand, together with Some Account of Bishop Pompallier and Charles, Baron de Thierry. Wellington: A. H. & A. W. Reed, 1955.


English Prose (post-1900)

Fiction (2003)

A Bibliography of my Collection:

1, 2 … = shelf numbers counting downwards
[b] = back row of a double row
i, ii = partition / section number (left to right)
• = on top of other books (left to right)
[…] = bound Xerox copy

Anthologies & Secondary Literature

  1. J. R. Ackerley (1896-1967)
  2. Peter Ackroyd (1949- )
  3. Kingsley Amis (1922-1995)
  4. Martin Amis (1949-2023)
  5. Timothy Garton Ash (1955- )
  6. Nigel Balchin (1908-1970)
  7. Pat Barker (1943- )
  8. Julian Barnes (1946- )
  9. Henry Howarth Bashford (1880–1961)
  10. H. E. Bates (1905-1974)
  11. Max Beerbohm (1872-1956)
  12. Hilaire Belloc (1870-1953)
  13. Arnold Bennett (1867-1931)
  14. Stella Benson (1892-1933)
  15. Marjorie Bowen (1885-1952)
  16. Melvyn Bragg (1939- )
  17. Jocelyn Brooke (1908-1966)
  18. Anthony Burgess (1917-1993)
  19. Mary Butts (1890–1937)
  20. A. S. Byatt (1936- )
  21. John Collier (1901-1980)
  22. Ivy Compton-Burnett (1884-1969)
  23. Cyril Connolly (1903-1974)
  24. A. E. Coppard (1878-1957)
  25. Jenny Diski (1947-2016)
  26. Norman Douglas (1868-1952)
  27. Lawrence Durrell (1912-1990)
  28. Robert Edric (1956- )
  29. G. B. Edwards (1899-1976)
  30. Sebastian Faulks (1953- )
  31. Ronald Firbank (1886-1926)
  32. Penelope Fitzgerald (1916-2000)
  33. Ford Madox Ford (1873-1939)
  34. C. S. Forester (1899-1966)
  35. E. M. Forster (1879-1970)
  36. Adam Foulds (1974- )
  37. John Fowles (1926-2005)
  38. Ronald Fraser
  39. Angelica Garnett (1918-2012)
  40. David Garnett (1892-1981)
  41. Richard Garnett (1835-1906)
  42. Crosbie Garstin (1887-1930)
  43. William Gerhardie (1895-1977)
  44. Stella Gibbons (1902-1989)
  45. William Golding (1911-1993)
  46. Winston Graham (1908-2003)
  47. Henry Green (1905-1973)
  48. Graham Greene (1904-1991)
  49. Radclyffe Hall (1880-1943)
  50. Patrick Hamilton (1904-1962)
  51. Maurice Hewlett (1861-1923)
  52. James Hilton (1900–1954)
  53. Alan Hollinghurst (1954- )
  54. Winifred Holtby (1898-1935)
  55. Elizabeth Jane Howard (1923-2014)
  56. Richard Hughes (1900-1976)
  57. R. C. Hutchinson (1907-1975)
  58. Aldous Huxley (1894-1963)
  59. Christopher Isherwood (1904-1986)
  60. W. W. Jacobs (1863-1943)
  61. B. S. Johnson (1933-1973)
  62. Anna Kavan (1901—1968)
  63. M. M. Kaye (1908-2004)
  64. Rudyard Kipling (1865-1936)
  65. D. H. Lawrence (1885-1930)
  66. Malcolm Lowry (1909–1957)
  67. Rose Macaulay (1881-1958)
  68. Ian McEwan (1948- )
  69. Colin MacInnes (1914-1976)
  70. Olivia Manning (1908-1980)
  71. Hilary Mantel (1952- )
  72. John Masters (1914–1983)
  73. Somerset Maugham (1874-1965)
  74. Susan Miles (1887-1975)
  75. David Mitchell (1969- )
  76. Jessica Mitford (1917-1996)
  77. Nancy Mitford (1904-1973)
  78. Nicholas Monsarrat (1910-1979)
  79. Lady Ottoline Morrell (1873-1938)
  80. Arthur Morrison (1863-1945)
  81. R. H. Mottram (1883–1971)
  82. Malcolm Muggeridge (1903-1990)
  83. John Middleton Murry (1889–1957)
  84. L. H. Myers (1881–1944)
  85. Harold Nicolson (1886-1968)
  86. Robert Nye (1939- )
  87. Patrick O'Brian (1914–2000)
  88. Baroness Orczy (1865-1947)
  89. George Orwell (1903-1950)
  90. C. Northcote Parkinson (1909–1993)
  91. Max Plowman (1883-1941)
  92. Anthony Powell (1905-2000)
  93. John Cowper Powys (1872-1963)
  94. Llewelyn Powys (1884-1939)
  95. T. F. Powys (1875-1953)
  96. H. F. M. Prescott (1896-1972)
  97. J. B. Priestley (1894-1984)
  98. V. S. Pritchett (1900-1997)
  99. Sir Arthur Quiller-Couch (1863–1944)
  100. Mary Renault (1905-1983)
  101. Dorothy Richardson (1873-1957)
  102. Fr. Rolfe, Baron Corvo (1860-1913)
  103. Lisa St Aubin de Terán (1953- )
  104. Saki (1870-1916)
  105. William Sansom (1912-1976)
  106. Paul Scott (1920-1978)
  107. Nicholas Shakespeare (1957- )
  108. Iain Sinclair (1943- )
  109. C. P. Snow (1905-1980)
  110. Michael Stewart (1971- )
  111. Lytton Strachey (1880-1932)
  112. Adam Thirlwell (1978- )
  113. D. M. Thomas (1935- )
  114. Flora Thompson (1876-1947)
  115. Edward Upward (1903-2009)
  116. E. L. Voynich (1864–1960)
  117. Rex Warner (1905-1986)
  118. Evelyn Waugh (1903-1966)
  119. Mary Webb (1881–1927)
  120. Denton Welch (1915-1948)
  121. Rebecca West (1892-1983)
  122. Henry Williamson (1895-1977)
  123. A. N. Wilson (1950- )
  124. Jeanette Winterson (1959- )
  125. P. G. Wodehouse (1881–1975)
  126. Leonard Woolf (1880-1969)
  127. Virginia Woolf (1882-1941)
  128. P. C. Wren (1875-1941)

    Joe Randolph Ackerley (1896-1967)

  1. Ackerley, J. R. Hindoo Holiday: An Indian Journal. 1932. Penguin Travel Library. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1983.

  2. Ackerley, J. R. We Think the World of You. 1960. Penguin Moder Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1971.

  3. Peter Ackroyd (1949- )

  4. Ackroyd, Peter. The Last Testament of Oscar Wilde. 1983. Abacus. London: Sphere Books Ltd., 1984.

  5. Ackroyd, Peter. Hawksmoor. 1985. Abacus. London: Sphere Books Ltd., 1986.

  6. Ackroyd, Peter. Chatterton. 1987. Abacus. London: Sphere Books Ltd., 1988.

  7. Ackroyd, Peter. First Light. 1989. Abacus. London: Sphere Books Ltd., 1989.

  8. Ackroyd, Peter. English Music. London: Hamish Hamilton, Ltd. / Harmondsworth: The Penguin Group, 1992.

  9. Ackroyd, Peter. Dan Leno and The Limehouse Golem. 1994. A Minerva Paperback. London: Mandarin/ Reed International Books Ltd., 1995.

  10. Ackroyd, Peter. London: The Biography. Chatto & Windus. London: Random House, 2000.

  11. Ackroyd, Peter. The Collection: Journalism, Reviews, Essays, Short Stories, Lectures. Ed. Thomas Wright. 2001. Vintage. London: Random House, 2002.

  12. Ackroyd, Peter. Albion: The Origins of the English Imagination. 2002. Vintage. London: Random House, 2004.

  13. Ackroyd, Peter. The Clerkenwell Tales. Chatto & Windus. London: Random House, 2003.

  14. Ackroyd, Peter. The English Ghost: Spectres through Time. Chatto & Windus. London: Random House, 2010.

  15. Sir Kingsley William Amis (1922-1995)


  16. Amis, Kingsley. Lucky Jim: A Novel. 1953. London: Victor Gollancz, Ltd., 1954.

  17. Amis, Kingsley. That Uncertain Feeling. 1955. Four Square Books Ltd. London: New English Library Ltd. / Sydney. Horwitz Publications Inc. Pty. Ltd., 1962.

  18. Amis, Kingsley. I Like it Here. 1958. Penguin Book 2884. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1968.

  19. Amis, Kingsley. Take A Girl Like You. 1960. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1976.

  20. Amis, Kingsley. One Fat Englishman. 1963. Penguin Book 2417. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1966.

  21. Amis, Kingsley, & Robert Conquest. The Egyptologists. 1965. Panther Books Ltd. Frogmore, St Albans, Herts: Granada Publishing Limited, 1975.

  22. Amis, Kingsley. The Anti-Death League. 1966. Penguin Book 2803. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1968.

  23. Amis, Kingsley [as ‘Robert Markham’]. Colonel Sun: A James Bond Adventure. 1968. London: Pan Books Ltd., n.d.

  24. Amis, Kingsley. I Want It Now. 1968. London: Panther Books, 1969.

  25. Amis, Kingsley. The Green Man. London: Jonathan Cape Ltd., 1969.

  26. Amis, Kingsley. Girl, 20. 1971. London: The Book Club, by arrangement with Jonathan Cape Ltd., 1972.

  27. Amis, Kingsley. The Riverside Villas Murder. 1973. London: Book Club Associates / Jonathan Cape Ltd., 1974.

  28. Amis, Kingsley. Ending Up. London: Jonathan Cape Ltd., 1974.

  29. Amis, Kingsley. The Crime Of The Century. 1975. Introduction by the Author. Everyman Paperbacks: Mastercrime. London: J. M. Dent & Sons Ltd., 1987.

  30. Amis, Kingsley. The Alteration. 1976. Triad / Panther Books. Frogmore, St Albans, Herts: Triad Paperbacks Ltd, 1978.

  31. Amis, Kingsley. Jake's Thing. 1978. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1979.

  32. Amis, Kingsley. Russian Hide-and-Seek: A Melodrama. 1980. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1981.

  33. Amis, Kingsley. Stanley and the Women. London: Hutchinson & Co. (Publishers) Ltd., 1984.

  34. Amis, Kingsley. The Old Devils. 1986. Hutchinson. London: Century Hutchinson Ltd., 1986.

  35. Amis, Kingsley. Difficulties With Girls. 1988. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1989.

  36. Amis, Kingsley. The Folks That Live on the Hill. Hutchinson. London: Century Hutchinson Ltd, 1990.

  37. Amis, Kingsley. We Are All Guilty. London: Reinhardt Books / Viking, 1991.

  38. Amis, Kingsley. The Russian Girl. 1992. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1993.

  39. Amis, Kingsley. You Can't Do Both. Hutchinson. London: Random House (UK) Ltd., 1994.

  40. Amis, Kingsley. The Biographer's Moustache. 1995. Flamingo. London: HarperCollins Publishers, 1996.

  41. Stories:

  42. Amis, Kingsley. My Enemy's Enemy. 1962. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1965.

  43. Amis, Kingsley. Collected Short Stories. 1980. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1983.

  44. Amis, Kingsley. Mr Barrett's Secret and Other Stories. 1993. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1994.

  45. Amis, Kingsley. Complete Stories. Foreword by Rachel Cusk. Penguin Classics. London: Penguin, 2011.

  46. Poetry:

  47. [Amis, Kingsley. Bright November: Poems. London: the Fortune Press, n.d. (1947?)]

  48. Amis, Kingsley. Collected Poems 1944-1979. London: Hutchinson & Co. (Publishers) Ltd., 1979.

  49. Non-fiction:

  50. Amis, Kingsley. New Maps of Hell: A Survey of Science Fiction. 1960. London: Victor Gollancz Ltd, 1961.

  51. Amis, Kingsley. The James Bond Dossier. 1965. London: Pan Books Ltd., 1966.

  52. Amis, Kingsley. What Became of Jane Austen?, and Other Questions. 1970. Panther Books Limited. London: Granada Publishing Limited, 1972.

  53. Amis, Kingsley. On Drink. Pictures by Nicolas Bentley. 1972. Panther Books Ltd. Frogmore, St Albans, Herts: Granada Publishing Limited, 1974.

  54. Amis, Kingsley. Every Day Drinking. Illustrated by Merrily Harpur. London: Hutchinson & Co. (Publishers) Ltd., 1983.

  55. Amis, Kingsley. The Amis Collection: Selected Non-Fiction, 1954-1990. Introduction by John McDermott. 1990. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1991.

  56. Amis, Kingsley. Memoirs. Hutchinson. London: Random Century Group Ltd., 1991.

  57. Amis, Kingsley. The King’s English: A Guide to Modern Usage. London: HarperCollins Publishers, 1997.

  58. Edited:

  59. Amis, Kingsley, ed. The New Oxford Book of Light Verse. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1978.

  60. Letters:

  61. Leader, Zachary, ed. The Letters of Kingsley Amis. London: HarperCollins Publishers, 2000.

  62. Leader, Zachary, ed. The Letters of Kingsley Amis. 2000. London: HarperCollins Publishers, 2001.

  63. Secondary:

  64. Jacobs, Eric. Kingsley Amis: A Biography. Hodder & Stoughton. London: Hodder Headline PLC, 1995.

  65. Bradford, Richard. Lucky Him: The Life of Kingsley Amis. London: Peter Owen Publishers, 2001.

  66. Leader, Zachary. The Life of Kingsley Amis. 2006. Vintage Books. London: The Random House Group Limited, 2007.

  67. Martin Louis Amis (1949-2023)

  68. Amis, Martin. The Rachel Papers. 1973. Frogmore, St Albans, Herts: Granada Publishing Limited, 1976.

  69. Amis, Martin. Dead Babies. 1975. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1988.

  70. Amis, Martin. Success. 1978. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1988.

  71. Amis, Martin. Other People: A Mystery Story. 1981. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1988.

  72. Amis, Martin. Money: A Suicide Note. 1984. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1986.

  73. Amis, Martin. The Moronic Inferno, and Other Visits to America. 1986. King Penguin. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1987.

  74. Amis, Martin. London Fields. London: Jonathan Cape Ltd., 1989.

  75. Amis, Martin. Time's Arrow, or The Nature of the Offence. 1991. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1992.

  76. Amis, Martin. The Information. 1995. Flamingo. London: HarperCollins Publishers, 1995.

  77. Amis, Martin. Heavy Water and Other Stories. 1998. Vintage. London: Random House UK Limited, 1999.

  78. Amis, Martin. Experience. 2000. Vintage. London: The Random House Group Limited, 2001.

  79. Amis, Martin. Koba the Dread: Laughter and the Twenty Million. 2002. Vintage. London: The Random House Group Limited, 2003.

  80. Amis, Martin. Yellow Dog. Hyperion. New York: Miramax Books, 2003.

  81. Amis, Martin. The Zone of Interest. Jonathan Cape. London: Random House, 2014.

  82. Amis, Martin. The Rub of Time: Bellow, Hitchens, Travolta, Trump and Other Pieces, 1994-2016. 2017. Vintage. London: Penguin Random House UK, 2018.

  83. Amis, Martin. Inside Story: A Novel. Jonathan Cape. London: Vintage, 2020.

  84. Powell, Neil. Amis & Son: Two Literary Generations. Macmillan. London: Pan Macmillan Ltd., 2008.

  85. Timothy Garton Ash (1955- )

  86. Ash, Timothy Garton. The File: A Personal History. New York: Random House, 1997.

  87. Nigel Marlin Balchin (1908-1970)

  88. Balchin, Nigel. The Small Back Room. 1943. Cassell Military Paperbacks. London: Cassell & Co., 2001.

  89. Pat Barker (1943- )

  90. Barker, Pat. The Regeneration Trilogy: Regeneration; The Eye in the Door; The Ghost Road. 1991, 1993, 1995. London: Viking, 1996.

  91. Barker, Pat. The Silence of the Girls. Hamish Hamilton. London: Penguin Random House UK, 2018.

  92. Julian Patrick Barnes [‘Dan Kavanagh’] (1946- )

  93. Barnes, Julian. Flaubert’s Parrot. 1984. London: Picador, 1985.

  94. Barnes, Julian [as ‘Dan Kavanagh’]. The Duffy Omnibus: Duffy; Fiddle City; Putting the Boot In; Going to the Dogs. 1980, 1981, 1985, 1987. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1991.

  95. Sir Henry Howarth Bashford (1880–1961)

  96. Bashford, Sir Henry Howarth. Augustus Carp, Esq., by Himself: The Autobiography of a Really Good Man. 1924. Postscript by Anthony Burgess. 1966. Introduction by Robert Robinson. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1987.

  97. Herbert Ernest Bates (1905-1974)

  98. Bates, H. E. Seven by Five: A Collection of Stories 1926-61. Preface by Henry Miller. 1963. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1973.

  99. Bates, H. E. The Pop Larkin Chronicles: The Darling Buds of May; A Breath of French Air; When the Green Woods Laugh; Oh! To Be in England; A Little of What You Fancy. 1958, 1959, 1960, 1963, 1970. London: Guild Publishing, 1991.

  100. Sir Henry Maximilian [Max] Beerbohm (1872-1956)

  101. Beerbohm, Max. Zuleika Dobson, or An Oxford Love Story. 1911. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1954.

  102. Beerbohm, Max. A Christmas Garland, woven by Max Beerbohm. 1912. London: William Heinemann Ltd., 1938.

  103. Beerbohm, Max. Seven Men. 1919. London: William Heinemann Ltd., 1926.

  104. Beerbohm, Max. Seven Men, and Two Others. 1919. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1954.

  105. Beerbohm, Max. And Even Now. 1920. London: William Heinemann Ltd., 1950.

  106. Beerbohm, Max. The Incomparable Max: A Selection. Introduction by S. C. Roberts. 1962. London: Icon Books Ltd., 1964.

  107. Beerbohm, Max. Max in Verse: Rhymes and Parodies. Ed. J. G. Riewald. Foreword by S. N. Behrman. Brattleboro, Vermont: The Stephen Greene Press, 1963.

  108. Beerbohm, Max. The Bodley Head Max Beerbohm. Ed. Lord David Cecil. London: The Bodley Head, 1970.

  109. Beerbohm, Max. A Peep into the Past and Other Prose Pieces. Ed. Rupert Hart-Davis. London: William Heinemann Ltd., 1972.

  110. Lago, Mary M., & Karl Beckson, ed. Max and Will: Max Beerbohm and William Rothenstein: Their Friendship and Letters, 1893-1945. London: John Murray (Publishers) Ltd., 1975.

  111. Behrman, S. N. Conversation with Max. London: The Quality Book Club / Hamish Hamilton Ltd., 1960.

  112. Joseph Hilaire Pierre René Belloc (1870-1953)

  113. Belloc, Hilaire. The Path to Rome. 1902. Nelson Library of Notable Books. London: Thomas Nelson & Sons, n.d.

  114. Belloc, Hilaire. Avril: Being Essays on the Poetry of the French Renaissance. 1904. London: Sheed & Ward, Ltd., 1945.

  115. Belloc, Hilaire. Hills and the Sea. 1906. London: Methuen & Co. Ltd., 1943.

  116. Belloc, Hilaire. The Eye-Witness: Being a Series of Descriptions and Sketches in Which It is Attempted to Reproduce Certain Incidents and Periods in History, as From the Testimony of a Person Present at Each. 1908. The King’s Treasuries of Literature. Ed. Sir A. T. Quiller-Couch. 1924. London: J. M. Dent & Sons Ltd. / New York: E. P. Dutton & Co. Inc., 1928.

  117. Belloc, Hilaire. On Everything. 1909. London: Methuen & Co. Ltd., 1926.

  118. Belloc, Hilaire. On Something. 1910. London: Methuen & Co. Ltd., 1917.

  119. Belloc, Hilaire. First and Last. 1911. London: Methuen & Co. Ltd., 1924.

  120. Belloc, Hilaire. The Four Men: A Farrago. 1911. London: Thomas Nelson and Sons, Ltd., n.d.

  121. Belloc, Hilaire. The French Revolution. 1911. Opus 5: Oxford Paperbacks University Series. London: Oxford University Press, 1966.

  122. Belloc, Hilaire. The Green Overcoat. Illustrated by G. K. Chesterton. 1912. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1947.

  123. Belloc, Hilaire. The Cruise of the ‘Nona’. 1925. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1958.

  124. Belloc, Hilaire. Mr. Petre: A Novel. 1925. West Drayton, Middlesex: Penguin, 1947.

  125. Belloc, Hilaire. Stories, Essays and Poems. 1938. Everyman’s Library, 948. London: J. M. Dent & Sons Ltd., 1946.

  126. Belloc, Hilaire. But Soft: We are Observed! Illustrated by G. K. Chesterton. 1928. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1939.

  127. Belloc, Hilaire. Napoleon. London: Cassell & Company Ltd., 1932.

  128. Belloc, Hilaire. One Thing and Another: A Miscellany from his Uncollected Essays. Ed. Patrick Cahill. London: Hollis & Carter, 1955.

  129. Belloc, Hilaire. Selected Essays. Ed. J. B. Morton. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1958.

  130. Belloc, Hilaire. Cautionary Verses: Illustrated Album Edition. ['Cautionary Tales for Children' (1907), illustrated by B. T. B.; 'New Cautionary Tales' (1930), pictures by Nicolas Bentley; 'The Bad Child's Book of Beasts' (1896), illustrated by B. T. B.; 'More Beasts for Worse Children' (1897), illustrated by B. T. B.; 'A Moral Alphabet' (1899), illustrated by B. T. B.; 'More Peers' (1911), illustrated by B. T. B.; 'Ladies and Gentlemen: For Adults Only and Mature at That' (1932), pictures by Nicolas Bentley.] 1940. London: Gerald Duckworth, 1957.

  131. Belloc, Hilaire. Cautionary Verses: Illustrated Album Edition. Illustrated by B.T.B. & Nicolas Bentley. 1896, 1897, 1899, 1907, 1911, 1930, 1932, 1940. London: Gerald Duckworth, 1969.

  132. Belloc, Hilaire. Collected Verse. 1910, 1923, 1954. Introduction by Ronald Knox. The Penguin Poets. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1958.

  133. Belloc, Hilaire. Complete Verse: Including Sonnets and Verse, Cautionary Verses, The Modern Traveller, etc. Preface by W. N. Roughead. 1954. London: Gerald Duckworth, 1970.

  134. Belloc, Hilaire. Complete Verse. 1954. Rev. ed. 1970. Introduction by A. N. Wilson. London: Pimlico, 1991.

  135. Wilson, A. N. Hilaire Belloc. London: Hamish Hamilton, 1984.

  136. Enoch Arnold Bennett (1867-1931)

  137. Bennett, Arnold. A Man from the North. 1898. London: Methuen & Co. Ltd., 1924.

  138. Bennett, Arnold. Anna of the Five Towns. 1902. Penguin Modern Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1967.

  139. Bennett, Arnold. The Grand Babylon Hotel: A Fantasia on Modern Themes. 1902. Penguin Modern Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1976.

  140. Bennett, Arnold. Teresa of Watling Street: A Fantasia on Modern Themes. 1904. London: Methuen & Co. Ltd., 1913.

  141. Bennett, Arnold. Tales of the Five Towns. 1905. Phoenix Library. London: Chatto & Windus, 1928.

  142. Bennett, Arnold. Whom God Hath Joined. 1906. Guild Books, 405. London: The British Publishers Guild Limited, 1950.

  143. Bennett, Arnold. The Grim Smile of the Five Towns. 1907. London: W. Collins & Sons, Ltd., n.d.

  144. Bennett, Arnold. Buried Alive. 1908. London: The Readers Library Publishing Company Ltd., n.d.

  145. Bennett, Arnold. The Old Wives’ Tale. 1908. Everyman’s Library, 919. 1935. London: J. M. Dent & Sons Ltd. / New York: E. P. Dutton & Co. Inc., 1944.

  146. Bennett, Arnold. Clayhanger. 1910. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1975.

  147. Bennett, Arnold. Hilda Lessways. 1911. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1975.

  148. Bennett, Arnold. These Twain. 1916. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1975.

  149. Bennett, Arnold. The Card: A Story of Adventure in the Five Towns. 1911. Guild Books, 450. London: The British Publishers Guild Limited, 1952.

  150. Bennett, Arnold. Books and Persons: Being Comments on a Past Epoch, 1908-1911. 1917. London: Chatto & Windus, 1919.

  151. Bennett, Arnold. The Pretty Lady: A Novel. 1918. Preface by Frank Swinnerton. London: The Richards Press, 1950.

  152. Bennett, Arnold. Riceyman Steps: A Novel. 1923. Introduced by Frank Kermode. Twentieth Century Classics. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1983.

  153. Bennett, Arnold. Imperial Palace. 1930. London: Cassell and Company, Limited, 1932.

  154. Bennett, Arnold. Journal 1929. London: Cassell and Company Limited, 1930.

  155. Bennett, Arnold. The Journals: Now published with the addition of Journal Volume 6, Newly Discovered, Covering the Period 21 September 1906-18 July 1907, and Florentine Journal, Covering the Period 1 April 1910-25 May 1910. 1930, 1932-33, 1967. Ed. Frank Swinnerton. 1954. Penguin Modern Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1971.

  156. Bennett, Arnold. Sketches for Autobiography. Ed. James Hepburn. London: George Allen & Unwin, 1979.

  157. Drabble, Margaret. Arnold Bennett: A Biography. 1974. An Omega book. London: Futura Publications Limited, 1975.

  158. Stella Benson (1892-1933)


  159. Benson, Stella. I Pose. London: Macmillan, 1915.

  160. Benson, Stella. This is the End. London: Macmillan, 1917.

  161. Benson, Stella. Living Alone. London: Macmillan, 1919.

  162. Benson, Stella. The Poor Man. London: Macmillan, 1922.

  163. Benson, Stella. Goodbye, Stranger. London: Macmillan, 1926.

  164. Benson, Stella. Tobit Transplanted. 1930. London: Macmillan, 1931.

  165. Benson, Stella. Pull Devil, Pull Baker. London: Macmillan, 1933.

  166. Benson, Stella. Mundos: An Unfinished Novel. London: Macmillan, 1935.

  167. Short Stories:

  168. Benson, Stella. Pipers and a Dancer. London: Macmillan, 1924.

  169. Benson, Stella. The Awakening. San Francisco: The Lantern Press, 1925.

  170. Benson, Stella. The Man Who Missed the Bus. London: Elkin Mathews & Marrot, 1928.

  171. Benson, Stella. Hope Against Hope and Other Stories. London: Macmillan, 1931.

  172. Benson, Stella. Christmas Formula and Other Stories. London: Jackson, 1932.

  173. Benson, Stella. Collected Stories. London: Macmillan, 1936.

  174. Travel:

  175. Benson, Stella. The Little World. London: Macmillan, 1925.

  176. Benson, Stella, ed. Come to Eleuthera, or New Lands for Old. N.p. [Bahama?]. n.d. [c.1926?].

  177. Benson, Stella. Worlds Within Worlds. London: Macmillan, 1928.

  178. Poetry:

  179. Benson, Stella. Twenty. London: Macmillan, 1918.

  180. Benson, Stella. Poems. London: Macmillan, 1935.

  181. Letters:

  182. Clarabut, Cecil, ed. Some Letters of Stella Benson, 1928-1933. Hong Kong: Libra Press, 1978.

  183. Secondary:

  184. Bottome, Phyllis. Stella Benson. San Francisco: Albert M. Bender, 1934.

  185. Grant, Joy. Stella Benson: A Biography. London: Macmillan, 1987.

  186. Roberts, R. Ellis. Portrait of Stella Benson. London: Macmillan, 1939.

  187. Mrs Gabrielle Margaret Vere Long (née Campbell) ['Marjorie Bowen'] (1885-1952)

  188. Bowen, Marjorie. The Viper of Milan: A Romance of Lombardy. 1906. Introductory Note by Graham Greene. A Peacock Book. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1963.

  189. Bowen, Marjorie. Mary, Queen of Scots. 1934. London: Sphere Books, 1971.

  190. Melvyn Bragg, Baron Bragg (1939- )

  191. Bragg, Melvyn. The Maid of Buttermere. 1987. London: Sceptre, 1988.

  192. Bragg, Melvyn. 12 Books that Changed the World. Hodder & Stoughton. London: Hodder Headline, 2006.

  193. Jocelyn Brooke (1908-1966)

  194. Brooke, Jocelyn. The Military Orchid and Other Novels: A Mine of Serpents / The Goose Cathedral. 1948, 1949 & 1950. Introduction by Anthony Powell. 1981. Preface by Jonathan Hunt. Penguin Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 2002.

  195. John Burgess Wilson ['Anthony Burgess'] (1917-1993)

  196. Burgess, Anthony. The Malayan Trilogy (The Long Day Wanes): Time for a Tiger; The Enemy in the Blanket; Beds in the East. 1956, 1958, 1959. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1978.

  197. Burgess, Anthony. The Right to an Answer. 1960. NEL Books. London: The New English Library, 1968.

  198. Burgess, Anthony. The Doctor is Sick. 1960. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1979.

  199. Burgess, Anthony. The Worm and the Ring. 1961. London: William Heinemann Ltd., 1970.

  200. Burgess, Anthony. Devil of a State. 1961. London: Hutchinson & Co. (Publishers ) Ltd., 1983.

  201. Burgess, Anthony. A Clockwork Orange. 1962. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1974.

  202. Burgess, Anthony. A Clockwork Orange. 1962. Introduction by Blake Morrison. 1996. Penguin Classics. London: Penguin, 2000.

  203. Burgess, Anthony. A Clockwork Orange: The Restored Edition. 1962. Ed. Andrew Biswell. Foreword by Martin Amis. William Heinemann. London: Random House, 2012.

  204. Burgess, Anthony. The Wanting Seed. 1962. London: Pan Books Ltd., 1965.

  205. Burgess, Anthony. Honey for the Bears. 1963. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1973.

  206. Burgess, Anthony. Inside Mr. Enderby. The Enderby Quartet, 1. 1963. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1979.

  207. Burgess, Anthony. The Eve of St. Venus. 1964. Illustrated by Edward Pagram. Preface by the Author. 1981. Hamlyn Paperbacks. Feltham, Middlesex: The Hamlyn Publishing Group Ltd., 1982.

  208. Burgess, Anthony. Nothing Like the Sun: A Story of Shakespeare's Love-Life. 1964. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1966.

  209. Burgess, Anthony. Tremor of Intent: An Eschatological Spy Novel. 1966. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1984.

  210. Burgess, Anthony. Enderby Outside. The Enderby Quartet, 2. 1968. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1979.

  211. Burgess, Anthony. Here Comes Everybody: An Introduction to James Joyce for the Ordinary Reader. London: Faber, 1965.

  212. Burgess, Anthony. Shakespeare. 1970. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1972.

  213. Burgess, Anthony. MF. London: Jonathan Cape Ltd., 1971.

  214. Burgess, Anthony. Napoleon Symphony: A Novel in Four Movements. 1974. London: Jonathan Cape Ltd., 1974.

  215. Burgess, Anthony. The Clockwork Testament, or Enderby's End. The Enderby Quartet, 3. 1974. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1978.

  216. Burgess, Anthony. Beard's Roman Women. 1976. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1979.

  217. Burgess, Anthony. Abba Abba. 1977. A Corgi Book. London: Transworld Publishers Ltd., 1979.

  218. Burgess, Anthony. 1985. 1978. London: Arrow Books Ltd., 1980.

  219. Burgess, Anthony. Man of Nazareth. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1979.

  220. Burgess, Anthony. Earthly Powers. 1980. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1981.

  221. Burgess, Anthony. The End of the World News: An Entertainment. 1982. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1983.

  222. Burgess, Anthony. Enderby's Dark Lady, or No End of Enderby. The Enderby Quartet, 4. 1984. Abacus. London: Sphere Books Ltd., 1985.

  223. Burgess, Anthony. The Kingdom of the Wicked. 1985. Abacus. London: Sphere Books Ltd., 1986.

  224. Burgess, Anthony. Any Old Iron. 1989. London: Arrow Books Limited, 1989.

  225. Burgess, Anthony. A Dead Man in Deptford. 1993. A Vintage Book. London: Random House, 1994.

  226. Burgess, Anthony. Byrne: A Novel. Hutchinson. London: Random House (UK) Limited, 1995.

  227. Burgess, Anthony. Urgent Copy: Literary Studies. 1968. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1973.

  228. Burgess, Anthony. Homage to QWERT YUIOP: Selected Journalism, 1978-1985. London: Century Hutchinson Ltd., 1986.

  229. Burgess, Anthony. Little Wilson and Big God, Being the First Part of the Confessions of Anthony Burgess. 1987. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1988.

  230. Burgess, Anthony. You've Had Your Time, Being the Second Part of the Confessions of Anthony Burgess. 1990. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1991.

  231. Burgess, Anthony. The Novel Now: A Student's Guide to Contemporary Fiction. 1967. London: Faber, 1972.

  232. Lewis, Roger. Anthony Burgess. 2002. London: Faber, 2003.

  233. Mary Franeis Butts (1890–1937)

  234. Butts, Mary. Scenes from the Life of Cleopatra. 1935. New York: The Ecco Press, 1974.

  235. Antonia Susan Duffy, nee Drabble [A. S. Byatt] (1936- )

  236. Byatt, A. S. Possession: A Romance. 1990. London: Vintage, 1991.

  237. Byatt, A. S. Angels and Insects. London: Chatto & Windus, 1992.

  238. Byatt, A. S. The Djinn in the Nightingale’s Eye: Five Fairy Stories. 1994. London: Vintage, 1995.

  239. Byatt, A. S. Portraits in Fiction: Based on the Heywood Hill Annual Lecture 2000, The National Portrait Gallery, London. 2001. Vintage. London: Random House, 2002.

  240. Byatt, A. S. Little Black Book of Stories. Chatto & Windus. London: Random House, 2003.

  241. Byatt, A. S. The Children's Book. Chatto & Windus. London: The Random House Group Limited, 2009.

  242. John Collier (1901-1980)

  243. Collier, John. His Monkey Wife. 1930. Introduction by Paul Theroux. Twentieth Century Classics. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1983.

  244. Collier, John. Defy the Foul Fiend, or The Misadventures of a Heart. 1934. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1948.

  245. Collier, John. Fancies and Goodnights. 1951. Introduction by Fred Hoyle. 1965. Time Reading Program Special Edition. Alexandria, Virginia: Time-Life Books, Inc., 1980.

  246. Collier, John. Of Demons and Darkness. Foreword by Moses Hadas. 1961. A Corgi Book. London: Transworld Publishers Ltd., 1965.

  247. Dame Ivy Compton-Burnett (1884-1969)

  248. Compton-Burnett, Ivy. Dolores. 1911. Introduction by Charles Burkhart. Edinburgh & London: Wiliam Blackwood & Sons Ltd., 1971.

  249. Compton-Burnett, Ivy. Pastors and Masters. 1925. Collectors’ Edition. London: Victor Gollancz Ltd., 1979.

  250. Compton-Burnett, Ivy. Brothers and Sisters: A Novel. 1929. London: Allison & Busby Ltd., 1984.

  251. Compton-Burnett, Ivy. Men and Wives: A Novel. 1931. London: Allison & Busby Ltd., 1984.

  252. Compton-Burnett, Ivy. More Women Than Men: A Novel. 1933. London: Allison & Busby Ltd., 1983.

  253. Compton-Burnett, Ivy. A House and Its Head. 1935. Penguin Books 1317. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1958.

  254. Compton-Burnett, Ivy. Daughters and Sons. 1937. Panther Books Limited. London: Granada Publishing Limited, 1972.

  255. Compton-Burnett, Ivy. A Family and a Fortune. 1939. Reissue of Works by I. Compton-Burnett, XII. London: Victor Gollancz Ltd., 1967.

  256. Compton-Burnett, Ivy. Parents and Children. 1941. Reissue of Works by I. Compton-Burnett, I. London: Victor Gollancz Ltd., 1967.

  257. Compton-Burnett, Ivy. Parents and Children. 1941. Penguin Modern Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1970.

  258. Compton-Burnett, Ivy. Elders and Betters: A Novel. 1944. London: Allison & Busby Ltd., 1983.

  259. Compton-Burnett, Ivy. Manservant and Maidservant. 1947. Introduction by Penelope Lively. Twentieth Century Classics. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1983.

  260. Compton-Burnett, Ivy. Two Worlds and Their Ways. 1949. Introduction by Hilary Spurling. Virago Modern Classic, 354. London: Virago Press limited, 1990.

  261. Compton-Burnett, Ivy. Darkness and Day. 1951. Reissue of Works by I. Compton-Burnett. London: Victor Gollancz Ltd., 1974.

  262. Compton-Burnett, Ivy. The Present and the Past. 1953. Penguin Modern Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1972.

  263. Compton-Burnett, Ivy. Mother and Son. 1955. Introduction by Hilary Spurling. Virago Modern Classic, 394. London: Virago Press limited, 1994.

  264. Compton-Burnett, Ivy. A Father and His Fate. 1957. Introduction by Penelope Lively. Twentieth Century Classics. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1984.

  265. Compton-Burnett, Ivy. A Heritage and Its History. London: Victor Gollancz Ltd., 1959.

  266. Compton-Burnett, Ivy. The Mighty and Their Fall. 1961. Introduction by Hilary Spurling. Virago Modern Classic, 355. London: Virago Press limited, 1990.

  267. Compton-Burnett, Ivy. A God and His Gifts. 1963. Corgi Modern Reading. London: Transworld Publishers Ltd., 1966.

  268. Compton-Burnett, Ivy. The Last and the First. Foreword by Elizabeth Sprigge. Critical Epilogue by Charles Burkhart. 1971. Penguin Modern Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1986.

  269. Spurling, Hilary. Ivy When Young: The Early Life of I. Compton-Burnett, 1884-1919. 1974. London: The Quality Book Club / Victor Gollancz Ltd. , 1975.

  270. Spurling, Hilary. Secrets of a Woman's Heart: The Later Life of Ivy Compton-Burnett, 1920-1969. London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1984.

  271. Cyril Vernon Connolly (1903-1974)

  272. Connolly, Cyril. The Rock Pool. 1936. Introduction by Peter Quennell. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1981.

  273. Connolly, Cyril. Enemies of Promise. 1938. Penguin Modern Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1979.

  274. Connolly, Cyril [as ‘Palinurus’]. The Unquiet Grave: A Word Cycle. 1944. Rev. ed. 1945. London: Arrow Books, 1961.

  275. Alfred Edgar Coppard (1878-1957)

  276. Coppard, A. E. The Collected Tales. 1948. A Borzoi Book. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1966.

  277. Jenny Diski (1947-2016)

  278. Diski, Jenny. A View from the Bed and Other Observations. Virago Press. London: Time Warner Books UK, 2003.

  279. George Norman Douglas (1868-1952)

  280. Douglas, Norman. Fountains in the Sand. 1912. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1944.

  281. Douglas, Norman. Old Calabria. 1915. Introduction by Jonathan Keates. Picador Travel Classics. Picador. London: Macmillan General Books, 1994.

  282. Lawrence George Durrell (1912-1990)


  283. Durrell, Lawrence. Pied Piper of Lovers. 1935. Ed. James Gifford. Afterword by James A. Brigham. Victoria, BC: ELS Editions, 2008.

  284. Durrell, Lawrence [as ‘Charles Norden’]. Panic Spring: A Romance. 1937. Ed. James Gifford. Introduction by Richard Pine. Afterword by James A. Brigham. Victoria, BC: ELS Editions, 2008.

  285. Durrell, Lawrence. The Black Book: A Novel. 1938. Faber Paperbacks. London: Faber, 1977.

  286. Durrell, Lawrence. The Black Book: A Novel. 1938. Faber Paperbacks. London: Faber, 1977.

  287. Durrell, Lawrence. The Dark Labyrinth: A Novel. ['Cefalu’, 1947]. Faber Paper Covered Editions. London: Faber, 1964.

  288. Durrell, Lawrence. White Eagles Over Serbia. 1957. Faber Paper Covered Editions. London: Faber, 1973.

  289. Durrell, Lawrence. Justine. 1957. The Alexandria Quartet, 1. London: Faber, 1964.

  290. Durrell, Lawrence. Balthazar. 1958. The Alexandria Quartet, 2. London: Faber, 1963.

  291. Durrell, Lawrence. Mountolive. 1958. The Alexandria Quartet, 3. London: Faber, 1963.

  292. Durrell, Lawrence. Clea. 1960. The Alexandria Quartet, 4. London: Faber, 1967.

  293. Durrell, Lawrence. The Alexandria Quartet: Justine; Balthazar; Mountolive: Clea. 1957, 1958, 1958, 1960. London: Faber, 1962.

  294. Durrell, Lawrence. The Alexandria Quartet: Justine; Balthazar; Mountolive; Clea. 1957, 1958, 1958, 1960, & 1962. Faber Paperbacks. London: Faber, 1983.

  295. Durrell, Lawrence. Tunc: A Novel. London: Faber, 1968.

  296. Durrell, Lawrence. Nunquam: A Novel. 1970. Faber Paper Covered Editions. London: Faber, 1971.

  297. Durrell, Lawrence. The Revolt of Aphrodite: Tunc and Nunquam. 1968, 1970. London: Faber, 1974.

  298. Durrell, Lawrence. Monsieur: or, The Prince of Darkness: A Novel. 1974. London: Faber, 1976.

  299. Durrell, Lawrence. Monsieur, or The Prince of Darkness. The Avignon Quintet, 1. 1974. London: Faber, 1986.

  300. Durrell, Lawrence. Livia: or, Buried Alive: A Novel. London: Faber, 1978.

  301. Durrell, Lawrence. Livia, or Buried Alive. The Avignon Quintet, 2. 1978. London: Faber, 1986.

  302. Durrell, Lawrence. Constance: or, Solitary Practices: A Novel. 1982. London: Faber, 1983.

  303. Durrell, Lawrence. Constance, or Solitary Practices. The Avignon Quintet, 3. 1982. London: Faber, 1986.

  304. Durrell, Lawrence. Sebastian: or, Ruling Passions: A Novel. London: Faber, 1983.

  305. Durrell, Lawrence. Sebastian, or Ruling Passions. The Avignon Quintet, 4. 1983. London: Faber, 1985.

  306. Durrell, Lawrence. Quinx, or The Ripper’s Tale. 1985. London: Faber, 1986.

  307. Durrell, Lawrence. Quinx, or The Ripper’s Tale. The Avignon Quintet, 5. 1985. London: Faber, 1986.

  308. Durrell, Lawrence. The Avignon Quintet: Monsieur: or, The Prince of Darkness; Livia: or, Buried Alive; Constance: or, Solitary Practices; Sebastian: or, Ruling Passions; Quinx: or, The Ripper's Tale. 1974, 1978, 1982, 1983, 1985. London: Faber, 1992.

  309. Durrell, Lawrence. Judith: A Novel. Ed. Richard Pine. New York: Open Road Integrated Media, 2012.

  310. Humour:

  311. Durrell, Lawrence. Esprit de Corps: Sketches from Diplomatic Life. Illustrated by V. H. Drummond. 1957. Faber Paper Covered Editions. London: Faber, 1963.

  312. Durrell, Lawrence. Stiff Upper Lip. Illustrated by Nicolas Bentley. 1958. Faber Paper Covered Editions. London: Faber, 1966.

  313. Durrell, Lawrence. Sauve Qui Peut. Illustrated by Nicolas Bentley. 1966. Faber Paper Covered Editions. London: Faber, 1969.

  314. Durrell, Lawrence. Antrobus Complete. Drawings by Marc. 1985. London: Faber, 1986.

  315. Travel & Miscellaneous Prose:

  316. Durrell, Lawrence. Prospero's Cell: A Guide to the Landscape and Manners of the Island of Corcyra. 1945. Faber Paper Covered Editions. London: Faber, 1973.

  317. Durrell, Lawrence. Reflections on a Marine Venus: A Companion to the Landscape of Rhodes. 1953. London: Faber, 1959.

  318. Durrell, Lawrence. Bitter Lemons. 1957. Faber Paper Covered Editions. London: Faber, 1959.

  319. Durrell, Lawrence. Spirit of Place: Letters and Essays on Travel. Ed. Alan G. Thomas. 1969. Faber Paper Covered Editions. London: Faber, 1971.

  320. Durrell, Lawrence. Spirit of Place: Letters & Essays on Travel. Ed. Alan G. Thomas. 1969. London: Faber, 1975.

  321. Durrell, Lawrence. Sicilian Carousel. 1977. London: Faber, 1978.

  322. Durrell, Lawrence. The Greek Islands. 1978. Faber Paperbacks. 1980. London: Faber, 1981.

  323. Durrell, Lawrence. A Smile in the Mind's Eye. 1980. A Paladin Book. Frogmore, St. Albans, Herts.: Granada Publishing Limited, 1982.

  324. Durrell, Lawrence. Caesar's Vast Ghost: Aspects of Provence. Photographs by Harry Peccinotti. 1990. Faber Paperbacks. London: Faber, 1995.

  325. Durrell, Lawrence. From the Elephant’s Back: Collected Essays & Travel Writings. Ed. James Gifford. Foreword by Peter Baldwin. Edmonton, Alberta, Canada: University of Alberta Press, 2015.

  326. Plays:

  327. Durrell, Lawrence. Sappho: A Play in Verse. 1950. Faber Paper Covered Editions. London: Faber, 1967.

  328. Poetry:

  329. Durrell, Lawrence. Collected Poems. 1957. Second Edition. London: Faber, 1968.

  330. Durrell, Lawrence. Collected Poems: 1931–1974. Ed. James A. Brigham. London: Faber, 1980.

  331. Translation:

  332. Royidis, Emmanuel. The Curious History of Pope Joan. 1954. Trans. Lawrence Durrell. London: Sphere Books Ltd., 1971.

  333. Letters:

  334. Durrell, Lawrence. Literary Lifelines: The Richard Aldington–Lawrence Durrell Correspondence. Ed. Ian S. MacNiven & Harry T. Moore. London: Faber, 1981.

  335. Secondary:

  336. Fraser, G. S. Lawrence Durrell: A Study. With a Bibliography by Alan G. Thomas. London: Faber, 1968.

  337. Durrell, Lawrence. The Big Supposer: A Dialogue with Marc Alyn. Illustrated by Lawrence Durrell. 1972. Trans. Francine Barker. London: Abelard-Schuman Limited, 1973.

  338. Bowker, Gordon. Through the Dark Labyrinth: A Biography of Lawrence Durrell: Fully Revised Edition. 1996. Pimlico. London: Random House, 1998.

  339. MacNiven, Ian S. Lawrence Durrell: A Biography. London: Faber, 1998.

  340. Gary Edric Armitage ['Robert Edric'] (1956- )

  341. Edric, Robert. The Broken Lands. 1992. London: Picador, 1993.

  342. Gerald Basil Edwards (1899-1976)

  343. Edwards, G. B. The Book of Ebenezer Le Page. Introduction by John Fowles. 1981. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1982.

  344. Sebastian Charles Faulks (1953- )

  345. Faulks, Sebastian. Birdsong. 1993. Vintage. London: Random House, 1994.

  346. Arthur Annesley Ronald Firbank (1886-1926)

  347. Firbank, Ronald. Five Novels: Valmouth; The Flower Beneath the Foot; Prancing Nigger; Concerning the Eccentricities of Cardinal Pirelli; The Artificial Princess. Introduction by Osbert Sitwell. 1949. London: Gerald Duckworth & Co. Ltd., 1950.

  348. Firbank, Ronald. Valmouth / Prancing Nigger / Concerning the Eccentricities of Cardinal Pirelli. 1919, 1924, 1926, 1961. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1964.

  349. Firbank, Ronald. The Complete Ronald Firbank: Odette: A Fairy Tale for Weary People (1915); The Artificial Princess (1915); Vainglory (1915); Inclinations (1916); Caprice (1917); Valmouth (1918); Santal (1921); The Flower Beneath the Foot (1923); Prancing Nigger [Sorrow in Sunlight] (1924); Concerning the Eccentricities of Cardinal Pirelli (1926); The Princess Zoubaroff (1920). Introduction by Anthony Powell. London: Gerald Duckworth & Co. Ltd., 1961.

  350. Firbank, Ronald. The Complete Firbank. Introduction by Anthony Powell. 1961. Picador Classics. London: Pan Books Ltd., 1988.

  351. Penelope Mary Fitzgerald (1916-2000)

  352. Fitzgerald, Penelope. The Knox Brothers: Edmund ('Evoe') 1881-1971, Dillwyn 1883-1943, Wilfred 1886-1950, Ronald 1888-1957. 1977. Newton Abbot: Readers Union Group of Book Clubs, 1978.

  353. Fitzgerald, Penelope. The Bookshop; The Gate of Angels; The Blue Flower. 1978, 1990, 1995. Introduction by Frank Kermode. Everyman's Library, 247. 2001. A Borzoi Book. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2003.

  354. Fitzgerald, Penelope. Offshore; Human Voices; The Beginning of Spring. 1979, 1980, 1988. Introduction by John Bayley. Everyman's Library, 269. A Borzoi Book. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2003.

  355. Fitzgerald, Penelope. The Means of Escape. 2000. Introduction by A. S. Byatt. Mariner Books. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 2001.

  356. Dooley, Terence, ed. So I Have Thought of You: The Letters of Penelope Fitzgerald. Preface by A. S. Byatt. 2008. Fourth Estate. London: HarperCollins Publishers, 2009.

  357. Lee, Hermione. Penelope Fitzgerald: A Life. Chatto & Windus. London: Random House, 2013.

  358. Ford Hermann Hueffer [Ford Madox Ford] (1873-1939)

  359. The Bodley Head Ford Madox Ford. Ed. Graham Greene. 4 vols. London: The Bodley Head Ltd., 1962-63.
    1. The Good Soldier / Selected Memories / Poems (1915 / 1906, 1911, 1931, 1938)
    2. The Fifth Queen: The Fifth Queen; Privy Seal; The Fifth Queen Crowned (1906, 1907, 1908)
    3. Parade's End - Part One: Some Do Not … (1924)
    4. Parade's End - Part Two: No More Parades (1925) / Part Three: A Man Could Stand Up (1926)

  360. Ford, Ford Madox. The Fifth Queen: the Fifth Queen; Privy Seal; The Fifth Queen Crowned. 1906, 1907, 1908. Twentieth-Century Classics. Introduction by A. S. Byatt. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1984.

  361. Hueffer, Ford Madox. Memories and Impressions: A Study in Atmospheres. New York & London: Harper & Brothers Publishers, 1911.

  362. Ford, Ford Madox. The Good Soldier: A Tale of Passion. 1915. Penguin Modern Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1982.

  363. Ford, Ford Madox. Joseph Conrad: A Personal Remembrance. 1924. New York: The Ecco Press, 1989.

  364. Ford, Ford Madox. Some Do Not … A Novel. 1924. Parade’s End, 1. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1948.

  365. Ford, Ford Madox. No More Parades: A Novel. 1925. Parade’s End, 2. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1948.

  366. Ford, Ford Madox. A Man Could Stand Up: A Novel. 1926. Parade’s End, 3. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1948.

  367. Ford, Ford Madox. Last Post: A Novel. 1928. Parade’s End, 4. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1948.

  368. Ford, Ford Madox. Parade's End. ['Some Do Not …', 1924; 'No More Parades', 1925; 'A Man Could Stand Up', 1926; 'Last Post', 1928]. Introduction by Robie Macaulay. Penguin Twentieth-Century Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1982.

  369. Ford, Ford Madox. The Rash Act: A Novel. 1933. Introduction by C. H. Sisson. 1982. Manchester: Carcanet Press Limited, 1984.

  370. Ford, Ford Madox. It Was the Nightingale. 1933. Introduction by John Coyle. The Millennium Ford. Manchester: Carcanet Press Limited, 2007.

  371. Ford, Ford Madox. Provence: From Minstrels to the Machine. Illustrations by Biala. 1935. The Ecco Travels. 1979. Hopewell, NJ: The Ecco Press, 1991.

  372. Ford, Ford Madox. Portraits from Life: Reminiscences. 1937. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1980.

  373. Ford, Ford Madox. The March of Literature: From Confucius to Modern Times. 1938. London: Allen & Unwin / Readers Union, 1947.

  374. Ford, Ford Madox. Memories and Impressions. Ed. Michael Killigrew. 1971. Penguin Modern Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1979.

  375. Stang, Sondra J., ed. The Ford Madox Ford Reader. Foreword by Graham Greene. 1986. Paladin. London: Grafton Books, 1987.

  376. Mizener, Arthur. The Saddest Story: A Biography of Ford Madox Ford. London: The Bodley Head, 1971.

  377. Cecil Louis Troughton Smith ['Cecil Scott Forester'] (1899-1966)

    The Hornblower Books:

  378. Forester, C. S. Mr. Midshipman Hornblower. 1950. Mermaid Books. London: Michael Joseph Ltd., 1953.

  379. Forester, C. S. Lieutenant Hornblower. 1952. London: The Reprint Society / Michael Joseph Ltd., 1953.

  380. Forester, C. S. Hornblower and the Hotspur. 1962. Modern Reading. London: Longmans Green and Co. Ltd. / Michael Joseph Ltd., 1963.

  381. Forester, C. S. Hornblower and the Crisis: An Unfinished Novel. London: Michael Joseph Ltd., 1967.

  382. Forester, C. S. Hornblower and the Atropos. 1953. London: The Companion Book Club / Readers Book Club, n.d.

  383. Forester, C. S. Captain Hornblower, R. N., A Trilogy: Comprising The Happy Return / A Ship of the Line / Flying Colours. 1937, 1938 & 1938. London: Michael Joseph Ltd., 1954.

  384. Forester, C. S. The Commodore. 1945. London: Michael Joseph Ltd., 1949.

  385. Forester, C. S. Lord Hornblower. 1946. Penguin Book 1536. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1967.

  386. Forester, C. S. Hornblower in the West Indies. London: Michael Joseph Ltd., 1958.

  387. Forester, C. S. The Hornblower Companion. With Maps and Drawings by Samuel H. Bryant. London: Michael Joseph Ltd., 1964.

  388. Parkinson, C. Northcote. The Life and Times of Horatio Hornblower. 1970. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1973.

  389. Other Fiction:

  390. Forester, C. S. Payment Deferred. 1926. New York: Bantam Books, 1961.

  391. Forester, C. S. Brown on Resolution. 1929. The Greenwich Edition. 1952. London: Michael Joseph Ltd., 1957.

  392. Forester, C. S. Brown on Resolution. 1929. London: Pan Books Ltd., 1963.

  393. Forester, C. S. Plain Murder. 1930. London: John Lane / The Bodley Head, 1946.

  394. Forester, C. S. The Gun. 1933. Penguin Books 229. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1959.

  395. Forester, C. S. Death to the French. 1933. Ed. E. L. Black. The Bodley Head Series. London: The Bodley Head, 1967.

  396. Forester, C. S. The Peacemaker. 1934. NEL Books. London: The New English Library Limited, 1969.

  397. Forester, C. S. The African Queen. 1935. Penguin Books 1112. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1956.

  398. Forester, C. S. The General. 1936. London: Michael Joseph Ltd., 1952.

  399. Forester, C. S. The Earthly Paradise. 1940. Mermaid Books. London: Michael Joseph Ltd., 1954.

  400. Forester, C. S. The Captain from Connecticut. 1941. A Four Square Book. London: Landsborough Publications Limited, 1958.

  401. Forester, C. S. The Ship. 1943. Greenwich Edition. London: Michael Joseph Ltd., 1953.

  402. Forester, C. S. The Sky and the Forest. 1948. NEL Books. London: The New English Library Limited, 1971.

  403. Forester, C. S. Randall and the River of Time. 1950. London: Michael Joseph Ltd., n.d.

  404. Forester, C. S. The Nightmare. 1954. NEL Books. London: The New English Library Limited, 1970.

  405. Forester, C. S. The Hostage. 1954. NEL Books. London: The New English Library Limited, 1970.

  406. Forester, C. S. The Good Shepherd. 1955. London: Michael Joseph Ltd., 1955.

  407. Forester, C. S. The Man in the Yellow Raft: Short Stories. 1969. London: Pan Books Ltd., 1971.

  408. Forester, C. S. Gold from Crete: Short Stories. 1971. London: Pan Books Ltd., 1973.

  409. Non-Fiction:

  410. Forester, C. S. The Barbary Pirates. 1953. NEL Books. London: The New English Library Limited, 1968.

  411. Forester, C. S. The Naval War of 1812. 1957. A Four Square Book. London: Landsborough Publications Limited, 1958.

  412. Forester, C. S. Hunting the Bismarck. 1959. Mayflower Books Ltd. Frogmore, St Albans, Herts: Granada Publishing Limited, 1973.

  413. Edited:

  414. Forester, C. S., ed. The Adventures of John Wetherell: The Authentic Diary of a 19th Century British Seaman, Impressed into His Majesty's Service to Fight Bonaparte. London: Michael Joseph Ltd., 1954.

  415. Edward Morgan Forster (1879-1970)


  416. Forster, E. M. Where Angels Fear to Tread: A Novel. 1905. Guild Books, No. C10. Stockholm: The British Publishers Guild, 1945.

  417. Forster, E. M. The Longest Journey. 1907. Pocket Edition. London: Edward Arnold & Co., 1947.

  418. Forster, E. M. A Room with a View. 1908. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1958.

  419. Forster, E. M. Howards End. 1910. Penguin Modern Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1961.

  420. Forster, E. M. Maurice. 1971. Introduction by P. N. Furbank. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1975.

  421. Forster, E. M. A Passage to India. 1924. Ed. Oliver Stallybrass. 1978. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1984.

  422. Short Stories:

  423. Forster, E. M. Collected Short Stories. 1948. London: Readers Union, 1950.

  424. Forster, E. M. The Life to Come and Other Stories. Ed. Oliver Stallybrass. 1972. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1979.

  425. Forster, E. M. Arctic Summer and Other Fiction. Ed. Elizabeth Heine & Oliver Stallybrass. The Abinger Edition of E. M. Forster. London: Edward Arnold (Publishers) Ltd., 1980.

  426. Non-Fiction:

  427. Forster, E. M. Alexandria: A History and Guide. 1922. Ed. Michael Haag. Introduction by Lawrence Durrell. 1982. London: Michael Haag Limited, 1986.

  428. Forster, E. M. Pharos and Pharillon. 1923. Berkeley: Creative Arts Books, 1980.

  429. Forster, E. M. Aspects of the Novel. 1927. A Pelican Book. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1974.

  430. Forster, E. M. Abinger Harvest. 1936. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1974.

  431. Forster, E. M. Two Cheers for Democracy. 1951. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1965.

  432. Forster, E. M. The Hill of Devi: Being Letters from Dewas State Senior. London: Edward Arnold & Co., 1953.

  433. Forster, E. M. Marianne Thornton, 1797-1887: A Domestic Biography. London: Edward Arnold (Publishers) Ltd., 1956.

  434. Secondary:

  435. Furbank, P. N. E. M. Forster: A Life (1879-1970): The Growth of the Novelist (1879-1914); Polycrates’ Ring (1914-1970). 1977 & 1978. London: Martin Secker & Warburg Limited, 1979.

  436. Adam Foulds (1974- )

  437. Foulds, Adam. The Quickening Maze. 2009. Vintage Books. London: Random House, 2010.

  438. John Robert Fowles (1926-2005)

  439. Fowles, John. The Collector. 1963. London: Pan Books Ltd., 1965.

  440. Fowles, John. The Aristos. 1964. Rev. ed. London: Jonathan Cape Ltd., 1980.

  441. Fowles, John. The Magus. 1966. London: Pan Books Ltd., 1973.

  442. Fowles, John. The Magus: A Revised Version. 1965. Foreword by the Author. 1977. Triad / Panther Books. Frogmore, St Albans, Herts: Triad Paperbacks Ltd., 1978.

  443. Fowles, John. The French Lieutenant's Woman. 1969. A Signet Novel. New York: The New American Library, Inc., 1970.

  444. Fowles, John. The Ebony Tower. 1974. Panther Books Ltd. Frogmore, St Albans, Herts: Granada Publishing Limited, 1975.

  445. Fowles, John. Daniel Martin. 1977. Triad / Panther Books. Frogmore, St Albans, Herts: Triad Paperbacks Ltd., 1979.

  446. Fowles, John. Mantissa. 1982. Triad / Panther Books. London: Granada Publishing Ltd., 1984.

  447. Fowles, John. A Maggot. 1985. Vintage. London: Random House, 1996.

  448. Fowles, John. Wormholes: Essays and Occasional Writings. Ed. Jan Relf. London: Jonathan Cape Ltd., 1998.

  449. Fowles, John. The Journals. Volume 1. Ed. Charles Drazin. Jonathan Cape. London: Random House, 2003.

  450. Fowles, John. The Journals. Volume 1. Ed. Charles Drazin. 2003. Vintage. London: Random House, 2004.

  451. Fowles, John. The Journals. Volume 2. Ed. Charles Drazin. Jonathan Cape. London: Random House, 2006.

  452. Ronald Fraser

  453. Fraser, Ronald. The Flying Draper. 1924. Introduction by Humbert Wolfe. The Travellers’ Library. London: Jonathan Cape, 1931.

  454. Fraser, Ronald. Flower Phantoms. New York: Boni & Liveright, 1926.

  455. Fraser, Ronald. Landscape with Figures. New York: Boni & Liveright, 1926.

  456. Fraser, Ronald. Rose Anstey. London: Jonathan Cape, 1930.

  457. Angelica Vanessa Garnett (1892-1981)

  458. Garnett, Angelica. Deceived with Kindness: A Bloomsbury Childhood. 1984. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1985.

  459. David Garnett (1892-1981)

  460. Garnett, David. Lady into Fox and A Man in the Zoo. 1922 & 1924. Illustrated by R. A. Garnett. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1980.

  461. Garnett, David. The Sailor’s Return and Beany-Eye. 1925 & 1935. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1948.

  462. Garnett, David. Go She Must. 1927. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1939.

  463. Garnett, David. The Grasshoppers Come & A Rabbit in the Air. 1931 & 1932. Illustrated by R. A. Garnett. London: Chatto & Windus, 1948.

  464. Garnett, David. Pocahontas, or, the Nonpareil of Virginia. 1933. London: Chatto & Windus, 1972.

  465. Garnett, David, ed. The Novels of Thomas Love Peacock. London: Rupert Hart-Davis, 1948.

  466. Garnett, David, ed. The Essential T. E. Lawrence. 1951. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1956.

  467. Garnett, David. The Golden Echo. London: Chatto & Windus, 1953.

  468. Garnett, David. Aspects of Love. 1955. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1978.

  469. Garnett, David. A Shot in the Dark. 1958. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1962.

  470. Garnett, David, ed. Carrington: Letters and Extracts from Her Diaries. Biographical Note by Noel Carrington. 1970. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1979.

  471. Garnett, David. The Sons of the Falcon. 1972. London: Quartet Books, 1973.

  472. Garnett, David. The Master Cat: The True and Unexpurgated Story of Puss in Boots. With Illustrations by Nerissa Garnett. London: Macmillan London Limited, 1974.

  473. Garnett, David. Great Friends: Portraits of Seventeen Writers. London: Macmillan, 1979.

  474. Knights, Sarah. Bloomsbury's Outsider: A Life of David Garnett. London: Bloomsbury Reader, 2015.

  475. Richard Garnett (1835-1906)

  476. Garnett, Richard. The Twilight of the Gods. 1888. Rev. ed. 1903. Introduction by T. E. Lawrence. The Week-End Library. London: John Lane / The Bodley Head Ltd., 1927.

  477. Garnett, Richard. The Twilight of the Gods and Other Tales. 1888. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1947.

  478. Heilbrun, Carolyn G. The Garnett Family: The History of a Literary Family. London: George Allen & Unwin Ltd., 1961.

  479. Jefferson, George. Edward Garnett: A Life in Literature. London: Jonathan Cape, 1982.

  480. Crosbie Garstin (1887-1930)

  481. Garstin, Crosbie. The Penhales: The Owls’ House / High Noon / The West Wind. London: William Heinemann Ltd., 1933.

  482. William Alexander Gerhardie (1895-1977)

  483. Gerhardie, William. Futility: A Novel on Russian Themes. 1922. Preface by Michael Holroyd. Penguin Modern Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1974.

  484. Gerhardie, William. Pretty Creatures. 1927. Preface by Michael Holroyd. The Revised Definitive Edition of the Works of William Gerhardie. London: Macdonald & Co (Publishers) Ltd., 1974.

  485. Davies, Dido. William Gerhardie: A Biography. 1990. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1991.

  486. Stella Dorothea Gibbons (1902-1989)

  487. Gibbons, Stella. Cold Comfort Farm, or A Good Woman’s Influence. 1932. London: Longmans Green and Co. Ltd., 1966.

  488. Sir William Gerald Golding (1911-1993)


  489. Golding, William. Lord of the Flies. 1954. London: Faber, 1954.

  490. Golding, William. The Inheritors. 1955. London: Faber, 1975.

  491. Golding, William. Pincher Martin. London: Faber, 1956.

  492. Golding, William. Free Fall. 1959. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1966.

  493. Golding, William. The Spire. New York: Harcourt, Brace & World, Inc. 1964.

  494. Golding, William. The Spire. 1964. London: Faber, 1965.

  495. Golding, William. The Pyramid. 1967. London: Faber, 1969.

  496. Golding, William. Darkness Visible. 1979. London: Faber, 1981.

  497. Golding, William. Three Novels: Lord of the Flies / Pincher Martin / Rites of Passage. 1954, 1956, 1980. London: Guild Publishing, 1984.

  498. Golding, William. The Paper Men. London: Faber, 1984.

  499. Golding, William. To the Ends of the Earth: A Sea Trilogy, comprising Rites of Passage; Close Quarters; and Fire Down Below. 1980, 1987 & 1989. London: Faber, 1992.

  500. Golding, William. The Double Tongue. London: Faber, 1995.

  501. Stories:

  502. Golding, William. The Scorpion God: Three Short Novels. 1971. London: Faber, 1973.

  503. Drama:

  504. Golding, William. The Brass Butterfly: A Play in Three Acts. 1958. Faber School Editions. London: Faber, 1963.

  505. Non-fiction:

  506. Golding, William. The Hot Gates and Other Occasional Pieces. 1965. London: Faber, 1984.

  507. Golding, William. A Moving Target. London: Faber, 1982.

  508. Golding, William. An Egyptian Journal. London: Faber, 1985.

  509. Secondary:

  510. Kinkead-Weekes, Mark, & Ian Gregor. William Golding: A Critical Study. 1967. London: Faber, 1984.

  511. Carey, John. William Golding: The Man Who Wrote Lord of the Flies - A Life. London: Faber, 2009.

  512. Winston Mawdsley Graham (1908-2003)

  513. Graham, Winston. The Tumbled House. London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1959.

  514. Henry Vincent Yorke ['Henry Green'] (1905-1973)

  515. Green, Henry. Loving / Living / Party Going. 1945, 1929 & 1939. Introduction by John Updike. Picador. London: Pan Books Ltd., 1978

  516. Green, Henry. Nothing / Doting / Blindness. 1950, 1952 & 1926. Picador. London: Pan Books Ltd., 1979.

  517. Green, Henry. Caught: A Novel. 1943 & 1952. Viking Reprint Editions. New York: Augustus M. Kelly, Publishers, 1970.

  518. Green, Henry. Back: A Novel. 1946. London: The Hogarth Press Ltd., 1979.

  519. Green, Henry. Concluding. 1948. Penguin Modern Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin / London: The Hogarth Press, 1964.

  520. Green, Henry. Surviving: The Uncollected Writings. Ed. Matthew Yorke. Introduction by John Updike. 1992. Harvill. London: HarperCollins Publishers, 1993.

  521. Henry Graham Greene (1904-1991)


  522. Greene, Graham. The Man Within. 1929. Uniform Edition. London: William Heinemann Ltd., 1952.

  523. Greene, Graham. The Name of Action. London: William Heinemann Ltd., 1930.

  524. Greene, Graham. Stamboul Train: An Entertainment. 1932. The Library Edition of the Works of Graham Greene. London: William Heinemann Ltd., 1959.

  525. Greene, Graham. It's a Battlefield. 1934. London: Pan Books Ltd., 1953.

  526. Greene, Graham. It's a Battlefield. 1934. Introduction by the Author. The Collected Edition, 2. London: William Heinemann / The Bodley Head, 1970.

  527. Greene, Graham. England Made Me. 1935. London: Pan Books Ltd., 1954.

  528. Greene, Graham. A Gun for Sale. 1936. Introduction by the Author. The Collected Edition, 9. London: William Heinemann / The Bodley Head, 1973.

  529. Greene, Graham. Brighton Rock. 1938. Uniform Edition. London: William Heinemann Ltd., 1947.

  530. Greene, Graham. The Confidential Agent: An Entertainment. 1939. Harmondsworth: Penguin / London: William Heinemann Ltd., 1976.

  531. Greene, Graham. The Power and the Glory. 1940. The Vanguard Library, 3. London: William Heinemann Ltd. / Chatto & Windus Ltd., 1954.

  532. Greene, Graham. The Ministry of Fear: An Entertainment. 1943. Uniform Edition. London: William Heinemann Ltd., 1956.

  533. Greene, Graham. The Heart of the Matter. 1948. London: The Reprint Society Ltd. / William Heinemann Ltd., 1950.

  534. Greene, Graham. The Third Man and the Fallen Idol. Prefaces by the Author. 1950. London: Pan Books Ltd., 1955.

  535. Greene, Graham. The Third Man: A Film by Graham Greene and Carol Reed. 1968. Modern Film Scripts. London: Lorrimer Publishing Limited, 1969.

  536. Greene, Graham. The End of the Affair. 1951. Harmondsworth: Penguin / London: William Heinemann Ltd., 1978.

  537. Greene, Graham. Loser Takes All. London: William Heinemann Ltd., 1955.

  538. Greene, Graham. The Quiet American. 1955. World Books. London: The Reprint Society Ltd. / William Heinemann Ltd., 1957.

  539. Greene, Graham. The Quiet American: Text and Criticism. 1955. Ed. John Clark Pratt. The Viking Critical Library. New York: Penguin, 1996.

  540. Greene, Graham. Our Man in Havana: An Entertainment. London: William Heinemann Ltd., 1958.

  541. Greene, Graham. A Burnt-Out Case. 1961. London: The Reprint Society Ltd. / William Heinemann Ltd., 1962.

  542. Greene, Graham. The Comedians. 1966. Melbourne: Readers Book Club, 165. / London: William The Companion Book Club, 1967.

  543. Greene, Graham. Travels with My Aunt. 1969. Harmondsworth: Penguin / London: The Bodley Head, 1972.

  544. Greene, Graham. The Honorary Consul. 1973. London: Book Club Associates / The Bodley Head, 1974.

  545. Greene, Graham. The Human Factor. 1978. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1978.

  546. Greene, Graham. Doctor Fischer of Geneva, or The Bomb Party. London: The Bodley Head, 1980.

  547. Greene, Graham. Monsignor Quixote. 1982. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1984.

  548. Greene, Graham. The Tenth Man. 1985. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1986.

  549. Greene, Graham. The Captain and the Enemy. 1988. Harmondsworth: Penguin / London: Reinhardt Books Ltd., 1989.

  550. Greene, Graham. No Man's Land. Ed. James Sexton. Foreword by David Lodge. Hesperus Modern Voices. London: Hesperus Press Limited, 2005.

  551. Greene, Graham. The Heart of the Matter / Stamboul Train / A Burnt-out Case / The Third Man / The Quiet American / Loser Takes All / The Power and the Glory. 1948, 1932, 1961, 1950, 1955, 1955, 1940. London: William Heinemann Limited / Octopus Books Limited, 1977.

  552. Greene, Graham. Brighton Rock / The End of the Affair / It's a Battlefield / England Made Me / The Ministry of Fear / Our Man in Havana. 1938, 1951, 1934, 1935, 1943, 1958. London: William Heinemann Limited / Octopus Books Limited, 1981.

  553. Short Stories:

  554. Greene, Graham. Twenty-One Stories. 1947 & 1954. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1970.

  555. Greene, Graham. A Sense of Reality. 1963. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1970.

  556. Greene, Graham. May We Borrow Your Husband? And Other Comedies of the Sexual Life. London: The Bodley Head Ltd., 1967.

  557. Greene, Graham. The Last Word and Other Stories. 1990. Harmondsworth: Penguin / London: Reinhardt Books Ltd., 1991.

  558. Greene, Graham. The Complete Short Stories. 1954, 1963, 1967, 1990. Introduction by Pico Iyer. Penguin Classics. London: Penguin, 2005.

  559. Travel:

  560. Greene, Graham. Journey Without Maps: A Travel Book. 1936. Uniform Edition. London: William Heinemann Ltd., 1962.

  561. Greene, Graham. The Lawless Roads. 1939. Harmondsworth: Penguin / London: William Heinemann Ltd., 1971.

  562. Greene, Graham. In Search of a Character: Two African Journals. 1961. Harmondsworth: Penguin / London: The Bodley Head, 1977.

  563. Greene, Graham. Getting to Know the General: The Story of an Involvement. London: The Bodley Head Ltd., 1984.

  564. Autobiography:

  565. Greene, Graham. A Sort of Life. 1971. Harmondsworth: Penguin / London: The Bodley Head, 1974.

  566. Greene, Graham. Ways of Escape. 1980. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1981.

  567. Plays:

  568. Greene, Graham. Three Plays: The Living Room / The Potting Shed / The Complaisant Lover. 1953, 1957 & 1959. Mercury Books, 15. London: The Heinemann Group of Publishers, 1962.

  569. Greene, Graham. The Return of A. J. Raffles: An Edwardian Comedy in Three Acts Based Somewhat Loosely on E. W. Hornung’s Characters in The Amateur Cracksman. 1975. Penguin Plays. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1978.

  570. Greene, Graham. Collected Plays: The Living Room / The Potting Shed / The Complaisant Lover / Carving a Statue / The Return of A. J. Raffles / The Great Jowett / Yes and No / For Whom the Bell Chimes. 1953, 1957, 1959, 1964, 1975, 1939, 1980, 1980. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1985.

  571. Miscellaneous Prose:

  572. Greene, Graham. The Lost Childhood and Other Essays. 1951. London: Eyre & Spottiswoode (Publishers) Ltd., 1954.

  573. Greene, Graham. Collected Essays. London: The Bodley Head Ltd., 1969.

  574. Greene, Graham. The Pleasure-Dome: The Collected Film Criticism, 1935-40. Ed. John Russell Taylor. 1972. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1980.

  575. Greene, Graham. Lord Rochester's Monkey: Being the life of John Wilmot, Second Earl of Rochester. London: The Bodley Head Limited, 1974.

  576. Greene, Graham. J'Accuse: The Dark Side of Nice. London: The Bodley Head Ltd., 1982.

  577. Greene, Graham. Yours, etc.: Letters to the Press, 1945-89. Ed. Christopher Hawtree. Viking. London: Reinhardt Books Ltd. / Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1989.

  578. Greene, Graham. Reflections. Ed. Judith Adamson. Viking. London: Reinhardt Books Ltd. / Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1990.

  579. Greene, Graham. A World of My Own: A Dream Diary. 1992. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1993.

  580. Greene, Richard, ed. Graham Greene: A Life in Letters. 2007. New York & London: W. W. Norton & Company, Inc., 2008.

  581. Edited:

  582. Greene, Graham, ed. The Old School: Essays by Divers Hands. 1934. Oxford Paperbacks. London: Oxford University Press, 1984.

  583. Secondary:

  584. Allain, Marie-Françoise. The Other Man: Conversations with Graham Greene. 1981. Trans. Guido Waldman. London: The Bodley Head Ltd.,1982.

  585. Greene, Barbara. Too Late to Turn Back: Barbara and Graham Greene in Liberia. ['Land Benighted', 1938]. Introduction by Paul Theroux. 1981. Penguin Travel Library. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1990.

  586. Greene, Richard. Russian Roulette: The Life and Times of Graham Greene. Little, Brown. London: Little, Brown Book Group, 2020.

  587. Sherry, Norman. The Life of Graham Greene. Volume One: 1904-1939. London: Jonathan Cape Ltd., 1989.

  588. Sherry, Norman. The Life of Graham Greene. Volume Two: 1939-1955. 1994. New York: Viking Penguin, 1995.

  589. Sherry, Norman. The Life of Graham Greene. Volume Three: 1955-1991. London: Jonathan Cape Ltd., 2004.

  590. Marguerite Radclyffe-Hall [Radclyffe Hall] (1880-1943)

  591. Hall, Radclyffe. The Well of Loneliness. Commentary by Havelock Ellis. 1928. New York: Quality Paperback Book Club, 1993.

  592. Souhami, Diana. The Trials of Radclyffe Hall. London: Weidenfield & Nicolson, 1998.

  593. Patrick Hamilton (1904-1962)

  594. Hamilton, Patrick. Twenty Thousand Streets Under the Sky: A London Trilogy. 1935. Introduction by Michael Holroyd. Hogarth Fiction. London: The Hogarth Press / Chatto & Windus Ltd., 1987.

  595. Hamilton, Patrick. Hangover Square: A Story of Darkest Earl’s Court. 1941. Introduction by J. B. Priestley. 1972. Penguin Twentieth-Century Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1974.

  596. Hamilton, Patrick. The Slaves of Solitude. 1947. Introduction by Claud Cockburn. Twentieth-Century Classics. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1982.

  597. Hamilton, Patrick. The Gorse Trilogy: The West Pier / Mr Stimpson and Mr Gorse / Unknown Assailant. 1952, 1953 & 1955. Penguin Twentieth-Century Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1992.

  598. Jones, Nigel. Through a Glass Darkly: The Life of Patrick Hamilton. 1991. Abacus. London: Little, Brown and Company (UK) Limited, 1993.

  599. Maurice Henry Hewlett (1861-1923)

  600. Hewlett, Maurice. The Life and Death of Richard Yea-and-Nay. 1900. Penguin Books 471. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1945.

  601. James Hilton (1900–1954)

  602. Hilton, James. Lost Horizon: A Novel. 1933. London: Pan Books Ltd., 1947.

  603. Alan James Hollinghurst (1954– )

  604. Hollinghurst, Alan. The Line of Beauty. 2004. Picador. London: Pan Macmillan Ltd., 2004.

  605. Winifred Holtby (1898-1935)

  606. Holtby, Winifred. South Riding: An English Landscape. 1936. Fontana Paperbacks. Glasgow: William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd., 1974.

  607. Elizabeth Jane Howard (1923-2014)

  608. Cooper, Artemis. Elizabeth Jane Howard: A Dangerous Innocence. John Murray (Publishers). London: Hachette UK, 2016.

  609. Richard Arthur Warren Hughes (1900-1976)

  610. Hughes, Richard. Plays: The Sister’s Tragedy; A Comedy of Good and Evil; The Man Born to be Hanged: Danger. 1924. London: Chatto & Windus, 1966.

  611. Hughes, Richard. A High Wind in Jamaica. 1929. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1965.

  612. Hughes, Richard. The Spider’s Palace and Other Stories. 1931. Illustrated by George Charlton. A Puffin Book. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1977.

  613. Hughes, Richard. In Hazard. 1938. London: Chatto & Windus, 1948.

  614. Hughes, Richard. The Fox in the Attic. The Human Predicament, 1. 1961. London: The Reprint Society, 1962.

  615. Hughes, Richard. The Wooden Shepherdess. The Human Predicament, 2. 1973. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1975.

  616. Graves, Richard Perceval. Richard Hughes: A Biography. London: André Deutsch, 1994.

  617. Ray Coryton Hutchinson (1907-1975)

  618. Hutchinson, R. C. Shining Scabbard. 1936. Zenith. London: Arrow Books Limited, 1983.

  619. Hutchinson, R. C. Testament. 1938. King Penguin. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1981.

  620. Hutchinson, R. C. Recollection of a Journey: A Novel. London: Cassell & Co., Ltd., 1952.

  621. Hutchinson, R. C. March the Ninth. London: The Companion Book Club, 1957.

  622. Hutchinson, R. C. Johanna at Daybreak. London: Michael Joseph Ltd., 1969.

  623. Hutchinson, R. C. Origins of Cathleen: A Diversion. London: Michael Joseph Ltd., 1971.

  624. Hutchinson, R. C. Rising. London: Michael Joseph Ltd., 1976.

  625. Hutchinson, R. C. The Quixotes: Collected Stories. Ed. Robert Green. Manchester: Carcanet Press, 1984.

  626. Aldous Leonard Huxley (1894-1963)


  627. Huxley, Aldous. Crome Yellow: A Novel. 1921. The Collected Works of Aldous Huxley. London: Chatto & Windus, 1949.

  628. Huxley, Aldous. Antic Hay: A Novel. 1923. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1950.

  629. Huxley, Aldous. Those Barren Leaves: A Novel. 1925. Harmondsworth: Penguin, n.d.

  630. Huxley, Aldous. Point Counter Point: A Novel. 1928. Penguin Modern Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1972.

  631. Huxley, Aldous. Brave New World: A Novel. 1932. Foreword by the Author. 1950. Penguin Modern Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1974.

  632. Huxley, Aldous. Eyeless in Gaza: A Novel. 1936. Penguin Modern Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1965.

  633. Huxley, Aldous. After Many a Summer: A Novel. 1939. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1959.

  634. Huxley, Aldous. Time Must Have a Stop. 1945. London: Chatto & Windus, 1950.

  635. Huxley, Aldous. Ape and Essence: A Novel. 1949. The Collected Works of Aldous Huxley. London: Chatto & Windus, 1951.

  636. Huxley, Aldous. The Genius and the Goddess. London: Chatto & Windus, 1955.

  637. Huxley, Aldous. Island: A Novel. 1962. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1964.

  638. Huxley, Aldous, & Christopher Isherwood. Jacob's Hands. Introductions by Laura Archera Huxley & David Bradshaw. London: Bloomsbury Publishing Plc., 1998.

  639. Stories:

  640. Huxley, Aldous. Mortal Coils: Five Stories. 1922. Harmondsworth: Penguin, in association with Chatto and Windus, 1955.

  641. Huxley, Aldous. Mortal Coils: Five Stories / Verses & a Comedy: Early Poems, Leda, The Cicadas, The World of Light. 1922 & 1920. Illustrations by Patrick Rixson. Geneva: Heron Books, 1969.

  642. Huxley, Aldous. Collected Short Stories. 1957. The Collected Works of Aldous Huxley. London: Chatto & Windus, 1969.

  643. Huxley, Aldous. After the Fireworks: Three Novellas. ['After the Fireworks,' 1930, 'Two or Three Graces,' 1926, 'Uncle Spencer,' 1924]. Foreword by Garry Giddins. Harper Perennial. New York: Harper Collins Publishers, 2016..

  644. Travel:

  645. Huxley, Aldous. Jesting Pilate: The Diary of a Journey. 1926. Geneva: Heron Books, 1969.

  646. Huxley, Aldous. Beyond the Mexique Bay: A Traveller’s Journal. 1934. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1955.

  647. Non-fiction:

  648. Huxley, Aldous. Music at Night and Other Essays. 1931. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1950.

  649. Huxley, Aldous. Rotunda: A Selection from the Works of Aldous Huxley. London: Chatto & Windus, 1932.

  650. Huxley, Aldous. Texts and Pretexts: An Anthology with Commentaries. 1932. The Collected Works of Aldous Huxley, 17. 1949. London: Chatto & Windus, 1959.

  651. Huxley, Aldous. Ends and Means: An Enquiry into the Nature of Ideals and into the Methods employed for their Realization. London: Chatto & Windus, 1937.

  652. Huxley, Aldous. Grey Eminence: A Study in Religion and Politics. London: Chatto & Windus, 1942.

  653. Huxley, Aldous. The Perennial Philosophy. 1946. Fontana Books. London: Collins, 1961.

  654. Huxley, Aldous. The Devils of Loudun. 1952. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1975.

  655. Huxley, Aldous. The Doors of Perception & Heaven and Hell. 1954 & 1956. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1965.

  656. Huxley, Aldous. Brave New World Revisited. 1958. Perennial Library. New York: Harper & Row, Publishers, 1965.

  657. Huxley, Aldous. Collected Essays. 1958. London: Chatto & Windus, 1960.

  658. Huxley, Aldous. Complete Essays. Volume I: 1920-1925. Ed. Robert S. Baker & James Sexton. Chicago: Ivan R. Dee, 2000.

  659. Huxley, Aldous. Complete Essays. Volume II: 1926-1929. Ed. Robert S. Baker & James Sexton. Chicago: Ivan R. Dee, 2000.

  660. Huxley, Aldous. Complete Essays. Volume III: 1930-1935. Ed. Robert S. Baker & James Sexton. Chicago: Ivan R. Dee, 2001.

  661. Huxley, Aldous. Complete Essays. Volume IV: 1936-1938. Ed. Robert S. Baker & James Sexton. Chicago: Ivan R. Dee, 2001.

  662. Huxley, Aldous. Complete Essays. Volume V: 1939-56. Ed. Robert S. Baker & James Sexton. Chicago: Ivan R. Dee, 2002.

  663. Huxley, Aldous. Complete Essays. Volume VI: 1956-1963, and Supplement: 1920-1948. Ed. Robert S. Baker & James Sexton. Chicago: Ivan R. Dee, 2002.

  664. Letters:

  665. Smith, Grover, ed. Letters of Aldous Huxley. London: Chatto & Windus Ltd, 1969.

  666. Secondary:

  667. Bedford, Sybille. Aldous Huxley: A Biography. Volume One: 1894-1939. 2 vols. London: Chatto & Windus / Collins, 1973.

  668. Bedford, Sybille. Aldous Huxley: A Biography. Volume Two: 1939-1963. 2 vols. London: Chatto & Windus / Collins, 1974.

  669. Christopher William Bradshaw Isherwood (1904-1986)


  670. Isherwood, Christopher. All the Conspirators. 1928. Foreword by the Author. 1957. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1977.

  671. Isherwood, Christopher. The Memorial: Portrait of a Family. 1932. London: The Hogarth Press Ltd., 1952.

  672. Isherwood, Christopher. Mr. Norris Changes Trains. 1935. Auckland: Penguin NZ, 1944.

  673. Isherwood, Christopher. Goodbye to Berlin. 1939. Penguin Books 504. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1945.

  674. Isherwood, Christopher. The Berlin of Sally Bowles: Mr. Norris Changes Trains / Goodbye to Berlin. 1935 & 1939. London: Book Club Associates / The Hogarth Press Ltd., 1975.

  675. Isherwood, Christopher. Prater Violet. 1945. Penguin Modern Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1969.

  676. Isherwood, Christopher. The World in the Evening. 1954. Penguin Book 2399. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1966.

  677. Isherwood, Christopher. Down There on a Visit. 1959. A Bard Book. New York: Avo Books, 1978.

  678. Isherwood, Christopher. A Single Man. 1964. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1969.

  679. Isherwood, Christopher. Exhumations: Stories / Articles / Verses. 1966. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1969.

  680. Isherwood, Christopher. A Meeting by the River. 1967. Magnum Books. London: Methuen Paperbacks Ltd., 1982.

  681. Non-fiction:

  682. Isherwood, Christopher. The Condor and the Cows. Illustrated from photos by William Caskey. London: Methuen & Co. Ltd., 1949.

  683. Isherwood, Christopher. Ramakrishna and His Disciples. 1965. A Touchstone Book. New York: Simon and Schuster, n.d.

  684. Autobiography, Journals & Letters:

  685. Isherwood, Christopher. Lions and Shadows: An Education in the Twenties. 1938. Magnum Books. London: Methuen Paperbacks Ltd., 1979.

  686. Isherwood, Christopher. Kathleen and Frank. London: Methuen & Co. Ltd., 1971.

  687. Isherwood, Christopher. Christopher and His Kind, 1929-1939. 1976. Magnum Books. London: Methuen Paperbacks Ltd., 1978.

  688. Isherwood, Christopher. My Guru and His Disciple. London: Eyre Methuen Ltd., 1980.

  689. Isherwood, Christopher. Lost Years: A Memoir 1945–1951. Ed. Katherine Bucknell. 2000. Vintage Books. London: Random House, 2001.

  690. Isherwood, Christopher. Diaries. Volume One: 1939-1960. Ed. Katherine Bucknell. 1996. Vintage Books. London: Random House, 2011.

  691. Isherwood, Christopher. Diaries. Volume Two: 1960-1969. Ed. Katherine Bucknell. Foreword by Christopher Hitchens. 2010. Harper Perennial. New York: Harper Collins Publishers, 2011.

  692. Isherwood, Christopher. Liberation: Diaries Volume Three, 1970-1983. Ed. Katherine Bucknell. Preface by Edmund White. 2012. Vintage Books. London: Random House, 2013.

  693. Bucknell, Katherine, ed. The Animals: Love Letters Between Christopher Isherwood and Don Bachardy. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2013.

  694. Edited & Translated:

  695. Isherwood, Christopher, ed. Vedanta for the Western World. 1948. Unwin Books. London: George Allen & Unwin Ltd., 1963.

  696. Baudelaire, Charles. Intimate Journals. Trans. Christopher Isherwood. Illustrated with drawings by Baudelaire. 1930. Introduction by W. H. Auden. 1949. London: Panther Books, 1969.

  697. Secondary:

  698. Parker, Peter. Isherwood: A Life. 2004. Picador. London: Pan Macmillan Ltd., 2005.

  699. William Wymark Jacobs (1933-1973)

  700. Jacobs, W. W. Selected Short Stories. Ed. Hugh Greene. The Bow Street Library. London: The Bodley Head, 1975.

  701. Bryan Stanley Johnson (1933-1973)

  702. Johnson, B. S. Christy Malry’s Own Double-Entry. 1973. King Penguin. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1984.

  703. Helen Emily Woods ['Anna Kavan'] (1901—1968)

  704. Kavan, Anna. Ice. 1967. Introduction by Brian Aldiss. London: Picador, 1973.

  705. Sturm, Jennifer, ed. Anna Kavan’s New Zealand: A Pacifc Interlude in a Turbulent Life. A Vintage Book. Auckland: Random House, 2009.

  706. Mary Margaret Kaye (1908-2004)

  707. Kaye, M. M. The Far Pavilions. 1978. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1979.

  708. Kaye, M. M. ed. The Golden Calm: An English Lady’s Life in Moghul Delhi. Reminiscences by Emily, Lady Clive Bayley, and by Her Father, Sir Thomas Metcalfe. Exeter, England: Webb & Bower, 1980.

  709. Joseph Rudyard Kipling (1865-1936)


  710. Kipling, Rudyard. The One Volume Kipling: Authorized. 1893 & 1928. New York: Doubleday, Doran & Company, Inc., 1930.
    • Volume I: Ballads and Barrack-Room Ballads
    • Volume II: The Light that Failed
    • Volume III: City of Dreadful Night
    • Volume IV: Plain Tales from the Hills
    • Volume V: Soldiers Three
    • Volume VI: Mine Own People
    • Volume VII: In Black and White
    • Volume VIII: The Phantom 'Rickshaw & Other Ghost Stories
    • Volume IX: Under the Deodars
    • Volume X: Wee Willie Winkie
    • Volume XI: The Story of the Gadsbys
    • Volume XII: Departmental Ditties and Other Verses

  711. Poetry:

  712. Carrington, Charles, ed. The Complete Barrack-Room Ballads of Rudyard Kipling. 1892. London: Methuen & Co. Ltd., 1973.

  713. Kipling, Rudyard. The Seven Seas. 1896. The Dominions Edition. London: Methuen & Co., Limited, 1914.

  714. Kipling, Rudyard. The Five Nations. 1903. The Dominions Edition. 1914. London: Methuen & Co., Limited, 1916.

  715. Kipling, Rudyard. A Song of the English. Illustrated by W. Heath Robinson. 1909. London: Hodder & Stoughton, n.d. [c.1925]

  716. Kipling, Rudyard. Rudyard Kipling’s Verse: Definitive Edition. 1912. Second Edition. 1919. Third Inclusive Edition. 1927. Fourth Inclusive Edition. 1933. Definitive Edition. 1940. London: Hodder and Stoughton Limited, 1945.

  717. Kipling, Rudyard. Rudyard Kipling’s Verse: Definitive Edition. 1912. Second Edition. 1919. Third Inclusive Edition. 1927. Fourth Inclusive Edition. 1933. Definitive Edition. 1940. London: Hodder and Stoughton Limited, 1949.

  718. Kipling, Rudyard. A Choice of Kipling's Verse. Ed. T. S. Eliot. 1941. Faber Paper Covered Editions. London: Faber, 1963.

  719. Rutherford, Andrew, ed. Early Verse by Rudyard Kipling, 1879-1889: Unpublished, Uncollected, and Rarely Published Poems. 1986. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1986.

  720. Pinney, Thomas, ed. The Cambridge Edition of the Poems of Rudyard Kipling. 3 vols. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013.
    1. Collected Poems I
    2. Collected Poems II
    3. Uncollected Poems

  721. Novels:

  722. Kipling, Rudyard. The Light that Failed. 1891. The Dominions Edition. London: Macmillan & Co. Limited, 1913.

  723. Kipling, Rudyard, & Wolcott Balestier. The Naulahka: A Story of West and East. 1892. 2 vols. The Service Edition of the Works of Rudyard Kipling. London: Macmillan & Co., Limited, 1915.

  724. Kipling, Rudyard. ‘Captains Courageous’: A Story of the Grand Banks. 1896. Melbourne & London: Macmillan & Company Ltd., 1942.

  725. Kipling, Rudyard. Kim. 1901. London: Macmillan & Co. Limited, 1940.

  726. Short Stories:

  727. Kipling, Rudyard. Plain Tales from the Hills. 1888. The Dominions Edition. London: Macmillan & Co. Ltd., 1913.

  728. Kipling, Rudyard. Soldiers Three / The Story of the Gadsbys / In Black and White. 1888 & 1895. The Dominions Edition. London: Macmillan & Co. Ltd., 1913.

  729. Kipling, Rudyard. The Phantom 'Rickshaw and other Tales. 1888 & 1895. New York: American Publishers Corporation, n.d.

  730. Kipling, Rudyard. Wee Willie Winkie / Under the Deodars / The Phantom 'Rickshaw and other Stories. 1888 & 1895. The Dominions Edition. London: Macmillan & Co. Ltd., 1913.

  731. Kipling, Rudyard. Wee Willie Winkie: Under the Deodars / The Phantom Rickshaw and other Eerie Tales / Wee Willie Winkie and Other Child Stories. 1888 & 1895. Ed. Hugh Haughton. Penguin Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1988.

  732. Kipling, Rudyard. Life's Handicap: Being Stories of Mine Own People. 1891. Library Edition. London: Macmillan & Co. Limited, 1948.

  733. Kipling, Rudyard. Life's Handicap: Being Stories of Mine Own People. 1891. Ed. P. N. Furbank. Penguin Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1987.

  734. Kipling, Rudyard. Many Inventions. 1893. The Dominions Edition. London: Macmillan & Co. Limited, 1913.

  735. Kipling, Rudyard. The Day's Work. 1898. London: Macmillan & Co., Limited, 1945.

  736. Kipling, Rudyard. Traffics and Discoveries. London: Macmillan & Co. Limited, 1904.

  737. Kipling, Rudyard. Abaft the Funnel: Authorized Edition. 1909. New York: Doubleday, Page & Company, 1909.

  738. Kipling, Rudyard. Actions and Reactions. 1909. Macmillan’s Pocket Kipling. London: Macmillan & Co. Limited, 1920.

  739. Kipling, Rudyard. A Diversity of Creatures. 1917. The Medallion Edition. Dunedin: James Johnston, Limited / London: Macmillan and Co. Limited, n.d.

  740. Kipling, Rudyard. Debits and Credits. Macmillan’s Pocket Kipling. London: Macmillan & Co. Limited, 1926.

  741. Kipling, Rudyard. Limits and Renewals. The Dominions Edition. London: Macmillan & Co. Limited, 1932.

  742. Kipling, Rudyard. Limits and Renewals. 1932. Ed. Phillip V. Mallett. Penguin Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1987.

  743. Kipling, Rudyard. The Collected Short Stories. Illustrated by Philip Bannister. 5 vols. London: The Folio Society, 2005.
    • Vol.1: Plain Tales from the Hills (1888) / Soldiers Three and other stories (1888)
    • Vol.2: Wee Willie Winkie and other stories (1888) / Life's Handicap (1891)
    • Vol.3: Many Inventions (1893) / The Day's Work (1898)
    • Vol.4: Traffics and Discoveries (1904) / Actions and Reactions (1909) / A Diversity of Creatures
    • Vol.5: A Diversity of Creatures, cont. (1917) / Debits and Credits (1926) / Limits and Renewals (1932)

  744. Kipling, Rudyard. Ten Stories. London: Pan Books Ltd., 1947.

  745. Maugham, W. Somerset, ed. A Choice of Kipling's Prose. London: Macmillan & Co. Ltd., 1952.

  746. Kipling, Rudyard. Short Stories. Volume 1: A Sahib’s War and Other Stories. Ed. Andrew Rutherford. 1971. Penguin Modern Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1977.

  747. Kipling, Rudyard. Short Stories. Volume 2: Friendly Brook and Other Stories. Ed. Andrew Rutherford. 1971. Penguin Modern Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1977.

  748. Kipling, Rudyard. One Lady at Wairakei. 1892. Introduction by Harry Ricketts. Wellington: Mallinson Rendel Publishers Ltd., 1983.

  749. Haining, Peter, ed. The Complete Supernatural Stories of Rudyard Kipling. London: W. H. Allen & Co. Plc., 1987.

  750. Kipling, Rudyard. The Cause of Humanity and Other Stories: Uncollected Prose Fictions. Ed. Thomas Pinney. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019.

  751. Children's Stories:

  752. Kipling, Rudyard. The Jungle Books. 1894 & 1895. Illustrated by Stuart Tresilian. 1955. London: the Reprint Society, 1956.

  753. Kipling, Rudyard. The Brushwood Boy. 1895 & 1899. Illustrations by F. H. Townsend. 1907. London: Macmillan & Co., Limited, 1914.

  754. Kipling, Rudyard. Stalky & Co.: Complete. 1899. Ed. Isabel Quigley. The World’s Classics. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1987.

  755. Kipling, Rudyard. Just So Stories for Little Children. 1902. London: Macmillan and Co., Limited, 1948.

  756. Kipling, Rudyard. Just So Stories for Little Children: A Reprint of the First Edition. Illustrated by the Author. 1902. New York: Weathervane Books, 1978.

  757. Kipling, Rudyard. Puck of Pook's Hill. 1906. London: Macmillan & Co. Ltd., 1957.

  758. Kipling, Rudyard. Rewards and Fairies. 1910. Macmillan’s Pocket Kipling. London: Macmillan & Co. Limited, 1920.

  759. Kipling, Rudyard. All the Puck Stories. With Illustrations by H. R. Millar & Charles E. Brock, R.I. 1906 & 1910. London: Macmillan & Co. Ltd., 1935.

  760. Kipling, Rudyard. Land & Sea Tales for Scouts and Guides. 1923. Macmillan’s Pocket Kipling. London: Macmillan & Co. Limited, 1935.

  761. Kipling, Rudyard. Thy Servant a Dog, Told by Boots. Illustrated by G. L. Stampa. 1930. London: Macmillan & Co. Limited, 1931.

  762. Kipling, Rudyard. Animal Stories from Rudyard Kipling. Illustrated by Stuart Tresilian. 1932. London: Macmillan & Co. Ltd., 1961.

  763. Kipling, Rudyard. All the Mowgli Stories. 1933. St. Martin’s Library. 1961. London: Macmillan & Co. Ltd., 1962.

  764. Kipling, Rudyard. 'Thy Servant a Dog' and Other Dog Stories. Illustrated by G. L. Stampa. 1938. London: Macmillan & Co. Limited, 1960.

  765. Non-Fiction:

  766. Kipling, Rudyard. From Sea to Sea and Other Sketches: Letters of Travel. 1899. 2 vols. Macmillan’s Pocket Kipling. London: Macmillan & Co. Limited, 1914.

  767. Kipling, Rudyard. Sea Warfare. The Dominions Edition. London: Macmillan & Co. Limited, 1916.

  768. Kipling, Rudyard. Letters of Travel (1892-1913). Macmillan’s Pocket Kipling. London: Macmillan and Co., Limited, 1920.

  769. Kipling, Rudyard. The Irish Guards in the Great War: The First Battalion. Edited and Compiled from Their Diaries and Papers. 1923. Foreword by George Webb. Staplehurst: Spellmont Limited, 1997.

  770. Kipling, Rudyard. The Irish Guards in the Great War: The Second Battalion. Edited and Compiled from Their Diaries and Papers. 1923. Staplehurst: Spellmont Limited, 1997.

  771. Kipling, Rudyard. A Book of Words: Selections from Speeches and Addresses Delivered Between 1906 and 1927. London: Macmillan & Co. Limited, 1928.

  772. Kipling, Rudyard. Something of Myself: For My Friends Known and Unknown. 1937. London: Macmillan & Co. Limited, 1937.

  773. Kipling, Rudyard. Something of Myself: For My Friends Known and Unknown. 1937. Ed. Robert Hampson. Introduction by Richard Holmes. Penguin Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1987.

  774. Kipling, Rudyard. Something of Myself and Other Autobiographical Writings. Ed. Thomas Pinney. 1990. Canto Classics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013.

  775. Secondary:

  776. Gilbert, Elliot L., ed. “O Beloved Kids”: Rudyard Kipling’s Letters to his Children. London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson., 1983.

  777. Green, Roger Lancelyn. Kipling and the Children. London: Elek Books Ltd., 1965.

  778. Carrington, Charles. Rudyard Kipling: His Life and Work. 1955. London: Macmillan Limited, 1978.

  779. Ricketts, Harry. The Unforgiving Minute: A Life of Rudyard Kipling. 1999. Pimlico. London: Random House, 2000.

  780. David Herbert Richards Lawrence (1885-1930)


  781. Lawrence, D. H. The White Peacock. 1911. Introduction by Richard Aldington. Penguin Books 760. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1950.

  782. Lawrence, D. H. The Trespasser. 1912. Harmondsworth: Penguin / London: William Heinemann Ltd., 1974.

  783. Lawrence, D. H. The Trespasser. 1912. Ed. Elizabeth Mansfield. 1981. Introduction by Melvyn Bragg. The Cambridge Edition of the Works of D. H. Lawrence. London: Granada Publishing Limited, 1983.

  784. Lawrence, D. H. Sons and Lovers. 1912. Penguin Books 608. Harmondsworth: Penguin / London: William Heinemann Ltd., 1965.

  785. Lawrence, D. H. The Rainbow. 1915. Penguin Books 692. Harmondsworth: Penguin / London: William Heinemann Ltd., 1966.

  786. Lawrence, D. H. Women in Love. 1920. Harmondsworth: Penguin / London: William Heinemann Ltd., 1975.

  787. Lawrence, D. H. The Lost Girl. 1920. Harmondsworth: Penguin / London: William Heinemann Ltd., 1954.

  788. Lawrence, D. H. The Lost Girl. 1920. Ed. John Worthen. The Cambridge Edition of the Works of D. H. Lawrence. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1981.

  789. Lawrence, D. H. Mr Noon. 1920-22. Ed. Lindeth Vasey. 1984. The Cambridge Edition of the Works of D. H. Lawrence. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1984.

  790. Lawrence, D. H. Aaron's Rod. 1922. Guild Books, 242. London: The British Publishers Guild / William Heinemann Ltd., 1947.

  791. Lawrence, D. H. Kangaroo. 1923. Penguin Books 751. Harmondsworth: Penguin / London: William Heinemann Ltd., 1963.

  792. Lawrence, D. H., & M. L. Skinner. The Boy in the Bush. 1924. Penguin Books 1935. Harmondsworth: Penguin / London: William Heinemann Ltd., 1963.

  793. Lawrence, D. H. The Plumed Serpent (Quetzalcoatl). 1926. Ed. Ronald G. Walker. Penguin Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1985.

  794. Lawrence, D. H. The First Lady Chatterley: The First Version of Lady Chatterley’s Lover. Foreword by Frieda Lawrence. 1944. Publisher’s Note by Roland Gant. 1972. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1973.

  795. Lawrence, D. H. John Thomas and Lady Jane: The Second Version of Lady Chatterley’s Lover. 1954. Publisher’s Note by Roland Gant. 1972. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1973.

  796. Lawrence, D. H. Lady Chatterley's Lover. 1928. Introduction by Richard Hoggart Harmondsworth: Penguin / London: William Heinemann Ltd., 1969.

  797. Stories:

  798. Lawrence, D. H. The Prussian Office and Other Stories. 1914. Ed. John Worthen. 1983. Introduction by Melvyn Bragg. The Cambridge Edition of the Works of D. H. Lawrence. London: Granada Publishing Limited, 1984.

  799. Lawrence, D. H. The Collected Short Stories. London: Book Club Associates / William Heinemann Ltd., 1975.

  800. Lawrence, D. H. The Virgin and the Gipsy. 1930. Harmondsworth: Penguin / London: William Heinemann Ltd., 1972.

  801. Lawrence, D. H. The Complete Short Novels. Ed. Keith Sagar & Melissa Partridge. The Penguin English Library. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1982.

  802. Travel:

  803. Lawrence, D. H. Twilight in Italy. 1916. The Travellers’ Library. London: Jonathan Cape, 1926.

  804. Lawrence, D. H. Sea and Sardinia. 1923. Harmondsworth: Penguin / London: William Heinemann Ltd., 1979.

  805. Lawrence, D. H. Mornings in Mexico / Etruscan Places. 1927 & 1932. Harmondsworth: Penguin / London: William Heinemann Ltd., 1974.

  806. Poetry:

  807. Lawrence, D. H. The Collected Poems of D. H. Lawrence. 2 vols. London: Martin Secker, 1928.
    • Vol. 1: Rhyming Poems
    • Vol. 2: Unrhyming Poems

  808. Lawrence, D. H. The Works of D. H. Lawrence: Collected Poems. 1928. Introduction by Albert Glover. The Wordsworth Poetry Library. Ware, Hertfordshire, Wordsworth Editions Ltd., 1994.

  809. Lawrence, D. H. The Complete Poems of D. H. Lawrence. Ed. Vivian de Sola Pinto & F. Warren Roberts. 1964. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1978.

  810. Lawrence, D. H. The Complete Poems. Ed. Vivian de Sola Pinto & F. Warren Roberts. 1964. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1978.

  811. Lawrence, D. H. Selected Poems. Ed. Keith Sagar. 1972. Penguin Poets. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1981.

  812. Plays:

  813. Lawrence, D. H. Plays. 1965. Introduction by Malcolm Elwin. Illustrated by Patrick Rixson. D. H. Lawrence: Complete Works. Heron Books. Geneva: Edito-Service, S. A., n.d.

  814. Paintings:

  815. Lawrence, D. H. D. H. Lawrence’s Paintings. Introduction by Keith Sagar. Chaucer Press. London: Caxton Publishing Group, 2003.

  816. Miscellaneous Prose:

  817. Lawrence, D. H. [as Lawrence H. Davison]. Movements in European History. 1921. Introduction by James T. Boulton. Oxford Paperbacks. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1981.

  818. Lawrence, D. H. Fantasia of the Unconscious / Psychoanalysis and the Unconscious. 1923. Harmondsworth: Penguin / London: William Heinemann Ltd., 1971.

  819. Lawrence, D. H. Studies in Classic American Literature. 1924. Harmondsworth: Penguin / London: William Heinemann Ltd., 1971.

  820. Lawrence, D. H. Apocalypse. 1931. Introduction by Richard Aldington. 1932. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1974.

  821. Lawrence, D. H. Selected Essays. Introduction by Richard Aldington. 1950. Harmondsworth: Penguin / London: William Heinemann Ltd., 1960.

  822. Lawrence, D. H. Phoenix: The Posthumous Papers of D. H. Lawrence. Ed. Edward D. McDonald. 1936. London: William Heinemann Ltd., 1961.

  823. Lawrence, D. H. Phoenix II: Uncollected, Unpublished and Other Prose Works by D. H. Lawrence. London: William Heinemann Ltd., 1968.

  824. Lawrence, D. H. A Selection from Phoenix. 1936 & 1968. Ed. A. A. M. Inglis. Peregrine Books. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1971.

  825. Letters:

  826. Lawrence, D. H. Collected Letters. Volume I: 1903-1920. 1932. Introduction by Harry T. Moore. D. H. Lawrence: Complete Works. Heron Books. Geneva: Edito-Service, S. A., 1962.

  827. Lawrence, D. H. Collected Letters. Volume II: 1921-1930. Appendix by Aldous Huxley. 1932. D. H. Lawrence: Complete Works. Heron Books. Geneva: Edito-Service, S. A., 1962.

  828. Lawrence, D. H. Selected Letters. Ed. Richard Aldington. Introduction by Aldous Huxley. 1950. Harmondsworth: Penguin / London: William Heinemann Ltd., 1976.

  829. Secondary:

  830. Lawrence, Frieda. ‘Not I, But the Wind …’ 1935. Introduction by Margaret Drabble. London: Granada Publishing Limited, 1983.

  831. Moore, Harry T. The Priest of Love: A Life of D. H. Lawrence. 1954. Rev. ed. 1974. Pelican Biographies. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1976.

  832. Rolph, C. H., ed. The Trial of Lady Chatterley: Regina v. Penguin Book Limited. The Transcript of the Trial. Illustrated by Paul Hogarth. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1961.

  833. Clarence Malcolm Lowry (1909–1957)


  834. Lowry, Malcolm. Ultramarine: A Novel. 1933. Rev. ed. Introductory Note by Margerie Lowry. 1963. Penguin Modern Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1974.

  835. Lowry, Malcolm. Under the Volcano. 1947. With Letters between Malcolm Lowry and Jonathan Cape. 1985. Penguin Modern Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin / London: Jonathan Cape Ltd., 1986.

  836. Lowry, Malcolm. Hear Us O Lord from Heaven Thy Dwelling Place & Lunar Caustic. Ed. Earle Birney & Margerie Lowry. 1961 & 1963. Penguin Modern Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1979.

  837. Lowry, Malcolm. Dark as the Grave wherein my Friend is Laid. Ed. Douglas Day & Margerie Lowry. 1968. Penguin Modern Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1975.

  838. Lowry, Malcolm. October Ferry to Gabriola. Ed. Margerie Lowry. 1971. Penguin Modern Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1979.

  839. Lowry, Malcolm. Psalms and Songs. Ed. Margerie Lowry. A Meridian Book. New York: The New American Library, Inc., 1975.

  840. Poetry:

  841. Lowry, Malcolm. Selected Poems of Malcolm Lowry. Ed. Earle Birney, with Margerie Lowry. Pocket Poets Series, 17. San Francisco: City Lights Books, 1962.

  842. Letters:

  843. Lowry, Malcolm. Selected Letters. Ed. Harvey Breit & Margerie Bonner Lowry. 1965. Lives & Letters. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1985.

  844. Grace, Sherrill E., ed. Sursam Corda! The Collected Letters of Malcolm Lowry. Volume I: 1926-1946. Jonathan Cape. London: Random House UK Limited, 1995.

  845. Grace, Sherrill E., with Kathy K. Y. Chung, ed. Sursam Corda! The Collected Letters of Malcolm Lowry. Volume II: 1946-1957. Jonathan Cape. London: Random House UK Limited, 1996.

  846. Secondary:

  847. Ackerley, Chris, & Lawrence J. Clipper. A Companion to Under the Volcano. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 1984.

  848. Day, Douglas. Malcolm Lowry: A Biography. 1973. Oxford Paperbacks. New York: Oxford University Press, 1984.

  849. Grace, Sherrill E. The Voyage That Never Ends: Malcolm Lowry’s Fiction. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 1982.

  850. Woodcock, George, ed. Malcolm Lowry: The Man and His Work. 1971. Canadian Literature Series. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 1973.

  851. Dame Emilie Rose Macaulay (1881-1958)

  852. Macaulay, Rose. Pleasure of Ruins. London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1953.

  853. Ian Russell McEwan (1948- )

  854. McEwan, Ian. First Love, Last Rites. 1975. Picador. London: Pan Books Ltd., 1976.

  855. McEwan, Ian. In Between the Sheets and Other Stories. 1978. Picador. London: Pan Books Ltd., 1979.

  856. McEwan, Ian. The Innocent. London: Jonathan Cape Ltd., 1990.

  857. McEwan, Ian. The Daydreamer. 1994. Vintage Books. London: Random House, 1995.

  858. McEwan, Ian. Enduring Love. 1997. A Vintage Book. London: Random House, 1998.

  859. McEwan, Ian. Enduring Love. 1997. Vintage. London: Random House, 2006.

  860. McEwan, Ian. Amsterdam. 1998. Vintage Books. London: Random House, 2005.

  861. McEwan, Ian. Atonement. 2001. Vintage Books. London: Random House, 2007.

  862. McEwan, Ian. Saturday. 2005. Vintage. London: Random House, 2006.

  863. McEwan, Ian. On Chesil Beach. 2007. Vintage Books. London: Random House, 2008.

  864. McEwan, Ian. For You: The Libretto for Michael Berkeley's Opera. Vintage Books. London: Random House, 2008.

  865. McEwan, Ian. Solar. Jonathan Cape. London: Random House, 2010.

  866. Colin MacInnes (1914-1976)

  867. MacInnes, Colin. The Colin MacInnes Omnibus. His Three London Novels: City of Spades / Absolute Beginners / Mr Love and Justice. 1957, 1959, 1960. London: Allison & Busby Limited, 1986.

  868. Olivia Mary Manning (1908-1980)

  869. Manning, Olivia. The Balkan Trilogy. Volume One: The Great Fortune / Volume Two: The Spoilt City / Volume Three: Friends and Heroes. 1960, 1962 & 1965. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1982.

  870. Manning, Olivia. The Rain Forest: A Novel. London: William Heinemann Ltd., 1974.

  871. Manning, Olivia. The Levant Trilogy. Volume One: The Danger Tree / Volume Two: The Battle Lost and Won / Volume Three: The Sum of Things. 1977, 1978 & 1980. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1982.

  872. Hilary Mary Mantel, née Thompson (1952- )

  873. Mantel, Hilary. The Giant, O'Brien. 1998. London: Fourth Estate Limited, 1999.

  874. Mantel, Hilary. Wolf Hall. 2009. Fourth Estate. London: HarperCollins Publishers Ltd., 2010.

  875. Mantel, Hilary. Bring Up the Bodies. Fourth Estate. London: HarperCollins Publishers Ltd., 2012.

  876. Mantel, Hilary. The Mirror & the Light. Fourth Estate. London: HarperCollins Publishers Ltd., 2020.

  877. Mantel, Hilary. Mantel Pieces: Royal Bodies and Other Writing from the London Review of Books. Fourth Estate. London: HarperCollins Publishers Ltd., 2020.

  878. Lieutenant Colonel John Masters (1914–1983)

  879. Masters, John. An Indian Trilogy: The Deceivers / Nightrunners of Bengal / The Lotus and the Wind. 1951, 1952, 1953. London: Book Club Associates, 1978.

  880. Masters, John. The Venus of Konpara. London: Michael Joseph Ltd., 1960.

  881. William Somerset Maugham (1874-1965)

  882. The Selected Novels of W. Somerset Maugham. 3 vols. London: William Heinemann Ltd., 1953.
    1. Liza of Lambeth; Cakes and Ale; Theatre. 1897, 1930, 1937 (1953)
    2. The Moon and Sixpence; The Narrow Corner; The Painted Veil. 1919, 1932, 1925 (1953)
    3. Christmas Holiday; Up at the Villa; The Razor’s Edge. 1939, 1941, 1944 (1953)

  883. Maugham, W. Somerset. Of Human Bondage. 1915. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1968.

  884. Maugham, W. Somerset. The Moon and Sixpence. 1919. Guild Books, S69. London: The British Publishers Guild Limited, 1944.

  885. Maugham, W. Somerset. Cakes and Ale. 1930. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1951.

  886. Maugham, W. Somerset. Far & Wide – 9 Novels. Volume 2: The Painted Veil, Christmas Holiday, Up at the Villa, The Razor’s Edge. 1925, 1939, 1941, 1944. London: The Companion Book Club, 1955.

  887. Maugham, W. Somerset. The Complete Short Stories. 1951. 3 vols. London: William Heinemann Ltd., 1953-54.

  888. Maugham, W. Somerset. The World Over: The Collected Stories. 1951. 2 vols. London: The Reprint Society by arrangement with Wm Heinemann Ltd, 1954.

  889. Maugham, W. Somerset. Collected Stories. Introduction by Nicholas Shakespeare. Everyman's Library, 276. A Borzoi Book. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2004.

  890. Morgan, Ted. Maugham: A Biography. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1980.

  891. Ursula Wyllie Roberts ['Susan Miles'] (1887-1975)

  892. Miles, Susan. Blind Men Crossing a Bridge: A Novel. New York: Frederick A. Stokes Company, 1935.

  893. David Stephen Mitchell (1969- )

  894. Mitchell, David. Cloud Atlas. 2004. Sceptre. London: Hodder & Stoughton Ltd., 2012.

  895. Jessica Lucy Freeman-Mitford (1917-1996)

  896. Mitford, Jessica. The American Way of Death. 1963. Penguin Book 1995. Harmondsworth: Penguin / London: Hutchinson of London, 1965.

  897. Nancy Freeman-Mitford (1904-1973)

  898. Mitford, Nancy. The Pursuit of Love: A Novel. 1945. London: The Reprint Society Ltd. / Hamish Hamilton Ltd., 1947.

  899. Mitford, Nancy. Love in a Cold Climate. 1949. Penguin Books 984. Harmondsworth: Penguin / London: Hamish Hamilton Ltd., 1957.

  900. Mitford, Nancy. Madame de Pompadour. 1954. London: The Reprint Society Ltd. / Hamish Hamilton Ltd., 1955.

  901. Mitford, Nancy. Voltaire in Love. 1957. Penguin Books 1505. Harmondsworth: Penguin / London: Hamish Hamilton Ltd., 1967.

  902. Mitford, Nancy, ed. Noblesse Oblige: An Enquiry into the Identifiable Characteristics of the English Aristocrat. Illustrated by Osbert Lancaster. 1956. London: Futura Publications Ltd., 1980.

  903. Lovell, Mary S. The Mitford Girls: The Biography of an Extraordinary Family. 2001. An Abacus Book. London: Time Warner Books UK, 2003.

  904. Nicholas John Turney Monsarrat (1910-1979)

  905. Monsarrat, Nicholas. The Cruel Sea. 1951. London: Cassell & Company, Ltd., 1952.

  906. The Lady Ottoline Violet Anne Morrell (1873-1938)

  907. Gathorne-Hardy, Robert, ed. Ottoline: The Early Memoirs of Lady Ottoline Morrell. 1963. London: Faber, 1964.

  908. Gathorne-Hardy, Robert, ed. Ottoline at Garsington: Memoirs of Lady Ottoline Morrell, 1915-1918. London: Faber, 1974.

  909. Heilbrun, Carolyn G., ed. Lady Ottoline’s Album: Snapshots and Portraits of Her Famous Contemporaries (and of Herself) Photographed For the Most Part by Lady Ottoline Morrell, From the Collection of Her daughter, Julian Vinogradoff. Introduction by Lord David Cecil. London: Michael Joseph Limited, 1976.

  910. Seymour, Miranda. Ottoline Morrell: Life on the Grand Scale. 1992. Sceptre. London: Hodder & Stoughton Ltd., 1993.

  911. Arthur George Morrison (1863-1945)

  912. Morrison, Arthur. A Child of the Jago. 1896. Penguin Books 558. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1946.

  913. Morrison, Arthur. Tales of Mean Streets. 1901. Bookmasters. Woodbridge, Suffolk: The Boydell Press, 1983.

  914. Morrison, Arthur. The Hole in the Wall. 1902. Woodbridge, Suffolk: The Boydell Press, 1982.

  915. Ralph Hale Mottram (1883–1971)

  916. Mottram, R. H. The Spanish Farm Trilogy, 1914-1918. 1924, 1925, 1926 & 1927. Penguin Modern Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1979.

  917. Thomas Malcolm Muggeridge (1903-1990)

  918. Muggeridge, Malcolm. The Thirties. 1940. Fontana Books. London: Collins, 1971.

  919. Muggeridge, Malcolm. Tread Softly for You Tread on My Jokes. 1966. Fontana Books. London: Collins, 1970.

  920. Muggeridge, Malcolm. Muggeridge Through the Microphone: BBC Radio and Television. Ed. Christopher Ralling. Drawings by Trog. 1967. Fontana Books. London: Collins, 1969.

  921. Muggeridge, Malcolm. Something Beautiful for God: Mother Teresa of Calcutta. 1971. Fontana Books. London: Collins, 1975.

  922. Muggeridge, Malcolm. Chronicles of Wasted Time, 1: The Green Stick. 1972. Fontana Books. London: William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd., 1975.

  923. Muggeridge, Malcolm. Chronicles of Wasted Time, 2: The Infernal Grove. London: Collins, 1973.

  924. Hunter, Ian. Malcolm Muggeridge: A Life. 1980. Fontana Books. London: William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd., 1981.

  925. John Middleton Murry (1889–1957)

  926. Murry, John Middleton. Discoveries. 1924. The Travellers' Library. London: Jonathan Cape, 1930.

  927. Leo [Leopold] Hamilton Myers (1881–1944)

  928. Myers, L. H. The “Clio”. 1925. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1945.

  929. Myers, L. H. Strange Glory. 1936. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1945.

  930. Myers, L. H. The Near and the Far, containing The Root and the Flower & The Pool of Vishnu. Introduction by L. P. Hartley. 1943. London: The Reprint Society, 1956.

  931. Myers, L. H. The Root and the Flower: The Near and the Far; Prince Jali; Rajah Amar. 1935. Introduction by Penelope Fitzgerald. 20th Century Classics. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1985.

  932. Sir Harold George Nicolson (1886-1968)

  933. Nicolson, Harold. Diaries and Letters 1930–1939. Ed. Nigel Nicolson. 1966. London: William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd., 1967.

  934. Nicolson, Harold. Diaries and Letters 1939–1945. Ed. Nigel Nicolson. London: William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd., 1967.

  935. Nicolson, Harold. Diaries and Letters 1945–1962. Ed. Nigel Nicolson. London: William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd., 1968.

  936. Robert Nye (1939- )

  937. Nye, Robert. Faust. 1980. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1982.

  938. Nye, Robert. Merlin. 1978. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1979.

  939. Nye, Robert. Falstaff. 1976. London: Sphere Books, 1978.

  940. Nye, Robert. The Voyage of the Destiny. 1982. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1983.

  941. Nye, Robert. The Life & Death of My Lord Gilles de Rais. London: Hamish Hamilton, 1990.

  942. Nye, Robert. Tales I Told My Mother. London: Calder & Boyars, 1969.

  943. Richard Patrick Russ ['Patrick O'Brian'] (1914–2000)

  944. O’Brien, Patrick. The Golden Ocean. 1956. London: Macmillan and Co. Ltd., 1970.

  945. O’Brien, Patrick. The Golden Ocean. 1956. A Peacock Book. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1972.

  946. O’Brien, Patrick. The Unknown Shore. 1959. London: HarperCollins Publishers, 1998.

  947. O’Brian, Patrick. Master and Commander. 1970. The Aubrey-Maturin Novels, 1. Fontana. London: HarperCollins, 1971.

  948. O’Brian, Patrick. Master and Commander. 1970. The Aubrey-Maturin Novels, 1. London: HarperCollins Publishers, 2002.

  949. O’Brian, Patrick. Post Captain. The Aubrey-Maturin Novels, 2. London: Collins, 1972.

  950. O’Brian, Patrick. Post Captain. The Aubrey-Maturin Novels, 2. London: Collins, 1972.

  951. O’Brian, Patrick. HMS Surprise. 1973. The Aubrey-Maturin Novels, 3. London: Collins, n.d.

  952. O’Brian, Patrick. H.M.S. Surprise. 1973. The Aubrey-Maturin Novels, 3. London: Fontana / Collins, 1983.

  953. O’Brian, Patrick. The Mauritius Command. 1977. The Aubrey-Maturin Novels, 4. London: HarperCollins Publishers, 2002.

  954. O’Brian, Patrick. Desolation Island. 1978. The Aubrey-Maturin Novels, 5. London: HarperCollins Publishers, 1994.

  955. O’Brian, Patrick. The Fortune of War. 1979. The Aubrey-Maturin Novels, 6. Fontana. London: HarperCollins, 1980.

  956. O’Brian, Patrick. The Surgeon's Mate. 1980. The Aubrey-Maturin Novels, 7. Fontana. London: HarperCollins Publishers, 1981.

  957. O’Brian, Patrick. The Ionian Mission. 1981. The Aubrey-Maturin Novels, 8. London: Fontana / Collins, 1982.

  958. O’Brian, Patrick. Treason's Harbour. 1983. The Aubrey-Maturin Novels, 9. London: HarperCollins Publishers, 1993.

  959. O’Brian, Patrick. The Far Side of the World. 1984. The Aubrey-Maturin Novels, 10. Fontana. London: HarperCollins Publishers, 1994.

  960. O’Brian, Patrick. The Far Side of the World. 1984. The Aubrey-Maturin Novels, 10. Harper Perennial. London: HarperCollins Publishers, 2007.

  961. O’Brian, Patrick. The Reverse of the Medal. 1986. The Aubrey-Maturin Novels, 11. Fontana. London: HarperCollins Publishers, 1993.

  962. O’Brian, Patrick. The Letter of Marque. 1988. The Aubrey-Maturin Novels, 12. Fontana. London: HarperCollins Publishers, 1994.

  963. O’Brian, Patrick. The Thirteen Gun Salute. 1989. The Aubrey-Maturin Novels, 13. Fontana. London: HarperCollins Publishers, 1994.

  964. O’Brian, Patrick. The Nutmeg of Consolation. 1991. The Aubrey-Maturin Novels, 14. Fontana. London: HarperCollins Publishers, 1992.

  965. O’Brian, Patrick. Clarissa Oakes. 1992. The Aubrey-Maturin Novels, 15. Fontana. London: HarperCollins Publishers, 1993.

  966. O’Brian, Patrick. The Wine-Dark Sea. 1993. The Aubrey-Maturin Novels, 16. London: HarperCollins Publishers, 1994.

  967. O’Brian, Patrick. The Commodore. 1995. The Aubrey-Maturin Novels, 17. London: HarperCollins Publishers, 1995.

  968. O’Brian, Patrick. The Yellow Admiral. The Aubrey-Maturin Novels, 18. New York: W. W. Norton & Company Inc., 1996.

  969. O’Brian, Patrick. The Hundred Days. The Aubrey-Maturin Novels, 19. London: HarperCollins Publishers, 1998.

  970. O’Brian, Patrick. Blue at the Mizzen. The Aubrey-Maturin Novels, 20. London: HarperCollins Publishers, 1999.

  971. O’Brian, Patrick. The Final Unfinished Voyage of Jack Aubrey: Including Facsimile of the Manuscript. Foreword by William Waldegrave. 2004. The Aubrey-Maturin Novels, 21. London: HarperCollins Publishers, 2005.

  972. King, Dean. Patrick O'Brien: A Life Revealed. 2000. A Sceptre Paperback. London: Hodder and Stoughton, 2000.

  973. Emma Magdalena Rozália Mária Jozefa Borbála Orczy de Orci [Baroness Orczy] (1865-1947)

  974. Orczy, Baroness. The Scarlet Pimpernel: Four Complete Novels in One Volume ['The Scarlet Pimpernel', 1905; 'I Will Repay,' 1906; 'Eldorado', 1913; "Sir Percy Hits Back', 1927]. 1930. London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1952.

  975. Eric Arthur Blair ['George Orwell'] (1903-1950)


  976. Orwell, George. Burmese Days / A Clergyman's Daughter / Keep the Aspidistra Flying / Coming Up for Air / Animal Farm / Nineteen Eighty-Four. 1934, 1935, 1936, 1939, 1945, 1949. London: Martin Secker & Warburg Limited / Octopus Books Limited, 1976.

  977. Orwell, George. The Complete Novels: Burmese Days / A Clergyman's Daughter / Keep the Aspidistra Flying / Coming Up for Air / Animal Farm / Nineteen Eighty-Four. 1934, 1935, 1936, 1939, 1945, 1949, 1976. Penguin Classics. London: Penguin, 2000.

  978. Orwell, George. Nineteen Eighty-Four: The Facsimile of the Extant Manuscript. Ed. Peter Davison. Preface by Daniel G. Siegel. London: Martin Secker & Warburg Limited / Weston, Massachusetts: M & S Press Inc., 1984.

  979. Orwell, George. Nineteen Eighty-Four. 1949. Ed. Peter Davison. 1987. A Note on the Text. 1989. Introduction by Ben Pimlott. Penguin Classics. London: Penguin, 2000.

  980. Orwell, George. Complete Novels. Ed. Peter Davison. 1998. 5 vols. London: The Folio Society, 2001.
    1. Burmese Days (1934)
    2. A Clergyman's Daughter (1935)
    3. Keep the Aspidistra Flying (1936)
    4. Coming Up for Air (1939)
    5. Nineteen Eighty-Four (1949)

  981. Non-fiction:

  982. Orwell, George. Down and Out in Paris and London / The Road to Wigan Pier / Homage to Catalonia / Essays and Journalism: 1931-40 / Essays and Journalism: 1940-43 / Essays and Journalism: 1944-45 / Essays and Journalism: 1945-49. 1933, 1937, 1938, 1968. London: Martin Secker & Warburg Limited / Octopus Books Limited, 1980.

  983. Orwell, George. Down and Out in Paris and London. 1933. Uniform Edition. 1949. London: Martin Secker & Warburg Ltd., 1951.

  984. Orwell, George. The Road to Wigan Pier. 1937. Uniform Edition. London: Martin Secker & Warburg Ltd., 1959.

  985. Orwell, George. Homage to Catalonia, & Looking Back on the Spanish War. 1938 & 1953. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1978.

  986. The Collected Essays, Journalism and Letters of George Orwell. Ed. Ian Angus & Sonia Brownell. 1968. 4 vols. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1970-78.
    • Volume 1: An Age Like This, 1920–1940 (1970)
    • Volume 2: My Country Right or Left, 1940–1943 (1977)
    • Volume 3: As I Please, 1943–1945 (1978)
    • Volume 4: In Front of Your Nose, 1945–1950 (1978)

  987. Orwell, George. The War Broadcasts. Ed. W. J. West. 1985. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1987.

  988. Orwell, George. The War Commentaries. Ed. W. J. West. 1985. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1987.

  989. Davison, Peter, ed. Orwell and the Dispossessed: Down and Out in Paris and London in the Context of Essays, Reviews and Letters Selected from The Complete Works of George Orwell. 1933, 1989, 1998. Introduction by Peter Clarke. Penguin Modern Classics. London: Penguin, 2001.

  990. Davison, Peter, ed. Orwell's England: The Road to Wigan Pier in the Context of Essays, Reviews and Letters Selected from The Complete Works of George Orwell. 1937, 1989, 1998. Introduction by Ben Pimlott. Penguin Modern Classics. London: Penguin, 2001.

  991. Davison, Peter, ed. Orwell in Spain: The Full Text of Homage to Catalonia with Associated Articles, Reviews and Letters from The Complete Works of George Orwell. 1938, 1998. Introduction by Christopher Hitchens. Penguin Modern Classics. London: Penguin, 2001.

  992. Davison, Peter, ed. Orwell and Politics: Animal Farm in the Context of Essays, Reviews and Letters Selected from The Complete Works of George Orwell. 1945, 1998. Introduction by Timothy Garton Ash. Penguin Modern Classics. London: Penguin, 2001.

  993. Davison, Peter, with Ian Angus & Sheila Davison, ed. The Complete Works of George Orwell. 10: A Kind of Compulsion: 1903–1936. 1998. London: Secker & Warburg, 2000.

  994. Davison, Peter, with Ian Angus & Sheila Davison, ed. The Complete Works of George Orwell. 11: Facing Unpleasant Facts: 1937–1939. 1998. London: Secker & Warburg, 2000.

  995. Davison, Peter, with Ian Angus & Sheila Davison, ed. The Complete Works of George Orwell. 12: A Patriot After All: 1940–1941. 1998. London: Secker & Warburg, 2002.

  996. Davison, Peter, with Ian Angus & Sheila Davison, ed. The Complete Works of George Orwell. 13: All Propaganda Is Lies: 1941–1942. 1998. London: Secker & Warburg, 2001.

  997. Davison, Peter, with Ian Angus & Sheila Davison, ed. The Complete Works of George Orwell. 14: Keeping Our Little Corner Clean: 1942–1943. 1998. London: Secker & Warburg, 2001.

  998. Davison, Peter, with Ian Angus & Sheila Davison, ed. The Complete Works of George Orwell. 15: Two Wasted Years: 1943. 1998. London: Secker & Warburg, 2001.

  999. Davison, Peter, with Ian Angus & Sheila Davison, ed. The Complete Works of George Orwell. 16: I Have Tried to Tell the Truth: 1943–1944. 1998. London: Secker & Warburg, 2001.

  1000. Davison, Peter, with Ian Angus & Sheila Davison, ed. The Complete Works of George Orwell. 17: I Belong to the Left: 1945. 1998. London: Secker & Warburg, 2001.

  1001. Davison, Peter, with Ian Angus & Sheila Davison, ed. The Complete Works of George Orwell. 18: Smothered Under Journalism: 1946. 1998. London: Secker & Warburg, 2001.

  1002. Davison, Peter, with Ian Angus & Sheila Davison, ed. The Complete Works of George Orwell. 19: It Is What I Think: 1947–1948. 1998. London: Secker & Warburg, 2002.

  1003. Davison, Peter, with Ian Angus & Sheila Davison, ed. The Complete Works of George Orwell. 20: Our Job Is to Make Life Worth Living: 1949–1950. 1998. London: Secker & Warburg, 2002.

  1004. Davison, Peter, ed. The Lost Orwell: Being a Supplement to The Complete Works of George Orwell. London: Timewell Press Limited, 2006.

  1005. Orwell, George. Reportage. Ed. Peter Davison. 1987. 5 vols. London: The Folio Society, 1998.
    1. Down and Out in Paris and London. Introduced by Michael Foot (1933)
    2. The Road to Wigan Pier (1937)
    3. Homage to Catalonia (1938)
    4. Funny, But Not Vulgar, and Other Selected Essays and Journalism (1986)
    5. My Country Right or Left, and Other Selected Essays and Journalism (1986)

  1006. Orwell, George. Essays. Ed. John Carey & Peter Davison. Everyman's Library, 242. A Borzoi Book. New York: Alfred A. Knopf / London: Penguin Random House UK, 2002.

  1007. Miscellaneous:

  1008. Orwell, George. Diaries. Ed. Peter Davison. Harvill Secker. London: Random House, 2009.

  1009. Orwell, George. A Life in Letters. Ed. Peter Davison. 2010. Penguin Classics. London: Penguin, 2011.

  1010. Orwell, George. The Complete Poetry. Ed. Dione Venables. Preface by Peter Davison. UK: Finlay Publisher for the Orwell Society, 2015.

  1011. Edited:

  1012. Orwell, George, & Reginald Reynolds, ed. British Pamphleteers. Volume 1: From the 16th Century to the French Revolution. London: Allan wingate, 1948.

  1013. Secondary:

  1014. Buddicom, Jacintha. Eric and Us: A Remembrance of George Orwell. London: Leslie Frewin Publishers Limited, 1974.

  1015. Stansky, Peter, & William Abrahams. The Unknown Orwell. 1972. A Paladin Book. Frogmore, St. Albans, Herts.: Granada Publishing Limited, 1974.

  1016. Stansky, Peter, & William Abrahams. Orwell: The Transformation. 1979. A Paladin Book. Frogmore, St. Albans, Herts.: Granada Publishing Limited, 1981.

  1017. Crick, Bernard. George Orwell: A Life. 1980. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1982.

  1018. Coppard, Audrey, & Bernard Crick. Orwell Remembered. Ariel Books. London: British Broadcasting Corporation, 1984.

  1019. Wadhams, Stephen, ed. Remembering Orwell. Introduction by George Woodcock. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1984.

  1020. Solnit, Rebecca. Orwell's Roses. London: Granta Books, 2021.

  1021. Funder, Anna. Wifedom: Mrs Orwell's Invisible Life. Hamish Hamilton. London: Penguin Random House Australia, 2023.

  1022. Cyril Northcote Parkinson (1909–1993)

  1023. Parkinson, C. Northcote. Parkinson’s Law, or The Pursuit of Progress. Illustrated by Osbert Lancaster. 1957. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1973.

  1024. Parkinson, C. Northcote. The Law and the Profits. Illustrated by Osbert Lancaster. 1960. London: John Murray, 1963.

  1025. Parkinson, C. Northcote. In-laws and Outlaws. Illustrated by Osbert Lancaster. 1962. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1965.

  1026. Max Plowman (1883-1941)

  1027. Plowman, Max. The Right to Live. 1942. London: Andrew Dakers, 1943.

  1028. Anthony Dymoke Powell (1905-2000)

  1029. Powell, Anthony. A Question of Upbringing: A Novel. 1951. A Dance to the Music of Time, 1. 12 vols. Fontana Books. London: Collins, 1977.

  1030. Powell, Anthony. A Buyer’s Market: A Novel. 1952. A Dance to the Music of Time, 2. 12 vols. Fontana Modern Novels. London: Collins, 1968.

  1031. Powell, Anthony. The Acceptance World: A Novel. 1955. A Dance to the Music of Time, 3. 12 vols. Fontana Books. London: Collins, 1977.

  1032. Powell, Anthony. At Lady Molly’s: A Novel. 1957. A Dance to the Music of Time, 4. 12 vols. Fontana Modern Novels. London: Collins, 1969.

  1033. Powell, Anthony. Casanova’s Chinese Restaurant: A Novel. 1960. A Dance to the Music of Time, 5. 12 vols. Fontana Modern Novels. London: Collins, 1972.

  1034. Powell, Anthony. The Kindly Ones: A Novel. 1962. A Dance to the Music of Time, 6. 12 vols. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1965.

  1035. Powell, Anthony. The Valley of Bones: A Novel. 1964. A Dance to the Music of Time, 7. 12 vols. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1968.

  1036. Powell, Anthony. The Soldier’s Art: A Novel. 1966. A Dance to the Music of Time, 8. 12 vols. Fontana Books. London: Collins, 1968.

  1037. Powell, Anthony. The Military Philosophers: A Novel. 1968. A Dance to the Music of Time, 9. 12 vols. Fontana Modern Novels. London: Collins, 1971.

  1038. Powell, Anthony. Books Do Furnish a Room: A Novel. 1971. A Dance to the Music of Time, 10. 12 vols. Fontana Modern Novels. London: Collins, 1972.

  1039. Powell, Anthony. Temporary Kings: A Novel. 1973. A Dance to the Music of Time, 11. 12 vols. Fontana Modern Novels. London: Collins, 1974.

  1040. Powell, Anthony. Hearing Secret Harmonies: A Novel. 1975. A Dance to the Music of Time, 12. 12 vols. Boston: Little, Brown & Company, 1976.

  1041. Powell, Anthony. To Keep the Ball Rolling: The Memoirs. 1976, 1978, 1980, 1982. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1983.

  1042. John Cowper Powys (1872-1963)


  1043. Powys, John Cowper. Wood and Stone: A Romance. 1915. London: Village Press, 1974.

  1044. Powys, John Cowper. Rodmoor. 1916. Faber Finds. London: Faber, 2008.

  1045. Powys, John Cowper. After My Fashion. 1919. Foreword by Francis Powys. London: Picador, 1980.

  1046. Powys, John Cowper. Ducdame. 1925. London: Village Press, 1974.

  1047. Powys, John Cowper. Wolf Solent. 1929. Preface by the Author. 1961. Penguin Modern Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1976.

  1048. Powys, John Cowper. A Glastonbury Romance. 1933. John Lane / The Bodley Head, 1933.

  1049. Powys, John Cowper. A Glastonbury Romance. 1933. Preface by the Author. 1955. London: Picador, 1975.

  1050. Powys, John Cowper. Weymouth Sands. 1935. As ‘Jobber Skald’. 1935. Introduction by Angus Wilson. 1973. London: Picador, 1980.

  1051. Powys, John Cowper. Maiden Castle. 1937. London: Picador, 1979.

  1052. Powys, John Cowper. Morwyn: The Vengeance of God. 1937. The Dennis Wheatley Library of the Occult, 45. London: Sphere Books Ltd., 1977.

  1053. Powys, John Cowper. Owen Glendower. 1941. London: Picador, 1978.

  1054. Powys, John Cowper. Porius: A Romance of the Dark Ages. London: Macdonald & Co., (Publishers) Ltd., 1951.

  1055. Powys, John Cowper. Porius: A Romance of the Dark Ages. A New Edition. 1951. Ed. Wilbur T. Albrecht. Hamilton, New York: Colgate University Press, 1994.

  1056. Powys, John Cowper. The Inmates. London: MacDonald, 1952.

  1057. Powys, John Cowper. Atlantis. 1954. Faber Finds. London: Faber, 2008.

  1058. Powys, John Cowper. The Brazen Head. 1956. London: Picador, 1978.

  1059. Powys, John Cowper. Up and Out. London: Macdonald & Co., (Publishers) Ltd., 1957.

  1060. Powys, John Cowper. Homer and the Aether. London: Macdonald & Co., (Publishers) Ltd., 1959.

  1061. Powys, John Cowper. All or Nothing. London: Village Press, 1973.

  1062. Powys, John Cowper. Three Fantasies. Afterword by Glen Cavaliero. 1985. Paladin Grafton Books. London: Collins Publishing Group, 1986.

  1063. Miscellaneous Prose:

  1064. Powys, John Cowper. Visions and Revisions: A Book of Literary Devotions. 1915. Macdonald & Co. (Publishers) Ltd., 1955.

  1065. Powys, John Cowper, & Llewellyn Powys. Confessions of Two Brothers. 1916. Introduction by Malcolm Elwin. London: Sinclair Browne Ltd., 1982.

  1066. Powys, John Cowper. In Defence of Sensuality. 1930. London: Village Press, 1974.

  1067. Powys, John Cowper. The Meaning of Culture. 1930. The Travellers' Library. London: Jonathan Cape Ltd., 1936.

  1068. Powys, John Cowper. Autobiography. 1934. London: John Lane / The Bodley Head, 1949.

  1069. Powys, John Cowper. Autobiography. 1934. Introduction by J. B. Priestley. 1967. London: Picador, 1982.

  1070. Powys, John Cowper. The Art of Happiness. 1935. London: John Lane / The Bodley Head, 1935.

  1071. Powys, John Cowper. The Pleasures of Literature. 1938. London: Cassell and Company Ltd., 1946.

  1072. Powys, John Cowper. The Art of Growing Old. 1944. London: Jonathan Cape Ltd., 1944.

  1073. Powys, John Cowper. Obstinate Cymric: Essays 1935-47. 1947. London: Village Press, 1973.

  1074. Poetry:

  1075. Powys, John Cowper. Wolf's Bane: Rhymes. 1916. London: Village Press, 1975.

  1076. Powys, John Cowper. Mandragora: Poems. 1917. London: Village Press, 1975.

  1077. Powys, John Cowper. Samphire. 1922. London: Village Press, 1975.

  1078. Powys, John Cowper. Poems: A Selection from His Poems. Ed. Kenneth Hopkins. London: Macdonald & Co., (Publishers) Ltd., 1964.

  1079. Diary & Letters:

  1080. Krissdóttir , Morine, ed. Petrushka and the Dancer: The Diaries of John Cowper Powys, 1929-1939. Manchester: Carcanet Press Limited / New York: St. Martin's Press / Paris: Alyscamps Press, 1995.

  1081. Powys, John Cowper. Letters of John Cowper Powys to Louis Wilkinson, 1935-1956. London: Macdonald & Co., (Publishers) Ltd., 1958.

  1082. Powys, John Cowper. Letters to Nicholas Ross: Selected by Nicholas and Adelaide Ross. Ed. Arthur Uphill. London: Bertram Rota (Publishing) Ltd., 1971.

  1083. Powys, John Cowper. Letters from John Cowper Powys to C. Benson Roberts. Ed. C. Benson Roberts. London: Village Press, 1975.

  1084. Secondary:

  1085. Brebner, John A. The Demon Within: A Study of John Cowper Powys’s Novels. London: Macdonald and Jane’s, 1973.

  1086. Graves, Richard Perceval. The Brothers Powys. 1983. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1984.

  1087. Hopkins, Kenneth. The Powys Brothers: A Biographical Appreciation. 1967. London: Village Press, 1974.

  1088. Knight, G. Wilson. The Saturnian Quest: A Study of the Prose Works of John Cowper Powys. London: Methuen & Co. Ltd., 1964.

  1089. Marlow, Louis. Welsh Ambassadors: Powys Lives and Letters. 1936. Introduction by Kenneth Hopkins. London: Village Press, 1975.

  1090. Marlow, Louis. Forth, Beast! London: Faber, 1946.

  1091. Llewelyn Powys (1884-1939)

  1092. Powys, Llewellyn. Ebony and Ivory. 1923. Preface by Edward Shanks. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1939.

  1093. Powys, Llewellyn. Black Laughter. 1925. London: Macdonald & Co. (Publishers) Ltd., 1953.

  1094. Powys, Llewellyn. Skin for Skin. Limited Edition of 900 copies (455). London: Jonathan Cape, 1926.

  1095. Powys, Llewellyn. Apples Be Ripe. London: Longmans, Green & Co. Ltd., 1930.

  1096. Powys, Llewellyn. The Pathetic Fallacy: A Study of Christianity. 1930. Thinker’s Library, 22. 1931. London: Watts & Co., 1937.

  1097. Powys, Llewellyn. A Pagan's Pilgrimage. London: Longmans, Green & Co. Ltd., 1931.

  1098. Powys, Llewellyn. Glory of Life and Now That the Gods are Dead. 1934 & 1932. London: John Lane, The Bodley Head Limited, 1949.

  1099. Powys, Llewellyn. Glory of Life. 1934. London: John Lane / The Bodley Head, 1938.

  1100. Powys, Llewellyn. Dorset Essays. Photographs by Wyndham Goodden. London: John Lane / The Bodley Head, 1935.

  1101. Powys, Llewellyn. Love and Death: An Imaginary Autobiography. London: John Lane / The Bodley Head, 1939.

  1102. Powys, Llewellyn. Swiss Essays. London: John Lane, The Bodley Head Ltd., 1947.

  1103. Powys, Llewellyn. Advice to a Young Poet. London: John Lane The Bodley Head Ltd., 1949.

  1104. Hopkins, Kenneth, ed. Llewellyn Powys: A Selection from His Writings. London: Macdonald & Co. (Publishers) Ltd., 1952.

  1105. Elwin, Malcolm. The Life of Llewellyn Powys. London: John Lane / The Bodley Head, 1946.

  1106. Theodore Francis Powys (1875-1953)

  1107. Powys, T. F. Soliloquies of a Hermit. London: Andrew Melrose Ltd., 1918.

  1108. Powys, T. F. Mr. Tasker’s Gods. 1925. Beckenham, Kent: Trigon Press, 1977.

  1109. Powys, T. F. Mockery Gap. London: Chatto & Windus, 1925.

  1110. Powys, T. F. Mr. Weston’s Good Wine. 1927. Penguin Modern Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1976.

  1111. Powys, T. F. The House with the Echo: Twenty-Six Stories. 1928. The Phoenix Library. London: Chatto & Windus, 1929.

  1112. Powys, T. F. Fables. 1929. The Phoenix Library. London: Chatto & Windus, 1930.

  1113. Powys, T. F. Kindness in a Corner. Evergreen Books. London: William Heinemann Ltd., 1941.

  1114. Powys, T. F. Bottle’s Path and Other Stories. London: Chatto & Windus, 1946.

  1115. Powys, T. F. God’s Eyes a-Twinkle: An Anthology of the Stories of T. F. Powys. Preface by Charles Prentice. London: Chatto & Windus, 1947.

  1116. Hilda Francis Margaret Prescott (1896-1972)

  1117. Prescott, H. F. M. The Man on a Donkey. 1952. Penguin Modern Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1969.

  1118. John Boynton Priestley (1894-1984)

  1119. Priestley, J. B. Three Time-Plays: Dangerous Corner / Time and the Conways / I have Been Here Before. 1932, 1937 & 1937. A Pan-Boooks Edition. London: Pan Books Ltd., 1947.

  1120. Sir Victor Sawdon Pritchett (1900-1997)

  1121. Pritchett, V. S. Dead Man Leading. 1937. Introduction by Paul Theroux. Twentieth-Century Classics. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1984.

  1122. Pritchett, V. S. Collected Stories. 1982. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1984.

  1123. Pritchett, V. S. A Cab at the Door & Midnight Oil. 1968, 1971, 1979. The Hogarth Press. London: Chatto & Windus, 1991.

  1124. Sir Arthur Thomas Quiller-Couch (1863–1944)

  1125. Quiller-Couch, Sir Arthur. Selected Short Stories. Penguin Books 1191. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1957.

  1126. Mary Challans [Mary Renault] (1905-1983)

  1127. Renault, Mary. Purposes of Love. 1939. London: Longmans, Green & Co. Ltd., 1939.

  1128. Renault, Mary. Purposes of Love. 1939. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1986.

  1129. Renault, Mary. Kind Are Her Answers. 1940. Introduction by Sarah Dunant. Virago Modern Classics 621. London: Virago Press, 2014.

  1130. Renault, Mary. The Friendly Young Ladies. 1944. London: Virago, 1983.

  1131. Renault, Mary. Return to Night. New York: William Morrow & Company, 1947.

  1132. Renault, Mary. North Face. London: Longmans, Green & Co. Ltd., 1949.

  1133. Renault, Mary. The Charioteer. 1953. London: New English Library, 1973.

  1134. Renault, Mary. The Last of the Wine. 1956. London: Four Square, 1964.

  1135. Renault, Mary. The King Must Die. 1958. London: Reprint Society, 1959.

  1136. Renault, Mary. The Bull from the Sea. 1962. London: Reprint Society, 1963.

  1137. Renault, Mary. The Lion in the Gateway: the Story of the Persian Wars. Illustrated by C. Walter Hodges. 1964. Harmondsworth: Longman Young Books, 1974.

  1138. Renault, Mary. The Mask of Apollo. 1966. London: New English Library / Times Mirror, 1980.

  1139. Renault, Mary. The Alexander Trilogy: Fire from Heaven; The Persian Boy: Funeral Games. 1969, 1972, 1981. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1984.

  1140. Renault, Mary. The Nature of Alexander. 1975. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1983.

  1141. Renault, Mary. The Praise Singer. 1978. London: Book Club Associates, 1979.

  1142. Sweetman, David. Mary Renault: A Biography. London: Chatto & Windus, 1993.

  1143. Dorothy Miller Richardson (1873-1957)

  1144. Richardson, Dorothy. Pilgrimage 1: Pointed Roofs / Backwater / Honeycomb. 1915, 1916, 1917. Introduction by Gill Hanscombe. 4 vols. Virago Modern Classics. London: Virago Press, 1979.

  1145. Richardson, Dorothy. Pilgrimage 2: The Tunnel / Interim. 1919. Introduction by Gill Hanscombe. 4 vols. Virago Modern Classics. London: Virago Press, 1979.

  1146. Richardson, Dorothy. Pilgrimage 3: Deadlock / Revolving Lights / The Trap. 1921, 1923, 1925. Introduction by Gill Hanscombe. 4 vols. Virago Modern Classics. London: Virago Press, 1979.

  1147. Richardson, Dorothy. Pilgrimage 4: Oberland / Dawn’s Left Hand / Clear Horizon / Dimple Hill / March Moonlight. 1927, 1931, 1935, 1938, 1967. Introduction by Gill Hanscombe. 4 vols. Virago Modern Classics. London: Virago Press, 1979.

  1148. Frederick William Serafino Austin Lewis Mary Rolfe, Baron Corvo (1860-1913)

  1149. Rolfe, Frederick, Baron Corvo. Stories Toto Told Me. 1901. Preface by Christopher Sykes. London: William Collins Sons and Co., Ltd., 1969.

  1150. Rolfe, Frederick, Baron Corvo. A History of the Borgias. 1901. Introduction by Shane Leslie. New York: The Modern Library, 1931.

  1151. Rolfe, Fr. [Frederick, Baron Corvo]. Hadrian the Seventh. 1904. The New Phoenix Library. London: Chatto & Windus, 1950.

  1152. Rolfe, Frederick, Baron Corvo. Don Tarquinio: A Kataleptic Phantasmatic Romance. 1905. London: Chatto & Windus, 1969.

  1153. Rolfe, Fr. (Baron Corvo). Don Renato: An Ideal Content. 1907-8. Ed. Cecil Woolf. London: Chatto & Windus, 1963.

  1154. Rolfe, Frederick, Baron Corvo. The Desire and Pursuit of the Whole: A Romance of Modern Venice. 1909. Introduction by A. J. A. Symons. London: Cassell and Company, Limited, 1934.

  1155. Symons, A. J. A. The Quest for Corvo: An Experiment in Biography. 1934. Introductions by Sir Norman Birkett & Sir Shane Leslie. London: The Folio Society, 1952.

  1156. Symons, A. J. A. The Quest for Corvo: An Experiment in Biography. 1934. Introduction by Julian Symons. 1966. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1969.

  1157. Lisa St Aubin de Terán (1953- )

  1158. St Aubin de Terán, Lisa. Keepers of the House. 1982. King Penguin. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1986.

  1159. St Aubin de Terán, Lisa. The Tiger. 1984. King Penguin. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1986.

  1160. St Aubin de Terán, Lisa. The High Place. London: Jonathan Cape Ltd., 1985.

  1161. Hector Hugh Munro ['Saki'] (1870-1916)

  1162. The Short Stories of Saki (H. H. Munro): Complete. Introduction by Christopher Morley. 1930. London: John Lane / The Bodley Head, 1949.

  1163. The Novels and Plays of Saki (H. H. Munro): Complete in One Volume. 1933. London: John Lane / The Bodley Head, 1949.

  1164. Munro, Hector Hugh. The Complete Stories of Saki. Wordsworth Classics. Ware, Hertfordshire: Wordsworth Editions Limited, 1993.

  1165. Humor, Horror and the Supernatural: 22 Stories by Saki (H. H. Munro). New York: Scholastic Book Services, 1972.

  1166. The Best of Saki. Introduction by Tom Sharpe. London: Picador, 1976.

  1167. William Sansom (1912-1976)

  1168. Sansom, William. Selected Short Stories: Chosen by the Author. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1960.

  1169. The Stories of William Sansom. Introduction by Elizabeth Bowen. London: The Hogarth Press, 1963.

  1170. Paul Mark Scott (1920-1978)

  1171. Scott, Paul. The Raj Quartet: The Jewel in the Crown / The Day of the Scorpion / The Towers of Silence / A Division of the Spoils. 1966, 1968, 1971, 1975 & 1976. London: William Heinemann Ltd., 1984.

  1172. Nicholas William Richmond Shakespeare (1957- )

  1173. Shakespeare, Nicholas. The Vision of Elena Silves. 1989. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1990.

  1174. Iain Sinclair (1943- )

  1175. Sinclair, Iain. Lud Heat and Suicide Bridge. 1975 & 1979. Introduction by Michael Moorcock. Vintage. London: Random House, 1995.

  1176. Sinclair, Iain. Flesh Eggs & Scalp Metal: Selected Poems, 1970-1987. A Paladin Paperback Original. London: Grafton Books, 1989.

  1177. Sinclair, Iain. Downriver (Or, The Vessels of Wrath): A Narrative in Twelve Tales. 1991. Vintage. London: Random House, 1995.

  1178. Sinclair, Iain. Radon Daughters. 1994. Vintage. London: Random House, 1995.

  1179. Sinclair, Iain. Lights Out for the Territories: 9 Excursions in the Secret History of London. London: Granta Books, 1997.

  1180. Sinclair, Iain. Dining on Stones (or, The Middle Ground). 2004. London: Penguin, 2005.

  1181. Sinclair, Iain. Edge of the Orison: In the Traces of John Clare's 'Journey Out of Essex'. 2005. London: Penguin, 2006.

  1182. Charles Percy Snow, Baron Snow (1905-1980)

  1183. Snow, C. P. Strangers and Brothers. Volume One: Time of Hope (1914-33); George Passant (1925-33); The Conscience of the Rich (1927-37); The Light and the Dark (1935-43). 1949, 1940, 1958, 1947. 3 vols. London: Macmillan, 1972.

  1184. Snow, C. P. Strangers and Brothers. Volume Two: The Masters (1937); The New Men (1939-47); Homecomings (1938-51); The Affair (1953-54). 1951, 1954, 1956, 1960. 3 vols. London: Macmillan, 1972.

  1185. Snow, C. P. Strangers and Brothers. Volume Three: Corridors of Power (1955-59); The sleep of Reason (1963-64); Last Things (1964-68). 1964, 1968, 1970. 3 vols. London: Macmillan, 1972.

  1186. Snow, C. P. Public Affairs. London: Macmillan, 1971.

  1187. Michael Stewart (1971- )

  1188. Stewart, Michael. Mr Jolly: Short Stories. Scarborough: Valley Press, 2016.

  1189. Giles Lytton Strachey (1880-1932)

  1190. Strachey, Lytton. Landmarks in French Literature. 1912. London: Chatto & Windus, 1949.

  1191. Strachey, Lytton. Eminent Victorians: Cardinal Manning, Florence Nightingale, Dr. Arnold, General Gordon. 1918. The Phoenix Library. London: Chatto & Windus, 1928.

  1192. Strachey, Lytton. Eminent Victorians: The Illustrated Edition. 1918. Foreword by Frances Partridge. London: Bloomsbury, 1988.

  1193. Strachey, Lytton. Queen Victoria. 1921. Penguin Modern Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1978.

  1194. Strachey, Lytton. The Illustrated Queen Victoria. 1921. Introduction by Michael Holroyd. 1987. London: Guild Publishing, 1988.

  1195. Strachey, Lytton. Books & Characters: French & English. 1922. The Phoenix Library. London: Chatto & Windus, 1928.

  1196. Strachey, Lytton. Elizabeth and Essex: A Tragic History. 1928. Penguin Modern Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1971.

  1197. Strachey, Lytton. Ermyntrude and Esmeralda: An Entertainment. Illustrated by Erté. London: Anthony Blond, 1969.

  1198. Levy, Paul, with Penelope Marcus, ed. The Letters of Lytton Strachey. Viking. London: Penguin, 2005.

  1199. Adam Thirlwell (1978- )

  1200. Thirlwell, Adam. Miss Herbert: An Essay in Five Parts. 2007. Vintage Books. London: The Random House Group Limited, 2009.

  1201. Donald Michael Thomas (1935- )

  1202. Thomas, D. M. Selected Poems. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1983.

  1203. Thomas, D. M. The Flute-Player. 1979. London: Picador, 1980.

  1204. Thomas, D. M. Birthstone. 1980. King Penguin. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1982.

  1205. Thomas, D. M. The White Hotel. 1981. King Penguin. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1982.

  1206. Thomas, D. M. Ararat. London: Victor Gollancz, 1983.

  1207. Thomas, D. M. Swallow. 1984. London: Abacus, 1985.

  1208. Thomas, D. M. Sphinx. London: Victor Gollancz, 1986.

  1209. Flora Jane Thompson (1876-1947)

  1210. Thompson, Flora. Lark Rise to Candleford. A Trilogy: Lark Rise; Over to Candleford; Candleford Green. 1939, 1941, 1943, 1945. Introduction by H. J. Massingham. Penguin Modern Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1973.

  1211. Thompson, Flora. Still Glides the Stream. Drawings by Lynton Lamb. 1948. Oxford University Press Paperbacks. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1979.

  1212. Edward Falaise Upward (1903-2009)

  1213. Upward, Edward. In the Thirties. 1962. The Spiral Ascent, 1. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1969.

  1214. Upward, Edward. The Rotten Elements. 1969. The Spiral Ascent, 2. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1972.

  1215. Upward, Edward. The Railway Accident and Other Stories. 1969. Penguin Modern Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1972.

  1216. Ethel Lilian Voynich, née Boole (1864–1960)

  1217. Voynich, E. L. The Gadfly. 1897. Mayflower Books Ltd. London: Granada Publishing Limited, 1973.

  1218. Rex Warner (1905-1986)

  1219. Warner, Rex. Poems. London: Boriswood Limited, 1937.

  1220. Warner, Rex. The Wild Goose Chase: A Novel. London: Boriswood Limited, 1937.

  1221. Warner, Rex. The Professor: A Novel. 1938. Penguin Books 482. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1945.

  1222. Warner, Rex. The Aerodrome. 1941. Uniform Edition. London: John Lane / The Bodley Head Ltd., 1946.

  1223. Warner, Rex. Why Was I Killed? A Dramatic Dialogue. London: John Lane / The Bodley Head Ltd., 1943.

  1224. Warner, Rex. Men and Gods. 1950. Penguin Books 885. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1952.

  1225. Warner, Rex. Greeks and Trojans. 1951. Penguin Books 942. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1953.

  1226. Warner, Rex. The Stories of the Greeks: Men and Gods / Greeks and Trojans / The Vengeance of the Gods. 1951, 1953, 1955. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, Inc., 1967.

  1227. Warner, Rex. Julius Caesar: A One-Volume Edition of the Two Novels The Young Caesar and Imperial Caesar. 1958 & 1960. London: Collins Clear-Type Press, 1967.

  1228. Warner, Rex. Pericles the Athenian. London: Collins Clear-Type Press, 1963.

  1229. Warner, Rex. The Converts: A Novel of Early Christianity. London: The Bodley Head Ltd., 1967.

  1230. Arthur Evelyn St. John Waugh (1903-1966)


  1231. Waugh, Evelyn. Decline and Fall. 1928. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1976.

  1232. Waugh, Evelyn. Vile Bodies. 1930. Penguin Books 136. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1951.

  1233. Waugh, Evelyn. Black Mischief. 1932. With Nine Drawings by the Author. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1980.

  1234. Waugh, Evelyn. A Handful of Dust. 1934. Penguin Books 822. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1951.

  1235. Waugh, Evelyn. Scoop: A Novel about Journalists. 1938. Penguin Books 455. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1951.

  1236. Waugh, Evelyn. Put Out More Flags. 1942. Penguin Books 423. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1951.

  1237. Waugh, Evelyn. Work Suspended and Other Stories: Including Charles Ryder’s Schooldays. 1943, 1946, 1963 & 1982. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1983.

  1238. Waugh, Evelyn. Brideshead Revisited: The Sacred and Profane Memories of Captain Charles Ryder. A Novel. 1945. London: Chapman & Hall Ltd., 1946.

  1239. Waugh, Evelyn. Brideshead Revisited: The Sacred and Profane Memories of Captain Charles Ryder. 1945. Rev. ed. 1960. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1982.

  1240. Waugh, Evelyn. The Loved One: An Anglo-American Tragedy. 1947. Penguin Modern Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1965.

  1241. Waugh, Evelyn. Helena. 1950. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1979.

  1242. Waugh, Evelyn. Men at Arms. 1952. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1978.

  1243. Waugh, Evelyn. Officers and Gentlemen. 1955. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1978.

  1244. Waugh, Evelyn. Unconditional Surrender. 1961. Penguin Books 2122. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1964.

  1245. Waugh, Evelyn. The Sword of Honour Trilogy: Men at Arms / Officers and Gentlemen / Unconditional Surrender. 1952, 1955 & 1961. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1984.

  1246. Waugh, Evelyn. The Ordeal of Gilbert Pinfold / Tactical Exercise / Love Among the Ruins: A Romance of the Near Future. 1957, 1962 & 1953. Penguin Books 1794. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1962.

  1247. Waugh, Evelyn. The Complete Stories. 1999. Little, Brown and Company. New York: Hachette Book Company, 2012.

  1248. Non-fiction:

  1249. Waugh, Evelyn. Ninety-Two Days: A Journey in Guiana and Brazil. 1934. Penguin Travel Library. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1985.

  1250. Waugh, Evelyn. Edmund Campion. 1935. Penguin Books 955. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1957.

  1251. Waugh, Evelyn. When The Going Was Good. 1946. Penguin Books 825. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1951.

  1252. Waugh, Evelyn. A Tourist in Africa. London: The Travel Book Club, 1960.

  1253. Waugh, Evelyn. The Life of Ronald Knox: Compiled from the Original Sources. 1959. Fontana Books. London: Collins Clear-Type press, 1962.

  1254. Waugh, Evelyn. A Little Learning: The First Volume of an Autobiography. 1964. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1983.

  1255. Waugh, Evelyn. A Little Order: A Selection from His Journalism. Ed. Donat Gallagher. London: Eyre Methuen Ltd., 1977.

  1256. Diaries & Letters:

  1257. Waugh, Evelyn. The Diaries of Evelyn Waugh. Ed. Michael Davie. 1976. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1982.

  1258. Waugh, Evelyn. The Letters of Evelyn Waugh. Ed. Mark Amory. 1980. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1982.

  1259. Secondary:

  1260. Carpenter, Humphrey. The Brideshead Generation: Evelyn Waugh and His Friends. 1989. London: Faber, 1990.

  1261. Sykes, Christopher. Evelyn Waugh: A Biography. 1975. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1977.

  1262. Mary Webb (1881–1927)

  1263. Webb, Mary. Gone to Earth. 1917. Introduction by John Buchan. Florin Books. London: Jonathan Cape, 1935.

  1264. Webb, Mary. Precious Bane: A Novel. 1924. Introduction by Stanley Baldwin. Florin Books. London: Jonathan Cape, 1932.

  1265. Webb, Mary. The Spring of Joy: Poems, some Prose Pieces and the Unfinished Novel Armour Wherein He Trusted. 1928 & 1929. Introductions by Walter de la Mare & Martin Armstrong. Illustrated by Norman Hepple. London: Jonathan Cape, 1937.

  1266. Maurice Denton Welch (1915-1948)

  1267. Welch, Denton. A Voice through a Cloud. 1950. London: Readers Union / John Lehmann, 1951.

  1268. Welch, Denton. A Last Sheaf. London: John Lehmann Ltd., 1951.

  1269. Welch, Denton. Fragments of a Life Story: The Collected Short Writings. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1987.

  1270. De-la-Noy, Michael, ed. The Journals of Denton Welch. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1984.

  1271. De-la-Noy, Michael. Denton Welch: The Making of a Writer. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1984.

  1272. Cicely Isabel Fairfield ['Rebecca West'] (1892-1983)

  1273. Marcus, Jane, ed. The Young Rebecca: Writings of Rebecca West 1911-17. Bloomington: Indian University Press, 1982.

  1274. West, Rebecca. The Return of the Soldier. 1918. Introduction by Victoria Glendinning. 1980. London: Fontana Paperbacks, in association with Virago Limited, 1982.

  1275. West, Rebecca. Harriet Hume: A London Fantasy. London: Hutchinson & Co (publishers) Ltd., n.d.

  1276. West, Rebecca. A Letter to a Grandfather. Hogarth Letters, 7. London: The Hogarth Press, 1933.

  1277. West, Rebecca. Black Lamb and Grey Falcon: A Journey Through Yugoslavia. 1942. Papermac. London: Macmillan Publishers Limited, 1982.

  1278. West, Rebecca. The Meaning of Treason. 1949. London: Macmillan & Co. Ltd., 1949.

  1279. West, Rebecca. The Meaning of Treason. Second Enlarged and Revised Edition containing two long additional chapters on Atomic Espionage. 1949. London: The Reprint Society Ltd. by arrangement with Macmillan & Co. Ltd., 1952.

  1280. West, Rebecca. A Train of Powder. 1955. Introduction by Mollie Panter-Downes. London: Virago Press Limited, 1984.

  1281. West, Rebecca. Rebecca West: A Celebration. Selected from Her Writings by Her Publishers with Her Help. Critical Introduction by Samuel Hynes. 1977. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1979.

  1282. Ray, Gordon N. H. G. Wells & Rebecca West. 1974. London: Macmillan London Limited, 1974.

  1283. Henry William Williamson (1895-1977)

  1284. Williamson, Henry. The Flax of Dream. A Novel in Four Books: The Beautiful Years; Dandelion Days; The Dream of Fair Women; The Pathway. 1921, 1922, 1924, 1928. London: Faber, 1936.

  1285. Williamson, Henry. The Old Stag: Stories. 1926. London & New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons, Ltd., 1928.

  1286. Williamson, Henry. The Henry Williamson Animal Saga: Tarka the Otter; Salar the Salmon; The Epic of Brock the Badger; Chadchek the Peregrine. 1927, 1935, 1960. London: Book Club Associates, 1975.

  1287. Andrew Norman Wilson (1895-1977)

  1288. Wilson, A. N. A Jealous Ghost. 2005. Arrow Books. London: The Random House Group, 2006.

  1289. Jeanette Winterson (1959- )

  1290. Winterson, Jeanette. Oranges are not the Only Fruit. 1985. London: Vintage, 1991.

  1291. Winterson, Jeanette. The Passion. London: Bloomsbury, 1987.

  1292. Winterson, Jeanette. The Passion. 1987. London: Penguin, 1988.

  1293. Winterson, Jeanette. Sexing the Cherry. London: Bloomsbury, 1989.

  1294. Winterson, Jeanette. Art Objects: Essays on Ecstasy and Effrontery. 1995. A Vintage Book. London: Jonathan Cape Ltd., 1996.

  1295. Winterson, Jeanette. The World and Other Places. 1998. London: Vintage, 1999.

  1296. Winterson, Jeanette. Lighthousekeeping. 2004. Fourth Estate. London: HarperCollins Publishers, 2004.

  1297. Sir Pelham Grenville Wodehouse (1881–1975)


  1298. Wodehouse, P. G. The Pothunters. 1902. Mumbai: Jaico Publishing House / London: Souvenir Press Ltd., 1998. [School Stories]

  1299. Wodehouse, P. G. A Prefect's Uncle. 1903. Mumbai: Jaico Publishing House / London: Souvenir Press Ltd., 1995. [School Stories]

  1300. Wodehouse, P. G. Tales of St Austin's. 1903. Puffin Books. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1978. [School Stories]

  1301. Wodehouse, P. G. The Gold Bat. 1904. Mumbai: Jaico Publishing House / London: Souvenir Press Ltd., 1998. [School Stories]

  1302. Wodehouse, P. G. The Head of Kay's. 1905. Mumbai: Jaico Publishing House / London: Souvenir Press Ltd., 1998. [School Stories]

  1303. Wodehouse, P. G. The White Feather. 1907. Mumbai: Jaico Publishing House / London: Souvenir Press Ltd., 1998. [School Stories]

  1304. Wodehouse, P. G. Mike at Wrykyn. 1909 & 1953. An Armada Paperback. London: May Fair Books Ltd., 1968. [School Stories]

  1305. Wodehouse, P. G. Psmith in the City. 1910. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1981. [Psmith Stories]

  1306. Wodehouse, P. G. A Gentleman of Leisure. 1910. A Star Book. London: W. H. Allen & Co. Ltd., 1978.

  1307. Wodehouse, P. G. The Little Nugget. 1913. Four Square Books. London: New English Library Ltd., 1962.

  1308. Wodehouse, P. G. The Man Upstairs and Other Stories. 1914. London: Methuen & Co. Ltd., 1927. [Golf Stories & Others]

  1309. Wodehouse, P. G. Sir Agravaine. 1914. Illustrated by Rodger McPhail. Poole, Dorset: Blandford Press, 1984.

  1310. Wodehouse, P. G. Psmith, Journalist. 1915. Black’s Novel Library. London: A. & C. Black, Ltd, 1925. [Psmith Stories]

  1311. Wodehouse, P. G. Something Fresh. 1915. A Mayflower Paperback. London: Mayflower Books Ltd., 1961. [Blandings Stories]

  1312. Wodehouse, P. G. The Man with Two Left Feet and Other Stories. 1917. London: Methuen & Co. Ltd., 1924. [1 Jeeves Story & Others]

  1313. Wodehouse, P. G. Uneasy Money. 1917. Penguin Book 1273. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1958.

  1314. Wodehouse, P. G. Piccadilly Jim. 1918. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1976.

  1315. Wodehouse, P. G. A Damsel in Distress. 1919. A Star Book. London: W. H. Allen & Co. Ltd., 1978.

  1316. Wodehouse, P. G. My Man Jeeves. London: George Newnes, Limited, 1919. [Jeeves Stories & Others]

  1317. Wodehouse, P. G. The Coming of Bill. London: Herbert Jenkins Limited, 1920.

  1318. Wodehouse, P. G. Indiscretions of Archie. 1921. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1975.

  1319. Wodehouse, P. G. The Clicking of Cuthbert and Other Stories. 1922. Penguin Book 1772. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 196. [Golf Stories]

  1320. Wodehouse, P. G. The Girl on the Boat. 1922. London: Pan Books Ltd., 1968.

  1321. Wodehouse, P. G. The Adventures of Sally. London: Herbert Jenkins Limited, 1922.

  1322. Wodehouse, P. G. Leave it to Psmith. 1923. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1975. [Psmith / Blandings Stories]

  1323. Wodehouse, P. G. The Inimitable Jeeves. 1923. Penguin Book 933. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1953. [Jeeves Stories (1)]

  1324. Wodehouse, P. G. Bill the Conqueror: His Invasion of England in the Springtime. 1924. Vintage Books. London: Methuen & Co. Ltd., 1941.

  1325. Wodehouse, P. G. Ukridge. 1924. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1979. [Ukridge Stories]

  1326. Wodehouse, P. G. Carry on, Jeeves. 1925. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1974. [Jeeves Stories (2)]

  1327. Wodehouse, P. G. Sam the Sudden. 1925. London: Methuen & Co. Ltd., 1928.

  1328. Wodehouse, P. G. The Heart of a Goof. 1926. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1978. [Golf Stories]

  1329. Wodehouse, P. G. Meet Mr Mulliner. London: Herbert Jenkins Limited, 1927. [Mr. Mulliner Stories]

  1330. Wodehouse, P. G. The Small Bachelor. London: Methuen & Co. Ltd., 1927.

  1331. Wodehouse, P. G. Money for Nothing. London: Herbert Jenkins Limited, 1928.

  1332. Wodehouse, P. G. Summer Lightning. 1929. Penguin Books 995. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1954. [Blandings Stories]

  1333. Wodehouse, P. G. Very Good, Jeeves! 1930. Penguin Book 1173. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1966. [Jeeves Stories (3)]

  1334. Wodehouse, P. G. Big Money. London: Herbert Jenkins Limited, 1931.

  1335. Wodehouse, P. G. Doctor Sally. 1932. Penguin Book 1370. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1962.

  1336. Wodehouse, P. G. Hot Water. London: Herbert Jenkins Limited, 1932.

  1337. Wodehouse, P. G. Heavy Weather. 1933. Penguin Book 2569. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1966. [Blandings Stories]

  1338. Wodehouse, P. G. Mulliner Nights. 1933. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1971. [Mr. Mulliner Stories]

  1339. Wodehouse, P. G. Thank You, Jeeves. 1934. Coronet Books. London: Hodder & Stoughton Ltd., 1975. [Jeeves Novels (1)]

  1340. Wodehouse, P. G. Right Ho, Jeeves. 1934. Penguin Book 934. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1961. [Jeeves Novels (2)]

  1341. Wodehouse, P. G. Blandings Castle and Elsewhere. 1935. Penguin Books 985. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1966. [Blandings Stories]

  1342. Wodehouse, P. G. The Luck of the Bodkins. 1935. Penguin Book 986. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1954.

  1343. Wodehouse, P. G. Laughing Gas. 1936. Penguin Book 1172. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1961.

  1344. Wodehouse, P. G. Young Men in Spats. 1936. London: Herbert Jenkins Limited, n.d. [Uncle Fred / Drones Club Stories]

  1345. Wodehouse, P. G. Young Men in Spats. 1936. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1971. [Uncle Fred / Drones Club Stories]

  1346. Wodehouse, P. G. Lord Emsworth and Others. 1937. Penguin Book 2568. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1966. [Blandings Stories]

  1347. Wodehouse, P. G. The Code of the Woosters. London: Herbert Jenkins Limited, 1938. [Jeeves Novels (3)]

  1348. Wodehouse, P. G. Summer Moonshine. 1938. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1988.

  1349. Wodehouse, P. G. Uncle Fred in the Springtime. London: Herbert Jenkins Limited, 1939. [Blandings / Uncle Fred Stories]

  1350. Wodehouse, P. G. Eggs, Beans and Crumpets. 1940. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1979. [Drones Club Stories]

  1351. Wodehouse, P. G. Quick Service. 1940. Penguin Book 994. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1954.

  1352. Wodehouse, P. G. Joy in the Morning. London: Herbert Jenkins Limited, 1946. [Jeeves Novels (4)]

  1353. Wodehouse, P. G. Money in the Bank. 1946. Penguin Book 2204. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1964.

  1354. Wodehouse, P. G. Full Moon. 1947. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1979. [Blandings Stories]

  1355. Wodehouse, P. G. Spring Fever. 1948. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1972.

  1356. Wodehouse, P. G. Uncle Dynamite. 1948. Penguin Book 2546. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1966. [Uncle Fred Stories]

  1357. Wodehouse, P. G. The Mating Season. 1949. Penguin Book 1171. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1957. [Jeeves Novels (5)]

  1358. Wodehouse, P. G. The Old Reliable. 1951. London: Pan Books Ltd., 1968.

  1359. Wodehouse, P. G. Barmy in Wonderland. 1952. London: Pan Books Ltd., 1968. [Drones Club Stories]

  1360. Wodehouse, P. G. Pigs Have Wings. 1952. Harmondsworth: Penguin, n.d. [Blandings Stories]

  1361. Wodehouse, P. G. Ring for Jeeves. 1953. Four Square Books. London: New English Library Ltd., 1967. [Jeeves Novels (6)]

  1362. Wodehouse, P. G. Jeeves and the Feudal Spirit. 1954. An Arena Book. London: Arrow Books Limited, 1989. [Jeeves Novels (7)]

  1363. Wodehouse, P. G. French Leave. London: Herbert Jenkins Ltd., 1955.

  1364. Wodehouse, P. G. Something Fishy. 1957. A Star Book. London: W. H. Allen & Co. Ltd., 1978.

  1365. Wodehouse, P. G. Cocktail Time. 1958. A Star Book. London: W. H. Allen & Co. Ltd., 1978. [Uncle Fred Stories]

  1366. Wodehouse, P. G. Jeeves in the Offing. 1960. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1974. [Jeeves Novels (8)]

  1367. Wodehouse, P. G. Ice in the Bedroom. London: Herbert Jenkins Ltd., 1961. [Drones Club Stories]

  1368. Wodehouse, P. G. Service With a Smile. 1961. Penguin Book 2532. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1966. [Blandings Stories]

  1369. Wodehouse, P. G. Stiff Upper Lip, Jeeves. London: Herbert Jenkins Limited, 1963. [Jeeves Novels (9)]

  1370. Wodehouse, P. G. Frozen Assets. 1964. London: Pan Books Ltd., 1969.

  1371. Wodehouse, P. G. Galahad at Blandings. 1965. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1979. [Blandings Stories]

  1372. Wodehouse, P. G. Plum Pie. 1966. Coronet Books. London: Hodder & Stoughton Ltd., 1983. [Blandings Stories & Others]

  1373. Wodehouse, P. G. Company for Henry. 1967. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1980.

  1374. Wodehouse, P. G. Do Butlers Burgle Banks? 1968. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1979.

  1375. Wodehouse, P. G. A Pelican at Blandings. 1969. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1980. [Blandings Stories]

  1376. Wodehouse, P. G. Much Obliged, Jeeves. 1971. London: Sphere Books Ltd., 1972. [Jeeves Novels (10)]

  1377. Wodehouse, P. G. Pearls, Girls and Monty Bodkin. 1972. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1979.

  1378. Wodehouse, P. G. Bachelors Anonymous. 1973. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1975.

  1379. Wodehouse, P. G. Aunts Aren't Gentlemen. 1974. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1980. [Jeeves Novels (11)]

  1380. Wodehouse, P. G. Sunset at Blandings. With Notes and Appendices by Richard Usborne. Illustrated by Ionicus. 1977. Coronet Books. London: Hodder & Stoughton Ltd., 1979. [Blandings Stories]

  1381. Omnibus Editions:

  1382. Wodehouse, P. G. The World of Mr Mulliner: Meet Mr Mulliner; Mr Mulliner Speaking; Mulliner Nights. 1927, 1929, 1933, 1935. London: Barrie & Jenkins Limited, 1972. [Mr. Mulliner Stories]

  1383. Wodehouse, P. G. The Mr Mulliner Omnibus. 1935 & 1972. Hutchinson. London: Random House (UK) Ltd., c. 1990. [Mr. Mulliner Stories]

  1384. Wodehouse, P. G. Week-End Wodehouse. Introduction by Hilaire Belloc. Decorations by Kerr. 1939. London: Pimlico / Herbert Jenkins Ltd., 1992.

  1385. Wodehouse, P. G. The World of Jeeves: The Inimitable Jeeves; Carry On, Jeeves; Very Good, Jeeves. 1923, 1925, 1930, 1967. London: Book Club Associates / Herbert Jenkins Ltd., 1976. [Jeeves Stories]

  1386. Wodehouse, P. G. The Jeeves Omnibus 3: Ring for Jeeves; The Mating Season; Very Good, Jeeves. 1949, 1953, 1930, 1991. Hutchinson. London: Random House Group Ltd., 1995. [Jeeves Stories]

  1387. Wodehouse, P. G. Uncle Fred: An Omnibus ['Uncle Fred in the Springtime' (1939); 'Uncle Dynamite' (1948); 'Cocktail Time' (1958)]. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1992. [Uncle Fred Stories]

  1388. Wodehouse, P. G. The Golf Omnibus: The Clicking of Cuthbert; The Heart of a Goof. 1922, 1926, 1973. Hutchinson. London: Century Hutchinson Ltd., 1990. [Golf Stories]]

  1389. Wodehouse, P. G. The World of Psmith: Mike and Psmith; Psmith in the City; Psmith, Journalist; Leave It to Psmith. 1908, 1910, 1915, 1923. London: Barrie & Jenkins Limited, 1974. [Psmith Stories]

  1390. Wodehouse, P. G. The Best of Wodehouse: An Anthology. Introduction by John Mortimer. Everyman's Library, 306. A Borzoi Book. Alfred A. Knopf. New York & London: Random House, 2007.

  1391. Wodehouse, P. G. Above Average at Games. Ed. Richard T. Kelly. Foreword by Henry Blofeld. Hutchinson. London: Penguin Random House, 2019. [Golf Stories]

  1392. Autobiography:

  1393. Wodehouse, P. G. Performing Flea: A Self-Portrait in Letters. With an Introduction and Additional Notes by W. Townend, and the Text of P. G. Wodehouse’s Five Berlin Broadcasts. 1953. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1961.

  1394. Wodehouse, P. G. Wodehouse on Wodehouse: Bring on the Girls: The Improbable Story of Our Life in Musical Comedy (with Guy Bolton) / Performing Flea: A Self-Portrait in Letters. With an Introduction and Additional Notes by W. Townend / Over Seventy: An Autobiography With Digressions. 1951, 1951, 1956 & 1980. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1981.

  1395. Plays:

  1396. Wodehouse, P. G. Four Plays: The Play’s the Thing / Good Morning, Bill / Leave it to Psmith / Come on, Jeeves. 1928 & 1932. Introduction by David A. Jasen. Methuen Paperbacks. London: Methuen London Ltd., 1983.

  1397. Poems:

  1398. Wodehouse, P. G. The Parrot and Other Poems. Introduction by Auberon Waugh. Illustrated by David Langdon. Hutchinson. London: Century Hutchinson Ltd., 1988.

  1399. Edited:

  1400. Wodehouse, P. G., ed. A Century of Humour. London: Hutchinson & Co. (Publishers) Ltd., n.d.

  1401. Letters:

  1402. Donaldson, Frances, ed. Yours, Plum: The Letters of P. G. Wodehouse. 1990. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1992.

  1403. Ratcliffe, Sophie, ed. P. G. Wodehouse: A Life in Letters. 2011. Arrow Books. London: Random House, 2013.

  1404. Secondary:

  1405. Connolly, Joseph. P. G. Wodehouse: An Illustrated Biography. With Complete Bibliography and Collector’s Guide. 1979. London: Eel Pie Publishing Limited, 1981.

  1406. Donaldson, Frances. P. G. Wodehouse: A Biography. London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson Limited, 1982.

  1407. Jaggard, Geoffrey. Blandings the Blest and the Blue Blood: A Companion to the Blandings Castle Saga of P. G. Wodehouse, LL.D., with a Complete Wodehouse Peerage, Baronetage & Knightage. 1968. Coronet Books. London: Hodder & Stoughton Ltd., 1984.

  1408. Jasen, David A. P. G. Wodehouse: A Portrait of a Master. London: Garnstone Press Limited, 1975.

  1409. Jasen, David A. The Theatre of P. G. Wodehouse. London: B. T. Batsford Ltd., 1979.

  1410. McCrum, Robert. Wodehouse: A Life. Viking. London: Penguin, 2004.

  1411. Sproat, Iain. Wodehouse at War. New Haven & New York: Ticknor & Fields, 1981.

  1412. Usborne, Richard. Wodehouse at Work to the End. 1961. Rev. ed. 1976. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1978.

  1413. Leonard Sidney Woolf (1880–1969)

  1414. Woolf, Leonard. The Village in the Jungle. 1913. Introduction by E. F. C. Ludowyk. Oxford University Press Paperback. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1981.

  1415. Woolf, Leonard. Sowing: An Autobiography of the Years 1880 to 1904. 1960. A Harvest Book. New York & London: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1975.

  1416. Woolf, Leonard. Growing: An Autobiography of the Years 1904-1911. 1961. A Harvest Book. New York & London: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1975.

  1417. Woolf, Leonard. Beginning Again: An Autobiography of the Years 1911 to 1918. 1963-64. A Harvest Book. New York & London: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1972.

  1418. Woolf, Leonard. Downhill All the Way: An Autobiography of the Years 1919 to 1939. 1967. A Harvest Book. New York & London: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1975.

  1419. Woolf, Leonard. The Journey Not the Arrival Matters: An Autobiography of the Years 1939 to 1969. 1969. A Harvest Book. New York & London: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1975.

  1420. Spotts, Frederic, ed. Letters of Leonard Woolf. London: George Weidenfeld and Nicolson Limited, 1990.

  1421. Glendinning, Victoria. Leonard Woolf: A Life. London: Simon & Schuster UK Ltd, 2006.

  1422. Adeline Virginia Woolf [née Stephen] (1882-1941)


  1423. Woolf, Virginia. The Voyage Out. 1915. Triad Grafton Books. London: Collins Publishing Group, 1986.

  1424. Woolf, Virginia. Night and Day. 1919. Penguin Modern Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1971.

  1425. Woolf, Virginia. Jacob's Room: A Novel. 1922. Uniform Edition. London: The Hogarth Press, 1949.

  1426. Woolf, Virginia. Mrs Dalloway. 1925. Triad / Panther Books. Frogmore, St. Albans, Herts.: Triad Paperbacks Ltd., 1976.

  1427. Woolf, Virginia. The Annotated Mrs. Dalloway. 1925. Ed. Merve Emre. Liveright Publishing Corporation. New York & London: W. W. Norton & Company, 2021.

  1428. Woolf, Virginia. To the Lighthouse. 1927. Ed. Stella McNichol. Introduction & Notes by Hermione Lee. Penguin Twentieth-Century Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1992.

  1429. Woolf, Virginia. Orlando: A Biography. 1928. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1945.

  1430. Woolf, Virginia. The Waves. 1931. Penguin Modern Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1964.

  1431. Woolf, Virginia. The Waves. 1931. Foreword by Jeanette Winterson. Introduction by Gillian Beer. Vintage Classics. London: Random House, 2000.

  1432. Woolf, Virginia. The Years. 1937. Penguin Modern Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1968.

  1433. Woolf, Virginia. Between the Acts. 1941. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1953.

  1434. Woolf, Virginia. A Haunted House and Other Short Stories. 1944. Penguin Modern Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1973.

  1435. Woolf, Virginia. The Complete Shorter Fiction. Ed. Susan Dick. 1985. Rev. ed. 1989. Triad Grafton Books. London: HarperCollins Publishers, 1991.

  1436. Woolf, Virginia. Selected Works: Jacob’s Room; Mrs Dalloway; To the Lighthouse; Orlando; A Room of One’s Own; The Waves; Three Guineas & Between the Acts. 1922, 1925, 1927, 1928, 1929, 1931, 1938, 1941. Wordsworth Library Collection. Ware, Hertfordshire: Wordsworth Editions Limited, 2007.

  1437. Miscellaneous Prose:

  1438. Woolf, Virginia. The Common Reader. 1925. A Pelican Book. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1938.

  1439. Woolf, Virginia. A Room of One's Own. 1929. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1945.

  1440. Woolf, Virginia. The Second Common Reader. 1932. A Pelican Book. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1944.

  1441. Woolf, Virginia. Flush: A Biography. 1933. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1978.

  1442. Woolf, Virginia. Three Guineas. 1938. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1982.

  1443. Woolf, Virginia. Roger Fry: A Biography. 1940. A Peregrine Book. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1979.

  1444. Woolf, Virginia. The Death of the Moth and Other Essays. 1942. Penguin Modern Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1961.

  1445. Woolf, Virginia. Moments of Being: Unpublished Autobiographical Writings. Ed. Jeanne Schulkind. 1976. London: the Hogarth Press, 1978.

  1446. Morris, Jan, ed. Travels with Virginia Woolf. London: The Hogarth Press, 1993.

  1447. Woolf, Virginia. Street Haunting. Pocket Penguin 44. London: Penguin, 2005.

  1448. Woolf, Virginia. Collected Essays. Volume 1: 1904-1912. Ed. Andrew McNeillie. London: The Hogarth Press, 1986. [Uncorrected proof copy].

  1449. [Woolf, Virginia. Collected Essays. Volume 1: 1904-1912. Ed. Andrew McNeillie. London: The Hogarth Press, 1986. Pp. 381-88, 394-411].

  1450. Woolf, Virginia. Collected Essays. Volume 2: 1912-1918. Ed. Andrew McNeillie. London: The Hogarth Press, 1987.

  1451. Diaries:

  1452. Woolf, Virginia. A Writer’s Diary: Being Extracts from the Diary of Virginia Woolf. Ed. Leonard Woolf. 1953. London: Triad / Panther Books, 1978.

  1453. Woolf, Virginia. A Passionate Apprentice: The Early Journals, 1897-1909. Ed. Mitchell A. Leaska. 1990. London: The Hogarth Press, 1992.

  1454. Bell, Anne Olivier, ed. The Diary of Virginia Woolf. Volume 1: 1915-1919. Introduction by Quentin Bell. 1977. 5 vols. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1979.

  1455. Bell, Anne Olivier, with Andrew McNeillie, ed. The Diary of Virginia Woolf. Volume 2: 1920-1924. 1978. 5 vols. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1981.

  1456. Bell, Anne Olivier, ed. The Diary of Virginia Woolf. Volume 3: 1925-1930. 1980. 5 vols. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1982.

  1457. Bell, Anne Olivier, with Andrew McNeillie, ed. The Diary of Virginia Woolf. Volume 4: 1931-1935. 1982. 5 vols. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1983.

  1458. Bell, Anne Olivier, with Andrew McNeillie, ed. The Diary of Virginia Woolf. Volume 5: 1936-1941. 1984. 5 vols. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1985.

  1459. Letters:

  1460. Woolf, Virginia. The Flight of the Mind: The Letters of Virginia Woolf. Volume 1: 1888-1912 (Virginia Stephen). Ed. Nigel Nicolson, with Joanne Trautmann. London: The Hogarth Press, 1975.

  1461. Woolf, Virginia. The Question of Things Happening: The Letters of Virginia Woolf. Volume 2: 1912-1922. Ed. Nigel Nicolson, with Joanne Trautmann. London: The Hogarth Press, 1976.

  1462. Woolf, Virginia. A Change of Perspective: The Letters of Virginia Woolf. Volume 3; 1923-1928. Ed. Nigel Nicolson, with Joanne Trautmann. London: The Hogarth Press, 1977.

  1463. Woolf, Virginia. A Reflection of the Other Person: The Letters of Virginia Woolf. Volume 4: 1929-1931. Ed. Nigel Nicolson, with Joanne Trautmann. London: The Hogarth Press, 1978.

  1464. Woolf, Virginia. The Sickle Side of the Moon: The Letters of Virginia Woolf. Volume 5: 1932-1935. Ed. Nigel Nicolson, with Joanne Trautmann. London: The Hogarth Press, 1979.

  1465. Woolf, Virginia. Leave the Letters Till We're Dead: The Letters of Virginia Woolf. Volume 6: 1936-1941. Ed. Nigel Nicolson, with Joanne Trautmann. 1980. London: Chatto & Windus Ltd., 1983.

  1466. Secondary:

  1467. Bell, Quentin. Virginia Woolf: A Biography. Volume One: Virginia Stephen, 1882-1912. 1972. A Paladin Book. Frogmore, St. Albans, Herts.: Triad Paperbacks Ltd., 1976.

  1468. Bell, Quentin. Virginia Woolf: A Biography. Volume One: Mrs Woolf, 1912-1941. 1972. A Paladin Book. Frogmore, St. Albans, Herts.: Triad Paperbacks Ltd., 1976.

  1469. Kennedy, Richard. A Boy at the Hogarth Press. Illustrated by the Author. Introduction by Bevis Hillier. 1972. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1978.

  1470. Lee, Hermione. Virginia Woolf. 1996. London: Vintage, 1997.

  1471. Noble, Joan Russell, ed. Recollections of Virginia Woolf. 1972. Introduction by Michael Holroyd. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1975.

  1472. Percival Christopher Wren (1875-1941)

  1473. Wren, P. C. Beau Geste. 1924. London: John Murray, 1927.

  1474. Wren, P. C. Beau Sabreur. 1926. London: John Murray, 1953.

  1475. Wren, P. C. Beau Ideal. 1928. London: John Murray, 1928.

  1476. Wren, P. C. Stories of the Foreign Legion: A P. C. Wren Omnibus ['Stepsons of France', 1917; 'Good Gestes: Stories of Beau Geste, His Brothers, and Certain of Their Comrades in the French Foreign Legion', 1929; 'Flawed Blades: Tales from the Foreign Legion', 1933; 'Port o' Missing Men: Strange Tales of the Stranger Regiment', 1934]. 1947. London: John Murray, 1953.

[Lawrence Durrell: The Alexandria Quartet (1957-60)]

[20 books]

  1. Bell, Quentin. Bloomsbury. 1968. An Omega Book. Futura Publications Ltd., 1974.

  2. Callil, Carmen, & Colm Tóibín. The Modern Library: The Two Hundred Best Novels in English since 1950. London: Picador, 1999.

  3. Cohen, Debra Rae. Remapping the Home Front: Locating Citizenship in British Women’s Great War Fiction. Boston: Northeastern University Press, 2002.

  4. Edel, Leon. Bloomsbury: A House of Lions. 1979. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1981.

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