Showing posts with label Twentieth-Century. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Twentieth-Century. Show all posts


English Poetry (post-1900)

Jennifer Kilgore-Caradec: Duck Lake Winter

A Bibliography of my Collection

Anthologies & Secondary Literature

Charlotte High School English 11: 24 Poets (2007)

[625 books]

  1. Lascelles Abercrombie (1881-1938)
  2. Richard Aldington (1892–1962)
  3. Kenneth Allott (1912–1973)
  4. Simon Armitage (1963- )
  5. W. H. Auden (1907-1973)
  6. George Barker (1913–1991)
  7. E. Clerihew Bentley (1875-1956)
  8. John Betjeman (1906–1984)
  9. Edmund Blunden (1896-1974)
  10. Ronald Bottrall (1906-1989)
  11. Robert Bridges (1844-1930)
  12. Rupert Brooke (1887-1915)
  13. Basil Bunting (1900-1985)
  14. Christopher Caudwell (1907-1937)
  15. Charles Causley (1917-2003)
  16. Elizabeth Cook
  17. Donald Davie (1922-1995)
  18. Cecil Day-Lewis (1904-1972)
  19. Patric Dickinson (1914-1994)
  20. Lord Alfred Douglas (1870-1945)
  21. Keith Douglas (1920-1944)
  22. William Empson (1906-1984)
  23. Gavin Ewart (1916-1995)
  24. Elaine Feinstein (1930- )
  25. James Fenton (1949- )
  26. James Elroy Flecker (1884-1915)
  27. John Fuller (1937- )
  28. Roy Fuller (1912-1991)
  29. Terry Gifford (1946- )
  30. Robert Gittings (1911-1992)
  31. Harry Graham (1874-1936)
  32. Robert Graves (1895-1985)
  33. Geoffrey Grigson (1905-1985)
  34. Thom Gunn (1929-2004)
  35. Ivor Gurney (1890-1937)
  36. Michael Hamburger (1924-2007)
  37. John Heath-Stubbs (1918-2006)
  38. Adrian Henri (1932-2000)
  39. Geoffrey Hill (1932- )
  40. Ralph Hodgson (1871-1962)
  41. A. E. Housman (1859-1936)
  42. Ted Hughes (1930-1998)
  43. T. E. Hulme (1883-1917)
  44. Michael Hulse (1955- )
  45. Alan Jenkins (1955- )
  46. Sidney Keyes (1922-1943)
  47. Philip Larkin (1922-1985)
  48. Laurie Lee (1914–1997)
  49. Christopher Logue (1926-2011)
  50. Mina Loy (1882-1966)
  51. Roger McGough (1937- )
  52. John Masefield (1878-1967)
  53. Adrian Mitchell (1932-2008)
  54. Andrew Motion (1952- )
  55. Norman Nicholson (1914–1987)
  56. Alfred Noyes (1880–1958)
  57. Wilfred Owen (1893-1918)
  58. Brian Patten (1946- )
  59. Tom Pickard (1946- )
  60. Ruth Pitter (1897-1992)
  61. J. H. Prynne (1936- )
  62. Craig Raine (1944- )
  63. Kathleen Raine (1908-2003)
  64. Tom Raworth (1938- )
  65. Herbert Read (1893-1968)
  66. Peter Reading (1946-2011)
  67. Peter Redgrove (1932-2003)
  68. Jeremy Reed (1951- )
  69. Michael Roberts (1902-1948)
  70. Isaac Rosenberg (1890-1918)
  71. Vita Sackville-West (1892-1962)
  72. Siegfried Sassoon (1886-1967)
  73. Edith Sitwell (1887-1964)
  74. Osbert Sitwell (1892-1969)
  75. Sacheverell Sitwell (1897-1988)
  76. Stevie Smith (1902-1971)
  77. Stephen Spender (1909-1995)
  78. Jon Stallworthy (1935-2014)
  79. Edward Thomas (1878-1917)
  80. Charles Tomlinson (1927- )
  81. Laurence Whistler (1912-2000)
  82. Hugo Williams (1942- )
  83. Francis Brett Young (1884-1954)

    Lascelles Abercrombie (1881-1938)

  1. Abercrombie, Lascelles. The Poems. London: Humphrey Milford / Oxford University Press, 1930.

  2. Edward Godfree [Richard] Aldington (1892–1962)

  3. Aldington, Richard. Death of a Hero: A Novel. 1929. The Phoenix Library. London: Chatto and Windus, 1932.

  4. Aldington, Richard. The Colonel's Daughter: A Novel. 1931. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1939.

  5. Aldington, Richard. Soft Answers. 1932. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1949.

  6. Aldington, Richard. The Complete Poems. London: Allan Wingate (Publishers) Limited, 1948.

  7. Kenneth Allott (1912–1973)

  8. Allott, Kenneth. Collected Poems. Foreword by Roy Fuller. London: Martin Secker & Warburg Limited, 1975.

  9. Simon Armitage (1963- )

  10. Armitage, Simon. Kid. 1992. London: Faber, 1999.

  11. Armitage, Simon. Paper Aeroplane: Selected Poems 1989-2014. 2014. London: Faber, 2015.

  12. Armitage, Simon. new cemetery. IPSI Chapbook 5. University of Canberra: International Poetry Studies Institute, 2016.

  13. Wystan Hugh Auden (1907-1973)

    Complete Works:

  14. Auden, W. H., & Christopher Isherwood. Plays and Other Dramatic Writings: 1928-1938. The Complete Works of W. H. Auden. Ed. Edward Mendelson. London: Faber, 1988.

  15. Auden, W. H., & Chester Kallman. Libretti and Other Dramatic Writings: 1939-1973. The Complete Works of W. H. Auden. Ed. Edward Mendelson. Princeton & Oxford: Princeton University Press, 1993.

  16. Auden, W. H. Prose and Travel Books in Verse and Prose. Volume 1: 1926-1938. Ed. Edward Mendelson. The Complete Works of W. H. Auden. London: Faber, 1996.

  17. Auden, W. H. Prose. Volume 2: 1939-1948. The Complete Works of W. H. Auden. Ed. Edward Mendelson. Princeton & Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2002.

  18. Auden, W. H. Prose. Volume 3: 1949-1955. The Complete Works of W. H. Auden. Ed. Edward Mendelson. Princeton & Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2008.

  19. Auden, W. H. Prose. Volume 4: 1956-1962. The Complete Works of W. H. Auden. Ed. Edward Mendelson. Princeton & Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2010.

  20. Auden, W. H. Prose. Volume 5: 1963-1968. The Complete Works of W. H. Auden. Ed. Edward Mendelson. Princeton & Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2015.

  21. Auden, W. H. Prose. Volume 6: 1969-1973. The Complete Works of W. H. Auden. Ed. Edward Mendelson. Princeton & Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2015.

  22. Auden, W. H. Poems. Volume I: 1927-1939. The Complete Works of W. H. Auden. Ed. Edward Mendelson. Princeton & Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2022.

  23. Auden, W. H. Poems. Volume II: 1940-1973. The Complete Works of W. H. Auden. Ed. Edward Mendelson. Princeton & Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2022.

  24. Poetry:

  25. Auden, W. H. Poems. 1930. London: Faber, 1948.

  26. Auden, W. H. The Orators: An English Study. 1932. London: Faber, 1966.

  27. Auden, W. H. Look, Stranger! 1936. London: Faber, 1946.

  28. Auden, W. H. Look, Stranger! 1936. London: Faber, 2001.

  29. Auden, W. H. Another Time. London: Faber, 1940.

  30. Auden, W. H. Some Poems. 1940. London: Faber, 1941.

  31. Auden, W. H. New Year Letter. 1941. London: Faber, 1965.

  32. Auden, W. H. For the Time Being. 1945. London: Faber, 1953.

  33. Auden, W. H. The Sea and the Mirror: A Commentary on Shakespeare's The Tempest. 1944. Ed. Arthur Kirsch. W. H. Auden: Critical Editions. 2003. Princeton & Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2005.

  34. Auden, W. H. For the Time Being: A Christmas Oratorio. 1944. Ed. Alan Jacobs. W. H. Auden: Critical Editions. Princeton & Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2013.

  35. Auden, W. H. The Collected Poetry. New York: Random House, 1945.

  36. Auden, W. H. The Age of Anxiety: A Baroque Eclogue. 1948. London: Faber, 1956.

  37. Auden, W. H. The Age of Anxiety: A Baroque Eclogue. Ed. Alan Jacobs. 1947. Princeton & Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2011.

  38. Auden, W. H. Collected Shorter Poems, 1930-1944. 1950. London: Faber, 1959.

  39. Auden, W. H. Nones. 1952. London: Faber, 1953.

  40. Auden, W. H. The Shield of Achilles. London: Faber, 1955.

  41. Auden, W. H. A Selection by the Author. 1958. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1964.

  42. Auden, W. H. Homage to Clio. London: Faber, 1960.

  43. Auden, W. H. About the House. London: Faber, 1966.

  44. Auden, W. H. Collected Shorter Poems: 1927-1957. London: Faber, 1966.

  45. Auden, W. H. Collected Shorter Poems: 1927-1957. 1966. London: Faber, 1975.

  46. Auden, W. H. Collected Shorter Poems: 1927-1957. 1966. Introduction by Alexander McCall Smith. Illustrated by Brian Grimwood. 2006. London: The Folio Society, 2007.

  47. Auden, W. H. Collected Longer Poems. 1968. London: Faber, 1977.

  48. Auden, W. H. Selected Poems. 1968. London: Faber, 1972.

  49. Auden, W. H. City without Walls and Other Poems. 1969. London: Faber, 1970.

  50. Auden, W. H. Academic Graffiti. Illustrated by Fillipo Sanjust. London: Faber, 1971.

  51. Auden, W. H. Epistle to a Godson & Other Poems. 1972. London: Faber, 1973.

  52. Auden, W. H. Thank You, Fog: Last Poems. London: Faber, 1974.

  53. Auden, W. H. Collected Poems. Ed. Edward Mendelson. London: Faber, 1976.

  54. Auden, W. H. Collected Poems. Ed. Edward Mendelson. 1976. London: Faber, 1991.

  55. Auden, W. H. Collected Poems. Ed. Edward Mendelson. 1976. Rev. ed. 1991. London: Faber, 1994.

  56. Auden, W. H. The English Auden: Poems, Essays and Dramatic Writings 1927-1939. Ed. Edward Mendelson. 1977. London: Faber, 1986.

  57. Auden, W. H. The English Auden: Poems, Essays and Dramatic Writings 1927-1939. Ed. Edward Mendelson. London: Faber, 1977.

  58. [McDiarmid, Lucy S. “W. H. Auden’s ‘In the Year of My Youth …’” Review of English Studies, 29 (115) (1978): 267-312.]

  59. Auden, W. H. Selected Poems. Ed. Edward Mendelson. London: Faber, 1979.

  60. Auden, W. H. Selected Poems. Ed. Edward Mendelson. 1979. London: Faber, 1982.

  61. Auden, W. H. Selected Poems: Expanded Edition. Ed. Edward Mendelson. 1979. New York: Vintage Books, 2007.

  62. Auden, W. H. The Platonic Blow and My Epitaph. Washington, D.C.: Orchises Press, 1985.

  63. Auden, W. H. Juvenilia: Poems 1922-1928. Ed. Katherine Bucknell. London: Faber, 1994.

  64. Auden, W. H. Juvenilia: Poems 1922-1928. Expanded Paperback Edition. Ed. Katherine Bucknell. 1994. Princeton & Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2003.

  65. Auden, W. H. As I Walked Out One Evening: Songs, Ballads, Lullabies, Limericks, and Other Light Verse. Ed. Edward Mendelson. New York: Vintage Books, 1995.

  66. Plays:

  67. Auden, W. H. The Dance of Death. 1933. London: Faber, 1941.

  68. Auden, W. H. & Christopher Isherwood. The Dog Beneath the Skin, or Where is Francis? 1935. London: Faber, 1968.

  69. Auden, W. H. & Christopher Isherwood. The Ascent of F6 & On the Frontier. 1958. London: Faber, 1972.

  70. Auden, W. H. Paul Bunyan: The Libretto of the Operetta by Benjamin Britten. 1976. Essay by Donald Mitchell. London: Faber, 1988.

  71. Prose:

  72. Auden, W. H., & Louis MacNeice. Letters from Iceland. London: Faber, 1937.

  73. Auden, W. H. & Christopher Isherwood. Journey to a War. 1939. Rev. ed. 1973. London: Faber, 1986.

  74. I Believe: Nineteen Personal Philosophies. By W. H. Auden, Pearl Buck, Albert Einstein, Havelock Ellis, E. M. Forster, J. B. S. Haldane, Julian Huxley, Harold J. Laski, Lin Yutang, Thomas Mann, Jacques Maritain, Jules Romains, Bertrand Russell, John Strachey, James Thurber, H. W. Van loon, Beatrice Webb, H. G. Wells & Rebecca West. 1940. London: Unwin Books, 1962.

  75. Auden, W. H. The Enchaféd Flood, or The Romantic Iconography of the Sea. London: Faber, 1951.

  76. Auden, W. H. The Enchaféd Flood, or The Romantic Iconography of the Sea. 1951. London: Faber, 1985.

  77. Mortimer, Raymond, ed. The Seven Deadly Sins. By Angus Wilson, Edith Sitwell, Cyril Connolly, Patrick Leigh Fermor, Evelyn Waugh, Christopher Sykes & W. H. Auden. London: Sunday Times Publications, Inc. 1962.

  78. Auden, W. H. The Dyer’s Hand and Other Essays. 1963. London: Faber, 1964.

  79. Auden, W. H. The Dyer’s Hand & Other Essays. 1963. London: Faber, 1975.

  80. Auden, W. H. Secondary Worlds: The T. S. Eliot Memorial Lectures, Delivered at Eliot College in the University of Kent at Canterbury, October, 1967. London: Faber, 1968.

  81. Auden, W. H. Secondary Worlds: The T. S. Eliot Memorial Lectures. 1968. London: Faber, 1984.

  82. Auden, W. H. A Certain World: A Commonplace Book. 1970. London: Faber, 1971.

  83. Auden, W. H. Forewords and Afterwords. Ed. Edward Mendelson. London: Faber, 1973.

  84. Auden, W. H. Forewords & Afterwords. Ed. Edward Mendelson. 1973. London: Faber, 1979.

  85. Auden, W. H. Lectures on Shakespeare. Reconstructed and edited by Arthur C. Kirsch, with a new preface by the editor. W. H. Auden: Critical Editions. 2001. Princeton Classics. Princeton & Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2019.

  86. Edited:

  87. Auden, W. H. & John Garrett, ed. The Poet’s Tongue: An Anthology. 1935. London: Bell, 1952.

  88. Auden, W. H., ed. The Oxford Book of Light Verse. 1938. Oxford University Press paperback. London: Oxford University Press, 1973.

  89. Auden, W. H., ed. The Oxford Book of Light Verse. 1938. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1979.

  90. Auden, W. H. & Norman Holmes Pearson, ed. The Portable Greek Reader. 1948. New York: Viking Penguin Inc., 1977.

  91. Auden, W. H. & Norman Holmes Pearson, ed. The Portable Romantic Poets. 1950. New York: Viking Penguin Inc., 1978.

  92. Auden, W. H. & Norman Holmes Pearson, ed. Poets of the English Language. 5 vols. 1952. London: Heron Books, n.d.

  93. Auden, W. H., Chester Kallman & Noah Greenberg, ed. An Elizabethan Song Book: Lute Songs, Madrigals and Rounds. 1957. London: Faber, 1972.

  94. Auden, W. H., ed. The Faber Book of Modern American Verse. London: Faber, 1961.

  95. Auden, W. H., ed. A Choice of de la Mare’s Verse. London: Faber, 1963.

  96. Auden, W. H. & Louis Kronenberger, ed. The Faber Book of Aphorisms: A Personal Selection. 1964. London: Faber, 1965.

  97. Auden, W. H. & Louis Kronenberger, ed. The Faber Book of Aphorisms: A Personal Selection. 1964. London: Faber, 1974.

  98. Auden, W. H., ed. Nineteenth-Century Minor Poets. Notes by George R. Creeger. London: Faber, 1967.

  99. Auden, W. H., ed. A Choice of Dryden’s Verse. London: Faber, 1973.

  100. Auden, W. H., ed. George Herbert. Poet to Poet. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1973.

  101. Translated:

  102. Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von. Italian Journey: 1786-1788. Trans. W. H. Auden & Elizabeth Mayer. London: Wm Collins, Sons and Co., Ltd., 1962.

  103. Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von. Italian Journey. Trans. W. H. Auden & Elizabeth Mayer. 1962. Penguin Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1970.

  104. Hammarskjöld, Dag. Markings. 1963. Trans. W. H. Auden & Leif Sjöberg. 1964. London: Faber, 1975.

  105. Auden, W. H. & Paul B. Taylor, trans. The Elder Edda: a Selection. Introduction by Peter H. Salus. 1969. London: Faber, 1973.

  106. [The Elder Edda: A Selection. Trans. Paul B. Taylor & W. H. Auden. Introduction by Peter H. Salus & Paul B. Taylor. Notes by Peter H. Salus (London: Faber, 1969): 1-37, 154-73.]

  107. Lagerkvist, Pär. Evening Land / Aftonland: bi-lingual edition. 1953. Trans. W. H. Auden & Leif Sjöberg. 1975. London: Souvenir Press, 1977.

  108. Auden, W. H. & Paul B. Taylor, trans. Norse Poems. 1981. London: Faber, 1983.

  109. Miscellaneous:

  110. Ansen, Alan. The Table Talk of W. H. Auden. Ed. Nicholas Jenkins. 1990. London: Faber, 1991.

  111. Auden, W. H. ‘The Map of all My Youth:’ Early Works, Friends & Influences. Auden Studies 1. Ed. Katherine Bucknell & Nicholas Jenkins. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1990.

  112. Auden, W. H. ‘The Language of Learning and the Language of Love:’ Uncollected Writings, New Interpretations. Auden Studies 2. Ed. Katherine Bucknell & Nicholas Jenkins. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1994.

  113. Auden, W. H. ‘In Solitude, For Company:’ W. H. Auden after 1940: Unpublished Prose and Recent Criticism. Auden Studies 3. Ed. Katherine Bucknell & Nicholas Jenkins. London: Clarendon Press, 1995.

  114. Secondary:

  115. Bryant, Marsha. Auden and Documentary in the 1930s. Charlottesville and London: University Press of Virginia, 1997.

  116. Carpenter, Humphrey. W. H. Auden: A Biography. 1981. London: Unwin Paperbacks, 1983.

  117. Clark, Thekla. Wystan and Chester: A Personal Memoir of W. H. Auden and Chester Kallman. Introduction by James Fenton. London: Faber, 1995.

  118. Davenport-Hines, Richard. Auden. 1995. Vintage. London: Random House, 2003.

  119. Everett, Barbara. Auden. 1964. Edinburgh: Oliver & Boyd, 1969.

  120. Farnan, Dorothy J. Auden in Love. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1984.

  121. Fuller, John. A Reader's Guide to W. H. Auden. London: Thames & Hudson, 1970.

  122. Fuller, John. W. H. Auden: A Commentary. 1998. London: Faber, 2007.

  123. Haffenden, John, ed. W. H. Auden: The Critical Heritage. The Critical Heritage Series. Ed. B. C. Southam. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1983.

  124. Mendelson, Edward. Early Auden. 1981. London: Faber, 1999.

  125. Mendelson, Edward. Later Auden. 1999. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2000.

  126. Mendelson, Edward. Early Auden, Later Auden: A Critical Biography. 1981, 1999. With a new preface by the author. Princeton & Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2017.

  127. Osborne, Charles. W. H. Auden: The Life of a Poet. 1979. London: Papermac, 1982.

  128. Rowse, A. L. The Poet Auden: A Personal Memoir. London: Methuen, 1987.

  129. Smith, Stan. W. H. Auden. Rereading Literature. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1985.

  130. Spears, Monroe K., ed. Auden: A Collection of Critical Essays. Twentieth Century Views. Englewood Cliffs, N. J.: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1964.

  131. Spender, Stephen, ed. W. H. Auden: A Tribute. New York: Macmillan Publishing, 1975.

  132. Wasley, Aidan. The Age of Auden: Postwar Poetry and the American Scene. Princeton & Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2011.

  133. George Granville Barker (1913–1991)

  134. Barker, George. Collected Poems 1930-1955. London: Faber, 1957.

  135. Barker, George. Poems of Places and People. London: Faber, 1971.

  136. Barker, George. The Alphabetical Zoo. Illustrated by Krystyna Roland. London: Faber, 1972.

  137. Barker, George. Dialogues etc. London: Faber, 1976.

  138. Barker, George. Villa Stellar. London: Faber, 1978.

  139. Barker, George. The Dead Seagull. 1950. Panther Modern Fiction. London: Panther Books Ltd., 1968.

  140. Edmund Clerihew Bentley (1875-1956)

  141. Bentley, E. Clerihew. The Complete Clerihews. 1905, 1929, 1939. Illustrated by Nicolas Bentley, G. K. Chesterton, Victor Reinganum & the Author. Introduction by Gavin Ewart. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1981.

  142. Sir John Betjeman (1906–1984)


  143. Betjeman, John. Mount Zion; or, In Touch with the Infinite. Illustrated by de Cronin Hastings et al. 1931. Poetry Reprint Series, 4. London: St. James Press / New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1975.

  144. Betjeman, John. Poems in the Porch. Illustrated by John Piper. S. P. C. K. Saffron Waldon, Essex: The Talbot Press, 1954.

  145. Birkenhead, The Earl of, ed. John Betjeman’s Collected Poems: Enlarged Edition. 1958, 1962. London: John Murray (Publishers) Ltd., 1970.

  146. Betjeman, John. Summoned by Bells. 1960. London: John Murray (Publishers) Ltd. / Readers Union Ltd., 1962.

  147. Betjeman, John. The Illustrated Summoned by Bells. 1960. Paintings and Sketches by Hugh Casson. 1989. London: John Murray (Publishers) Ltd. / The Herbert Press, 1995.

  148. Betjeman, John. A Nip in the Air. London: John Murray (Publishers) Ltd., 1974.

  149. Betjeman, John. Collected Poems. Ed. The Earl of Birkenhead. 1958, 1962, 1970, 1979. London: John Murray (Publishers) Ltd., 1989.

  150. Betjeman, John. Collected Poems. 1958. Introduction by Andrew Motion. John Murray (Publishers). London: Hodder Headline, 2006.

  151. Prose:

  152. Betjeman, John. An Oxford University Chest. Illustrated by L. Moholy-Nagy, Osbert Lancaster, the Rev. Edward Bradley et al. 1938. Oxford Paperbacks. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1979.

  153. Betjeman, John, & Geoffrey Taylor, ed. English Scottish & Welsh Landscape: 1700-c.1860. With Original Lithographs by John Piper. New Excursions into English Poetry. Ed. W. J. Turner & Sheila Shannon. London: Frederick Muller Ltd., 1944.

  154. Betjeman, John. First and Last Loves. Drawings by John Piper. 1952. A Grey Arrow. London: Arrow Books Ltd., 1960.

  155. Guest, John, ed. The Best of Betjeman. London: John Murray / Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1978.

  156. Betjeman, John. Coming Home: An Anthology of His Prose 1920-1977. Ed. Candida Lycett Green. Methuen. London: Random House, 1997.

  157. Secondary:

  158. Hillier, Bevis, ed. John Betjeman: A Life in Pictures. London: John Murray (Publishers ) Ltd. / The Herbert Press Ltd., 1984.

  159. Hillier, Bevis. Young Betjeman. 1988. London: Cardinal Books, 1989.

  160. Hillier, Bevis. John Betjeman: New Fame, New Love. London: John Murray (Publishers) Ltd., 2002.

  161. Hillier, Bevis. Betjeman: The Bonus of Laughter. 2004. Hodder Headline. London: John Murray (Publishers) Ltd., 2005.

  162. Edmund Charles Blunden (1896-1974)

  163. Blunden, Edmund. Undertones of War. 1928. London: Penguin, 1937.

  164. Blunden, Edmund. Shelley: A Life Story. 1946. London: Collins / Readers Union Ltd., 1948.

  165. Blunden, Edmund. The Poems: 1914-30. London: Cobden-Sanderson, 1930.

  166. Blunden, Edmund. Overtones of War: Poems of the First World War. Ed. Martin Taylor. London: Gerald Duckworth & Co. Ltd., 1996.

  167. Francis James Ronald Bottrall (1906-1989)

  168. The Collected Poems of Ronald Bottrall. Introduction by Charles Tomlinson. Preface by Edith Sitwell. London: Sidgwick & Jackson, 1961.

  169. Bottrall, Ronald. Poems 1955-1973. Anvil Press Poetry. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd., 1974.

  170. Robert Seymour Bridges (1844-1930)

  171. Bridges, Robert. Poetical Works of Robert Bridges, Excluding the Eight Dramas & The Testament of Beauty. 1936. London: Humphry Milford / Oxford University Press, 1945.

  172. Bridges, Robert. The Testament of Beauty: A Poem in Four Books. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1929.

  173. Bridges, Robert. Poetical Works of Robert Bridges, with The Testament of Beauty but Excluding the Eight Dramas. 1936. London: Oxford University Press, 1959.

  174. Thompson, Edward. Robert Bridges, 1844-1930. 1944. London: Humphry Milford / Oxford University Press, 1945.

  175. Rupert Chawner Brooke (1887-1915)

  176. Marsh, Edward, ed. The Collected Poems of Rupert Brooke: With a Memoir. 1918. London: Sidgwick & Jackson, Ltd., 1920.

  177. Brooke, Rupert. 1914 and Other Poems. London: Faber, 1941.

  178. Brooke, Rupert. The Collected Poems. Memoir by Edward Marsh. 1918. London: Sidgwick & Jackson, 1942.

  179. Brooke, Rupert. The Complete Poems. 1932. London: Sidgwick & Jackson Limited / Melbourne: Hicks, Smith & Wright, 1944.

  180. Keynes, Geoffrey, ed. The Poetical Works of Rupert Brooke. 1946. Faber Paper Covered Editions. London: Faber, 1974.

  181. Keynes, Geoffrey, ed. The Letters of Rupert Brooke. New York: Harcourt, Brace & World, Inc., 1968.

  182. Hassall, Christopher. Rupert Brooke: A Biography. 1964. Faber Paper Covered Editions. London: Faber, 1972.

  183. Basil Cheesman Bunting (1900-1985)

  184. Bunting, Basil. The Complete Poems. Ed. Richard Caddel. 1994. Oxford Poets. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1996.

  185. Share, Don, ed. The Poems of Basil Bunting. 2016. London: Faber, 2021.

  186. Christopher St. John Sprigg ['Christopher Caudwell'] (1907-1937)

  187. Caudwell, Christopher. Poems. 1939. London: The Bodley Head, 1949.

  188. Charles Causley (1917-2003)

  189. Causley, Charles. The Ballad of Aucassin and Nicolette: A Play in Three Acts. Kestrel Books. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1981.

  190. Causley, Charles. Collected Poems, 1951-2000: Revised Edition. London: Picador, 2000.

  191. Causley, Charles. Collected Poems for Children. Illustrated by John Lawrence. 1996. Macmillan Children's Books. London: Macmillan Publishers Limited, 2000.

  192. Causley, Charles. Collected Poems for Children. Illustrated by John Lawrence. Afterword by Ted Hughes. Macmillan Children's Books. 1996. Foreword by Roger McGough. 2016. Macmillan Classics. London: Pan Macmillan, 2020.

  193. Causley, Charles, ed. The Puffin Book of Magic Verse. Illustrated by Barbara Swiderska. Puffin Books. London: Penguin, 1974.

  194. Causley, Charles, ed. The Puffin Book of Salt-Sea Verse. Illustrated by Antony Maitland. Kestrel Books. London: Penguin, 1978.

  195. Elizabeth Cook

  196. Cook, Elizabeth. Achilles. 2001. Methuen Fiction. York: Methuen Publishing Ltd., 2013.

  197. Cook, Elizabeth. Bowl. 2006. Tonbridge, Kent: Worple Press, 2013.

  198. Donald Alfred Davie (1922-1995)

  199. Davie, Donald. Collected Poems. Manchester: Carcanet Press Limited, 1990.

  200. Cecil Day-Lewis (1904-1972)

  201. Day Lewis, C. Poems: A Selection by the Author. 1951. The Penguin Poets. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1957.

  202. Day Lewis, C. Christmas Eve. Illustrated by Edward Ardizzone. Ariel Poem. London: Faber, 1954.

  203. Day Lewis, C. Collected Poems. 1954. London: Jonathan Cape, 1970.

  204. Day Lewis, C. The Complete Poems. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 1992.

  205. Day Lewis, C. [as 'Nicholas Blake']. The Case of the Abominable Snowman. 1941. A Hamlyn Whodunit. London: Hamlyn Paperbacks, 1981.

  206. Day Lewis, C. Poetry for You: A Book for Boys and Girls on the Enjoyment of Poetry. 1944. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1957.

  207. Day Lewis, C. The Poetic Image. 1947. Jonathan Cape Paperback JCP 25. London: Jonathan Cape Ltd., 1965.

  208. Day Lewis, C. The Otterbury Incident. Illustrated by Edward Ardizzone. 1948. Puffin Books. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1965.

  209. Day-Lewis, Sean. C. Day-Lewis: An English Literary Life. 1980. Unwin Paperbacks. London: George Allen & Unwin Ltd., 1982.

  210. Patric Thomas Dickinson (1914-1994)

  211. Dickinson, Patric. A Wintering Tree. The Phoenix Living Poets. London: Chatto and Windus / The Hogarth Press Ltd., 1973.

  212. Lord Alfred Bruce Douglas (1870-1945)

  213. Douglas, Lord Alfred. The Autobiography. 1929. London: Martin Secker, 1929.

  214. Keith Castellain Douglas (1920-1944)


  215. Douglas, Keith. Complete Poems. Ed. Desmond Graham. 1978. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1979.

  216. Prose:

  217. Douglas, Keith. Alamein to Zem Zem. 1966. Ed. Desmond Graham. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1979.

  218. William Empson (1906-1984)


  219. Empson, William. Collected Poems. 1955. London: The Hogarth Press, 1984.

  220. Empson, William. The Royal Beasts and Other Works. Ed. John Haffenden. London: Chatto & Windus, 1986.

  221. Empson, William. The Complete Poems. Ed. John Haffenden. 2000. Penguin Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 2001.

  222. Prose:

  223. Empson, William. Seven Types of Ambiguity. 1930. A Pelican Book. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1973.

  224. Empson, William. Some Versions of Pastoral. 1935. Peregrine Books. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1966.

  225. Empson, William. The Structure of Complex Words. 1951. London: The Hogarth Press, 1984.

  226. Empson, William. Using Biography. London: Chatto & Windus / The Hogarth Press, 1984.

  227. Empson, William. Argufying: Essays on Literature and Culture. Ed. John Haffenden. 1987. London: The Hogarth Press, 1988.

  228. Secondary:

  229. Gardner, Philip & Averil. The God Approached: A Commentary on the Poems of William Empson. London: Chatto & Windus, 1978.

  230. Gavin Buchanan Ewart (1916-1995)

  231. Ewart, Gavin. The Collected Ewart, 1933-1980. 1980. London: Hutchinson, 1982.

  232. Ewart, Gavin. Collected Poems, 1980-1990. Hutchinson. London: Random Century Group Ltd., 1991.

  233. Elaine Feinstein (1930- )

  234. Feinstein, Elaine. Collected Poems and Translations. Poetry Pléiade. Manchester: Carcanet Press Limited, 2002.

  235. James Fenton (1949- )

  236. Fenton, James. The Memory of War and Children of Exile: Poems 1968-1983. 1982. King Penguin. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1983.

  237. Fenton, James. All the Wrong Places: Adrift in the Politics of Asia. 1988. London: Penguin, 1990.

  238. Fenton, James. The Strength of Poetry: Oxford Lectures. 2001. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2002.

  239. James Elroy Flecker (1884-1915)

  240. Squire, Sir John, ed. The Collected Poems of James Elroy Flecker. 1916. London: Martin Secker & Warburg Limited, 1941.

  241. Flecker, James Elroy. Hassan: The Story of Hassan of Bagdad and How He Came to Make the Golden Voyage to Samarkand, A Play in Five Acts. 1922. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1948.

  242. Flecker, James Elroy. Don Juan: A Play in Three Acts. Preface by Hellé Flecker. 1925. London: William Heinemann Ltd., 1925.

  243. Hodgson, Geraldine. The Life of James Elroy Flecker: From Letters and Materials Provided by His Mother. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1925.

  244. Booth, Martin. Dreaming of Samarkand. London: Hutchinson, 1989.

  245. John Fuller (1937- )

  246. Fuller, John. Flying to Nowhere: A Tale. 1983. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1983.

  247. Fuller, John. Selected Poems 1954 to 1982. London: Martin Secker & Warburg Limited, 1985.

  248. Fuller, John. Collected Poems. London: Chatto & Windus, 1996.

  249. Roy Broadbent Fuller (1912-1991)

  250. Fuller, Roy. Collected Poems. 1962. André Deutsch Paperback Poets. London: André Deutsch Limited, 1969.

  251. Terry Gifford (1946- )

  252. Gifford, Terry. Whale Watching with a Boy and a Goat. Bradford: Redbeck Press, 1988.

  253. Robert William Victor Gittings (1911-1992)

  254. Gittings, Robert. Matters of Love and Death. 1968. London: Heinemann Educational Books Ltd., 1969.

  255. Jocelyn Henry Clive [Harry] Graham (1874-1936)

  256. Graham, Harry. When Grandmama Fell Off the Boat: The Best of Harry Graham, Inventor of Ruthless Rhymes. 1899 & 1930. Foreword by Virginia Graham. Introduction by Miles Kington. Methuen Humour Classics. London: Methuen London Ltd., 1986.

  257. Robert von Ranke Graves (1895-1985)


  258. Graves, Robert. Over the Brazier. 1916. Poetry Reprint Series, 1. London: St. James Press / New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1975.

  259. Graves, Robert. Poems: Abridged for Dolls and Princes. 1922. London: Cassell & Company Ltd., 1971.

  260. Graves, Robert. Poems 1926 to 1930. London: William Heinemann Ltd., 1931.

  261. Graves, Robert. Collected Poems 1965. London: Cassell & Company Ltd., 1965.

  262. Graves, Robert. Poems 1968-1970. London: Cassell & Company Ltd., 1970.

  263. Graves, Robert. Collected Poems 1975. London: Cassell, 1975.

  264. Graves, Robert. Complete Poems, Volume 1. Ed. Beryl Graves & Dunstan Ward. Manchester & Paris: Carcanet & Alyscamp Press, 1995.

  265. Graves, Robert. Complete Poems, Volume 2. Ed. Beryl Graves & Dunstan Ward. Manchester: Carcanet Press Limited, 1997.

  266. Graves, Robert. Complete Poems, Volume 3. Ed. Beryl Graves & Dunstan Ward. Manchester: Carcanet Press Limited, 1999.

  267. Graves, Robert. The Complete Poems in One Volume. Ed. Beryl Graves & Dunstan Ward. 2000. Penguin Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 2003.

  268. Graves, Robert. War Poems. Ed. Charles Mundye. Seren. Bridgend, Wales: Poetry Wales Press Ltd., 2016.

  269. Fiction:

  270. [Graves, Robert. My Head! My Head! Being the History of Elisha and the Shulamite Woman; with the History of Moses as Elisha related it, and her Questions put to him. London: Martin Secker, 1925.]

  271. Graves, Robert. I, Claudius: From the Autobiography of Tiberius Claudius. 1934. London: Arthur Barker Limited, 1936.

  272. Graves, Robert. Claudius the God and his Wife Messalina. 1934. London: Methuen & Co. Ltd., 1947.

  273. Graves, Robert. ‘Antigua, Penny, Puce’. 1936. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1968.

  274. Graves, Robert. ‘Antigua, Penny, Puce’ and They Hanged My Saintly Billy. 1936 & 1957. Ed. Ian McCormick. Robert Graves Programme. Ed. Patrick J. M. Quinn. Manchester: Carcanet Press Limited, 2003.

  275. Graves, Robert. Count Belisarius. 1938. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1954.

  276. Graves, Robert. Count Belisarius. 1938. London: Cassell & Co. Ltd., 1962.

  277. Graves, Robert. Sergeant Lamb of the Ninth. 1940. London: Methuen & Co. Ltd., 1945.

  278. Graves, Robert. Sergeant Lamb’s America: A Novel. 1940. Vintage Books. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, Inc. / Random House, Inc., 1962.

  279. Graves, Robert. Proceed, Sergeant Lamb. 1941. London: Methuen & Co. Ltd., 1946.

  280. Graves, Robert. Wife to Mr Milton: The Story of Marie Powell. 1943. Chicago: Academy Chicago Limited, , 1979.

  281. Graves, Robert. The Golden Fleece. Overseas Edition. London: Cassell & Co., Ltd., 1944.

  282. Graves, Robert. The Golden Fleece. 1944. Pocket Library. London: Cassell & Co., Ltd., 1951.

  283. Graves, Robert. The Golden Fleece. 1944. London: Hutchinson & Co (Publishers) Ltd., 1983.

  284. Graves, Robert. King Jesus. London: Cassell & Company Ltd., 1946.

  285. Graves, Robert. King Jesus. London: Cassell & Company Ltd., 1946.

  286. Graves, Robert. King Jesus. 1946. London: Hutchinson & Co. (Publishers) Ltd., 1983.

  287. Graves, Robert. Seven Days in New Crete: A Novel. London: Cassell & Company Limited, 1949.

  288. Graves, Robert. Seven Days in New Crete. 1949. Introduction by Martin Seymour-Smith. Twentieth-Century Classics. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1983.

  289. Graves, Robert. The Isles of Unwisdom. London: Readers Union / Cassell & Company Ltd., 1952.

  290. Graves, Robert. Homer's Daughter. London: Cassell & Company Ltd., 1955.

  291. Graves, Robert. ¡Catacrok! Mostly Stories, Mostly Funny. London: Cassell & Company Ltd., 1956.

  292. Graves, Robert. They Hanged My Saintly Billy. 1957. A Grey Arrow. London: Arrow Books Limited, 1962.

  293. Graves, Robert. The Big Green Book. Illustrated by Maurice Sendak. 1962. A Young Puffin. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1978.

  294. Graves, Robert. The Siege and Fall of Troy: Retold for Young People. Illustrated by C. Walter Hodges. London: Cassell & Company Ltd., 1962.

  295. Graves, Robert. Collected Short Stories. 1964. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1965.

  296. Graves, Robert. Complete Short Stories. Ed. Lucia Graves. 1995. London: Penguin, 2008.

  297. Non-Fiction:

  298. Graves, Robert. Poetic Unreason and Other Studies. London: Cecil Palmer, 1925.

  299. Graves, Robert. Lars Porsena, Or The Future of Swearing and Improper Language. 1927. London: Martin Brian & O'Keeffe Ltd., 1972.

  300. Graves, Robert. Lawrence and the Arabs. Illustrations ed. Eric Kennington. Maps by Herry Perry. London: Jonathan Cape Ltd., 1927.

  301. Graves, Robert. Good-bye to All That: An Autobiography. 1929. London: Jonathan Cape, 1929.

  302. Graves, Robert. Goodbye to All That: New edition, revised, with a prologue and epilogue. 1929. London: Cassell & Company Ltd, 1957.

  303. Graves, Robert. Good-bye to All That. 1929. Rev. ed. 1957. Penguin Modern Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1973.

  304. Graves, Robert. Good-bye to All That: An Autobiography. 1929. Ed. Richard Perceval Graves. Providence, RI & Oxford, UK: Berghahn Books, 1995.

  305. Graves, Robert, & Alan Hodge. The Long Weekend: A Social History of Great Britain, 1918-1939. 1940. London: Readers’ Union Limited, 1941.

  306. Graves, Robert, & Alan Hodge. The Reader Over Your Shoulder: A Handbook for Writers of English Prose. London: Jonathan Cape Ltd., 1943.

  307. Graves, Robert. The White Goddess: A Historical Grammar of Poetic Myth. 1948. Amended and Enlarged Edition. 1961. London: Faber, 1977.

  308. Graves, Robert. The White Goddess: A Historical Grammar of Poetic Myth. 1948. Amended and Enlarged Edition. 1961. Ed. Grevel Lindop. 1997. London: Faber, 1999.

  309. Graves, Robert. The White Goddess: A Historical Grammar of Poetic Myth. 1948. Amended and Enlarged Edition. 1961. Ed. Grevel Lindop. 1997. New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 2013.

  310. Graves, Robert. The Common Asphodel: Essays on Poets and Poetry, 1922-1949. London: Hamish Hamilton, 1949.

  311. Graves, Robert. Occupation: Writer. London: Cassell & Company Ltd., 1951.

  312. Graves, Robert, & Joshua Podro. The Nazarene Gospel Restored. London: Cassell & Company Limited, 1953.

  313. Graves, Robert. Adam’s Rib and Other Anomalous Elements in the Hebrew Creation Myth: A New View. With Wood Engravings by James Metcalf. 1955. New York: Thomas Yoseloff, 1958.

  314. Graves, Robert. The Crowning Privilege: The Clark Lectures 1954-55; Also Various Essays on Poetry and Sixteen New Poems. London: Cassell & Company Ltd., 1955.

  315. Graves, Robert. The Crowning Privilege: Collected Essays on Poetry. 1955. A Pelican Book. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1959.

  316. Graves, Robert. Greek Myths. 1955. Rev. ed. London: Cassell & Company Ltd., 1958.

  317. Graves, Robert. The Greek Myths. 2 vols. 1955. Rev. ed. 1958. Rev. ed. 1960. Pelican Books. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1978.

  318. Graves, Robert. The Greek Myths. 2 vols. 1955. Rev. ed. 1958. Rev. ed. 1960. Introduction by Kenneth McLeish. Illustrations by Grahame Baker. 1996. London: The Folio Society, 2000.

  319. Graves, Robert. Steps: Stories; Talks; Essays; Poems; Studies in History. London: Cassell & Company Ltd., 1958.

  320. Graves, Robert, & Raphael Patai. Hebrew Myths: The Book of Genesis. 1964. An Arena book. London: Arrow Books Limited, 1989.

  321. Graves, Robert. Mammon and the Black Goddess. London: Cassell & Company Ltd., 1965.

  322. Graves, Robert. The Crane Bag and Other Disputed Subjects. 1969. London: Cassell & Company Ltd., 1970.

  323. Graves, Robert. Difficult Questions, Easy Answers. London: Cassell & Company Ltd., 1972.

  324. Graves, Robert. Collected Writings on Poetry. Ed. Paul O'Prey. Robert Graves Programme. Ed. Patrick J. M. Quinn. Manchester: Carcanet Press Limited / Paris: Alyscamps Press, 1995.

  325. Graves, Robert. Some Speculations on Literature, History and Religion. Ed. Patrick Quinn. Robert Graves Programme. Ed. Patrick J. M. Quinn. Manchester: Carcanet Press Limited, 2000.

  326. Graves, Robert, & Laura Riding. Essays From 'Epilogue' 1935-1937. Ed. Mark Jacobs. Manchester: Carcanet Press Limited, 2001.

  327. Translation:

  328. Apuleius, Lucius. The Transformations of Lucius, Otherwise Known as The Golden Ass. Trans. Robert Graves. 1950. Penguin Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1950.

  329. Alarcón, Pedro Antonio de. The Infant with the Globe. Trans. Robert Graves. Trianon Press Limited. London: Faber, 1955.

  330. Galván, Manuel de Jesús. The Cross and the Sword. 1882. Trans. Robert Graves. Foreword by Max Henríquez Ureña. London: Victor Gollancz Ltd., 1956.

  331. Lucan. Pharsalia: Dramatic Incidents of the Civil Wars. Trans. Robert Graves. 1956. The Belle Sauvage Library. London: Cassell & Company Ltd, 1961.

  332. Sand, George. Winter in Majorca. 1855. Trans. Robert Graves. With José Quadrado's Refutation of George Sand. 1956. Cassandra Editions. Chicago: Academy Press Limited, 1978.

  333. Suetonius Tranquillus, Gaius. The Twelve Caesars. Trans. Robert Graves. 1957. Penguin Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1962.

  334. Graves, Robert, trans. The Anger of Achilles: Homer’s Iliad. London: Cassell, 1960.

  335. Graves, Robert, & Omar Ali-Shah, trans. The Rubaiyyat of Omar Khayaam: A New Translation with Critical Commentaries. 1967. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1972.

  336. Graves, Robert. The Song of Songs: Text and Commentary. Illustrated by Hans Erni. New York: Clarkson N. Potter, Inc., Publisher, 1973.

  337. Edited:

  338. Graves, Robert. English and Scottish Ballads. 1927. Heinemann Educational Books Ltd. 1957. London: Heinemann, 1969.

  339. Richards, Frank. Old Soldiers Never Die. 1933. Uckfield, East Sussex: The Naval & Military Press, Ltd., n.d. [c.2009].

  340. Richards, Frank. Old Soldier Sahib. Introduction by Robert Graves. 1936. Uckfield, East Sussex: The Naval & Military Press, Ltd., n.d. [c.2009].

  341. Letters:

  342. Graves, Robert. In Broken Images: Selected Letters 1914-1946. Ed. Paul O'Prey. London: Hutchinson, 1982.

  343. Graves, Robert. Between Moon and Moon: Selected Letters 1946-1972. Ed. Paul O'Prey. London: Hutchinson, 1984.

  344. Secondary:

  345. Seymour-Smith, Martin. Robert Graves: His Life and Work. 1982. Abacus. London: Sphere Books Ltd., 1983.

  346. Graves, Richard Perceval. Robert Graves: The Assault Heroic, 1895-1926. London: George Weidenfeld and Nicolson Limited, 1986.

  347. Graves, Richard Perceval. Robert Graves: The Years with Laura, 1926-1940. Viking. New York: Penguin Books USA Inc., 1990.

  348. Graves, Richard Perceval. Robert Graves and the White Goddess, 1940-1985. 1995. Phoenix Giant. London: Orion Books Ltd., 1998.

  349. Seymour, Miranda. Robert Graves: Life on the Edge. 1995. Doubleday. London: Transworld Publishers Ltd., 1996.

  350. Geoffrey Edward Harvey Grigson (1905-1985)

  351. Grigson, Geoffrey. Ingestion of Ice-Cream and Other Poems. Macmillan Poets. London: Macmillan and Co. Ltd., 1969.

  352. Grigson, Geoffrey, ed. New Verse: An Anthology. London: Faber, 1939.

  353. Thomson William Gunn (1929-2004)

  354. Gunn, Thom. Fighting Terms. 1954. 2nd ed. 1962. Faber Paper Covered Editions. London: Faber, 1970.

  355. Gunn, Thom. The Sense of Movement. 1957. Faber Paper Covered Editions. London: Faber, 1968.

  356. Gunn, Thom. My Sad Captains and Other Poems. 1961. London: Faber, 1974.

  357. Gunn, Thom, & Ted Hughes. Selected Poems. 1962. London: Faber, 1983.

  358. Gunn, Thom. Positives: Verses. Photographs by Ander Gunn. 1966. London: Faber, 1973.

  359. Gunn, Thom. Touch. 1967. London: Faber, 1974.

  360. Gunn, Thom. Poems 1950-1966: A Selection. 1969. Faber Paper Covered Editions. London: Faber, 1973.

  361. Gunn, Thom. Moly. London: Faber, 1971.

  362. Gunn, Thom. Jack Straw’s Castle. Faber Paperbacks. London: Faber, 1976.

  363. Gunn, Thom. The Passages of Joy. London: Faber, 1982.

  364. Gunn, Thom. Collected Poems. 1993. London: Faber, 1994.

  365. The Letters of Thom Gunn. Ed. August Kleinzahler, Michael Nott, & Clive Wilmer. 2021. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2022.

  366. Ivor Bertie Gurney (1890-1937)

  367. Gurney, Ivor. Collected Poems. Ed. P. J. Kavanagh. 1982. Manchester: Carcanet, 2004.

  368. Michael Hamburger (1924-2007)

  369. Hamburger, Michael. Collected Poems 1941-1983. Manchester: Carcanet Press, 1984.

  370. John Francis Alexander Heath-Stubbs (1918-2006)

  371. Heath-Stubbs, John. Naming the Beasts. Manchester: Carcanet New Press, 1982.

  372. Heath-Stubbs, John. Collected Poems 1943-1987. Manchester: Carcanet, 1988.

  373. Heath-Stubbs, John. Sweetapple Earth. Manchester: Carcanet, 1993.

  374. Heath-Stubbs, John. The Darkling Plain: A Study of the Later Fortunes of Romanticism in English Poetry from George Darley to W. B. Yeats. London: Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1950.

  375. Adrian Henri (1932-2000)

  376. Henri, Adrian. The best of henri: Selected Poems 1960-70. London: Jonathan Cape, 1971.

  377. Geoffrey Hill (1932-2016)


  378. Hill, Geoffrey. Collected Poems. 1985. London: Andre Deutsch, 1986.

  379. Hill, Geoffrey. Canaan. London: Penguin, 1996.

  380. Hill, Geoffrey. Broken Hierarchies: Poems 1952-2012. Ed. Kenneth Haynes. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013.

  381. Prose:

  382. Hill, Geoffrey. The Lords of Limit: Essays on Literature and Ideas. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1984.

  383. Ralph Hodgson (1871-1962)

  384. Hodgson, Ralph. Collected Poems. 1907, 1917, 1958. London: Macmillan & Co. Ltd. / New York: St. Martin's Press, 1961.

  385. Alfred Edward Housman (1859-1936)

  386. Housman, A. E. A Shropshire Lad. 1896. London: Grant Richards Ltd., 1923.

  387. Housman, A. E. A Shropshire Lad. 1896. With Wood Engravings by Agnes Miller Parker. London: Harrap Limited, 1984.

  388. Housman, A. E. More Poems. Ed. Laurence Housman. 1936. A Borzoi Book. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1936.

  389. Housman, A. E. The Collected Poems. 1939. London: Jonathan Cape Ltd., 1972.

  390. Housman, A. E. The Collected Poems of A. E. Housman. 1940. New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston, Inc., 1971.

  391. Housman, A. E. Collected Poems. 1939. The Penguin Poets. Harmondsworth & London: Penguin & Jonathan Cape, 1956.

  392. Housman, A. E. Collected Poems. The Penguin Poets. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1961.

  393. Housman, A. E. Selected Prose. Ed. John Carter. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1961.

  394. Housman, A. E. Collected Poems and Selected Prose. Ed. Christopher Ricks. London: Allen Lane, 1988.

  395. Housman, A. E. Collected Poems and Selected Prose. Ed. Christopher Ricks. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1989.

  396. Maas, Henry, ed. The Letters of A. E. Housman. London: Rupert Hart-Davis, 1971.

  397. Graves, Richard Perceval. A. E. Housman: The Scholar-Poet. 1979. Oxford Paperbacks. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1981.

  398. Edward James [Ted] Hughes (1930-1998)


  399. Hughes, Ted. The Hawk in the Rain. 1957. Faber Paper Covered Editions. London: Faber, 1972.

  400. Hughes, Ted. Lupercal. 1960. Faber Paper Covered Editions. London: Faber, 1973.

  401. Hughes, Ted. Wodwo. 1967. Faber Paperbacks. London: Faber, 1977.

  402. Hughes, Ted. Crow: From the Life and Songs of the Crow. 1972. Faber Paperbacks. London: Faber, 1981.

  403. Hughes, Ted. Moon-Whales. 1976. Illustrated by Chris Riddell. 1988. London: Faber, 1991.

  404. Hughes, Ted. Gaudete. 1977. London: Faber, n.d.

  405. Hughes, Ted. Cave Birds: An Alchemical Cave Drama. Drawings by Leonard Baskin. Faber Paperbacks. London: Faber, 1978.

  406. Hughes, Ted. Moortown. Drawings by Leonard Baskin. Faber Paperbacks. London: Faber, 1979.

  407. Hughes, Ted. Remains of Elmet: A Pennine Sequence. Photographs by Fay Godwin. 1979. Faber Paperbacks. London: Faber, 1979.

  408. Hughes, Ted. Selected Poems 1957-1981. London: Faber, 1982.

  409. Hughes, Ted. New Selected Poems 1957-1994. London: Faber, 1995.

  410. Hughes, Ted. Collected Animal Poems. 4 vols. London: Faber, 1995.
    • Volume 1 - The Iron Wolf. Illustrated by Chris Riddell
    • Volume 2 - What is the Truth? 1984. Illustrated by Lisa Flather
    • Volume 3 - A March Calf. Illustration by Lisa Flather
    • Volume 4 - The Thought-Fox

  411. Hughes, Ted. Birthday Letters. 1998. London: Faber, 1999.

  412. Hughes, Ted. Collected Poems. Ed. Paul Keegan. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2003.

  413. Hughes, Ted. Collected Poems for Children. Pictures by Raymond Briggs. 2005. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2007.

  414. Translation:

  415. Hughes, Ted. Seneca’s Oedipus: An Adaptation. 1969. Faber Paperbacks. London: Faber, 1975.

  416. Hughes, Ted. Selected Translations. Ed. Daniel Weissbort. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2006.

  417. Fiction:

  418. Hughes, Ted. How the Whale Became and Other Stories. Illustrated by George Adamson. 1963. A Young Puffin. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1983.

  419. Hughes, Ted. The Iron Man: A Story in Five Nights. Illustrated by George Adamson. 1968. Faber Paper Covered Editions. London: Faber, 1975.

  420. Hughes, Ted. What is the Truth? A Farmyard Fable for the Young. Drawings by R. J. Lloyd. London: Faber, 1984.

  421. Hughes, Ted. Difficulties of a Bridegroom: Collected Short Stories. 1995. London: Faber, 1996.

  422. Hughes, Ted. The Dreamfighter and Other Creation Tales. London: Faber, 2003.

  423. Non-fiction:

  424. Hughes, Ted. Shakespeare and the Goddess of Complete Being. 1992. London: Faber, 1993.

  425. Hughes, Ted. Winter Pollen: Occasional Prose. Ed. William Scammell. 1994. London: Faber, 1995.

  426. Letters:

  427. Hughes, Ted. Letters of Ted Hughes. Ed. Christopher Reid. London: Faber, 2007.

  428. Secondary:

  429. Wagner, Erica. Ariel’s Gift: A Commentary on Birthday Letters by Ted Hughes. 2000. London: Faber, 2001.

  430. Feinstein, Elaine. Ted Hughes: The Life of a Poet. London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 2001.

  431. Koren, Yehuda, & Eilat Negev. A Lover of Unreason: The Life and Tragic Death of Assia Wevill. London: Robson Books, 2006.

  432. Bate, Jonathan. Ted Hughes: The Unauthorised Life. Fourth Estate. Sydney: HarperCollins Publishers, 2015.

  433. Thomas Ernest [T. E.] Hulme (1883-1917)

  434. Hulme, T. E. Selected Writings. Ed. Patrick McGuinness. Fyfield Books. Manchester: Carcanet Press Limited, 1998.

  435. Michael Hulse (1955- )

  436. Hulse, Michael. Empires and Holy Lands: Poems 1976-2000. Cambridge: Salt Publishing, 2002.

  437. Alan Jenkins (1955- )

  438. Jenkins, Alan. In the Hot-House. London: Chatto & Windus, 1988.

  439. Sidney Arthur Kilworth Keyes (1922-1943)

  440. Meyer, Michael, ed. The Collected Poems of Sidney Keyes. 1945. London: Routledge, 1946.

  441. Keyes, Sidney. Minos of Crete: Plays and Stories. With Selections from his Note Book and Letters and Some Early Unpublished Poems. Ed. Michael Meyer. London: Routledge, 1948.

  442. Meyer, Michael, ed. The Collected Poems of Sidney Keyes. 1945. London: Routledge, 1988.

  443. Guenther, John. Sidney Keyes: A Biographical Inquiry. LME, 11. London: London Magazine Editions, 1967.

  444. Philip Arthur Larkin (1922-1985)


  445. Larkin, Philip. The North Ship. 1945. London: Faber, 1982.

  446. Larkin, Philip. The Less Deceived. Hull: The Marvell Press, 1955.

  447. Larkin, Philip. The Whitsun Weddings. 1964. London: Faber, 1968.

  448. Larkin, Philip. High Windows. 1974. London: Faber, 1979.

  449. Larkin, Philip. Collected Poems. Ed. Anthony Thwaite. London & Boston: Faber / The Marvell Press, 1988.

  450. Larkin, Philip. Collected Poems: New Edition. Ed. Anthony Thwaite. 1988. London: Faber / Melbourne: The Marvell Press, 2003.

  451. Larkin, Philip. Early Poems and Juvenilia. Ed. A. T. Tolley. London: Faber, 2005.

  452. Larkin, Philip. The Complete Poems. Ed. Archie Burnett. London: Faber, 2012.

  453. Fiction:

  454. Larkin, Philip. Trouble at Willow Gables and Other Fictions. Ed. James Booth. London: Faber, 2002.

  455. Larkin, Philip. Jill. 1945. London: Faber, 1975.

  456. Larkin, Philip. A Girl in Winter. 1947. London: Faber, 1982.

  457. Non-fiction:

  458. Larkin, Philip. Required Writing: Miscellaneous Pieces 1955-1982. London: Faber, 1983.

  459. Larkin, Philip. Further Requirements: Interviews, Broadcasts, Statements and Book Reviews 1952-1985. Ed. Anthony Thwaite. 2001. London: Faber, 2002.

  460. Larkin, Philip. All What Jazz: A Record Diary 1961-1971. 1970. London: Faber, 1985.

  461. Edited:

  462. Larkin, Philip, ed. The Oxford Book of Twentieth Century English Verse. 1973. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1974.

  463. Larkin, Philip, ed. The Oxford Book of Twentieth Century English Verse. 1973. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1985.

  464. Letters:

  465. Larkin, Philip. Selected Letters 1940-1985. Ed. Anthony Thwaite. London & Boston: Faber, 1992.

  466. Larkin, Philip. Letters Home, 1936-1977. Ed. James Booth. 2018. London: Faber, 2022.

  467. Secondary:

  468. Booth, James. Philip Larkin: Life, Art and Love. 2014. Bloomsbury Paperbacks. London: Bloomsbury Publications Plc, 2015.

  469. Motion, Andrew. Philip Larkin: A Writer’s Life. London & Boston: Faber, 1993.

  470. Laurence Edward Alan [Laurie] Lee (1914–1997)

  471. Lee, Laurie. The Sun My Monument. The New Hogarth Library, vol. xiii. London: The Hogarth Press, 1944.

  472. Lee, Laurie. A Rose for Winter: Travels in Andalusia. 1955. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1978.

  473. Lee, Laurie. The Illustrated Cider with Rosie. 1959. Designed by Nicholas Thirkell. London: Century Publishing Co. Ltd., 1984.

  474. Lee, Laurie. As I Walked Out One Midsummer Morning: Illustrated Edition. 1969. Designed by David Fordham. Book Club Associates. London: Guild Publishing, 1985.

  475. Lee, Laurie. Red Sky at Sunrise: An Autobiographical Trilogy. Cider with Rosie / As I Walked Out One Midsummer Morning / A Moment of War. Illustrated by John Ward, Leonard Rosoman & Keith Bowen. 1959, 1969, 1991. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1993.

  476. Grove, Valerie. Laurie Lee: The Well-Loved Stranger. Viking. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1999.

  477. Christopher Logue (1926-2011)

  478. Logue, Christopher. Ode to the Dodo: Poems 1953-1978. London: Jonathan Cape, 1981.

  479. Logue, Christopher. Selected Poems. Ed. Christopher Reid. London & Boston: Faber, 1996.

  480. Logue, Christopher. War Music: An Account of Books 16-19 of Homer’s Iliad. War Music 1. 1981. King Penguin. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1984.

  481. Mina Gertrude Löwry [Loy] (1882-1966)

  482. Conover, Roger L., ed. The Lost Lunar Baedeker: Poems of Mina Loy. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1996.

  483. Roger Joseph McGough (1937- )

  484. McGough, Roger. Watchwords. 1969. Cape Poetry Paperbacks. London: Jonathan Cape Ltd., 1972.

  485. McGough, Roger. Watchwords. 1969. Cape Poetry Paperbacks. London: Jonathan Cape Ltd., 1980.

  486. McGough, Roger. Gig. 1973. London: Jonathan Cape Ltd., 1981.

  487. McGough, Roger. Collected Poems. 2003. London: Penguin, 2004.

  488. John Edward Masefield (1878-1967)


  489. Masefield, John. Salt Water Ballads. 1902. London: Elkin Mathews Ltd., 1923.

  490. Masefield, John. “The Everlasting Mercy.” The English Review. Ed. Austin Harrison (October, 1911): 361-404.

  491. Masefield, John. The Everlasting Mercy. 1911. London: Sidgwick & Jackson, Ltd., 1911.

  492. Masefield, John. “The Daffodil Fields.” The English Review. Ed. Austin Harrison (February, 1913): 337-90.

  493. Masefield, John. The Story of a Round-House and Other Poems. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1912.

  494. Masefield, John. Dauber & Reynard the Fox. 1912, 1919. Introduction by the Author. 1962. London: Heinemann Educational Books Ltd., 1965.

  495. Masefield, John. Enslaved and Other Poems, with Sonnets. London: William Heinemann Ltd., 1920.

  496. Masefield, John. Selected Poems. London: William Heinemann Ltd., 1922.

  497. Masefield, John. Collected Poems. 1923. London: William Heinemann Ltd., 1926.

  498. Masefield, John. King Cole and Other Poems. London: William Heinemann Ltd., 1923.

  499. Masefield, John. King Cole, The Dream and Other Poems. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1923.

  500. Masefield, John. South and East. Illustrated by Jacynth Parsons. London: The Medici Society / New York: The Macmillan Company, 1929.

  501. Masefield, John. Minnie Maylow’s Story and Other Tales and Scenes. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1931.

  502. Masefield, John. A Tale of Troy. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1932.

  503. Masefield, John. A Tale of Troy. London: William Heinemann Ltd., 1932.

  504. Masefield, John. A Letter from Pontus & Other Verse. London: William Heinemann Ltd., 1936.

  505. Masefield, John. The Country Scene. With Pictures by Edward Seago. London: William Collins Sons and Co., Ltd., 1937.

  506. [Masefield, John. The Country Scene. With Pictures by Edward Seago. London: William Collins Sons and Co., Ltd., 1937.]

  507. [Masefield, John. Tribute to Ballet. With Pictures by Edward Seago. London: William Collins Sons and Co., Ltd., 1938.]

  508. Masefield, John. The Collected Poems. 1923. Enlarged Edition. 1932. Enlarged Edition. 1938. London: William Heinemann Ltd., 1941.

  509. Masefield, John. The Collected Poems. 1923. Enlarged Edition. 1932. Enlarged Edition. 1938. London: William Heinemann Ltd., 1942.

  510. Masefield, John. Gautama the Enlightened and Other Verse. London: William Heinemann Ltd., 1941.

  511. Masefield, John. A Generation Risen. With Edward Seago. London: William Collins Sons and Co., Ltd., 1942.

  512. [Masefield, John. A Generation Risen. With Edward Seago. London: William Collins Sons and Co., Ltd., 1942.]

  513. Masefield, John. Land Workers. London: William Heinemann Ltd., 1942.

  514. Masefield, John. Natalie Maisie and Pavilastukay: Two Tales in Verse. London: William Heinemann Ltd., 1942.

  515. Masefield, John. Wonderings (Between One and Six Years). London: William Heinemann Ltd., 1943.

  516. Masefield, John. Wonderings (Between One and Six Years). New York: The Macmillan Company, 1943.

  517. Masefield, John. Poems: The Revised Edition of the Poet Laureate’s Collected Poems. 1923. Enlarged Edition. 1932. Enlarged Edition. 1938. Revised Edition. 1946. London: William Heinemann Ltd., 1948.

  518. Masefield, John. Poems. 1923. Enlarged Edition. 1932. Enlarged Edition. 1938. Revised Edition. 1946. London: William Heinemann Ltd., 1948.

  519. Masefield, John. Poems: The Revised Edition of the Poet Laureate’s Collected Poems. 1923. Enlarged Edition. 1932. Enlarged Edition. 1938. Revised Edition. 1946. London: William Heinemann Ltd., 1961.

  520. Masefield, John. On the Hill. London: William Heinemann Ltd., 1949.

  521. Masefield, John. Selected Poems (New Edition). London: William Heinemann Ltd., 1950.

  522. Masefield, John. The Bluebells and Other Verse. 1961. London: William Heinemann Ltd., 1961.

  523. Masefield, John. The Western Hudson Shore. 1962. Ed. Corliss Lamont. New York: The Oliphant Press, 1982.

  524. Masefield, John. Old Raiger and Other Verse. London: William Heinemann Ltd., 1964.

  525. Masefield, John. Old Raiger and Other Verse. London: William Heinemann Ltd., 1964.

  526. Masefield, John. In Glad Thanksgiving. 1966. London: William Heinemann Ltd., 1967.

  527. [Masefield, John. In Glad Thanksgiving. 1966. London: William Heinemann Ltd., 1967.]

  528. Masefield, John. Selected Poems. Preface by John Betjeman. London: Book Club Associates, 1978.

  529. Masefield, John. Selected Poems. Ed. Donald E. Stanford. Manchester: Carcanet Press, 1984.

  530. Dodds, David Llewellyn, ed. Arthurian Poets: John Masefield. Arthurian Studies, 32. Woodbridge: The Boydell Press, 1994.

  531. Errington, Philip W, ed. Sea-Fever: Selected Poems of John Masefield. Fyfield Books. Manchester: Carcanet Press Limited, 2005.

  532. [John Masefield, Poems, 1:
    • Masefield, John. Poems: Complete Edition with Recent Poems. 1951 (New York: The Macmillan Company, 1967): i-xviii, 206-07; [Sonnets:] 352-53, 356-57, 360-67, 370-79; [Penelope:] 620-33; [Recent Poems:] 675-85.
    • Masefield, John. A Book of Both Sorts: Selections from the Verse and Prose of John Masefield (London: William Heinemann Ltd., 1947): 14-16, 85-91, 92-98, 191-92 .
    • Cuttings, 1: John Masefield, “A Prayer for the King’s Reign.” The Times (April 28, 1937): n.p.
    • Cuttings, 2: “Masefield’s Offering [three verses of John Masefield’s poem specially written for Princess Elizabeth on the occasion of her wedding].”, n.d.
    • Cuttings, 3: John Masefield, “A Prayer for a Beginning Reign.” The Times (June 2, 1953): n.p.
    • Cuttings, 4: “Poet Laureate Wrote Special Hymn Verses.” The Dominion (October 13, 1955): n.p.
    • Notes from Ballads, by John Masefield (London: Elkin Mathews, 1903).]

  533. [John Masefield, Poems, 2:
    • The Oxford Recitations: Containing: Love in the Desert, by Laurence Binyon; A Parting and The Return by Gordon Bottomley; Polyxena’s Speech and The Messenger’s Speech, from the Hecuba of Euripides, Translated by John Masefield. Preface by John Masefield. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1928.
    • Masefield, John. Some Verses to Some Germans. London: William Heinemann Ltd., 1939.
    • Masefield, John. Some Memories of W. B. Yeats. Dublin: The Cuala Press, 1940.
    • Cover of The Story of Ossian : Written and Read by John Masefield, O.M. Argo Recording RG 178. Distributed by Delta Trading Co. Ltd. [1959].
    • Cover of John Masefield Reading Sea Fever and Other Poems. Caedmon Literary Series TC1147. Manufactured and Distributed by Philips Records (NZ) Ltd., n.d.
    • Cover of A Fox’s Day: Adapted from Reynard the Fox and Read by John Masefield, O.M. Argo Recording RG 224. London : The Argo Record Company Limited, n.d.]

  534. Plays:

  535. Masefield, John. The Tragedy of Nan and Other Plays: The Tragedy of Nan; The Campden Wonder; Mrs. Harrison. 1909. London: Grant Richards Ltd., 1922.

  536. [Masefield, John. The Tragedy of Pompey the Great. 1910. Rev. ed. London: Sidgwick & Jackson, 1914.]

  537. [Masefield, John. The Faithful: A Tragedy in Three Acts. London: William Heinemann, 1915.]

  538. Masefield, John. The Locked Chest and The Sweeps of Ninety-Eight: Two One-Act Plays. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1916.

  539. Masefield, John. A Poem and Two Plays. London: William Heinemann Ltd., 1919.

  540. Masefield, John. Esther: A Tragedy. Adapted and Partially Translated from the French of Jean Racine. London: William Heinemann Ltd., 1922.

  541. [Masefield, John. Berenice: A Tragedy, Translated from the French of Jean Racine. London: William Heinemann, 1922.]

  542. Masefield, John. Melloney Holtspur. London: William Heinemann Ltd., 1922.

  543. Masefield, John. A King’s Daughter: A Tragedy in Verse. London: William Heinemann Ltd., 1923.

  544. Masefield, John. The Trial of Jesus. London: William Heinemann Ltd., 1925.

  545. Masefield, John. Tristan and Isolt: A Play in Verse. London: William Heinemann, 1927.

  546. [Masefield, John. Tristan and Isolt: A Play in Verse. London: William Heinemann, 1927.]

  547. Masefield, John. The Coming of Christ. London: William Heinemann Ltd., 1928.

  548. Masefield, John. Easter: A Play for Singers. London: William Heinemann Ltd., 1929.

  549. Masefield, John. End and Beginning. London: William Heinemann Ltd., 1934.

  550. [Masefield, John. A Play of St. George. London: William Heinemann, 1948.]

  551. Fiction:

  552. Masefield, John. A Mainsail Haul. 1905. Enlarged Ed. 1913. London: Elkin Mathews 1918.

  553. Masefield, John. A Mainsail Haul. 1905. Enlarged Ed. 1913. The Mariners Library, 25. London: Rupert Hart-Davis, 1954.

  554. Masefield, John. A Mainsail Haul. 1905. Enlarged Ed. 1913. Enlarged Ed. 1954. Grafton Books. London: Collins Publishing Group, 1987.

  555. Masefield, John. A Tarpaulin Muster. 1907. London: Grant Richards Ltd., 1920.

  556. Masefield, John. Captain Margaret: A Romance. London: Grant Richards, 1908.

  557. Masefield, John. Captain Margaret: A Romance. 1908. Introduction by Hugh Greene. The Bow Street Library. London: The Bodley Head, 1974.

  558. Masefield, John. Multitude and Solitude. 1909. The Travellers’ Library. London: Jonathan Cape, 1927.

  559. Masefield, John. Martin Hyde: The Duke’s Messenger. 1910. Redhill, Surrey: Wells Gardner, Darton and Co. Ltd., 1949.

  560. Masefield, John. A Book of Discoveries. Illustrated by R. Gordon Browne. London: Wells, Gardner Darton & Co., 1910.

  561. [Masefield, John. A Book of Discoveries. Illustrated by Gordon Browne. London: Wells, Darton and Co. Ltd., 1910. 2 vols.]

  562. Masefield, John. Lost Endeavour. 1910. London: Thomas Nelson and Sons, n.d.

  563. Masefield, John. The Street of To-Day. 1911. London: J. M. Dent and Sons Ltd. / New York: E. P. Dutton & Co., 1911.

  564. Masefield, John. Jim Davis. 1911. London: Wells Gardner, Darton & Co. Ltd., n.d.

  565. Masefield, John. Jim Davis. 1911. Illustrated by Mead Schaeffer. London: Wells Gardner, Darton and Co. Ltd., 1924.

  566. Masefield, John. The Taking of Helen. Signed, limited edition of 780 copies (613). London: William Heinemann Ltd., 1923.

  567. Masefield, John. Sard Harker: A Novel. 1924. London: William Heinemann Ltd., 1924.

  568. Masefield, John. Sard Harker: A Novel. 1924. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1963.

  569. Masefield, John. Odtaa: A Novel. Limited Edition of 275 copies (23). London: William Heinemann Ltd., 1926.

  570. Masefield, John. Odtaa: A Novel. 1926. London: William Heinemann Ltd., 1949.

  571. Masefield, John. Odtaa. 1926. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1966.

  572. Masefield, John. The Midnight Folk. 1927. Illustrated by Rowland Hilder. World Books Children’s Library. London: The Reprint Society, 1959.

  573. Masefield, John. The Midnight Folk. Illustrated by Rowland Hilder. 1927. Puffin Books. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1965.

  574. Masefield, John. The Midnight Folk. 1927. Illustrated by Rowland Hilder. London: William Heinemann Ltd., 1977.

  575. Masefield, John. The Midnight Folk. 1927. Abridged by Patricia Crampton. 1984. Fontana Lions. London: William Collins Sons & Co Ltd., 1985.

  576. Masefield, John. The Midnight Folk. 1927. Illustrated by Rowland Hilder. Mammoth. London: Reed Consumer Books Ltd., 1994.

  577. Masefield, John. The Hawbucks. London: William Heinemann Ltd., 1929.

  578. Masefield, John. The Bird of Dawning. London: William Heinemann Ltd., 1933.

  579. Masefield, John. The Bird of Dawning, or The Fortune of the Sea. 1933. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1933.

  580. Masefield, John. La Course du thé. 1933. Trans. Régine & Victor Gueit. 1959. inter:presse. Paris: Plon, 1967.

  581. Masefield, John. The Taking of the Gry. London: William Heinemann Ltd., 1934.

  582. Masefield, John. The Box of Delights, or When the Wolves were Running. 1935. Illustrated by Judith Masefield. London: William Heinemann Ltd., 1958.

  583. Masefield, John. The Box of Delights, or When the Wolves Were Running. Illustrated by Judith Masefield. 1935. Puffin Books. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1971.

  584. Masefield, John. The Box of Delights; When The Wolves Were Running. 1935. Illustrated by Judith Masefield. London: William Heinemann Ltd., 1977.

  585. Masefield, John. The Box of Delights; When The Wolves Were Running. 1935. Illustrated by Faith Jaques. Abridged by Patricia Crampton. 1984. Fontana Lions. London: William Collins Sons & Co Ltd., 1984.

  586. Masefield, John. The Box of Delights; When The Wolves Were Running. 1935. Illustrated by Judith Masefield. Mammoth. London: Reed Consumer Books Ltd., 1994.

  587. Masefield, John. Victorious Troy, or The Hurrying Angel. 1935. London: William Heinemann Ltd., 1935.

  588. Masefield, John. Par les moyens du bord. 1935. Adapted by Pierre Rigaut. 1959. inter:presse. Paris: Plon, 1967.

  589. Masefield, John. Eggs and Baker, or The Days of Trial. London: William Heinemann Ltd., 1936.

  590. Masefield, John. The Square Peg, or The Gun Fella: A Novel. London: William Heinemann Ltd., 1937.

  591. Masefield, John. Dead Ned: The Autobiography of a Corpse Who recovered Life within the Coast of Dead Ned and came to what Fortune you shall hear. London: William Heinemann Ltd., 1938.

  592. Masefield, John. Dead Ned: The Autobiography of a Corpse Who Recovered Life within the Coast of Dead Ned and Came to What Fortune you shall hear. 1938. Puffin Books. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1974.

  593. Masefield, John. Live and Kicking Ned: A Continuation of the Tale of Dead Ned. 1939. London: William Heinemann Ltd., 1939.

  594. Masefield, John. Live and Kicking Ned: A Continuation of the Tale of Dead Ned. Abridged by Vivian Garfield. 1939. Puffin Books. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1975.

  595. Masefield, John. Basilissa: A Tale of the Empress Theodora. London: William Heinemann Ltd., 1940.

  596. Masefield, John. Conquer: A Tale of the Nika Rebellion in Byzantium. London: William Heinemann Ltd., 1941.

  597. Masefield, John. Badon Parchments. London: William Heinemann Ltd., 1947.

  598. Prose:

  599. Masefield, John. Sea Life in Nelson’s Time. 1905. Introduction by Prof. C. C. Lloyd. London: Book Club Associates. 1984.

  600. Masefield, John. On the Spanish Main: Or Some English forays on the Coast of Darien. With a Description of the Buccaneers and a Short Account of Old-Time Ships and Sailors. 1906. London: Methuen and Co. Ltd., 1922.

  601. Masefield, John. William Shakespeare. Home University Library, 2. 1911. London: Williams and Norgate, Ltd., 1926.

  602. Masefield, John. Gallipoli. 1916. London: William Heinemann Ltd., 1935.

  603. Masefield, John. The Old Front Line, or The Beginning of the Battle of the Somme. London: William Heinemann Ltd., 1917.

  604. Masefield, John. St. George and the Dragon. London: William Heinemann Ltd., 1919.

  605. Masefield, John. Recent Prose. London: William Heinemann Ltd., 1924.

  606. Masefield, John. With the Living Voice: An Address Given at the First General Meeting of the Scottish Association for the Speaking of Verse. London: William Heinemann Ltd., 1924.

  607. Masefield, John. Poetry: A Lecture Given at the Queen’s Hall in London, on Thursday, October 15th, 1931. London: William Heinemann Ltd., 1931.

  608. Masefield, John. The Wanderer of Liverpool. 1930. London: William Heinemann Ltd., 1930.

  609. Masefield, John. The Wanderer of Liverpool. 1930. London: William Heinemann Ltd., 1930.

  610. [John Masefield, Recent Prose &c.:
    • Masefield, John. Recent Prose. 1926. Rev. ed. 1932 (London: William Heinemann Ltd., 1933): 208-16, 244-321.
    • Masefield, John. Chaucer: The Leslie Stephen Lecture Delivered at Cambridge 3 March 1931. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1931.
    • Masefield, John. “Ruskin.” n.d.]

  611. Masefield, John. The Conway from her Foundation to the Present Day. London: William Heinemann Ltd., 1933.

  612. Masefield, John. The Conway. 1933. Rev. ed. London: William Heinemann Ltd., 1953.

  613. Masefield, John. The Nine Days Wonder (The Operation Dynamo). 1941. London: William Heinemann Ltd., 1941.

  614. Masefield, John. I Want! I Want! Introduction by Geoffrey Faber. London: National Book Council, 1944.

  615. Masefield, John. A Macbeth Production. London: William Heinemann Ltd., 1945.

  616. Masefield, John. Thanks Before Going: Notes on Some of the Original Poems of Dante Gabriel Rossetti. London: William Heinemann Ltd., 1946.

  617. Masefield, John. A Book of Prose Selections. London: William Heinemann Ltd., 1950.

  618. Masefield, John. The Twenty-Five Days. London: William Heinemann Ltd., 1972.

  619. Masefield, John. John Masefield’s Great War: Collected Works. Ed. Philip W. Errington. Pen & Sword Military Classics. Barnsley, South Yorkshire: Pen & Sword Books Limited, 2007.

  620. Autobiography & Letters:

  621. Masefield, John. In the Mill. London: William Heinemann Ltd., 1941.

  622. Masefield, John. New Chum. London: William Heinemann Ltd., 1944.

  623. Masefield, John. So Long To Learn: Chapters of an Autobiography. London: William Heinemann Ltd., 1952.

  624. Masefield, John. Grace Before Ploughing: Fragments of Autobiography. London: William Heinemann Ltd., 1966.

  625. Lamont, Corliss & Lansing Lamont, ed. Letters of John Masefield to Florence Lamont. London & New York: The Macmillan Press Ltd., 1979.

  626. Masefield, John. Letters to Reyna. Ed. William Buchan. London: Buchan & Enright, Publishers, Limited, 1983.

  627. Vansittart, Peter, ed. John Masefield’s Letters from the Front, 1915-1917. London: Constable and Company Limited, 1984.

  628. Masefield, John. Letters to Margaret Bridges (1915-1919). Ed. Donald E. Stanford. Manchester: Carcanet Press, in association with MidNAG, 1984.

  629. Gregory, John, ed. Brangwen: The Poet and the Dancer. A Story Based on Letters from the Poet Laureate John Masefield to a Young Ballerina During World War Two. Sussex, England: The Book Guild, Ltd., 1988.

  630. Gregory, John, ed. Brangwen: The Poet and the Dancer. A Story Based on Letters from the Poet Laureate John Masefield. 1988. Foreword by Corliss Lamont. New York: Prometheus Books, 1989.

  631. Edited:

  632. Masefield, John, ed. A Sailor’s Garland. London: Methuen & Co., 1906.

  633. Masefield, John, ed. An English Prose Miscellany. London: Methuen & Co., 1907.

  634. Masefield, John, ed. My Favourite English Poems. London: William Heinemann Ltd., 1950.

  635. Secondary:

  636. Errington, Philip W., ed. John Masefield: The “Great Auk” of English Literature. A Bibliography. London: The British Library / New Castle, DE: Oak Knoll Press, 2004.

  637. Hamilton, W. H. John Masefield, A Popular Study. 1922. London: George Allen & Unwin Ltd., 1925.

  638. Handley-Taylor, Geoffrey, ed. John Masefield, O.M., The Queen’s Poet Laureate: A Bibliography and Eighty-First Birthday Tribute. London: Cranbrook Tower Press, 1960.

  639. Knight, G. Wilson. Neglected Powers: Essays on Nineteenth and Twentieth Century Literature. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul Limited, 1971.

  640. Lamont, Corliss, ed. Remembering John Masefield. Introduction by Judith Masefield. London: Kaye & Ward Ltd., 1972.

  641. Montgomerie, Leslie T. “In John Masefield’s Garden.” This England (Winter 1979): 12-13.

  642. Smith, Constance Babington. John Masefield: A Life. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1978.

  643. Smith, Constance Babington. John Masefield: A Life. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1978.

  644. Spark, Muriel. John Masefield. London: Peter Nevill Ltd., 1953.

  645. Spark, Muriel. John Masefield. 1953. Rev. ed. 1962. London: Pimlico, 1992.

  646. Sternlicht, Sanford. John Masefield. Twayne English Authors Series, 209. Boston: G. K. Hall & Co., 1977.

  647. Strong, L. A. G. John Masefield. Published for The British Council & The National Book League. London: Longmans, Green & Co., 1952.

  648. Thomas, Gilbert. John Masefield. Modern Writers Series. London: Thornton Butterworth Ltd., 1932.

  649. [John Masefield Bibliography, 1:
    • Simmons, Charles H. A Bibliography of John Masefield. London: Oxford University Press / New York: Columbia University Press, 1930.]

  650. [John Masefield Bibliography, 2:
    • Drew, Fraser Bragg. “Some Contributions to the Bibliography of John Masefield: 1.” The Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America, 53 (June, 1959): 188-96.
    • Drew, Fraser Bragg. “Some Contributions to the Bibliography of John Masefield: 2.” The Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America, 53 (October, 1959): 262-67.
    • Watson, George & Ian Willison, ed. The New Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature. Vol. 4: 1900-1950 (Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1972): 306-13, 793.
    • Drew, Fraser. “Selected Bibliography.” In John Masefield’s England: A Study of the National Themes in His Work (New Jersey: Associated University Presses, 1973): 233-50.
    • Mellown, Elgin W. A Descriptive Catalogue of the Bibliographies of Twentieth Century British Poets, Novelists and Dramatists (Troy, New York: Whitston Publishing Co., 1978): vi-xiv, 235-36.
    • Case, Ann Massie & Laurel Cooley, ed. Bibliographic Index: A Cumulative Bibliography of Bibliographies (New York: The H. W. Wilson Company, 1980): Vol. 4 (1951-55): 398; Vol. 6 (1960-62): 385; Vol. 7 (1963-65): 425; Vol. 9 (1969): 273; Vol. 10 (1970): 296; Vol. 13 (1973): 269; Vol. 20 (1980): 274-75.
    • The Year’s Work in English Studies, 48 (1967): 347; 49 (1968): 326 & 386; 50 (1969): 351-52; 52 (1971): 21-22, 379; 54 (1973): 394-95; 57 (1976): 361 & 370; 58 (1977): 417; 59 (1978): 411; 60 (1979): 346 & 399; 61 (1980): 84-85.
    • MLA Bibliography, Vol.1 – (1968): 873; (1969): 112; (1970): 93; (1971): 109; (1972): 120; (1973): 120; (1976): 136; (1976): 143; (1977): 127; (1978): 153 & 155; (1979): 154 & 163.
    • English Language and Literature: Annual Bibliography, 42 (1967): 513; 43 (1968): 573; 44 (1969): 593; 45 (1970): 607; 46 (1971): 16 & 654; 48 (1973): 706; 49 (1974): 791; 51 (1976): 735; 53 (1978): 592; 54 (1979): 654-55; 55 (1980): 740].

  651. [John Masefield Criticism, 1:
    • Biggane, Cecil. John Masefield: A Study. Cambridge: W. Heffer & Sons, 1924.
    • Nevinson, Henry W. John Masefield: An Appreciation. Together with a Bibliography. London: William Heinemann, 1931.
    • Fisher, Margery. John Masefield. A Bodley Head Monograph. London: The Bodley Head, 1963.]

  652. [John Masefield Criticism, 2:
    • Yu Da-Yuen. John Masefield: A Critical Estimate of His Poems and Plays (Peiping, China: Sun Yu Press, 1934) 1-4, 11-104.
    • Strong, L. A. G. John Masefield. Printed for The British Council & The National Book League. London: Longmans, Green & Co., 1952.]

  653. [John Masefield Criticism, 3:
    • Berry, F. John Masefield: The Narrative Poet. The University of Sheffield: Inaugural Lecture, 25 October 1967.
    • Williams, Charles. “John Masefield.” In Poetry at Present (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1930): 114-27.
    • Middleton Murry, J. “The Nostalgia of Mr. Masefield.” In Aspects of Literature (London: Jonathan Cape, 1934): 164-70.
    • Swinnerton, Frank. “John Masefield.” In The Georgian Literary Scene 1910-1935. 1935 (London: Hutchinson, 1969): 208-12.
    • Cuttings, 1: “Literature and Life: John Masefield.” The British Weekly (15 May, 1930): n.p.
    • Cuttings, 2: “On story-telling.” [Edinburgh], n.d.
    • Cuttings, 3: ‘A Carpet-maker.’ “Poet in the mail: Review of In the Mill, by John Masefield.” (28 June, 1941): 314.
    • Cuttings, 4: “Poems ‘written’ in sleep.”, n.d.
    • Cuttings, 5: Walsh, John. Review of Brangwen: The Poet and the Dancer, ed. John Gregory. The Sunday Times (20 November, 1988): G2.
    • Knight, G. Wilson. “Masefield’s Tragedy of Nan.” In New Hyperion: A Symposium of Poetry and Criticism, ed. Geoffrey Handley-Taylor (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1950): 30-36.
    • Knight, G. Wilson. “W. W. Gibson and John Masefield.” In The Golden Labyrinth: A Study of British Drama (London: Phoenix House, 1962): 331-36.
    • Knight, G. Wilson. “Masefield and Spiritualism.” In Neglected Powers: Essays on Nineteenth and Twentieth Century Literature (London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1971): 260-92, 384-85.
    • Hope, Ronald. “Introduction.” In John Masefield, The Sea Poems (London: Heinemann, 1978): vii-xi.
    • Salmon, Eric. Granville Barker: A Secret Life (London: Heinemann Educational Books, 1983): 42-43, 46-47, 132-33, 188-899, 243-44, 341-42.]

  654. Adrian Mitchell (1932-2008)

  655. Mitchell, Adrian. Heart on the Left: Poems 1953-1984. Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Bloodaxe Books Ltd, 1997.

  656. Andrew Motion (1952- )

  657. Motion, Andrew. The Lamberts: George, Constant & Kit. 1986. London: Faber, 1995.

  658. Motion, Andrew. Selected Poems: 1976-1997. London: Faber, 1998.

  659. Motion, Andrew. Wainewright the Poisoner. London: Faber, 2000.

  660. Motion, Andrew. Silver: Return to Treasure Island. Jonathan Cape. London: Random House, 2012.

  661. Norman Cornthwaite Nicholson (1914–1987)

  662. Nicholson, Norman. The Old Man of the Mountains: A Play in Three Acts. 1946. London: Faber, 1946.

  663. Nicholson, Norman. A Match for the Devil. London: Faber, 1955.

  664. Nicholson, Norman. Selected Poems. Faber Paper Covered Editions. London: Faber, 1966.

  665. Alfred Noyes (1880–1958)

  666. Noyes, Alfred. Collected Poems in One Volume. 1950. 2nd ed. London: John Murray (Publishers) Ltd., 1963.

  667. Wilfred Edward Salter Owen (1893-1918)


  668. The Poems of Wilfred Owen. Ed. with a Memoir and Notes by Edmund Blunden. 1931. London: Chatto & Windus Ltd., 1963.

  669. Day Lewis, Cecil, ed. The Collected Poems of Wilfred Owen. 1963. Memoir by Edmund Blunden. 1931. A Chatto & Windus Paperback CWP 18. London: Chatto & Windus Ltd., 1977.

  670. Owen, Wilfred. War Poems and Others. Ed. Dominic Hibberd. 1973. A Chatto & Windus Paperback CWP 46. London: Chatto & Windus Ltd., 1975.

  671. Owen, Wilfred. The Complete Poems and Fragments. 2 vols. Ed. Jon Stallworthy. 1983. Rev. ed. Chatto & Windus. London: Random House, 2013.

  672. Stallworthy, Jon, ed. The Poems of Wilfred Owen. 1985. London: The Hogarth Press, 1988.

  673. Letters:

  674. Owen, Wilfred. Collected Letters. Ed. Harold Owen & John Bell. London: Oxford University Press, 1967.

  675. Secondary:

  676. Hibberd, Dominic. Wilfred Owen: A New Biography. 2002. A Phoenix Paperback. London: Orion Books Ltd, 2003.

  677. Owen, Harold. Journey from Obscurity: Memoirs of the Owen Family. Wilfred Owen, 1893-1918. 3 vols. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1963-65.
    1. Childhood (1963)
    2. Youth (1964)
    3. War (1965)

  678. Stallworthy, Jon. Wilfred Owen. 1974. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1977.

  679. Stallworthy, Jon. Wilfred Owen. 1974. Rev. ed. Pimlico. London: Random House, 2013.

  680. Welland, Dennis. Wilfred Owen: A Critical Study. Revised and Enlarged Edition. 1960. London: Chatto & Windus Ltd., 1978.

  681. Brian Patten (1946- )

  682. Patten, Brian. The Irrelevant Song. 1971. London: Unwin Paperbacks, 1980.

  683. Patten, Brian. Notes to the Hurrying Man. 1969. London: Unwin Paperbacks, 1980.

  684. Tom Pickard (1946- )

  685. Pickard, Tom. Hero Dust: New and Selected Poems. London: Allison and Busby Limited, 1979.

  686. Emma Thomas [Ruth] Pitter (1897-1992)

  687. Pitter, Ruth. A Trophy of Arms: Poems 1926-1935. Preface by James Stephens. 1936. London: The Cresset Press, 1937.

  688. Jeremy Halvard Prynne (1936- )

  689. Prynne, J. H. Poems. Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Bloodaxe Books / South Fremantle, WA: Fremantle Arts Centre Press, 1999.

  690. Kathleen Raine (1908-2003)

  691. Raine, Kathleen. The Presence: Poems 1984-1987. Ipswich, Suffolk: Golgonooza Press, 1987.

  692. Raine, Kathleen. William Blake. 1970. The World of Art. London: Thames & Hudson Ltd., 1977.

  693. Craig Raine (1944- )

  694. Raine, Craig. History: The Home Movie. London: Penguin, 1994.

  695. Thomas Moore [Tom] Raworth (1938- )

  696. Raworth, Tom. Tottering State: Selected Poems 1963-1987. London: Paladin Grafton Books 1988.

  697. Sir Herbert Edward Read (1893-1968)

  698. Read, Herbert. Collected Poems. 1946. London: Faber, 1966.

  699. Read, Herbert. The Green Child. 1935. Illustrated by Felix Kelly. London: The Grey Walls Press, 1945.

  700. Read, Herbert. The Green Child. 1935. Introduction by Graham Greene. Penguin Modern Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1969.

  701. Read, Herbert. A Coat of Many Colours: Occasional Essays. 1945. London: George Routledge & Sons, Ltd., 1947.

  702. Peter Reading (1946-2011)

  703. Reading, Peter. Perduta Gente. London: Secker & Warburg, 1989.

  704. Reading, Peter. Collected Poems. Volume 1: 1970-84. Northumberland: Bloodaxe, 1995.

  705. Reading, Peter. Collected Poems. Volume 2: 1985-96. Northumberland: Bloodaxe, 1996.

  706. Reading, Peter. Collected Poems: 1997-2003. Northumberland: Bloodaxe, 2003.

  707. Reading, Peter. -273.15. Northumberland: Bloodaxe, 2005.

  708. Reading, Peter. Vendage Tardive. Northumberland: Bloodaxe, 2010.

  709. Martin, Isabel. Reading Peter Reading. Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Bloodaxe Books Ltd., 2000.

  710. Peter Redgrove (1932-2003)

  711. Redgrove, Peter. Poems 1954-1987. [as ‘The Moon Disposes: Poems 1954-87’, 1987]. Penguin International Poets. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1989.

  712. Redgrove, Peter. The Black Goddess and the Sixth Sense. 1987. Paladin. London: Grafton Books, 1989.

  713. Jeremy Reed (1951- )

  714. Reed, Jeremy. Red-Haired Android. Paladin Poetry. Series Editor: Iain Sinclair. Grafton. London: HarperCollins Publishers, 1992.

  715. Michael William Edward Roberts (1902-1948)

  716. Roberts, Michael. Collected Poems. Introductory Memoir by Jane Roberts. London: Faber, 1958.

  717. Isaac Rosenberg (1890-1918)

  718. Bottomley, Gordon, & Denys Harding, ed. The Collected Poems of Isaac Rosenberg. Foreword by Siegfried Sassoon. London: Chatto & Windus, 1949.

  719. Parsons, Ian, ed. The Collected Works of Isaac Rosenberg: Poetry, Prose, Letters, Paintings and Drawings. Introduction by Siegfried Sassoon. London: Chatto & Windus, 1979.

  720. [The Collected Works of Isaac Rosenberg: Poetry, Prose, Letters, Paintings and Drawings. Ed. Ian Parsons. Foreword by Siegfried Sassoon (London: Chatto & Windus, 1979): 113-29.]

  721. Wilson, Jean Moorcroft. Isaac Rosenberg: The Making of a Great War Poet. A New Life. Weidenfeld & Nicolson. London: The Orion Publishing Group Ltd., 2007.

  722. Victoria Mary Sackville-West, The Hon Lady Nicolson [Vita Sackville-West] (1892-1962)

  723. Sackville-West, Vita. Seducers in Ecuador & The Heir. 1924, 1922. Introduction by Lisa St Aubin de Terán. Virago Modern Classics. London: Virago Press Limited, 1997.

  724. Sackville-West, Vita. The Land. 1926. Windmill Library. London: William Heinemann Ltd., 1933.

  725. Sackville-West, Vita. The Land & The Garden: A New Edition. 1927 & 1946. Illustrated by Peter Firmin. Introduction by Nigel Nicolson. Exeter, Devon: Webb & Bower (Publishers) Limited, 1989.

  726. DeSalvo, Louise & Mitchell A. Leaska, ed. The Letters of Vita Sackville-West to Virginia Woolf. 1984. London: Virago Press Limited., 1992.

  727. Nicolson, Nigel, ed. Vita & Harold: The Letters of Vita Sackville-West and Harold Nicolson, 1910-1962. 1992. A Phoenix Paperback. London: Orion Books Ltd., 1993.

  728. Glendinning, Victoria. Vita: The Life of V. Sackville-West. 1983. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1984.

  729. Nicolson, Nigel. Portrait of a Marriage. 1973. Illustrated Edition. London: George Weidenfeld & Nicolson Ltd., 1990.

  730. Nicolson, Nigel. Portrait of a Marriage. 1973. London: George Weidenfeld & Nicolson Ltd., 1990.

  731. Siegfried Loraine Sassoon (1886-1967)

  732. Sassoon, Siegfried. Collected Poems. London: Faber, 1947.

  733. Sassoon, Siegfried. Collected Poems. London: Faber, 1947.

  734. Sassoon, Siegfried. Collected Poems 1908-1956. 1961. London: Faber, 1984.

  735. Sassoon, Siegfried. The War Poems. Ed. Rupert Hart-Davis. London: Faber, 1983.

  736. Sassoon, Siegfried. Memoirs of a Fox-hunting Man. 1928. The Faber Library, 1. London: Faber, 1932.

  737. Sassoon, Siegfried. Memoirs of an Infantry Officer. 1930. The Faber Library, 2. London: Faber, 1932.

  738. Sassoon, Siegfried. Sherston’s Progress. 1936. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1948.

  739. Sassoon, Siegfried. The Complete Memoirs of George Sherston: Memoirs of a Fox-hunting Man / Memoirs of an Infantry Officer / Sherston’s Progress. 1928, 1930, 1936, 1937. London: Faber, 1945.

  740. Sassoon, Siegfried. The Complete Memoirs of George Sherston: Memoirs of a Fox-hunting Man / Memoirs of an Infantry Officer / Sherston’s Progress. 1928, 1930, 1936, 1937. Published by the Reprint Society Ltd. by Arrangement with Faber and Faber. London: World Books, 1940.

  741. Fussell, Paul, ed. Sassoon's Long Journey: An Illustrated Selection from Siegfried Sassoon's The Complete Memoirs of George Sherston. 1928, 1930, 1936, 1937. A Giniger Book Published in association with Faber & Faber. London: Faber / New York: K. S. Giniger Co. Inc., 1983.

  742. Sassoon, Siegfried. The Old Century, and Seven More Years. London: Faber, 1938.

  743. Sassoon, Siegfried. The Old Century, and Seven More Years. 1938. Introduction by Michael Thorpe. London: Faber, 1986.

  744. Sassoon, Siegfried. The Weald of Youth. London: Faber, 1942.

  745. Sassoon, Siegfried. Siegfried’s Journey, 1916-1920. London: Faber, 1945.

  746. Sassoon, Siegfried. Siegfried’s Journey, 1916-1920. The Albatross Modern Continental Library, 558. London & Paris: The Albatross Ltd., 1947.

  747. Sassoon, Siegfried. Meredith. 1948. A Grey Arrow. London: Arrow Books Ltd., 1959.

  748. Sassoon, Siegfried. Diaries 1915-1918. Ed. Rupert Hart-Davis. London: Book Club Associates, 1983.

  749. Sassoon, Siegfried. Diaries 1920-1922. Ed. Rupert Hart-Davis. London: Faber, 1981.

  750. Sassoon, Siegfried. Diaries 1923-1925. Ed. Rupert Hart-Davis. London: Faber, 1985.

  751. Sassoon, Siegfried. Letters to Max Beerbohm: with a few answers. Ed. Rupert Hart-Davis. London: Faber, 1986.

  752. Wilson, Jean Moorcroft. Siegfried Sassoon: The Making of a War Poet. A Biography 1886-1918. 1998. New York: Routledge, 1999.

  753. Wilson, Jean Moorcroft. Siegfried Sassoon: The Journey from the Trenches. A Biography 1918-1967. London: Gerald Duckworth and Co. Ltd., 2003.

  754. Dame Edith Louisa Sitwell (1887-1964)


  755. Sitwell, Edith. Façade and Other Poems. Introductory Essay by Jack Lindsay. 1950. London: Duckworth, 1976.

  756. Sitwell, Edith. Collected Poems. 1957. London: Macmillan, 1979.

  757. Sitwell, Edith. The Outcasts. London: Macmillan, 1962.

  758. Prose:

  759. Sitwell, Edith. Alexander Pope. 1930. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1948.

  760. Sitwell, Edith. English Eccentrics. 1933. Rev. ed. 1958. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1973.

  761. Sitwell, Edith. Fanfare for Elizabeth. London: Macmillan, 1946.

  762. Sitwell, Edith. A Notebook on William Shakespeare. London: Macmillan, 1948.

  763. Sitwell, Edith. The Queens and the Hive. 1962. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1971.

  764. Sitwell, Edith. Taken Care Of: An Autobiography. 1965. London: Readers Union / Constable, 1966.

  765. Sitwell, Edith. Fire of the Mind: An Anthology. Ed. Elizabeth Salter & Allanah Harper. Foreword by Sacheverell Sitwell. London: Michael Joseph Limited, 1976.

  766. Letters:

  767. Sitwell, Edith. Selected Letters. Ed. John Lehmann & Derek Parker. London: Macmillan, 1970. [Uncorrected Proof Copy].

  768. Secondary:

  769. Glendinning, Victoria. Edith Sitwell: A Unicorn among Lions. 1981. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1983.

  770. Sir Francis Osbert Sacheverell Sitwell, 5th Baronet (1892-1969)

  771. Sitwell, Osbert. Triple Fugue. 1924. Harmondsworth: Penguin, n.d.

  772. Sitwell, Osbert. Before the Bombardment. 1926. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1938.

  773. Sitwell, Osbert. Collected Stories. 1953. Introduction by Francis King. London: Gerald Duckworth & Co., 1974.

  774. Sitwell, Osbert. Left Hand, Right Hand! An Autobiography: Volume 1. 1945. 5 vols. London: The Reprint Society, 1946.

  775. Sitwell, Osbert. The Cruel Month: Volume 1 of Left Hand, Right Hand! An Autobiography. 1945. 5 vols. London: Quartet Books, 1977.

  776. Sitwell, Osbert. The Scarlet Tree: Volume 2 of Left Hand, Right Hand! An Autobiography. 1946. 5 vols. London: The Reprint Society, 1947.

  777. Sitwell, Osbert. Great Morning: Volume 3 of Left Hand, Right Hand! An Autobiography. 1948. 5 vols. London: The Reprint Society, 1949.

  778. Sitwell, Osbert. Laughter in the Next Room: Volume 4 of Left Hand, Right Hand! An Autobiography. 1949. 5 vols. London: The Reprint Society, 1950.

  779. Sitwell, Osbert. Noble Essences, or Courteous Revelations: Being a Book of Characters and the Fifth and Last Volume of Left Hand, Right Hand! An Autobiography. 5 vols. London: Macmillan & Co. Ltd., 1950.

  780. Ziegler, Philip. Osbert Sitwell. 1998. A Borzoi Book. Alfred A. Knopf. New York: Random House, Inc., 1999.

  781. Sir Sacheverell Sitwell, 6th Baronet (1897-1988)

  782. Sitwell, Sacheverell. Collected Poems. Introductory Essay by Edith Sitwell. London: Duckworth, 1936.

  783. Sitwell, Sacheverell. Poltergeists: An Introduction and Examination followed by Chosen Instances. Decorations by Irene Hawkins. Silhouettes by Cruikshank. London: Faber, 1940.

  784. Sitwell, Sacheverell. British Architects and Craftsmen: A Survey of Taste, Design and Style During Three Centuries, 1600 to 1830. 1945. London: Pan Books, 1960.

  785. Pearson, John. Façades: Edith, Osbert & Sacheverell Sitwell. London: Macmillan, 1978.

  786. Stevie Smith (1902-1971)


  787. Smith, Stevie. The Collected Poems. Preface by James MacGibbon. 1975. London: Allen Lane, 1978.

  788. Smith, Stevie. The Collected Poems. Preface by James MacGibbon. 1975, 1978. Penguin Twentieth-Century Classics. 1985. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1987.

  789. Smith, Stevie. Me Again: Uncollected Writings of Stevie Smith, Illustrated by Herself. Ed. Jack Barbera & William McBrien. Introduction by James MacGibbon. 1981. New York: Vintage Books, 1983.

  790. Prose:

  791. Smith, Stevie. Novel on Yellow Paper, or Work it Out for Yourself. 1936. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1951.

  792. Smith, Stevie. Novel on Yellow Paper, or Work it Out for Yourself. 1936. Introduction by Janet Watts. London: Virago Limited, 1980.

  793. Smith, Stevie. Over the Frontier. 1938. Introduction by Janet Watts. London: Virago Limited, 1980.

  794. Smith, Stevie. The Holiday. 1949. Introduction by Janet Watts. 1979. London: Virago Limited, 1981.

  795. Secondary:

  796. Spalding, Frances. Stevie Smith: A Critical Biography. 1988. London: Faber, 1990.

  797. Dick, Kay. Ivy and Stevie: Ivy Compton-Burnett and Stevie Smith, Conversations and Reflections. 1971. London: Allison & Busby, 1983.

  798. Stephen Harold Spender (1909-1995)


  799. Spender, Stephen. Poems. 1933. London: Faber, 1933.

  800. Spender, Stephen. Poems. 1933. Second Edition. 1934. London: Faber, 1935.

  801. Spender, Stephen. Poems. 1933. Second Edition. 1934. London: Faber, 1947.

  802. Spender, Stephen. The Still Centre. 1939. London: Faber, 1941.

  803. Spender, Stephen. Selected Poems. 1940. London: Faber, 1947.

  804. Spender, Stephen. Ruins and Visions. 1942. London: Faber, 1942.

  805. Spender, Stephen. Poems of Dedication. 1947. London: Faber, 1947.

  806. Spender, Stephen. Collected Poems 1928-1953. London: Faber, 1955.

  807. Spender, Stephen. Collected Poems 1928-1985. London: Faber, 1985.

  808. Spender, Stephen. Dolphins. London: Faber, 1994.

  809. [Spender, Stephen. Dolphins. London: Faber, 1994.]

  810. Spender, Stephen. New Collected Poems. Ed. Michael Brett. London: Faber, 2004.

  811. Plays:

  812. Spender, Stephen. Trial of a Judge: A Tragic Statement in Five Acts. 1938. London: Faber, 1945.

  813. Spender, Stephen, & Goronwy Rees, trans. Danton's Death: A Play in Four Acts by Georg Büchner. London: Faber, 1939.

  814. Spender, Stephen, trans. Schiller’s Mary Stuart. Preface by Peter Wood. London: Faber, 1959.

  815. Spender, Stephen, trans. Oedipus Trilogy: King Oedipus; Oedipus at Colonos; Antigone: A Version. 1985. New York: Random House Inc., 1985.

  816. Prose:

  817. Spender, Stephen. The Destructive Element. 1935. The Life and Letters Series, 87. London: Jonathan Cape, 1938.

  818. Spender, Stephen. Poetry since 1939. The Arts in Britain, 1. 1946. London: The British Council, 1949.

  819. Spender, Stephen. World within World: The Autobiography of Stephen Spender. London: Readers Union, 1953.

  820. Spender, Stephen. Engaged in Writing & The Fool and the Princess. London: Hamish Hamilton, 1958.

  821. Spender, Stephen. The Struggle of the Modern. London: Hamish Hamilton, 1963.

  822. Spender, Stephen. Love-Hate Relations: A Study of Anglo-American Sensibilities. London: Hamish Hamilton, 1974.

  823. Spender, Stephen. The Thirties and After: Poetry, Politics, People (1933-75). London: Fontana / Collins, 1978.

  824. Spender, Stephen. Letters to Christopher: Stephen Spender’s Letters to Christopher Isherwood, 1929-1939, with “The Line of the Branch” – Two Thirties Journals. Ed. Lee Bartlett. Santa Barbara, CA: Black Sparrow, 1980.

  825. Spender, Stephen & David Hockney. China Diary. New York: Harry N. Abrams, Inc., 1982.

  826. Spender, Stephen. Journals 1939-1983. London: Faber, 1985.

  827. Spender, Stephen. The Temple. 1988. London: Faber, 1989.

  828. Secondary:

  829. Sutherland, John. Stephen Spender: The Authorised Biography. 2004. Harmondsworth, Penguin, 2005.

  830. Jon Howie Stallworthy (1935-2014)

  831. Stallworthy, Jon. A Familiar Tree. Illustrated by David Gentleman. London: Chatto & Windus Ltd. / Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1978.

  832. Philip Edward Thomas (1878-1917)


  833. Thomas, Edward. Poems and Last Poems (Arranged in Chronological Order of Composition). Ed. Edna Longley. 1917 & 1918. Collins Annotated Student Texts. London & Glasgow: Collins Publishers, 1973.

  834. Thomas, Edward. Collected Poems. Foreword by Walter de la Mare. 1920. London & Boston: Faber, 1979.

  835. Thomas, Edward. The Green Roads. Ed. Eleanor Farjeon. Illustrated by Bernard Brett. Poems for Young Readers. London: The Bodley Head Ltd., 1965.

  836. Thomas, Edward. The Collected Poems. Ed. R. George Thomas. 1978. Oxford Paperbacks. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1981.

  837. Thomas, Edward. The Annotated Collected Poems. Ed. Edna Longley. 2008. Highgreen, Tarset, Northumberland: Bloodaxe Books Ltd., 2011.

  838. Thomas, Edward. Selected Poems and Prose. Ed. David Wright. Penguin English Library. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1981.

  839. Prose:

  840. Thomas, Edward. The Heart of England. 1906. Foreword and Wood-Engravings by Eric Fitch Daglish. The Open-Air Library. London & Toronto: J. M. Dent & Sons Ltd., 1932.

  841. Thomas, Edward. Richard Jefferies: His Life and Work. 1909. London: Hutchinson & Co., n.d.

  842. Thomas, Edward. A Literary Pilgrim in England. 1917. Oxford Paperbacks. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1980.

  843. Gant, Roland, ed. The Prose of Edward Thomas. Introduction by Helen Thomas. London: The Falcon Press Limited, 1948.

  844. Secondary:

  845. Thomas, Helen, with Myfanwy Thomas. Under Storm’s Wing: As It Was, World without End &c. 1926, 1931 & 1988. Paladin Grafton Books. London: Collins Publishing Group, 1990.

  846. Farjeon, Eleanor. Edward Thomas: The Last Four Years. 1958. Oxford Paperbacks. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1979.

  847. Hollis, Matthew. Now All Roads Lead to France: The Last Years of Edward Thomas. 2011. London: Faber, 2012.

  848. Alfred Charles Tomlinson (1927- )

  849. Tomlinson, Charles. Collected Poems. 1985. Oxford Poets. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1987.

  850. Sir Alan Charles Laurence Whistler (1912-2000)

  851. Whistler, Laurence. The World’s Room: Collected Poems. London: William Heinemann Ltd., 1949.

  852. Whistler, Laurence. The View from this Window: Poems. London: Rupert Hart-Davis Ltd., 1956.

  853. Whistler, Laurence. The Initials in the Heart. 1964. London: Rupert Hart-Davis Ltd., 1965.

  854. Hugh Anthony Mordaunt Vyner [Hugo] Williams (1942- )

  855. Williams, Hugo. No Particular Place to Go. 1981. Picador. London: Pan Books Ltd., 1982.

  856. Williams, Hugo. Freelancing: Adventures of a Poet. London: Faber, 1995.

  857. Williams, Hugo. Collected Poems. 2002. London: Faber, 2005.

  858. Francis Brett Young (1884-1954)

  859. Young, Francis Brett. The Island. London: William Heinemann Ltd., 1944.

Tamara de Lempicka: La Bella Rafaela (1927)

[90 books]

  1. General
  2. Parodies
  3. Penguin Poets
  4. Penguin Modern Poets


  1. Abse, Danny, ed. Modern European Verse. The Pocket Poets. London: Vista Books., 1964.

  2. The Augustan Books of Modern Poetry: Poems by Walter de la Mare / Lionel Johnson / John Freeman / Edmund Blunden / Laurence Binyon. 1926. London: Ernest Benn, 1932.

  3. Baker, Kenneth, ed. The Faber Book of English History in Verse. London: Faber, 1988.

  4. Healy, Maura, ed. Quartet of Poets: Grace Nichols / Maya Angelou / Alice Walker / Lorna Goodison. Modern Women Writers. Harlow, Essex: Longman Group UK Limited, 1993.

  5. [Herbert, W. N., & Matthew Hollis, eds. Strong Words: Modern Poets on Modern Poetry. Newcastle: Bloodaxe Books, 2000. 44-47 (R. Frost), 56-67 (W. Stevens), 82-87 (W. C. Williams), 134-37 (Amiri Baraka), 140-47 (Adrienne Rich, Thom Gunn, Sylvia Plath), 158-61 (Seamus Heaney), 214-19 (Eaven Boland), 276-81 (Kathleen Jamie).]

  6. Hunter, Jim, ed. Modern Poets 4: Philip Larkin / Louis Simpson / Charles Tomlinson / Tony Connor / Ted Hughes / Seamus Heaney. Faber Educational Booksa. London: Faber, 1968.

  7. Kinsella, Thomas, Douglas Livingstone & Anne Sexton. Poems. Oxford Paperbacks. London: Oxford University Press, 1968.

  8. Nichols, Robert, ed. Anthology of War Poetry 1914-1918. London: Nicholson & Watson, 1943.

  9. Poetry, Vol. 190, no. 5 (September 2007): featuring Kay Ryan, Rae Armantrout, R. Parthasarathy.

  10. Poetry, Vol. 191, no. 1 (October 2007): featuring Adam Zagajewski, Mary Jo Bang, Frank Bidart.

  11. Poetry, Vol. 191, no. 2 (November 2007): featuring Neko Case, Heather McHugh, Elfriede Jelinek.

  12. Poetry London 61 (Autumn 2008): featuring Les Murray et al.

  13. Ricketts, Harry. Strange Meetings: The Lives of the Poets of the Great War. 2010. Pimlico 860. London: Random House, 2012.

  14. Ridler, Anne, ed. A Little Book of Modern Verse. Introduction by T. S. Eliot. 1941. London: Faber, 1942.

  15. Roberts, Michael, ed. The Faber Book of Modern Verse. 1936. Second Edition, revised by Anne Ridler. 1960. London: Faber, 1962.

  16. Scully, James, ed. Modern Poets on Modern Poetry. 1965. The Fontana Library. London: Collins, 1966.

  17. Selwyn, Victor, with Erik de Mauny, Ian Fletcher & Norman Morris, ed. Poems of the Second World War: The Oasis Selection. Foreword by Sir John Hackett. Everyman’s Classics. London: J. M. Dent & Sons Ltd., 1985.

  18. Silkin, Jon. Out of Battle: The Poetry of the Great War. Oxford Paperbacks 395. 1972. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1978.

  19. Stallworthy, Jon, ed. The Oxford Book of War Poetry. 1984. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003.

  20. Stallworthy, Jon. Anthem for Doomed Youth: Twelve Soldier Poets of the First World War. 2002. London: Constable & Robinson Ltd., 2003.

  21. Tolley. A. C. The Poetry of the Thirties. London: Victor Gollancz Ltd., 1975.

  22. Waters, Fiona. A Corner of a Foreign Field: The Illustrated Poetry of the First World War. 2007. Croxley Green, Hertfordshire: Atlantic Publishing, 2007.

  23. Yeats, W. B., ed. The Oxford Book of Modern Verse: 1892-1935. 1936. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1947.

  24. Parodies

  25. MacDonald, Dwight, ed. Parodies: An Anthology from Chaucer to Beerbohm – and After. 1960. London: Faber, 1964.

  26. Malcolm, Noel. The Origins of English Nonsense. 1997. Fontana Press. London: HarperCollins Publishers, 1998.

  27. Stodart-Walker, A., ed. The Moxford Book of English Verse: 1340-1913. London: Everleigh Nash, 1913.

  28. Wyndham Lewis, D. B., & Charles Lee, ed. The Stuffed Owl: An Anthology of Bad Verse. Everyman’s Library, 186. 1930. London: J. M. Dent & Sons Ltd. / New York: E. P. Dutton & Co. Inc., 1978.

  29. Zaranka, William, ed. Brand-X Poetry: A Parody Anthology. 1981. London: Picador, 1984.

  30. Penguin Poets

  31. Allott, Kenneth, ed. The Penguin Book of Contemporary Verse, 1918-1960. 1950. Revised Edition. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1962.

  32. Alvarez, A., ed. The New Poetry: An Anthology. The Penguin Poets. 1962. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1964.

  33. Blythe, Ronald, ed. Components of the Scene: Stories, Poems & Essays of the Second World War. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1966.

  34. Bold, Alan, ed. The Penguin Book of Socialist Verse. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1970.

  35. Burnshaw, Stanley, ed. The Poem Itself: 150 European Poems Translated and Analysed. 1960. Pelican Books. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1964.

  36. Coote, Stephen, ed. The Penguin Book of Homosexual Verse. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1983.

  37. Cunningham, Valentine, ed. The Penguin Book of Spanish Civil War Verse. The Penguin Poets. 1980. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1983.

  38. Germain, Edward B., ed. English and American Surrealist Poetry. The Penguin Poets. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1978.

  39. Horovitz, Michael, ed. Children of Albion: Poetry of the ‘Underground’ in Britain. The Penguin Poets. 1969. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1971.

  40. Jones, Peter, ed. Imagist Poetry. The Penguin Poets. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1972.

  41. Jones, Peter, ed. Imagist Poetry. 1972. Penguin Modern Classics. London: Penguin, 1988.

  42. Reeves, James, ed. Georgian Poetry. The Penguin Poets. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1962.

  43. Silkin, Jon, ed. The Penguin Book of First World War Poetry. The Penguin Poets. London: Penguin, 1979.

  44. Silkin, Jon, ed. The Penguin Book of First World War Poetry. 1979. 2nd ed. Penguin Modern Classics. London: Penguin, 1981.

  45. Skelton, Robert, ed. Poetry of the Thirties. The Penguin Poets. 1964. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1975.

  46. Skelton, Robert, ed. Poetry of the Forties. The Penguin Poets. 1979. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1968.

  47. Steiner, George, ed. Poem into Poem: World Poetry in Modern Verse Translation. [As 'The Penguin Book of Modern Verse Translation', 1966]. The Penguin Poets. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1970.

  48. Penguin Modern Poets

  49. Penguin Modern Poets 1: Lawrence Durrell / Elizabeth Jennings / R. S. Thomas. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1962.

  50. Penguin Modern Poets 2: Kingsley Amis / Dom Moraes / Peter Porter. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1962.

  51. Penguin Modern Poets 3: George Barker / Martin Bell / Charles Causley. 1962. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1966.

  52. Penguin Modern Poets 4: David Holbrook / Christopher Middleton / David Wevill. 1963. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1970.

  53. Penguin Modern Poets 5: Gregory Corso / Lawrence Ferlinghetti / Allen Ginsberg. 1963. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1971.

  54. Penguin Modern Poets 6: Jack Clemo / Edward Lucie-Smith / George MacBeth. 1964. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1970.

  55. Penguin Modern Poets 7: Richard Murphy / Jon Silkin / Nathaniel Tarn. 1965. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1970.

  56. Penguin Modern Poets 8: Edwin Brock / Geoffrey Hill / Stevie Smith. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1966.

  57. Penguin Modern Poets 9: Denise Levertov / Kenneth Rexroth / William Carlos Williams. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1967.

  58. Penguin Modern Poets 10: The Mersey Sound – Adrian Henri / Roger McGough / Brian Patten. 1967. Revised and Enlarged edition. 1974. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1975.

  59. The Penguin Poets: New Volume – Adrian Henri / Roger McGough / Brian Patten. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1983.

  60. Penguin Modern Poets 11: D. M. Black / Peter Redgrove / D. M. Thomas. 1968. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1969.

  61. Penguin Modern Poets 12: Alan Jackson / Jeff Nuttall / William Wanting. 1968. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1969.

  62. Penguin Modern Poets 13: Charles Bukowski / Philip Lamantia / Harold Norse. 1969. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1970.

  63. Penguin Modern Poets 14: Alan Bronwjohn / Michael Hamburger / Charles Tomlinson. 1969. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1970.

  64. Penguin Modern Poets 15: Alan Bold / Edward Brathwaite / Edwin Morgan. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1969.

  65. Penguin Modern Poets 16: Jack Beeching / Harry Guest / Matthew Mead. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1970.

  66. Penguin Modern Poets 17: David Gascoyne / W. S. Graham / Kathleen Raine. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1970.

  67. Penguin Modern Poets 18: A. Alvarez / Roy Fuller / Anthony Thwaite. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1970.

  68. Penguin Modern Poets 19: John Ashbery / Lee Harwood / Tom Raworth. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1971.

  69. Penguin Modern Poets 20: John Heath-Stubbs / F. T. Prince / Stephen Spender. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1972.

  70. Penguin Modern Poets 21: Iain Crichton Smith / Norman MacCaig / George Mackay Brown. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1972.

  71. Penguin Modern Poets 22: John Fuller / Peter Levi / Adrian Mitchell. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1973.

  72. Penguin Modern Poets 23: Geoffrey Grigson / Edwin Muir / Adrian Stokes. Guest Ed. Stephen Spender. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1973.

  73. Penguin Modern Poets 24: Kenward Elmslie / Kenneth Koch / James Schuyler. Guest Ed. John Ashbery. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1974.

  74. Penguin Modern Poets 25: Gavin Ewart / Zulfikar Ghose / B. S. Johnson. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1975.

  75. Penguin Modern Poets 26: Dannie Abse, D.J. Enright, Michael Longley. Guest Ed. Anthony Thwaite. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1975.

  76. Penguin Modern Poets 27: John Ormond / Emyr Humphreys / John Tripp. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1979.