Showing posts with label New Zealand. Show all posts
Showing posts with label New Zealand. Show all posts


New Zealand Prose

Map of New Zealand

A Bibliography of my Collection

Anthologies & Secondary Literature

  1. Rosetta Allan
  2. Barbara Anderson (1926-2013)
  3. Heretaunga Pat Baker (1920-1988)
  4. David Ballantyne (1924-1986)
  5. Bernard Beckett (1968- )
  6. Graham Billing (1936-2001)
  7. Margaret Blay (1940- )
  8. Errol Brathwaite (1924-2005)
  9. David Lyndon Brown (1951- )
  10. J. Macmillan Brown (1845-1935)
  11. Samuel Butler (1835-1902)
  12. Edith Campion (1924-2007)
  13. Ken Catran (1944- )
  14. Eleanor Catton (1985- )
  15. George Chamier (1842-1915)
  16. Catherine Chidgey (1970- )
  17. Hamish Clayton (1977- )
  18. Craig Cliff (1983- )
  19. John Reece Cole (1916-1989)
  20. Thom Conroy (1970- )
  21. Max Coombes
  22. Tim Corballis (1971- )
  23. James Courage (1903-1963)
  24. Nigel Cox (1951-2006)
  25. John Cranna (1954- )
  26. Barry Crump (1935-1996)
  27. Dan Davin (1913-1990)
  28. Bill Direen (1957- )
  29. Marilyn Duckworth (1935- )
  30. Yvonne du Fresne (1929-2011)
  31. Maurice Duggan (1922-1974)
  32. Breton Dukes
  33. Chris Else (1942- )
  34. Fiona Farrell (1947- )
  35. Laurence Fearnley (1963- )
  36. Roderick Finlayson (1904-1992)
  37. Janet Frame (1924-2004)
  38. Maurice Gee (1931- )
  39. Michael Gifkins (1945- )
  40. Philip Gluckman
  41. Patricia Grace (1937- )
  42. Charlotte Grimshaw (1966- )
  43. Kirsty Gunn (1960- )
  44. Mandy Hager (1960- )
  45. Russell Haley (1934- )
  46. Craig Harrison (1942- )
  47. Michael Henderson (1942-1998)
  48. Noel Hilliard (1929-1997)
  49. Keri Hulme (1947-2021)
  50. Robin Hyde (1906-1939)
  51. Witi Ihimaera (1944- )
  52. 'The Inhabitant'
  53. Annamarie Jagose (1965- )
  54. A D Jameson
  55. Mike Johnson (1947- )
  56. Stephanie Johnson (1961- )
  57. Lloyd Jones (1955- )
  58. M. K. Joseph (1914-1981)
  59. Sheridan Keith
  60. Fiona Kidman (1940- )
  61. Rachael King (1970- )
  62. Elizabeth Knox (1959- )
  63. Shonagh Koea (1943- )
  64. Thomas Pors Koed
  65. G. B. Lancaster (1873-1945)
  66. Graeme Lay (1944- )
  67. John A. Lee (1891-1982)
  68. Elsie Locke (1912-2001)
  69. Mary McCallum (1961- )
  70. Sue McCauley (1941- )
  71. James McNeish (1931- )
  72. Margaret Mahy (1936-2012)
  73. Tina Makereti
  74. Jane Mander (1877-1949)
  75. Phillip Mann (1942-2022)
  76. Katherine Mansfield (1888-1923)
  77. Ngaio Marsh (1895-1982)
  78. Owen Marshall (1941- )
  79. M. B. Medary (1937- )
  80. Richard Meros
  81. O. E. Middleton (1925-2010)
  82. Ronald Hugh Morrieson (1922-1972)
  83. Michael Morrissey (1942- )
  84. John Mulgan (1911-1945)
  85. Sue Orr (1962- )
  86. Jenny Pattrick (1936- )
  87. J. L. Pawley (1989- )
  88. Bill Pearson (1922-2002)
  89. Emily Perkins (1970- )
  90. Sugu Pillay (1946- )
  91. Sarah Quigley (1967- )
  92. Charlotte Randall (c.1967- )
  93. Sue Reidy (1955- )
  94. Ian D. Robinson
  95. Anne Ross (1961-1991)
  96. K. M. Ross (1959- )
  97. Olaf Ruhen (1911-1989)
  98. Frank Sargeson (1903-1982)
  99. William Satchell (1860-1942)
  100. Rosie Scott (1948- )
  101. Maurice Shadbolt (1932-2004)
  102. Tina Shaw (1961- )
  103. Carl Shuker (1974- )
  104. Tracey Slaughter (1972- )
  105. Anna Smaill (1979- )
  106. Laura Solomon (1974- )
  107. Monty Soutar (1961- )
  108. Olwyn Stewart
  109. T. P. Sweeney
  110. Rown Sylva
  111. Alice Tawhai
  112. Philip Temple (1939- )
  113. Greville Texidor (1902-1964)
  114. Rhydian Thomas
  115. Lisa Vasil (1963- )
  116. Sir Julius Vogel (1835-1899)
  117. Peter Wells (1950- )
  118. Judith White (1948- )
  119. Summer Wigmore (1993- )
  120. Alex Wild (1989- )
  121. Damien Wilkins (1963- )
  122. Sygurd Wiśniowski (1841-1892)

    Rosetta Allan

  1. Allan, Rosetta. Over Lunch: A Collection of Poems. Illustrated by Brian Gregory. Auckland: Creative Exchange New Zealand, 2010.

  2. Allan, Rosetta. Purgatory. Auckland: Penguin, 2014.

  3. Allan, Rosetta. The Unreliable People. Auckland: Penguin Random House New Zealand, 2019.

  4. Barbara Lillias Romaine Anderson, Lady Anderson (née Wright) (1926-2013)

  5. Anderson, Barbara. Collected Stories. ['I Think We Should Go Into the Jungle', 1989; 'The Peacocks', 1997; 'Glorious things', 1999.] Wellington: Victoria University Press, 2005.

  6. Heretaunga Pat Baker (1920-1988)

  7. Baker, Heretaunga Pat. Behind the Tattooed Face. Queen Charlotte Sound: Cape Catley Ltd., 1975.

  8. David Watt Ballantyne (1924-1986)

  9. Ballantyne, David. The Cunninghams. 1948. Christchurch: Whitcoulls Ltd., 1976.

  10. Ballantyne, David. And the Glory. London: Robert Hale Limited / Auckland: Whitcombe & Tombs Limited, 1963.

  11. Ballantyne, David. A Friend of the Family. London: Robert Hale Limited / Auckland: Whitcombe & Tombs Limited, 1966.

  12. Ballantyne, David. Sydney Bridge Upside Down. 1968. Auckland: Longman Paul, 1981.

  13. Ballantyne, David. The Penfriend. Palmerston North: The Dunmore Press Limited / London: Robert Hale Limited, 1980.

  14. Reid, Bryan. After the Fireworks: A Life of David Ballantyne. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 2004.

  15. Bernard Beckett (1968- )

  16. Beckett, Bernard. Genesis. 2006. Dunedin: Longacre Press, 2008.

  17. Beckett, Bernard. August. Melbourne: The Text Publishing Company, 2011.

  18. Graham Billing (1936-2001)

  19. Billing, Graham. Forbush and The Penguins. 1965. London: Coronet Books, 1970.

  20. Billing, Graham. Statues: a Novel. London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1971.

  21. Billing, Graham. Changing Countries. Dunedin: Caveman Press, 1980.

  22. Billing, Graham. The Chambered Nautilus. Christchurch: Canterbury University Press, 1993.

  23. Billing, Graham. The Lifeboat. Queen Charlotte Sound: Cape Catley Ltd., 1997.

  24. Margaret Blay (1940- )

  25. Blay, Margaret. Victoria in Maoriland: A Novel. New Women's Press Fiction. Auckland: New Women's Press Ltd., 1990.

  26. Errol Brathwaite (1924-2005)

  27. Brathwaite, Errol. An Affair of Men. London: Collins / Dunedin: Otago Daily Times, 1961.

  28. Brathwaite, Errol. The Flying Fish. London & Auckland: Collins, 1964.

  29. Brathwaite, Errol. The Needle’s Eye. London & Auckland: Collins, 1965.

  30. Brathwaite, Errol. The Evil Day. London & Auckland: Collins, 1967.

  31. Brathwaite, Errol. The Flying Fish: The First Book of Maori Wars and Williams Dragoons. 1964. Auckland & London: Collins Fontana Silver Fern, 1977.

  32. Brathwaite, Errol. The Needle’s Eye: The Second Book of Maori Wars and Williams Dragoons. 1965. Auckland & London: Collins Fontana Silver Fern, 1977.

  33. Brathwaite, Errol. The Evil Day: The Third Book of Maori Wars and Williams Dragoons. 1967. Auckland & London: Collins Fontana Silver Fern, 1977.

  34. David Lyndon Brown (1951- )

  35. Brown, David Lyndon. Calling the Fish & Other Stories. Dunedin: University of Otago Press, 2001.

  36. Brown, David Lyndon. Marked Men. Auckland: Titus Books, 2007.

  37. Brown, David Lyndon. Skin Hunger. Auckland: Titus Books, 2009.

  38. Prof. John Macmillan Brown [as 'Godfrey Sweven'] (1845-1935)

  39. Sweven, Godfrey. Riallaro: The Archipelago of Exiles. 1897. London: Humphrey Milford / Oxford University Press, 1931.

  40. Sweven, Godfrey. Limanora: The Island of Progress. The Knickerbocker Press. New York & London: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1903.

  41. Samuel Butler (1835-1902)

  42. Butler, Samuel. A First Year in Canterbury Settlement With Other Early Essays. 1863. Ed. R. A. Streatfield. London: A. C. Fifield, 1914.

  43. Butler, Samuel. A First Year in Canterbury Settlement. 1863. Ed. A. C. Brassington & P. B. Maling. Auckland & Hamilton: Blackwood & Janet Paul, 1964.

  44. Butler, Samuel. Erewhon, or Over the Range. 1872. New Zealand Classics. Auckland: Golden Press Pty Ltd., in assocaiton with Whitcombe and Tombs Limited, 1973.

  45. Butler, Samuel. Erewhon. 1872. Ed. Peter Mudford. 1970. Penguin Classics. London: Penguin, 1985.

  46. Butler, Samuel. Erewhon. 1872. Magnum Easy Eye Books. New York: Lancer Books, 1968.

  47. Butler, Samuel. Erewhon Revisited. The Travellers’ Library. 1901. London: Jonathan Cape, 1927.

  48. Butler, Samuel. The Way of All Flesh. 1903. Melbourne: Penguin Books, 1953.

  49. Butler, Samuel. Ernest Pontifex or The Way of All Flesh. Ed. Daniel F. Howard. 1964. London: Methuen & Co. Ltd., 1966.

  50. Butler, Samuel. The Humour of Homer & Other Essays. Ed. R. A. Streatfield. London: A. C. Fifield, 1913.

  51. Butler, Samuel. The Note-Books of Samuel Butler. Ed. Henry Festing Jones. 1912. London: A. C. Fifield, 1919.

  52. The Note-Books of Samuel Butler. Selections Arranged and Edited by Henry Festing Jones. 1912. Sixth Impression. London: Jonathan Cape, 1921.

  53. Samuel Butler's Note-Books. Selections Edited by Geoffrey Keynes & Brian Hill. London: Jonathan Cape, 1951.

  54. Butler, Samuel. Letters between Samuel Butler and Miss E. M. A. Savage, 1871-1885. Ed. Geoffrey Keynes & Brian Hill. London: Jonathan Cape, 1935.

  55. Henderson, Philip. Samuel Butler: The Incarnate Bachelor. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1954.

  56. Jones, Henry Festing. Samuel Butler, Author of Erewhon (1835-1902): A Memoir. 2 vols. London: Macmillan and Co., Limited, 1919.

  57. Jones, Joseph. The Cradle of Erewhon: Samuel Butler in New Zealand. Parkville, Victoria: Melbourne University Press, 1960.

  58. Maling, Peter Bromley. Samuel Butler at Mesopotamia, together with Butler’s “Forest Creek” Manuscript and His Letters to Tripp and Acland. 1960. Wellington: New Zealand Historic Places Trust, 1984.

  59. Shaffer, Elinor. Erewhons of the Eye: Samuel Butler as Painter, Photographer and Art Critic. London: Reaktion Books, 1988.

  60. Edith Campion (1924-2007)

  61. Campion, Edith. A Place to Pass through and Other Stories. Wellington: A. H. & A. W. Reed Ltd., 1977.

  62. Ken Catran (1944- )

  63. Catran, Ken. Hanlon: A Casebook. Auckland: BCNZ Enterprises, 1985.

  64. Eleanor Catton (1985- )

  65. Catton, Eleanor. The Rehearsal. Wellington: Victoria University Press, 2008.

  66. Catton, Eleanor. The Luminaries. Wellington: Victoria University Press, 2013.

  67. George Chamier (1842-1915)

  68. Chamier, George. A South-Sea Siren. Ed. Joan Stevens. New Zealand Fiction. Ed. J. C. Reid. Auckland: Auckland University Press & Oxford University Press, 1970.

  69. Catherine Chidgey (1970- )

  70. Chidgey, Catherine. In a Fishbone Church. Wellington: Victoria University Press, 1997.

  71. Chidgey, Catherine. Golden Deeds. Wellington: Victoria University Press, 2000.

  72. Chidgey, Catherine. The Transformation. Wellington: Victoria University Press, 2003.

  73. Chidgey, Catherine. The Wish Child. Wellington: Victoria University Press, 2016.

  74. Chidgey, Catherine. The Beat of the Pendulum: A Found Novel. Wellington: Victoria University Press, 2017.

  75. Hamish Clayton (1977- )

  76. Clayton, Hamish. Wulf. Auckland: Penguin Books, 2011.

  77. Craig Cliff (1983- )

  78. Cliff, Craig. A Man Melting: Short Stories. A Vintage Book. Auckland: Random House New Zealand, 2010.

  79. John Reece Cole (1916-1989)

  80. Cole, John Reece. It was so late and Other Stories. 1949. Ed. Cherry Rankin. New Zealand Fiction. Ed. Bill Pearson. Auckland: Auckland University Press & Oxford University Press, 1978.

  81. Thom Conroy ['Thomas Gough'] (1970- )

  82. Conroy, Thom. The Naturalist: A Novel. A Vintage Book. Auckland: Random House New Zealand, 2014.

  83. Max Coombes

  84. Coombes, Max. Trash City Apocrypha. Auckland: Scratch & Jesus, n.d. [c.2018].

  85. Tim Corballis (1971- )

  86. Corballis, Tim. Below. Wellington: Victoria University Press, 2001.

  87. Corballis, Tim. R. H. I.: Two Novellas. Wellington: Victoria University Press, 2015.

  88. James Francis Courage (1903-1963)

  89. Courage, James. Such Separate Creatures: Stories. Ed. Charles Brasch. New Zealand Short Stories, 3. Christchurch: The Caxton Press, 1973.

  90. Nigel Cox (1951-2006)

  91. Cox, Nigel. Waiting for Einstein. Auckland: Benton Ross Publishers Ltd., 1984.

  92. Cox, Nigel. Dirty Work. Auckland: Benton Ross Publishers Ltd., 1987.

  93. Cox, Nigel. Dirty Work. 1987. Wellington: Victoria University Press, 2006.

  94. Cox, Nigel. Skylark Lounge. Wellington: Victoria University Press, 2000.

  95. Cox, Nigel. Tarzan Presley. Wellington: Victoria University Press, 2004.

  96. Cox, Nigel. Jungle Rock Blues. 2004. Wellington: Victoria University Press, 2011.

  97. Cox, Nigel. Responsibility. Wellington: Victoria University Press, 2005.

  98. Cox, Nigel. The Cowboy Dog. Wellington: Victoria University Press, 2006.

  99. Cox, Nigel. The Cowboy Dog. Wellington: Victoria University Press, 2006.

  100. Cox, Nigel. Phone Home Berlin: Collected Non-fiction. Wellington: Victoria University Press, 2007.

  101. John Cranna (1954- )

  102. Cranna, John. Visitors. Pacific Writers Series. Auckland: Heinemann Reed, 1989.

  103. Cranna, John. Arena. Auckland: Minerva, 1992.

  104. Barry Crump (1935-1996)

  105. Crump, Barry. A Good Keen Man. Illustrated by Dennis Turner. 1960. Wellington: A. H. & A. W. Reed, 1961.

  106. Crump, Barry. Bastards I Have Met: An ABC of Bastardry. Illustrated by Garth Tapper. Auckland: Crump Productions Ltd., 1971.

  107. Crump, Barry. Collected Stories: A Good Keen Man; Bullock Creek; Gold and Greenstone; Puha Road; Wild Pork and Watercress. 1960, 1982, 1993, 1989 & 1986. Introduction by Kevin Ireland. Nelson: Potton & Burton, 2017.

  108. Crump, Barry. Song of a Drifter and Other Ballads. Illustrated by Pat Trembeth. Christchurch: Hazard Press Ltd., 1996.

  109. Hogg, Colin. A Life in Loose Strides: The Story of Barry Crump. Auckland: Hodder Moa Beckett, 2000.

  110. Dan Davin (1913-1990)

  111. Davin, Dan. Cliffs of Fall. London: Nicolson and Watson, 1945.

  112. Davin, Dan. Selected Stories. New Zealand Stories. Ed. Bill Manhire. Wellington: Victoria University Press with Price Milburn & Company Limited / London: Robert Hale Limited, 1981.

  113. Davin, Dan. The Salamander and The Fire: Collected War Stories. Auckland: Oxford University Press, 1986.

  114. Davin, Dan. A Field Officer’s Notebook: Selected Poems. Ed. Robert McLean. Lyttelton: Cold Hub Press, 2018.

  115. Ovenden, Keith. A Fighting Withdrawal: The Life of Dan Davin, Writer, Soldier, Publisher. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1996.

  116. William [Bill] Direen (1957- )

  117. Direen, William. The Impossible: Short Stories. Wellington: Alpha Books, 2002.

  118. Direen, William. Jules. Wellington: Alpha Books, 2003.

  119. Direen, William. Onævia: Fable. Auckland: Titus Books, 2004.

  120. Direen, William. New Sea Land. Auckland: Titus Books, 2005.

  121. Direen, William. Song of the Brakeman. Auckland: Titus Books, 2006.

  122. Direen, William. Enclosures. Auckland: Titus Books, 2008.

  123. Direen, William. The Ballad of Rue Belliard. Auckland: Titus Books, 2013. [In Brett Cross, ed. brief 48 (June 2013).]

  124. Direen, Bill. Enclosures 2: Europe, New Zealand; Centre; Stoat: Canal City; Survey. Dunedin: Percutio, 2016.

  125. Direen, Bill. Enclosures 3: Treatmen(o)t; Scipio Sonn; Nyons-Nice-Venice; Tattoo; from Stoat. Dunedin: in situ, 2017.

  126. Marilyn Duckworth (1935- )

  127. Duckworth, Marilyn. Camping on the Faultline: A Memoir. Auckland: Vintage, 2000.

  128. Yvonne du Fresne (1929-2011)

  129. du Fresne, Yvonne. Farvell and Other Stories. New Zealand Stories. Ed. Bill Manhire. Wellington: Victoria University Press with Price Milburn, 1980.

  130. Maurice Duggan (1922-1974)

  131. Duggan, Maurice. Falter Tom and the Water Boy. Illustrated by Kenneth Rowell. London: Faber, 1958.

  132. Duggan, Maurice. Collected Stories. Ed. C. K. Stead. Auckland: Auckland University Press & Oxford University Press, 1981.

  133. Duggan, Maurice. A Voice for the Minotaur: Selected Poems. Ed. Ian Richards. Auckland: The Holloway Press, 2001.

  134. Richards, Ian. To Bed at Noon: The Life and Art of Maurice Duggan. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 1997.

  135. Breton Dukes

  136. Dukes, Breton. Bird North and Other Stories. Wellington: Victoria University Press, 2011.

  137. Dukes, Breton. Empty Bones and Other Stories. Wellington: Victoria University Press, 2014.

  138. Chris Else (1942- )

  139. Else, Chris. Dreams of Pythagoras: 10 Stories. Wellington: Voice Press, 1981.

  140. Else, Chris. Why Things Fall. Auckland: Tandem Press, 1982.

  141. Fiona Farrell (1947- )

  142. Farrell Poole, Fiona. Cutting Out. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 1987.

  143. Farrell Poole, Fiona. The Rock Garden: Stories. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 1989.

  144. Farrell, Fiona. The Skinny Louie Book. 1992. Auckland: Penguin Books (NZ) Ltd., 2010.

  145. Farrell, Fiona. Six Clever Girls Who Became Famous Women: A Novel. Illustrations by Anna Crichton. Auckland: Penguin Books (NZ) Ltd., 1996.

  146. Farrell, Fiona. The Inhabited Initial. Drawings by Ann Culy. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 1999.

  147. Farrell, Fiona. The Hopeful Traveller. A Vintage Book. Auckland: Random House New Zealand, 2002.

  148. Farrell, Fiona. Book Book. A Vintage Book. Auckland: Random House New Zealand, 2004.

  149. Farrell, Fiona. Mr Allbones’ Ferrets: An Historical Pastoral Satirical Scientifical Romance, with Mustelids. A Vintage Book. Auckland: Random House New Zealand, 2007.

  150. Farrell, Fiona. The Pop-Up Book of Invasions. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 2007.

  151. Farrell, Fiona. Limestone. A Vintage Book. Auckland: Random House New Zealand, 2009.

  152. Farrell, Fiona. Nouns, verbs, etc. (selected poems). Dunedin: Otago University Press, 2020.

  153. Jura Laurence Fearnley (1963- )

  154. Fearnley, Laurence. The Hut Builder. A Penguin Original. Auckland: Penguin Group (NZ), 2010.

  155. Roderick Finlayson (1904-1992)

  156. Finlayson, Roderick. Brown Man’s Burden and Later Stories. 1938. Ed. Bill Pearson. New Zealand Fiction. Auckland: Auckland University Press & Oxford University Press, 1973.

  157. Finlayson, Roderick. Tidal Creek. 1948. Ed. Denis McEldowney. New Zealand Fiction. Ed. Bill Pearson. Auckland: Auckland University Press & Oxford University Press, 1979.

  158. Finlayson, Roderick. The Coming of the Maori. Illustrated by Anne McCahon. 1955. Wellington: R. E. Owen, Government Printer, n.d.

  159. Janet Frame (1924-2004)

  160. Frame, Janet. The Lagoon & Other Stories. Christchurch: Caxton Press, 1951.

  161. Frame, Janet. The Lagoon & Other Stories. 1951. Christchurch: Caxton Press, 1961.

  162. Frame, Janet. The Lagoon and Other Stories. 1951. Illustrations by Karin van Roosmalen. Auckland: Random Century, 1990.

  163. Frame, Janet. Owls Do Cry. Christchurch: Pegasus Press, 1957.

  164. Frame, Janet. Owls Do Cry. 1957. Melbourne: Sun Books, 1976.

  165. Frame, Janet. Faces in the Water. Christchurch: Pegasus Press, 1961.

  166. Frame, Janet. Faces in the Water. 1961. New York: Avon Books, 1971.

  167. Frame, Janet. Faces in the Water. 1961. London: The Women’s Press, 1993.

  168. Frame, Janet. The Edge of the Alphabet: A Novel. Christchurch: Pegasus Press, 1962.

  169. Frame, Janet. The Edge of the Alphabet: A Novel. 1962. New York: George Braziller, 1991.

  170. Frame, Janet. The Reservoir: Stories and Sketches. New York: George Braziller, 1963.

  171. Frame, Janet. The Reservoir: Stories and Sketches. 1963. New York: George Braziller, 1993.

  172. Frame, Janet. Snowman Snowman: Fables and Fantasies. New York: George Braziller, 1963.

  173. Frame, Janet. Snowman Snowman: Fables and Fantasies. 1963. New York: George Braziller, 1993.

  174. Frame, Janet. Scented Gardens for the Blind. 1964. London: The Women’s Press, 1982.

  175. Frame, Janet. The Adaptable Man. 1965. Auckland: Vintage, 1993.

  176. Frame, Janet. A State of Siege. 1966. London & Sydney: Angus & Robertson, 1982.

  177. Frame, Janet. The Pocket Mirror: Poems. New York: George Braziller, 1967.

  178. Frame, Janet. The Rainbirds. [Yellow Flowers in the Antipodean Room]. 1967. Christchurch: Pegasus, 1969.

  179. Frame, Janet. Mona Minim and the Smell of the Sun. Illustrated by Robin Jacques. New York: George Braziller, 1969.

  180. Frame, Janet. Mona Minim and the Smell of the Sun. 1969. Vintage New Zealand. Auckland: Random Century New Zealand Ltd., 1992.

  181. Frame, Janet. Intensive Care. 1970. Auckland: Vintage, 1995.

  182. Frame, Janet. Daughter Buffalo. 1972. Auckland: Vintage, 1994.

  183. Frame, Janet. Living in the Maniototo. 1979. Auckland & London: Hutchinson Group & The Women’s Press, 1985.

  184. Frame, Janet. To the Is-land – An Autobiography: Volume One. 1982. Auckland & London: Hutchinson Group & The Women’s Press, 1984.

  185. Frame, Janet. You are Now Entering the Human Heart. Wellington: Victoria University Press, 1983.

  186. Frame, Janet. An Angel at My Table – An Autobiography: Volume Two. 1984. Auckland: Century Hutchinson, 1987.

  187. Frame, Janet. The Envoy from Mirror City – An Autobiography: Volume Three. Auckland: Hutchinson of New Zealand, 1985.

  188. Frame, Janet. The Carpathians. Auckland: Century Hutchinson, 1988.

  189. Frame, Janet. An Autobiography: To the Is-land; An Angel at My Table; The Envoy from Mirror City. 1982, 1984, 1985, 1989. Auckland: Random House New Zealand, 1994.

  190. Frame, Janet. Stories & Poems: The Pocket Mirror & The Lagoon and Other Stories. 1951 & 1967. A Vintage Book. Auckland: Random House New Zealand, 2004.

  191. Frame, Janet. The Goose Bath: Poems. Ed. Pamela Gordon, Denis Harold, & Bill Manhire. A Vintage Book. Auckland: Random House New Zealand, 2006.

  192. Frame, Janet. Towards Another Summer. 1972. Auckland: Vintage, 2007.

  193. Frame, Janet. Storms Will Tell: Selected Poems. 1967 & 2006. Ed. Pamela Gordon, Denis Harold, & Bill Manhire. Highgreen, Tarset, Northumberland: Bloodaxe Books Ltd., 2008.

  194. Frame, Janet. Prizes: Selected Short Stories. The Janet Frame Collection. Introduction by Ian Richards. A Vintage Book. Auckland: Random House New Zealand, 2009.

  195. Frame, Janet. The Daylight and the Dust: Selected Short Stories. The Janet Frame Collection. Introduction by Michèle Roberts. Virago Modern Classics. London: Virago Press, 2010.

  196. Frame, Janet. In Her Own Words. Ed. Denis Harold & Pamela Gordon. Auckland: Penguin Group (NZ), 2011.

  197. Frame, Janet. Gorse is Not People: New and Uncollected Stories. Ed. Pamela Gordon & Denis Harold. Auckland: Penguin Group (NZ), 2012.

  198. Frame, Janet. The Mijo Tree. Illustrated by Deidre Copeland. Afterword by Pamela Gordon. Auckland: Penguin Group (NZ), 2013.

  199. Frame, Janet. In the Memorial Room. 1974. Melbourne: Text Publishing Company, 2013.

  200. King, Michael. Wrestling with the Angel: A Life of Janet Frame. Viking. Auckland: Penguin Books (NZ) Ltd., 2000.

  201. King, Michael. Wrestling with the Angel: A Life of Janet Frame. Auckland: Viking, 2000.

  202. King, Michael. An Inward Sun: The World of Janet Frame. Auckland: Penguin, 2002.

  203. Maurice Gee (1931- )

  204. Gee, Maurice. In My Father’s Den. 1972. New Zealand Classic. Wellington: Oxford University Press, 1984.

  205. Gee, Maurice. Collected Stories. 1975. Auckland: Penguin, 1986.

  206. Gee, Maurice. Games of Choice. 1976. New Zealand Classic. Wellington: Oxford University Press, 1985.

  207. Gee, Maurice. Plumb. 1978. Wellington: Oxford University Press, 1979.

  208. Gee, Maurice. Under the Mountain. 1979. Harmondsworth: Puffin, 1982.

  209. Gee, Maurice. Meg. 1981. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1983.

  210. Gee, Maurice. The Halfmen of O. Auckland: Oxford University Press, 1982.

  211. Gee, Maurice. The Halfmen of O. 1982. Harmondsworth: Puffin, 1984.

  212. Gee, Maurice. Sole Survivor. 1983. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1984.

  213. Gee, Maurice. The Priests of Ferris. 1984. Auckland: Oxford University Press, 1986.

  214. Gee, Maurice. The Priests of Ferris. 1984. Harmondsworth: Puffin, 1987.

  215. Gee, Maurice. Motherstone. Auckland: Oxford University Press, 1985.

  216. Gee, Maurice. Motherstone. 1985. Harmondsworth: Puffin, 1988.

  217. Gee, Maurice. The Burning Boy. Auckland: Viking, 1990.

  218. Gee, Maurice. Loving Ways. 1981. Auckland: Penguin, 1996.

  219. Gee, Maurice. Going West. 1992. Auckland: Penguin Books (NZ) Ltd, 2000.

  220. Gee, Maurice. Live Bodies. 1998. London: Faber, 1998.

  221. Gee, Maurice. Memory Pieces. Wellington: Victoria University Press, 2018.

  222. Barrowman, Rachel. Maurice Gee: Life and Work. Wellington: Victoria University Press, 2015.

  223. Michael Gifkins (1945- )

  224. Gifkins, Michael. After the Revolution and other Stories. Auckland: Longman Paul, 1982.

  225. Gifkins, Michael. The Amphibians. Auckland: Penguin, 1989.

  226. Philip Gluckman

  227. Gluckman, Philip. Harry from the Agency. Reed Books. Auckland: Reed Publishing (NZ) Ltd., 1997.

  228. Patricia Frances Grace (1937- )

  229. Grace, Patricia. Waiariki. Pacific Paperbacks. Auckland: Longman Paul, 1975.

  230. Grace, Patricia. Mutuwhenua: The Moon Sleeps. Pacific Paperbacks. Auckland: Longman Paul Limited, 1978.

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  252. Craig Harrison (1942- )

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  265. Noel Hilliard (1929-1997)

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  271. Keri Hulme (1947-2021)

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  276. Iris Guiver Wilkinson ['Robin Hyde'] (1906-1939)

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  293. Hyde, Robin. Houses by the Sea & The Later Poems of Robin Hyde. Ed. Gloria Rawlinson. Christchurch: Caxton Press, 1952.

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  295. Hyde, Robin. A Home in This World. Ed. Derek Challis. Auckland: Longman Paul, 1984.

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  297. Hyde, Robin. Selected Poems. Ed. Lydia Wevers. Auckland: Oxford University Press, 1984.

  298. Hyde, Robin. Disputed Ground: Robin Hyde, Journalist. Ed. Gillian Boddy & Jacqueline Matthews. Wellington: Victoria University Press, 1991.

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  300. Hyde, Robin. The Book of Nadath. Ed. Michele Leggott. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 1999.

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  305. Hyde, Robin. Your Unselfish Kindness: Robin Hyde's Autobiographical Writings. Ed. Mary Edmond-Paul. Dunedin: Otago University Press, 2011.

  306. Challis, Derek & Gloria Rawlinson. The Book of Iris: A Life of Robin Hyde. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 2002.

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  308. Edmond-Paul, Mary, ed. Lighted Windows: Critical Essays on Robin Hyde. Dunedin: Otago University Press, 2008.

  309. Witi Tame Ihimaera-Smiler (1944- )

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  314. Ihimaera, Witi. Dear Miss Mansfield: A Tribute to Kathleen Mansfield Beauchamp. Auckland: Viking, 1989.

  315. Ihimaera, Witi. Kingfisher Come Home: The Complete Maori Stories. Pounamu Pounamu; The New Net Goes Fishing; Kingfisher Come Home. 1972, 1977. Secker & Warburg. Auckland: Reed Publishing (NZ) Ltd., 1995.

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  320. Annamarie Jagose (1965- )

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  323. A D Jameson

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  325. Mike Johnson (1947- )

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  327. Johnson, Mike. From a Woman in Mt Eden Prison & Drawing Lessons. Auckland: Hard Echo Press, 1984.

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  335. Johnson, Mike. Treasure Hunt. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 1996.

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  337. Johnson, Mike. Stench. Christchurch: Hazard Press, 2004.

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  339. Johnson, Mike. Travesty. Illustrated by Darren Sheehan. Auckland: Titus Books, 2010.

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  342. Johnson, Mike. Zombie in a Space Suit. Auckland: Lasavia Publishing, 2018

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  344. Stephanie Johnson (1961- )

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  348. Lloyd Jones (1955- )

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  350. Jones, Lloyd. Splinter. Auckland: Hodder & Stoughton Ltd., 1988.

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  353. Jones, Lloyd. This House has Three Walls. Wellington: Victoria University Press, 1997.

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  355. Jones, Lloyd. Here at the End of the World We Learn to Dance. Auckland: Penguin Books (NZ) Ltd., 2002.

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  359. Jones, Lloyd. Hand Me Down World. Auckland: Penguin, 2010.

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  361. Michael Kennedy Joseph (1914-1981)

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  370. Sheridan Keith

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  372. Dame Fiona Kidman (1940- )

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  375. Rachael King (1970- )

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  377. Elizabeth Fiona Knox (1959- )

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  388. Knox, Elizabeth. The Invisible Road. 2005 & 2007. Harper Voyager. Sydney: HarperCollins Publishers Australia Pty Limited, 2008.

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  392. Knox, Elizabeth. Wake. Wellington: Victoria University Press, 2013.

  393. Knox, Elizabeth. An Unreal House Filled with Real Storms. The Inaugural Margaret Mahy Lecture, Christchurch 31 August 2014. Wellington: Victoria University Press, 2014.

  394. Knox, Elizabeth. The Absolute Book. Wellington: Victoria University Press, 2019.

  395. Shonagh Koea (1943- )

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  402. Thomas Pors Koed

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  404. Edith Lyttleton [G. B. Lancaster] (1873-1945)

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  410. Graeme Lay (1944- )

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  413. John Alexander Lee (1891-1982)

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  419. Elsie Locke (1912-2001)

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  421. Mary McCallum (1961- )

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  423. Sue Montgomery McCauley (1941- )

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  425. Danyl McLauchlan

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  427. James McNeish (1931- )

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  434. Margaret Mahy (1936-2012)

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  455. Tina Makereti [Dahlberg]

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  458. Jane Mander (1877-1949)

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  462. Phillip Mann (1942-2022)

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  476. Katherine Mansfield (1888-1923)

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  507. Marshall, Owen. A Many Coated Man. Dunedin: Longacre Press Ltd., 1995.

  508. Marshall, Owen, Graham Sydney & Brian Turner. Timeless Land. Introduction by Sam Neill. 1995. Dunedin: Longacre Press Ltd., 2004.

  509. Marshall, Owen. The Best of Owen Marshall’s Short Stories. 1997. A Vintage Book. Auckland: Random House New Zealand, 2002.

  510. Marshall, Owen. Harlequin Rex: A Novel. A Vintage Book. Auckland: Random House New Zealand, 1999.

  511. Marshall, Owen. When Gravity Snaps: Short Stories. A Vintage Book. Auckland: Random House New Zealand, 2002.

  512. Marshall, Owen. Watch of Gryphons and Other Stories. A Vintage Book. Auckland: Random House New Zealand, 2005.

  513. Marshall, Owen. Selected Stories. Ed. Vincent O'Sullivan. A Vintage Book. Auckland: Random House New Zealand, 2008.

  514. Marshall, Owen. Drybread: A Novel. 2007. A Vintage Book. Auckland: Random House New Zealand, 2007.

  515. Marshall, Owen. Living as a Moon. A Vintage Book. Auckland: Random House New Zealand, 2009.

  516. Marshall, Owen. The Larnachs. A Vintage Book. Auckland: Random House New Zealand, 2011.

  517. Milton Bennett Medary (1937- )

  518. Medary, M. B. The Uroborus Quintet. Dunedin: Otago University Print, 2001.

  519. Murdoch Stevens ['Richard Meros'}

  520. Meros, Richard. On the conditions and possibilities of Helen Clark taking me as her Young Lover. 2005. Wellington: Lawrence & Gibson, 2008.

  521. Meros, Richard. Zebulon: a cautionary tale. Wellington: Lawrence & Gibson Publishing Collective, 2011.

  522. Meros, Richard. Easy Whistle Solo. Wellington: Lawrence & Gibson Publishing Collective, 2012.

  523. Meros, Richard. $30 Meat Pack: The Complete Written correspondenec between Richard Meros and Creative New Zealand, volume two. Wellington: Lawrence & Gibson Publishing Collective, 2012.

  524. Osman Edward [Ted] Middleton (1925-2010)

  525. Middleton, O. E. The Stone and Other Stories. Distributed by Paul's Book Arcade Limited. Auckland: The Pilgrim Press, 1959.

  526. Middleton, O. E. Beyond the Breakwater: Stories 1948-1998. Ed. Lawrence Jones. Dunedin: Otago University Press, 2008.

  527. Ronald Hugh Morrieson (1922-1972)

  528. Morrieson, Ronald Hugh. The Scarecrow. 1963. Auckland: Heinemann Educational Books (NZ) Ltd., 1976.

  529. Morrieson, Ronald Hugh. The Scarecrow. 1963. Auckland: Penguin, 1981.

  530. Morrieson, Ronald Hugh. Came a Hot Friday. 1964. Auckland: Penguin, 1985.

  531. Morrieson, Ronald Hugh. Predicament. Preface by Maurice Shadbolt. Palmerston North: The Dunmore Press, 1974.

  532. Morrieson, Ronald Hugh. Pallet on the Floor and Two Stories. 1976. With an Introduction by Peter Simpson. Auckland: Penguin, 1983.

  533. Michael Morrissey (1942- )

  534. Morrissey, Michael. Closer to the Bone: Poems. Christchurch: Sword Press, 1981.

  535. Morrissey, Michael. She's Not the Child of Sylvia Plath. Christchurch: Sword Press, 1981.

  536. Morrissey, Michael. Dreams. Wellington: Sword Press, 1981.

  537. Morrissey, Michael. The Fat Lady & The Astronomer: Some Persons, Persuasions, Paranoias, and Places You Ought to Encounter. Christchurch: Sword Press, 1981.

  538. Morrissey, Michael. Taking in the View. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 1986.

  539. Morrissey, Michael. A Case of Briefs. Auckland: Van Guard Xpress, 1989.

  540. Morrissey, Michael. The American Hero Loosens His Tie. Auckland: Van Guard Xpress, 1989.

  541. Morrissey, Michael. Octavio’s Last Invention. Auckland: Brick Row, 1991.

  542. Morrissey, Michael. Paradise to Come. Auckland: Flamingo, 1997.

  543. Morrissey, Michael. Heart of the Volcano. Auckland: Bookcaster Press, 2000.

  544. Morrissey, Michael. From the Swimming Pool Question. New Plymouth: Zenith, 2005.

  545. Morrissey, Michael. Taming the Tiger: A Personal Encounter with Manic Depression. Auckland: Polygraphia Ltd., 2011.

  546. Morrissey, Michael. Tropic of Skorpeo. Wellington: Steam Press Ltd., 2012.

  547. John Mulgan (1911-1945)

  548. Mulgan, John. Man Alone. 1939. Auckland: Longman Paul, 1973.

  549. Mulgan, John. Report on Experience. 1947. New Zealand Classic. Auckland: Oxford University Press, 1984.

  550. Mulgan, John, ed. Poems of Freedom. Introduction by W. H. Auden. Left Book Club Edition. London: Victor Gollancz Ltd., 1938.

  551. O’Sullivan, Vincent. Long Journey to the Border: A Life of John Mulgan. Auckland: Penguin, 2003.

  552. Sue Orr (1962- )

  553. Orr, Sue. Etiquette for a Dinner Party: Short Stories. A Vintage Book. Auckland: Random House New Zealand, 2008.

  554. Orr, Sue. From Under the Overcoat: Short Stories. A Vintage Book. Auckland: Random House New Zealand, 2011.

  555. Orr, Sue. The Party Line. A Vintage Book. Auckland: Random House New Zealand, 2015.

  556. Jennifer Lynette Pattrick (1936- )

  557. Pattrick, Jenny. The Illustrated Denniston Rose and Heart of Coal. 2003, 2004. Black Swan. Auckland: Random House NZ, 2006.

  558. Jessica L. Pawley (1989- )

  559. Pawley, J. L. Air Born. Generation Icarus, 1. Steam Press. Auckland: Eunoia Publishing Limited, 2017.

  560. Pawley, J. L. Take Flight. Generation Icarus, 2. Steam Press. Auckland: Eunoia Publishing Limited, 2018.

  561. William Harrison [Bill] Pearson (1922-2002)

  562. Pearson, Bill. Coal Flat. Auckland & Hamilton: Paul’s Book Arcade, 1963.

  563. Pearson, Bill. Rifled Sanctuaries: Some Views of the Pacific Islands in Western Literature. The Macmillan Brown Lectures 1982. Auckland: Auckland University Press & Oxford University Press, 1984.

  564. Millar, Paul. No Fretful Sleeper: A Life of Bill Pearson. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 2010.

  565. Emily Perkins (1970- )

  566. Perkins, Emily. The New Girl. Picador. London: Macmillan Publishers Ltd., 2001.

  567. Perkins, Emily. The Forrests. 2012. London: Bloomsbury Circus, 2013.

  568. Sugu Pillay (1946- )

  569. Pillay, Sugu. The Chandrasekhar Limit and other stories. Auckland: The Writers Group, 2002.

  570. Sarah Quigley (1967- )

  571. Quigley, Sarah. Love in a Bookstore or Your Money Back. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 2003.

  572. Quigley, Sarah. Tenderness: Stories. A Vintage Book. Auckland: Random House New Zealand, 2014.

  573. Charlotte Randall (c.1967- )

  574. Randall, Charlotte. The Curative. Auckland: Penguin, 2000.

  575. Randall, Charlotte. Within the Kiss. Auckland: Penguin, 2002.

  576. Sue Reidy (1955- )

  577. Reidy, Sue. Modettes and Other Stories. Auckland: Penguin, 1988.

  578. Ian D. Robinson

  579. Robinson, Ian D. Days to Go. Christchurch: Quoin Press, 1999.

  580. Anne Mairi Ross (1961-1991)

  581. Ross, Anne. Poinsettia: A Mermaid's Tale. Pania Chapbooks, 6. Auckland: Pania Press, 2013.

  582. Kenneth Maclean Ross (1959- )

  583. [Ross, K. M. The Bird Calcearuich. (1990-91)].

  584. [Ross, K. M. Tales of the Sons of Light. (2001)].

  585. Ross, K. M. Falling through the Architect. Auckland: The Writers Group, 2005.

  586. Ross, K. M. The Blinding Walk. Chipping Norton, Oxon / Baltimore: The Waywiser Press, 2014.

  587. Olaf Ruhen (1911-1989)

  588. Ruhen, Olaf. Lively Ghosts: Tales of the Sea and New Zealand. Line Drawings by Sally & Peter Keep. Auckland: Minerva Limited, 1964.

  589. Frank Sargeson (1903-1982)

  590. Sargeson, Frank. That Summer and Other Stories. London: John Lehmann, 1946.

  591. Sargeson, Frank. I Saw in My Dream. London: John Lehmann, 1949.

  592. Sargeson, Frank. I Saw in My Dream. 1949. Ed. H. Winston Rhodes. New Zealand Fiction. Ed. Bill Pearson. Auckland: Auckland University Press & Oxford University Press, 1974.

  593. Sargeson, Frank. Wrestling with the Angel. Two Plays: A Time for Sowing and The Cradle & the Egg. Christchurch: Caxton Press, 1964.

  594. Sargeson, Frank. Collected Stories: 1935-1963. 1964. Introduction by Bill Pearson. Prefatory Note by E. M. Forster. Auckland: Blackwood & Janet Paul, 1966.

  595. Sargeson, Frank. Collected Stories: 1935-1963. 1964. Introduction by Bill Pearson. Prefatory Note by E. M. Forster. Auckland: Blackwood & Janet Paul, 1966.

  596. Sargeson, Frank. Memoirs of a Peon. London: MacGibbon & Kee, 1965.

  597. Sargeson, Frank. Memoirs of a Peon. 1965. The Godwit Collection 4. Auckland: Godwit, 1994.

  598. Sargeson, Frank. 2 Short Novels: The Hangover & Joy of the Worm. 1967 & 1969. Auckland: Penguin, 1984.

  599. Sargeson, Frank. Man of England Now. Christchurch: Caxton Press, 1972.

  600. Sargeson, Frank. Man of England Now. Christchurch: Caxton Press, 1972.

  601. Sargeson, Frank. The Stories of Frank Sargeson. 1973. Auckland: Longman Paul, 1974.

  602. Sargeson, Frank. Sargeson: Once is Enough; More than Enough; Never Enough. 1973, 1975 & 1977. Auckland: Penguin, 1981.

  603. Sargeson, Frank. Sunset Village. Wellington: A. H. & A. W. Reed, 1976.

  604. Sargeson, Frank & Edith Campion. Tandem: The Chain & En Route. Wellington & Auckland: A. H. & A. W. Reed, 1979.

  605. Sargeson, Frank. Conversation in a Train and Other Critical Writing. Ed. Kevin Cunningham. Auckland: Auckland University Press & Oxford University Press, 1983.

  606. Sargeson, Frank. The Stories of Frank Sargeson. 1964. Rev. ed. 1973. Auckland: Penguin Books, 1988.

  607. Sargeson, Frank. Frank Sargeson's Stories. 1964. Rev. ed with 13 New Stories. Introduction by Janet Wilson. Auckland: Cape Catley Ltd., 2010.

  608. King, Michael. Frank Sargeson: A Life. Viking. Auckland: Penguin Books (NZ) Ltd., 1995.

  609. Lay, Graeme, & Stephen Stratford, eds. An Affair of the Heart: A Celebration of Frank Sargeson’s Centenary. Auckland: Cape Catley Ltd., 2003.

  610. Ireland, Kevin. Mr Sargeson at Home. Occasional Paper 4. Hamilton: The University Of Waikato, 2005.

  611. Shieff, Sarah, ed. Letters of Frank Sargeson. Vintage. Auckland: Random House New Zealand, 2012.

  612. William Satchell (1860-1942)

  613. Satchell, William. The Land of the Lost. 1902. Ed. Kendrick Smithyman. New Zealand Fiction. Ed. J. C. Reid. Auckland: Auckland University Press & Oxford University Press, 1971.

  614. Satchell, William. The Toll of the Bush. 1905. Ed. Kendrick Smithyman. New Zealand Fiction. Ed. Bill Pearson. Auckland: Auckland University Press & Oxford University Press, 1985.

  615. Satchell, William. The Greenstone Door. 1914. New Zealand Classics. Auckland: Golden Press, 1973.

  616. Rosie Scott (1948- )

  617. Scott, Rosie. Glory Days: A Novel. Auckland: Penguin, 1988.

  618. Scott, Rosie. Nights with Grace. Pacific Writers Series. Auckland: Heinemann Reed, 1990.

  619. Scott, Rosie. Feral City. Melbourne: William Heinemann Australia, 1992.

  620. Scott, Rosie. Lives on Fire. Auckland: Sceptre NZ, 1993.

  621. Scott, Rosie. The Red Heart. A Vintage Book. Auckland: Random House New Zealand, 1999.

  622. Maurice Francis Richard Shadbolt (1932-2004)

  623. Shadbolt, Maurice. The New Zealanders: a sequence of stories. 1959. Christchurch: Whitcoulls, 1976.

  624. Shadbolt, Maurice. Summer Fires and Winter Country. London: Eyre & Spotiswoode (Publishers) Ltd. / New Zealand: Whitcombe & Tombs Ltd., 1963.

  625. Shadbolt, Maurice. Among the Cinders. New Zealand: Whitcombe & Tombs, 1965.

  626. Shadbolt, Maurice. This Summer’s Dolphin. London: Cassell, 1969.

  627. Shadbolt, Maurice. Strangers and Journeys. 1972. Sceptre NZ. Auckland: Hodder & Stoughton Ltd., 1990.

  628. Shadbolt, Maurice. A Touch of Clay. London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1974.

  629. Shadbolt, Maurice. Love and Legend: Some 20th Century New Zealanders. Illustrations by Malc Evans. Auckland, London & Sydney: Hodder and Stoughton, 1976.

  630. Shadbolt, Maurice. The Lovelock Version. London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1980.

  631. Shadbolt, Maurice. Once on Chunuk Bair. Auckland: Hodder & Stoughton, 1982.

  632. Shadbolt, Maurice. Season of the Jew. 1986. London: Sceptre, 1988.

  633. Shadbolt, Maurice. Monday’s Warriors. 1990. London & Auckland: Sceptre, 1994.

  634. Shadbolt, Maurice. The House of Strife. 1993. Auckland: Sceptre NZ, 1994.

  635. Shadbolt, Maurice. The New Zealand Wars Trilogy: The House of Strife; Monday’s Warriors; Season of the Jew. 1993, 1990, 1986. Auckland: David Ling Publishing Limited, 2005.

  636. Shadbolt, Maurice. One of Ben's. 1993. Auckland: David Ling Publishing Limited, 1994.

  637. Shadbolt, Maurice. Dove on the Waters. 1996. Auckland: David Ling Publishing Limited, 1997.

  638. Shadbolt, Maurice. Selected Stories. Ed. Ralph Crane. Auckland: David Ling Publishing Limited, 1998.

  639. Shadbolt, Maurice, ed. The Shell Guide to New Zealand. Christchurch: Whitcombe and Tombs Ltd., 1968.

  640. Temple, Philip. Life as a Novel: A Biography of Maurice Shadbolt. Volume One: 1932-1973. Mangawhai, Northland: David Ling Publishing Limited, 2018.

  641. Temple, Philip. Life as a Novel: A Biography of Maurice Shadbolt. Volume Two: 1973-2004. Mangawhai, Northland: David Ling Publishing Limited, 2021.

  642. Tina Shaw (1961- )

  643. Shaw, Tina. Birdie. Auckland: David Ling, 1996.

  644. Shaw, Tina. Dreams of America. Auckland: David Ling, 1997.

  645. Shaw, Tina. City of Reeds. Auckland: Penguin, 2000.

  646. Shaw, Tina. Paradise. Auckland: Penguin, 2002.

  647. Shaw, Tina. The Black Madonna. Auckland: Penguin, 2005.

  648. R. Carl Shuker (1974- )

  649. Shuker, Carl. The Method Actors: A Novel. Shoemaker & Hoard. Washington DC: Avalon Publishing Group, Inc., 2005.

  650. Shuker, Carl. A Mistake. Wellington: Victoria University Press, 2019.

  651. Tracey Slaughter (1972- )

  652. Slaughter, Tracey. Her Body Rises: Stories & Poems. Auckland: Vintage, 2005.

  653. Slaughter, Tracey. The Longest Drink in Town. Auckland: Pania Press, 2015.

  654. Slaughter, Tracey. Deleted Scenes for Lovers. Wellington: Victoria University Press, 2016.

  655. Slaughter, Tracey. Conventional Weapons. Wellington: Victoria University Press, 2019.

  656. Slaughter, Tracey. If there is no shelter. UK: AdHoc Fiction, 2020.

  657. Slaughter, Tracey. Devil's Trumpet. Wellington: Victoria University Press, 2021.

  658. Anna Smaill (1979- )

  659. Smaill, Anna. The Chimes. London: Sceptre, 2015.

  660. Laura Solomon (1974- )

  661. Solomon, Laura. Black Light. Birkenhead, Auckland: Tandem Press, 1996.

  662. Solomon, Laura. The Shingle Bar Sea Monster and Other Stories. Hong Kong: Proverse Hong Kong, 2012.

  663. Solomon, Laura. Frida Kahlo’s Cry and Other Poems. Hong Kong: Proverse Hong Kong, 2015.

  664. Monty Glyn Soutar (1961- )

  665. Soutar, Monty. Kāwai: For Such a Time as This. A Saga from the Uttermost End of the Earth - Aotearoa New Zealand. Bateman Books. Auckland: David Bateman Ltd., 2022.

  666. Olwyn Stewart

  667. Stewart, Olwyn. Curriculum Vitae. Auckland: Titus Books, 2005.

  668. T. P. Sweeney

  669. Sweeney, T. P. Butades. Pokeno, Auckland: Titus Books, 2016.

  670. Rowan Johnson ['Rowan Sylva']

  671. Sylva, Rowan. Swamp Gum. 99% Press. Auckland: Lasavia Publishing Ltd., 2017.

  672. Alice Tawhai

  673. Tawhai, Alice. Festival of Miracles. Wellington: Huia Publishers, 2005.

  674. Tawhai, Alice. Luminous. Wellington: Huia Publishers, 2007.

  675. Tawhai, Alice. Dark Jelly. Wellington: Huia Publishers, 2011.

  676. Robert Philip Temple (1939- )

  677. Temple, Philip. Beak of the Moon. Illustrations by Chris Gaskin. 1981. Auckland: Penguin, 1993.

  678. Temple, Philip. Dark of the Moon. Auckland: Penguin, 1993.

  679. Temple, Philip. MiStory. Dunedin: Font Publishing, 2014.

  680. Greville Texidor (1902-1964)

  681. Texidor, Greville. In Fifteen Minutes You Can Say a Lot: Selected Fiction. Ed. Kendrick Smithyman. Wellington: Victoria University Press, 1987.

  682. Texidor, Greville. In Fifteen Minutes You Can Say a Lot: Selected Fiction. Ed. Kendrick Smithyman. 1987. The VUP Classics Collection. Wellington: Victoria University Press, 2019.

  683. Schwass, Margot. All the Juicy Pastures: Greville Texidor and New Zealand. Wellington: Victoria University Press, 2019.

  684. Rhydian Thomas

  685. Thomas, Rhydian. Milk Island. Wellington: Lawrence & Gibson Publishing Collective, 2017.

  686. Lisa Vasil (1963- )

  687. Vasil, Lisa. Escape from the Future. Auckland: William Collins Publishers Ltd., 1991.

  688. Sir Julius Vogel (1835-1899)

  689. Vogel, Julius. Anno Domini 2000; or, Woman’s Destiny. Colonial Edition. London: Hutchinson & Co., 1889.

  690. Vogel, Julius. Anno Domini 2000; or, Woman’s Destiny. 1889. Ed. Roger Robinson. Auckland: Exisle Publishing, 2000.

  691. Dalziel, Raewyn. Julius Vogel: Business Politician. Auckland: Auckland University Press / Oxford University Press, 1986.

  692. Peter Wells (1950- )

  693. Wells, Peter. The Duration of a Kiss. Auckland: Secker & Warburg, 1994.

  694. Wells, Peter. The Hungry Heart: Journeys with William Colenso. A Vintage Book. Auckland: Random House New Zealand, 2011.

  695. Wells, Peter. Journey to a Hanging. A Vintage Book. Auckland: Random House New Zealand, 2014.

  696. Judith White (1948- )

  697. White, Judith. Visiting Ghosts. Sceptre Books. Auckland: Hodder & Stoughton Ltd., 1991.

  698. Summer Wigmore (1993- )

  699. Wigmore, Summer. The Wind City. Wellington: Steam Press, 2013.

  700. Alex Wild [Jespersen] (1989- )

  701. Wild, Alex. The Constant Losers. Auckland: Titus Books, 2010.

  702. Damien Wilkins (1963- )

  703. Wilkins, Damien. Max Gate: A Novel. Wellington: Victoria University Press, 2013.

  704. Sygurd Wiśniowski (1841-1892)

  705. Wiśniowski, Sygurd. Tikera, or Children of the Queen of Oceania. Trans. Jerzy Podstolski. Ed. Dennis McEldowney. New Zealand Fiction. Ed. J. C. Reid. Auckland: Auckland University Press & Oxford University Press, 1972.

[Trisha Dunleavy: Ourselves in Primetime (2005)]

[7 books]

  1. Lynda Chanwai-Earle (1921-1982)
  2. Bruce Mason (1921-1982)
  3. Jacob Rajan & Justin Lewis
  4. Sally Rodwell (1950-2006)

    Lynda Chanwai-Earle

  1. Chanwai-Earle, Lynda. Foh-Sarn: Fire Mountain / Ka Shue: Letters Home. 1996 & 2000. Wellington: The Women's Play Press, 2003.

  2. Bruce Mason (1921-1982)

  3. Mason, Bruce. The End of the Golden Weather: A Voyage into a New Zealand Childhood. Wellington: Price Milburn, 1962.

  4. Mason, Bruce. The Pohutukawa Tree: A Play in three Acts. Wellington: Price Milburn, 1963.

  5. Mason, Bruce. Awatea: A Play in three Acts. 1969. New Zealand Playscripts. Wellington: Price Milburn & Victoria University Press, 1978.

  6. Mason, Bruce. Solo: the End of the Golden Weather; To Russia, with Love; Not Christmas, but Guy Fawkes; Courting Blackbird. 1962, 1965 & 1976. Wellington: Price Milburn / Victoria University Press, 1981.

  7. Mason, Bruce. Every Kind of Weather. Ed. David Dowling. Auckland: Reed Methuen Publishers Ltd., 1986.

  8. Jacob Rajan &
    Justin Lewis

  9. Rajan, Jacob & Justin Lewis. Indian Ink: Krishna’s Dairy / The Candlestickmaker / The Pickle King. Wellington: Victoria University Press, 2005.

  10. Sally Rodwell (1950-2006)

  11. Rodwell, Sally, & Alan Brunton. Gonne Strange Charity. Wellington: Bumper Books, 2000.

[Waka on the Beach]

[113 books]

  1. Anthony Alpers (1919- )
  2. Sylvia Ashton-Warner (1908-1984)
  3. Lady Barker (1831-1911)
  4. Archibald Baxter (1881-1970)
  5. James Belich (1956- )
  6. Brian Bell (1929-2000)
  7. James Bertram (1910-1993)
  8. Ensign Best (1816-1845)
  9. Judith Binney (1940- )
  10. Pat Booth (1929- )
  11. Steve Braunias (1964- )
  12. Peter Buck / Te Rangi Hiroa (1877-1951)
  13. John Logan Campbell (1817-1912)
  14. Garth Cartwright
  15. Farrell Cleary (1948- )
  16. William Colenso (1811-1899)
  17. James Cowan (1870-1943)
  18. Joanne Drayton
  19. Martin Edmond (1952- )
  20. Patrick Evans (1944- )
  21. R. S. Gormack (1918- )
  22. Sir George Grey (1812-98)
  23. Barry Gustafson (1938- )
  24. H. Guthrie-Smith (1861-1940)
  25. Nicky Hager (1958- )
  26. Ian Hamilton (1905- )
  27. M. H. Holcroft (1902-1993)
  28. Lynley Hood (1942- )
  29. Ingrid Horrocks (1975- )
  30. Roger Horrocks (1941- )
  31. Kerry Howe
  32. Robyn Jenkin
  33. Sacha Jones
  34. Michael King (1945-2004)
  35. Pat Lawlor (1893-1979)
  36. Douglas Lilburn (1915-2001)
  37. Bronwyn Lloyd (1967- )
  38. E. H. McCormick (1906-1995)
  39. F. E. Maning (1811-1883)
  40. Margaret Orbell (1934-2006)
  41. A. W. Reed (1908-1979)
  42. William Pember Reeves (1857-1932)
  43. Anne Salmond (1945- )
  44. Dick Scott (1923- )
  45. David R. Simmons
  46. Keith Sinclair (1922-1993)
  47. Dr. G. M. Smith (1883-1958)
  48. Mark Wallbank
  49. Ian Wishart (1964- )
  50. Richard Wolfe (1948- )
  51. Vaughan Yarwood
  52. Ashleigh Young

    Anthony Alpers (1919- )

  1. Alpers, Anthony. Maori Myths & Tribal Legends. Illustrated by Pat Hanley. 1964. Auckland: Longman Paul, 1975.

  2. Alpers, Anthony. Legends of the South Sea. Auckland: Whitcombe & Tombs, 1970.

  3. Sylvia Ashton-Warner (1908-1984)

  4. Ashton-Warner, Sylvia. Spinster. 1958. Penguin Books 1635. Harmondsworth: Penguin, in association with Secker & Warburg, 1961.

  5. Ashton-Warner, Sylvia. Spinster. 1958. London & Auckland: Heinemann, 1972.

  6. Ashton-Warner, Sylvia. Bell Call. 1969. London & New Zealand: Robert Hale & Whitcombe & Tombs, 1971.

  7. Ashton-Warner, Sylvia. I Passed This Way. 1979. Auckland: Reed Methuen Publishers Ltd., 1985.

  8. Hood, Lynley. Sylvia! The Biography of Sylvia Ashton-Warner. 1988. Auckland: Penguin Books, 2008.

  9. Hood, Lynley. Who is Sylvia? The Diary of a Biography. Dunedin: John McIndoe Ltd., 1990.

  10. Mary Anne Barker, Lady Barker [Mary Anne Broome, Lady Broome] (1831-1911)

  11. Barker, Lady. Station Life in New Zealand. 1870. New Zealand Classics. Auckland: Viking, 1987.

  12. Barker, Lady. Station Amusements in New Zealand. 1873. Facsimile Edition. Auckland: Wilson & Horton, Ltd., n.d.

  13. Gilderdale, Betty. The Seven Lives of Lady Barker: Author of Station Life in New Zealand. Auckland: David Bateman Ltd., 1996.

  14. Archibald McColl Learmond Baxter (1881-1970)

  15. Baxter, Archibald. We Will Not Cease. 1939. New Zealand: Cape Catley, 1983.

  16. James Christopher Belich (1956- )

  17. Belich, James. The New Zealand Wars and the Victorian Interpretation of Racial Conflict. 1986. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 1986.

  18. Belich, James. The New Zealand Wars and the Victorian Interpretation of Racial Conflict. 1986. Auckland: Penguin Books (NZ) Ltd., 1998.

  19. Brian Bell (1929-2000)

  20. Bell, Brian. The Brian Bell Reader. Ed. Alan Brunton. Wellington: Bumper Books, 2001.

  21. James Munro Bertram (1910-1993)

  22. Bertram, James. Capes of China Slide Away: A Memoir of Peace and War 1910-1980. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 1993.

  23. Ensign Abel Dottin William Best (1816-1845)

  24. Taylor, Nancy M., ed. The Journal of Ensign Best, 1837-1843. A Turnbull Library Monograph. Wellington: R. E. Owen, Government Printer, 1966.

  25. Dame Judith Mary Caroline Binney (1940-2011)

  26. Binney, Judith. The Legacy of Guilt: A Life of Thomas Kendall. The University of Auckland: Oxford University Press, 1968.

  27. Binney, Judith. Redemption Songs: A Life of Te Kooti Arikirangi Te Turuki. Auckland: Auckland University Press & Bridget Williams Books, 1995.

  28. Binney, Judith. Encircled Lands: Te Urewera, 1820-1921. Wellington: Bridget Williams Books, 2009.

  29. Binney, Judith. Stories without End: Essays 1975-2010. Wellington: Bridget Williams Books Limited, 2010.

  30. Patrick John [Pat] Booth (1929- )

  31. Booth, Pat. Long Night Among the Stars. London: Collins, in association with Dunedin: The Otago Daily Times, 1961.

  32. Stephen [Steve] Braunias (1964- )

  33. Braunias, Steve. Civilisation: Twenty places on the Edge of the World. 2012. Wellington: Awa Press, 2013.

  34. Braunias, Steve. The Scene of the Crime. Auckland: HarperCollins Publishers, 2015.

  35. Sir Peter Henry Buck [Te Rangi Hiroa] (1877-1951)

  36. Buck, Peter H. [Te Rangi Hiroa]. Vikings of the Sunrise. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Company, 1938.

  37. Buck, Peter H. [Te Rangi Hiroa]. Vikings of the Sunrise. 1938. Whitcombe & Tombs. 1954. Wellington: Whitcoulls Limited, 1975.

  38. Buck, Sir Peter [Te Rangi Hiroa]. The Coming of the Maori. Foreword by Peter Fraser. 1949. Wellington: Maori Purposes Fund Board / Whitcombe & Tombs Ltd., 1950.

  39. Sir John Logan Campbell (1817-1912)

  40. Stone, R. C. J., ed. Poenamo Revisited: A Facsmile of the 1898 Edition of Poenamo by Sir John Logan Campbell. Foreword by John Clark. A Godwit Book. Auckland: Random House New Zealand, 2012.

  41. Stone, R. C. J. Young Logan Campbell. Auckland: Auckland University Press / Oxford University Press, 1982.

  42. Stone, R. C. J. The Father and His Gift: John Logan Campbell's Late Years. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 1987.

  43. Garth Cartwright

  44. Cartwright, Garth. Princes Amongst Men: Journeys with Gypsy Musicians. London: Serpent’s Tail, 2005.

  45. Farrell Cleary (1948- )

  46. Cleary, Farrell. Beyond the Pale. Wellington: Steele Roberts Aotearoa Publishers, 2024 [2023].

  47. William Colenso (1811-1899)

  48. St George, Ian, ed. Give your thoughts life: William Colenso's Letters to the Editor. Dunedin: Otago University Press, 2011.

  49. Bagnall, A. C., & G. C. Petersen. William Colenso: His Life and Journeys. 1948. Ed Ian St George. Dunedin: Otago University Press, 2012.

  50. James Cowan (1870-1943)

  51. Cowan, James. The Adventures of Kimble Bent: A Story of Wild Life in the New Zealand Bush. Christchurch, Wellington & Dunedin, N.Z.: Whitcombe & Tombs, Limited, 1911. Facsimile edition. Christchurch: Capper Press, 1975.

  52. Cowan, James. The New Zealand Wars: A History of the Maori Campaigns and the Pioneering Period. Vol. 1: 1845-64. 1922. Wellington: R. E. Owen, Government Printer, 1955.

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  54. Cowan, James. The New Zealand Wars: A History of the Maori Campaigns and the Pioneering Period. Vol. 1: 1845-64. 1922. Introduction by Michael King. Wellington: P. D. Hasselberg, Government Printer, 1983.

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  56. Cowan, James. The Old Frontier: Te Awamutu / The Story of the Waipa Valley. Te Awamutu: The Waipa Post Printing and Publishing Company, 1922.

  57. Cowan, James, & Hon. Sir Maui Pomare in Collaboration. Legends of the Maori. 2 vols. Vol. 1: Mythology, Traditional History, Folk-lore and Poetry. By James Cowan. Illustrations by Stuart Peterson. 1930. Papakura: Southern Reprints, 1987.

  58. Cowan, James. Tales of the Maori Coast. Wellington: Fine Arts (N.Z.) Limited, 1930.

  59. Cowan, James. Tales of the Maori Coast. 1930. Facsimile edition. Christchurch: Capper Press, 1976.

  60. Cowan, James. Tales of the Maori Bush. 1934. Wellington: A. H. & A. W. Reed, 1966.

  61. Cowan, James. Settlers and Pioneers. Centennial Surveys. Wellington: Department of Internal Affairs, 1940.

  62. Cowan, James. Tales of the Maori Border. Foreword by Peter Fraser. Tribute by Alan Mulgan. Wellington: A. H. & A. W. Reed, 1944.

  63. Wood, Gregory. Revisiting James Cowan: A Reassessment of The New Zealand Wars (1922-23). Massey University: MPhil Thesis, 2010.

  64. Joanne Drayton

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  66. Martin Edmond (1952- )

  67. Edmond, Martin. The Autobiography of My Father. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 1992.

  68. Edmond, Martin. Chemical Evolution: Drugs & Art Production, 1970-80. New Zealand Cultural Studies. Wellington: Bumper Books, 1997.

  69. Edmond, Martin. The Resurrection of Philip Clairmont. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 1999.

  70. Edmond, Martin. Fenua Imi: The Pacific in History and Imaginary. Wellington: Bumper Books, 2002.

  71. Edmond, Martin. Chronicle of the Unsung. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 2004.

  72. Edmond, Martin. Ghost Who Writes. Montana Essay Series. Ed. Lloyd Jones. Wellington: Four Winds Press, 2004.

  73. Edmond, Martin. Waimarino County & Other Excursions. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 2007.

  74. Edmond, Martin. Luca Antara: Passages in Search of Australia. Adelaide, South Australia: East Street Publications, 2006.

  75. Edmond, Martin. The Evolution of Mirrors. Rockhampton, Queensland: Otoliths, 2008.

  76. Edmond, Martin. The Big O Revisited. Auckland: Soapbox Press, 2008.

  77. Edmond, Martin. The Supply Party: Ludwig Becker on the Burke & Wills Expedition. Adelaide, South Australia: East Street Publications, 2009.

  78. Edmond, Martin. Zone of the Marvellous: In Search of the Antipodes. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 2009.

  79. Edmond, Martin. The Thousand Ruby Galaxy. Dunedin: Kilmog Press, 2010.

  80. Edmond, Martin. Hynogeography. Dunedin: Kilmog Press, 2010.

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  82. Edmond, Martin. Dark Night: Walking with McCahon. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 2011.

  83. Edmond, Martin. Barefoot Years. BWB Texts: Short books on big subjects by great New Zealand writers. Wellington: Bridget Williams Books Limited, 2014.

  84. Edmond, Martin, & Maggie Hall. Histories of the Future. Words by Martin Edmond. Images by Maggie Hall. North Hobart, Tasmania: Walleah Press, 2015.

  85. Edmond, Martin. The Expatriates. Wellington: Bridget Williams Books Ltd., 2017.

  86. Edmond, Martin. Isinglass. Crawley, Western Australia: University of Western Australia Publishing, 2019.

  87. Edmond, Martin. Timelights. 99%. Waiheke, Auckland: Lasavia Publishing, 2020.

  88. Edmond, Martin. Bus Stops on the Moon: Red Mole Days 1974-1980. Dunedin: Otago University Press, 2020.

  89. Patrick Evans (1944- )

  90. Evans, Patrick. Making It. Sceptre. Auckland: Hooder & Stoughton Ltd., 1989.

  91. Evans, Patrick. The Long Forgetting: Post-colonial Literary Culture in New Zealand. Christchurch: Canterbury University Press, 2007.

  92. Evans, Patrick. Gifted: A Novel. Wellington: Victoria University Press, 2010.

  93. Robert Sydney Gormack (1918- )

  94. Gormack, R. S. Diary of a Hundred Days: Volume Two (51-100). Christchurch: The Nag's Head Press, 1975.

  95. Sir George Grey (1812-98)

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  97. Grey, Sir George. Polynesian Mythology and Ancient Traditional History of the Maori as Told by Their Priests and Chiefs. 1854-55. Ed. W. W. Bird. Illustrated by Russell Clark. Christchurch: Whitcombe & Tombs, 1965.

  98. Barry Selwyn Gustafson (1938- )

  99. Gustafson, Barry. His Way: A Biography of Robert Muldoon. 2000. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 2001.

  100. William Herbert Guthrie-Smith (1861-1940)

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  102. Nicky Hager (1958- )

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  104. Hager, Nicky. Dirty Politics: How Attack Politics is Poisoning New Zealand's Political Environment. Nelson: Craig Potton Publishing, 2014.

  105. Hager, Nicky, & Jon Stephenson. Hit & Run: The New Zealand SAS in Afghanistan and the Meaning of Honour. Nelson: Potton & Burton, 2017.

  106. Ian Hamilton (1905- )

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  108. Montague Harry Holcroft (1902-1993)

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  111. Lynley Hood (1942- )

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  114. Ingrid Horrocks (1975- )

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  117. Roger Horrocks (1941- )

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  120. Kerry R. Howe

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  127. Sacha [Sally Charlotte] Jones

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  129. Michael King (1945-2004)

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  135. Pat Lawlor (1893-1979)

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  137. Douglas Gordon Lilburn (1915-2001)

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  139. Bronwyn Lloyd (1967- )

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  144. Lloyd, Bronwyn. Graham Fletcher: The Eternals . Auckland: Pania Press, 2007.

  145. Lloyd, Bronwyn. Emily Siddell: Inflorescence. Auckland: FHE Galleries, 2008.

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  147. Lloyd, Bronwyn. Nine Stories. In Far Far Away; Romance, Anxiety and the Uncertainty of Place. Curated by Karl Chitham. Rawene: Hokianga Art Gallery, 2009.

  148. Lloyd, Bronwyn, & Jack Ross. The Argo & The Wahine. Auckland: Pania Press, 2009.

  149. Lloyd, Bronwyn. Daemons and Dream Children: The Secret Lives of Rita Angus's Symbolic Portraits. PhD Thesis. University of Auckland, 2010.

  150. Lloyd, Bronwyn, & Jack Ross. One Brown Box: A Storybook Exhibition for Children, by Bronwyn Lloyd & Karl Chitham (6 November – 18 December 2010). Auckland: Objectspace, 2010.

  151. Lloyd, Bronwyn. Lugosi's Children: Curated by Bronwyn Lloyd. With Works by Bronwynne Cornish, Julia deVille, Jane Dodd, Katharina Jaeger, Steph Lusted, Rosemary McLeod, Tim Main, Shelley Norton, Ben Pearce, Paul Rayner & Tanya Wilkinson (27 August – 1 October 2011). Foreword by Jack Ross. Auckland: Objectspace, 2011.

  152. Lloyd, Bronwyn. The Second Location. Auckland: Titus Books, 2011.

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  156. Eric H. McCormick (1906-1995)

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  159. Frederick Edward Maning (1811-1883)

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  161. Margaret Orbell (1934-2006)

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  165. Alexander Wyclif Reed (1908-1979)

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  169. William Pember Reeves (1857-1932)

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  180. David R. Simmons

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  182. Keith Sinclair (1922-1993)

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  187. Dr George McCall Smith (1883-1958)

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  190. Mark Wallbank

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  194. Ian Wishart (1964- )

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  196. Richard Wolfe (1948- )

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  199. Vaughan Yarwood

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  201. Ashleigh Young

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[Tina Shaw & Jack Ross, ed.: Myth of the 21st Century (2006)]

[50 books]

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  2. Anderson, Karen, & Bill Manhire, eds. Spectacular Babies: New Writing. Auckland: Flamingo, 2001.

  3. Barrowman, Fergus, ed. The Picador Book of Contemporary New Zealand Fiction. Picador. London: Macmillan General Books, 1996.

  4. Bennett, Warwick, & Patrick Hudson, ed. Rutherford's Dreams: A New Zealand Science Fiction Collection. Wellington: IPL Books, 1995.

  5. Brasch, Charles, ed. Landfall Country: Work from Landfall, 1947-61. Christchurch: The Caxton Press, 1962.

  6. Busch, Glenn, & Bruce Connew. My Place. A Place in Time. 21st Century Documentary Project. Christchurch: Canterbury University Press, 2005.

  7. Caffin, James. Partisan. 1945. Auckland: HarperCollins Publishers (New Zealand) Limited, 2019.

  8. Calder, Alex, ed. The Writing of New Zealand: Inventions and Identities. Auckland: Reed Books, 1993.

  9. Calder, Alex. The Settler's Plot: How Stories Take Place in New Zealand. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 2011.

  10. Caro, Anna, & Juliet Buchanan, ed. A Foreign Country: New Zealand Speculative Fiction. Wellington: Random Static Ltd., 2010.

  11. Corballis, Richard & André Viola, ed. Postcolonial Knitting: The Art of Jacqueline Bardolph. Massey University, Palmerston North: School of English & Media Studies, 2000.

  12. Curnow, Wystan, ed. Essays on New Zealand Literature. Auckland: Heinemann Educational Books, 1973.

  13. Davin, D. M., ed. New Zealand Short Stories. The World's Classics, 534. 1953. London: Oxford University Press, 1966.

  14. Dombrovskaya, E., V. Rubina & N. Gall, ed & trans. Novozyelandskaya Rasskazii. Moscow: Izdatyel’stvo Khudozhyestvyennoi Literaturi [Foreign Languages Press], 1963.

  15. Dudding, Robin, ed. Beginnings: New Zealand Writers Tell How They Began Writing. Wellington: Oxford University Press, 1980.

  16. Eisen, Jonathan, & Katherine Joyce, ed. Strangers in Paradise. Vintage New Zealand. Auckland: Random Century New Zealand Ltd., 1991.

  17. Emerson, Lisa, & Bronwyn Tate, ed. Hot Ink 2: The Best from Massey University's 2003 Creative Writing Students. Wellington: Steele Roberts, 2003.

  18. Europe: Revue littéraire mensuelle 931-932 (Novembre-Décembre 2006) – Écrivains de Nouvelle-Zélande / François Augiéras.

  19. Fletcher, Ned. The English Text of the Treaty of Waitangi. Wellington: Bridget Williams Books Ltd., 2022.

  20. Gentry, Kynan, & Gavin McLean, ed. Heartlands: New Zealand Historians Write about Places Where History Happened. Auckland: Penguin, 2006.

  21. Gifkins, Michael, ed. From a Room of Their Own: A Celebration of the Katherine Mansfield Fellowship. Paintings by Peter Featherstone. Auckland: Whitcoulls Limited / David Ling Publishing Limited, 1993.

  22. Gillespie, O. N., ed. New Zealand Short Stories. London: J. M. Dent, 1930.

  23. Harvey, Siobhan, ed. Words Chosen Carefully: New Zealand Writers in Discussion. Photography by Liz March. Auckland: Cape Catley Ltd., 2010.

  24. Hedley, Toni, Fiona Lambert, Tiffany Hester, Julie McConnell-Hayward, Eric Wong, Jo Tricker & Stu Stoddart, ed. Ripe Thoughts: An Anthology of Student Writings (Punnet 1). Introduction by Jenny Lawn & Mary Paul. Albany: Massey University, 1999.

  25. Hollings, James, ed. A Moral Truth: 150 Years of Investigative Journalism in New Zealand. Auckland: Massey University Press, 2017.

  26. Ireland, Kevin. The New Zealand Collection; A Celebration of the New Zealand Novel. Auckland: Random House New Zealand Limited, 1989.

  27. Irving, Joyce, ed. The Word for Food: Recipes and Anecdotes from members of the International Writers’ Workshop, and others. Palmerston North: Heritage Press Ltd., 2008.

  28. Jackson, MacDonald P., & Vincent O'Sullivan, ed. The Oxford Anthology of New Zealand Writing Since 1945. Auckland: Oxford University Press, 1983.

  29. Kavka, Misha, Jennifer Lawn, & Mary Paul, ed. Gothic NZ: The Darker Side of Kiwi Culture. Dunedin: Otago University Press, 2006.

  30. McLeod, Marion, & Bill Manhire, ed. Some Other Country: New Zealand’s Best Short Stories. Third Edition. 1984, 1992 & 1997. Wellington: Bridget Williams Books, 2000.

  31. Manhire, Bill, ed. The Wide White Page: Writers Imagine Antarctica. Wellington: Victoria University Press, 2004.

  32. Mann, Phillip, ed. Tales from the Out of Time Cafe. Christchurch: Hazard Press Limited, 1996.

  33. Marshall, Owen, ed. Essential New Zealand Short Stories. 2002. Updated Edition. A Vintage Book. Auckland: Random House New Zealand, 2009.

  34. Monin, Lydia. From the Writer’s Notebook: Around New Zealand with 80 Authors. Auckland: Reed, 2006.

  35. Morrissey, Michael, ed. The New Fiction. Auckland: Lindon Publishing, 1985.

  36. New Authors Limited. New Authors Short Story One: Diana Athill, Maurice Duggan, Maurice Gee, C. K. Stead. London: Hutchinson & Co. (Publishers) Ltd., 1961.

  37. Orsman, Harry & Jan Moore, ed. Heinemann Dictionary of New Zealand Quotations. Auckland: Heinemann, 1988.

  38. Robinson, Roger, ed. Writing Wellington: Twenty Years of Victoria University Writing Fellows. Wellington: Victoria University Press, 1999.

  39. Ross, Jack, ed. [your name here]: Life Writing. Massey University, Albany: School of Social and Cultural Studies, 2003.

  40. Ross, Jack, ed. Where Will Massey Take You? Life Writing 2. Massey University, Albany: School of Social and Cultural Studies, 2005.

  41. Ross, Jack, & Kathryn Lee, ed. Home & Away: Life Writing 3. Massey University: School of Social and Cultural Studies, 2008.

  42. Ross, Jack, & Grant Duncan, ed. 11 Views of Auckland. Preface by Jack Ross. Social and Cultural Studies, 10. Massey Albany: School of Social and Cultural Studies, 2010.

  43. Shanks, Grant, and Tahu Potiki, ed. Where No Birds Sing: Tales of the Supernatural in Aotearoa. Christchurch: Shoal Bay Press, 1998.

  44. Shanks, Grant, and Tahu Potiki, ed. When the Wind Calls Your Name: Tales of the Supernatural in Aotearoa. Christchurch: Shoal Bay Press, 1999.

  45. Shaw, Tina, ed. A Passion for Travel: New Zealand Writers and their Adventures Overseas. Auckland: Tandem Press, 1998.

  46. Shaw, Tina, & Jack Ross, ed. Myth of the 21st Century: An Anthology of New Fiction. Auckland: Reed, 2006.

  47. Shepard, Deborah, ed. Between the Lives: Partners in Art. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 2005.

  48. Simpson, Peter, ed. Seven New Zealand Novellas. Auckland: Reed, 2003.

  49. Simpson, Peter, ed. Nine New Zealand Novellas. Auckland: Reed Publishing (NZ) Ltd., 2005.

  50. The Six Pack Two. Wellington: Whitireia Publishing, 2006.

  51. Sonzogni, Marco, ed. Second Violins: New Stories Inspired by Katherine Mansfield. A Vintage Book. Auckland: Random House New Zealand, 2008.

  52. Stafford, Don. A Wild Wind from the North: Hongi Hika's 1823 Invasion of Rotorua. 2007. Auckland: Oratia Books, 2017.

  53. Stafford, Jane, & Mark Williams, ed. The Auckland University Press Anthology of New Zealand Literature. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 2012.

  54. Stead, C. K., ed. New Zealand Short Stories: Second Series. The World's Classics, 613. London: Oxford University Press, 1966.

  55. Talmont, Ralph. Legends of the Land: Living Stories of Aotearoa as Told by Ten Tribal Elders. Reed Books. Auckland: Reed Publishing (NZ) Ltd., 2000.

  56. Walter, Cornelia C., ed. Dies ist eine wahre Geschichte: Neuseeländische Autoren in Berlin. DAAD Berliner Künstlerprogramm. Wellington: Goethe-Institut Inter nations, 2002.

  57. Wells, Peter, ed. The Cat's Whiskers: New Zealand Writers on Cats. A Vintage Book. Auckland: Random House New Zealand, 2005.

  58. Wevers, Lydia, ed. Tabasco Sauce and Ice Cream: Stories by New Zealanders. 1990. Auckland: The Macmillan Company of New Zealand Ltd., 1992.

  59. Williams, Mark, ed. The Source of the Song: New Zealand Writers on Catholicism. Wellington: Victoria University Press, 1995.

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