Showing posts with label Philosophy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Philosophy. Show all posts


Scandinavia & The Netherlands

[Snow Cover Across Scandinavia (2002)]

A Bibliography of my Collection

The Netherlands

  1. Karen Blixen (1885-1962)
  2. Tove Ditlevsen (1917-1976)
  3. Søren Kierkegaard (1813-1855)

    Baroness Karen von Blixen-Finecke, née Karen Christenze Dinesen ['Isak Dinesen'] (1885-1962)

  1. Dinesen, Isak. Seven Gothic Tales. 1934. Penguin Modern Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1965.

  2. Blixen, Karen (Isak Dinesen). Seven Gothic Tales. 1934. With Découpages by Queen Margrethe II. Ed. Frans Lasson. Denmark: Gylendal / The Rungstedlund Foundation, 2002.

  3. Blixen, Karen (Isak Dinesen). Out of Africa and Shadows on the Grass. 1937 & 1960. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1984.

  4. Blixen, Karen. The Illustrated Out of Africa. 1937. illustrated by Bina Dahanani. 1985. London: Cresset Press, 1989.

  5. Dinesen, Isak (Karen Blixen). Winter's Tales. 1942. Penguin Modern Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1983.

  6. Dinesen, Isak (Karen Blixen). The Angelic Avengers. 1946. Penguin Modern Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1986.

  7. Dinesen, Isak. Last Tales. New York: Random House, Inc., 1957.

  8. Dinesen, Isak. Anecdotes of Destiny and Ehrengard. 1958 & 1963. Vintage International. New York: Random House, Inc., 1993.

  9. Dinesen, Isak. Carnival: Entertainments and Posthumous Tales. Foreword by Frans Lasson. 1975. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1977.

  10. Dinesen, Isak. Letters from Africa, 1914-1931. Ed. Frans Lasson. 1978. Trans. Anne Born. 1981. Picador. London: Pan Books Ltd., 1983.

  11. Thurman, Judith. Isak Dinesen: The Life of Karen Blixen. 1982. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1984.

  12. Tove Irma Margit Ditlevsen (1917-1976)

  13. Ditlevsen, Tove. The Trouble with Happiness. 1952, 1963. Trans. Michael Favala Goldman. Modern Classics. London: Penguin, 2023.

  14. Søren Aabye Kierkegaard (1813-1855)

  15. Dru, Alexander, trans. The Journals of Søren Kierkegaard: A Selection, 1834-1854. 1938. The Fontana Library. London: Collins, 1958.

  16. Kierkegaard, Søren. The Last Years; Journals 1853-1855. Trans. Ronald Gregor Smith. 1965. The Fontana Library. London: Collins, 1968.

  17. Hollander, Lee M., trans. Selections from the Writings of Kierkegaard. 1923. A Doubleday Anchor Book. New York: Anchor Books., 1960.

  18. Kierkegaard, Søren. Edifying Discourses: A Selection. Trans. David F. & Lilian Marvin Swenson. 1944. Ed. Paul L. Holmer. The Fontana Library. London: Collins, 1958.

  19. Kierkegaard, Søren. Purity of Heart is to Will One Thing; Spiritual Preparation fro the Office of Confession. Trans. Douglas Steere. 1938. The Fontana Library. London: Collins, 1961.

  20. Kierkegaard, Søren. Fear and Trembling & The Sickness Unto Death. Trans. Walter Lowrie. 1941. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1974.

  21. Kierkegaard, Søren. Concluding Unscientific Postscript. Trans. David F. Swenson & Walter Lowrie. American Scandinavian Foundation. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, n.d.

  22. Lowrie, Walter. Kierkegaard. Vol. 1. 1938. Harper Torchbooks. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1962.

[Elias Lönnrot: The Kalevala]

[6 books]

  1. Väinö Linna (1920-1992)
  2. Elias Lönnrot (1802-1884)
  3. Mika Waltari (1908-1979)

    Väinö Linna (1920-1992)

  1. Linna, Väinö. The Unknown Soldier. 1954. Trans. 1957. Porvoo / Helsinki / Juva: Werner Söderström Osakeyhtiö, 1991.

  2. Elias Lönnrot (1802-1884)

  3. Lönnrot, Elias. Kalevala: The Land of the Heroes. Trans. W. F. Kirby. 2 vols. Everyman’s Library 259 & 260. 1907. London & New York: J. M. Dent and Sons & E. P. Dutton & Co., Inc., 1951.

  4. Lönnrot, Elias. The Kalevala, or Poems of the Kaleva District. Trans. Francis Peabody Magoun, Jr. 1963. Cambridge, Massachusetts & London: Harvard University Press, 1969.

  5. Lönnrot, Elias. The Kalevala: An Epic Poem after Oral Tradition. Trans. Keith Bosley. Foreword by Albert B. Lord. 1989. Oxford World’s Classics. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999.

  6. Lönnrot, Elias. The Kanteletar: Lyrics and Ballads after Oral Tradition. Trans. Keith Bosley. The World’s Classics. Oxford & New York: Oxford University Press, 1992.

  7. Mika Toimi Waltari (1908-1979)

  8. Waltari, Mika. Sinuhe the Egyptian: A Novel. Trans. Naomi Walford. 1949. Sydney: Dymock’s Book Arcade Ltd. / London: Putnam & Co. Ltd., 1955.

[Saga of Erik the Red (c.1450)]

[33 books]

  1. The Elder Edda
  2. Sagas (Complete)
  3. Sagas (Miscellaneous)
  4. Halldór Laxness (1902-1998)
  5. Snorri Sturluson (1179–1241)
  6. Secondary

    The Elder Edda

  1. Hollander, Lee M., trans. The Poetic Edda. 1962. Rev. ed. Austin: University of Texas Press, 2006.

  2. Larrington, Carolyne, trans. The Poetic Edda. Oxford World's Classics. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1996.

  3. Orchard, Andy, trans. The Elder Edda. Penguin Classics. 2011. London: Penguin, 2013.

  4. Terry, Patricia, trans. Poems of the Vikings: The Elder Edda. Introduction by Charles Wisden. 1969. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill Educational Publishing, 1981.

  5. Sagas (Complete)

  6. The Complete Sagas of Icelanders (including 49 Stories). General Editor: Viðar Hreinsson, Editorial Team: Robert Cook, Terry Gunnell, Keneva Kunz & Bernard Scudder. Introduction by Robert Kellogg. 5 vols. Iceland: Leifur Eiriksson Publishing Ltd., 1997.
    1. Vinland / Warriors and Poets
      1. Foreword
        1. By the President of Iceland
        2. By the Icelandic Minister of Education, Culture and Science
        3. By the Former Director of the Manuscript Institute of Iceland
        4. Preface
        5. Credits
        6. Publisher's Acknowledgments
        7. Introduction
      2. Vinland and Greenland
        1. Eirik the Red's Saga
        2. The Saga of the Greenlanders
      3. Warriors and Poets
        1. Egil's Saga
        2. Kormak's Saga
        3. The Saga of Hallfred the Troublesome Poet
        4. The Saga of Bjorn, Champion of the Hitardal People
        5. The Saga of Gunnlaug Serpent-Tongue
      4. Tales of Poets
        1. The Tale of Arnor, the Poet of Earls
        2. Einar Skulason's Tale
        3. The Tale of Mani the Poet
        4. The Tale of Ottar the Black
        5. The Tale of Sarcastic Halli
        6. Stuf's Tale
        7. The Tale of Thorarin Short-Cloak
        8. The Tale of Thorleif, the Earl's Poet
      5. Anecdotes
        1. The Tale of Audun from the West Fjords
        2. The Tale of Brand the Generous
        3. Hreidar's Tale
        4. The Tale of the Story-Wise Icelander
        5. Ivar Ingimundarson's Tale
        6. Thorarin Nefjolfsson's Tale
        7. The Tale of Thorstein from the East Fjords
        8. The Tale of Thorstein the Curious
        9. The Tale of Thorstein Shiver
        10. The Tale of Thorvard Crow's-Beak

    2. Outlaws / Warriors and Poets
      1. Outlaws and Nature Spirits
        1. Gisli Sursson's Saga
        2. The Saga of Grettir the Strong
        3. The Saga of Hord and the People of Holm
        4. Bard's Saga
      2. Warriors and Poets
        1. Killer-Glum's Saga
        2. The Tale of Ogmund Bash
        3. The Tale of Thorvald Tasaldi
        4. The Saga of the Sworn Brothers
        5. Thormod's Tale
        6. The Tale of Thorarin the Overbearing
        7. Viglund's Saga
      3. Tales of the Supernatural
        1. The Tale of the Cairn-Dweller
        2. The Tale of the Mountain-Dweller
        3. Star-Oddi's Dream
        4. The Tale of Thidrandi and Thorhall
        5. The Tale of Thorhall Knapp

    3. Epic / Champions and Rogues
      1. An Epic
        1. Njal's Saga
      2. Champions and Rogues
        1. The Saga of Finnbogi the Mighty
        2. The Saga of the People of Floi
        3. The Saga of the People of Kjalarnes
        4. Jokul Buason's Tale
        5. Gold-Thorir's Saga
        6. The Saga of Thord Menace
        7. The Saga of Ref the Sly
        8. The Saga of Gunnar, the Fool of Keldugnup
      3. Tales of Champions and Adventures
        1. Gisl Illugason's Tale
        2. The Tale of Gold-Asa's Thord
        3. Hrafn Gudrunarson's Tale
        4. Orm Storolfsson's Tale
        5. Thorgrim Hallason's Tale

    4. Regional Feuds
      1. Regional Feuds
        1. The Saga of the People of Vatnsdal
        2. The Saga of the Slayings on the Heath
        3. Valla-Ljot's Saga
        4. The Saga of the People of Svarfadardal
        5. The Saga of the People of Ljosavatn
        6. The Saga of the People of Reykjadal and of Killer-Skuta
        7. The Saga of Thorstein the White
        8. The Saga of the People of Vopnafjord
        9. The Tale of Thorstein Staff-Struck
        10. The Tale of Thorstein Bull's Leg
        11. The Saga of Droplaug's Sons
        12. The Saga of the People of Fljotsdal
        13. The Tale of Gunnar, the Slayer of Thidrandi
        14. Brandkrossi's Tale
        15. Thorstein Sidu-Hallsson's Saga
        16. Thorstein Sidu-Hallsson's Tale
        17. Thorstein Sidu-Hallsson's Dream
        18. Egil Sidu-Hallsson's Tale

    5. Epic / Wealth and Power
      1. An Epic
        1. The Saga of the People of Laxardal
        2. Bolli Bollason's Tale
      2. Wealth and Power
        1. The Saga of the People of Eyri
        2. The Tale of Halldor Snorrason I
        3. The Tale of Halldor Snorrason II
        4. Olkofri's Saga
        5. Hen-Thorir's Saga
        6. The Saga of Hrafnkel Frey's Godi
        7. The Saga of the Confederates
        8. Odd Ofeigsson's Tale
        9. The Saga of Havard of Isafjord
      3. Religion and Conflict in Iceland and Greenland
        1. The Tale of Hromund the Lame
        2. The Tale of Svadi and Arnor Crone's-Nose
        3. The Tale of Thorvald the Far-Travelled
        4. The Tale of Thorsein Tent-Pitcher
        5. The Tale of the Greenlanders
      4. Reference Section
        1. Maps and Tables
        2. Illustrations and Diagrams
        3. Glossary
        4. Cross-Reference Index of Characters
        5. Contents of Volumes I-V

    6. The Sagas of Icelanders: A Selection. From The Complete Sagas of Icelanders (including 49 Stories). Ed. Viðar Hreinsson, Robert Cook, Terry Gunnell, Keneva Kunz & Bernard Scudder. Iceland: Leifur Eiriksson Publishing Ltd., 1997. Preface by Jane Smiley. Introduction by Robert Kellogg. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 2001.
      1. Foreword
        1. List of Illustrations and Tables
        2. Preface (by Jane Smiley)
        3. Introduction (by Robert Kellogg)
        4. Further Reading
        5. A Note on the Texts
      2. Sagas
        1. Egil's Saga (trans. Bernard Scudder)
        2. The Saga of the People of Vatnsdal (trans. Andrew Wawn)
        3. The Saga of the People of Laxardal (trans. Keneva Kunz)
          1. Bolli Bollason's Tale (trans. Keneva Kunz)
        4. The Saga of Hrafnkel Frey's Godi (trans. Terry Gunnell)
        5. The Saga of the Confederates (trans. Ruth C. Ellison)
        6. Gisli Sursson's Saga (trans. Martin S. Regal)
        7. The Saga of Gunnlaug Serpent-Tongue (trans. Katrina C. Attwood)
        8. The Saga of Ref the Sly (trans. George Clark)
        9. The Vinland Sagas
          1. Eirik the Red's Saga (trans. Keneva Kunz)
          2. The Saga of the Greenlanders (trans. Keneva Kunz)
      3. Tales
        1. The Tale of Thorstein Staff-struck (trans. Anthony Maxwell)
        2. The Tale of Halldor Snorrason II (trans. Terry Gunnell)
        3. The Tale of Sarcastic Halli (trans. George Clark)
        4. The Tale of Thorstein Shiver (trans. Anthony Maxwell)
        5. The Tale of Audun from the West Fjords (trans. Anthony Maxwell)
        6. The Tale of the Story-Wise Icelander (trans. Anthony Maxwell)
      4. Reference Section
        1. Illustrations and Diagrams
          1. Ships
          2. The Farm
          3. Social and Political Structure
        2. Glossary
        3. Index of Characters

    7. Cook, Robert, trans. Njal’s Saga. From The Complete Sagas of Icelanders (including 49 Stories). Ed. Viðar Hreinsson, Robert Cook, Terry Gunnell, Keneva Kunz & Bernard Scudder. 1997. Penguin Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 2001.

    8. Whaley, Diana, ed. Sagas of Warrior-Poets. From The Complete Sagas of Icelanders (including 49 Stories). Ed. Viðar Hreinsson, Robert Cook, Terry Gunnell, Keneva Kunz & Bernard Scudder. 1997. Penguin Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 2002.

    9. Magnusson, Magnus, ed. The Icelandic Sagas. Vol. 1 of 2. Illustrated by Simon Noyes. 1999. London: The Folio Society, 2000.
      1. Au∂un’s Saga, trans. Hermann Pálsson (1971)
      2. Grænlendiga Saga, trans. Magnus Magnusson & Hermann Pálsson (1965)
      3. Eirík’s Saga, trans. Magnus Magnusson & Hermann Pálsson (1965)
      4. The Tale of Thorstein Stangarhögg (Staff-Struck), trans. Hermann Pálsson (1971)
      5. Egil’s Saga, trans. Hermann Pálsson & Paul Edwards (1976)
      6. Hrafnkel’s Saga, trans. Hermann Pálsson (1971)
      7. Eyrbyggja Saga, trans. Hermann Pálsson & Paul Edwards (1972)
      8. Vopnfir∂inga Saga, trans. Magnus Magnusson (1999)
      9. Bandamanna Saga, trans. Hermann Pálsson (1975)
      10. Gunnlaug’s Saga, trans. Magnus Magnusson (1999)
      11. The Tale of Thi∂randi and Thórhall, trans. Magnus Magnusson (1999)
      12. Njál’s Saga, trans. Magnus Magnusson & Hermann Pálsson (1960)

    10. Magnusson, Magnus, ed. The Icelandic Sagas. Vol. 2 of 2. Illustrated by John Vernon Lord. London: The Folio Society, 2002.
      1. Ívarr’s Tale, trans. Magnus Magnusson (1999)
      2. Gísli’s Saga, trans. Magnus Magnusson & Hermann Pálsson (1999)
      3. Ölkofri’s Tale, trans. Magnus Magnusson (1999)
      4. Laxdæla Saga, trans. Magnus Magnusson & Hermann Pálsson (1969)
      5. Gunnarr Thi∂randabani’s Tale, trans. Alan Boucher (1981)
      6. Fóstbrœ∂ra Saga, trans. Magnus Magnusson & Hermann Pálsson (1999)
      7. Hrei∂arr’s Tale, trans. Magnus Magnusson (1999)
      8. Vatnsdæla Saga, trans. Magnus Magnusson (1999)
      9. Hænsa-Thórir’s Saga, trans. Hermann Pálsson (1975)
      10. Grettir’s Saga, trans. Denton Fox & Hermann Pálsson (1974)

    11. Sagas (Miscellaneous)

    12. Blake, N. F. ed. The Saga of the Jomsvikings: Jómsvíkinga Saga. Nelson’s Icelandic texts, ed. Sigurður Nordal & G. Turville-Petre. London: Nelson, 1962.

    13. Dasent, George. M., trans. The Saga of Burnt Njal: From the Icelandic of Njal’s Saga. Everyman’s Library. London & New York: J. M. Dent & E. P. Dutton, n.d.

    14. Hight, George Ainslie., trans. The Saga of Grettir the Strong: A Story of the Eleventh Century. Everyman’s Library 699. 1914. London & New York: J. M. Dent & E. P. Dutton, 1929.

    15. Johnston, George, trans. The Saga of Gisli. Ed. Peter Foote. 1963. Everyman’s Library. London: Dent, 1984.

    16. Jones, Gwyn, trans. Eirik the Red and other Icelandic Sagas. The World’s Classics. Oxford: Oxford University Pres, 1980.

    17. Pálsson, Hermann, & Magnus Magnusson, trans. Njal’s Saga. 1960. Penguin Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1972.

    18. Pálsson, Hermann, & Magnus Magnusson, trans. The Vinland Sagas: The Norse Discovery of America – Grænlendinga Saga & Eirik’s Saga. 1965. Penguin Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1971.

    19. Pálsson, Hermann, & Magnus Magnusson, trans. King Harald’s Saga: Harald Hardradi of Norway – from Snorri Sturluson’s Heimskringla. 1966. Penguin Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1971.

    20. Pálsson, Hermann, & Magnus Magnusson, trans. Laxdaela Saga. 1969. Penguin Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1976.

    21. Pálsson, Hermann, trans. Hrafnkel’s Saga and Other Stories. 1971. Penguin Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1972.

    22. Pálsson, Hermann, & Paul Edwards, trans. Hrolf Gautrekkson: A Viking Romance. New Saga Library 1. Edinburgh: Southgate, 1972.

    23. Pálsson, Hermann, & Paul Edwards, trans. Eyrbyggja Saga. New Saga Library 2. Edinburgh: Southgate, 1973.

    24. Pálsson, Hermann, & Paul Edwards, trans. Egil’s Saga. Penguin Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1976.

    25. Pálsson, Hermann, & Paul Edwards, trans. Orkneyinga Saga: The History of the Earls of Orkney. 1978. Penguin Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1982.

    26. Pálsson, Hermann, & Paul Edwards, trans. Seven Viking Romances. Penguin Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1985.

    27. Halldór Guðjónsson [Halldór Kiljan Laxness] (1902-1998)

    28. Laxness, Halldór. Independent People. 1934-35. Trans. J. A. Thompson. 1945. London: The Harvill Press, 1999.

    29. Laxness, Halldór. The Fish Can Sing. 1957. Trans. Magnus Magnusson. London: Methuen, 1966.

    30. Snorri Sturluson (1179–1241)

    31. Sturluson, Snorri. Edda. Trans. Anthony Faulkes. Everyman’s Library. London: Dent, 1987.

    32. Sturlason, Snorre. Heimskringla: The Olaf Sagas. Trans. Samuel Laing. Ed. John Beveridge. Everyman’s Library 717. London & New York: J. M. Dent & E. P. Dutton, 1930.

    33. Sturlason, Snorre. Heimskringla: The Norse King Sagas. Trans. Samuel Laing. Ed. John Beveridge. Everyman’s Library 847. London & New York: J. M. Dent & E. P. Dutton, 1930.

    34. Sturlason, Snorre. Heimskringla, or The Lives of the Norse Kings. Trans. A. H. Smith & Erling Monsen. Ed. Erling Monsen. 1932. New York: Dover Publications, Inc., 1990.

    35. Secondary Literature

    36. Turville-Petre, G. Origins of Icelandic Literature. 1953. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1967.

    [Maurice Maeterlinck: The Blue Bird (1909)]

    [11 books]

    1. Hugo Claus (1929-2008)
    2. Willem Elsschot (1882-1960)
    3. Erasmus (c.1466/69-1536)
    4. Rutger Kopland (1934- )
    5. Maurice Maeterlinck (1862-1949)
    6. Frans Masereel (1889-1972)
    7. Multatuli (1820-1887)
    8. Gerard Walschap (1898-1989)
    9. Anthologies

      Hugo Maurice Julien Claus (1929-2008)

    1. Claus, Hugo. The Sorrow of Belgium. 1983. Trans. Arnold J. Pomerans. London: Viking, 1990.

    2. Alfons-Jozef De Ridder ['Willem Elsschot'] (1882-1960)

    3. Elsschot, Willem. Three Novels: Soft Soap / The Leg / Will-o-the-Wisp. Trans. A. Brotherton. Bibliotheca Neerlandica. Leyden & London & New York: Sijthoff & Heinemann & Maxwell, 1965.

    4. Desiderius Erasmus Roterodamus (c.1466/69-1536)

    5. Erasmus. Praise of Folly & Letter to Martin Dorp 1515. Trans. Betty Radice. Introduction by A. H. T. Levi. Penguin Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1971.

    6. Rudi P. Hendrik van den Hoofdakker ['Rutger Kopland'] (1934- )

    7. Kopland, Rutger. Memories of the Unknown: A Bilingual Edition. Trans. James Brockway. Foreword by J. M. Coetzee. London: the Harvill Press, 2001.

    8. Maurice Polydore Marie Bernard, Count Maeterlinck (1862-1949)

    9. Maeterlinck, Maurice. The Life of the Bee. 1901. Trans. Alfred Suto. 1901. London: George Allen & Co., Ltd., 1913.

    10. Maeterlinck, Maurice. The Blue Bird: A Fairy Play in Six Acts. 1909. Trans. Alexander Teixeira de Mattos. 1909. London: Methuen & Co., 1911.

    11. Maeterlinck, Maurice. The Unknown Guest. 1914. Trans. Alexander Teixeira de Mattos. London: Methuen & Co., Ltd., 1914.

    12. Maeterlinck, Maurice. Mountain Paths. 1919. Trans. Alexander Teixeira de Mattos. London: Methuen & Co., Ltd., 1919.

    13. Frans Masereel (1889-1972)

    14. Masereel, Frans. Passionate Journey: A Novel Told in 165 Woodcuts. Trans. Joseph M. Bernstein. Introduction by Thomas Mann. 1919. London: Penguin, 1988.

    15. Eduard Douwes Dekker ['Multatuli'] (1820-1887)

    16. Multatuli. Max Havelaar, Or The Coffee Auctions of the Dutch Trading Company. 1860. Trans. Roy Edwards. Introduction by D. H., Lawrence. 1967. Afterword by E. M. Beekman. Amherst, Mass: the University of Massachusetts Press, 1982.

    17. Jacob Lodewijk Gerard, Baron Walschap (1898-1989)

    18. Walschap, Gerard. Marriage / Ordeal. Trans. A. Brotherton. Bibliotheca Neerlandica. Leyden & London & New York: Sijthoff & Heinemann & Maxwell, 1963.

    19. Anthologies & Secondary Literature

    20. Coenen, Frans. The House on The Canal / Van Oudshoorn, J. Alienation. Trans. James Brockway & N. C. Clegg. Bibliotheca Neerlandica. Leyden & London & New York: Sijthoff & Heinemann & Maxwell, 1965.

    21. Bouwman, André, & Bart Besamusca, ed. Of Reynaert the Fox: Text and Facing Translations of the Middle Dutch Beast Epic "Van Den Vos Reynaerde". Trans. Thea Summerfield. Including a chapter on Middle Dutch by Matthias Hüning & Ulrike Vogl. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2009.

    [Henrik Ibsen]

    [23 books]

    1. Frans Bengtsson (1894-1954)
    2. Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson (1832-1910)
    3. Knut Hamsun (1859-1952)
    4. Henrik Ibsen (1828-1906)
    5. Karl Ove Knausgaard (1968- )
    6. Sigrid Undset (1882-1949)

      Frans Gunnar Bengtsson (1894-1954)

    1. Bengtsson, Frans. The Long Ships: A Saga of the Viking Age. Trans. Michael Meyer. 1954. A Fontana Book. London: Collins, 1956.

    2. Bjørnstjerne Martinius Bjørnson (1832-1910)

    3. Björnson, Björnstjerne. Three Comedies. Trans. R. Farquharson Sharp. 1912. Everyman’s Library. London: J. M. Dent / New York: E. P. Dutton, 1925.

    4. Björnson, Björnstjerne. Three Dramas. Trans. R. Farquharson Sharp. 1914. Everyman’s Library. London: J. M. Dent / New York: E. P. Dutton, 1924.

    5. Knud Pedersen ['Knut Hamsun'] (1859-1952)

    6. Hamsun, Knut. Hunger. 1890. Trans. Robert Bly. Introduction by Isaac Bashevis Singer. 1967. London: Picador, 1976.

    7. Hamsun, Knut. Mysteries. 1892. Trans. Gerry Bothmer. 1971. London: Picador, 1977.

    8. Hamsun, Knut. Pan: From Lieutenant Thomas Glahn’s Papers. 1894. Trans. James W. McFarlane. 1955. A Condor Book. 1974. London: Souvenir Press, 1980.

    9. Hamsun, Knut. Victoria. 1898. Trans. Oliver Stallybrass. 1969. London: Picador, 1979.

    10. Hamsun, Knut. The Wanderer: Under the Autumn Star & On Muted Strings. 1937. Trans. Oliver & Gunnvor Stallybrass. 1975. London: Picador, 1977.

    11. Henrik Johan Ibsen (1828-1906)

    12. Ibsen, Henrik. The Oxford Ibsen. Vol I: Early Plays. Ed & Trans. James Walter McFarlane & Graham Orton. 8 vols. London: Oxford University Press., 1970.

    13. Ibsen, Henrik. The Oxford Ibsen. Vol II: The Vikings at Helgeland; Love’s Comedy; the Pretenders. Ed. James Walter McFarlane. 8 vols. London: Oxford University Press., 1962.

    14. Ibsen, Henrik. Brand: A Dramatic Poem. Trans. F. E. Garrett. 1894. Introduction by Philip H. Wicksteed. Everyman’s Library. London: J. M. Dent / New York: E. P. Dutton, n.d.

    15. Ibsen, Henrik. Peer Gynt. Trans. R. Farquharson Sharp. Illustrated by Arthur Rackham. 1936. Harrap Illustrated Classics. London: Harrap Limited, 1985.

    16. Ibsen, Henrik. Peer Gynt. Trans. Michael Meyer. Anchor Books. New York: Doubleday, 1963.

    17. Ibsen, Henrik. The Oxford Ibsen. Peer Gynt: Play in Five Acts. Ed. James Walter McFarlane. Trans. Christopher Fry & Johan Filllinger. London: Oxford University Press., 1970.

    18. Ibsen, Henrik. The Oxford Ibsen. Vol IV: The League of Youth; Emperor and Galilean. Ed & Trans. James Walter McFarlane & Graham Orton. 8 vols. London: Oxford University Press., 1963.

    19. Ibsen, Henrik. Three Plays: The Pillars of the Community; The Wild Duck; Hedda Gabler. Trans. Una Ellis-Fermor. 1950. Penguin Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1954.

    20. Ibsen, Henrik. Rosmersholm; The Master Builder; Little Eyolf; John Gabriel Borkman. Trans. Una Ellis-Fermor. Penguin Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1958.

    21. Ibsen, Henrik. Ghosts; A Public Enemy; When We Dead Wake. Trans. Peter Watts. 1964. Penguin Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1976.

    22. Ibsen, Henrik. Plays: The League of Youth; A Doll’s House; The Lady from the Sea. Trans. Peter Watts. 1965. Penguin Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1980.

    23. Ibsen, Henrik. The Complete Major Prose Plays. Trans. Rolf Fjelde. A Plume Book. New York: New American Library, 1978.

    24. Meyer, Michael. Ibsen: A Biography. 1967 & 1971. Abridged by the Author. A Pelican Book. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1974.

    25. Karl Ove Knausgaard (1968- )

    26. Knausgaard, Karl Ove. A Death in the Family. My Struggle. Book 1. 2009. Trans. Don Bartlett. 2012. Vintage Books. London: Random House, 2013.

    27. Sigrid Undset (1882-1949)

    28. Undset, Sigrid. Kristin Lavransdatter. 1937. Trans. Charles Archer & J. S. Scott. 1930. London: Picador, 1980.

    [Richard Bergh: Portrait of August Strindberg (1905)]

    [20 books]

    1. Gunnar Ekelöf (1907-1968)
    2. Selma Lagerlöf (1858-1940)
    3. Pär Lagerkvist (1891-1974)
    4. August Strindberg (1849-1912)
    5. Tomas Tranströmer (1931-2015)
    6. Anthologies

      Bengt Gunnar Ekelöf (1907-1968)

    1. Ekelöf, Gunnar. Selected Poems. Trans. W. H. Auden & Leif Sjöberg. Introduction by Göran Printz-Pahlson. Penguin Modern European Poets. Ed. A. Alvarez. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1971.

    2. Selma Lagerlöf (1858-1940)

    3. Lagerlöf, Selma. Gösta Berling's Saga: From Gösta Berling's Saga, Part I & Part II. 1891. Trans. Lillie Tudeer. 1894 & 1918. Ed. Greta Anderson. Iowa City, Iowa: Penfield Press, 1997.

    4. Lagerlöf, Selma. The Wonderful Adventures of Nils. 1906. Trans. Velma Swanston Howard. 1911. Illustrated by Hans Baumhauer. The Children’s Illustrated Classics. 1950. London: J. M. Dent & Sons, Ltd., 1962.

    5. Lagerlöf, Selma. The Further Adventures of Nils. 1907. Trans. Velma Swanston Howard. 1911. Illustrated by Hans Baumhauer. The Children’s Illustrated Classics. 1953. London: J. M. Dent & Sons, Ltd., 1957.

    6. Pär Fabian Lagerkvist (1891-1974)

    7. Lagerkvist, Pär. The Dwarf. Trans. Alexandra Dick. New York: Hill & Wang, 1945.

    8. Lagerkvist, Pär. Barabbas. Trans. Alan Blair. Preface by Lucien Maury. Letter by André Gide. 1951. Bantam Modern Classics. New York: Bantam Books, 1968.

    9. Lagerkvist, Pär. Pilgrim at Sea: A Novel. Trans. Naomi Walford. 1951. London: Chatto & Windus, 1964.

    10. Lagerkvist, Pär. The Eternal Smile and Other Stories. 1920, 1925 & 1933. Trans. Erik Mesterson, Denys W. Harding & David O’Gorman. London: Chatto & Windus, 1971.

    11. Lagerkvist, Pär. Guest of Reality. Trans. Robin Fulton. 1985. Quartet Encounters. London: Quartet Books, 1989.

    12. Lagerkvist, Pär. Modern Theatre: Seven Plays and an Essay. Trans. Thomas R. Buckman. A Bison Book. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1966.

    13. Johan August Strindberg (1849-1912)

    14. Strindberg, August. The Son of a Servant: The Story of the Evolution of a Human Being, 1849-67. Trans. Evert Springhorn. London: Jonathan Cape, 1967.

    15. Strindberg, August. Inferno and From an Occult Diary (Selected by Torsten Eklund). Trans. Mary Sandbach. 1962 & 1965. Penguin Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1979.

    16. Strindberg, August. The Red Room: Scenes of Artistic and Literary Life. 1879. Trans. Elizabeth Sprigge. Everyman’s Library. London: Dent / New York: Dutton, 1967.

    17. Strindberg, August. Getting Married: Parts I and II. 1884-5. Trans. Mary Sandbach. 1972. London: Quartet Books, 1977.

    18. Strindberg, August. Plays: The Dream Play; The Link; The Dance of Death, Parts 1 & 2. Trans. Edwin Björkman. London: Duckworth & Co., 1913.

    19. Strindberg, August. Seven Plays. Trans. Arvid Paulson. Introduction by John Gassner. 1960. New York: Bantam Books, 1964.

    20. Meyer, Michael, trans. The Plays of Strindberg. 2 vols. 1964. New York: Vintage Books, 1976.

    21. Meyer, Michael. Strindberg: A Biography. 1985. Oxford Lives. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1987.

    22. Tomas Tranströmer (1931-2015)

    23. Tranströmer, Tomas. New Collected Poems. Trans. Robin Fulton. 1997. Rev. ed. 2006. Highgreen, Tarset, Northumberland: Bloodaxe Books, 2011.

    24. Anthologies

    25. Haavikko, Paavo, & Tomas Tranströmer. Selected Poems. Trans. Anselm Hollo, & Robin Fulton. Penguin Modern European Poets. Ed. A. Alvarez. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1974.


Roman Literature

William L. Longyear: The Classical World (c.1930s)

A Bibliography of my Collection

Anthologies & Secondary Literature

    Petronius: Satyricon (Heritage Press, 1964)

    Authors & Works:

    1. Apuleius (c.125–c.180 AD)
    2. Petronius (c.27–66 AD)
    3. Anthologies & Secondary Literature

    Lucius Apuleius [Apuleius] (c.125–c.180 AD)

  1. Apuleius, Lucius. The Golden Ass, Being the Metamorphoses of Lucius Apuleius. Trans. W. Adlington. Rev. S. Gaselee. Loeb Classical Library. London & New York: William Heinemann & The Macmillan Company, 1915.

  2. Apuleius, Lucius. The Golden Ass of Apuleius. Trans. William Adlington. 1566. The Chiltern Library. London: John Lehmann, 1946.

  3. Apuleius, Lucius. The Works of Apuleius, Comprising the Metamorphoses, or Golden Ass, The God of Socrates, the Florida, and His Defence, or a Discourse on Magic. A New Translation. To Which are Added. a Metrical Version of the Cupid and Psyche and Mrs. Tighe’s Psyche, a Poem in Six Cantos. Bohn’s Libraries. London: George Bell & Sons, 1893.

  4. Apuleius, Lucius. The Transformations of Lucius, Otherwise Known as The Golden Ass. Trans. Robert Graves. 1950. Bound Penguins. Penguin Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1950.

  5. Apuleius, Lucius. The Transformations of Lucius, Otherwise Known as The Golden Ass. Trans. Robert Graves. 1950. London: The Folio Society, 1960.

  6. Apuleius, Lucius. The Transformations of Lucius, Otherwise Known as The Golden Ass. Trans. Robert Graves. 1950. Rev. Michael Grant. Penguin Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1990.

  7. Apuleius, Lucius. The Golden Ass. Trans. Jack Lindsay. Indiana University Greek and Latin Classics. 1960. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1962.

  8. Apuleius, Lucius. The Golden Ass. Trans. P. G. Walsh. The World’s Classics. 1994. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1995.

  9. Apuleius, Lucius. The Golden Ass, Or Metamorphoses: A New Translation. Trans. E. J. Kenney. Penguin Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1998.

  10. Manara, Milo & Lucius Apuleius. Les Métamorphoses de Lucius. Paris: L’Echo des Savanes/ Albin Michel, 2007.

  11. Winkler, John J. Auctor & Actor: A Narratological Reading of Apuleius's Golden Ass. 1985. Berkeley & Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1991.

  12. Gaius Petronius Arbiter (c.27–66 AD)

  13. Petronius. Satyricon. Trans. Michael Heseltine. Seneca. Apococyntosis. Trans. W. H. D. Rouse. 1913. Rev. E. H. Warmington. 1969. Loeb Classics. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2005.

  14. Petronius. The Satyricon of T. Petronius Arbiter (Burnaby’s Translation, 1694). Introduction by C. K. Scott Moncrieff. The Abbey Classics. London: Remainder Centre, Ltd., n.d.

  15. Petronius. Satyricon. Trans. Paul Dinnage. 1953. Ed. Costas Panayotakis. Wordsworth Classics of World Literature. Ware, Hertfordshire: Wordsworth, 1999.

  16. Petronius. The Satyricon. Trans. William Arrowsmith. 1959. A Mentor Classic. New York: New American Library, 1960.

  17. Gillette, Paul. Satyricon: Memoirs of a Lusty Roman. A reconstruction in Modern English of the Classic Novel of Imperial Age Rome, The Satyricon of Titus Petronius Arbiter. Los Angeles, CA: Holloway House, 1965.

  18. Petronius. The Satyricon and The Fragments. Trans. John Sullivan. Penguin Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1965.

  19. Petronius Arbiter. Satyrica. Trans. Frederick Raphael. London: the Folio Society, 2003.

  20. Anthologies & Secondary Literature

  21. Walsh, P. G. The Roman Novel. 1970. London: Bristol Classical Press, 1995.

  22. Ion Theodorescu-Sion: Ovid in Exile (1915)

    Authors & Works:

    1. Catullus (c.84–c.54 BCE)
    2. Claudian (c.370–c.404 CE)
    3. Horace (65–8 BCE)
    4. Juvenal (late 1st-early 2nd century CE)
    5. Lucan (39-65 CE)
    6. Lucretius (c.99-c.55 BCE)
    7. Martial (38/41-102/4 CE)
    8. Ovid (43 BC–17/18 CE)
    9. Propertius (c.50/45–c.15 BCE)
    10. Statius (c.45-c.96 CE)
    11. Tibullus (c.54-19 BCE)
    12. Valerius Flaccus ( -c.90 CE)
    13. Virgil (70–19 BCE)
    14. Anthologies & Secondary Literature

    Gaius Valerius Catullus (c.84–c.54 BC)

  23. Michie, James, trans. The Poems of Catullus. Introduction by Robert Rowland. 1969. London: Panther, 1972.

  24. Michie, James, trans. The Poems of Catullus. Introduction by Robert Rowland. 1969. Bristol Classical Press. 1989. London: Gerald Duckworth & Co. Ltd., 2004.

  25. Whigham, Peter, trans. The Poems of Catullus. 1966. Penguin Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1974.

  26. Catullus. The Complete Poems. Trans. Jack Lindsay. London: Sylvan Press, 1948.

  27. Swanson, Roy Arthur, trans. Odi et Amo: The Complete Poetry of Catullus. New York: The Liberal Arts Press, 1959.

  28. Gaisser, Julia Haig, ed. Catullus in English. Penguin Poets in Translation. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 2001.

  29. Lindsay, Jack. Brief Light: A Novel of Catullus. London: Methuen & Co., 1939.

  30. Claudius Claudianus [Claudian] (c.370–c.404 CE)

  31. Claudian. Works. 2 vols. Trans. Maurice Platnauer. 1922. Loeb Classics. Cambridge: Harvard University Press / London: William Heinemann Ltd., 1976.

  32. Quintus Horatius Flaccus [Horace] (65–8 BC)

  33. Q. Horatii Flacci. Vita et Opera. N.p.: n.d.

  34. Horace. The Odes and Epodes. Trans. C. E. Bennett. 1914. Loeb Classics. London: William Heinemann / New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1925.

  35. Michie, James, trans. The Odes of Horace. 1964. Penguin Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1978.

  36. Horace. The Complete Odes and Epodes, with the Centennial Hymn. Trans. W. G. Shepherd. Introduction by Betty Radice. Penguin Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1983.

  37. Dunsany, Lord, trans. The Odes of Horace. London: Heinemann, 1947.

  38. Carnes-Ross, D. S., & Kenneth Haynes, ed. Horace in English. Penguin Poets in Translation. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1996.

  39. Wilkinson, L. P. Horace and His Lyric Poetry. 1945. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1968.

  40. Decimus Iunius Iuvenalis [Juvenal] (late 1st-early 2nd century AD)

  41. Juvenal. The Sixteen Satires. Trans. Peter Green. 1967. Penguin Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1980.

  42. Winkler, Martin M., ed. Juvenal in English. Penguin Poets in Translation. London: Penguin Classics, 2001.

  43. Marcus Annaeus Lucanus [Lucan] (39-65 AD)

  44. Lucan. Pharsalia: Dramatic Incidents of the Civil Wars. Trans. Robert Graves. Penguin Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1956.

  45. Lucan. Pharsalia: The Civil War. Trans. Douglas Little. Dunedin: University of Otago Press, 1989.

  46. Titus Lucretius Carus (c.99-c.55 BC)

  47. Lucretius. The Nature of the Universe. Trans. Ronald Latham. 1951. Penguin Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1957.

  48. Marcus Valerius Martialis [Martial] (38/41-102/4 AD)

  49. Martial. Epigrams I. Trans. Walter C. A. Ker. 1919. Loeb Classics. 2 vols. London: William Heinemann / Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1947.

  50. Martial. Epigrams II. Trans. Walter C. A. Ker. 1920. Loeb Classics. 2 vols. London: William Heinemann / Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1950.

  51. Goertz, Donald C., trans. Select Epigrams of Martial. New York: University Books, Inc., 1971.

  52. Martial. The Epigrams. Trans. James Michie. 1972. Penguin Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1978.

  53. Sullivan, J. P., & A. J. Boyle, ed. Martial in English. Penguin Poets in Translation. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1996.

  54. Publius Ovidius Naso [Ovid] (43 BC–17/18 AD)

  55. Ovid. I: Heroides and Amores. Trans. Grant Showerman. 1914. Loeb Classics, 41. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1971.

  56. Ovid. Amores: with Latin Text. Trans. Guy Lee. 1961. London: John Murray, 1968.

  57. Lee, Guy, trans. Ovid in Love: Ovid's Amores. With Drawings by John Ward. London: John Murray (Publishers) Ltd., 2000.

  58. Ovid. Heroides. Trans. Harold Isbell. Penguin Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1990.

  59. Ovid. II: The Art of Love and Other Poems. Trans. J. H. Mozley. 1929. Rev. G. P. Goold. Loeb Classics, 232. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2004.

  60. May, J. Lewis, trans. The Love Books of Ovid: Being the Amores, Ars Amatoria, Remedia Amoris and Medicamina Faciei Femineae of Publius Ovidius Naso. Illustrated by Jean de Bosschère. New York: Willey Book Co., 1940.

  61. Ovid. The Art of Love. Trans. J. Lewis May. 1925. London: Bestseller Library, 1959.

  62. Gregory, Horace, trans. Love Poems of Ovid: Amores, The Art of Love, Cures for Love. A Mentor Classic. Toronto: New American Library of Canada, 1964.

  63. Ovidius Naso, Publius. Ars Amatoria. Trans. B. P. Moore. Drawings by Victor Reinganum. London: The Folio Society, 1965.

  64. Ovid. On Love: Being the “Ars Amatoria” [Skill in Loving] and the “Amores” [The Loves]. Translated by Beram Saklatvala. Illustrated by Charles Pierce. London: Charles Skilton, 1966.

  65. Ovid. Love: The Technique of Love and Remedies for Love. Trans. Paul Turner. London: Panther, 1968.

  66. Ovid. The Erotic Poems: The Amores, The Art of Love, Cures for Love, On Facial Treatment for Ladies. Trans. Peter Green. Penguin Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1982.

  67. Ovidius Naso, Publius. The Art of Love. Trans. James Michie. Paintings by Grahame Baker. 1993. London: The Folio Society, 2009.

  68. Ovid. III: Metamorphoses 1: Books I-VIII. Trans. Frank Justus Miller. 1916. Rev. G. P. Goold. Loeb Classics, 42. 2 vols. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2004.

  69. Ovid. IV: Metamorphoses 2: Books IX-XV. Trans. Frank Justus Miller. 1916. Rev. G. P. Goold. Loeb Classics, 43. 2 vols. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2005.

  70. Ovid. The Metamorphoses. Trans. Arthur Golding. 1565-67. Ed. Madeleine Forey. Penguin Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 2002.

  71. Ovid. The Metamorphoses. Trans. John Dryden et al. Ed. Samuel Garth. 1717. Ed. Garth Tissol. Wordsworth Classics, 1998.

  72. Ovid. The Metamorphoses. Trans. Rolfe Humphries. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1955.

  73. Ovid. Metamorphoses: The New, Annotated Edition. Trans. Rolfe Humphries. 1955. Ed. Joseph D. Reed. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2018.

  74. Ovid. The Metamorphoses. Trans. Mary M. Innes. 1955. Penguin Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1971.

  75. Ovid. The Metamorphoses. Trans. Horace Gregory. New York: Viking Penguin, 1958.

  76. Ovid. The Metamorphoses. Trans. A. D. Melville. Oxford: World's Classics, 1986.

  77. Boer, Charles, trans. Ovid’s Metamorphoses. Dunquin Series, 17. Dallas, TX: Spring Publications, 1989.

  78. Mandelbaum, Allen, trans. The Metamorphoses of Ovid. A Harvest Book. San Diego: Harcourt, Inc., 1993.

  79. Slavitt, David R. trans. The Metamorphoses of Ovid. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1994.

  80. Ovid. The Metamorphoses. Trans. David Raeburn. Harmondsworth: Penguin Classics, 2004.

  81. Ovid. The Metamorphoses. Trans. Charles Martin. New York: Norton, 2004.

  82. Hofmann, Michael, & James Lasdun, ed. After Ovid: New Metamorphoses. London: Faber, 1994.

  83. Ted Hughes, trans. Tales from Ovid. London: Faber, 1997.

  84. Zimmerman, Mary. Slavitt, David R. trans. Metamorphoses: A Play. Based on David R. Slavitt's translation of The Metamorphoses of Ovid. Evanston, Illinois: Northwestern University Press, 1999.

  85. Jones, Peter. Reading Ovid: Stories from the Metamorphōsēs. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007.

  86. Ovid. V: Fasti. Trans. J. G. Frazer. 1931. Loeb Classics. Cambridge: Harvard University Press / London: William Heinemann, 1959.

  87. Ovid. Fasti. Trans. A. J. Boyle & R. D Woodard. 2000. Penguin Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 2004.

  88. Ovid. VI: Tristia . Ex Ponto. Trans. Arthur Leslie Wheeler. 1924. Loeb Classics. London: William Heinemann / Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1953.

  89. Riley, Henry T., trans. The Fasti, Tristia, Pontic Epistles, Ibis, and Halieuticon of Ovid. Literally translated into English Prose. Bohn’s Classical Library. London: George Bell & Sons, 1881.

  90. Ovid. The Poems of Exile: Tristia and the Black Sea Letters. Trans. Peter Green. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2005.

  91. Heilig, Geo. William. Selections from the Metamorphoses and Heroides of Publius Ovidius Naso with a Literal and Interlinear Translation, For the Use of Schools and Private Learners … Philadelphia: David McKay Company, 1889.

  92. Ovid. Selected Works. Ed. J. C. & M. J. Thornton. 1939. Everyman’s Library, 955. London: J. M. Dent / New York; E. P. Dutton, 1948.

  93. Martin, Christopher, ed. Ovid in English. Penguin Poets in Translation. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1998.

  94. Wilkinson, L. P. Ovid Surveyed: An Abridgement for the general Reader of ‘Ovid Recalled’. 1955. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1962.

  95. Sextus Aurelius Propertius (c.50/45–c.15 BC)

  96. Watts, A. E., trans. The Poems of Propertius. 1961. Penguin Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1968.

  97. Publius Papinius Statius (c.45-c.96 AD)

  98. Statius. I: Silvae / Thebaid I-IV. Trans. J. H. Mozley. 1928. Loeb Classical Library. 2 vols. London: William Heinemann / Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1967.

  99. Statius. II: Thebaid V-XII / Achilleid. Trans. J. H. Mozley. 1928. Loeb Classical Library. 2 vols. London: William Heinemann / Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1961.

  100. Statius, Publius Papinius. The Thebaid: Seven against Thebes. Trans. Charles Stanley Ross. Johns Hopkins New Translations from Antiquity. 2004. Baltimore & London: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2007.

  101. Albius Tibullus (c.54-19 BC)

  102. Dunlop, Philip, trans. The Poems of Tibullus, with the Tibullan Collection. Penguin Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1972.

  103. Gaius Valerius Flaccus ( -c.90 AD)

  104. Valerius Flaccus. Argonautica. Trans. J. H. Mozley. 1934. Loeb Classical Library, 286. London & Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1936.

  105. Publius Vergilius Maro [Virgil / Vergil] (70–19 BC)

  106. The Works of Virgil Translated into English Prose, as Near the Original as the Different Idioms of the Latin and English Languages will Allow. With the Latin Text and Order of Construction on the Same Page, and Critical, Historical, Geographical and Classical Notes, in English, from the Best Commentators both Ancient and Modern, beside a Very Great Number of Notes Entirely New. New Edition. London: Joseph Davidson, 1790.

  107. Virgil. The Works. Translated by John Dryden. 1697. The World’s Classics. 1903. London: Henry Frowde / Oxford University Press, 1906.

  108. Dryden, John, trans. The Works of Virgil. 1697. The World’s Classics. 1903. Introduction by James Kinsley. London: Oxford University Press, 1967.

  109. Morris, William, trans. The Aeneids of Virgil: Done into English Verse. London: Longmans, Green & Co., Ltd., 1900.

  110. Virgil. The Pastoral Poems: The Text of the Eclogues with a Translation by E. V. Rieu. 1949. Penguin Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1954.

  111. Lewis, C. Day. The Eclogues, Georgics and Aeneid of Virgil. 1940, 1952, 1963. Oxford Paperbacks. London: Oxford University Press, 1966.

  112. Virgil. The Aeneid. Trans. C. Day Lewis. 1952. Appreciation by John Pollard. Original Illustrations by David Whitfield. Books That Have Changed Men’s Thinking. Geneva: Heron Books, 1969.

  113. Virgil. The Aeneid. Trans. Robert Fitzgerald. 1983. King Penguin. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1985.

  114. Gransden, K. W., ed. Virgil in English. Penguin Poets in Translation. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1996.

  115. Anthologies & Secondary Literature

  116. Brittain, Frederick, ed. The Penguin Book of Latin Verse. The Penguin Poets. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1962.

  117. Highet, Gilbert. Poets in a Landscape. 1957. A Pelican Book. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1959.

  118. Horace. Satires and Epistles / Persius. Satires. Trans. Niall Rudd. 1973. Penguin Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1979.

  119. Isbell, Harold, trans. The Last Poets of Imperial Rome. Penguin Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1971.

  120. Peckett, C. W. E., ed. An Anthology of Latin Verse. London & Glasgow: Blackie & Son, 1963.

  121. Walker, Gulielmus Sidney, ed. Corpus Poetarum Latinorum. 1827. London: C. Knight, 1835.

  122. Authors & Works:

    1. Plautus (c.254–184 BC)
    2. Seneca (c.4 BC–65 AD)
    3. Terence (c.195/185–159 BC)>
    4. Anthologies & Secondary Literature

    Titus Maccius Plautus (c.254–184 BC)

  123. Plautus. The Rope and Other Plays. Trans. E. F. Watling. Penguin Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1964.

  124. Plautus. The Pot of Gold and Other Plays. Trans. E. F. Watling. 1965. Penguin Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1977.

  125. Lucius Annaeus Seneca [Seneca the Younger] (c.4 BC–65 AD)

  126. Seneca. His Tenne Tragedies of Seneca, Translated into English. Ed. Thomas Newton. 1581. Introduction by T. S. Eliot. 1932. 2 vols. New York: AMS Press, Inc., 1967.

  127. Bradshaw, Watson. The Ten Tragedies of Seneca, with Notes: Rendered into English Prose as Equivalently as the Idioms of Both Languages will Permit. London: Swan Sonnenschein & Co., Ltd., 1902.

  128. Seneca. Tragedies I. Trans. Frank Justus Miller. 1917. Loeb Classics. 2 vols. London: William Heinemann / Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1938.

  129. Seneca. Four Tragedies and Octavia. Trans. E. F. Watling. 1966. Penguin Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1978.

  130. Seneca. Letters from a Stoic: Epistulae Morales ad Lucilium. Trans. Robin Campbell. 1969. Penguin Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1974.

  131. Share, Don, ed. Seneca in English. Penguin Poets in Translation. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1998.

  132. Publius Terentius Afer [Terence] (c.195/185–159 BC)

  133. Terence. The Comedies. Trans. Betty Radice. 1965, 1967, 1976. Penguin Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1979.

  134. Anthologies & Secondary Literature

  135. Duckworth, George E., ed. The Complete Roman Drama: All the Extant Comedies of Plautus and Terence, and the Tragedies of Seneca, in a Variety of Translations. 2 vols. 1942. New York: Random House, 1942.

  136. Warwick Carter: Pliny's Natural History (1/3/16)

    Authors & Works:

    1. Ammian (c.330-c.391/400 AD)
    2. Augustus (63 BC–14 AD)
    3. Marcus Aurelius (121–180 AD)
    4. Julius Caesar (100–44 BC)
    5. Cicero (106-43 BC)
    6. Livy (59 BC–17 AD)
    7. Pliny the Elder (23–79 AD)
    8. Pliny the Younger (61–c.112 AD)
    9. Quintus Curtius Rufus (c.1st century AD)
    10. Sallust (86-34 BC)
    11. Suetonius (c.69/75–c.130 AD)
    12. Tacitus (56-117 AD)
    13. Anthologies & Secondary Literature

    Ammianus Marcellinus (c.330-c.391/400 CE)

  137. Marcellinus, Ammianus. The Later Roman Empire (A.D. 354-378. Ed. & trans. Walter Hamilton. Introduction & Notes by Andrew Wallace-Hadrill. Penguin Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1986.

  138. Gaius Octavius Thurinus [Julius Caesar Augustus] (63 BC–14 AD)

  139. Augustus. Res Gestae Divi Augusti: The Achievements of the Divine Augustus. Ed. P. A. Brunt, P. A. & J. M. Moore. 1967. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1979.

  140. Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Augustus (121–180 AD)

  141. Aurelius, Marcus. Meditations. Trans. Maxwell Staniforth. Penguin Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1964.

  142. Gaius Julius Caesar (100–44 BC)

  143. Caesar. War Commentaries. Trans. Rex Warner. Mentor Books. New York: New American Library, 1960.

  144. Raaflaub, Kurt A., ed. & trans. The Landmark Julius Caesar: The Complete Works: Gallic War, Civil War, Alexandrian War, African War, and Spanish War. Series editor: Robert A. Strassler. Pantheon Books. New York: Random House, Inc., 2017.

  145. Marcus Tullius Cicero (106-43 BC)

  146. Cicero, Marcus Tullius. Selected Works. Trans. Michael Grant. 1960. Penguin Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1965.

  147. Cicero, Marcus Tullius. Murder Trials. Trans. Michael Grant. Penguin Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1975.

  148. Cicero, Marcus Tullius. Selected Political Speeches. Trans. Michael Grant. 1969. Penguin Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1979.

  149. Cicero, Marcus Tullius. Letters to Atticus. Trans. D. R. Shackleton Bailey. 1965-8. Penguin Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1978.

  150. Cicero, Marcus Tullius. Letters to His Friends. Trans. D. R. Shackleton Bailey. 2 vols. Penguin Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1978.

  151. Titus Livius [Livy] (59 BC–17 AD)

  152. Livy. The Early History of Rome: Books I-V of the History of Rome from its Foundations. Trans. Aubrey de Sélincourt. 1960. Introduction by R. M. Ogilvie. Penguin Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1979.

  153. Livy. Rome and Italy: Books VI-X of the History of Rome from its Foundations. Trans. Betty Radice. Introduction by R. M. Ogilvie. Penguin Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1982.

  154. Livy. The War with Hannibal: Books XXI-XXX of the History of Rome from its Foundations. Trans. Aubrey de Sélincourt. 1965. Ed. Betty Radice. 1972. Penguin Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1978.

  155. Livy. Rome and the Mediterranean: Books XXXI-XLV of the History of Rome from its Foundations. Trans. Henry Bettenson. Introduction by A. H. McDonald. 1976. Penguin Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1978.

  156. Gaius Plinius Secundus [Pliny the Elder] (23–79 CE)

  157. Pliny the Elder. Natural History. AD 77. Introduction by Anthony T. Grafton. 5 vols. London: The Folio Society, 2012.
    1. Preface; Books 1-7, trans. H. Rackham (1938 & 1942)
    2. Books 8-16, trans. H. Rackham (1983 & 1968)
    3. Books 17-23, trans. H. Rackham & W. H. S. Jones (1950 & 1969)
    4. Books 24-32, trans. W. H. S. Jones (1980 & 1963)
    5. Books 33-37; Index, trans. H. Rackham & D. E. Eichholz (1952 & 1962)

  158. Gaius Plinius Caecilius Secundus [Pliny the Younger] (61–c.112 CE)

  159. Pliny the Younger. The Letters of the Younger Pliny. Trans. Betty Radice. Penguin Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1963.

  160. Quintus Curtius Rufus (c.1st century AD)

  161. Rufus, Quintus Curtius. The History of Alexander. Trans. John Yardley. Ed. Waldemar Heckel. Penguin Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1984.

  162. Gaius Sallustius Crispus [Sallust] (86-34 BC)

  163. Sallust. The Jugurthine War. The Conspiracy of Catiline. Trans. S. A. Handford. Penguin Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1963.

  164. Gaius Suetonius Tranquillus (c.69/75–c.130 AD)

  165. Suetonius. Lives of the Caesars I: Julius / Augustus / Tiberius / Caligula. Vol. 1 of 2. Trans. J. C. Rolfe. 1913. Rev. ed. 1951. Rev. Donna W. Hurley. Introduction by K. R. Bradley. Loeb Classical Library. London & Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1998.

  166. Suetonius. Lives of the Caesars II: Claudius; Nero; Galba, Otho, and Vitellius; Vespasian. Titus, Domitian. Lives of Illustrious Men: Grammarians and Rhetoricians; Poets. Vol. 2 of 2. Trans. J. C. Rolfe. 1914. Rev. ed. 1951. Rev. Donna W. Hurley & G. P. Goold. Loeb Classical Library. London & Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1997.

  167. Suetonius Tranquillus, Gaius. The Twelve Caesars: An Illustrated Edition. Trans. Robert Graves. 1957. Rev. Michael Grant. Ed. Sabine McCormack. 1979. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1982.

  168. Publius [Gaius] Cornelius Tacitus (56-117 AD)

  169. Tacitus. The Agricola and The Germania. Trans. H. Mattingly. 1948. Ed. S. A. Handford. 1970. Penguin Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1975.

  170. Tacitus. The Annals of Imperial Rome. Trans. Michael Grant. 1956. Penguin Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1979.

  171. Tacitus. The Histories. Trans. Kenneth Wellesley. 1964. Penguin Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1968.

  172. Tacitus. Annals, Histories, Agricola, Germania. Trans. Alfred John Church & William Jackson Brodribb. 1864, 1869, 1877. Introduction by Robin Lane Fox. Notes Revised by Eleanor Cowan. Everyman's Library, 311. A Borzoi Book. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2009.

  173. Anthologies & Secondary Literature

  174. Birley, Anthony, trans. Lives of the Later Caesars: The First Part of the Augustan History, with newly compiled Lives of Nerva and Trajan. Penguin Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1976.

  175. Duff, J. Wright. A Literary History of Rome: From the Origins to the Close of the Golden Age. 1909. London: Ernest Benn Limited, 1932.

  176. Duff, J. Wright. A Literary History of Rome: From the Origins to the Close of the Golden Age. 1909. 3rd. ed. Rev. A. M. Duff. London: Ernest Benn Limited, 1963.

  177. Grant, Michael, ed. Roman Readings: Translations from Latin Prose and Poetry. A Pelican Book. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1958.

  178. Grant, Michael. Roman Literature. 1954. A Pelican Book. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1958.

  179. Lindsay, Jack, ed. Ribaldry of Rome: An Anthology. London: Bestseller Library, 1961.

  180. Wroe, Ann. Pilate: The Biography of an Invented Man. Jonathan Cape. London: Random House, 1999.

Literature, Language & Philosophy

Raphael: The School of Athens

A Bibliography of my Collection

Literature & Philosophy

  1. Theodor W. Adorno (1903-1969)
  2. Louis Althusser (1918-1990)
  3. Al Alvarez (1929- )
  4. Erich Auerbach (1892-1957)
  5. Gaston Bachelard (1884-1962)
  6. Mikhail Bakhtin (1895-1975)
  7. Owen Barfield (1898-1997)
  8. Roland Barthes (1915-1980)
  9. Nicholas A. Basbanes (1943- )
  10. Jean Baudrillard (1929-2007)
  11. Walter Benjamin (1892-1940)
  12. Harold Bloom (1930- )
  13. Wayne C. Booth (1921-2005)
  14. Fredson Bowers (1905-1991)
  15. C. M. Bowra (1898-1971)
  16. Brian Boyd (1952- )
  17. Douglas Bush (1896–1983)
  18. Lord David Cecil (1902-1986)
  19. Noam Chomsky (1928- )
  20. Frederick C. Crews (1933- )
  21. E. R. Curtius (1886-1956)
  22. Christopher de Hamel (1950- )
  23. Denis de Rougemont (1906-1985)
  24. Jacques Derrida (1930-2004)
  25. Isaac D'Israeli (1766-1848)
  26. Terry Eagleton (1943- )
  27. Stanley Fish (1938- )
  28. Michel Foucault (1926-1984)
  29. Northrop Frye (1912-1991)
  30. Buckminster Fuller (1895-1983)
  31. Paul Fussell (1924-2012)
  32. Philip Gaskell (1926-2001)
  33. Gérard Genette (1930- )
  34. Sandra M. Gilbert (1936- ) & Susan D. Gubar (1944- )
  35. Ian Hamilton (1938-2001)
  36. James Harris (1709-1780)
  37. Samuel Hynes (1924- )
  38. Ivan Illich (1926-2002)
  39. Holbrook Jackson (1874-1948)
  40. Fredric Jameson (1934- )
  41. Hugh Kenner (1923-2003)
  42. W. P. Ker (1855-1923)
  43. Julia Kristeva (1941- )
  44. Jenijoy La Belle (1944- )
  45. F. R. (1895-1978) & Q. D. Leavis (1906-1981)
  46. David Lodge (1935- )
  47. György Lukács (1895-1971)
  48. Brian G. McHale (1952- )
  49. R. B. McKerrow (1872-1940)
  50. Marshall McLuhan (1911-1980)
  51. Janet Malcolm (1934-2021)
  52. Karl Marx (1818-1883) & Friedrich Engels (1820-1895)
  53. Toril Moi (1953- )
  54. Steven Moore (1951- )
  55. Max Müller (1823-1900)
  56. Camille Paglia (1947- )
  57. Mario Praz (1896-1982)
  58. I. A. Richards (1893-1979)
  59. Bertrand Russell (1872–1970)
  60. K. K. Ruthven
  61. Edward Saïd (1935-2003)
  62. Ferdinand de Saussure (1857-1913)
  63. Elaine Showalter (1941- )
  64. Gayatri Spivak (1942- )
  65. George Steiner (1929-2020)
  66. Leslie Stephen (1832-1904)
  67. John Sutherland (1938- )
  68. Arthur Symons (1865-1945)
  69. Michael Taussig (1940- )
  70. E. M. W. Tillyard (1889–1962)
  71. Tzvetan Todorov (1939- )
  72. Alexander Tytler (1747-1813)
  73. Basil Willey (1897-1978)
  74. Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889-1951)
  75. Anthologies & Secondary Literature

    Theodor W Adorno [Theodor Ludwig Wiesengrund] (1903-1969)

  1. Adorno, Theodor W.. Can One Live after Auschwitz? A Philosophical Reader. . Ed. Rolf Tiedemann. 1997. Trans. Rodney Livingstone et al. Cultural Memory in the Present. Ed. Mieke Bal & Hent de Vries. Stanford, California: Stanford University Press, 2003.

  2. Louis Pierre Althusser (1918-1990)

  3. Althusser, Louis, & Étienne Balibar. Lire le Capital. 2 vols. 1968. FM / Petite colectioni maspero. Paris: François Maspero, 1971.

  4. Al Alvarez (1929- )

  5. Alvarez, A. The Shaping Spirit: Studies in Modern English and American Poets. 1958. London: Chatto & Windus, 1972.

  6. Alvarez, A. Under Pressure. The Writer in Society: Eastern Europe and the U.S.A. A Pelican Original. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1965.

  7. Alvarez, A. The Savage God: A Study of Suicide. 1971. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1979.

  8. Alvarez, A. Hers. 1974. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1977.

  9. Alvarez, A. Hunt. 1978. Corgi Books. London: Transworld Publishers, Inc., 1979.

  10. Alvarez, A. Life after Marriage: Scenes from Divorce. 1982. Flamingo. London: Fontana Paperbacks, 1983.

  11. Erich Auerbach (1892-1957)

  12. Auerbach, Erich. Mimesis: The Representation of Reality in Western Literature. 1946. Trans. Willard Trask. Doubleday Anchor Books. New York: Doubleday & Company, Inc., 1953.

  13. Gaston Bachelard (1884-1962)

  14. Bachelard, Gaston. The Poetics of Reverie: Childhood, Language and the Cosmos. 1960. Trans. Daniel Russell. 1969. Boston: Beacon Press, 2004.

  15. Mikhail Mikhailovich Bakhtin (1895-1975)

  16. Bakhtin, Mikhail Mikhailovitch. Rabelais and His World. 1965. Trans. Helene Iswolsky. 1968. Foreword by Krystyna Pomorska. Prologue by Michael Holquist. A Midland Book. Bloomington: University of Indiana Press, 1984.

  17. Bakhtin, Mikhail Mikhailovitch. The Dialogic Imagination: Four Essays. 1975. Ed. Michael Holquist. Trans. Caryl Emerson & Michael Holquist. University of Texas Press Slavic Series, 1. 1981. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1986.

  18. Owen Barfield (1898-1997)

  19. Barfield, Owen. History in English Words. 1926. Floris Classics. Edinburgh: Floris Books, 1985.

  20. Barfield, Owen. Poetic Diction: A Study in Meaning. London: Faber & Gwyer, 1928.

  21. Roland Barthes (1915-1980)

  22. Barthes, Roland. Le Degré zéro de l'écriture suivi de Éléments de sémiologie. 1953 & 1964. Paris: Editions Gonthier, 1968.

  23. Barthes, Roland. Le Degré zéro de l'écriture suivi de Nouveaux essais critiques. 1953 & 1972. Points Littérature. Paris: Éditions du Seuil, 1981.

  24. Barthes, Roland. Elements of Semiology. 1964. Trans. Annette Lavers & Colin Smith. Cape Editions. London: Jonathan Cape, 1967.

  25. Barthes, Roland. Mythologies. 1957. Points Littérature. Paris: Editions du Seuil: 1982.

  26. Barthes, Roland. Mythologies. 1957. Rev. ed. 1970. Ed & Trans. Annette Lavers. 1972. A Paladin Book. Frogmore, St Albans: Granada Publishing Ltd., 1973.

  27. Barthes, Roland. Mythologies. 1957. Selected & trans. Annette Lavers. 1973. Paladin. London: Grafton Books, 1987.

  28. Barthes, Roland. Essais critiques. 1964. Points Littérature. Paris: Editions du Seuil: 1981.

  29. Barthes, Roland. S/Z . 1970. Points Littérature. Paris: Editions du Seuil: 1976.

  30. Barthes, Roland. Sade, Fourier, Loyola. Collection «Tel Quel». Paris: Editions du Seuil: 1971.

  31. Barthes, Roland. Image, Music, Text: Selected Essays. Trans. Stephen Heath. Glasgow: Fontana/Collins, 1977.

  32. Barthes, Roland. A Lover's Discourse: Fragments. 1977. Trans. Richard Howard. 1978. Hill and Wang. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1979.

  33. Barthes, Roland. Roland Barthes par Roland Barthes . Écrivains de toujours. Paris: Editions du Seuil, 1980.

  34. Barthes, Roland. Camera Lucida: Reflections on Photography. 1980. Trans. Richard Howard. 1981. Flamingo. London: Fontana Paperbacks, 1982.

  35. Barthes, Roland. Selected Writings. Ed. Susan Sontag. 1982. Fontana Pocket Readers. Oxford: Fontana/Collins, 1983.

  36. Culler, Jonathan. Barthes. Fontana Modern Masters. Ed. Frank Kermode. London: Collins, 1983.

  37. Nicholas Andrew Basbanes (1943- )

  38. Basbanes, Nicholas A. A Gentle Madness: Bibliophiles, Bibliomanes, and the Eternal Passion for Books. 1995. With a New Preface. An Owl Book. New York: Henry Holt and Company, 1999.

  39. Basbanes, Nicholas A. Patience & Fortitude: Wherein a Colorful Cast of Determined Book Collectors, Dealers, and Librarians Go About the Quixotic Task of Preserving a Legacy. 2001. Perennial. New York: HarperCollins Publishers, 2003.

  40. Basbanes, Nicholas A. Among the Gently Mad: Strategies and Perspectives for the Book Hunter in the Twenty-First Century. 2002. A John MacRae / Owl Book. New York: Henry Holt and Company, 2003.

  41. Jean Baudrillard (1929-2007)

  42. Baudrillard, Jean. Revenge of the Crystal: Selected Writings on the Modern Object and its Destiny, 1968-1983. Ed. & trans. Paul Foss & Julian Pefanis. 1990. Pluto Classics. London & Sterling, Virginia, in association with the Power Institute of Fine Arts, University of Sydney, Australia: Pluto Press, 1999.

  43. Walter Bendix Schönflies Benjamin (1892-1940)

  44. Benjamin, Walter. Illuminations. 1955. Ed. Hanna Arendt. Trans. Harry Zohn. 1968. London: Fontana/Collins, 1977.

  45. Benjamin, Walter. The Arcades Project. Ed. Rolf Tiedemann. 1982. Trans. Howard Eiland & Kevin McLaughlin. 1999. Cambridge, Massachusetts & London: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2002.

  46. Harold Bloom (1930- )

  47. Bloom, Harold. The Visionary Company: A Reading of English Romantic Poetry. 1961. Rev. & enlarged edition. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1971.

  48. Bloom, Harold. The Western Canon: The Books and School of the Ages. 1994. Papermac. London: Macmillan Publishers, 2011.

  49. Bloom, Harold, ed. Till I End My Song: A Gathering of Last Poems. 2010. Harper Perennial. New York: HarperCollins Publishers Ltd., 1996.

  50. Wayne Clayson Booth (1921-2005)

  51. Booth, Wayne C. The Rhetoric of Fiction. 1961. 2nd ed. 1983. Peregrine Books. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1987.

  52. Fredson Thayer Bowers (1905-1991)

  53. Bowers, Fredson. Textual and Literary Criticism. 1959. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1966.

  54. Bowers, Fredson. Bibliography and Textual Criticism: The Lyell Lectures. Oxford: Trinity Term, 1959. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1964.

  55. Sir Cecil Maurice Bowra (1898-1971)

  56. Bowra, C. M. The Heritage of Symbolism. 1943. London: Macmillan & Co., 1973.

  57. Bowra, C. M. From Virgil to Milton. 1945. Papermac. London: Macmillan & Co., 1962.

  58. Bowra, C. M. The Creative Experiment. 1949. Papermac. London: Macmillan & Co., 1967.

  59. Bowra, Sir Maurice. The Romantic Imagination. 1950. Oxford Paperbacks. London: Oxford University Press, 1961.

  60. Brian Boyd (1952- )

  61. Boyd, Brian. Vladimir Nabokov: The Russian Years. London: Chatto & Windus, 1990.

  62. Boyd, Brian. Vladimir Nabokov: The American Years. 1991. London: Chatto & Windus, 1992.

  63. Boyd, Brian. On the Origin of Stories: Evolution, Cognition and Fiction. Cambridge, Mass & London: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2009.

  64. Boyd, Brian. Stalking Nabokov: Selected Essays. New York: Columbia University Press, 2011.

  65. Boyd, Brian. Why Lyrics Last: Evolution, Cognition and Shakespeare's Sonnets. Cambridge, Massachusetts & London: Harvard University Press, 2012.

  66. Douglas Bush (1896–1983)

  67. Bush, Douglas. Mythology and the Renaissance Tradition in English Poetry. 1932. New revised edition. New York: W. W. Norton, 1963.

  68. Bush, Douglas. Mythology and the Romantic Tradition in English Poetry. 1937. The Norton Library. New York: W. W. Norton, 1963.

  69. Lord Edward Christian David Gascoyne-Cecil (1902-1986)

  70. Cecil, Lord David. The Stricken Deer, or The Life of Cowper. 1929. London: Constable, 1947.

  71. Cecil, Lord David. Early Victorian Novelists: Essays in Revaluation. 1934. The Fontana Library. London: Collins, 1966.

  72. Cecil, Lord David. Melbourne: The Young Melbourne and Lord M in One Volume. 1939 & 1954. London: The Reprint Society, 1955.

  73. Cecil, Lord David. Hardy the Novelist: An Essay in Criticism. 1943. London: Constable, 1965.

  74. Cecil, Lord David. Two Quiet Lives: Dorothy Osborne; Thomas Gray. 1948. London: Readers Union / Constable, 1949.

  75. Cecil, Lord David. Poets and Story-tellers: A Book of Critical Essays. London: Constable, 1949.

  76. Cecil, Lord David. The Fine Art of Reading and Other Literary Studies. London: Constable, 1957.

  77. Cecil, Lord David. Max: A Biography. 1964. London: Readers Union Ltd. / Constable & Co. Ltd., 1966.

  78. Cecil, Lord David. Visionary and Dreamer. Two Poetic Painters: Samuel Palmer & Edward Burne-Jones. London: Constable, 1969.

  79. Avram Noam Chomsky (1928- )

  80. Chomsky, Noam. Understanding Power: The Indispensable Chomsky. Ed. Peter Mitchell & John Schoeffel. 2002. London: Vintage Books, 2003.

  81. Chomsky, Noam. Failed States: The Abuse of Power and the Assault on Democracy. 2006. Crows Nest, NSW: Allen & Unwin, 2006.

  82. Frederick Campbell Crews (1933- )

  83. Crews, Frederick C. The Pooh Perplex: A Freshman Casebook. 1963. A Dutton Paperback. New York: E. P. Dutton & Co., 1965.

  84. Crews, Frederick C. Skeptical Engagements. New York: Oxford University Press, Ltd., 1986.

  85. Ernst Robert Curtius (1886-1956)

  86. Curtius, Ernst Robert. European Literature and the Latin Middle Ages. 1948. Trans. Willard R. Trask. 1953. Afterword by Peter Godman. Bollingen series xxxvi. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1990.

  87. [Curtius, Ernst Robert. European Literature and the Latin Middle Ages. 1948. Trans. Willard R. Trask. 1953. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1979. 183-202.]

  88. Christopher Francis Rivers de Hamel (1950- )

  89. de Hamel, Christopher. Meetings with Remarkable Manuscripts: Twelve Journeys into the Medieval World. Allen Lane. London: Penguin, 2016.

  90. de Hamel, Christopher. The Posthumous Papers of the Manuscripts Club. Allen Lane. London: Penguin Random House UK, 2022.

  91. Denis de Rougemont (1906-1985)

  92. de Rougemont, Denis. Love in the Western World. Trans. Montgomery Belgion. 1940. Rev. ed. 1956. A Fawcett Premier Book. Greenwich, Conn.: Fawcett Publications, Inc., 1966.

  93. Jacques Derrida (1930-2004)

  94. Derrida, Jacques. Speech and Phenomena and Other Essays on Husserl’s Theory of Signs. 1967. Trans. David B. Allison. Northwestern Studies in Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy. 1973. Evanston: Northwestern University Press, 1984.

  95. Derrida, Jacques. Of Grammatology. 1967. Trans. Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak. 1976. Baltimore & London: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1984.

  96. Derrida, Jacques. Writing and Difference. 1967. Trans. Alan Bass. 1978. London & New York: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1981.

  97. Derrida, Jacques. Dissemination. 1972. Trans. Barbara Johnson. Chicago & London: Chicago University Press, 1981.

  98. Derrida, Jacques. Margins of Philosophy. 1972. Trans. Alan Bass. 1982. Chicago & London: Chicago University Press, 1986.

  99. Derrida, Jacques. Positions: Entretiens avec Henri Ronse, Julia Kristeva, Jean-Louis Houdebine, Guy Scarpetta. Collection « Critique ». Paris, Les Éditions de Minuit, 1972.

  100. Derrida, Jacques. The Truth in Painting. 1978. Trans. Geoffrey Bennington & Ian McLeod. Chicago & London: Chicago University Press, 1987.

  101. Derrida, Jacques. The Postcard: From Socrates to Freud and Beyond. 1980. Trans. Alan Bass. Chicago & London: Chicago University Press, 1987.

  102. Derrida, Jacques. Acts of Literature. Ed. Derek Attridge. New York & London: Routledge, 1992.

  103. Derrida, Jacques. Adieu: To Emmanuel Levinas. 1997. Trans. Pascale-Anne Brault & Michael Naas. Meridian. Crossing Aesthetics. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1999.

  104. Norris, Christopher. Derrida. Fontana Modern Masters. Ed. Frank Kermode. London: Fontana Press, 1987.

  105. Isaac D'Israeli (1766-1848)

  106. D’Israeli, Isaac. Curiosities of Literature. 1791-3, 1823. London: George Routledge & Co., n.d.

  107. Disraeli, Isaac. Amenities of Literature: Consisting of Sketches and Characters of English Literature. A New Edition. 1841. Ed. by His Son, The Right Hon B. Disraeli, Chancellor of Her Majesty's Exchequer. 2 vols. London: Routledge, Warnes & Routledge, 1859.

  108. Terence Francis [Terry] Eagleton (1943- )

  109. Eagleton, Terry. Literary Theory: An Introduction. 1983. Oxford; Basil Blackwell, 1985.

  110. Stanley Eugene Fish (1938- )

  111. Fish, Stanley. Is There a Text in This Class? The Authority of Interpretive Communities. 1980. Cambridge, Mass; Harvard University Press, 1982.

  112. Paul-Michel Foucault (1926-1984)

  113. Foucault, Michel. Madness and Civilization: A History of Insanity in the Age of Reason. 1961. Trans. Richard Howard. 1965. London: Tavistock Publications, 1971.

  114. Foucault, Michel. The Birth of the Clinic: An Archaeology of Medical Perception. 1963. Trans. A. M. Sheridan Smith. 1973. Vintage Books. New York: Random House, Inc., 1994.

  115. Foucault, Michel. The Order of Things: An Archaeology of the Human Sciences. 1966. New York: Vintage Books, 1994.

  116. Foucault, Michel. This is Not a Pipe: With Illustrations and Letters by René Magritte. 1973. Trans. James Harkness. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1983.

  117. Foucault, Michel. Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison. 1975. Trans. Alan Sheridan. 1977. Peregrine Books. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1979.

  118. Foucault, Michel. The Will to Knowledge. The History of Sexuality, 1. 1976. Trans Robert Hurley. 1978. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1998.

  119. Foucault, Michel. The History of Sexuality. Vol 1: An Introduction. 1976. Trans. Robert Hurley. 1978. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1990.

  120. Foucault, Michel. The History of Sexuality. Vol 2: The Use of Pleasure. 1984. Trans. Robert Hurley. 1985. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1992.

  121. Foucault, Michel. The History of Sexuality. Vol 3: The Care of the Self. 1984. Trans. Robert Hurley. 1986. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1990.

  122. Foucault, Michel. Power / Knowledge: Selected Interviews and Other Writings, 1972-1977. Ed. Colin Gordon. Trans. Colin Gordon, Leo Marshall, John Mepham, Kate Soper. 1980. New York: Pantheon Books, 1981.

  123. Foucault, Michel, ed. Herculine Barbin: being the Recently Discovered Memoirs of a French Hermaphrodite. 1978. Trans. Richard McDougall. Brighton, Sussex: The Harvester Press, 1980.

  124. Foucault, Michel. The Foucault Reader. Ed. Paul Rabinow. 1984. Peregrine Books, Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1986.

  125. Foucault, Michel. Ethics: Subjectivity and Truth. 1994. Trans. Robert Hurley et al. Essential Works of Foucault, 1954-1984. Vol. 1. Ed. Paul Rabinow. 1997. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 2000.

  126. Foucault, Michel. Power. 1994. Trans. Robert Hurley et al. Essential Works of Foucault, 1954-1984. Vol. 3. Ed. James D. Faubion. 2000. London: Penguin, 2002.

  127. Merquior, J. C. Foucault. Fontana Modern Masters. Ed. Frank Kermode. London: Fontana Press/Collins, 1985.

  128. Macey, David. The Lives of Michel Foucault. 1993. London: Vintage, 1994.

  129. Herman Northrop Frye (1912-1991)

  130. Frye, Northrop. Fearful Symmetry: A Study of William Blake. 1947. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1974.

  131. Frye, Northrop. Anatomy of Criticism: Four Essays. 1957. New York: Atheneum, 1969.

  132. Frye, Northrop. Fables of Identity: Studies in Poetic Mythology. A Harbinger Book. New York: Harcourt, Brace & World, Inc., 1963.

  133. Frye, Northrop. A Study of English Romanticism. 1968. Brighton, Sussex: The Harvester Press, 1983.

  134. Frye, Northrop. The Stubborn Structure: Essays on Criticism and Society. 1970. London: Methuen & Co., 1974.

  135. Frye, Northrop. The Critical Path: An Essay on the Social Context of Literary Criticism. 1971. Brighton, Sussex: The Harvester Press, 1983.

  136. Frye, Northrop. The Secular Scripture: A Study of the Structure of Romance . The Charles Eliot Norton Lectures, 1974-1975. Cambridge, Mass; Harvard University Press, 1976.

  137. Frye, Northrop. The Great Code: The Bible and Literature. 1982. Ark Paperbacks. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1983.

  138. Frye, Northrop. The Myth of Deliverance: Reflections on Shakespeare’s Problem Comedies. Brighton, Sussex: The Harvester Press, 1983.

  139. Frye, Northrop. Myth and Metaphor: Selected Essays 1974-1988. Ed. Robert B. Denham. 1990. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 1996.

  140. Richard Buckminster Fuller (1895-1983)

  141. Meller, James, ed. The Buckminster Fuller Reader. 1970. A Pelican Book. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1972.

  142. Paul Fussell (1924-2012)

  143. Fussell, Paul. The Great War and Modern Memory. 1975. Oxford Paperbacks, 385. London: Oxford University Press, 1977.

  144. Fussell, Paul. Abroad: British Literary Travelling between the Wars. 1980. New York: Oxford University Press, 1982.

  145. Fussell, Paul, ed. The Norton Book of Travel. New York & London: W. W. Norton & Company, 1987.

  146. Fussell, Paul, ed. The Bloody Game: An Anthology of Modern War. [aka 'The Norton Book of Modern War']. A Scribners Book. London: Macdonald & Co (Publishers) Ltd., 1991.

  147. John Philip Wellesley Gaskell (1926-2001)

  148. Gaskell, Philip. A New Introduction to Bibliography. 1972. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1979.

  149. Gaskell, Philip. From Writer to Reader: Studies in Editorial Method. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1978.

  150. Gérard Genette (1930- )

  151. Genette, Gérard. Narrative Discourse: An Essay in Method. 1972. Trans. Jane E. Lewin. Foreword by Jonathan Culler. 1980. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1983.

  152. Sandra M. Gilbert (1936- ) &
    Susan D. Gubar (1944- )

  153. Gilbert, Sandra M., & Susan Gubar. The Madwoman in the Attic: The Woman Writer and the Nineteenth-Century Literary Imagination. 1979. New Haven, Conn: Yale University Press, 1980.

  154. Robert Ian Hamilton (1938-2001)

  155. Hamilton, Ian. Keepers of the Flame: Literary Estates and the Rise of Biography. 1992. Pimlico. London: Random House, 1993.

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    5. Aiken, Henry D., ed. The Age of Ideology: The 19th Century Philosophers. The Mentor Philosophers. New York: the New American Library, 1956.
    6. White, Morton, ed. The Age of Analysis: 20th Century Philosophers. The Mentor Philosophers. New York: the New American Library, 1955.

  385. Morehead, Albert H. & Geoffrey Mott-Smith. Hoyle’s Rules of Games: Descriptions of Indoor Games of Skill and Chance, with Advice on Skillful Play. Based on the Foundations laid down by Edmond Hoyle, 1672-1769. 1946. Second Revised Edition. A Signet Book. New York: NAL Penguin Inc., 1983.

  386. Morrell, David & Hank Wagner, ed. Thrillers: 100 Must-Reads. Longboat Key, Florida: Oceanview Publishing, 2010.

  387. Muir, Percy. Victorian Illustrated Books. 1971. London: Portman Books, 1989.

  388. The Paris Review Interviews:
    1. Cowley, Malcolm, ed. Writers at Work: The Paris Review Interviews, First Series. 1958. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1981.
    2. Plimpton, George, ed. Writers at Work: The Paris Review Interviews, Second Series. Introduction by Van Wyck Brooks. London: Martin Secker & Warburg Limited, 1963.
    3. Plimpton, George, ed. Writers at Work: The Paris Review Interviews, Fifth Series. Introduction by Francine du Plessix Gray. 1981. Harmondsworth: Penguin, n.d.
      • [Writers at Work: The Paris Review Interviews, Fifth Series. New York: The Viking Press, 1981: ix-xvii, 1-12.]
    4. Gourevitch, Philip, ed. The Paris Review Interviews, III. Introduction by Margaret Atwood. Edinburgh: Canongate, 2008.

  389. The Penguin Companion to Literature:
    1. Daiches, David, ed. Britain and the Commonwealth. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1971.
    2. Thorlby, Anthony, ed. European. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1969.
    3. Mottram, Eric, Malcolm Bradbury & Jean Franco, ed. U.S.A. & Latin America. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1971.
    4. Dudley, D. R. & D. M. Lang, ed. Classical & Byzantine / Oriental & African. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1969.

  390. Pettegree, Andrew, & Arthur der Weduwen. The Library: A Fragile History. 2021. London: Profile Books Ltd, 2022.

  391. Podnieks, Elizabeth. Daily Modernism: The Literary Diaries of Virginia Woolf, Antonia White, Elizabeth Smart, and Anaïs Nin. Montreal & Kingston, London & Ithaca: McGill-Queen's University Press, 2000.

  392. [Riemenschneider, Dieter. Crabtracks: Progress and Process in Teaching the New Literatures in English. Ed. Gordon Collier & Frank Schulze-Engler.]

  393. Ritchie, Harry. Success Stories: Literature and the Media in England, 1950-1959. London: Faber, 1988.

  394. Rivkin, Julie, & Michael Ryan, ed. Literary Theory: An Anthology. Oxford: Basil Blackwell Publishers, 1998.

  395. Rothenberg, Jerome, & Steven Clay, ed. A Book of the Book: Some Works & Projections about the Book & Writing. New York: Granary Books, 2000.

  396. Sass, Louis A. Madness and Modernism: Insanity in the Light of Modern Art, Literature and Thought. BasicBooks. New York: HarperCollins Publishers, Inc., 1992.

  397. Scraton, Phil, ed. Beyond September 11: An Anthology of Dissent. London: Pluto Press, 2002.

  398. Seinfelt, Mark. Final Drafts: Suicides of World-Famous Authors. Foreword by Paul West. New York: Prometheus Books, 1999.

  399. Shaffer, E. S. ‘Kubla Khan’ and The Fall of Jerusalem: The Mythological School in Biblical Criticism and Secular Literature, 1770-1880. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1975.

  400. Shapiro, Herman, ed. Medieval Philosophy: Selected Readings from Augustine to Buridan. New York: The Modern Library, 1964.

  401. Simic, Charles, & Mark Strand, eds. Another Republic: 17 European & South American Writers. New York: The Ecco Press, 1976.

  402. [Singleton, John, & Mary Luckhurst, eds. The Creative Writing Handbook: Techniques for New Writers. London: Macmillan, 1996.]

  403. Street, Brian V. The Savage in Literature: Representations of ‘Primitive’ Society in English Fiction, 1858-1920. International Library of Anthropology. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1975.

  404. Terry, Philip, ed. The Penguin Book of Oulipo: Queneau, Perec, Calvino and the Adventure of Form. 2019. Penguin Modern Classics. London: Penguin Random House UK, 2020.

  405. Usher, Shaun, ed. Letters of Note: Correspondence Deserving of a Wider Audience. Edinburgh: Canongate Books Ltd. / London: Unbound, 2013.

  406. Usher, Shaun, ed. Lists of Note. Edinburgh: Canongate Books Ltd. / London: Unbound, 2014.

  407. Veeser, H. Aram, ed. The New Historicism. New York & London: Routledge, 1989.

  408. Verbivoracious Festschrift:
    1. Forester, G. N., & M.J. Nicholls, ed. Volume One: Christine Brooke-Rose. Singapore: Verbivoracious Press, 2014.
    2. Forester, G. N., & M.J. Nicholls, ed. Volume Two: Gilbert Adair. Singapore: Verbivoracious Press, 2014.
    3. Forester, G. N., & M.J. Nicholls, ed. Volume Three: The Syllabus. Singapore: Verbivoracious Press, 2015.

  409. Wain, John, ed. The Oxford Library of Short Novels. I: Goethe to Stevenson. 3 vols. Oxford: Clarendon Press: 1990.

  410. Wain, John, ed. The Oxford Library of Short Novels. II: Conan Doyle to Conrad. 3 vols. Oxford: Clarendon Press: 1990.

  411. Wain, John, ed. The Oxford Library of Short Novels. III: Mann to McCullers. 3 vols. Oxford: Clarendon Press: 1990.

  412. Welsford, Enid. The Fool: His Social and Literary History. 1935. New York: Anchor Books, 1961.


[116 books]

  1. Anglo-Saxon
  2. Arabic
  3. Czech
  4. Egyptian
  5. English
  6. French
  7. Gaelic
  8. German
  9. Italian
  10. Latin
  11. Maori
  12. Old Norse
  13. Russian
  14. Spanish
  15. Anthologies & Secondary Literature


  1. Sweet, Henry. Sweet’s Anglo-Saxon Primer. 1882. Ninth Edition. Rev. Norman Davis. 1953. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1980.

  2. Sweet, Henry. Sweet’s Anglo-Saxon Reader in Prose and Verse. 1876. Rev. Dorothy Whitelock. 1967. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1979.

  3. Arabic

  4. [Al Malki, Mahmoud Farouk. How to Say it in Arabic the Easy Way! 1984. Dubai: Emirates Printing Press, 1987].

  5. [Cowan, David. An Introduction to Modern Literary Arabic. 1958. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1976].

  6. Doniach, N. S. ed. The Oxford English-Arabic Dictionary of Current Usage. 1972. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1987.

  7. Mitchell, T. F, & D. Barber. Introduction to Arabic: A BBC Radio Course for Beginners. 1972. London: British Broadcasting Corporation, 1976.

  8. Salem, Mahmoud Mohamed. L’Arabe parlé par / Spoken Arabic by Conversations : Mohadacat – Français – Anglais – Arabe. 3rd edition. Cairo : Imprimerie Kawa & Co., 1941.

  9. Steingass, F. A Learner’s Arabic-English Dictionary. Beirut: Librarie du Liban, 1972.

  10. Wehr, Hans. Arabic–English Dictionary: A Dictionary of Modern Written Arabic. 1952. Ed. J. Milton Cowan. 1961. Ithaca, NY: Spoken Languages Services, Inc., 1976.

  11. Wortabet, John & Harvey Porter. Wortabet’s Pocket Dictionary: English–Arabic, with a Supplement of Modern Science Terminology. Beirut: Librairie du Liban, n.d.

  12. Wortabet, John & Harvey Porter. Wortabet’s Pocket Dictionary: English–Arabic / Arabic-English, with a Supplement of Modern Science Terminology. Beirut: Librairie du Liban, n.d.

  13. Czech

  14. Mocnay, Eugénia. Lonely Planet Czech Phrasebook. Melbourne: Lonely Planet Publications, 2001.

  15. Egyptian

  16. Faulkner, Raymond O., ed. A Concise Dictionary of Middle Egyptian. 1962. Oxford: Printed for the Griffith Institute at the University Press by Vivian Ridler, 1976.

  17. Gardiner, Sir Alan. Egyptian Grammar: Being an Introduction to the Study of Hieroglyphics. 1927. 3rd ed. 1957. Oxford: Griffith Institute, Ashmolean Museum, 1982.

  18. English


  19. The Compact Edition of the Oxford English Dictionary: Complete Text Reproduced Micrographically. 2 vols. 1971. New York: Oxford University Press, 1977.

  20. The Compact Oxford English Dictionary. 1971. Second Edition. 1989. Complete Text Reproduced Micrographically. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1991.

  21. Fowler, H. W. & F. G. Fowler, ed. The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Current English: Based on the Oxford Dictionary. 1911. 5th ed. Rev. E. McIntosh & G. W. S. Friedrichsen. 1964. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1964.

  22. Fowler, H. W. & F. G. Fowler, ed. The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Current English: Based on the Oxford Dictionary. 1911. 6th ed. Rev. J. B. Sykes. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1976.

  23. Fowler, H. W. & F. G., ed. The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Current English. 1911. Ninth edition. Rev. Della Thompson. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1995.

  24. Fowler, H. W. A Dictionary of Modern English Usage. 1926. Oxford: Clarendon Press / London: Humphrey Milford, 1934.

  25. Fowler, H. W. A Dictionary of Modern English Usage. 1926. 2nd ed. rev. Sir Ernest Gowers. 1965. Oxford Reference. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1990.

  26. Grose, Francis. 1811 Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue: A Dictionary of Buckish Slang, University Wit, and Pickpocket Eloquence. Foreword by Robert Cromie. Northfield, Illinois: Digest Books, Inc., 1971.

  27. Hanks, Patrick, with William T. McLeod & Marian Makins. The Collins Concise Dictionary of the English Language. 1982. 2nd ed. London & Glasgow: William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd., 1988.

  28. Little, William, H. W. Fowler, & J. Coulson, ed. The Shorter Oxford English Dictionary on Historical Principles. Rev. C. T. Onions. 4 vols. 1933. London: George Newnes Limited, 1933.

  29. Onions, C. T., with G. W. S. Friedrichsen & R. W. Burchfield, ed. The Oxford Dictionary of English Etymology. 1966. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1985.

  30. Partridge, Eric. Smaller Slang Dictionary. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1961.

  31. Roget, Peter Mark. Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases Classified and Arranged so as to Facilitate the Expression of Ideas and Assist in Literary Composition. 1852. Rev. John Lewis Roget. London: Longmans, Green & Co., Ltd., 1888.

  32. Skeat, Rev. Walter W., ed. An Etymological Dictionary of the English Language. 1879-1882. New Edition. 1909. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1988.

  33. Thatcher, Virginia S., & Alexander McQueen, eds. The New Webster Dictionary of the English Language. 1965. Chicago: Consolidated Book Publishers, 1971.

  34. Grammar:

  35. Allen, W. Stannard. Living English Structure: A Practice Book for Foreign Students. 1947. London: Longman, 1982.

  36. Allen, W. Stannard. Living English Structure: Key to the Exercises. 1959. London: Longman, 1982.

  37. Amis, Kingsley. The King's English: A Guide to Modern Usage. London: HarperCollins, 1997.

  38. Buxton, Jenny, & Susan Carter. Punc Rocks: Foundation Stones for Precise Punctuation. 2007. Auckland: Pearson Education, 2007.

  39. [Christison, Mary Ann, & Sharon Bassano. Purple Cows & Potato Chips: Multi-Sensory Language Acquisition Activities. Hyward, CA: Alemany Press, 1987.]

  40. CLTA Ideas File 1995. Auckland Institute of Technology: School of Languages, 1995.

  41. Collins Cobuild English Grammar. Ed. John Sinclair. London: Collins ELT, 1990.

  42. Cooper, Richard, Mike Lavery, & Mario Rinvulcri. Video. Resource Books for Teachers. Ed. Alan Maley. Oxford English. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1991.

  43. Crossman, Joanna, Sarbari Bordia & Colleen Mills. Business Communication for the Global Age. 2000. North Ryde, NSW: McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Limited, 2011.

  44. Dear, I. C. B., ed. Oxford English: A Guide to the Language. London: BCA, 1991.

  45. De Luca, Rosemary, & Alison Annals. Writing that Works: A Guide for Tertiary Students. 2000. Auckland: Pearson Education, 2007.

  46. Eastwood, John, & Ronald Mackin. A Basic English Grammar with Exercises: Student’s Self-Study Edition. 1988. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1991.

  47. Edge, Julian. Essentials of English Language Teaching. Longman Keys to Language Teaching. Ed. Neville Grant. 1993. London & New York: Longman, 1994.

  48. Emerson, Lisa, ed. Writing Guidelines for Business Students. Palmerston North: The Dunmore Press, 1995.

  49. Fowler, H. Ramsay, & Jane E. Aaron. The Little, Brown Handbook. New York: Pearson / Longman, 2007.

  50. Fowler, H. W. & F. G. The King’s English. 1906. 3rd edition. 1931. Oxford: Clarendon Press., 1949.

  51. Gibaldi, Joseph. MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers. 1977. 5th Edition. New York: The Modern Language Association of America, 1999.

  52. Hacker, Diana. A Pocket Style Manual. Fourth Edition. Boston: Bedford / St. Martin's, 2004.

  53. Hacker, Diana. A Pocket Style Manual. Fifth Edition. Boston: Bedford / St. Martin's, 2008.

  54. Kent, Graeme. Journey into Books 2. 1979. London: Cassell, 1981.

  55. Klippel, Friederike. Keep Talking: Communicative Fluency Activities for Language Teaching. 1983. Cambridge Handbooks for Language Teachers. Ed. Michael Swan. 1984. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1991.

  56. Ladousse, Gilliam Porter. Role Play. Resource Books for Teachers. Ed. Alan Maley. 1987. Oxford English. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1991.

  57. Lipton, James. An Exaltation of Larks or, The Venereal Game. 1968. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1977.

  58. Lonergan, Jack. Video in Language Teaching. New Directions in Language Teaching. Ed. Howard B. Altman & Peter Strevens. 1984. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1989.

  59. McLaren, Margaret. The Good Writing Guide. 2004. Auckland: Pearson Education, 2006.

  60. Massey University Department of English. A Writing Guide. Fourth Edition. Palmerston North: Massey University, 1997.

  61. Morgan, John, & Mario Rinvolucri. Vocabulary. Resource Books for Teachers. Ed. Alan Maley. 1986. Oxford English. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1991.

  62. Murphy, Raymond. Essential Grammar in Use: A Self-Study Reference and Practice Book for Elementary Students of English, with Answers. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990.

  63. Murphy, Raymond. Essential Grammar in Use: A Self-Study Reference and Practice Book for Intermediate Students, with Answers. 1985. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990.

  64. Nolasco, Rob, & Lois Arthur. Conversation. Resource Books for Teachers. Ed. Alan Maley. 1987. Oxford English. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1990.

  65. Reynolds, John. Media Matter: A Practical Guide to New Zealand Media. Illustrated by Sandra Wagstaff. 1984. Auckland: Whitcoulls Publishers, 1986.

  66. Rinvolucri, Mario. Grammar Games: Cognitive, Affective and Drama Activities for EFL Students. 1984. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1991.

  67. Ross, A. E. Getting Tense. Palmerton North: N.p., c.1991.

  68. Seidl, Jennifer. English Idioms: Exercises on Idioms. 1982. Oxford English. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1991.

  69. Swan, Michael. Inside Meaning: Proficiency Reading Comprehension. 1975. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990.

  70. Swan, Michael, & Catherine Walter. The New Cambridge English Course, 1: Teacher. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990.

  71. Swan, Michael, & Catherine Walter. The New Cambridge English Course, 2: Teacher. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990.

  72. Sweet, Henry. A Handbook of Phonetics, including a Popular Exposition of the Principles of Spelling Reform. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1877.

  73. Sword, Helen. The Writer’s Diet. 2007. Auckland: Pearson Education, 2008.

  74. Trenwith, J. F. E. Television Perspectives. 1984. Auckland: Longman Paul, 1986.

  75. Ur, Penny. Discussions that Work: Task-centred Fluency Practice. Cambridge Handbooks for Language Teachers. Ed. Michael Swan. 1981. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1991.

  76. Ur, Penny. Grammar Practice Activities: A Practical Guide for Teachers. Cambridge Handbooks for Language Teachers. Ed. Michael Swan. 1988. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990.

  77. Ur, Penny. Five-Minute Activities: A Resource Book of Short Activities. Illustrations by Andrew Wright. Cambridge Handbooks for Language Teachers. Ed. Michael Swan. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992.

  78. Venolia, Jan. Write Right!: A Desktop Digest of Punctuation, Grammar, and Style. 1979. Third Edition. Berkeley, California: Ten Speed Press / Periwinkle Press, 1995.

  79. Wallace, Derek. Becoming an Effective Writer. Auckland: Pearson Education, 2008.

  80. Wessels, Charlyn. Drama. Resource Books for Teachers. Ed. Alan Maley. 1987. Oxford English. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1991.

  81. Winckler, Anthony C., & Jo Ray McCuen-Metherell. Writing Talk: Paragraphs and Short Essays with Readings. 5th Edition. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson / Prentice Hall, 2009.

  82. Wright, Andrew, David Betteridge, & Michael Buckby. Games for Language Learning: New Edition. 1979. Cambridge Handbooks for Language Teachers. Ed. Michael Swan. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1991.

  83. French

  84. Dubois, J., & R. Lagane. Dictionnaire de la langue française classique. 2nd edition. Paris: Librairie Classique Eugène Belin, 1960.

  85. Einhorn, E. Old French: A Concise Handbook. 1974. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1979.

  86. Grevisse, Maurice. Le Bon Usage: Grammaire Française, avec des Remarques sur la Langue Francaise d’aujourd’hui. 7th edition. Paris: Librairie Geuthner, 1959.

  87. Holyband, Claudius. The French Littelton: the Edition of 1609. Introduction by M. St Clare Byrne. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1953.

  88. Mansion, J. E., ed. Harrap's Standard French and English Dictionary. Part One: French-English. 1934. With Supplement. 1962. London: George G. Harrap & Company Ltd., 1968.

  89. Robert, Paul. Le Petit Robert: Dictionnaire Alphabétique & Analogique de la Langue Française. Ed. A. Rey & J. Rey-Debove. 1967. Paris: Société du Nouveau Littré, 1979.

  90. Robert-Collins Dictionnaire Français-Anglais, Anglais-Français / Collins-Robert French-English, English-French Dictionary. Ed. Beryl T. Atkins, Alain Duval, Rosemary C. Milne et al. Paris: Société du Nouveau Littré / London & Glasgow: Collins, 1984.

  91. Rudler, Gustave, & Norman C. Anderson. Collins French Gem Dictionary: French-English; English- French. 1952. London: Collins, 1971.

  92. Urwin, Kenneth. Langenscheidt Standard Dictionary of the French and English Languages. First Part: French-English; Second Part: English- French. London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1968.

  93. Gaelic

  94. Mackenzie, John, ed. A Gaelic Dictionary in Two Parts. The First Gaelic-English, and the Second English-Gaelic. Edinburgh: N.p., 1847.

  95. German

  96. Apelt, Mary L. & Hans-Peter. Reading Knowledge in German: A Course for Art Historians and Archaeologists / Ein englisch-deutscher Lesekurs für Kunstgeschichte und Archäologie. 1975. Berlin: Erich Schmidt Verlag, 1984.

  97. Betteridge, Harold, T., ed. Cassell’s English & German Dictionary: Based on the Editions by Karl Breul. 1957. Foreword by Gerhard Cordes. London: Cassell, 1974.

  98. Breitsprecher, Roland , Veronika Calderwood-Schnorr, Peter Terrell, & Wendy V. A. Morris, ed. Collins Klett German English Dictionary: Volume One: German-English. London & Stuttgart: Collins & Klett, 1983.

  99. Italian

  100. Caselli, Lucia Incerti, ed. Dizionario Garzanti: Italiano-Inglese; Inglese-Italiano. 1967. Milano: Garzanti Editore, 1978.

  101. Felici, Lucio, with Alberto Riganti & Tiziano Rossi, ed. Il Grande Dizionario Garzanti della lingua italiana. 1987. Milano: Garzanti Editore, 1991.

  102. Harraps’ Shorter Italian and English Dictionary / Il Nuovo Ragazzini Dizionario Inglese Italiano Italiano Inglese. Ed. Giuseppe Ragazzini. 1984. Bologna: Nicola Zanichelli Editore, 1989.

  103. Jones, Frederic J. A Modern Italian Grammar. 1960. London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1981.

  104. Katerinov, Katerin. La Lingua italiana per stranieri, con le 3000 parole più usate nell’italiano d’oggi (regole essenziali, esercizi ed esempi d’autore). Corso superiore (lezioni; esercizi; chiavi). 3rd edition. Perugia: Edizioni Guerra, 1975.

  105. Reynolds, Barbara, ed. The Concise Cambridge Italian Dictionary. Penguin Reference Books. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1975.

  106. Latin

  107. Lewis, Charlton T., & Charles Short, ed. A Latin Dictionary Founded on Andrews’ Edition of Freund’s Latin Dictionary. 1879. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1975.

  108. Morell, Thomas. An Abridgment of Ainsworth’s Dictionary, English and Latin, Designed for the Use of Schools. Ed. William Duncan. 1821. Edinburgh: Stirling, Kenney & Co., 1836.

  109. Richardson, W. F. An Introductory Course in Latin (A Course Designed for Use in Paper 09.102). University of Auckland: Department of Classics and Ancient History, 1980.

  110. Wilson, Alastair, ed. The E. U. P. Concise Latin and English Dictionary, together with a Concise Latin Grammar. Teach Yourself Books. London: The English Universities Press, Ltd., 1965.

  111. Māori

  112. Biggs, Bruce. Let's Learn Maori: A Guide to the Study of the Maori Language. Wellington & Auckland: A. H. & A. W. Reed, 1968.

  113. Biggs, Bruce. The Complete English-Maori Dictionary. 1981. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 2010.

  114. Biggs, Bruce. English-Maori / Maori-English Dictionary. 1990. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 2019.

  115. Morrison, Scotty. Māori Made Easy: For Everyday Learners of the Māori Language. A Raupo Book. Auckland: Penguin Group (NZ), 2015.

  116. Māori Language Commission / Te Taura Whiri i te Reo Māori. Te Matatiki: Contemporary Māori Words. Auckland: Oxford University Press, 1996.

  117. Williams, Herbert W. A Dictionary of the Maori Language. 1844. Seventh edition. 1971. Wellington: P. D. Hasselberg, Government Printer, 1985.

  118. Old Norse

  119. Gordon, E.V. An Introduction to Old Norse. 1927. Second Edition. Rev. A. R. Taylor. 1957. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1978.

  120. Gordon, E. V. An Introduction to Old Norse. 1927. Second Edition. Rev. A. R. Taylor. 1957. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1983.

  121. Russian

  122. Müller, Prof. V. K. English-Russian Dictionary / Англо-Русский Словарь. Moscow: State Publishing House of Foreign and National Dictionaries, 1961.

  123. Schapiro, Waldemar. Collins Russian Gem Dictionary: Russian-English; English- Russian. Soviet Orthography. 1958. London: Collins, 1972.

  124. Wedel, E. & A. Romanov. Langenscheidt’s Pocket Russian Dictionary. Part I: Russian-English; Part II: English-Russian. 1964. Berlin: Langenscheidt / London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1969.

  125. Zaimovsky, S. G., & A. V. Litvinovoy. Краткий Англо-Русский и Русско-Английский Словарь. Moscow: State Publishing House of Foreign and National Dictionaries, 1959.

  126. Spanish

  127. Brown, R. F., J. M. Casserly & Carlos Reyes Orozco, eds. Collins Contemporary Spanish Dictionary: Spanish-English; Inglés-Español. 1970. London & Glasgow: Collins, 1971.

  128. Collins Diccionario Español-Inglés, Inglés- Español / Collins Spanish-English, English-Spanish Dictionary. Ed. Colin Smith with Manuel Bermejo Marcos & Eugenio Chang-Rodriguez. 1971. London & Glasgow: Collins, 1985.

  129. Vox Diccionario Actual de la Lengua Española. 1993. Rev. ed. Chicago: NTC Publishing Group, 1996.

  130. Anthologies & Secondary Literature

  131. Murray, K. M. Elisabeth. Caught in the Web of Words: James A. H. Murray and the Oxford English Dictionary. Preface by R. W. Burchfield. New Haven & London: Yale University Press, 1977.

  132. Murray, K. M. Elisabeth. Caught in the Web of Words: James A. H. Murray and the Oxford English Dictionary. Preface by R. W. Burchfield. 1977. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1979.

  133. Radice, William, & Barbara Reynolds, ed. The Translator’s Art: Essays in Honour of Betty Radice. Penguin Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1987.