Poetry & Drama
Anthologies & Secondary Literature
- Vittorio Alfieri (1749-1803)
- Dante Alighieri (1265-1321)
- Ludovico Ariosto (1474–1533)
- Ugo Betti (1892–1953)
- Giosuè Carducci (1835–1907)
- Gabriele d'Annunzio (1863-1938)
- Ugo Foscolo (1778-1827)
- Carlo Goldoni (1707-1793)
- Guido Gozzano (1883-1916)
- Giacomo Leopardi (1798–1837)
- Filippo Tommaso Marinetti (1876-1944)
- Lorenzo de' Medici (1449-1492)
- Eugenio Montale (1896-1981)
- Claudio Pasi (1958- )
- Francesco Petrarca (1304-1374)
- Luigi Pirandello (1867-1936)
- Angelo Poliziano (1454-1494)
- Luigi Pulci (1432-1484)
- Salvatore Quasimodo (1910-1968)
- Umberto Saba (1883-1957)
- Torquato Tasso (1544-1595)
- Alessandro Tassoni (1565-1635)
- Giuseppe Ungaretti (1888-1970)
Count Vittorio Alfieri (1749-1803)
- Alfieri, Vittorio. Vita Scritta da Esso. 1804. Ed. Luigi Galeazzo Tenconi. Biblioteca Universale Rizzoli, 1563-1566. Milano: Rizzoli Editore, 1960.
Durante degli [Dante] Alighieri (1265-1321)
- Alighieri, Dante. La Divina Commedia. Ed. C. H. Grandgent. 1933. Rev. Charles S. Singleton. Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press, 1972.
- Alighieri, Dante. La Divina Commedia. Vol. 1: Inferno. Ed. Natalino Sapegno. 1955. Second Edition. 1968. Scrittori Italiani. Firenze: “La Nuova Italia” Editrice, 1982.
- Alighieri, Dante. La Divina Commedia. Vol. 2: Purgatorio. Ed. Luigi Pietrobono. I Classici della Scuola. Torino: Società Editrice Internazionale, 1967.
- Alighieri, Dante. La Divina Commedia. Vol. 3: Paradiso. Ed. Natalino Sapegno. 1955. Second Edition. 1968. Scrittori Italiani. Firenze: “La Nuova Italia” Editrice, 1978.
- Alighieri, Dante. Inferno. Ed. Anna Maria Chiavacci Leonardi. Oscar Classici. 1991. Milano: Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, 2005.
- Alighieri, Dante. Purgatorio. Ed. Anna Maria Chiavacci Leonardi. Oscar Classici. 1994. Milano: Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, 2005.
- Alighieri, Dante. Paradiso. Ed. Anna Maria Chiavacci Leonardi. Oscar Classici. 1994. Milano: Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, 2005.
- Alighieri, Dante. The Vision, or Hell, Purgatory, and Paradise. Trans. Henry Francis Cary. 1814. With 109 Illustrations by John Flaxman. Oxford Edition. London: Henry Frowde / Oxford University Press, 1910.
- Alighieri, Dante. The Inferno. Ed. & trans. Philip H. Wicksteed et al. 1900. The Temple Classics. London: J. M. Dent & Sons. Ltd., 1941.
- Alighieri, Dante. The Purgatorio. Ed. & trans. Philip H. Wicksteed et al. 1901. The Temple Classics. London: J. M. Dent & Sons. Ltd., 1946.
- Alighieri, Dante. The Paradiso. Ed. & trans. Philip H. Wicksteed et al. 1899. The Temple Classics. London: J. M. Dent & Sons. Ltd., 1946.
- Alighieri, Dante. The Inferno. Ed. & trans. Philip H. Wicksteed et al. 1900. Rev. ed. 1932. The Temple Classics. London: J. M. Dent & Sons. Ltd., 1964.
- Alighieri, Dante. The Purgatorio. Ed. & trans. Philip H. Wicksteed et al. 1901. Rev. ed. 1933. The Temple Classics. London: J. M. Dent & Sons. Ltd., 1964.
- Alighieri, Dante. The Paradiso. Ed. & trans. Philip H. Wicksteed et al. 1899. The Temple Classics. London: J. M. Dent & Sons. Ltd., 1965.
- Alighieri, Dante. The Divine Comedy: A New Verse Translation. Trans. C. H. Sisson. 1980. Introduction, Commentary, Notes & Bibliography by David H. Higgins. Pan Classics. London: Pan Books, 1981.
- Alighieri, Dante. Vita nuova / Rime: Edizione Integrale Commentata. Ed. Fred Chiappelli. Grande Universale Mursia testi, Nuova serie, 7. 1965. Milano: U. Mursia editore S.p.A., 1978.
- Alighieri, Dante. The New Life / La Vita Nuova. Trans. William Anderson. Penguin Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1964.
- Alighieri, Dante. La Vita Nuova (Poems of Youth). Trans. Barbara Reynolds. 1969. Penguin Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1975.
- Alighieri, Dante. La Vita Nuova. Trans. Barbara Reynolds. 1969. Penguin Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 2004.
- Foster, Kenelm, & Patrick Boyde. Dante’s Lyric Poetry, Vol 1: The Poems – Text and Translation. Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1967.
- Foster, Kenelm, & Patrick Boyde. Dante’s Lyric Poetry, Vol 2: Commentary. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1967.
- Alighieri, Dante. De Monarchia: Testo Latino e Traduzione Italiana a Fronte. Con Prefazione di Ranieri Allulli. Biblioteca di Letteratura. Milano: Casa Editrice Carlo Signorelli S.p.A., 1970.
- Alighieri, Dante. De Vulgari Eloquentia. Con Introduzione di Antero Meozzi. Biblioteca di Letteratura. Milano: Casa Editrice Carlo Signorelli S.p.A., 1978.
- Alighieri, Dante. Il Convito di Dante Alighieri e le Epistole. Ed. Pietro Fraticelli. Opere Minori di Dante Alighieri, III. Firenze: G. Barberà, Editore, 1887.
- Alighieri, Dante. Convivio. Ed. Piero Cudini. I Grandi Libri. Milano: Aldo Garzanti Editore, 1980.
- Alighieri, Dante. The Convivio. Trans. Philip H. Wicksteed. 1903. The Temple Classics. London: J. M. Dent & Sons. Ltd., 1908.
- Alighieri, Dante. The Convivio. Trans. Philip H. Wicksteed. The Temple Classics. London: J. M. Dent and Sons, 1940.
- Milano, Paolo, ed. Dante: The Selected Works. Trans. Laurence Binyon, D. G. Rossetti et al. 1947. London: Chatto & Windus, 1972.
- Birk, Sandow, & Marcus Sanders, trans. Dante's Inferno. Illustrated by Sandow Birk. Preface by Doug Harvey. Introduction by Michael F. Meister. 2003. San Francisco: Chronicle Books, 2004.
- Birk, Sandow, & Marcus Sanders, trans. Dante's Purgatorio. Illustrated by Sandow Birk. Preface by Marcia Tanner. Introduction by Michael F. Meister. 2004. San Francisco: Chronicle Books, 2005.
- Birk, Sandow, & Marcus Sanders, trans. Dante's Paradiso. Illustrated by Sandow Birk. Preface by Peter S. Hawkins. Foreword by Mary Campbell. Introduction by Michael F. Meister. 2005. San Francisco: Chronicle Books, 2005.
- Birk, Sandow. Dante's Divine Comedy: The Complete Paintings. San Francisco: Chronicle Books, 2005.
- Griffiths, Eric, & Matthew Reynolds, ed. Dante in English. Penguin Poets in Translation. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 2005.
- Anderson, William. Dante the Maker. 1980. London: Hutchinson, 1983.
- Cunningham, Gilbert F. The Divine Comedy in English: A Critical Bibliography, 1782-1900. Edinburgh & London: Oliver and Boyd, 1965.
- Cunningham, Gilbert F. The Divine Comedy in English: A Critical Bibliography, 1901-1966. Edinburgh & London: Oliver and Boyd, 1966.
- Freccero, John, ed. Dante: A Collection of Critical Essays. Twentieth Century Views. Ed. Maynard mack. Englewood cliffs, NJ: Prentice-hall, Inc., 1965.
- Rizzatti, Maria Luisa. The Life and Times of Dante. 1965. Trans. Salvator Attanasio. Portraits of Greatness. London: Paul Hamlyn, 1967.
- Wicksteed, Philip H., trans. The Early Lives of Dante. 1903. The King’s Classics. London: Alexander Moring Limited / The De la More Press, 1904.
Ludovico Ariosto (1474–1533)
- Ariosto, Ludovico. Orlando Furioso. Introduzione di Silvio Pasquale. Note di Guglielmo Zappacosta. “I Classici Bietti”. Ed. Alberto Chiari. 1969. Milano: Casa Editrice Bietti, 1974.
- Ariosto, Ludovico. Orlando Furioso. Trans. Guido Waldman. 1974. The World’s Classics. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1983.
- Ariosto, Ludovico. Orlando Furioso (The Frenzy of Orlando): A Romantic Epic. Part One. Trans. Barbara Reynolds. Penguin Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1975.
- Ariosto, Ludovico. Orlando Furioso (The Frenzy of Orlando): A Romantic Epic. Part Two. Trans. Barbara Reynolds. Penguin Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1977.
Ugo Betti (1892–1953)
- Betti, Ugo. Two Plays: Frano allo Scalo Nord & L’aiuola bruciata. 1956. Ed. G. H. McWilliam. 1965. Italian Texts. Ed. Kathleen Speight. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1973.
Matteo Maria Boiardo (1440-1494)
- Boiardo, Matteo Maria. Orlando Innamorato. 1483-1495. Trans. Charles Stanley Ross. 1989. Abridged Ed. The World's Classics. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1995.
Giosuè Alessandro Michele Carducci (1835–1907)
- Carducci, Giosuè. Selected Verse. Ed. & trans. David H. Higgins. Warminster, England: Aris & Phillips Ltd., 1994.
Gabriele d'Annunzio (1863-1938)
- d’Annunzio, Gabriele. Alcyone: A Selection. Ed. J. R. Woodhouse. Italian Texts. Ed. Kathleen Speight. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1978.
- d’Annunzio, Gabriele. Asterope: Laudi del Cielo del Mare della Terra e degli Eroi. Le Pleiadi (Nuova Serie). Verona: Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, 1949.
- Hughes-Hallett, Lucy. The Pike: Gabriele d’Annunzio. Fourth Estate. London: HarperCollins Publishers, 2013.
Niccolò [Ugo] Foscolo (1778-1827)
- Foscolo, Ugo. Tutte le Poesie. Ed. Ludovico Magugliani. Biblioteca Universale Rizzoli, 411-413. Milano: Rizzoli Editore, 1952.
- Foscolo, Ugo. Liriche Scelte: I Sepolcri e Le Grazie. Commento di Severino Ferrari. Ed. Oreste Antognoni & Sergio Romagnoli. Biblioteca Carducciana, 5. Firenze: Sansoni, 1964.
- Foscolo, Ugo. Ultime Lettere di Jacopo Ortis. Ed. Ludovico Magugliani. Biblioteca Universale Rizzoli, 12-13. Milano: Rizzoli Editore, 1949.
Carlo Osvaldo Goldoni (1707-1793)
- Goldoni, Carlo. Four Comedies: The Venetian Twins; The Artful Widow; Mirandolina; The Superior Residence. Trans. Frederick Davies. Penguin Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1968.
- Goldoni, Carlo. Three Comedies: Mine Hostess / La Locandiera; The Boors / I Rusteghi; The Fan / Il Ventaglio. Trans. Clifford Bax, I. M. Rawson & Eleanor and Herbert Farjeon. Introduction by Gabriele Baldini. The Oxford Library of Italian Classics. Ed. Archibald Colquhoun. London: Oxford University Press, 1961.
Guido Gustavo Gozzano (1883-1916)
- Gozzano, Guido. The Man I Pretend to Be: The Colloquies and Selected Poems. Trans. Michael Palma. Introduction by Eugenio Montale. The Lockert Library of Poetry in Translation. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1981.
Giacomo Taldegardo Francesco di Sales Saverio Pietro Leopardi (1798–1837)
- Leopardi, Giacomo. Canti. Ed. Franco Brioschi. 1974. Superbur Classici. Milan: BUR, 1999.
- Leopardi, Giacomo. Canti. Ed. John Humphreys Whitfield. 1967. Italian Texts. Ed. Kathleen Speight. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1978.
- Leopardi, Giacomo. Canti. Trans. Jonathan Galassi. 2010. Penguin Classics. London: Penguin, 2010.
- Leopardi, Giacomo. Operette Morali. 1827. Ed. Saverio Orlando. Classici Italiani. Biblioteca Universale Rizzoli. 1976. Milano: Rizzoli Editore, 1982.
- Flora Francesco, ed. Tutte le Opere di Giacomo Leopardi: Le Poesie e le Prose. 1940. vols 1 & 2 of 5. I Classici Mondadori. Milano: Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, 1962.
- Leopardi, Giacomo. Poesie e Prose. Volume primo: Poesie. Ed. Mario Andrea Rigoni. Essay by Cesare Galimberti. 1987. Le Opere di Giacomo Leopardi. 4 vols. I Meridiani. Milano: Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, 1998.
Filippo Tommaso Emilio Marinetti (1876-1944)
- Marinetti, Filippo Tommaso. Selected Writings. 1968-69. Ed. R. W. Flint. Trans. R. W. Flint & Arthur A. Coppotelli. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1972.
Lorenzo de' Medici (1449-1492)
- Bigi, Emilio, ed. Scritti Scelti di Lorenzo de’ Medici. 1955. Second Edition, 1965. Torino: Unione Tipografico – Editrice Torinese, 1971.
Eugenio Montale (1896-1981)
- Montale, Eugenio. Tutte le Poesie. Ed. Giorgio Zampa. Grandi Classici. 1984. Milano: Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, 1991.
- Montale, Eugenio. Prose e racconti. Ed. Marco Forti & Luisa Previtera. I Meridiani. Milano: Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, 1995.
- Montale, Eugenio. Selected Poems. Trans. George Kay. 1964. Penguin Modern European Poets. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1969.
- Montale, Eugenio. Collected Poems 1920-1954: Ossi di Seppia / Cuttlefish Bones; Le Occasioni / Occasions; La Bufera e Altro / The Storm, etc. Revised Edition. Trans. Jonathan Galassi. 1998. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2000.
- Montale, Eugenio. The Collected Poems Of Eugenio Montale: 1925-1977. Trans. William Arrowsmith. Ed. Rosanna Warren. New York: W. W. Norton, 2012.
- Montale, Eugenio. Cuttlefish Bones (1920-1927). 1925 & 1928. Trans. William Arrowsmith. New York: W. W. Norton, 1992.
- Montale, Eugenio. The Occasions. 1939. Trans. William Arrowsmith. New York: W. W. Norton, 1987.
- Montale, Eugenio. The Storm and Other Things. 1956 & 1957. Trans. William Arrowsmith. New York: W. W. Norton, 1985.
- Montale, Eugenio. Satura 1962-1970. 1971. Trans. William Arrowsmith. Preface by Claire de C. L. Huffman. Ed. Rosanna Warren. New York: W. W. Norton, 1998.
- Montale, Eugenio. New Poems (Satura & Diario del ’71 e del ’72). 1971 & 1973. Trans. G. Singh. Introduction by F. R. Leavis. London: Chatto & Windus, 1976.
- Montale, Eugenio. It Depends: A Poet’s Notebook (Quaderno di Quattro anni). 1977. Trans. G. Singh. New York: New Directions, 1980.
- Thomas, Harry, ed. Montale in English. 2002. Handsel Books. New York: Other Press, 2005.
- [Sonzogni, Marco, ed. Corno inglese: An anthology of Eugenio Montale's poetry in English translation. Novi Ligure: Edizioni Joker, 2009.]
- Montale, Eugenio. The Second Life of Art: Selected Essays of Eugenio Montale. Trans. Jonathan Galassi. New York: The Ecco Press, 1982.
Claudio Pasi (1958- )
- Pasi, Claudio. Observations: Poems / Osservazione: Poesie. Trans. Tim Smith & Marco Sonzogni. Seraph Press Translation Series No. 2. Wellington: Seraph Press, 2016.
Francesco Petrarca (1304-1374)
- Petrarca, Francesco. Le Rime. Preface by G. Stiavelli. Biblioteca Classica Popolare, IX. Roma: Edoardo Perino, Tipografo Editore, 1888.
- Petrarca, Francesco. Canzoniere. Ed. Gianfranco Contini. Annotazioni di Daniele Ponchiroli. Nuova Universale Einaudi, 41. Torino: Giulio Einaudi editore, 1968.
- Petrarca, Francesco. The Sonnets, Triumphs, and Other Poems of Petrarch. Now First Completely Translated into English Verse by Various Hands. With a Life of the Poet by Thomas Campbell. Bohn’s Illustrated Library. London: Henry G. Bohn, 1859.
- Petrarca, Francesco. Selected Poems. Ed. T. Gwynfor Griffith & P. R. J. Hainsworth. Italian Texts. Ed. Kathleen Speight. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1971.
- Durling, Robert M., trans. Petrarch’s Lyric Poems: The Rime Sparse and Other Lyrics. 1976. Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press, 1999.
- [Petrarca, Francesco. “Poems Excluded from the Rime Sparse.” Petrarch’s Lyric Poems: The Rime Sparse and Other Lyrics. Trans. Robert Durling (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1976): 585-99.]
- Roche, Thomas P., ed. Petrarch in English. Penguin Poets in Translation. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 2005.
- Roche, Thomas P., ed. Petrarch in English. Penguin Poets in Translation. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 2005.
- Roman, L’Abbé. Vie de Pétrarque, Publiée par l’Athénée de Vaucluse, Augmentée de la première traduction qui ait parut en Français, de la Lettre adressée à la Posterité par ce Poète célèbre: Avec la liste des Souscripteurs qui ont concouru à lui faire ériger un Monument à Vaucluse, le jour seculaire de sa naissance, 20 Juillet 1804, 1er Thermidor an 12. Avignon: Chez Me. Ve. Seguin, An XII [1804].
Luigi Pirandello (1867-1936)
- Pirandello, Luigi. Tutti i Romanzi. Ed. Giovanni Macchia, with Mario Costanzo. 2 vols. I Meridiani. 1973. Milano: Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, 1981, 1979.
- Pirandello, Luigi. Il Teatro: Vestire gli ignudi / L’altro figlio / L’uomo dal fiore in bocca. 1923, 1925 & 1926. Ed. Corrado Simioni. 1951. Gli Oscar. Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, 1970.
- Pirandello, Luigi. The Rules of the Game and Other Plays. 1919, 1924 & 1929. Ed. E. Martin Browne. Penguin Plays. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1959.
- Pirandello, Luigi. Right You Are! (If You Think So) and Other Plays. 1918, 1920 & 1922. Ed. E. Martin Browne. Penguin Plays. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1962.
- Pirandello, Luigi. Six Characters in Search of an Author. 1921. Trans. Frederick May. 1954. The Drama Library. London: Heinemann Educational Books Ltd., 1968.
- Pirandello, Luigi. Così è (se vi pare): Parabola in Tre Atti. Ed. Joseph Luis Russo. Boston: D. C. Heath and Company, 1930.
Angelo Ambrogini [Poliziano / Politian] (1454-1494)
- Poliziano, Angelo. Tutte le Poesie Italiane. Ed. Gustavo Rodolfo Ceriello. Biblioteca Universale Rizzoli, 423-425. Milano: Rizzoli Editore, 1952.
- [Poliziano, Angelo. Stanze per la giostra di Giuliano de’ Medici. Ed. Laurence Simmons. Auckland University: Italian Department, 1982.]
Luigi Pulci (1432-1484)
- Pulci, Luigi. Morgante: The Epic Adventures of Orlando and His Giant Friend Morgante. 1483. Trans. Joseph Tusiani. Introduction & Notes by Edoardo A. Lèbano. Bloomington & Indianapolis: Indiana University Press, 1998.
Salvatore Quasimodo (1910-1968)
- Quasimodo, Salvatore. Tutte le Poesie. Ed. Gilberto Finzi. Grandi Classici. 1995. Milano: Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, 2001.
- Quasimodo, Salvatore. Selected Poems. Trans. Jack Bevan. 1965. Penguin Modern European Poets. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1970.
Umberto Saba (1883-1957)
- Saba, Umberto. Tutte le Poesie. Ed. Arrigo Stara. Introduction by Mario Lavagetto. I Meridiani. 1988. Milano: Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, 2001.
Torquato Tasso (1544-1595)
- Tasso, Torquato. Aminta: Favola boschereccia. Ed. C. E. J. Griffiths. Italian Texts. Ed. Kathleen Speight. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1972.
- Tasso, Torquato. La Gerusalemme Liberata. 1580. Collezione Salani: I Classici. Ed. Enrico Bianchi. Firenze: Adriano Salani, Editore, 1924.
- Tasso, Torquato. Godfrey of Bulloigne, or Jerusalem Delivered. Trans. Edward Fairfax. Ed. Robert Aris Willmott. Illustrated by Corbould. London: George Routledge and Co., 1858.
Alessandro Tassoni (1565-1635)
- Tassoni, Alessandro. La Secchia Rapita: Poema eroicomico. 1622. Con la vita e le note da Robustiono Gironi. Milano: Dalla Società Tipografica de' Classici Italiani, 1806.
Giuseppe Ungaretti (1888-1970)
- Ungaretti, Giuseppe. Selected Poems. Trans. Patrick Creagh. Penguin Modern European Poets. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1971.
- Ungaretti, Giuseppe. Vita d’un uomo: 106 poesie 1914-1960. Introduzione di Giovanni Raboni. 1966. Gli Oscar. Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, 1970.
- Pietro Aretino (1492-1556)
- Giovanni Boccaccio (1313-1375)
- Roberto Calasso (1941– )
- Italo Calvino (1923–1985)
- Baldassare Castiglione (1478–1529)
- Manuel Ciarleglio (1968- )
- Carlo Collodi (1826-1890)
- Francesco Colonna (c.1433-1527)
- Giacomo Debenedetti (1901-1967)
- Giovanni della Casa (1503-1556)
- Umberto Eco (1932-2016)
- Elena Ferrante
- Marsilio Ficino (1433-1499)
- Giovanni Guareschi (1908-1968)
- Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa (1896-1957)
- Carlo Levi (1902-1975)
- Primo Levi (1919-1987)
- Niccolò Machiavelli (1469–1527)
- Valerio Massimo Manfredi (1943- )
- Alessandro Manzoni (1785-1873)
- Giuseppe Mazzini (1805-1872)
- Alberto Moravia (1907-1990)
- Ippolito Nievo (1831-1861)
- Pier Paolo Pasolini (1922-1975)
- Cesare Pavese (1908-1950)
- Poggio Bracciolini (1380-1459)
- Leonardo Sciascia (1921-1989)
- Ignazio Silone (1900-1978)
- Italo Svevo (1861-1928)
- Giovanni Verga (1840-1922)
- Elio Vittorini (1908-1966)
Pietro Aretino (1492-1556)
- Aretino, Pietro. Sisters, Wives and Courtesans: Unexpurgated. Trans. Robert Eglesfield. New York: Belmont Books, 1967.
- Rosenthal, Raymond, trans. Aretino’s Dialogues. London: George Allen & Unwin, 1972.
- Romano, Giulio, Marc-Antonio Raimondi, Pietro Aretino, & Count Jean-Frédéric-Maximilien de Waldeck. I Modi: The Sixteen Pleasures. An Erotic Album of the Italian Renaissance. Ed. & trans. Lynne Lawler. 1984. London: Peter Owen Publishers, 1988.
- Aretino, Pietro. Selected Letters. Trans. George Bull. Penguin Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1976.
Giovanni Boccaccio (1313-1375)
- Boccaccio, Giovanni. Decameron / Filocolo / Ameto / Fiammetta. Ed. Enrico Bianchi, Carlo Salinari & Natalino Sapegno. La Letteratura Italiana: Storia e Testi, 8. Milano: Riccardo Ricciardi Editore, 1952.
- Boccaccio, Giovanni. Il Decameron. 1350-53. Ed. Carlo Salinari. 1963. 2 vols. Universale Laterza, 26-27. 1966. Torino: Editori Laterza, 1975.
- Boccaccio, Giovanni. The Decameron. 1350-53. Trans. J. M. Rigg. 1903. Introduction and Illustrations by Louis Chalon. 1921. 2 vols. London: Privately Printed for the Navarre Society Limited, n.d.
- Boccaccio, Giovanni. The Decameron. 1350-53. Trans. G. H. McWilliam. Penguin Classics. 1972. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1978.
- Boccaccio, Giovanni. Elegia de Madonna Fiammetta. Ed. Carlo Salinari & Natalino Sapegno. 1952. Classici Ricciardi 10. Torino: Giulio Einaudi Editore, 1976.
- Boccaccio, Giovanni. Amorous Fiammetta: Revised from the Only English Translation. 1343-44. Trans. Bartholomew Yong. 1587. Introduction by Edward Hutton. London: Privately Printed for the Navarre Society, 1926.
- Boccaccio, Giovanni. Filocolo: Scelta. Ed. Carlo Salinari & Natalino Sapegno. 1952. Classici Ricciardi 27. Torino: Giulio Einaudi Editore, 1976.
- Boccaccio, Giovanni. Corbaccio. Ed. Giorgio Ricci. Introduzione di Natalino Sapegno. 1952 & 1965. Classici Ricciardi 44. Torino: Giulio Einaudi Editore, 1977.
Roberto Calasso (1941– )
- Calasso, Roberto. The Ruin of Kasch. 1983. Trans. William Weaver and Stephen Sartarelli. 1994. Vintage. London: Random House, 1995.
- Calasso, Roberto. The Marriage of Cadmus and Harmony. 1988. Trans. Tim Parks. 1993. Vintage. London: Random House, 1994.
- Calasso, Roberto. Ka. 1996. Trans. Tim Parks. 1998. Vintage. London: Random House, 1999.
- Calasso, Roberto. K. 2002. Trans. Geoffrey Brock. Jonathan Cape. London: Random House, 2005.
Italo Calvino (1923–1985)
- Calvino, Italo. The Path to the Spiders' Nests. 1947. Trans. Archibald Colquhoun. 1956. Rev. Martin McLaughlin. 1998. Penguin Modern Classics. London: Penguin, 2009.
- Calvino, Italo. Ultimo viene il corvo. 1949. Nuovi Coralli, 152. Torino: Giulio Einaudi editore, 1976.
- Calvino, Italo. Adam, One Afternoon, and Other Stories. 1947, 1949 & 1952. Trans. Archibald Colquhoun & Peggy Wright. 1957. London: Picador, 1984.
- Calvino, Italo. I nostri antenati: il visconte dimezzato; Il barone rampante; Il cavaliere inesitente. 1952, 1957, 1959, 1960. I libri di italo Calvino. Milano: Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, 1991.
- Calvino, Italo. Our Ancestors: the Cloven Viscount; Baron in the Trees; The Non-existent Knight. 1951, 1957, 1959. Trans. Archibald Colquhoun. 1962, 1959, 1962. London: Picador, 1980.
- Calvino, Italo. The Baron in the Trees. Trans. Archibald Colquhoun. 1959. A Harvest / HBJ Book / A Helen and Kurt Wolff Book. San Diego: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Publishers, n.d.
- Calvino, Italo. Marcovaldo or the Seasons in the City. 1963. Trans. William Weaver. 1983. Mandarin. London: Minerva, 1993.
- Calvino, Italo. Cosmicomics. 1965. Trans. William Weaver. 1968. A Helen & Kurt Wolff Book. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich Publishers, 1976.
- Calvino, Italo. Time and the Hunter. 1967. Trans. William Weaver. 1969. Abacus. London: Sphere Books, 1983.
- Calvino, Italo. The Castle of Crossed Destinies. 1969 & 1973. Trans. William Weaver. 1977. London: Picador, 1978.
- Calvino, Italo. Invisible Cities. 1972. Trans. William Weaver. 1974. London: Martin Secker & Warburg LImited, 1974.
- Calvino, Italo. Invisible Cities. 1972. Trans. William Weaver. 1974. London: Picador, 1979.
- Calvino, Italo. If on a winter's night a traveller. 1979. Trans. William Weaver. 1981. London: Picador, 1982.
- Calvino, Italo. The Literature Machine. 1980 & 1982. Trans. Patrick Creagh. 1986. London: Vintage, 1997.
- Calvino, Italo. Mr. Palomar. 1983. Trans. William Weaver. 1985. Vintage Classics. London: Vintage, 1999.
- Calvino, Italo. Under the Jaguar Sun. 1986. Trans. William Weaver. 1988. London: Jonathan Cape, 1992.
- Calvino, Italo. Why Read the Classics? 1991. Trans. Martin McLaughlin. 1999. Vintage Classics. London: Vintage, 2000.
- Calvino, Italo. Why Read the Classics? 1991. Trans. Martin McLaughlin. 1999. Modern Classics. London: Penguin, 2009.
- Calvino, Italo. Romanzi e racconti. Ed. Claudio Milanini, with Mario Barenghi & Bruno Falcetto. Preface by Jean Starobinski. 3 vols. I Meridiani. Vol. 1. Milano: Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, 1991.
- Calvino, Italo. Romanzi e racconti. Ed. Claudio Milanini, with Mario Barenghi & Bruno Falcetto. 3 vols. I Meridiani. Vol. 2. Milano: Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, 1992.
- Calvino, Italo. Romanzi e racconti. Ed. Claudio Milanini, with Mario Barenghi & Bruno Falcetto. Bibliography by Luca Baranelli. 3 vols. I Meridiani. Vol. 3: Racconti sparsi e altri scritti d’invenzione. Milano: Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, 1994.
- Calvino, Italo. Hermit in Paris: Autobiographical Writings. 1994. Trans. Martin McLaughlin. 2003. London: Vintage, 2004.
- Calvino, Italo. Numbers in the Dark and Other Stories. Trans. Tim Parks. Preface by Esther Calvino. 1995. Penguin Modern Classics. London: Penguin, 2009.
- Calvino, Italo. The Complete Cosmicomics. 2002. Trans. Martin McLaughlin, Tim Parks & William Weaver. 1969, 1995 & 2009. Introduction by Martin McLaughlin. Penguin Classics. London: Penguin, 2009.
Baldassare Castiglione (1478–1529)
- Castiglione, Baldesar. The Book of the Courtier. 1528. Trans. Charles S. Singleton. Illustrations ed. Edgard de N. Mayhew. Anchor Books. New York: Doubleday & Company, Inc., 1959.
Manuel Ciarleglio (1968- )
- Ciarleglio, Manuel. Fangén. Bologna: EpiKa Edizioni, 2013.
Carlo Lorenzini ['Carlo Collodi'] (1826-1890)
- Collodi, Carlo. The Adventures of Pinocchio: Story of a Puppet / Le Avventure di Pinocchio: The Complete Text in a Bilingual Edition. Trans. Nicolas J. Perella. Illustrated by E. Mazzanti. Biblioteca Italiana. 1986. Berkeley: University Of California Press, 1991.
- Collodi, Carlo. Pinocchio: The Tale of a Puppet. Illustrated by Leslie Gray. Racine, Wisconsin: Whitman Publishing Division, 1967.
Francesco Colonna (c.1433-1527)
- Colonna, Francesco. Hypnerotomachia Poliphili: The Strife of Love in a Dream. The Entire Text Translated for the First Time into English with an Introduction by Joscelyn Godwin with the Original Woodcut Illustrations. 1499. London: Thames & Hudson, 1999.
- Caldwell, Ian, & Dustin Thomason. The Rule of Four. New York: The Dial Press, 2004.
- Godwin, Joscelyn. The Real Rule of Four. 2004. London: Arrow Books, 2005.
Giacomo Debenedetti (1901-1967)
- Debenedetti, Giacomo. Saggi. Ed. Alfonso Berardinelli, with Marco Edoardo Debenedetti & Angela Borghesi. I Meridiani. Milano: Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, 1999.
Giovanni della Casa (1503-1556)
- Della Casa, Giovanni. Galateo, or The Book of Manners. 1558. Trans. R. S. Pine-Coffin. Penguin Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1958.
Umberto Eco (1932-2016)
- Eco, Umberto. The Name of the Rose. 1980. Trans. William Weaver. 1983. London: Picador, 1984.
- Eco, Umberto. Foucault's Pendulum. 1988. Trans. William Weaver. London: Secker & Warburg, 1989.
- Eco, Umberto. The Bomb and the General. Illustrated by Eugenio Carmi. Trans. William Weaver. London: Secker & Warburg, 1989.
- Eco, Umberto. The Island of the Day Before. 1994. Trans. William Weaver. 1995. Minerva. London: Mandarin Paperbacks, 1996.
- Eco, Umberto. Baudolino. 2000. Trans. William Weaver. 2002. London: Vintage Books, 2003.
- Eco, Umberto. The Mysterious Flame of Queen Loana. 2004. Trans. Geoffrey Brock. 2005. London: Vintage Books, 2006.
- Eco, Umberto. The Prague Cemetery. 2010. Trans. Richard Dixon. Harvill Secker. London: Random House, 2011.
- Eco, Umberto. Numero Zero. 2015. Trans. Richard Dixon. Harvill Secker. London: Vintage, 2015.
- Eco, Umberto. Misreadings. 1963. Trans. William Weaver. 1993. London: Picador, 1994.
- Eco, Umberto. Travels in Hyperreality: Essays. 1973. Trans. William Weaver. 1986. London: Picador, 1987.
- Eco, Umberto. Reflections on The Name of the Rose. 1983. Trans. William Weaver. 1984. London: Secker & Warburg, 1985.
- Eco, Umberto. The Search for the Perfect Language. 1993. Trans. James Fentress. 1995. Fontana Press. London: HarperCollins, 1997.
- Eco, Umberto. Kant and the Platypus: Essays on Language and Cognition. 1997. Trans. Alastair McEwen. 1999. London: Vintage Books, 2000.
- Eco, Umberto. Experiences in Translation. Toronto Italian Studies. Trans. Alastair McEwen. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2001.
- Eco, Umberto. On Literature. 2002. Trans. Martin McLaughlin. 2004. London: Vintage Books, 2006.
- Eco, Umberto, ed. On Beauty: A History of a Western Idea. 2002. Trans. Alastair McEwen. Secker & Warburg. London: Random House, 2004.
- Eco, Umberto. Mouse or Rat? Translation as Negotiation. 2003. A Phoenix Paperback. London: Orion Books, Ltd. 2004.
- Eco, Umberto. Turning Back the Clock: Hot Wars and Media Populism. 2005. Trans. Alastair McEwen. 2006. Vintage. London: Random House, 2008.
- Eco, Umberto, ed. On Ugliness. 2007. Trans. Alastair McEwen. Harvill Secker. London: Random House, 2007.
- Eco, Umberto. Inventing the Enemy and Other Occasional Writings. 2011. Trans. Richard Dixon. Harvill Secker. London: Random House, 2012.
- Eco, Umberto, ed. The Book of Legendary Lands. 2013. Trans. Alastair McEwen. Rizzoli Ex Libris. New York: Rizzoli International Publications, Inc., 2013.
- Eco, Umberto. Chronicles of a Liquid Society. 2016. Trans. Richard Dixon. Harvill Secker. London: Penguin Random House, 2017.
Elena Ferrante
- Ferrante, Elena. My Brilliant Friend. 2011. The Neapolitan Novels, Book One. Trans. Ann Goldstein. 2012. Melbourne: The Text Publishing Company, 2016.
- Ferrante, Elena. The Story of a New Name. 2012. The Neapolitan Novels, Book Two. Trans. Ann Goldstein. 2013. Melbourne: The Text Publishing Company, 2016.
- Ferrante, Elena. Those Who Leave and Those Who Stay. 2013. The Neapolitan Novels, Book Three. Trans. Ann Goldstein. 2014. Melbourne: The Text Publishing Company, 2016.
- Ferrante, Elena. The Story of the Lost Child. 2014. The Neapolitan Novels, Book Four. Trans. Ann Goldstein. 2015. Melbourne: The Text Publishing Company, 2015.
Marsilio Ficino [Marsilius Ficinus] (1433-1499)
- Ficino, Marsilio. The Book of Life: Liber de Vita (or De Vita Triplici). 1489. Trans. Charles Boer. 1980. Rev. ed. Woodstock, Connecticut: Spring Publications, Inc., 1994.
- Ficino, Marsilio. The Letters, Volume 1. Trans. the Members of the Language Department of the School of Economic Science, London. Preface by Paul Oskar Kristeller. 1975. London: Shepheard-Walwyn (Publishers) Ltd., 1988.
- Ficino, Marsilio. The Letters, Volume 2: Being a Translation of Liber III. Trans. the Members of the Language Department of the School of Economic Science, London. 1978. London: Shepheard-Walwyn (Publishers) Ltd., 1982.
Giovannino [Giovanni] Guareschi (1908-1968)
- Guareschi, Giovanni. The Don Camillo Omnibus: The Little World of Don Camillo; Don Camillo and the Prodigal Son; Don Camillo’s Dilemma. 1948, 1953. Trans. Una Vincenzo Troubridge & Frances Frenaye. 1950, 1952, 1954. London: Readers Book Club, 1956.
- Guareschi, Giovanni. Don Camillo and the Devil. London: Victor Gollancz Ltd., 1957.
- Guareschi, Giovanni. Comrade Don Camillo. Illustrated by the Author. 1963. Trans. Frances Frenaye. London: Victor Gollancz Ltd., 1964.
- Guareschi, Giovanni. Don Camillo meets Hell’s Angels. 1969. Trans. L. K. Conrad. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1977.
Giuseppe Tomasi, 11th Prince of Lampedusa (1896-1957)
- Lampedusa, Giuseppe Tomasi di. Il Gattopardo: Edizione conforme al manoscritto del 1957. 1958. Universale Economica Feltrinelli. Milano: Giangiacomo Feltrinelli Editore, 1981.
- Lampedusa, Giuseppe di. The Leopard. 1958. Trans. Archibald Colquhoun. 1960. Fontana Modern Novels. London: William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd., 1969.
- Lampedusa, Giuseppe Tomasi di. I Racconti. 1961. Ed. Nicoletta Polo. Prefazione di Gioacchino Lanza Tomasi. 1988. Universale Economica Feltrinelli. Milano: Giangiacomo Feltrinelli Editore, 1993.
- Lampedusa, Giuseppe di. Two Stories and a Memory. 1961. Trans. Archibald Colquhoun. 1962. Introduction by E. M. Forster. The Universal Library. New York: Grosset & Dunlap, 1968.
- Lampedusa, Giuseppe Tomasi di. The Siren & Selected Writings. 1961 & 1990-91. Trans. Archibald Colquhoun, David Gilmour, & Guido Waldman. 1962 & 1993. Introductions by David Gilmour. London: The Harvill Press, 1995.
- Gilmour, David. The Last Leopard: A Life of Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa. 1988. The Harvill Press. London: Random House, 2003.
Carlo Levi (1902-1975)
- Levi, Carlo. Christ Stopped at Eboli. 1945. Trans. Frances Frenaye. London: Cassell / Readers Union Ltd., 1949.
Primo Michele Levi (1919-1987)
- Levi, Primo. If This Is a Man / The Truce. [‘Se questo è un uomo’, 1947/58 / ‘La tregua’ 1963]. Trans. Stuart Woolf. 1960 & 1965. Introduction by Paul Bailey. 1971. Penguin Modern Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1979.
- Levi, Primo. If This Is a Man / The Truce. [‘Se questo è un uomo’, 1947/58 / ‘La tregua’ 1963]. Trans. Stuart Woolf. 1960 & 1965. Introduction by Paul Bailey. London: Abacus, 2005.
- Levi, Primo. The Periodic Table. [‘Il sistema periodico’, 1975]. Trans. Raymond Rosenthal. 1984. Essay by Philip Roth. Penguin Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 2000.
- Levi, Primo. If Not Now, When? [‘Se non ora, quando?’, 1982]. Trans. William Weaver. 1985. An Abacus Book. London: Little, Brown and Company (UK) Limited, 1992.
- Levi, Primo. The Wrench. [‘La chiave a stella’, 1978]. Trans. William Weaver. 1986. London: Michael Joseph Ltd., 1987.
- Levi, Primo. Moments of Reprieve. [‘Lilìt e altri racconti’, 1981]. Trans. Ruth Feldman. 1986. Introduction by Michael Ignatieff. Penguin Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 2002.
- Levi, Primo. Other People’s Trades. [‘L'altrui mestiere’, 1985]. Trans. Raymond Rosenthal. 1986. London: Michael Joseph Ltd., 1989.
- Levi, Primo. The Drowned and the Saved. [‘I sommersi e i salvati’, 1986]. Trans. Raymond Rosenthal. 1986. Introduction by Paul Bailey. London: Michael Joseph Ltd., 1988.
- Levi, Primo. Collected Poems. [‘L'osteria di Brema’, 1975 / ‘Ad ora incerta’, 1984]. Trans. Ruth Feldman & Brian Swann. 1988. London: Faber, 1991.
- Levi, Primo. The Mirror Maker: Stories & Essays. [‘Racconti e Saggi’, 1986]. Trans. Raymond Rosenthal. 1989. London: Methuen, 1990.
- Levi, Primo. The Sixth Day and Other Tales. [‘Storie naturali’ (as Damiano Malabaila), 1966 / ‘Vizio di forma’, 1971]. Trans. Raymond Rosenthal. 1990. Abacus. London: Sphere Books Ltd., 1991.
- Levi, Primo. A Tranquil Star. [‘Vizio di forma’, 1971 / ‘Lilìt e altri racconti’, 1981]. Trans. Ann Goldstein & Alessandra Bastagli. 2007. Penguin Modern Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 2008.
- The Complete Works of Primo Levi. Ed. Ann Goldstein. Introduction by Toni Morrison. 3 vols. Liveright Publishing Corporation. New York: W. W. Norton & Company. Inc., 2015.
Vol. 1:
- If This Is a Man. Trans. Stuart Woolf (1947)
- The Truce. Trans. Ann Goldstein (1963)
- Natural Histories. Trans. Jenny McPhee (1966)
- Flaw of Form. Trans. Jenny McPhee (1971)
Vol. 2:
- The Periodic Table. Trans. Ann Goldstein (1975)
- The Wrench. Trans. Nathaniel Rich (1978)
- Uncollected Stories and Essays, 1949-1980. Trans. Alessandria Bastagli & Francesco Bastagli (2015)
- Lilith and Other Stories. Trans. Ann Goldstein (1981)
- If Not Now, When? Trans. Anthony Shugaar (1982)
Vol. 3:
- Collected Poems. Trans. Jonathan Galassi (1984)
- Other People’s Trades. Trans. Anthony Shugaar (1985)
- Stories and Essays. Trans. Anne Milano Appel (1986)
- The Drowned and the Saved. Trans. Michael F. Moore (1986)
- Uncollected Stories and Essays, 1981-1987. Trans. Alessandria Bastagli & Francesco Bastagli (2015)
- Levi, Primo. The Search for Roots: A Personal Anthology. [‘La ricerca delle radici’, 1981]. Trans. Peter Forbes. 2001. Penguin Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 2002.
- Levi, Primo, & Tullio Regge. Conversations. ['Dialogo', 1984]. Trans. Raymond Rosenthal. 1989. Introduction by Tullio Regge. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1992.
- Levi, Primo. The Voice of Memory: Interviews, 1961-1987. [‘Conversazioni e interviste 1963–1987’, ed. Marco Belpoliti, 1997]. Ed. & Trans. Robert Gordon. 2001. New York: The New Press, 2001.
- Anissimov, Myriam. Primo Levi: Tragedy of an Optimist. 1996. Trans. Steve Cox. 1998. London: Aurum Press Ltd., 1999.
- Angier, Carole. The Double Bond: Primo Levi, A Biography. 2002. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 2003.
- Thomson, Ian. Primo Levi. 2002. Vintage. London: Random House, 2003.
- Luzzatto, Sergio. Primo Levi's Resistance: Rebels and Collaborators in Occupied Italy. 2013. Trans. Frederika Randall. Picador / Metropolitan Books. New York: Henry Holt & Company, LLC, 2016.
Niccolò di Bernardo dei Machiavelli (1469–1527)
- Machiavelli, Niccolò. Opere. Ed. Mario Bonfantini. La Letteratura Italiana: Storia e Testi, 29. Milano: Riccardo Ricciardi Editore, 1954.
- Machiavelli, Niccolò. La Mandragola ed Altri Scritti Letterari. Ed. Gianni Gervasoni. Biblioteca di Letteratura. Milano: Casa Editrice Carlo Signorelli S.A., 1954.
- Machiavelli, Niccolò. The Prince. Trans. Luigi Ricci. 1903. Rev. E. R. P. Vincent. 1935. Introduction by Christian Gauss. 1952. A Mentor Classic. New York: The New American Library, 1962.
- Machiavelli, Niccolò. The Prince and The Discourses. Introduction by Max Lerner. Modern Library College Editions, T25. New York: The Modern Library, 1950.
- Machiavelli, Niccolò. The History of Florence and of the Affairs of Italy from the Earliest Times to the Death of Lorenzo the Magnificent. Together with The Prince and Various Historical Tracts. Ed. Gianni Gervasoni. Bohn’s Standard Library. London: George Bell & Sons, 1906.
Valerio Massimo Manfredi (1943- )
- Manfredi, Valerio Massimo. Alexander, 1: Child of a Dream. Trans. Iain Halliday. 1998. London: Pan Books, 2001.
- Manfredi, Valerio Massimo. Alexander, 2: The Sands of Ammon. Trans. Iain Halliday. 1998. London: Pan Books, 2001.
- Manfredi, Valerio Massimo. Alexander, 3: The Ends of the Earth. Trans. Iain Halliday. 1998. London: Pan Books, 2001.
Alessandro Francesco Tommaso Manzoni (1785-1873)
- Manzoni, Alessandro. I Promessi sposi: Edizione Integrale Commentata. 1825-27. Ed. Lanfranco Caretti. Grande Universale Mursia testi, Nuova serie, 16. 1966. Milano: U. Mursia & C., 1972.
- Manzoni, Alessandro. The Betrothed: ‘I Promessi sposi.’ A Tale of XVII Century Milan. 1827. Trans. Archibald Colquhoun. 1951. London: The Reprint Society Ltd., 1952.
Giuseppe Mazzini (1805-1872)
- Mazzini, Joseph. The Duty of Man and Other Essays. 1907. Everyman’s Library, 224. London: J. M. Dent & Sons Ltd. / New York: E. P. Dutton & Co. Inc., 1924.
Alberto Pincherle ['Alberto Moravia'] (1907-1990)
- Moravia, Alberto. The Time of Indifference. 1929. Trans. Angus Davidson. 1953. Panther Books Limited. Frogmore, St Albans, Herts: Granada Publishing Limited., 1975.
- Moravia, Alberto. Agostino. 1945. Milano: Tascabili Bompiani, 1980.
- Moravia, Alberto. The Woman of Rome. Trans. Lydia Holland. 1949. London: Secker & Warburg, 1953.
- Moravia, Alberto. The Conformist. 1951. Trans. Angus Davidson. 1952. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1968.
- Moravia, Alberto. Roman Tales. 1954. Trans. Angus Davidson. 1956. Panther Books Limited. Frogmore, St Albans, Herts: Granada Publishing Limited., 1976.
- Moravia, Alberto. A Ghost at Noon. 1955. Trans. Angus Davidson. 1955. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1976.
- Moravia, Alberto. Two Women. 1957. Trans. Angus Davidson. 1958. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1982.
- Moravia, Alberto. The Empty Canvas. 1961. Trans. Angus Davidson. New York: Manor Books Inc., 1973.
- Moravia, Alberto. The Fetish: A Volume of Stories. 1963. Trans. Angus Davidson. London: Secker & Warburg, 1964.
Ippolito Nievo (1831-1861)
- Nievo, Ippolito. The Castle of Fratta. Trans. Lovett F. Edwards. Illustrated by Eric Fraser. London: The Folio Society, 1954.
Pier Paolo Pasolini (1922-1975)
- Pasolini, Pier Paolo. Petrolio. 1992. Trans. Ann Goldstein. Pantheon Books. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, Inc., 1997.
Cesare Pavese (1908-1950)
- Pavese, Cesare. La Luna e i falò. 1950. I coralli, 48. Torino: Giulio Einaudi editore, 1967.
- Pavese, Cesare. Festival Night and Other Stories. 1953. Trans. A. E. Murch. London: Petre Owen Limited, 1964.
- Pavese, Cesare. The Devil in the Hills. 1948. Trans. D. D. Paige. 1954. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1967.
- Pavese, Cesare. The Political Prisoner. Trans. W. J. Strachan. A Mayflower-Dell Paperback. London: Mayflower Books Ltd., 1966.
- Pavese, Cesare. Among Women Only. 1953. London: Times Mirror / New English Library, 1974.
- Pavese, Cesare. The Beach. 1963. Consul Books. London: World Distributors (Manchester) Ltd., 1965.
- Pavese, Cesare. This Business of Living. A Diary 1935-1950. Trans. Alma E. Murch. 1961. Consul Books. London: World Distributors (Manchester) Ltd., 1964.
- Pavese, Cesare. Selected Poems. Trans. Margaret Crosland. 1969. Penguin Modern European Poets. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1971.
Gian Francesco Poggio Bracciolini (1380-1459)
- Poggio Bracciolini, Giovanni Francesco. The Facetiae. Translated by Bernhardt J. Hurwood. New York & London; Award Books & Tandem Books, 1968.
Leonardo Sciascia (1921-1989)
- Sciascia, Leonardo. Il giorno della civetta. 1961. Nuovi Coralli, 17. Torino: Giulio Einaudi editore, 1980.
Secondino Tranquilli ['Ignazio Silone'] (1900-1978)
- Silone, Ignazio. Fontamara. 1931. Gli Oscar. Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, 1976.
- Silone, Ignazio. Fontamara. Trans. Gwenda David & Eric Mosbacher. 1934. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1938.
Aron Ettore Schmitz ['Italo Svevo'] (1861-1928)
- Svevo, Italo. As a Man Grows Older. 1898. Trans. Beryl de Zoete. 1932. Penguin Modern Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1977.
- Svevo, Italo. La Coscienza di Zeno: Romanzo. 1923. Scrittori di Tutto il Mondo. 1938. Milano: dall’Oglio, editore, 1974.
- Svevo, Italo. Confessions of Zeno. 1923. Trans. Beryl de Zoete. 1930. Note by Édouard Roditi. 1962. Penguin Modern Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1976.
Giovanni Verga (1840-1922)
- Verga, Giovanni. Mastro-don Gesualdo. 1888. Trans. D. H. Lawrence. 1925. Penguin Modern Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1970.
- Verga, Giovanni. Maestro Don Gesualdo. 1888. Ed. Luigi Russo. Edizioni Scolastiche Mondadori. 1946. Verona: Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, 1973.
- Verga, Giovanni. Little Novels of Sicily. Trans. D. H. Lawrence. Introduction by Andrew Wilkin. 1925. Penguin Modern Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1973.
- Verga, Giovanni. I Malavoglia. 1881. Ed. Piero Nardi. Edizioni Scolastiche Mondadori. Verona: Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, 1963.
- Verga, Giovanni. The House by the Medlar Tree. 1881. Trans. Eric Mosbacher. London: George Weindenfeld & Nicolson Ltd., 1950.
Elio Vittorini (1908-1966)
- Vittorini, Elio. Conversation in Sicily. 1946. Trans. Wilfrid David. Introduction by Ernest Hemingway. 1949. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1961.
- Vittorini, Elio. Women of Messina. 1949. Trans. Frances Frenaye & Frances Keene. New York: New Directions Publishing Corporation, 1973.
- Vittorini. Le Opere Narrative. Ed. Maria Corti. 2 vols. I Meridiani. 1974. Milano: Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, 1990, 1982.
- Buttura, A., ed. I Quattro Poeti Italiani con una Scelta di Poesie Italiane dal 1200 sino a’ Nostri Tempi. Parigi: Presso Lefevre, Librajo / Baudry., Librajo, 1833.
- Kay, George R., ed. The Penguin Book of Italian Verse: With Plain Prose Translations of Each Poem. 1958. The Penguin Poets. Ed. J. M. Cohen. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1960.
- Penman, Bruce, ed. Five Italian Renaissance Comedies. Machiavelli: The Mandragola; Ariosto: Lena; Aretino: The Stablemaster; Gl’Intronati: The Deceived; Guarini: The Faithful Shepherd. 1558. Trans. George Bull, Guy Williams & Bruce Penman. Penguin Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1978.
- Poliziano, Angelo et al. Teatro Antico: Tragico, Comico, Pastorale, Drammatico. Parnaso Italiano, ovvero Raccolta de’ Poeti Classic Italiani d’ogni genere, d’ogni età, d’ogni metro, e del più scelto tra gli ottimi, diligentemente riveduti sugli originali più accreditati, e adornati di figure in rame. Tomo XVII. Venezia: Presso Antonio Zatta e figli, 1785.
- Press, Alan R., ed. Anthology of Troubadour Lyric Poetry. Edinburgh Bilingual Library, 3. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 1971.
- Ross, James Bruce, & Mary Martin McLaughlin, ed. The Portable Renaissance Reader. 1953. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1977.
- Sanguinetti, Edoardo, ed. Poesia Italiana del Novecento. Gli Struzzi, 3. 2 vols. Torino: Einaudi, 1969.
- Targoff, Ramie. Renaissance Woman: The Life of Vittoria Colonna. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2018.
- Trevelyan, Raleigh, ed. Italian Short Stories / Racconti Italiani I. 1965. Penguin Parallel Texts. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1977.
- Trevelyan, Raleigh, ed. Italian Writing Today. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1967.
- Viazzi, Glauco, ed. I Poeti del Futurismo, 1909-1944. “Biblioteca”, 5. Milano: Longanesi & C., 1978.
- Vittorini, Dimitri, ed. Italian Short Stories / Racconti Italiani II. 1971. Penguin Parallel Texts. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1972.
Anthologies & Secondary Literature
- Achim von Arnim (1781-1831)
- Ingeborg Bachmann (1926–1973)
- Gottfried Benn (1886-1956)
- Sebastian Brant (1457-1521)
- Paul Celan (1920-1970)
- Adelbert von Chamisso (1781-1838)
- Hans Magnus Enzensburger (1929- )
- Stefan George (1868-1933)
- J. W. von Goethe (1749-1832)
- Heinrich Heine (1797-1856)
- Friedrich Hölderlin (1770-1843)
- Rainer Maria Rilke (1875-1926)
- Nelly Sachs (1891-1970)
- Ludwig Tieck (1773-1853)
- Georg Trakl (1887-1914)
- Walther von der Vogelweide (c.1170-c.1230)
- Karl Wolfskehl (1869-1948)
- Anthologies & Secondary Literature
Ludwig Joachim [Achim] von Arnim (1781-1831)
- Arnim, Achim von. Novellen und Erzählungen in einem Band. Ed. Walther Migge. Jubliäumsbibliothek der deutschen Literatur. München: Winkler Verlag, n.d.
Ingeborg Bachmann (1926–1973)
- Bachmann, Ingeborg. Darkness Spoken: The Collected Poems. 1953, 1956, 1978 & 2000. Trans. Peter Filkins. Foreword by Charles Simic. Brookline, MA: Zephyr Press, 2006.
Gottfried Benn (1886-1956)
- Benn, Gottfried. Primal Vision: Selected Writings. Ed. E. B. Ashton. New York: New Directions, 1971.
Sebastian Brand [Brant] (1457-1521)
- Brant, Sebastian. The Ship of Fools. 1494. Trans. Edwin H. Zeydel. 1944. New York: Dover Publications, Inc., 1962.
Paul Antschel ['Paul Celan'] (1920-1970)
- Celan, Paul. Gesammelte Werke in fünf Bänden. Erster Band - Gedichte I: Mohn und Gedächtnis; Von Schwelle zu Schwelle; Sprachgitter; Die Niemandsrose. 1952, 1955, 1959, 1963. Ed. Beda Allemann & Stefan Reichert. 1983. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp Taschenbuch Verlag, 1986.
- Celan, Paul. Gesammelte Werke in fünf Bänden. Zweiter Band - Gedichte II: Atemwende; Fadensonnen; Lichtzwang; Schneepart. 1967, 1968, 1970, 1971. Ed. Beda Allemann & Stefan Reichert. 1983. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp Taschenbuch Verlag, 1986.
- Celan, Paul. Gesammelte Werke in fünf Bänden. Dritter Band - Gedichte III: Der Sand aus den Urnen; Zeitgehöft / Prosa / Reden. 1948, 1976. Ed. Beda Allemann & Stefan Reichert. 1983. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp Taschenbuch Verlag, 1986.
- Celan, Paul. Gesammelte Werke in fünf Bänden. Vierter Band: Übertragungen I - Zweisprachig. Ed. Beda Allemann & Stefan Reichert. 1983. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp Taschenbuch Verlag, 1986.
- Celan, Paul. Gesammelte Werke in fünf Bänden. Fünfter Band: Übertragungen II - Zweisprachig. Ed. Beda Allemann & Stefan Reichert. 1983. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp Taschenbuch Verlag, 1986.
- Celan, Paul. Die Gedichte: Kommentierte Gesamtausgabe in einem Band. Ed. Barbara Weidemann. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp, 2003.
- Celan, Paul. Selected Poems. Trans. Michael Hamburger & Christopher Middleton. 1962 & 1967. Introduction by Michael Hamburger. Penguin Modern European Poets. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1972.
- Celan, Paul. Collected Prose. Trans. Rosmarie Waldrop. 1986. Fyfield Books. Manchester: Carcanet Press Limited, 2003.
- Celan, Paul. Selected Poems. Trans. Michael Hamburger. 1988. Penguin International Poets. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1990.
- Celan, Paul. Selected Poems and Prose. Trans. John Felstiner. New York & London: W. W. Norton, 2001.
- Celan, Paul. Romanian Poems. Trans. Julian Semilian & Sanda Agdidi. Green Integer, 81. København & Los Angeles: Green Integer Books, 2003.
- Celan, Paul. Selections. Ed. Pierre Joris. Poets for the Millennium, 3. Trans. Pierre Joris & Jerome Rothenberg. Berkeley & Los Angeles: University of California Press / London: University of California Press, Ltd., 2005.
- Celan, Paul. From Threshold to Threshold. ['Von Schwelle zu Schwelle', 1955]. Trans. David Young. Grosse Point Farms, Michigan: Marick Press, 2010.
- Celan, Paul. Breathturn. ['Atemwende', 1967]. Trans. Pierre Joris. Sun & Moon Classics, 74. Los Angeles: Sun & Moon Press, 1995.
- Celan, Paul. Threadsuns. ['Fadensonnen', 1968]. Trans. Pierre Joris. Sun & Moon Classics, 122. Los Angeles: Sun & Moon Press, 2000.
- Celan, Paul. Fathomsuns / Fadensonnen and Benighted / Eingedunkelt. 1968. Trans. Ian Fairley. Manchester: Carcanet Press Limited, 2001.
- Celan, Paul. Lightduress. ['Lichtzwang', 1970]. Trans. Pierre Joris. Green Integer, 113. København & Los Angeles: Green Integer Books, 2005.
- Celan, Paul. Snow Part / Schneepart. 1971. Trans. Ian Fairley. Riverdale-on-Hudson, New York: The Sheep Meadow Press, 2007.
- Celan, Paul. The Meridian: Final Version - Drafts - Materials. Ed. Bernhard Böschenstein & Heino Schmull, with Michael Schwarzkopf & Christiane Wittkop. 1999. Trans. Pierre Joris. Meridian: Crossing Aesthetics. Stanford, California: Stanford University Press, 2011.
- Celan, Paul. Language Behind Bars. ['Sprachgitter', 1959]. Trans. David Young. Grosse Point Farms, Michigan: Marick Press, 2012.
- Gillespie, Susan H., trans. Corona: Selected Poems of Paul Celan. Station Hill of Barrytown. New York: Institute for Publishing Arts, Inc., 2013.
- Celan, Paul. No One's Rose. ['Die Niemandsrose', 1963]. Trans. David Young. Grosse Point Farms, Michigan: Marick Press, 2014.
- Joris, Pierre, trans. Breathturn into Timestead: The Collected Later Poetry of Paul Celan. A Bilingual Edition. ['Atemwende', 1967; 'Fadensonnen', 1968; 'Eingedunkelt', 1968; 'Lichtzwang', 1970; 'Schneepart', 1971; 'Zeitgehöft', 1976]. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2014.
- Joris, Pierre, trans. Memory Rose into Threshold Speech: The Collected Earlier Poetry of Paul Celan. A Bilingual Edition. ['Mohn und Gedachtnis’, 1952; ‘Von schwelle zu Schwelle’, 1955; ‘Sprachgitter’, 1959; ‘Die Niemandsrose’, 1963]. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2020.
- Celan, Paul. Microliths They Are, Little Stones: Posthumous Prose. Ed. Bertrand Badiou & Barbara Weidemann. 2005. Trans. Pierre Joris. New York: Contra Mundum Press, 2020.
- Celan, Paul, & Nelly Sachs. Correspondence. Ed. Barbara Wiedemann. 1993. Trans. Christopher Clark. Introduction by John Felstiner. Riverdale-on-Hudson, New York: The Sheep Meadow Press, 1995.
- Celan, Paul, & Gisèle Celan-Lestrange. Correspondance (1951-1970), avec un choix de letters de Paul Celan à son fils Eric. I – Lettres. Ed. Bertrand Badiou & Eric Celan. La Librairie du XXIe siècle. Paris: Éditions du Seuil, 2001.
- Celan, Paul, & Gisèle Celan-Lestrange. Correspondance (1951-1970), avec un choix de letters de Paul Celan à son fils Eric. II – Commentaires et Illustrations. Ed. Bertrand Badiou & Eric Celan. La Librairie du XXIe siècle. Paris: Éditions du Seuil, 2001.
- Bachmann, Ingeborg, & Paul Celan. Correspondence: With the Correspondence between Paul Celan and Max Frisch, and between Ingeborg Bachmann and Gisèle Celan-Lestrange. Ed. Bertrand Badiou, Hans Höller, Andrea Stoll & Barbara Weidemann. 2008. Trans. Wieland Hoban. The German List. London: Seagull Books, 2010.
- Gillespie, Susan H., trans. The Correspondence of Paul Celan & Ilana Shmueli. 2004. Preface by John Fesltiner. Introduction by Norman Manea. Afterword by Ilana Shmueli. Conversation between Norman Manea & Ilana Shmueli. Riverdale-on-Hudson, New York: The Sheep Meadow Press, 2010.
Secondary Literature:
- Chalfen, Israel. Paul Celan: A Biography of His Youth. 1979. Trans. Maximilian Bleyleben. Introduction by John Felstiner. New York: Persea Books, 1991.
- Daive, Jean. Under the Dome: Walks With Paul Celan. [La Condition d'infini 5: Sous la coupole, P.O.L. Editeur, 1996]. Trans. Rosmarie Waldrop. Série d'écriture, 22. Anyart, Providence: Burning Deck Press, 2009.
- Felstiner, John. Paul Celan: Poet, Survivor, Jew. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1995.
Adelbert von Chamisso (1781-1838)
- Chamisso, Adelbert von. Werke in einem Band. Ed. Volker Hoffmann. 1975. Rev. ed. Edda Ziegler. Jubliäumsbibliothek der deutschen Literatur. München: Winkler Verlag, n.d.
Hans Magnus Enzensburger (1929- )
- Enzensburger, Hans Magnus. Poems. Trans. Michael Hamburger & Jerome Rothenberg, with the author. Introduction by Michael Hamburger. Penguin Modern European Poets. Ed. A. Alvarez. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1968.
Stefan George (1868-1933)
- George, Stefan. Poems: German-English Edition. Trans. Carol North Valhope & Ernst Morwitz. London: Kegan Paul, 1944.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832)
- Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von. Werke. 1 – Gedichte / Reflexionen: Gedichte; Epen; West-Östlicher Divan; Maximen und Reflexionen. Ed. Paul Stapf. 4 vols. Berlin & Darmstadt: Deutsche Buch-Gemeinschaft, 1956.
- Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von. Werke. 2 – Dramen: Frühe Dramen; Satiren; Die klassischen Dramen; Festspiele; Faust. Ed. Paul Stapf. 4 vols. Berlin & Darmstadt: Deutsche Buch-Gemeinschaft, 1956.
- Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von. Werke. 3 – Erzählende Dichtung: Werther; Wahlverwandtschaften; Unterhaltungen deutscher Ausgewanderten Novelle; Wilhelm Meisters Lehr- und Wanderjahre. Ed. Paul Stapf. 4 vols. Berlin & Darmstadt: Deutsche Buch-Gemeinschaft, 1956.
- Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von. Werke. 4 – Vermischte Schriften: Dichtung und Wahrheit; Biographische Einzelheiten; Schriften zur Literature, Kunst und Naturwissenschaft. Ed. Paul Stapf. 4 vols. Berlin & Darmstadt: Deutsche Buch-Gemeinschaft, 1956.
- Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von. The Permanent Goethe. Ed. Thomas Mann. New York: The Dial Press, 1948.
- Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von. Great Writings of Goethe. Ed. Stephen Spender. A Mentor Book. New York: New American Library, 1958.
- Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von. Selected Works: The Sorrows of Young Werther; Elective Affinities; Italian Journey; Faust; Novella; Selected Poems and Letters. Trans. W. H. Auden, Louise Bogan, David Constantie, Barker Fairley, Michael Hamburger, M. von Herzfeld, Elizabeth Mayer, Christopher Middleton, C. Melville Sym et al. Everyman's Library, 246. 1999. A Borzoi Book. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2000.
- Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von. Selected Verse, with Plain Prose Translations of Each Poem. Ed. David Luke. The Penguin Poets. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1964.
- Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von. Wilhelm Meister’s Apprenticeship & Travels. 1824. Trans. Thomas Carlyle. 1826. London: Chapman & Hall, n.d.
- Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von. Wilhelm Meister: Wilhelm Meister’s Years of Apprenticeship Wilhelm Meisters Lehrjahre. 1795-1796. Trans. H. M. Waidson. 3 vols. London: John Calder (Publishers) Ltd. / Dallas: Riverrun Press Inc., 1977, 1978, 1979.
- Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von. Wilhelm Meister: Wilhelm Meister’s Years of Travel or The Renunciants Wilhelm Meisters Wanderjahre oder Die Entsagenden. 1829. Trans. H. M. Waidson. 3 vols. London: John Calder (Publishers) Ltd. / New York: Riverrun Press Inc., 1980, 1981, 1982.
- Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von. The Sufferings of Young Werther. 1774. Trans. Bayard Quincy Morgan. 1957. London: John Calder, 1976.
- Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von. Kindred by Choice. 1809. Trans. H. M. Waidson. London: John Calder, 1960.
- Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von. Elective Affinities. 1809. Trans. R. J. Hollingdale. Penguin Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1971.
- Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von. Tales of Transformation. Trans. Scott Thompson. 1987. London: Peter Owen Publishers, 1989.
- Arden, John. Ironhand: Adapted from Goethe’s Goetz von Berlichingen. London: Methuen & Co. Ltd., 1965.
- Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von. Faust. Ed. Erich Trunz. Hamburg: Christian Wegner Verlag, 1949.
- Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von. Faust, First Part / Faust, Erster Teil. A Bantam Dual-Language Book. Ed. Peter Salm. New York: Bantam Books, 1962.
- Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von. Faust: Eine Tragödie. Band II. Basel: Benno Schwabe & Co. Verlag, 1949.
- Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von. Faust, Part One. 1808. Trans. Philip Wayne. Penguin Classics. 1949. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1975.
- Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von. Faust, Part Two. 1832. Trans. Philip Wayne. Penguin Classics. 1959. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1973.
- Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von. Poetry and Truth: From My Own Life. Rev. Trans. Minna Steele Smith. 1908. Introduction by Karl Breul. 2 vols. Bohn’s Popular Library. London: G. Bell & Sons, Ltd., 1930.
- Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von. Conversations of Goethe with Eckermann. 1836 & 1848. Trans. John Oxenford. 1850. Ed. J. K. Moorhead. Introduction by Havelock Ellis. Everyman’s Library. London: J. M. Dent / New York: E. P. Dutton, 1930.
- Lewes, G. H. The Life and Works of Goethe, with Sketches of his Age and Contemporaries. 1855. Introduction by Havelock Ellis. 1908. Everyman’s Library. London: J. M. Dent / New York: E. P. Dutton, 1911.
Christian Johann Heinrich Heine (1797-1856)
- Heine, Heinrich. Heines Werke in fünfzehn Teilen. 1-4: Gedichte. Ed. Hermann Friedemann, Helene Herrmann, Erwin Kalischer, Raimund Pissin & Veit Valentin. Vol. 1 of 4. Berlin: Deutsches Verlagshaus Bong & Co., n.d.
- Heine, Heinrich. Heines Werke in fünfzehn Teilen. 5-8. Ed. Hermann Friedemann, Helene Herrmann, Erwin Kalischer, Raimund Pissin & Veit Valentin. Vol. 2 of 4. Berlin: Deutsches Verlagshaus Bong & Co., n.d.
- Heine, Heinrich. Heines Werke in fünfzehn Teilen. 9-11. Ed. Hermann Friedemann, Helene Herrmann, Erwin Kalischer, Raimund Pissin & Veit Valentin. Vol. 3 of 4. Berlin: Deutsches Verlagshaus Bong & Co., n.d.
- Heine, Heinrich. Heines Werke in fünfzehn Teilen. 12-15. Ed. Hermann Friedemann, Helene Herrmann, Erwin Kalischer, Raimund Pissin & Veit Valentin. Vol. 4 of 4. Berlin: Deutsches Verlagshaus Bong & Co., n.d.
- Heine, Heinrich. Werke in drei Bänden. Band II: Dichterische Prosa; Dramatisches. Ed. Jost Perfahl. Jubliäumsbibliothek der deutschen Literatur. München: Winkler Verlag, n.d.
- Heine, Heinrich. Werke in drei Bänden. Band III: Schriften zu Literatur und Politik. Ed. Jost Perfahl. Jubliäumsbibliothek der deutschen Literatur. München: Winkler Verlag, n.d.
- Heine, Heinrich. Selected Verse, with Plain Prose Translations of Each Poem. Ed. Peter Branscombe. The Penguin Poets. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1967.
- Heine, Heinrich. The Complete Poems: A Modern English Version. Trans. Hal Draper. Boston: Suhrkamp / Insel, 1982.
- Werner, Alfred, ed. The Sword and the Flame: Selections from Heinrich Heine’s Prose. New York: Thomas Yoseloff, 1960.
Johann Christian Friedrich Hölderlin (1770-1843)
- Hölderlin, Johann Christian Friedrich. Selected Verse: With Plain Prose Translations of Each Poem. Trans. Michael Hamburger. The Penguin Poets. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1961.
- Hölderlin, Friedrich. Poems and Fragments: Bi-Lingual Edition. Trans. Michael Hamburger. 1966. Enlarged Edition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1980.
- Hölderlin, Friedrich. Hyperion, or The Hermit in Greece. Trans. Willard R. Trask. 1959. Foreword by Alexander Gode-von Aesch. A Signet Classic. New York: New American Library, 1965.
Rainer Maria Rilke (1875-1926)
- Rilke, Rainer Maria. Sämtliche Werke. Erster Band: Gedichte, Erster Teil. Ed. Rilke Archive, with Ruth Sieber-Rilke & Ernst Zinn. 6 vols. 1955. Frankfurt am Main: Insel Verlag, 1982.
- Rilke, Rainer Maria. Sämtliche Werke. Zweiter Band: Gedichte, Zweiter Teil. Ed. Rilke Archive, with Ruth Sieber-Rilke & Ernst Zinn. 6 vols. 1956. Frankfurt am Main: Insel Verlag, 1982.
- Rilke, Rainer Maria. Sämtliche Werke. Dritter Band: Jugendgedichte. Ed. Rilke Archive, with Ruth Sieber-Rilke & Ernst Zinn. 6 vols. 1959. Frankfurt am Main: Insel Verlag, 1982.
- Rilke, Rainer Maria. Sämtliche Werke. Vierter Band: Frühe Erzählungen und Dramen. Ed. Rilke Archive, with Ruth Sieber-Rilke & Ernst Zinn. 6 vols. 1961. Frankfurt am Main: Insel Verlag, 1978.
- Rilke, Rainer Maria. Sämtliche Werke. Fünfter Band: Worpswede; Auguste Rodin; Aufsätze. Ed. Rilke Archive, with Ruth Sieber-Rilke & Ernst Zinn. 6 vols. 1965. Frankfurt am Main: Insel Verlag, 1984.
- Rilke, Rainer Maria. Sämtliche Werke. Sechster Band: Die Aufzeichnungen des Malte Laurids Brigge; Prosa 1906 bis 1926. Ed. Rilke Archive, with Ruth Sieber-Rilke & Ernst Zinn. 6 vols. 1966. Frankfurt am Main: Insel Verlag, 1966.
- Rilke, Rainer Maria. Sämtliche Werke. Ed. Rilke Archive, with Ruth Sieber-Rilke & Ernst Zinn. 6 vols. 1955-1966. Insel Taschenbuch, 1101-1106. Frankfurt am Main: Insel Verlag, 1987.
- Erster Band: Gedichte, Erster Teil. 1955.
- Zweiter Band: Gedichte, Zweiter Teil. 1956.
- Dritter Band: Jugendgedichte. 1959.
- Vierter Band: Frühe Erzählungen und Dramen. 1961.
- Fünfter Band: Worpswede; Auguste Rodin; Aufsätze. 1965.
- Sechster Band: Die Aufzeichnungen des Malte Laurids Brigge; Prosa 1906 bis 1926. 1966.
- Rilke, Rainer Maria. Gesammelte Gedichte. Frankfurt: Insel-Verlag, 1962.
- Rilke, Rainer Maria. Die Aufzeichnungen des Malte Laurids Brigge. 1910. 2 vols. Leipzig: Insel-Verlag, 1922.
- Rilke, Rainer Maria. The Notebook of Malte Laurids Brigge. Trans. John Linton. 1930. London: The Hogarth Press, 1950.
- Rilke, Rainer Maria. The Notebook of Malte Laurids Brigge. 1910. Trans John Linton. 1930. Introduction by Stephen Spender. 20th Century Classics. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1984.
- Rilke, Rainer Maria. Die Weise von Liebe und Tod des Cornets Christoph Rilke. 1899. Leipzig: Insel-Verlag, 1978.
- Rilke, Rainer Maria. Selected Poems. Ed. G. W. Mackay. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1965.
- Rilke, Rainer Maria. Poems from the Book of Hours: The German Text with an English Translation. 1903. Trans Babette Deutsch. 1930. London: Vision Press, 1947.
- Rilke, Rainer Maria. New Poems: The German Text, with a Translation, Introduction and Notes. 1907 & 1908. Trans. J. B. Leishman. 1964. London: The Hogarth Press, 1979.
- Rilke, Rainer Maria. Duino Elegies: The German Text, with an English Translation, Introduction and Commentary. Trans. J. B. Leishman & Stephen Spender. 1939. London: Chatto & Windus, 1981.
- Rilke, Rainer Maria. Sonnets to Orpheus: The German Text with English Translations. 1922. Trans. C. F. MacIntyre. Cal 32. Berkeley & Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1960.
- Rilke, Rainer Maria. The Complete French Poems. 1958. Trans. A. Poulin, Jr. Saint Paul: Graywolf Press, 1986.
- Rilke, Rainer Maria. Selected Poems. Trans. J. B. Leishman. 1964. Penguin Modern European Poets. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1978.
- Rilke, Rainer Maria. Poems. Trans. J. B. Leishman. 1934. London: The Hogarth Press, 1939.
- Rilke, Rainer Maria. Requiem and Other Poems. Trans. J. B. Leishman. 1934 & 1935. London: The Hogarth Press, 1949.
- Rilke, Rainer Maria. Poems 1906-1926. Trans. J. B. Leishman. London: The Hogarth Press, 1957.
- Rilke, Rainer Maria. The Selected Poetry. Ed. & Trans. Stephen Mitchell. Introduction by Robert Hass. 1980-82. Picador Classics. London: Pan Books, 1987.
- Rilke, Rainer Maria. Diaries of a Young Poet. 1942. Trans. Edward Snow & Michael Winkler. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 1997.
- Rilke, Rainer Maria. Briefe an eine junge Frau. Afterword by Carl Sieber. Wiesbaden: Insel-Verlag, 1951.
- Rilke, Rainer Maria. Selected Letters: 1902-1926. Trans. R. F. C. Hull & Reginald Snell. 1945 & 1946. Introduction by John Bayley. Quartet Encounters. London: Quartet Books, 1988.
- Heerikhuizen, F. W. van. Rainer Maria Rilke: His Life and Work. 1946. Trans. Fernand G. Renier & Anna Cliff. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd. ,1951.
Leonie [Nelly] Sachs (1891-1970)
- Sachs, Nelly. Selected Poems, Including the Verse Play, Eli. Trans. Michael Hamburger, Christopher Holme, Ruth & Matthew Mead, and Michael Roloff. Introduction by Hans Magnus Enzensberger. 1967. London: Jonathan Cape, 1968.
Johann Ludwig Tieck (1773-1853)
- Tieck, Ludwig. Werke in einem Band. 1828-1854. Ed. Marianne Thalmann. Jubliäumsbibliothek der deutschen Literatur. München: Winkler Verlag, n.d.
Georg Trakl (1887-1914)
- Trakl, Georg. Die Dichtungen. 1917. 11th Edition. Salzburg; Otto Müller Verlag, 1938.
Walther von der Vogelweide (c.1170-c.1230)
- Vogelweide, Walther von der. Gedichte: Mittelhochdeutscher Text und Übertragung. Ed. Peter Wapnewski & Carl von Kraus. 1962. Frankfurt am Main: Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag, 1978.
Karl Wolfskehl (1869-1948)
- Wolfskehl, Karl. 1933: A Poem Sequence – In German and English. Trans. Carol North Valhope & Ernst Morwitz. New York: Schocken Books, 1947.
Anthologies & Secondary Literature
- Armour, Margaret, trans. The Fall of the Nibelungs. 1908. Everyman’s Library. London: J. M. Dent / New York: E. P. Dutton, 1910.
- Armour, Margaret, trans. Gudrun. 1928. Everyman’s Library. London: J. M. Dent / New York: E. P. Dutton, 1932.
- Bobrowski, Johannes, & Horst Bienek. Selected Poems. Trans. Ruth & Matthew Mead. Penguin Modern European Poets. Ed. A. Alvarez. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1971.
- Bridgwater, Patrick, ed. Twentieth-Century German Verse, with Plain Prose Translations of Each Poem. The Penguin Poets. 1957. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1963.
- Forster, Leonard, ed. The Penguin Book of German Verse, with Plain Prose Translations of Each Poem. The Penguin Poets. 1957. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1959.
- Hamburger, Michael, & Christopher Middleton, ed. Modern German Poetry 1910-1960: An Anthology with Verse Translations. 1962. London: Macgibbon & Kee, 1966.
- Hatto, A. T., trans. The Nibelungenlied. Penguin Classics. 1965. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1979.
- Prawer, S. S. ed. & trans. The Penguin Book of Lieder. 1964. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1977.
- Wehrli, Max, ed. Deutsche Lyrik des Mittelalters. Manesse Bibliothek der Weltliteratur. 1955. Zürich: Manesse Verlag, 1962.
- Bertolt Brecht (1898–1956)
- Georg Büchner (1813-1837)
- Friedrich Dürrenmatt (1921-1990)
- Max Frisch (1911-1991)
- Gerhart Hauptmann (1862–1946)
- Hugo von Hofmannsthal (1874-1929)
- Georg Kaiser (1878–1945)
- Friedrich von Schiller (1759-1805)
- Carl Sternheim (1878–1942)
- Frank Wedekind (1864–1918)
- Peter Weiss (1916-1982)
- Anthologies & Secondary Literature
Eugen Berthold Friedrich Brecht (1898–1956)
- Brecht, Bertolt. Der Gute Mensch von Sezuan. 1955. Ed. Margaret Mare. 1960. London: Methuen & Co. Ltd., 1965.
- Brecht, Bertolt. Leben des Galilei. Ed. H. F. Brookes & C. E. Fraenkel. 1975. Heinemann German Texts. London: Heinemann, 1958.
- Brecht, Bertolt. The Life of Galileo. 1955. Trans. Desmond I. Vesey. 1960. A Methuen Modern Play. London: Eyre Methuen, 1978.
- Brecht, Bertolt. The Caucasian Chalk Circle. 1955. Trans. James & Tania Stern, with W. H. Auden. 1960. Methuen Student Edition. Ed. Hugh Rorrison. 1984. London: Methuen Drama, 1991.
- Brecht, Bertolt. The Messingkauf Dialogues. 1963. Trans. John Willett. 1965. London: Eyre Methuen, 1971.
- Brecht, Bertolt. Mother Courage and Her Children: A Chronicle of the Thirty Years War. 1949. Trans. Eric Bentley. 1962. A Methuen Modern Play. London: Eyre Methuen, 1979.
- Brecht, Bertolt. Parables for the Theatre. Two Plays: The Good Woman of Setzuan / The Caucasian Chalk Circle. 1949 & 1953. Trans. Eric Bentley. 1948. Penguin Plays. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1975.
- Brecht, Bertolt. Plays. Volume 1: The Caucasian Chalk Circle; The Threepenny Opera; The Trial of Lucullus; The Life of Galileo. Trans. James & Tania Stern with W. H. Auden, Desmond Vesey & Eric Bentley, H. R. Hays, Desmond Vesey. 1960. London: Methuen & Co. Ltd., 1965.
- Brecht, Bertolt. Plays. Volume 2: Mother Courage and Her Children; St. Joan of the Stockyards; The Good Person of Szechwan. Trans. Eric Bentley, Frank Jones, John Willett. London: Methuen & Co. Ltd., 1962.
- Brecht, Bertolt. Collected Plays. Volume 1: 1918-1923. Ed. John Willett & Ralph Manheim. London: Methuen & Co. Ltd., 1970.
- Brecht, Bertolt. Collected Plays. Volume 5: Life of Galileo; The Trial of Lucullus; Mother Courage and Her Children. Ed. Ralph Manheim & John Willett. New York: Vintage Books, 1972.
- Brecht, Bertolt. Brecht on Theatre: The Development of an Aesthetic. Trans. John Willett. 1964. London: Methuen & Co. Ltd., 1965.
- Brecht, Bertolt. Selected Poems: A Bilingual Edition. Trans. H. R. Hays. 1947. New York: Grove Press / London: Evergreen Books, 1959.
- Brecht, Bertolt. Poems 1913-1956. Ed. John Willett & Ralph Manheim, with Erich Fried. 1976. London: Eyre Methuen, 1981.
- Brecht, Bertolt. Die Hauspostille / Manual of Piety: A Bilingual Edition. 1927. Trans. Eric Bentley. Ed. Hugo Schmidt. New York: Grove Press, 1966.
- Brecht, Bertolt. Threepenny Novel. 1934. Trans. Desmond I. Vesey. Verses trans. Christopher Isherwood. 1937. Penguin Modern Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1976.
- Brecht, Bertolt. Collected Short Stories. Ed. John Willett & Ralph Manheim. Trans. Yvonne kapp, Hugh Rorrison & Antony Tatlow. 1983. London: Minerva, 1992.
- Brecht, Bertolt. Diaries 1920-1922. Ed. Herta Ramthun. 1975. Trans. John Willett. London: Eyre Methuen, 1979.
- Brecht, Bertolt. Journals 1934-1955. 1973. Ed. John Willett. Trans. Hugh Rorrison. Brecht's Plays, Poetry and Prose. Ed. John Willett & Ralph Manheim. Methuen London. London: Reed Consumer Books Ltd., 1993.
- Fuegi, John. The Life and Lies of Bertolt Brecht. 1994. Flamingo. London: HarperCollins Publishers, 1995.
- Lyon, James K. Bertolt Brecht in America. 1980. London: Methuen, 1982.
Karl Georg Büchner (1813-1837)
- Büchner, Georg. Sämtliche Werke und Briefe: Dramen / Prosa / Briefe / Dokumente. Ed. Fritz Bergemann. 1965. München: Deutscher Tachenbuch Verlag, 1967.
- Büchner, Georg. The Complete Plays: Danton’s Death; Leonce and Lena; Woyzeck; The Hessian Courier, Lenz; On Cranial Nerves, Selected Letters. Ed. Michael Patterson. A Methuen Paperback. London: Methuen, 1987.
- Büchner, Georg. The Plays: Danton’s Death; Leonce & Lena; Woyzeck. Trans. Victor Price. London: Oxford University Press, 1971.
Friedrich Dürrenmatt (1921-1990)
- Dürrenmatt, Friedrich. The Physicists: A Play in Two Acts. 1962. Trans. James Kirkup. French’s Acting Edition. London: Samuel French, 1963.
Max Rudolf Frisch (1911-1991)
- Frisch, Max. Homo faber: Ein Bericht. 1957. Bibliothek Suhrkamp. Frankfurt: Suhrkamp Verlag, 1975.
- Frisch, Max. Homo Faber: A Report. 1957. Trans. Michael Bullock. 1959. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1974.
- Frisch, Max. Four Plays. Trans. Michael Bullock. 1969. London: Eyre Methuen, 1974.
Gerhart Hauptmann (1862–1946)
- Hauptmann, Gerhart. The Dramatic Works: Authorised Edition. Vol. 1: Social Dramas. Ed. Ludwig Lewisohn. 6 vols. London: Martin Secker, 1913.
- Hauptmann, Gerhart. The Dramatic Works: Authorised Edition. Vol. 2: Social Dramas. Ed. Ludwig Lewisohn. 6 vols. London: Martin Secker, 1913.
- Hauptmann, Gerhart. The Dramatic Works: Authorised Edition. Vol. 3: Domestic Dramas. Ed. Ludwig Lewisohn. 6 vols. London: Martin Secker, 1914.
- Hauptmann, Gerhart. The Dramatic Works: Authorised Edition. Vol. 4: Symbolic & Legendary Dramas. Ed. Ludwig Lewisohn. 6 vols. London: Martin Secker, 1914.
Hugo Laurenz August Hofmann von Hofmannsthal (1874-1929)
- Hoffmansthal, Hugo von. Poems and Verse Plays. Selected Writings, vol. 2. Ed. Michael Hamburger. Preface by T. S. Eliot. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1961.
Friedrich Carl Georg Kaiser (1878–1945)
- Kaiser, Georg. Five Plays. Trans. B. J. Kenworthy, Rex Last & J. M. Ritchie. German Expressionism, 4. Ed. J. M. Ritchie. London: Calder & Boyars, 1971.
Johann Christoph Friedrich von Schiller (1759-1805)
- Schiller, Friedrich. Werke. 1 – Dramen. Ed. Paul Stapf. 2 vols. Berlin & Darmstadt: Deutsche Buch-Gemeinschaft, 1956.
- Schiller, Friedrich. Werke. 2 – Gedichte; Erzählungen; Zur Philosophie und Geschichte; Übersetzungen; Beiarbeitungen. Ed. Paul Stapf. 2 vols. Berlin & Darmstadt: Deutsche Buch-Gemeinschaft, 1956.
- Schiller, Friedrich. Complete Works in Eight Volumes. Vol. 1: Poems. New York: P. F. Collier & Son, 1902.
- Schiller, Friedrich. Complete Works in Eight Volumes. Vol. 2: Early Dramas (1). New York: P. F. Collier & Son, 1902.
- Schiller, Friedrich. Complete Works in Eight Volumes. Vol. 3: Early Dramas (2). New York: P. F. Collier & Son, 1902.
- Schiller, Friedrich. Complete Works in Eight Volumes. Vol. 4: Historical Dramas (1). New York: P. F. Collier & Son, 1902.
- Schiller, Friedrich. Complete Works in Eight Volumes. Vol. 5: Historical Dramas (2). New York: P. F. Collier & Son, 1902.
- Schiller, Friedrich. Complete Works in Eight Volumes. Vol. 6: The History of the Thirty Years’ War in Germany. New York: P. F. Collier & Son, 1902.
- Schiller, Friedrich. Complete Works in Eight Volumes. Vol. 7: The History of the Revolt of the Netherlands. New York: P. F. Collier & Son, 1902.
- Schiller, Friedrich. Complete Works in Eight Volumes. Vol. 8: Aesthetical and Philosophical Essays. New York: P. F. Collier & Son, 1902.
- Lytton, Edward, Lord. Schiller’s Poems and Ballads. Introduction by Henry Morley. Morley’s Universal Library. London: George Routledge & Sons, 1887.
- Carlyle, Thomas. The Life of Friedrich Schiller: Comprehending an Examination of His Works. 1825. With Supplement of 1872. London: Chapman & Hall, Ltd., n.d.
Carl Sternheim (1878–1942)
- Sternheim, Carl. Scenes from the Heroic Life of the Middle Classes: Five Plays. Trans. M. A. l. Brown, M. A. McHaffie, J. M. Ritchie & J. D. Stowell. German Expressionism, 3. Ed. J. M. Ritchie. London: Calder & Boyars, 1970.
Benjamin Franklin [Frank] Wedekind (1864–1918)
- Wedekind, Frank. ‘Spring Awakening’. 1891. Trans. Tom Osborn. 1969. Playscript 23. London: John Calder / New York: Riverrun Press / Toronto: Canadian International Library, 1981.
- Wedekind, Frank. The Lulu Plays and Other Sex Tragedies. Trans. Stephen Spender. 1952. German Expressionism, 5. Ed. J. M. Ritchie. London: Calder & Boyars, 1972.
Peter Ulrich Weiss (1916-1982)
- Weiss, Peter. Marat / Sade: The Persecution and Assassination of Marat as Performed by the Inmates of the Asylum of Charenton under the Direction of the Marquis de Sade. 1964. Trans. Geoffrey Skelton & Adrian Mitchell. 1965. Introduction by Peter Brook. London: Calder & Boyars Ltd., 1978.
Anthologies & Secondary Literature
- Ritchie, J. M. ed. Seven Expressionist Plays. Trans. J. M. Ritchie & H. F. Garten. German Expressionism, 1. London: Calder & Boyars, 1968.
- Ritchie, J. M. ed. Vision and Aftermath: Four Expressionist War Plays. Trans. J. M. Ritchie & J. D. Stowell. German Expressionism, 2. London: Calder & Boyars, 1969.
- Hartmann von Aue (c.1170-c.1210)
- Hans Bemmann (1922-2003)
- Thomas Bernhard (1931–1989)
- Heinrich Böll (1917-1985)
- Wolfgang Borchert (1921-1947)
- Hermann Broch (1886-1951)
- Martin Buber (1878-1965)
- Elias Canetti (1905-1994)
- Adelbert von Chamisso (1781-1838)
- Alfred Döblin (1878-1957)
- Michael Ende (1929-1995)
- Wolfram von Eschenbach (c.1170-c.1220)
- Lion Feuchtwanger (1884-1958)
- Theodor Fontane (1819-1898)
- Günter Grass (1927-2015)
- H. J. C. von Grimmelshausen (1621-1676)
- George Grosz (1893-1959)
- Peter Handke (1942- )
- Johann Peter Hebel (1760-1826)
- Friedrich Hegel (1770-1831)
- Martin Heidegger (1889-1976)
- Hermann Hesse (1877-1962)
- E. T. A. Hoffmann (1776-1822)
- Alexander von Humboldt (1769-1859)
- Ernst Jünger (1895-1998)
- Franz Kafka (1883-1924)
- Erich Kästner (1899-1974)
- Heinrich von Kleist (1777-1811)
- Alfred Kubin (1877-1959)
- Heinrich Mann (1871-1950)
- Thomas Mann (1875-1955)
- Gustav Meyrink (1868-1932)
- Eduard Mörike (1804-1875)
- F. H. K. de la Motte Fouqué (1777-1843)
- Robert Musil (1880-1942)
- Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900)
- 'Der Nister' (1884-1950)
- Novalis (1772-1801)
- Jean Paul (1763-1825)
- Leo Perutz (1882-1957)
- Otfried Preußler (1923- )
- Christoph Ransmayr (1954- )
- Erich Maria Remarque (1898-1970)
- Leopold von Sacher-Masoch (1836-1895)
- Berta Schmidt-Eller (1899-1987)
- Arthur Schnitzler (1862-1931)
- Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860)
- Albert Schweitzer (1875-1965)
- W. G. Sebald (1944-2001)
- Annemarie Selinko (1914-1986)
- Oswald Spengler (1880-1936)
- Gottfried von Strassburg (?-c.1210)
- Patrick Süskind (1949- )
- B. Traven (c.1890-1969)
- Fred Uhlman (1901-1985)
- Franz Werfel (1890-1945)
- Christa Wolf (1929- )
- Arnold Zweig (1887-1968)
- Stefan Zweig (1881-1942)
- Anthologies & Secondary Literature
Hartmann von Aue (c.1170-c.1210)
- Aue, Hartmann von. Gregorius: The Good Sinner. Trans. Sheema Zeben Buehne. Introduction by Helen Adolf. New York: Frederick Ungar Publishing Co., 1966.
Hans Bemmann (1922-2003)
- Bemmann, Hans. The Stone and the Flute. 1983. Trans. Anthea Bell. 1986. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1987.
Nicolaas Thomas Bernhard (1931–1989)
- Bernhard, Thomas. Gathering Evidence: A Memoir. 1975-82. Trans. David McLintock. 1985. New York: Vintage Books, 1993.
Heinrich Theodor Böll (1917-1985)
- Böll, Heinrich. The Train was on Time. 1949. Trans. Richard Graves. London: Sphere Books, 1967.
- Böll, Heinrich. The Bread of Those Early Years. 1955. Trans. Leila Vennewitz. 1976. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1982.
- Böll, Heinrich. The Clown. 1963. Trans. Leila Vennewitz. 1965. London: Calder and Boyars, 1972.
- Böll, Heinrich. The End of a Mission. 1966. Trans. Leila Vennewitz. 1968. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1978.
- Böll, Heinrich. Group Portrait with Lady. 1971. Trans. Leila Vennewitz. London: Secker & Warburg, 1973.
- Böll, Heinrich. The Lost Honour of Katharina Blum, Or: How Violence Develops and Where it Can Lead. 1974. Trans. Leila Vennewitz. 1975. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1978.
- Böll, Heinrich. The Safety Net. 1979. Trans. Leila Vennewitz. 1981. London: Secker & Warburg, 1982.
Wolfgang Borchert (1921-1947)
- Borchert, Wolfgang. The Man Outside: The Prose Works. 1949. Trans. David Porter. Introduction by Stephen Spender. 1952. A Jupiter Book. London: Calder and Boyars, 1966.
Hermann Broch (1886-1951)
- Broch, Hermann. The Sleepwalkers. ['Die Schlafwandler. Eine Romantrilogie', 1930–32)]. Trans. Willa & Edwin Muir. 1932. San Francisco: North Point Press, 1985.
- The Romantic ['Pasenow; oder, Die Romantik – 1888'] (1930)
- The Anarchist ['Esch; oder, Die Anarchie – 1903'] (1931)
- The Realist ['Huguenau, oder, Die Sachlichkeit – 1918'] (1932)
- Broch, Hermann. The Death of Virgil. ['Der Tod des Vergil', 1945]. Trans. Jean Starr Untermeyer. 1945. Introduction by Bernard Levin. Twentieth Century Classics. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1986.
- Broch, Hermann. The Spell. ['Verzauberung', 1976]. Trans. H. F. Broch de Rothermann. 1987. San Francisco: North Point Press, 1989.
Martin Buber (1878-1965)
- Buber, Martin. The Tales of Rabbi Nachman. 1956. Trans. Maurice Friedman. A Condor Book. London: Souvenir Press, 1974.
- Buber, Martin. Hundert Chassidische Geschichten. Bücherie des Schocken Verlags, 4. Berlin: Schocken Verlag, 1933.
- Buber, Martin. I and Thou. Trans. Ronald Gregor Smith. 1937. Edinburgh: T & T. Clark, 1958.
- Buber, Martin. Between Man and Man. Trans. Ronald Gregor Smith. 1947. The Fontana Library. 1961. London: Collins, 1971.
- Buber, Martin. Tales of the Hasidim: The Early Masters. Trans. Olga Marx. London: Thames and Hudson, 1956.
- Buber, Martin. Tales of the Hasidim: The Later Masters. Trans. Olga Marx. 1948. New York: Schocken Books, 1977.
- Buber, Martin. Paths in Utopia. Introduction by Ephraim Fischoff. Boston: Beacon Press, 1949.
Elias Canetti (1905-1994)
- Canetti, Elias. Auto da Fé. 1935. Trans. C. V. Wedgwood. 1946. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1965.
- Canetti, Elias. Auto-da-Fé. 1935. Translated from the German under the personal supervision of the author by C. V. Wedgwood. 1947. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1999.
- Canetti, Elias. Crowds and Power. 1960. Trans. Carol Stewart. 1962. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1973.
- Canetti, Elias. The Voices of Marrakesh: A Record of a Visit. 1967. Trans. J. A. Underwood. 1978. London: Marion Boyars Publishers Ltd., 1982.
- Canetti, Elias. The Human Province. 1973. Trans. Joachim Neugroschel. 1978. London: Picador, 1986.
- Canetti, Elias. The Conscience of Words / Earwitness. 1976 & 1979. Trans. Joachim Neugroschel. 1986 & 1979. London: Picador, 1987.
- Canetti, Elias. The Tongue Set Free: Remembrance of a European Childhood. 1977. Trans. Joachim Neugroschel. 1979. London: Picador, 1989.
- Canetti, Elias. The Torch in My Ear. 1980. Trans. Joachim Neugroschel. 1982. London: Picador, 1990.
- Canetti, Elias. The Play of the Eyes. 1985. Trans. Joachim Neugroschel. 1986. London: Picador, 1991.
- Canetti, Elias. Party in the Blitz: The English Years. 2003. Trans. Michael Hofmann. Introduction by Jeremy Adler. London: Harvill Press, 2005.
Adelbert von Chamisso (1781-1838)
- Chamisso, Adelbert von. Peter Schlemihl. Trans. Leopold von Loewenstein-Wertheim. 1957. Calderbooks. London: Calder & Boyars, 1970.
Alfred Döblin (1878-1957)
- Döblin, Alfred. Alexanderplatz: the Story of Franz Biberkopf. 1929. Trans. Eugene Jolas. 1931. London: Secker & Warburg, 1974.
Michael Andreas Helmuth Ende (1929-1995)
- Ende, Michael. Momo. 1973. Trans. J. Maxwell Bronwjohn. 1984. King Penguin. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1985.
- Ende, Michael. The Neverending Story. 1979. Illustrated by Roswitha Quadflieg. Trans. Ralph Manheim. 1983. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1985.
- Ende, Michael. The Night of Wishes, or The Satanarchaeolidealcohellish Notion Potion. 1989. Trans. Heike Schwarzbauer & Rick Takvorian. 1992. Hippo Fantasy. London: Scholastic Children’s Books, 1994.
Wolfram von Eschenbach (c.1170-c.1220)
- Eschenbach, Wolfram von. Parzival. Trans. A. T. Hatto. Penguin Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1980.
Lion Feuchtwanger ['J. L. Wetcheek'] (1884-1958)
- Feuchtwanger, Lion. Jew Süss: A Historical Romance. 1925. Trans. Willa & Edwin Muir. 1926. London: Martin Secker, 1927.
Theodor Fontane (1819-1898)
- Fontane, Theodor. Before the Storm: A Novel of the Winter of 1812-13. 1878. Trans. R. J. Hollingdale. The World’s Classics. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1985.
- Fontane, Theodor. Effi Briest. 1894. Trans. Douglas Parmée. Penguin Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1967.
Günter Grass (1927-2015)
- Grass, Günter. The Tin Drum. 1959. Trans. Ralph Manheim. 1961. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1971.
- Grass, Günter. Cat and Mouse. 1961. Trans. Ralph Manheim. 1963. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1974.
- Grass, Günter. Dog Years. 1963. Trans. Ralph Manheim. 1965. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1976.
- Grass, Günter. Local Anaesthetic. 1969. Trans. Ralph Manheim. 1970. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1973.
- Grass, Günter. From the Diary of a Snail. 1972. Trans. Ralph Manheim. 1973. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1976.
- Grass, Günter. Four Plays. 1957 & 1965. Introduction by Martin Esslin. 1967. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1972.
- Grass, Günter. The Plebeians Rehearse the Uprising: A German Tragedy. 1966. Trans. Ralph Manheim. 1966. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1972.
- Grass, Günter. Max: A Play. 1970. Trans. A. Leslie Wilson & Ralph Manheim. Original Harvest. A Helen & Kurt Wolff Book. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1972.
- Grass, Günter. Poems. Trans. Michael Hamburger & Christopher Middleton. 1966 & 1968. Introduction by Michael Hamburger. Penguin Modern European Poets. 1969. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1971.
- Grass, Günter. The Flounder. 1977. Trans. Ralph Manheim. 1978. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1979.
- Grass, Günter. The Meeting at Telgte. 1979. Trans. Ralph Manheim. Afterword by Leonard Forster. A Helen & Kurt Wolff Book. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1981.
- Grass, Günter. Headbirths or The Germans are Dying Out. 1980. Trans. Ralph Manheim. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1984.
- Grass, Günter. The Rat. 1986. Trans. Ralph Manheim. 1987. London: Picador, 1988.
- Grass, Günter. Too Far Afield. 1995. Trans. Krishna Winston. 2000. London: Faber, 2001.
- Grass, Günter. My Century. 1999. Trans. Michael Henry Heim. 1999. London: Faber, 2000.
- Grass, Günter. Crabwalk: A Novel. 2002. Trans. Krishna Winston. 2003. A Harvest Book. New York: Harcourt, Inc., 2004.
- Grass, Günter. Peeling the Onion. 2006. Trans. Michael Henry Heim. 2007. London: Vintage Books, 2008.
- Grass, Günter. The Box: Tales from the Darkroom. 2008. Trans. Krishna Winston. Boston & New York: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2010.
- Grass, Günter. The Box. 2008. Trans. Krishna Winston. Harvill Secker. London: Random House, 2010.
Hans Jakob Christoffel von Grimmelshausen (1621-1676)
- Grimmelshausen, H. J. C. von. The Adventurous Simplicissimus. 1668. Trans. A. T. S. Goodrick. 1924. Preface by Eric Bentley. A Bison Book. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1962.
- Grimmelshausen, Hans Jakob Christoffel von. The Adventures of Simplicius Simplicissimus. 1668. Trans. J. A. Underwood. Introduction by Kevin Cramer. Penguin Classics. London: Penguin, 2018.
- Grimmelshausen, Johann von. Mother Courage. 1669. Trans. Walter Wallich. Lift-Ground Drawings by Fritz Wegner. London: The Folio Society, 1965.
George Grosz (1893-1959)
- Grosz, Georg. The Autobiography: A Small Yes and a Big No. 1955. Trans. Arnold J. Pomerans. London: Allison & Busby, 1982.
Peter Handke (1942- )
- Handke, Peter. A Sorrow Beyond Dreams. 1972. Trans. Ralph Manheim. 1975. A Condor Book. London: Souvenir Press, n.d.
Johann Peter Hebel (1760-1826)
- Hebel, Johann Peter. The Treasure Chest: Stories, Illustrated with Contemporary Woodcuts. 1811. Trans. John Hibberd. 1994. Penguin Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1995.
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (1770-1831)
- Paolucci, Anne & Henry, ed. Hegel on Tragedy. Anchor Books. New York: Doubleday & Company, Inc., 1962.
Martin Heidegger (1889-1976)
- Heidegger, Martin. Existence and Being. Trans. Douglas Scott, R. F. C. Hull & Alan Crick. Introduction by Werner Brock. London: Vision Press, 1949.
- Heidegger, Martin. Being and Time. 1927. Trans. John Macquarrie & Edward Robinson. 1962. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1973.
Hermann Hesse (1877-1962)
- Hesse, Hermann. Peter Camenzind. 1904. Trans. W. J. Strachan. 1961. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1974.
- Hesse, Hermann. The Prodigy. 1905. Trans. W. J. Strachan. 1961. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1973.
- Hesse, Hermann. Gertrude. 1910. Trans. Hilda Rosner. 1969. New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1972.
- Hesse, Hermann. Rosshalde. 1914. Trans. Ralph Manheim. 1970. London: Picador, 1973.
- Hesse, Hermann. Knulp: Three Tales from the Life of Knulp. 1915. Trans. Ralph Manheim. 1971. London: Picador, 1974.
- Hesse, Hermann. Demian. 1919. Trans. W. J. Strachan. 1960. Frogmore, St Albans: Panther Books, 1975.
- Hesse, Hermann. Klingsor’s Last Summer. 1920. Trans. Richard & Clara Winston. 1970. London: Picador, 1973.
- Hesse, Hermann. Siddhartha. 1922. Trans. Hilda Rosner. 1954. London: Picador, 1976.
- Hesse, Hermann. Der Steppenwolf: Erzählung. 1927. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp Taschenbuch Verlag, 1974.
- Hesse, Hermann. Steppenwolf. 1927. Trans. Basil Creighton. 1929. Rev. Walter Sorell. 1963. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1975.
- Hesse, Hermann. Narziss and Goldmund. 1930. Trans. Geoffrey Dunlop. 1959. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1973.
- Hesse, Hermann. The Journey to the East. 1932. Trans. Hilda Rosner. 1956. Introduction by Timothy Leary. 1966. Frogmore, St Albans: Panther Books, 1973.
- Hesse, Hermann. The Glass Bead Game (Magister Ludi). 1943. Trans. Richard & Clara Winston. 1969. London: Jonathan Cape, 1971.
- Hesse, Hermann. The Glass Bead Game (Magister Ludi). 1943. Trans. Richard & Clara Winston. 1969. Penguin Modern Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1976.
- Hesse, Hermann. Strange News from Another Star and Other Stories. 1919. Trans. Denver Lindley. 1972. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1976.
- Hesse, Hermann. Stories of Five Decades. Ed. Theodore Ziolkowski. Trans. Ralph Manheim & Denver Lindley. 1954 & 72. St Albans, Herts: Triad Panther, 1976.
- Hesse, Hermann. Stories of Five Decades. Ed. Theodore Ziolkowski. Trans. Ralph Manheim & Denver Lindley. 1954 & 1972. Frogmore, St Albans: Triad Panther, 1976.
- Hesse, Hermann. Pictor’s Metamorphoses and Other Fantasies. Ed. Theodore Ziolkowski. Trans. Rita Lesser. 1982. Triad Panther. London: Granada, 1984.
- Hesse, Hermann. The Fairy Tales of Hermann Hesse. Trans. Jack Zipes. Woodcut Illustrations by David Frampton. A Bantam Book. New York: Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group, Inc., 1995.
- Hesse, Hermann. Poems. 1953. Trans. James Wright. 1970. Cape Poetry Paperbacks. London: Jonathan Cape, 1978.
- Hesse, Hermann. Hours in the Garden and Other Poems. Trans. Rika Lesser. 1979. Cape Poetry Paperbacks. London: Jonathan Cape, 1980.
- Hesse, Hermann. Wandering: Notes and Sketches. 1920. Trans. James Wright. 1972. New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1973.
- Hesse, Hermann. If the War Goes On … Reflections on War and Politics. 1946. Trans. Ralph Manheim. 1971. London: Picador, 1974.
- Hesse, Hermann. Reflections. Ed. Volker Michels. 1971. Trans. Ralph Manheim. 1974. Frogmore, St Albans: Triad Panther, 1979.
- Hesse, Hermann. Autobiographical Writings. Ed. Theodore Ziolkowski. Trans. Denver Lindley. 1971-72. New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1973.
- Hesse, Hermann. My Belief: Essays on Life and Art. 1973. Ed. Theodore Ziolkowski. Trans. Denver Lindley & Ralph Manheim. 1974. Frogmore, St Albans: Triad Panther, 1978.
- Carlsson, Anni & Volker Michels, ed. The Hesse-Mann Letters: The Correspondence of Hermann Hesse and Thomas Mann, 1910-1955. 1968. Trans. Ralph Manheim. Foreword by Theodore Ziolkowski. 1975. London: Peter Owen, 1976.
- Freeman, Ralph. Hermann Hesse: Pilgrim of Crisis. A Biography. 1978. An Abacus Book. London: Sphere Books, 1981.
- Michels, Volker, ed. Hermann Hesse: A Pictorial Biography. 1973. Trans. Theodore & Yetta Ziolkowski and Denver Lindley. 1975. Frogmore, St Albans: Triad Panther, 1979.
Ernst Theodor Wilhelm Hoffmann (1776-1822)
- Hoffmann, E. T. A. Werke in zwei Bänden. Band 1: Romane - Die Elixiere des Teufels / Lebensansichten des Katers Murr. 1815 & 1820. Ed. Carl Georg von Maassen & Georg Ellinger. Afterword by Walter Müller-Seidel. Notes by Wolfgang Kron. Jubliäumsbibliothek der deutschen Literatur. 2 vols. München: Winkler Verlag, n.d.
- Hoffmann, E. T. A. Werke in zwei Bänden. Band 2: Erzählungen und Märchen - Die Serapionsbrüder. 1819. Ed. Carl Georg von Maassen & Georg Ellinger. Afterword by Walter Müller-Seidel. Notes by Wolfgang Kron. Jubliäumsbibliothek der deutschen Literatur. 2 vols. München: Winkler Verlag, n.d.
- Hoffmann, E. T. A. The Life and Opinions of the Tomcat Murr: Together with a Fragmentary Biography of Kapellmeister Johannes Kreisler on Random Sheets of Waste Paper. 1820-22. Trans. Anthea Bell. Introduction by Jeremy Adler. Penguin Classics. London: Penguin, 1999.
- Hoffmann, E. T. A. The Tales of Hoffmann: Stories by E. T. A. Hoffmann, Translated out of the German by Various Hands, Illustrated with Lithographs by Hugo Steiner-Prag Together with a Prologue from the Illustrator. Introductory Essay by Arthur Ransome. Trans. J. T. Bealby, E. N. Bennett, Alex Ewing, Maria Labocceta, Jacques Le Clercq, Barrows Mussey & F. E. Pierce. The Limited Editions Club, for the George Macy Companies, Inc. New York: The Heritage Press, 1943.
- Hoffmann, E. T. A. Eight Tales of Hoffmann. Trans. J. M. Cohen. London: Pan Books, 1952.
- Hoffmann, E. T. A. The Best Tales of Hoffmann. Ed. E. F. Bleiler. New York: Dover Publications, Inc., 1967.
- Hoffmann, E. T. A. Tales. Ed. & Trans. Leonard J. Kent & Elizabeth C. Knight. Illustrated by Jacob Landau. 1969. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1972.
Friedrich Wilhelm Heinrich Alexander Freiherr von Humboldt (1769-1859)
- Humboldt, Alexander von. Personal Narrative of Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America During the Years 1799-1804, by Alexander von Humboldt and Aimé Bonpland. 1813-1825. Ed. & trans. Thomasina Ross. 1851. 3 vols. Sir John Lubbock’s Hundred Books. London & New York: George Routledge and Sons Limited, n.d.
- Humboldt, Alexander von. Personal Narrative of a Journey to the Equinoctial Regions of the New Continent. 1814-1825. Abridged & trans. Jason Wilson. Introduction by Malcolm Nicolson. Penguin Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1995.
- Botting, Douglas. Humboldt and the Cosmos. 1973. Cardinal. London: Sphere Books Ltd., 1973.
- Wulf, Andrea. The Invention of Nature: The Adventures of Alexander von Humboldt, The Lost Hero of Science. London: John Murray (Publishers), 2015.
Ernst Jünger (1895-1998)
- Jünger, Ernst. Storm of Steel. 1920. Rev. ed. 1961. Trans. Michael Hoffman. Allen Lane. London: Penguin, 2003.
- Jünger, Ernst. On the Marble Cliffs. 1939. Trans. Stuart Hood. 1947. Penguin Modern Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1983.
Franz Kafka (1883-1924)
- Kafka, Franz. The Trial / America / The Castle / Metamorphosis / In the Penal Settlement / The Great Wall of China / Investigations of a Dog / Letter to His Father / The Diaries 1910-1923. Trans. Willa & Edwin Muir et al. London: Secker & Warburg / Octopus, 1976.
- Kafka, Franz. The Trial: Definitive Edition. 1925. Trans. Willa & Edwin Muir. 1935. Rev. E. M. Butler. 1956. London: Secker & Warburg, 1963.
- Kafka, Franz. The Trial. 1925. Trans. Douglas Scott & Chris Waller. Introduction by J. P. Stern. 1977. London: Picador, 1980.
- Kafka, Franz. The Castle: Definitive Edition. 1926. Trans. Willa & Edwin Muir. 1930. Rev. Eithne Wilkins & Ernst Kaiser. 1953. London: Secker & Warburg, 1961.
- Kafka, Franz. Amerika: Roman. 1935. Frankfurt am Main: Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag, 1985.
- Kafka, Franz. America: Definitive Edition. 1927. Trans. Willa & Edwin Muir. 1938. Rev. ed. London: Secker & Warburg, 1949.
- Kafka, Franz. The Man Who Disappeared (Amerika). 1927. Trans. Michael Hofmann. Penguin Twentieth-Century Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1996.
- Kafka, Franz. Sämtliche Erzählungen. Ed. Paul Raabe. 1970. Hamburg: Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag, 1983.
- Kafka, Franz. The Great Wall of China and Other Pieces. Trans. Willa & Edwin Muir. 1933. Rev. ed. London: Secker & Warburg, 1946.
- Kafka, Franz. The Metamorphosis / Die Verwandlung. 1935. Trans. Willa & Edwin Muir. 1968. New York: Schocken Books, 1974.
- Kafka, Franz. Der Heizer / In der Strafkolonie / Der Bau. 1935. Ed. J. M. S. Pasley. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1966.
- Kafka, Franz. In the Penal Settlement: Tales and Short Prose Works. Definitive Edition. 1935. Trans. Willa & Edwin Muir. London: Secker & Warburg, 1949.
- Kafka, Franz. Wedding Preparations in the Country and Other Posthumous Prose Writings: Definitive Edition. 1953. Trans. Ernst Kaiser & Eithne Wilkins. London: Secker & Warburg, 1954.
- Kafka, Franz. Description of a Struggle and The Great Wall of China: Definitive Edition. 1933. Trans. Willa & Edwin Muir and Tania & James Stern. 1958. London: Secker & Warburg, 1960.
- Kafka, Franz. Metamorphosis and Other Stories. Trans. Willa & Edwin Muir. 1933 & 1958. Penguin Modern Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1974.
- Kafka, Franz. Wedding Preparations in the Country and Other Stories. Trans. Ernst Kaiser & Eithne Wilkins. 1953. Penguin Modern Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1978.
- Kafka, Franz. Description of a Struggle and Other Stories. Trans. Willa & Edwin Muir, Malcolm Pasley, Tania & James Stern. 1973. Penguin Modern Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1979.
- Kafka, Franz. Parables and Paradoxes: In German and English. 1935-37. Ed. Nahum N. Glatzer. Trans. Clement Greenberg; Ernst Kaiser & Eithne Wilkins; Willa & Edwin Muir; Tania and James Stern. 1961. New York: Schocken Books Inc., 1975.
- Kafka, Franz. The Complete Stories. Ed. Nahum N. Glatzer. 1971. New York: Schocken Books, 1976.
- Kafka, Franz. Stories 1904-1924. Trans. J. A. Underwood. Foreword by Jorge Luis Borges. 1981. A Futura Book. London: Macdonald & Co, 1983.
- Kafka, Franz. Metamorphosis and Other Stories. Trans. Michael Hoffman. Modern Classics. London: Penguin, 2007.
- Kafka, Franz. The Lost Writings. Ed. Reiner Stach. Trans. Michael Hoffman. A New Directions Paperbook. New York: New Directions Publishing Corporation, 2020.
Diaries & Letters:
- Kafka, Franz. The Diaries of Franz Kafka. Ed. Max Brod. 1948. Trans. Joseph Kresh and Martin Greenberg with Hannah Arendt. 1948 & 1949. Peregrine Books. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1964.
- Kafka, Franz. Letters to Milena. Ed. Willy Haas. 1952. Trans. Tania & James Stern. 1953. London: Corgi Books, 1967.
- Kafka, Franz. Letters to Friends, Family and Editors. 1959. Trans. Richard & Clara Winston. 1977. Richmond, Surrey: Alma Classics Ltd., 2014.
- Kafka, Franz. Letters to Felice. Ed. Erich Heller & Jürgen Born. 1967. Trans. James Stern & Elizabeth Duckworth. 1973. With Elias Canetti: Kafka’s Other Trial. 1969. Trans. Christopher Middleton. 1974. Penguin Modern Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1978.
- Kafka, Franz. Letters to Ottla and the Family: Excerpts. 1974. Trans. Richard and Clara Winston. 1982. Independently published, 2021.
- Kafka, Franz. I Am a Memory Come Alive: Autobiographical Writings. Ed. Nahum N. Glatzer. 1974. New York: Schocken Books Inc., 1977.
- Balint, Benjamin. Kafka's Last Trial: The Case of a Literary Legacy. Picador. London: Pan Macmillan, 2018.
- Brod, Max. Franz Kafka: A Biography. 1937. Trans. G. Humphreys Roberts. 1947. Rev. Richard Winston. 1960. New York: Schocken Books, 1973.
- Gruša, Jiří. Franz Kafka of Prague. 1983. Trans. Eric Mosbacher. London: Martin Secker & Warburg Limited, 1983.
- Hayman, Ronald. K: A Biography of Kafka. 1981. An Abacus Book. London: Sphere Books, 1983.
- Janousch, Gustav. Conversations with Kafka. 1953. Rev. ed. 1968. Trans. Goronwy Rees. New York: New Directions, 1971.
- Pawel, Ernst. The Nightmare of Reason: A Life of Franz Kafka. 1984. London: Collins Harvill, 1988.
Erich Kästner (1899-1974)
- Kästner, Erich. Emil and the Detectives. Illustrated by Walter Trier. 1935. Trans. Eileen Hall. 1931. A Puffin Book. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1966.
- Kästner, Erich. Emil and the Three Twins: Another Book about Emil and the Detectives. Illustrated by Walter Trier. 1935. Trans. Cyrus Brooks. 1936. London: Jonathan Cape Ltd., 1972.
Heinrich von Kleist (1777-1811)
- Kleist, Heinrich von. Werke in Einem Band. Ed. Helmut Sembdner. 1966. Hanser Bibliothek. München: Carl Hanser Verlag, 1982.
- Kleist, Heinrich von. The Marquise of O– and Other Stories. Trans. Martin Greenberg. Preface by Thomas Mann. 1960. London: Faber, 1963.
- Kleist, Heinrich von. The Marquise of O– and Other Stories. Trans. David Luke & Nigel Reeves. Penguin Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1978.
Karl Kraus (1874-1936)
- Kraus, Karl. The Kraus Project: Essays by Karl Kraus. Translated & Annotated by Jonathan Franzen, with Assistance, and Additional Notes from Paul Reitter & Daniel Kehlmann: A Bilingual Edition. 2013. Fourth Estate. London: HarperCollins Publishers, 2013.
Alfred Leopold Isidor Kubin (1877-1959)
- Kubin, Alfred. The Other Side: A Fantastic Novel. Illustrated by the Author. 1909. Trans. Denver Lindley. 1967. London: Victor Gollancz Limited, 1969.
- Kubin, Alfred. The Other Side. Illustrated by the Author. 1909. Trans. Denver Lindley. 1969. Penguin Modern Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1973.
Luiz (Ludwig) Heinrich Mann (1871-1950)
- Mann, Heinrich. Man of Straw. 1918. Trans. 1946. Penguin Modern Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1984.
- Mann, Heinrich. Henri Quatre: King of France. 1938. Trans. Eric Sutton. London: Secker & Warburg, 1938.
Thomas Mann (1875-1955)
- Mann, Thomas. Buddenbrooks: The Decline of a Family. 1902. Trans. H. T. Lowe-Porter. 1924. London: Secker & Warburg, 1947.
- Mann, Thomas. Buddenbrooks: The Decline of a Family. 1902. Trans. H. T. Lowe-Porter. 1924. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1957.
- Mann, Thomas. Royal Highness. 1909. Trans. A. Cecil Curtis. 1926. Rev. Constance McNab. 1962. Penguin Modern Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1979.
- Mann, Thomas. The Magic Mountain. 1924. Trans. H. T. Lowe-Porter. 1928. London: Secker & Warburg, 1948.
- Mann, Thomas. The Magic Mountain: With a Postscript by the Author on The Making of the Novel. 1924. Trans. H. T. Lowe-Porter. 1928. London: Nationwide Book Service, 1979.
- Mann, Thomas. Lotte in Weimar. 1939. Trans. H. T. Lowe-Porter. London: Secker & Warburg, 1940.
- Mann, Thomas. Joseph and His Brothers. ['The Stories of Jacob' (1933); 'Young Joseph' (1934); 'Joseph in Egypt' (1936); 'Joseph the Provider' (1943)]. Trans. H. T. Lowe-Porter. 1948. London: Secker & Warburg, 1956.
- Mann, Thomas. Joseph and His Brothers. ['The Stories of Jacob' (1933); 'Young Joseph' (1934); 'Joseph in Egypt' (1936); 'Joseph the Provider' (1943)]. Trans. Helen T. Lowe-Porter. Penguin Modern Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1978.
- Mann, Thomas. Doctor Faustus: The Life of the German Composer Adrian Leverkühn as Told by a Friend. 1947. Trans. H. T. Lowe-Porter. A Borzoi Book. New York: Alfred A. Knopf. 1948.
- Mann, Thomas. Doctor Faustus: The Life of the German Composer Adrian Leverkühn as Told by a Friend. 1947. Trans. H. T. Lowe-Porter. 1948. Penguin Modern Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1968.
- Mann, Thomas. The Holy Sinner. 1951. Trans. H. T. Lowe-Porter. London: Secker & Warburg, 1952.
- Mann, Thomas. The Holy Sinner. 1951. Trans. H. T. Lowe-Porter. 1952. Penguin Modern Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1965.
- Mann, Thomas. Confessions of Felix Krull, Confidence Man: Memoirs Part I. 1954. Trans. Denver Lindley. 1955. Penguin Modern Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1973.
- Mann, Thomas. Die Erzählungen, Erster Band. Vol. 1 of 2. 1975. Frankfurt am Main: Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag, 1981.
- Mann, Thomas. Die Erzählungen, Zweiter Band. Vol. 2 of 2. 1975. Frankfurt am Main: Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag, 1983.
- Mann, Thomas. Death in Venice / Tristan / Tonio Kröger. 1912, 1903, 1902. Trans. H. T. Lowe-Porter. 1928. Penguin Modern Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1972.
- Mann, Thomas. Stories of Three Decades. Trans. H. T. Lowe-Porter. The Modern Library. New York: Random House, Inc., 1936.
- Mann, Thomas. Stories of Three Decades. Trans. H. T. Lowe-Porter. 1936. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1974.
- Mann, Thomas. Stories of a Lifetime: The Collected Stories. Trans. H. T. Lowe-Porter. 1936. 2 vols. Mercury Books 8 & 9. London: The Heinemann Group of Publishers, 1961.
- Mann, Thomas. Mario and the Magician and Other Stories. Trans. H. T. Lowe-Porter. 1961. Penguin Modern Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1975.
- Mann, Thomas. Six Early Stories. Trans. Peter Constantine. Ed. Burton Pike. Sun & Moon Classics. Los Angeles: Sun & Moon Press, 1997.
- Mann, Thomas. Reflections of a Nonpolitical Man / Thoughts in Wartime / On the German Republic. ['Betrachtungen eines Unpolitischen', 1918; 'Gedanken im Kriege', 1914; 'Von deutscher Republik', 1922]. Trans. Walter D. Morris, Mark Lilla & Cosima Mattner, Lawrence Rainey. 1983, 2021, 2007. Introduction by Mark Lilla. New York: New York Review Books, 2021.
- Mann, Thomas. Three Essays. ['Frederick and the Great Coalition', 1915; 'Goethe and Tolstoy', 1922; 'An Experience in the Occult', 1924]. Trans. H. T. Lowe-Porter. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1929.
- Mann, Thomas. A Sketch of My Life. ['Lebensabriß', 1930]. Trans. H. T. Lowe-Porter. A Borzoi Book. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1960.
- Mann, Thomas. The Coming Victory of Democracy. 1938. London: Secker & Warburg, 1938.
- Mann, Thomas. Essays of Three Decades. Trans. H. T. Lowe-Porter. London: Secker & Warburg, 1947.
- Mann, Thomas. The Story of a Novel: The Genesis of Doctor Faustus. ['Die Entstehung des Doktor Faustus', 1949]. Trans. Richard & Clara Winston. A Borzoi Book. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1961.
- Mann, Thomas. Last Essays. Trans. H. T. Lowe-Porter, Richard & Clara Winston and Tania & James Stern. 1958. London: Secker & Warburg, 1959.
Diaries & Letters:
- Mann, Thomas. Diaries 1918-1939: 1918-1921; 1933-1939. Ed. Hermann Kesten. 1977-80. Trans. Richard & Clara Winston. 1982. London: Robin Clark, 1984.
- Winston, Richard & Clara, ed. & trans. Letters of Thomas Mann, 1889-1955. Vol. I: 1889-1942. 2 vols. London: Secker & Warburg, 1970.
- Winston, Richard & Clara, ed. & trans. Letters of Thomas Mann, 1889-1955. Vol. II: 1943-1955. 2 vols. London: Secker & Warburg, 1970.
- Winston, Richard & Clara, ed. & trans. Letters of Thomas Mann, 1889-1955. 1970. Penguin Modern Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1975.
- Hayman, Ronald. Thomas Mann: A Biography. 1995. Bloomsbury. London: Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, 1997.
- Winston, Richard. Thomas Mann: The Making of an Artist, 1875-1911. Afterword by Clara Winston. A Borzoi Book. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1981.
Gustav Meyer [Meyrink] (1868-1932)
- Meyrink, Gustav. The Golem. 1915. Trans. Madge Pemberton. Afterword by Jack Hirschman. Prague & San Francisco: Mudra, 1972.
Eduard Friedrich Mörike (1804-1875)
- Mörike, Eduard. Mozart’s Journey to Prague, and a Selection of Poems. Trans. David Luke & Gilbert McKay. 1997. Penguin Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 2003.
Friedrich Heinrich Karl de la Motte, Baron Fouqué (1777-1843)
- la Motte Fouqué, F. H. K. de. Undine. Trans. Paul Turner. London: John Calder, 1960.
- la Motte Fouqué, F. H. K. de. Undine, Sintram, Aslauga’s Knight, The Two Captains. Introduction by Edmund Gosse. 1896. The World’s Classics. London: Humphrey Milford / The World’s Classics, 1932.
Robert Mathias Edler von Musil (1880-1942)
- Musil, Robert. Young Törless. 1906. Trans. Eithne Wilkins & Ernst Kaiser. 1955. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1962.
- Musil, Robert. Tonka and Other Stories. Trans. Eithne Wilkins & Ernst Kaiser. London: Secker & Warburg, 1965.
- Musil, Robert. The Man Without Qualities. Vol. 1: A Sort of Introduction; The Like of It Now Happens (I). 1930. 3 vols. Trans. Eithne Wilkins & Ernst Kaiser. 1954. London: Picador, 1979.
- Musil, Robert. The Man Without Qualities. Vol. 2: The Like of It Now Happens (II). 1930. 3 vols. Trans. Eithne Wilkins & Ernst Kaiser. 1954. London: Picador, 1979.
- Musil, Robert. The Man Without Qualities. Vol. 3: Into the Millennium (The Criminals). 1932. 3 vols. Trans. Eithne Wilkins & Ernst Kaiser. 1954. London: Picador, 1979.
- Musil, Robert. The Man Without Qualities: A Sort of Introduction; Pseudoreality Prevails; Into the Millennium. Trans. Sophie Wilkins and Burton Pike. 1995. London: Picador, 1997.
- Musil, Robert. Diaries 1899-1941. Ed. Adolf Frisé. 1976. Trans. Philip Payne. Ed. Mark Mirsky. 1995. Basic Books. New York: The Perseus Books Group, 1998.
Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (1844-1900)
- Nietzsche, Friedrich. The Will to Power: A New Translation. Ed. Walter Kaufmann. Trans. Walter Kaufmann & R. J. Hollingdale. 1967. New York: Vintage Books, 1968.
- Nietzsche, Friedrich. The Birth of Tragedy / The Case of Wagner. 1872 & 1888. Trans. Walter Kaufmann. New York: Vintage Books, 1967.
- Nietzsche, Friedrich. Beyond Good and Evil: Prelude to a Philosophy of the Future. Trans. R. J. Hollingdale. 1975. Penguin Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1976.
- Nietzsche, Friedrich. Twilight of the Idols and The Antichrist. 1889 & 1895. Trans. R. J. Hollingdale. 1968. Penguin Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1972.
- Nietzsche, Friedrich. Ecce Homo: How One Becomes What One Is. 1888. Trans. R. J. Hollingdale. Penguin Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1979.
- Nietzsche, Friedrich. Thus Spoke Zarathustra: A Book for Everyone and No One. 1886. Trans. R. J. Hollingdale. Penguin Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1961.
- Nietzsche, Friedrich. Thus Spoke Zarathustra: A Book for Everyone and No One. 1883-1885. Trans. R. J. Hollingdale. 1961. Penguin Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 2003.
- Kaufman, Walter, ed. The Portable Nietzsche. 1954. New York: The Viking Press, 1975.
- Nietzsche, Friedrich. A Nietzsche Reader. Ed. & Trans. R. J. Hollingdale. Penguin Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1977.
Pinchus Kahanovich ['Der Nister'] (1884-1950)
- Der Nister [“The Hidden One”]. The Family Mashber. 1939 & 1948. Trans. Leonard Wolf. London: Collins, 1987.
Georg Philipp Friedrich Freiherr von Hardenberg ['Novalis'] (1772-1801)
- Novalis. Werke und Briefe in einem Band. Ed. Alfred Kelletat. Jubliäumsbibliothek der deutschen Literatur. München: Winkler Verlag, n.d.
- Novalis. Hymns to the Night and Other Selected Writings. Trans. Charles E. Passage. The Library of Liberal Arts. Indianapolis: The Bobbs-Merrill Company, Inc, 1960.
Johann Paul Friedrich Richter [Jean Paul] (1763-1825)
- Paul, Jean. Werke in drei Bänden. Ed. Norbert Miller. Afterword by Walter Höllerer. Jubliäumsbibliothek der deutschen Literatur. 3 vols. München: Winkler Verlag, n.d.
Leo Perutz (1882-1957)
- Perutz, Leo. The Marquis of Bolibar. 1926. Trans. John Brownjohn. London: Collins Harvill, 1989.
- Perutz, Leo. By Night under the Stone Bridge. 1975. Trans. Eric Mosbacher. London: Collins Harvill, 1991.
Otfried Preußler (1923- )
- Preussler, Otfried. The Satanic Mill. 1971. Trans. Anthea Bell. 1972. A Knight Book. Leicester: Brockhampton Press, 1974.
Christoph Ransmayr (1954- )
- Ransmayr, Christoph. The Terrors of Ice and Darkness. 1984 Trans. John E. Woods. 1991. London: Paladin, 1992.
- Ransmayr, Christoph. The Last World: With an Ovidian Repertoire. 1988. Trans. John Woods. 1990. London: Paladin, 1991.
Erich Paul Remark [Erich Maria Remarque] (1898-1970)
- Remarque, Erich Maria. All Quiet on the Western Front. 1929. Trans. A. W. Wheen. 1929. London: G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1930.
Leopold Ritter von Sacher-Masoch (1836-1895)
- Sacher-Masoch, Leopold von. Venus in Furs, together with the Black Czarina. Translated by H. J. Stenning. Illustrated by Diane Hillier. 1965. London: Luxor Press, 1970.
- Deleuze, Gilles. Sacher-Masoch: An Interpretation, together with the entire text of Venus in Furs, from a French rendering by Aude Willm. Trans. Jean McNeil. London: Faber & Faber, 1971.
Berta Schmidt-Eller (1899-1987)
- Schmidt-Eller, Berta. The Refugees. 1952. Trans. Patricia Watson. 1968. A Tiger Book. Cardiff: Scripture Union, 1970.
- Schmidt-Eller, Berta. The Wrong Train. 1953. Trans. Patricia Watson. 1968. A Tiger Book. Cardiff: Scripture Union, 1970.
Arthur Schnitzler (1862-1931)
- Schnitzler, Arthur. Casanova’s Homecoming. 1930. London: World Distributors, 1959.
- Schnitzler, Arthur. Vienna 1900: Games with Love and Death. Harmondsworth: Penguin, n.d.
- Schnitzler, Arthur. La Ronde (Reigen). 1900. Trans Sue Davies. Adapted by John Barton. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1982.
- Schnitzler, Arthur. My Youth in Vienna. 1968. Trans. Catherine Hutter. Foreword by A. J. P. Taylor. 1970. London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1971.
Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860)
- Schopenhauer, Arthur. Essays and Aphorisms. Ed. & Trans. R. J. Hollingdale. Penguin Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1970.
Albert Schweitzer (1875-1965)
- Schweitzer, Albert. On the Edge of the Primeval Forest: Experiences and Observations of a Doctor in Equatorial Africa. 1922. Trans. C. T. Campion. 1922. London: A & C. Black, Ltd., 1929.
- Schweitzer, Albert. More from the Primeval Forest. 1931. Trans. C. T. Campion. 1931. London: Adam & Charles Black, 1956.
- Schweitzer, Albert. My Childhood and Youth. Trans. C. T. Campion. 1924. London: Unwin Books, 1960.
- Schweitzer, Albert. My Life and Thought: An Autobiography. 1931. Trans. C. T. Campion. 1933. London: Unwin Books, 1966.
- Seaver, George. Albert Schweitzer: The Man and His Mind. 1947. London: Adam & Charles Black, 1949.
Winfried Georg Maximilian Sebald (1944-2001)
- Sebald, W. G. After Nature. 1988. Trans. Michael Hamburger. 2002. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 2003.
- Sebald, W. G. Vertigo. 1990. Trans. Michael Hulse. London: Harvill Press, 1999.
- Sebald, W. G. The Emigrants. 1993. Trans. Michael Hulse. 1996. London: Vintage, 2002.
- Sebald, W. G. The Emigrants. 1993. Trans. Michael Hulse. 1996. Vintage Classics. London: Random House, 2002.
- Sebald, W. G. The Rings of Saturn. 1995. Trans. Michael Hulse. 1998. London: Vintage, 2002.
- Sebald, W. G. A Place in the Country: On Gottfried Keller, Johann Peter Hebel, Robert Walser and Others. 1998. Trans. Jo Catling. 2013. London: Penguin, 2014.
- Sebald, W. G. On the Natural History of Destruction: With Essays on Alfred Andersch, Jean Améry and Peter Weiss. 1999. Trans. Anthea Bell. 2003. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 2004.
- Sebald, W. G. Austerlitz. 2001. Trans. Anthea Bell. 2001. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 2002.
- Sebald, W. G. Campo Santo. Ed. Sven Meyer. 2003. Trans. Anthea Bell. 2005. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 2006.
- Sebald, W. G. & Jan Peter Tripp. Unrecounted: 33 Texts and 33 Etchings. 2003. Trans. Michael Hamburger. Hamish Hamilton. London: Penguin, 2004.
- Sebald, W. G. Across the Land and the Water: Selected Poems, 1964-2001. 2008. Trans. Iain Galbraith. Hamish Hamilton. London: Penguin, 2011.
- Angier, Carol. Speak, Silence: In Search of W. G. Sebald. London: Bloomsbury Circus, 2021.
Annemarie Selinko (1914-1986)
- Selinko, Anne-Marie. Désirée. 1951. Trans. Arnold Bender & E. W. Dickes. 1953. The Reprint Society. London: William Heinemann Ltd., 1954.
Oswald Arnold Gottfried Spengler (1880-1936)
- Spengler, Oswald. The Decline of the West. 1918. Trans. Charles Francis Atkinson. 1926 & 1928. London: George Allen & Unwin, 1959.
Gottfried von Strassburg (?-c.1210)
- Strassburg, Gottfried von. Tristan: Translated Entire for the First Time, with the Surviving Fragments of the Tristan of Thomas Newly Translated. Introduction by. A. T. Hatto. 1960. Penguin Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1975.
Patrick Süskind (1949- )
- Süskind, Patrick. Perfume: The Story of a Murderer. 1985. Trans. John E. Woods. 1986. King Penguin. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1987.
Herman Albert Otto Maximilian Feige [Ret Marut (1907-1924) / Traven Torsvan (1925-1951) / Hal Croves (1952-1969) / 'B. Traven'] (c.1890-1969)
- Stone, Judy. The Mystery of B. Traven. Los Altos, California: William Kaufmann, Inc., 1977.
- Traven, B. The Treasure of the Sierra Madre. 1927. Trans. Basil Creighton. 1934. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1956.
Fred Uhlman (1901-1985)
- Uhlman, Fred. Reunion. 1971. Introduction by Arthur Koestler. 1977. London: Fontana / Collins, 1978.
Franz Werfel (1890-1945)
- Werfel, Franz. The Song of Bernadette. 1941. Trans. Ludwig Lewisohn. 1942. London: Hamish Hamilton, 1944.
Christa Ihlenfeld [Christa Wolf] (1929- )
- Wolf, Christa. The Quest for Christa T. 1968. Virago Modern Classics. London: Virago, n.d.
- Wolf, Christa. No Place on Earth. 1979. Trans. Jan van Heurck. 1982. Virago Modern Classics. London: Virago, 1995.
- Wolf, Christa. Cassandra: A Novel and Four Essays. 1983. Virago Fiction. London: Virago, n.d.
Arnold Zweig (1887-1968)
- Zweig, Arnold. The Case of Sergeant Grischa. 1927. Trans. Eric Sutton. 1928. London: Martin Secker, 1929.
- Zweig, Arnold. Education before Verdun. 1935. Trans. Eric Sutton. London: Martin Secker & Warburg Ltd., 1936.
- Zweig, Arnold. The Axe of Wandsbeck: A Novel. Trans. Eric Sutton. London: Hutchinson International Authors, 1948.
Stefan Zweig (1881-1942)
- Zweig, Stefan. The World of Yesterday: An Autobiography. 1943. Introduction by Harry Zohn. A Bison Book. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1964.
- Zweig, Stefan. The Burning Secret and Other Stories. Trans. Jill Sutcliffe. Introduction by John Fowles. 1981. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1989.
- Zweig, Stefan. The Royal Game and Other Stories. Trans. Jill Sutcliffe. Introduction by John Fowles. London: Jonathan Cape, 1981.[Uncorrected Proof of ‘The Royal Game’ & ‘Havoc’].
- Zweig, Stefan. The Buried Candelabrum. Trans. Eden & Cedar Paul. The East & West Library. 1944. Oxford : Phaidon Press Ltd., 1945.
- Zweig, Stefan. Beware of Pity. Trans. Phyllis & Trevor Blewitt. London: Cassell, 1939.
- Zweig, Stefan. Marie Antoinette. Trans. Eden & Cedar Paul. 1933. Book Club Associates, 1972.
- Zweig, Stefan. Balzac. Trans. William & Dorothy Rose. New York: The Viking Press, 1946.
- Zweig, Stefan. The Post-Office Girl. 1982. Trans. Joel Rotenberg. NYRB Classics. New York: New York Review Books, 2008.
Anthologies & Secondary Literature
- Bleiler, E. F., ed. Two German Supernatural Novels. Gustav Meyrink: The Golem / Paul Busson: The Man Who Was Born Again. Trans. Madge Pemberton. 1928 / Trans. Prince Mirski & Thomas Moult. 1927. New York: Dover Publications, Inc., 1976.
- Deutsche Erzähler: Erster Band. Ed. Hugo von Hoffsmanthal. 1912. Frankfurt am Main: Insel Verlag, 1979.
- Deutsche Erzähler: Zweiter Band. Ed. Marie Luise Kaschnitz. 1971. Frankfurt am Main: Insel Verlag, 1979.
- Mackenzie, K. R. H., trans. Till Eulenspiegel: Master Tyll Owlglass: His Marvellous Adventures and Rare Conceits. 1860. Broadway Translations. London & New York: George Routledge & E P Dutton, n.d.
- Newnham, Richard, ed. German Short Stories / Deutsche Kurzgeschichten. Penguin Parallel Texts. 1964. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1972.
- Pick, Robert, ed. German Stories and Tales. 1955. New York: Washington Square Press, 1970.
- Steinhauer, Harry, ed. German Stories / Deutsche Novellen. A Bantam Dual-Language Book. 1961. New York: Bantam Books, 1964.
- Taylor, Ronald, ed. Six German Romantic Tales: Heinrich von Kleist / Ludwig Tieck / E. T. Hoffmann. London: Angel Books, 1985.
- Bertschi, Stefan & Ingo Startz. Anna Blume trifft Zuckmayer: Dichterstimmen in Tondokumenten 1901-2004. Zürich: Strauhof Zürich Literatur Ausstellungen, 2006.
- Chalmers, Martin, trans. & ed. I Shall Bear Witness: The Diaries of Victor Klemperer 1933-1941. 1995. A Phoenix Paperback. 1998. London: Orion Books Ltd., 1999.
- Funder, Anna. Stasiland: Stories from Behind the Berlin Wall. 2002. Harper Perennial. New York: HarperCollins Publishers, 2003.
- Gay, Peter. Weimar Culture: The Outsider as Insider. 1969. A Pelican Book. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1974.
- Lunn, Arnold, ed. Switzerland in English Prose and Poetry. The New Alpine Library. London: Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1947.
- Mann, Golo. The History of Germany since 1789. 1958. Trans. Marian Jackson. 1968. A Pelican Book. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1974.
- Middleton, Christopher, ed. German Writing Today. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1967.
- Nobel Deutschsprachige Literaturnobelpreisträger / German speaking Winners of the Nobel Prize in Literature, 1902-1904. N.p.: Goethe-Institut, 2005.
- Theodor Mommsen, Auszug aus “Römische Geschichte” (1902)
- Rudolf Eucken, Auszug aus “Lebensanschauungen der großen Denker” (1908)
- Paul Heyse, Auszug aus “L’Arrabbiata” (1910)
- Gerhart Hauptmann, Auszug aus “Die Weber” (1912)
- Carl Spitteler, Auszug aus “Olympischer Frühling” (1919)
- Thomas Mann, Auszug aus “Buddenbrooks” (1929)
- Hermann Hesse, Auszug aus “Der Steppenwolf” (1946)
- Nelly Sachs, Auszug aus “Eli. Ein Mysterienspiel vom Leiden Israels” (1966)
- Heinrich Böll, Auszug aus “Gruppenbild mit Dame” (1972)
- Günter Grass, Auszug aus “Die Blechtrommel” (1999)
- Elfriede Jelinek, Auszug aus “Die Klavierspielerin” (2004)
- Ruland, Wilhelm. Rheinisches Sagenbuch. 15th Edition. Köln: Rheinverlag von Hoursch & Bechstedt, n.d. [c.1914].
- Ruland, Wilhelm. The Finest Legends of the Rhine. Trans. Andrew Mitchell & H. J. Finlay. Bonn: Verlag Hoursch & Bechstedt, n.d. [c.1968].
- von Wahlert, Dr. Robert, ed. Berlin in Bildern. Berlin: Verlag Scherl, 1938.