Exploration, History, Travel
- Chinua Achebe (1930-2013)
- Breyten Breytenbach (1939- )
- Roy Campbell (1901-1957)
- J. M. Coetzee (1940- )
- Nadine Gordimer (1923–2014)
- Etienne Leroux (1922–1989)
- Doris Lessing (1919-2013)
- Nelson Mandela (1918- )
- Ben Okri (1959- )
- Alan Paton (1903-1988)
- Olive Schreiner (1855-1920)
- Léopold Senghor (1906-2001)
- Wole Soyinka (1934- )
- Amos Tutuola (1920-1997)
- Laurens van der Post (1906-1996)
Albert Chinụalụmọgụ [Chinua] Achebe (1930-2013)
- Achebe, Chinua. The African Trilogy: Things Fall Apart; No Longer at Ease, Arrow of God. 1958, 1960, 1964. Introduction by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. Everyman's Library 327. A Borzoi Book. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2010.
- Breytenbach, Breyten. The True Confessions of an Albino Terrorist. 1985. London: Faber, 1986.
- Campbell, Roy. Collected Poems. London: The Bodley Head, 1949.
- Campbell, Roy. The Collected Poems, Vol. 2. London: The Bodley Head, 1957.
- Campbell, Roy. The Collected Poems, Vol. 3: Translations. Foreword by Edith Sitwell. London: The Bodley Head, 1960.
- Coetzee, J.M. Dusklands. 1974. Vintage. London: Random House, 1998.
- Coetzee, J.M. In the Heart of the Country. 1977. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1983.
- Coetzee, J.M. Waiting for the Barbarians. 1980. Vintage. London: Random House, 2000.
- Coetzee, J.M. Life & Times of Michael K. 1983. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1985.
- Coetzee, J.M. Foe. 1986. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1988.
- Coetzee, J.M. White Writing: On the Culture of Letters in South Africa. New Haven & London: Yale University Press, 1988.
- Coetzee, J.M. The Master of Petersburg. London: Secker & Warburg, 1994.
- Coetzee, J. M. Disgrace. 1999. Vintage. London: Random House, 2008.
- Coetzee, J. M. Stranger Shores: Essays 1986-1999. 2001. London: Vintage, 2002.
- Coetzee, J. M. Elizabeth Costello: Eight Lessons. 1999 & 2003. A Vintage Book. Sydney: Random House Australia Pty Ltd., 2004.
- Coetzee, J. M. Slow Man. A Knopf Book. Sydney: Random House Australia Pty Ltd., 2005.
- Coetzee, J. M. Diary of a Bad Year. Melbourne: The Text Publishing Company, 2007.
- Coetzee, J. M. Inner Workings: Literary Essays 2000-2005. 2007. A Vintage Book. Sydney: Random House Australia, 2008.
- Coetzee, J. M. Scenes from Provincial Life: Boyhood, Youth, Summertime. 1997, 2002, 2009, 2011. New York: Penguin, 2012.
- Coetzee, J. M. The Childhood of Jesus. Melbourne: The Text Publishing Company, 2013.
- Gordimer, Nadine. Selected Stories. 1975. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1983.
- Leroux, Etienne. To a Dubious Salvation: A Trilogy of Fantastical Novels. Seven Days at the Silbersteins / One for the Devil / The Third Eye. 1962, 1966, 1968. Trans. Charles Eglington. 1968 & 1969. Trans. Amy Starke. 1969. Penguin Modern Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1985.
- Lessing, Doris. The Grass is Singing. 1950. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Company, n.d.
- Lessing, Doris. The Grass is Singing. 1950. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1977.
- Lessing, Doris. Five: Short Novels. 1953. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1960.
- Lessing, Doris. The Habit of Loving. 1957. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1960.
- Lessing, Doris. The Habit of Loving. 1957. Granada Publishing Limited. Frogmore, St Albans, Herts: Panther Books Ltd, 1973.
- Lessing, Doris. Going Home. 1957. Drawings by Paul Hogarth. Panther Modern Society. London: Panther Books Limited, 1968.
- Lessing, Doris. In Pursuit of the English: A Documentary. 1960. Panther Books. Frogmore, St Albans, Herts: Granada Publishing Limited, 1980.
- Lessing, Doris. The Golden Notebook. 1962. Panther Books Ltd. Frogmore, St Albans, Herts: Granada Publishing Limited, n.d.
- Lessing, Doris. A Man and Two Women. 1963. Panther Books Ltd. Frogmore, St Albans, Herts: Granada Publishing Limited, 1975.
- Lessing, Doris. Winter in July. 1966. Granada Publishing Limited. Frogmore, St Albans, Herts: Panther Books Ltd., 1974.
- Lessing, Doris. Martha Quest. Children of Violence, 1. 1964. A Panther Book. Frogmore, St Albans, Herts: Granada Publishing Limited, 1982.
- Lessing, Doris. A Proper Marriage. Children of Violence, 2. 1964. Panther Books Ltd. Frogmore, St Albans, Herts: Granada Publishing Limited, 1973.
- Lessing, Doris. A Ripple from the Storm. Children of Violence, 3. 1964. Panther Books Ltd. Frogmore, St Albans, Herts: Granada Publishing Limited, 1976.
- Lessing, Doris. Landlocked. Children of Violence, 4. 1965. Panther Books Ltd. London: Granada Publishing Limited, 1972.
- Lessing, Doris. Particularly Cats. 1967. A Panther Book. Frogmore, St Albans, Herts: Granada Publishing Limited, 1981.
- Lessing, Doris. The Four-Gated City. Children of Violence, 5. London: MacGibbon & Kee, 1969.
- Lessing, Doris. Briefing for a Descent into Hell. 1971. Panther Books Ltd. Frogmore, St Albans, Herts: Granada Publishing Limited, 1977.
- Lessing, Doris. The Story of a Non-Marrying Man and Other Stories. London: Jonathan Cape, 1972. [Uncorrected Proof Copy].
- Lessing, Doris. Collected African Stories. Volume One: This Was the Old Chief’s Country. 1973. Frogmore, St Albans, Herts: Triad / Panther, 1979.
- Lessing, Doris. Collected African Stories. Volume Two: The Sun Between Their Feet. 1973. Frogmore, St Albans, Herts: Triad / Panther, 1979.
- Lessing, Doris. The Summer Before the Dark. 1973. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1978.
- Lessing, Doris. The Memoirs of a Survivor. 1974. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1975.
- Lessing, Doris. The Memoirs of a Survivor. 1974. London: Picador, 1980.
- Lessing, Doris. A Small Personal Voice: Essays, Reviews, Interviews. Ed. Paul Schlueter. A Borzoi Book. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1974.
- Lessing, Doris. Re: Colonised Planet 5, Shikasta: Personal, Psychological, Historical Documents Relating to Visit by JOHOR (George Sherban), Emissary (Grade 9), 87th of the Period of the Last Days. Canopus in Argos: Archives, 1. 1979. A Panther Book. Frogmore, St Albans, Herts: Granada Publishing Limited, 1981.
- Lessing, Doris. The Marriages Between Zones Three, Four, and Five (As Narrated by the Chroniclers of Zone Three). Canopus in Argos: Archives, 2. 1980. A Panther Book. Frogmore, St Albans, Herts: Granada Publishing Limited, 1981.
- Lessing, Doris. The Sirian Experiments: The Report by Ambien II, of the Five. Canopus in Argos: Archives, 3. 1980. London: Jonathan Cape, 1981.
- Lessing, Doris. The Making of the Representative for Planet 8. Canopus in Argos: Archives, 3. 1982. Frogmore, St Albans, Herts: Granada Publishing Limited, 1983.
- Lessing, Doris. Documents Relating to the Sentimental Agents in the Volyen Empire. Canopus in Argos: Archives, 5. 1983. Panther Books. London: Granada Publishing Ltd., 1984.
- Lessing, Doris. The Diaries of Jane Somers: 1 – The Diary of a Good Neighbour; 2 – If the Old Could … 1983 & 1984. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1985.
- Lessing, Doris. The Good Terrorist. 1985. Grafton Books. London: Collins Publishing Group, 1986.
- Lessing, Doris. The Wind Blows Away Our Words, and Other Documents Relating to the Afghan Resistance. Picador Original. London: Pan Books Ltd., 1987.
- Lessing, Doris. Under My Skin: Volume One of My Autobiography, to 1949. 1994. Flamingo. London: HarperCollins Publishers, 1995.
- Lessing, Doris. Love, Again. Flamingo. London: HarperCollins Publishers, 1996.
- Lessing, Doris. Stories. Introduction by Margaret Drabble. Everyman's Library 316. A Borzoi Book. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2008.
- Mandela, Nelson. The Long Walk to Freedom: The Autobiography of Nelson Mandela. 1994. An Abacus Book. London: Little, Brown and Company (UK), 1995.
- Mandela, Nelson. The Illustrated Long Walk to Freedom: The Autobiography of Nelson Mandela. 1994. Abridged ed. Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1996.
- Mandela, Nelson, & Madla Langa. Dare Not Linger: The Presidential Years. 2017. Picador. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2018.
- Okri, Ben. The Famished Road. 1991. A Vintage Book. London: Jonathan Cape Ltd., 1992.
- Paton, Alan. Cry, the Beloved Country: A Story of Comfort in Desolation. 1948. London: the Reprint Society, 1949.
- Paton, Alan. Too Late the Phalarope. 1953. A Panther Book. London: Panther Books Ltd., 1964.
- Paton, Alan. Debbie Go Home. 1961. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1965.
- Paton, Alan. Kontakion for You Departed. London: Jonathan Cape, 1969.
- Paton, Alan. Ah, But Your Land is Beautiful. 1981. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1983.
- Schreiner, Olive. The Story of an African Farm. 1924. Introduction by S. C. Cronwright-Schreiner. London: T. Fisher Unwin Ltd., 1924.
- Schreiner, Olive. From Man to Man, or Perhaps Only ... Introduction by S. C. Cronwright-Schreiner. London: T. Fisher Unwin Ltd., 1926.
- Senghor, Léopold Sédar. The Collected Poetry / Oeuvre poétique (nouvelle édition). 1990. Trans. Melvin Dixon. Caraf Books. Charlottesville & London: University Press of Virginia, 1991.
- Soyinka, Wole. The Man Died: Prison Notes of Wole Soyinka. 1972. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1976.
- Tutuola, Amos. The Palm-Wine Drinkard and His Dead Palm-Wine Tapster in the Deads’ Town. 1952. London: Faber, 1971.
- Jones, J. D. F. Storyteller: The Many Lives of Laurens van der Post. London: John Murray, 2001.
Breyten Breytenbach (1939- )
Roy Campbell (1901-1957)
John Maxwell Coetzee (1940- )
Nadine Gordimer (1923–2014)
Etienne Leroux (1922–1989)
Doris May Lessing [née Tayler] (1919-2013)
Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela (1918- )
Ben Okri (1959- )
Alan Stewart Paton (1903-1988)
Olive Schreiner (1855-1920)
Léopold Sédar Senghor (1906-2001)
Akinwande Oluwole [Wole] Soyinka (1934- )
Amos Tutuola (1920-1997)
Laurens van der Post (1906-1996)
- Becker, Peter. Path of Blood: The Rise and Conquests of Mzilikazi, Founder of the Matabele. 1962. London: Panther Books Ltd., 1966.
- Becker, Peter. Rule of Fear: The Life and Times of Dingane, King of the Zulu. 1964. Panther Books Ltd. Frogmore, St Albans, Herts: Granada Publishing Limited, 1972.
- Becker, Peter. Hill of Destiny: the Life and Times of Moshesh, Founder of the Basotho. 1969. Panther Books Ltd. Frogmore, St Albans, Herts: Granada Publishing Limited, 1972.
- Edwards, Paul, ed. Equiano’s Travels: His Autobiography. The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano or Gustavus Vassa the African. 1789 & 1967. London: Heinemann, 1982.
- Hochschild, Adam. King Leopold's Ghost: A Story of Greed, Terror and Heroism in Colonial Africa. 1998. Rev. ed. 2013. London: The Folio Society, 2017.
- Huddleston, Trevor. Naught for Your Comfort. 1956. London: Collins Clear-Type Press, 1956.
- Morris, Donald R. The Washing of the Spears. 1966. Cardinal. London: Sphere Books Ltd., 1973.
- Park, Mungo, & James Bruce. The Life and Travels of Mungo Park, with Supplementary Details of the Results of Recent Discovery in Africa / Travels and Discoveries in Abyssinia. London: Printed for the Booksellers, 1880.
- Ransford, Oliver. The Great Trek. 1972. Cardinal. London: Sphere Books Ltd., 1974.
- Ritter, E. A. Shaka Zulu. 1955. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1978.
- Roberts, Brian. The Zulu Kings. 1974. London: Sphere Books Ltd., 1977.
