Bookcase 27 (Storeroom):
Ms's, Publications & Disposables
[3 Shelves / # books]
1, 2 … = shelf numbers counting downwards
[…] = bound Xerox copy
[1] Extra Copies
[2] Extra Copies (cont.)
[3] Magazines & Anthologies
[4] Magazines & Anthologies (cont.)
[5] Extra Copies (cont.)
[6] Work Typescripts
Shelf 1:
[Extra Copies]
[Extra Copies]
- [Allen, Michael J. B., & Kenneth Muir, ed. Shakespeare’s Plays in Quarto: A Facsimile Edition of Copies Primarily from the Henry E. Huntingdon Library. 4 vols. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1981.]
- [Barlow, Nora, ed. Charles Darwin’s Diary of the Voyage of H. M. S. ‘Beagle’. Edited from the Ms. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1933. i-xxx, 433-42. / Curtius, Ernst Robert. European Literature and the Latin Middle Ages. 1948. Trans. Willard R. Trask. 1953. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1979. 183-202.]
- Ross, Jack, ed. Essays (Boxfile).
- Ross, Jack. “Epithalamion.” In For the Celebration of the Wedding of Jackie-Anne and Jack. Church of Saint Pancratius of Kraainem, 18th August 1990. [Limited edition of 10 copies].
- Ross, Jack. A Town Like Parataxis: A Colouring-in Book. Auckland: Perdrix Press, 1999.
- Ross, Jack & Gabriel White. A Town Like Parataxis: A Colouring-in Book. Auckland: Perdrix Press, 2000.
- Ross, Jack. Intensive Study Skills Workshop. Otago University: Department of General Practice, 2000.
- Ross, Jack. Intensive Study Skills Workshop. Otago University: Department of General Practice, 2001.
- Ross, Jack, ed. 139.226: Life Writing – Supplemental Readings. Massey University: College of Humanities and Social Sciences / School of Social and Cultural Studies, 2004.
- Ross, Jack, ed. 139.123: Creative Writing – Supplemental Readings. Massey University: School of Social and Cultural Studies, 2005.
- Ross, Jack, ed. 139.123: Creative Writing – Administration Guide / Book of Readings. Massey University, Albany: School of Social and Cultural Studies, 2006.
- Ross, Jack, ed. 139.326: Travel Writing – Internal Administration Guide / Book of Readings. Massey Albany: School of Social and Cultural Studies, 2007.
- Ross, Jack, ed. 220/356: Novels since 1900 – Administration Guide. University of Auckland: English Department, 2008.
- Ross, Jack, ed. 139.795: Recent Poets and Fiction in New Zealand – Book of Readings. Massey University, Albany: School of Social and Cultural Studies, 2008.
- Ross, Jack, ed. Fiction (Boxfile).
- Ross, Jack, ed. Poems (Boxfile).
- Ross, Jack. EMO. Auckland: Titus Books, 2008. (x 2)
- Ross, Jack, ed. Classic New Zealand Poets in Performance. Poems Selected by Jack Ross & Jan Kemp. 2 CDs included. 2nd impression. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 2006. (x 2)
- Ross, Jack & Jan Kemp, ed. Contemporary New Zealand Poets in Performance. 2 CDs included. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 2007. (x 2)
- Ross, Jack, ed. New New Zealand Poets in Performance. Poems Selected by Jack Ross & Jan Kemp. 2 CDs included. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 2008. (x 2)
- Ross, Jack. The Return of the Vanishing New Zealander. Dunedin: Kilmog Press, 2009. (x 2)
- Ross, Jack & Graeme Lay, ed. Golden Weather: North Shore Writers Past & Present. Auckland: Cape Catley, 2004.
- Shaw, Tina & Jack Ross, ed. Myth of the 21st Century: An Anthology of New Fiction. Auckland: Reed, 2006. (x 2)
- Landfall 214: Open House (November, 2007), ed. Jack Ross. Dunedin: Otago University Press, 2007.
- Ross, K. M. Falling Through the Architect. Auckland: The Writers Group, 2005. (x 2)
- Ross, Jack. Killing Time. Auckland: Perdrix Press, 1997.
- Ross, Jack. City of Strange Brunettes: Poems. Auckland: Pohutukawa Press, 1998.
- Ross, Jack, Bananarama, Amanda Marshall & Kylie Minogue. The Consolations of Chantal / Torch Songs. [pamphlet] Auckland, 1998. (x 7)
- Ross, Jack. Chantal’s Book. [pamphlet] Auckland, 1999. (x 13)
- Ross, Jack. Nights with Giordano Bruno. A Novel. Wellington: Bumper Books, 2000. (x 4)
- Smithyman, Kendrick. Campana to Montale: Versions from Italian. Edited by Jack Ross. Auckland: The Writers Group, 2004.
- Ross, Jack. A Bus Called Mr Nice Guy. Auckland: Perdrix Press, 2005.
- Ross, Jack. The Imaginary Museum of Atlantis. 1st impression. Auckland: Titus Books, 2006. [reordered].
- Ross, Jack. To Terezín. Afterword by Martin Edmond. Social and Cultural Studies, 8. Massey Albany: School of Social and Cultural Studies, 2007. (x 2)
- Ross, Jack. Papyri: Love Poems & Fragments from Sappho & Elsewhere. Auckland: Soapbox Press, 2007. (x 2)
- Ross, Jack, ed. Spin 36 (March 2000). (x 3)
- Ross, Jack, ed. Spin 42 (March 2002).
- Lee, Kathryn & Jack Ross, ed. Home & Away: Life Writing 3. Massey University, Albany: School of Social and Cultural Studies, 2008. (x 5)
- Ross, Jack, ed. Where Will Massey Take You? Life Writing 2. Massey University, Albany: School of Social and Cultural Studies, 2005. (x 2)
- Argante, Jenny, ed. Poetry Pudding: A Delicious Collection of Rhyme & Wit. Illustrations by Debbie Tipuna. Auckland: Reed, 2007. (x 2)
- Ross, Jack & Gabriel White. The Perfect Storm. Auckland: Perdrix Press, 2000. [x 12]
- Ross, Jack. EMO. Auckland: Titus Books, 2008. [x 2]
- Ross, Jack. Nights with Giordano Bruno. A Novel. Wellington: Bumper Books, 2000. [x 40]
- Ross, Jack. Nights with Giordano Bruno. A Novel. Wellington: Bumper Books, 2000. [x 40]
- Ross, Jack. Victorian Dreams. Auckland University: English Department, 1986. [original video + DVD copy].
- Ross, Jack. Apollinaire’s Aubade. Illustration by Mark Haddon. Edinburgh: Drummond Press, 1987.
- Ross, Jack. Killing Time. Auckland: Perdrix Press, 1997.
- Ross, Jack, trans. Ezra Pound’s Fascist Cantos (72 & 73) together with Rimbaud’s “Poets at Seven Years Old.” Auckland: Perdrix Press, 1997.
- Ross, Jack. City of Strange Brunettes: Poems. Auckland: Pohutukawa Press, 1998.
- Ross, Jack, ed. Spin 33 (March 1999) ISSN 0113-8227
- Ross, Jack. Shonagh’s Book / Jack’s Book. Auckland: Perdrix Press, 1999.
- Ross, Jack, Alison Denham, Robin McConnell, Theresia Liemlienio Marshall, Jade Reidy & Apirana Taylor. When the Sea Goes Mad at Night (anthology). Ed. Theresia Liemlienio Marshall. Auckland: Christian Gray New Zealand, 1999-2000.
- Ross, Jack, ed. Spin 36 (March 2000) ISSN 0113-8227
- Ross, Jack. Nights with Giordano Bruno. A Novel. Wellington: Bumper Books, 2000.
- Ross, Jack & Gabriel White. The Perfect Storm. Auckland: Perdrix Press, 2000. [original video + DVD copy].
- Ross, Jack. The Writing Skills Workshop. Video/Workbook. Produced by Robert van der Vyver. Otago University: Higher Education Development Centre, 2001. [original video + DVD copy].
- Ross, Jack. City Poems: with Compliments of the Season. Auckland: December 25, 2001.
- Ross, Jack, Paul Celan & Wendy Nu. The Britney Suite. Auckland: Perdrix Press, 2001.
- Ross, Jack, ed. Spin 39 (March 2001) ISSN 0113-8227
- Complete with Instructions. Ed. David Howard. Christchurch: Firebrand, 2001.
- Ross, Jack, ed. Spin 42 (March 2002) ISSN 0113-8227
- Ross, Jack. Chantal’s Book. Wellington: HeadworX, 2002.
- Ross, Jack, ed. A brief index: 1995-2003. Auckland: The Writers Group, 2003.
- Ross, Jack, ed. A brief index. Supplement 1: 2003-2005. Auckland: The Writers Group, 2005.
- Ross, Jack, ed. Spin 45 (March 2003) ISSN 0113-8227
- Ross, Jack, ed. [your name here]: Life Writing. Massey University, Albany: School of Social and Cultural Studies, 2003.
- Ross, Jack. Monkey Miss her Now. Auckland: Danger Publishing, 2004.
- Ross, Jack & Graeme Lay, ed. Golden Weather: North Shore Writers Past & Present. Auckland: Cape Catley, 2004.
- Smithyman, Kendrick. Campana to Montale: Versions from Italian. Edited by Jack Ross. Auckland: The Writers Group, 2004.
- Titus Novellas:
- Ross, Jack. Trouble in Mind. Titus Novellas. Auckland: Titus Books, 2005.
- Stewart, Olwyn. Curriculum Vitae. Titus Novellas. Auckland: Titus Books, 2005.
- Direen, William. Coma. Titus Novellas. Auckland: Titus Books, 2005.
- Ross, Jack, ed. Where Will Massey Take You? Life Writing 2. Massey University, Albany: School of Social and Cultural Studies, 2005.
- Ross, Jack. A Bus Called Mr Nice Guy. Auckland: Perdrix Press, 2005.
- Ross, Jack, Alice Hooton, Genevieve McClean. Jacqueline Crompton Ottaway, Raewyn Alexander & Geneva Alexander-Marsters. Summer Book from Eye Street. Ed. Raewyn Alexander. Auckland: brightspark books, 2005.
- Ross, Jack. The Imaginary Museum of Atlantis. 1st impression. Auckland: Titus Books, 2006.
- Ross, Jack. The Imaginary Museum of Atlantis. 1st impression. Auckland: Titus Books, 2006. [reordered].
- Ross, Jack. The Imaginary Museum of Atlantis. 2nd impression. Auckland: Titus Books, 2006.
- Ross, Jack, ed. Classic New Zealand Poets in Performance. Poems Selected by Jack Ross & Jan Kemp. 2 CDs included. 1st impression. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 2006.
- Ross, Jack, ed. Classic New Zealand Poets in Performance. Poems Selected by Jack Ross & Jan Kemp. 2 CDs included. 2nd impression. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 2006.
- Shaw, Tina & Jack Ross, ed. Myth of the 21st Century: An Anthology of New Fiction. Auckland: Reed, 2006.
- Kavka, Misha, Jennifer Lawn & Mary Paul, ed. Gothic NZ: The Darker Side of Kiwi Culture. Dunedin: Otago University Press, 2006.
- Ross, Jack. Love in Wartime. Wellington: Pania Press, December 2006. [Gift edition of 10 copies]
- Ross, Jack. Love in Wartime. Wellington: Pania Press, December 2006. [Limited edition of 30 copies]
- Ross, Jack. To Terezín. Afterword by Martin Edmond. Social and Cultural Studies, 8. Faulty 1st impression. Massey Albany: School of Social and Cultural Studies, 2007.
- Ross, Jack. To Terezín. Afterword by Martin Edmond. Social and Cultural Studies, 8. 2nd impression. Massey Albany: School of Social and Cultural Studies, 2007.
- Argante, Jenny, ed. Poetry Pudding: A Delicious Collection of Rhyme & Wit. Illustrations by Debbie Tipuna. Auckland: Reed, 2007.
- Ross, Jack & Jan Kemp, ed. Contemporary New Zealand Poets in Performance. 2 CDs included. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 2007.
- Ross, Jack. Papyri: Love Poems & Fragments from Sappho & Elsewhere. Auckland: Soapbox Press, 2007.
- Ross, Jack. Papyri: Love Poems & Fragments from Sappho & Elsewhere. Auckland: Pania Press, November 2007. [Gift edition of 20 copies]
- Ross, Jack. Haiku Diary. Ilustrated by Bronwyn Lloyd. Auckland, 2007. [Gift edition of 1 copy]
- Landfall 214: Open House (November, 2007), ed. Jack Ross. Dunedin: Otago University Press, 2007.
- Bagby, Stu, ed. A Good Handful: Great New Zealand Poems about Sex. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 2008.
- Lloyd, Bronwyn & Jack Ross, ed. Orange Roughy: Poems & Stories for Tazey. Auckland: Pania Press, February 2008.
- Ross, Jack, ed. New New Zealand Poets in Performance. Poems Selected by Jack Ross & Jan Kemp. 2 CDs included. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 2008.
- Ross, Jack. EMO. Auckland: Titus Books, 2008.
- Lee, Kathryn & Jack Ross, ed. Home & Away: Life Writing 3. Massey University, Albany: School of Social and Cultural Studies, 2008.
- McCormick, Rowan. Writers of Passage. Ed. Jack Ross. Introduction by Mary Paul. Afterword by Eleanor Rimoldi. Social and Cultural Studies, 9. Massey Albany: School of Social and Cultural Studies, 2008.
- Bagby, Stu, ed. Just Another Fantastic Anthology: Auckland in Poetry. Auckland: Antediluvian Press, 2008.
- Rugis, Anna, & Jack Ross. Traffic in Gold. Montana Poetry Day, 2008. [DVD].
- Poetry NZ 38: featuring Jen Crawford (March, 2009), ed. Jack Ross. Auckland & Palm Springs: Puriri Press & Brick Row, 2009.
- Harvey, Siobhan, ed. Our Own Kind: 100 New Zealand poems about animals. Auckland: Godwit., 2009.
- Ross, Jack. The Return of the Vanishing New Zealander. Dunedin: Kilmog Press, 2009.
- Ross, Jack, & Bronwyn Lloyd. The Argo & The Wahine. Auckland: Pania Press, 2009.
- Riemenschneider, Dieter, ed. & trans. Wildes Licht: Poems / Gedichte aus Aotearoa Neuseeland (English-German). Kronberg: Tranzlit, 2010.
- Ross, Jack. Kingdom of Alt. Auckland: Titus Books, 2010.
- Lloyd, Bronwyn, & Jack Ross. One Brown Box: A Storybook Exhibition for Children, by Bronwyn Lloyd & Karl Chitham (6 November – 18 December 2010). Auckland: Objectspace, 2010.
- Ross, Jack, & Grant Duncan, ed. 11 Views of Auckland. Preface by Jack Ross. Social and Cultural Studies, 10. Massey Albany: School of Social and Cultural Studies, 2010.
- Smithyman, Kendrick. Campana to Montale: Versions from Italian. 2004. Ed. Jack Ross & Marco Sonzogni. Transference Series. Novi Ligure: Edizioni Joker, 2010.
- Ross, Jack, & William T. Ayton. Scenes from The Puppet Oresteia. Rhinebeck, NY: Narcissus Press / Auckland: Perdrix Press, 2011.
- Selwyn, Ila, & Lesley Smith, ed. elusive but daring and strong: Poems by C. K. Stead, Glenn Colquhoun, Michael Stevens, Gus Simonovic, Tim Heath, Riemke Ensing, Karlo Mila, Genevieve Maclean, Renee Liang & Ila Selwyn. Limited edition of 150 copies. Titirangi: Lopdell House Gallery, 2009.
- Selwyn, Ila, & Lesley Smith, ed. Red Tendrils: Poems by Selina Tusitala Marsh, Kevin Ireland, Janet Charman, Courtney Meredith, Daniel Larsen, Mark Pirie, Ross Brighton, Raewyn Alexander, Doug Poole & Ila Selwyn. Limited edition of 110 copies. Titirangi: Lopdell House Gallery, 2010.
- Selwyn, Ila, & Lesley Smith, ed. the winding stair: Poems by Rosetta Allan, Murray Edmond, Siobhan Harvey, Alice Hooton, Michele Leggott, Judith McNeil, Bob Orr, Alistair Paterson, John Pule, Jack Ross, Ila Selwyn, Penny Somervaille, Robert Sullivan & Denys Trussell. Limited edition of 80 copies. Titirangi: Lopdell House Gallery, 2011.
- Ross, Jack. Poetry Pamphlets & Chapbooks:
- The Consolations of Chantal / Torch Songs, by Bananarama, Amanda Marshall & Kylie Minogue. Auckland: November 8, 1998.
- The Consolations of Chantal / Torch Songs, by Bananarama, Amanda Marshall & Kylie Minogue. Christchurch: April 8, 1999.
- New Zealand Golf (and English) Academy. For Lisa Bieleski. Auckland: April 14, 1999.
- Poèmes à Lou [Chantal] – after Guillaume Apollinaire, Poèmes à Lou [Ombre de mon amour] (1915) xxxi & xlix. Auckland: April 14, 1999.
- Phoenix – after Giordano Bruno, De gli eroici furori (1585). Auckland: May 3, 1999.
- A Patina of the Antique. Auckland: July 14, 1999.
- L’Amoureuse / Beloved – after Paul Eluard, Mourir de ne pas mourir (1924). [For Shonagh Lindsay: Happy Six Months Anniversary!] Auckland: August 14, 1999.
- Three Surrealist Poems, for the Engagement of Lisa Bieleski & Kendall Clements. Auckland: August 28, 1999.
- Chantal’s Book. Auckland: October 26, 1999.
- Three Poems for Annora Gollop, on the Occasion of Her Birthday. Auckland: February 26, 2000.
- Back to the South / Vuelvo al Sur, by Astor Piazzola. [Best Wishes to Lisa & Kendall, on the Occasion of Their Wedding]. Auckland: March 26, 2000.
- Answers to Correspondence – Gordon Stables, M.D., C.M., R. N. (For Dades on his birthday). Auckland: December 10, 2001.
- In the Days of The Lord of the Rings. [Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year]. Auckland: December 17, 2002.
- Love in Wartime. Auckland: March 25, 2003.
- Mysteries: A Christmas Poem. Auckland: December 12, 2003.
- Suburban Apocalypse. Auckland: May 20, 2004.
- Suburban Apocalypse. [Christmas Card]. Auckland: November 10, 2004.
- I Say Te Mata: Poets at the Assembly Rooms (23 February, 2008).
- New Zealand Herald: Canvas (15/7/06).
- New Zealand Herald: Canvas (11/8/07).
- New Zealand Herald: Canvas (8/12/07).
- New Zealand Herald: Arts (19/7/08).
- Ross, Anne. Pastel for Chantal’s Book. (2002).
- Reviews of Classic New Zealand Poets in Performance (2006).
- All Together Now! A Celebration of New Zealand Culture by 100 Poets. Ed. Tony Chad. Wellington: Valley Micropress, 2000.
- [Auckland Poetry Website {http://www.aucklandpoetry.com/poems.htm}].
- Australian Canadian Studies, 18 (1-2) (2001).
- Australasian Victorian Studies Association: Conference Papers 1993. Ed. Joanne Wilkes (Auckland: University Press, 1993).
- Boxkite: A Journal of Poetry & Poetics 2 (1998), ed. James Taylor (Australia).
- Bravado 2 (2004), ed. Sue Emms, Owen Bullock & Jenny Argante (Tauranga).
- Bravado 3 (2004), ed. Sue Emms, Owen Bullock & Jenny Argante (Tauranga).
- Bravado 6 (2005), ed. Sue Emms, Tim Upperton & Jenny Argante (Tauranga).
- Bravado 16 (2009), ed. Sue Emms, Bryan Walpert & Jenny Argante (Tauranga).
- Bravado 19 (2010). Guest Fiction Editor: Jack Ross; Guest Poetry editor: Majella Cullinane, Arts Editor: Pete Morris (Tauranga).
- ABDOTWW 14 (December 1999), ed. John Geraets (Poynton Terrace, Auckland).
- ABDOTWW / description 15 (March 2000), ed. John Geraets (Poynton Terrace, Auckland).
- AB.WW / ABdotWW 16 (June 2000), ed. John Geraets (Poynton Terrace, Auckland).
- AB.WW / Loney 17 (September 2000), ed. John Geraets (Poynton Terrace, Auckland).
- brief 18 (December 2000), ed. John Geraets (Poynton Terrace, Auckland).
- brief 19 (March 2001), ed. John Geraets (Poynton Terrace, Auckland).
- brief 20 – aesthetics (June 2001), ed. John Geraets (Poynton Terrace, Auckland).
- brief 22 (December 2001), ed. John Geraets (Poynton Terrace, Auckland).
- brief 23 (March 2002), ed. John Geraets (Poynton Terrace, Auckland).
- brief 24 – less formal than bull (Winter 2002), ed. Jack Ross (Mairangi Bay, Auckland).
- brief 25 – trains at a glance (Spring 2002), ed. Jack Ross (Mairangi Bay, Auckland).
- brief 26 – Smithymania (Summer 2002), ed. Jack Ross (Mairangi Bay, Auckland).
- brief 27 – Season of the Remakes (Winter 2003), ed. Jack Ross (Mairangi Bay, Auckland).
- brief 28 – Alan Brunton (Spring 2003), ed. Jack Ross (Mairangi Bay, Auckland).
- brief 29 – more fun than you’ve ever seen (Summer 2004), ed. Jack Ross (Mairangi Bay, Auckland).
- brief 30 / 31 – Kunst / Kultur (Winter / Spring 2004), ed. Jack Ross (Mairangi Bay, Auckland).
- brief 32 – Joanna Margaret Paul (Winter 2005), ed. Jack Ross (Mairangi Bay, Auckland).
- brief 33 – exile and home (March 2006). Ed. Scott Hamilton (Auckland: The Writers Group).
- brief 34 – war (February 2007). Ed. Scott Hamilton (Auckland: The Writers Group).
- brief 35 – a brief world order (September 2007). Ed. Brett Cross (Auckland: The Writers Group).
- brief 36 – The NZ Music Issue (September 2008). Ed. Brett Cross & Bill Direen (Auckland: The Writers Group).
- brief 37 – the exotic (April 2009). Ed. Michael Arnold (Auckland: The Writers Group).
- brief 38 (August 2009). Ed. Jen Crawford (Auckland: The Writers Group).
- brief 39 (March 2010). Ed. Michael Arnold (Auckland: The Writers Group).
- brief the fortieth 40 (July 2010). Ed. Ted Jenner (Auckland: The Writers Group).
- brief 41 (December 2010). Ed. Richard von Sturmer (Auckland: The Writers Group).
- brief 42 (March 2011). Ed. Bill Direen (Auckland: The Writers Group).
- Broadsheet: New New Zealand Poetry 6 (November 2010). Ed. Mark Pirie (Wellington: The Night Press).
- Campus News: the alternative alternative 1 (3) (5 Oct, 1984) (Auckland University).
- Campus News: the alternative alternative 1 (4) (11 July, 1984) (Auckland University).
- Catalyst 4 (Spring 2005) (Christchurch: Neoismist Press).
- Catalyst 5 (Spring 2006) (Christchurch: Neoismist Press).
- Citymix 5 (July 2006) (Christchurch: Neoismist Press).
- CLTA Ideas File 1995. Auckland Institute of Technology: School of Languages, 1995.
- Creative Forum: A Quarterly Journal of Contemporary Writing {India}, 13 (1-2) (2000).
- Critic: Letters Column (13/10/2005). Dunedin: Otago University.
- Dominion Post: Indulgence (15/7/2006). Wellington.
- Dominion Post: Weekend (27/1/2007). Wellington.
- evasion 1 (1) (July 2000), ed. James McGoram & Hamish Dewe (Auckland).
- Flint 1 (August 1999), ed. Hamish Dewe (Auckland).
- evasion 1 (2) (October 2000), ed. James McGoram (Auckland).
- evasion – life advanced 2.1 (February 2003), ed. James McGoram & Malcolm Burgess (Auckland).
- [evasion online (2003): Servants of the Wankh
{http://www.evasion.co.nz/main/issues/january03/poem2.html}]. - [evasion online (2003): The Great NZ Vortex (1)
{http://www.evasion.co.nz/main/issues/april03/two.html}]. - [evasion online (2003): The Great NZ Vortex (2)
{http://www.evasion.co.nz/main/issues/june03/two.html}]. - [evasion online (2003): Bird Girl (1)
{http://www.evasion.co.nz/main/issues/december03/four.html}]. - [evasion online (2004): The Bird Girl (2)
{http://www.evasion.co.nz/main/more/fiction/42b1b4918ba2bbda07cfceba8604d903.html}]. - [evasion online (2004): Don’t miss the monkey
{http://www.evasion.co.nz/main/more/news/7e16232a96a0759706f5ea538c5e257e.html}]. - Five Bells 9 (3) (Winter 2002) (Melbourne).
- Going West Books & Writers Festival Guide 2004: Between the Lines: A Tribute to Michael King.
- Going West Books & Writers Festival Guide 2010: Right Word, Right Place, Right Time.
- [HeadworX Publishers Website
{http://headworx.eyesis.co.nz/poetry/chantal_sample.php3}]. - Glottis: New Writing 8 (2003), ed. Nick Ascroft & Richard Reeve (Dunedin).
- Here After. Living with Bereavement: Personal Experiences and Poetry. Ed. Stu Bagby. Auckland: Antediluvian Press, 2000.
- Howard, David, & Fiona Pardington. How to Occupy Our Selves. Wellington: HeadworX, 2003.
- The International Literary Quarterly, 12 (August 2010).
- JAAM 12 (October 1999), ed. Helen Rickerby & Anne-Marie Clarke (Thorndon, Wellington).
- JAAM 13 (March 2000), ed. Mark Pirie (Thorndon, Wellington).
- JAAM 14 (October 2000), ed. Anna Jackson (Thorndon, Wellington).
- JAAM 15 (May 2001), ed. Mark Pirie (Thorndon, Wellington).
- JAAM 16 (October 2001), ed. Helen Rickerby (Thorndon, Wellington).
- JAAM 18 (October 2002), ed. Anna Jackson (Thorndon, Wellington).
- JAAM 19 (May 2003), ed. Mark Pirie (Thorndon, Wellington).
- JAAM 21 – An Anthology of Writing 1984-2004 (March 2004), ed. Michael O’Leary & Mark Pirie (Thorndon, Wellington).
- JAAM 24 (2006), ed. Claire Needham & Helen Rickerby (Wellington: JAAM Publishing Collective).
- JAAM 25 (2007), ed. Siobhan Harvey (Wellington: JAAM Publishing Collective).
- Jewels in the Water: Recent New Zealand Poetry for Younger Readers. Ed. Terry Locke. Hamilton: Leaders Press, 2000.
- The John Dory Report 24 (2010)(Christchurch: HSP, P O Box 3733).
- Journal of New Zealand Literature 22 (2004), ed. K. O. Arvidson, Sarah Shieff, Mark Houlahan & Kirstine Moffat (Hamilton: University of Waikato).
- Katnip Reviews 11 (April 2002), ed. Seth Taplin (Nederland CO)
- Landfall 181 (March 1992) ed. Judith Baker, Mark Williams, Michele Leggott, Iain Sharp (NZ).
- Landfall 184 (December 1992), ed. Alan Riach (NZ).
- Landfall 197 (Autumn 1999), ed. Chris Price (Dunedin).
- Landfall 202 (November 2001), ed. Justin Paton (Dunedin).
- Landfall 203 (May 2002), ed. Justin Paton (Dunedin).
- Landfall 214 - Open House (November 2007), ed. Jack Ross (Dunedin).
- Landfall 219 - On Music (May 2010), ed. Bill Direen (Dunedin).
- Landfall 221 - Outside In (May 2011), ed. David Eggleton (Dunedin).
- Magazine 1 (November 2003), ed. Raewyn Alexander (Grey Lynn, Auckland).
- Magazine 2 (November 2004), ed. Raewyn Alexander (Grey Lynn, Auckland).
- Magazine 3 (November 2005), ed. Raewyn Alexander (Grey Lynn, Auckland).
- Magazine 5 (November 2007), ed. Raewyn Alexander (Grey Lynn, Auckland).
- Magazine 6 (November 2008), ed. Raewyn Alexander (Grey Lynn, Auckland).
- Ross, Jack, & Jan Kemp, ed. AoNZPS Archive (2004) & Waiata Archive (1974). (Black Ringbinder).
- AoNZPSA CD01: Fleur Adcock; Rob Allan; Julia Allen; Ken Arvidson; Nick Ascroft; Donna Tusiata Avia.
- AoNZPSA CD02: Stu Bagby; Cherie Barford; Caroline Barnes; Jennifer Barrer.
- AoNZPSA CD03: Helen Bascand; Jeanne Bernhardt; Claire Beynon; Graham Bishop.
- AoNZPSA CD04: Peter Bland; Jenny Bornholdt; Erick Brenstrum; Diana Bridge.
- AoNZPSA CD05: Bernard Brown; Diane Brown; James Brown; Alan Brunton.
- AoNZPSA CD06: Owen Bullock; Alistair Te Ariki Campbell; Meg Campbell; John Caselberg; Tony Chad; David Chan.
- AoNZPSA CD07: Jill Chan; Lynda Chanwai-Earle; Janet Charman; Geoff Cochrane.
- AoNZPSA CD08: Kay McKenzie Cooke; James Moeroa Cummings; Allen Curnow.
- AoNZPSA CD09: Wystan Curnow; Peter Dane; Lynn Davidson; Leigh Davis; Stephanie de Montalk.
- AoNZPSA CD10: John Dickson; John Dolan; Lee Dowrick; Grant Duncan; Michael Eager.
- AoNZPSA CD11: Lauris Edmond; Murray Edmond.
- AoNZPSA CD12: David Eggleton; Riemke Ensing; Fiona Farrell.
- AoNZPSA CD13: Glenda Fawkes; Sue Fitchett; Lindsay Forbes; Janet Frame.
- AoNZPSA CD14: Robin Fry; Bernard Gadd; Kathleen Gallagher; Jane Gardner; John Geraets.
- AoNZPSA CD15: Paula Green; Tony Green; David Gregory; Isabel Haarhaus; Bernadette Hall; Michael Harlow.
- AoNZPSA CD16: Jeffrey Harpeng; Judith Haswell; Dinah Hawken.
- AoNZPSA CD17: Ingrid Horrocks; David Howard; Sam Hunt.
- AoNZPSA CD18: Jan Hutchison; Kevin Ireland; Elizabeth Isichei; Rob Jackaman.
- AoNZPSA CD19: Anna Jackson; Michael Jackson; Helen Jacobs; Adrienne Jansen.
- AoNZPSA CD20: Mike Johnson; Tim Jones; Vivienne Joseph; Kapka Kassabova; Brigid Kelly.
- AoNZPSA CD21: Jan Kemp; Scott Kendrick; Anne Kennedy; Julie Kennedy.
- AoNZPSA CD22: Koenraad Kuiper; Michele Leggott; Julie Leibrich; Graham Lindsay; Terry Locke.
- AoNZPSA CD23: Olivia Macassey; Carl Mair; Bill Manhire; Larry Matthews; Rachel McAlpine; Gary McCormick.
- AoNZPSA CD24: Frankie McMillan; Judith McNeil; Heather McPherson; Cilla McQueen; Harvey McQueen; Gerald J. Melling.
- AoNZPSA CD25: Rosemary Menzies; Luke Milner; Michael Morrissey; Martha Morseth; Eric Mould.
- AoNZPSA CD26: Emma Neale; John Newton; James Norcliffe; Gregory O’Brien; John O'Connor; David Ogle.
- AoNZPSA CD27: Peter Olds; Michael O'Leary; Stephen Oliver; W. H. Oliver.
- AoNZPSA CD28: Bob Orr; Vincent O’Sullivan; Alistair Paterson; Mark Pirie.
- AoNZPSA CD29: Vivienne Plumb; Roma Potiki; Jenny Powell-Chalmers; Joanna Preston.
- AoNZPSA CD30: Chris Price; John Pule; Sarah Quigley; Blair Reeve.
- AoNZPSA CD31: Richard Reeve; Trevor Reeves; Helen Rickerby; Harry Ricketts; Ron Riddell; Lorraine Ritchie.
- AoNZPSA CD32: Matthew Robertson; Jack Ross; L. E. Scott.
- AoNZPSA CD33: Bill Sewell; Iain Sharp; Peb Simmons; Jane Simpson.
- AoNZPSA CD34: Tracey Slaughter; Elizabeth Smither; Kendrick Smithyman; Barry Southam.
- AoNZPSA CD35: Alex Staines; C. K. Stead; Olwyn Stewart.
- AoNZPSA CD36: Barbara Strang; Mike Subritzky; Robert Sullivan; Apirana Taylor.
- AoNZPSA CD37: Denys Trussell; Brian Turner; Hone Tuwhare; Richard von Sturmer.
- AoNZPSA CD38; Ian Wedde; Albert Wendt; Virginia Were; Tom Weston.
- AoNZPSA CD39: Pat White; Wensley Willcox; Nick Williamson; Alison Wong.
- AoNZPSA CD40: Briar Wood; Matthew David Wood; Sonja Yelich.
- AoNZPSA CD41: Poetry Texts. Ed. Jack Ross. (Auckland, 2004).
- AoNZPSA CD42: Poetry Listings. Ed. Mark King. (Auckland, 2004).
- Waiata CD 1: Allen Curnow; Denis Glover (1); Alan Roddick; Kevin Ireland; Mark Young (1).
- Waiata CD 2: Mark Young (2); David Mitchell (1); Mark Young (3); Victor O’leary.
- Waiata CD 3: R. A. K. Mason; Charles Brasch.
- Waiata CD 4: Ruth Gilbert; Bill Manhire; Lauris Edmond.
- Waiata CD 5: Alistair Paterson; Alistair Campbell; Sam Hunt (1).
- Waiata CD 6: Sam Hunt (2); Jack Lasenby; Denis Glover (2).
- Waiata CD 7: Denis Glover (3); Gerald J. Melling; Erick Brenstrum; Dennis List.
- Waiata CD 8: C. K. Stead; Barry Southam.
- Waiata CD 9: Peter Dane; Kendrick Smithyman; Keith Sinclair (1).
- Waiata CD 10: Keith Sinclair (2); Alan Brunton.
- Waiata CD 11: M. K. Joseph; Riemke Ensing.
- Waiata CD 12: Arthur Baysting; David Mitchell (2).
- Waiata CD 13: Keith Sinclair (3); Jan Kemp.
- Waiata CD 14: Brian Turner; Peter Olds; Trevor Reeves; Ian Wedde (1).
- Waiata CD 15: K. O. Arvidson; Vincent O’sullivan.
- Waiata CD 16: Fleur Adcock.
- Waiata CD 17: Anne Spivey; Alan Loney.
- Waiata CD 18: Mike (Charles) Doyle.
- Waiata CD 19: Albert Wendt.
- Waiata CD 20: Ian Wedde (2); Raymond Ward.
- Waiata CD 21: Barry Mitcalfe.
- Waiata CD 22: Michael Jackson; Bob Orr; Gloria Rawlinson (1).
- Waiata CD 23: A. R. D. Fairburn; Gloria Rawlinson (2).
- Waiata CD 24: James K. Baxter; Gloria Rawlinson (3).
- Waiata CD 25: Russell Haley.
- Waiata CD 26: D. S. Long.
- The Waiata Records on LP. Collected & edited by Jan Kemp, Jonathan Lamb and Alan Smythe. 3-CD set (1974).
- Kendrick Smithyman 1 (AoNZPSA, 2002-2004).
- Kendrick Smithyman 2 (AoNZPSA, 2002-2004).
- 12 Taonga from the AoNZPSA (NZEPC, 2004).
- Complete Text Files of the AoNZPSA (31/10/2004).
- Poets’ Photos for the AoNZPSA (incomplete). (2004).
- Selections from the Waiata Archive: Baxter, Brasch, Campbell, Curnow, Fairburn, Frame, Ireland, Joseph, Mason, Paterson, Sinclair, Smithyman. 4-CD set (31/10/2004).
- Selections from the Waiata Archive: Campbell & Joseph; Curnow; Hunt; Ireland & Mason, Paterson & Glover. 6-CD set (31/10/2004).
- Louis Johnson Reads His Own Poems (Radio NZ).
- Classic NZ Poets in Performance 1 (AUP, 2006).
- Classic NZ Poets in Performance 1a: Louis Johnson (AUP, 2006).
- Classic NZ Poets in Performance 2 (AUP, 2006).
- Classic NZ Poets in Performance I (AUP, 2006).
- Classic NZ Poets in Performance II (AUP, 2006).
- Recordings from Going West: Anne French & Keri Hulme; Glenn Colquhoun. 2-CD set (2002).
- Contemporary NZ Poets in Performance. 3-CD set (AUP, 2007).
- Andrew Johnston Reads His Own Poems (24/4/07).
- Thérèse Lloyd Reads Her Own Poems (2007).
- Alan Brunton Reads “Waves” from Moonshine (6/4/94).
- King, Mark, ed. AoNZPSA: Poetry Listings (Auckland, 2004). (White Ringbinder).
- Great NZ Digipoem Entries (NZEPC, 23/7/07).
- Contemporary NZ Poets in Performance. Master CD 1 (AUP, 21/1/07).
- Contemporary NZ Poets in Performance. Master CD 2 (AUP, 21/1/07).
- New NZ Poets in Performance. Trial master CD 1 (AUP, 10/1/08).
- New NZ Poets in Performance. Trial master CD 2 (AUP, 10/1/08).
- Ross, Jack, ed. 139.123: Creative Writing / 139.226: Life Writing. CD (Albany: Massey University, 2007).
- Ross, Jack, ed. 139.795: Recent Poets & Fiction in NZ. CD (Albany: Massey University, 2008).
- A Brief Description of the Whole World. No 1 (December 1995): Ed. Alan Loney (Auckland: The Writers Group, 1995).
- A Brief Description of the Whole World. No 2. (March 1996): Ed. Alan Loney (Auckland: The Writers Group, 1996).
- A Brief Description of the Whole World. No 3. (June 1996): Ed. Alan Loney (Auckland: The Writers Group, 1996).
- A Brief Description of the Whole World. No 4. (November 1996): Ed. Alan Loney (Auckland: The Writers Group, 1996).
- A Brief Description of the Whole World. No 5. (May 1997): Ed. Alan Loney (Auckland: The Writers Group, 1997).
- A Brief Description of the Whole World. No 6. (July 1997): Ed. Alan Loney (Auckland: The Writers Group, 1997).
- A Brief Description of the Whole World. No 7. (September 1997): Ed. Alan Loney (Auckland: The Writers Group, 1997).
- A Brief Description of the Whole World. No 8. (December 1997): Ed. Alan Loney (Auckland: The Writers Group, 1997).
- A Brief Description of the Whole World. No 9. (April 1998): Ed. Alan Loney (Auckland: The Writers Group, 1998).
- A Brief Description of the Whole World. Nos 10 & 11. (October 1998): Ed. Alan Loney (Auckland: The Writers Group, 1998).
- A Brief Description of the Whole World. No 12. (June 1999): Ed. John Geraets. Leigh Davis. Willy’s Gazette (1983). (Auckland: The Writers Group, 1999).
- ABDOTWW. No 13. (September 1999). Ed. John Geraets (Auckland: The Writers Group, 1999).
- ABDOTWW. No 14. (December 1999). Ed. John Geraets (Auckland: The Writers Group, 1999).
- ABDOTWW / description. No 15. (March 2000). Ed. John Geraets (Auckland: The Writers Group, 2000).
- Ab.WW / AbdotWW. No 16. (June 2000). Ed. John Geraets (Auckland: The Writers Group, 2000).
- Ab.ww / Loney. No 17 - Loney. (September 2000). Ed. John Geraets (Auckland: The Writers Group, 2000).
- brief. No 18. (December 2000). Ed. John Geraets (Auckland: The Writers Group, 2000).
- brief. No 19. (March 2001). Ed. John Geraets (Auckland: The Writers Group, 2001).
- brief. No 20 – aesthetics. (June 2001). Ed. John Geraets (Auckland: The Writers Group, 2001).
- brief. No 21 – aesthetics. (September 2001). Ed. John Geraets (Auckland: The Writers Group, 2001).
- brief. No 22. (December 2001). Ed. John Geraets (Auckland: The Writers Group, 2001).
- brief. No 23. (March 2002). Ed. John Geraets (Auckland: The Writers Group, 2002).
- brief. No 24 – less formal than bull. (July 2002). Ed. Jack Ross (Auckland: The Writers Group, 2002).
- brief. No 25 – trains at a glance. (October 2002). Ed. Jack Ross (Auckland: The Writers Group, 2002).
- brief. No 26 – Smithymania. (January 2003). Ed. Jack Ross (Auckland: The Writers Group, 2003).
- brief. No 27 – season of the remakes. (June 2003). Ed. Jack Ross (Auckland: The Writers Group, 2003).
- brief. No 28 – Alan Brunton. (October 2003). Ed. Jack Ross (Auckland: The Writers Group, 2003).
- brief. No 29 – more fun than you've ever seen. (March 2004). Ed. Jack Ross (Auckland: The Writers Group, 2004).
- brief. No 30 – Kunst. (October 2004). Ed. Jack Ross (Auckland: The Writers Group, 2004).
- brief. No 31 – Kultur. (October 2004). Ed. Jack Ross (Auckland: The Writers Group, 2004).
- brief. No 32 – Joanna Margaret Paul. (May 2005). Ed. Jack Ross (Auckland: The Writers Group, 2005).
- brief. No 33 – exile and home. (March 2006). Ed. Scott Hamilton (Auckland: The Writers Group, 2006).
- brief. No. 34 – war. (February 2007). Ed. Scott Hamilton (Auckland: The Writers Group, 2007).
- brief. No 35 – a brief world order. (September 2007). Ed. Brett Cross (Auckland: The Writers Group, 2007).
- brief. No 36 – The NZ Music Issue. (September 2008). Ed. Brett Cross & Bill Direen (Auckland: The Writers Group, 2008).
- brief. No 37 – the exotic. (April 2009). Ed. Michael Arnold (Auckland: The Writers Group, 2009).
- brief. No 38. (August 2009). Ed. Jen Crawford (Auckland: The Writers Group, 2009).
- brief. No 39. (March 2010). Ed. Michael Arnold (Auckland: The Writers Group, 2010).
- brief. No 43. (March 2010). Ed. Hamish Dewe (Auckland: The Writers Group, 2011).
- Loney, Alan. Reading / Saying / Making: Selected Essays. Auckland: The Writers Group, 2001.
- Pillay, Sugu. The Chandrasekhar Limit and other stories. Auckland: The Writers Group, December 2002.
- Ross, Jack. A brief index: A breakdown by issue & author of 7 years / 26 issues of brief, the magazine formerly known as: A Brief Description of the Whole World / ABDOTWW / description / ABdotWW / Ab.ww / brief. &c., December 1995 – January 2003. ISSN 1175-9313. Auckland: The Writers Group, February 2003.
- Smithyman, Kendrick. Campana to Montale: Versions from Italian. Edited by Jack Ross. ISBN 0-476-00382-2. Auckland: The Writers Group, October 2004.
- Ross, Jack. A brief index: Supplement 1. A breakdown by issue & author of 3 years / 7 issues of brief ... June 2003 – May 2005. Auckland: The Writers Group, 2005.
- Ross, K. M. Falling Through the Architect. Auckland: The Writers Group, September 2005.
- Pillay, Sugu. The Chandrasekhar Limit and other stories. Auckland: The Writers Group, December 2002.
- Len Castle. Mountain to the Sea: Ceramics / Poetry / Photographs. Ed. Tanya Wilkinson (Napier: Hawke’s Bay Museum and Art Gallery, 2008).
- Papertiger: new world poetry #04, edited by Paul Hardacre & B. R. Dionysius (Australia).
- Percutio 1[a] (2006), ed. Bill Direen (Dunedin).
- Percutio 1 (2007), ed. Bill Direen (Dunedin).
- Percutio 2 (2008), ed. Bill Direen (Dunedin).
- Poetry NZ 16: Featuring Mark Pirie (1998), ed. Alistair Paterson (Auckland).
- Poetry NZ 17: Featuring Paula Green (1998), ed. Alistair Paterson (Auckland).
- Poetry NZ 18: Featuring Wanda Coleman (1999), ed. Alistair Paterson (Auckland).
- Poetry NZ 21: Featuring David Eggleton (2000), ed. Alistair Paterson (Auckland).
- Poetry NZ 22: Featuring Jack Ross (2001), ed. Alistair Paterson (Auckland).
- Poetry NZ 23: Featuring Pooja Mittal (2001), ed. Alistair Paterson (Auckland).
- Poetry NZ 25: Featuring Tracey Slaughter (2002), ed. Alistair Paterson (Auckland).
- Poetry NZ 26: Featuring Stephen Oliver (2003), ed. Alistair Paterson (Auckland).
- Poetry NZ 28: Featuring Anne Kennedy (2004), ed. Alistair Paterson (Auckland).
- Poetry NZ 30: Featuring James Norcliffe (2005), ed. Alistair Paterson (Auckland).
- Poetry NZ 32: Featuring Jessica Le Bas (2006), ed. Alistair Paterson (Auckland).
- Poetry NZ 33: Featuring Siobhan Harvey (2006), ed. Alistair Paterson (Auckland).
- Poetry NZ 34: Featuring Bernard Gadd (2007), ed. Alistair Paterson (Auckland).
- Poetry NZ 35: Featuring Nicolas Kurtovich (2007), ed. Owen Bullock (Auckland).
- Poetry NZ 37: Featuring Michele Leggott (2008), ed. Owen Bullock (Auckland).
- Poetry NZ 38: Featuring Jen Crawford (2009), ed. Jack Ross (Auckland).
- Poetry NZ 40: Featuring Robert McLean (2010), ed. Alistair Paterson (Auckland).
- Poetry NZ 42: Featuring Mark Young (2011), ed. Alistair Paterson (Auckland).
- Something Between Breaths: A Collection of Poetry from New Zealand. Ed. Patricia Prime. SELL: Series in English Language and Literature, 54. New Delhi: Bahri Publications, 2000.
- Spin 28 (1997), ed. Catherine Mair (Katikati).
- Spin 29 (1997), ed. Leicester Kyle (Auckland).
- Spin 30 (1998), ed. p.n.w.donnelly (Auckland).
- Winterspin 31 (1998), ed. Catherine Mair & Bernard Gadd (Auckland).
- Spin 32 (1998), ed. Leicester Kyle (Millerton).
- Spin 33 (1999), ed. Jack Ross (Mairangi Bay, Auckland).
- Winterspin 34 (1999), ed. Catherine Mair & Bernard Gadd (Auckland).
- Spin 35 (1999), ed. Leicester Kyle (Millerton).
- Spin 36 (2000), ed. Jack Ross (Mairangi Bay, Auckland).
- Winterspin 37 (2000), ed. Catherine Mair & Bernard Gadd (Auckland).
- Spin 38 (2000), ed. Leicester Kyle (Millerton).
- Spin 39 (2001), ed. Jack Ross (Mairangi Bay, Auckland).
- Winterspin 40 (2001), ed. Bernard Gadd & Patricia Prime (Auckland).
- Spin 41 (2001), ed. Tony Chad (Silverstream, Upper Hutt).
- Spin 42 (March 2002), ed. Jack Ross (Mairangi Bay, Auckland).
- Winterspin 43 (2002), ed. Bernard Gadd & Patricia Prime (Auckland).
- Spin 44 (2002), ed. Tony Chad (Silverstream, Upper Hutt).
- Spin 45 (March 2003), ed. Jack Ross (Mairangi Bay, Auckland).
- Kokako 1 [Spin 46] (2003), ed. Bernard Gadd & Patricia Prime (Auckland)
- Spin 47 (2004), ed. Owen Bullock (Tauranga).
- Kokako 2 [Spin 48] (2004), ed. Bernard Gadd & Patricia Prime (Auckland)
- Spin 49 (2005), ed. Owen Bullock (Tauranga).
- Kokako 3 [Spin 50] (2005), ed. Owen Bullock, Bernard Gadd & Patricia Prime (Auckland).
- Magazine 6 – The Key West Issue (2006).
- Massey University: School of Social and Cultural Studies. Undergraduate Handbook (2007).
- Massey University: School of Social and Cultural Studies. Postgraduate Handbook (2007).
- Ross, Jack. Notes found inside a Text of Bisclavret. Wellington: Pania Press, 2006. [pop-up edition].
- Ross, Jack. Je donne à mon espoir: Translation from Apollinaire. Auckland: Pania Press, 2008. [gift edition].
- Ross, Jack. Silhouette. Auckland: Pania Press, 2009. [gift edition].
- Starch 1 (June 2011). Ed. Dean Havard & Michael Steven. Dunedin: Kilmog Press.
- [The Imaginary Museum (2006): Four Last Songs
{http://mairangibay.blogspot.com/2006/07/four-last-songs.html}]. - Inter-Arts: A Quarterly Journal of Cultural Connections 1 (7) (October 1988) ed. Moussa Jogee, Colin Nicholson & Jenny Dawe (Edinburgh). (x 2)
- Inter-Arts: A Quarterly Journal of Cultural Connections 1 (9) (September 1989), ed. Moussa Jogee & Jenny Dawe (Edinburgh).
- Investigate: The Smoking Gun Issue 69 (October 2006), ed. Moussa Jogee & Jenny Dawe (Edinburgh).
- [Ka Mate Ka Ora 3 (2007): Pound’s Fascist Cantos Revisited
{http://www.nzepc.auckland.ac.nz/kmko/03/ka_mate03_ross.pdf }]. - Last Tapes 1 – The Beginning Issue (2005).
- NZ Listener 3140 (July 15-21, 2000), ed. Finlay Macdonald (Auckland).
- NZ Listener 3146 (August 26-September , 2000), ed. Finlay Macdonald (Auckland)
- NZ Listener 3196 (August 11-17, 2001), ed. Finlay Macdonald (Auckland).
- NZ Listener 3357 (September 11-17, 2004), ed. Pamela Stirling (Auckland).
- NZ Listener 3412 (October 1-7, 2005), ed. Pamela Stirling (Auckland).
- Massey News 39 (9 November 1998).
- Massey News 9 (6 June 2006).
- Massey News 14 (14 August 2006).
- Massey News 21 (20 November 2006).
- Massey News 22 (4 December 2006).
- Massey News 9 (16 July 2007).
- Massey News 8 (16 June 2008).
- Massey News 10 (21 July 2008).
- Massey Research 3 (13 October, 2006).
- Massey 21 (November, 2006).
- Massey School of Social and Cultural Studies: 139.789 Special Topic: Creative Writing (2003).
- Massey School of Social and Cultural Studies: Jack Ross Research Page (27 March, 2006).
- Massey School of Social and Cultural Studies: School News (5 June, 2005).
- Massey School of Social and Cultural Studies: School News (6 October, 2005).
- Massey University: Defining NZ (Summer 2009/10).
- Masthead 6 (2002) {http://au.geocities.com/masthead_2/temp/photo.html}.
- Micropress New Zealand 4 (2) (1999).
- [New Hope International Review Online (10/8/2003).
{http://www.nhi.clara.net/mg0167.htm}] - New Zealand Books 11 (2) (June 2001) .
- New Zealand Books 13 (2) (June 2003) .
- New Zealand Books 15 (2) (June 2005) .
- [New Zealand Electronic Poetry Centre (12/9/02)
{http://www.nzepc.auckland.ac.nz/authors/brunton/recollections/ross.ptml}] - [New Zealand Electronic Poetry Centre (12/3/03)
{http://www.nzepc.auckland.ac.nz/features/smithymania.ptml}]. - [New Zealand Electronic Poetry Centre (22/10/03)
{http://www.nzepc.auckland.ac.nz/authors/brunton/brief} - [New Zealand Electronic Poetry Centre (5/3/04)
{http://www.nzepc.auckland.ac.nz/authors/lindsay/ross.ptml}]. - [New Zealand Electronic Poetry Centre (24/9/04)
{http://www.nzepc.auckland.ac.nz/features/taonga/index.asp}]. - [New Zealand Electronic Poetry Centre (4/3/05)
{http://www.nzepc.auckland.ac.nz/features/birthday/index.asp}]. - [New Zealand Electronic Poetry Centre (26/4/05)
{http://www.nzepc.auckland.ac.nz/features/fugacity/ross.asp}]. - [New Zealand Electronic Poetry Centre (26/8/05)
{http://www.nzepc.auckland.ac.nz/features/paul/index.asp}]. - [New Zealand Electronic Poetry Centre (28/4/06)
{http://www.nzepc.auckland.ac.nz/features/oban06/ross.asp }]. - New Zealand Herald: Canvas (9/7/05).
- New Zealand Herald: Canvas (26/8/06).
- [New Zealand Herald: Canvas (18/11/06).]
- [New Zealand Poetry Society: Newsletter (March 2003).]
- New Zealand Poetry Society: Newsletter (February 2005).
- Nielsen Wright, F. W. A Comparison of JAAM and brief as the Two Leading Literary Magazines of Aoteaora since 1995. Te Aro: Cultural and Political Booklets, 2003.
- North & South (December 2004).
- Otago Daily Times: Weekend (15-16/7/06).
- Pander (March 1999) (Maastricht-Aachen).
- Pander 1 (Spring 1997), ed. Andrew Forsberg, Robert Hutchinson & Vanessa York (Mt Eden, Auckland).
- Pander 2 (Summer ’97/’98), ed. Andrew Forsberg, Robert Hutchinson & Vanessa York (Mt Eden, Auckland).
- Pander 3 (Autumn 1998), ed. Andrew Forsberg, Jack Ross, Vanessa York et al. (Mt Eden, Auckland).
- Pander 4: On the Map (Winter 1998), ed. Andrew Forsberg, Jack Ross, Vanessa York et al. (Mt Eden, Auckland).
- Pander 5: Pimping (Spring 1998), ed. Andrew Forsberg, Jack Ross, Vanessa York et al. (Mt Eden, Auckland).
- Pander 6/7: Capital (March 1999), ed. Andrew Forsberg, Jack Ross, Vanessa York et al. (Mt Eden, Auckland).
- Pander 8: Oceania (July 1999), ed. Andrew Forsberg, Jack Ross, Vanessa York et al. (Mt Eden, Auckland).
- Pander 9: Crime (November 1999), ed. Andrew Forsberg, Jack Ross, Vanessa York et al. (Mt Eden, Auckland).
- [Pander OS 2.0: Kendrick Smithyman’s Northland (24/6/01).]
- [Pander OS 2.0: Robinsonade (24/6/01).]
- [Pander OS 2.0: Adiòs DOS (24/6/01).]
- [Pander OS 2.0: G. Bruno: Grafton Amours (24/6/01).]
- [Pander OS 2.0: Kathy Goes to Mexico (24/6/01).]
- [Pander OS 2.0: Going West Literary Festival (24/6/01).]
- [Pander OS 2.0: Going West Five Years On (28/9/04).]
- [Poetry Live & four-by-two publishing Website
{http://groups.msn.com/PoetryLIvefourbytwopublishing}]. - [Poetry NZ Website {http://www.geocities.com/poetrynz/Sample22.html}].
- [Reading the Maps: Jack’s Sampling (3/10/05)
{http://readingthemaps.blogspot.com/2005/10/jacks-sampling.html}]. - [Reading the Maps: Jack’s Picks (16/8/06)
{http://readingthemaps.blogspot.com/2006/08/jacks-picks.html}]. - Rose Centre Writers Newsletter. (October, 2005).
- [Salt Online: Poetry
{http://homepages.ihug.co.nz/~mbellard/polemetics/jack_ross_apec_weekend.htm}]. - Small Press Review 33 (7-8) (July-August, 2001).
- [Southern Ocean Review 26 (31/1/03).]
- Sunday Star-Times (October 18, 1998).
- Sunday Star-Times (August 2, 1998).
- Sunday Star-Times (February 1, 2004).
- Sunday Star-Times (December 5, 2004).
- Sunday Star-Times (July 2, 2006).
- Takahe 35 (1998) (Christchurch).
- Takahe 53 (2004) (Christchurch).
- [Takahe 54 (2005) (Christchurch).]
- [Takahe 55 (2005) (Christchurch).]
- Takahe 56 (2005) (Christchurch).
- Takahe 57 (2005) (Christchurch).
- Takahe 60 (2006) (Christchurch).
- Tango, “a literary rage”. Auckland University Literary Handbook 1982. Ed. David Eggleton. Auckland: Auckland University Students’ Association, 1982.
- [Titus Books Online: in the beginning was the launch … (28/7/2005)
{http://titus.books.online.fr/html/Events.htm}]. - [Titus Books Online: ‘On Sampling’ by Jack Ross … (19/8/2005)
{http://titus.books.online.fr/TRIAL/Sampling.html}]. - [Titus Books Online: Olivia Macassey considered by Jack Ross … (1/9/2005)
{http://titus.books.online.fr/TRIAL/MacasseybyJR.html}]. - Trains at a Glance (Indian Railways, 2001).
- [Waikato Times (19/6/99)].
- [Waikato Times (23/9/06)].
- [Wairarapa Times Age (14/4/07)].
- [Web Writers’ Workshop {http://www.webwritersworkshop.com}].
- Salt 6i (1998), ed. Hamish Dewe & Scott Hamilton (Auckland).
- Salt 6ii (1999), ed. Hamish Dewe & Scott Hamilton (Auckland).
- Tongue in Your Ear 3 (1997), ed. Olwyn Stewart, Simon Field, Raewyn Alexander & Judith McNeil (Auckland: Four/Two Publishing).
- Tongue in Your Ear 4 (1999), ed. Christopher Harrod, Ingrid Joachim, Judith McNeil & Saul Situmorang (Auckland: Four/Two Publishing).
- Tongue in Your Ear 5 (2001), ed. Ingrid Joachim, Jack Ross, Nik Smythe & Judith McNeil (Grey Lynn, Auckland).
- Tongue in Your Ear 6 (2002), ed. Ingrid Joachim & Judith McNeil (Grey Lynn, Auckland).
- Tongue in Your Ear 7 (2003), ed. Gregory Brimblecombe, Ingrid Joachim, Jack Ross & Judith McNeil (Grey Lynn, Auckland).
- Tongue in Your Ear 8 (2003), ed. Ingrid Joachim, Jack Ross, James Crompton & Judith McNeil (Grey Lynn, Auckland).
- Tongue in Your Ear 9 (2006), ed. Miriam Barr, Christian Jensen, Renee Liang, Ila Selwyn & Judith McNeil (Grey Lynn, Auckland).
- Tupelo Hotel: Winter Readings at Tupelo. Edited by Mark Pirie. Paekakariki: Earl of Seacliff Art Workshop, 2004.
- University of Edinburgh Journal 33 (1987).
- Valley Micropress 1 (11). Ed. Tony Chad. Silverstream: Upper Hutt, 1998.
- Valley Micropress 2 (1). Ed. Tony Chad. Silverstream: Upper Hutt, 1999.
- Valley Micropress 8 (8). Ed. Tony Chad. Silverstream: Upper Hutt, 2005.
- Valley Micropress 8 (9). Ed. Tony Chad. Silverstream: Upper Hutt, 2005.
- Valley Micropress 8 (10). Ed. Tony Chad. Silverstream: Upper Hutt, 2005.
- Valley Micropress 9 (4). Ed. Tony Chad. Silverstream: Upper Hutt, 2006.
- The Word for Food: Recipes and Anecdotes from members of the International Writers’ Workshop, and others. Ed. Joyce Irving. Palmerston North: Heritage Press Ltd., 2008.
- WLWE: World Literature Written in English (UK) 39 (2) (2002-3).
- WLWE: World Literature Written in English (UK) 40 (2): (2004).
- Roadworks: City Geography. August 2008. [W 87: Poetry collection] (Cardboard binder).
- The Return of the Vanishing New Zealander. July-September 2008. [W 81: Poetry collection] (Cardboard binder).
- EMO Palimpsests. 2008. [W 73: Novel 5: draft 1] (Ringbinder).
- EMO. Aug 2006-Sept 2007. [W 73: Novel 5: draft 1] (Plastic spine).
- EMO. Aug 2006-Sept 2007. [W 73: Novel 5: draft 1] (Ringbinder).
- Scheherazade’s Web. 1991-1995. (Plastic spine).
- EMO Palimpsests 1: Scheherazade’s Web. 1991-1995. [W 73: Novel 5: draft 1] (Ringbinder).
- EMO Palimpsests 2: Jack’s Metamorphoses. 1997-2007. [W 73: Novel 5: draft 1] (Ringbinder).
- EMO Palimpsests 3: Tristia, Epistulae ex Ponto & Ibis. 2007. [W 73: Novel 5: draft 1] (Ringbinder).
- (with Evelyn M. Hulse). Greville Texidor Materials. 2005. (Plastic folder).
- The Return of the Vanishing New Zealander. 2006. [W 71: 13 Poems: draft 3] (Plastic spine).
- The Return of the Vanishing New Zealander. 2006. [W 71: 13 Poems: draft 3] (Cardboard binder).
- (with Anna Rugis). Alternations of Darkness and Light. 2007. (Cardboard folder).
- The Imaginary Museum: Blog printout. June-Dec 2006. (Ringbinder).
- Scrapbook Aged 16. Aug 1999-Sept 2001. [W 48: Novel 3: draft 1] (Plastic spine).
- Scrapbook Aged 16. Aug 1999-Sept 2001. [W 48: Novel 3: draft 1] (Plastic spine).
- Everything a Teenage Girl Should Know. May-June 2002. [W 60: Novel 3: draft 2] (Plastic spine).
- Scrapbook Aged 16. Jan-Feb 2003. [W 64: Novel 3: draft 3] (Plastic spine).
- Scrapbook Aged 16. Jan-Feb 2003. [W 64: Novel 3: draft 3] (Plastic spine).
- Monkey Miss Her Now. April-August 2003. [W 63: Stories: version 4] (Plastic spine).
- List of NZ Libraries. 2002. (Plastic Ringbinder).
- Imaginary Toads in Real Gardens. Feb-May 1998. [W 44: Interviews] (Plastic Ringbinder).
- Imaginary Toads in Real Gardens. Feb-May 1998. [W 44: Interviews] (Plastic folder).
- Ezra Pound: Cantos 72 & 73. 1991-2007. (Ringbinder).
- John Masefield’s South America (English Dept seminar). 1986. (Ringbinder).
- Ross, Jack. Chantal’s Book. Wellington: HeadworX, 2002. [x 40]
- K. M. Ross. Falling Through the Architect. Auckland: The Writers Group, September 2005. [x 12]
- Ross, Jack. Chantal’s Book. Wellington: HeadworX, 2002. [x 67]
- Ross, Jack. Monkey Miss her Now. Auckland: Danger Publishing, 2004. [x 15]
- Monkey Miss Her Now. July-August 2002. [W 61: Stories: Version 3] (Plastic spine).
- Scrapbook Aged 16. Aug 1999-Sept 2001. [W 48: Novel 3: draft 1] (Ringbinder).
- Scrapbook Aged 16. Aug 1999-Sept 2001. [W 48: Novel 3: draft 1] (Plastic spine).
- Everything a Teenage Girl Should Know. May-June 2002. [W 60: Novel 3: draft 2] (Ringbinder).
- Everything a Teenage Girl Should Know. May-June 2002. [W 60: Novel 3: draft 2] (Plastic spine).
- Scrapbook Aged 16. Jan-Feb 2003. [W 64: Novel 3: draft 3] (Ringbinder).
- Scrapbook Aged 16. Jan-Feb 2003. [W 64: Novel 3: draft 3] (Plastic spine).
- Nights with Giordano Bruno. Sept 1997-Dec 1999. [W 42: Novel 2] (Plastic spine).
- God’s Spy. May 2000. [W 50: Book of Poems] (Plastic spine).
- The Return of the Vanishing New Zealander. May 2001. [W 54: 7 Poems: draft 1] (Plastic spine).
- Scrapbook Aged 16. Aug 1999-Sept 2001. [W 48: Novel 3: draft 1] (Plastic spine).
- Monkey Miss Her Now. July-August 2002. [W 61: Stories: Version 3] (Plastic spine).
- Trouble in Mind. Oct 2000-Sept 2004. [W 51: Novella] (Plastic spine).
- Trouble in Mind. Oct 2000-Sept 2004. [W 51: Novella] (Plastic spine).
- Messenger from Depth: Misadventures in Asia, 2001-2002. Dec 2001-Nov 2002. [W 58: Poems] (Plastic spine).
- The Return of the Vanishing New Zealander. 2006. [W 71: 13 Poems: draft 3] (Plastic spine).
- The Imaginary Museum of Atlantis. July 2001-Sept 2004. [W 56: Novel 4: draft 1] (Plastic spine).
- The Imaginary Museum of Atlantis. July 2001-Sept 2004. [W 56: Novel 4: draft 1] (Plastic spine).
- Kingdom of Alt. June 2008-Feb 2009. [W 80: Stories 2: draft 1] (Plastic spine).
- The Imaginary Museum of Atlantis. Oct-Dec 2004. [W 66: Novel 4: draft 2] (Plastic spine).
- (with Gabriel White). A Town Like Parataxis / The Perfect Storm / The Britney Suite. 2000. [P 80, 86, 93: Books of Poems] (Ringbinder).
- The Imaginary Museum of Atlantis. July 2001-Sept 2004. [W 56: Novel 4: draft 1] (Ringbinder).
- The Imaginary Museum of Atlantis. Oct-Dec 2004. [W 66: Novel 4: draft 2] (Cardboard binder).
- The Imaginary Museum of Atlantis. July 2001-Sept 2004. [W 56: Novel 4: draft 1] (Plastic spine).
- Atlantis Documents. 2004. [W 56a: Proofs, documents] (Ringbinder).
- The Return of the Vanishing New Zealander. May 2001. [W 54: 7 Poems: draft 1] (Plastic folder).
- The Return of the Vanishing New Zealander. May 2001. [W 54: 7 Poems: draft 1] (Cardboard binder).
- The Return of the Vanishing New Zealander. May 2001. [W 54: 7 Poems: draft 1] (Plastic spine).
- The Return of the Vanishing New Zealander. February 2005. [W 69: 9 Poems: draft 2] (Ringbinder).
- To Terezín. Dec 2004-April 2005. [W 67: Poem / Essay] (Cardboard binder).
- To Terezín. Dec 2004-April 2005. [W 67: Poem / Essay] (Plastic spine).
- To Terezín. Dec 2004-April 2005. [W 67: Poem / Essay] (Cardboard binder).
- The Authors of the 1001 Nights. Nov 1995-May 1996. [W 35: Novel 1: draft 1] (Plastic spine).
- The Witch-Cult in Western Auckland. Nov-Dec 1996. [W 39: Novella] (Plastic spine).
- Keep Reading as the Day Declines … Sept 1996-June 1997. [W 38: Novel 1: draft 2] (Plastic spine).
- Keep Reading as the Day Declines. Feb-August 1998. [W 45: Novel 1: draft 3] (Plastic spine).
- Nights with Giordano Bruno. Sept 1997-Dec 1999. [W 42: Novel 2] (Ringbinder).
- Nights with Giordano Bruno. Sept 1997-Dec 1999. [W 42: Novel 2] (Plastic spine).
- Nights with Giordano Bruno. Sept 1997-Dec 1999. [W 42: Novel 2] (index cards).
- Nights with Giordano Bruno. Sept 1997-Dec 1999. [W 42: Novel 2] (Diary).
- Monkey Miss her Now. August 1996-Dec 2000. [W 37: Stories: version 1] (Ringbinder).
- Monkey Miss her Now. August 1996-Dec 2000. [W 37: Stories: version 1] (Plastic spine).
- Monkey Miss Her Now. March-April 2002. [W 59: Stories: version 2] (Ringbinder).
- Monkey Miss Her Now. March-April 2002. [W 59: Stories: version 2] (Plastic spine).
- Monkey Miss Her Now. July-August 2002. [W 61: Stories: Version 3] (Cardboard binder).
- To Terezín. Dec 2004-April 2005. [W 67: Poem / Essay] (Plastic spine).
- Messenger from Depth: Misadventures in Asia, 2001-2002. Dec 2001-Nov 2002. [W 58: Book of Poems] (Plastic spine).
- Messenger from Depth: Travel Diary. Nov 2001-Dec 2002. [W 57: Journal / Poems] (Ringbinder).
- Messenger from Depth: Misadventures in Asia, 2001-2002. Dec 2001-Nov 2002. [W 58: Poems] (Ringbinder).
- A Bus Called Mr Nice Guy. 2005. [W 58: Poems] (Cardboard binder).
- Chantal’s Book / God’s Spy. May 2000. [W 50: Book of Poems] (Plastic spine).
- Monkey Miss Her Now. April-August 2003. [W 63: Stories: version 4] (Ringbinder).
- Monkey Miss Her Now. April-August 2003. [W 63: Stories: version 4] (Plastic spine).
- Monkey Business. 2004. [W 63a: Proofs, documents] (Ringbinder).
- Trouble in Mind. Oct 2000-Sept 2004. [W 51: Materials] (Ledger)
- Trouble in Mind. Oct 2000-Sept 2004. [W 51: Novella] (Ringbinder).
- Trouble in Mind. Oct 2000-Sept 2004. [W 51: Novella] (Plastic spine).
- Trouble in Mind. Oct 2000-Sept 2004. [P 180: Novella] (Cardboard binder).
- Love in Wartime. Nov 2002-Dec 2003. [W 62: Poems] (Plastic folder).
- Ross, Jack. Killing Time. Auckland: Perdrix Press, 1997.
- Ross, Jack. City of Strange Brunettes: Poems. Auckland: Pohutukawa Press, 1998.
- Ross, Jack. Nights with Giordano Bruno. A Novel. Wellington: Bumper Books, 2000.
- Ross, Jack. Chantal’s Book. Wellington: HeadworX, 2002.
- Ross, Jack. Monkey Miss her Now. Auckland: Danger Publishing, 2004.
- Ross, Jack. A Bus Called Mr Nice Guy. Auckland: Perdrix Press, 2005.
- Ross, Jack. Trouble in Mind. Titus Novella Series. Auckland: Titus Books, 2005.
- Ross, Jack. The Imaginary Museum of Atlantis. 1st Impression. Auckland: Titus Books, 2006.
- Ross, Jack. The Imaginary Museum of Atlantis. 2nd Impression. Auckland: Titus Books, 2006.
- Ross, Jack. To Terezín. Afterword by Martin Edmond. Social and Cultural Studies, 8. Massey Albany: School of Social and Cultural Studies, 2007.
- Ross, Jack. Papyri: Love Poems & Fragments from Sappho & Elsewhere. Auckland: Soapbox Press, 2007.
- Ross, Jack. EMO. A Novel. Auckland: Titus Books, 2008.
- Ross, Jack. The Return of the Vanishing New Zealander. Dunedin: Kilmog Press, 2009.
- Ross, Jack. Kingdom of Alt. Auckland: Titus Books, 2010.
- Ross, Jack, & William T. Ayton. Scenes from The Puppet Oresteia. Rhinebeck, NY: Narcissus Press / Auckland: Perdrix Press, 2011.
- Ross, Jack, & Emma Smith. Celanie: Poems & Drawings after Paul Celan. Afterword by Bronwyn Lloyd. Auckland: Pania Press, 2012.
- Ross, Jack. A Clearer View of the Hinterland: Poems & Sequences 1981-2014. Wellington: HeadworX, 2014.
- Ross, Jack. Ghost Stories. 99% Press. Auckland: Lasavia Publishing, 2019.
- Mataira, Peter, Pa'u Tafaogalupe Mulitalo-Lauta, Rajen Prasad, Paul Spoonley, Marilyn Waring, & Wong Liu Shueng. Cross-Cultural Research: A Symposium. Introduction by Jennifer Lawn & Eleanor Rimoldi (November 2001).
- Duncan, Grant. Pain and the Body Politic. Discussion by Victoria Grace. Introduction by Eleanor Rimoldi & Jennifer Lawn (June 2002).
- George, Lily. Different Music, Same Dance: Te Taou and the Treaty Claims Process. Introduction by Graeme MacRae (June 2004) {reprinted December 2004, with revised genealogies}).
- Cervin, Carmel, & Lewis Williams. Participatory Action Research in Aotearoa/NZ (July 2004).
- O'Brien, Mike, Jennifer Lawn, Fiona Te Momo, & Neil Lunt. A Third Term?: Evaluating the Policy Legacy of the Labour-led Government, 1999-2005 (August 2005).
- Young, Grant, Michael Belgrave, & Tom Bennion. Native and Māori Land Legislation in the Superior Courts, 1840-1980 (November 2005).
- Browning, Julee. Blood Ties with Strangers: Navigating the Course of Adoption Reunion over the Long Term (November 2006) {June 2007}.
- Ross, Jack. To Terezín: A Travelogue. Afterword by Martin Edmond (June 2007).
- McCormick, Rowan. Writers of Passage. Preface by Mary Paul. Afterword by Eleanor Rimoldi (June 2008).
- Ross, Jack, & Grant Duncan, ed. 11 Views of Auckland. Preface by Jack Ross (December 2010).
- Lloyd, Bronwyn, & Jack Ross. One Brown Box: A Storybook Exhibition for Children, by Bronwyn Lloyd & Karl Chitham (6 November – 18 December 2010). Auckland: Objectspace, 2010. (x 3)
- Landfall: A New Zealand Quarterly 74 (June 1965). Ed. Charles Brasch. Christchurch: The Caxton Press, 1965.
- Landfall 214: Open House (November 2007), ed. Jack Ross. Dunedin: Otago University Press, 2007.
- Landfall 227: Vital Signs (May 2014), ed. David Eggleton. Dunedin: Otago University Press, 2014.
- Landfall 230: Aotearoa New Zealand Arts and Letters (November 2015), ed. David Eggleton. Dunedin: Otago University Press, 2015.
- Landfall 231: Aotearoa New Zealand Arts and Letters (May 2016), ed. David Eggleton. Dunedin: Otago University Press, 2016.
- Landfall: A New Zealand Quarterly 233 (December 1969). Ed. Robin Dudding. Christchurch: The Caxton Press, 1969.
- Landfall 233: Aotearoa New Zealand Arts and Letters (May 2017), ed. David Eggleton. Dunedin: Otago University Press, 2017.
- Landfall 234: Aotearoa New Zealand Arts and Letters (November 2017), ed. David Eggleton. Dunedin: Otago University Press, 2017.
- Landfall 235: Aotearoa New Zealand Arts and Letters (May 2018), ed. Emma Neale. Dunedin: Otago University Press, 2018.
- Landfall 236: Aotearoa New Zealand Arts and Letters (November 2018), ed. Emma Neale. Dunedin: Otago University Press, 2018.
- Landfall 238: Aotearoa New Zealand Arts and Letters (November 2019), ed. Emma Neale. Dunedin: Otago University Press, 2019.
- Poetry NZ 48: Featuring Jan Kemp (2014), ed. Nicholas Reid. Auckland: Puriri Press / Palm Springs, CA: Brick Row, 2014.
- A New Sense of Belonging: Writing by New Kiwi Voices (2014)
- Hamilton, Scott, ed. brief 33: exile and home (March 2006). Auckland: The Writers Group, 2006.
- Hamilton, Scott, ed. brief 34: war (February 2007). Auckland: The Writers Group, 2007.
- Cross, Brett, ed. brief 35: A brief world order (September 2007). Auckland: The Writers Group, 2007.
- Cross, Brett & Bill Direen, ed. brief 36: The NZ Music Issue (September 2008). Auckland: The Writers Group, 2008.
- Arnold, Michael, ed. brief 37: the exotic (April 2009). Auckland: The Writers Group, 2009.
- Crawford, Jen, ed. brief 38 (September 2009). Auckland: The Writers Group, 2009.
- Arnold, Michael, ed. brief 39 (March 2010). Auckland: The Writers Group, 2010.
- Wild, Alex, ed. brief 52 (March 2010). Auckland: The Writers Group, 2015.
- Catalyst 9 - Export Quality (2012) (Christchurch: Neoismist Press)
- von Sturmer, Richard. Book of Equanimity Verses. Illustrated by Adel Salmanzadeh. Auckland: Puriri Press, 2013.
- Rubble Emits Light: "Both Sides of Street" (essay by Gabriel White) / "Tanka Film Verses" (by Richard von Sturmer). Exhibition 15 July-13 August, 2010. Auckland: The Film Archive, 2009.
- Edge 2 (August 1971). Ed. D. S. Long & Gary R. Langford (Christchurch: The Edge Press, 1971)
- Ika One (2013), ed. Anne Kennedy (Auckland: MIT, 2013).
- La Lettre de la Pléiade n°62 (Octobre 2017)
- La Lettre de la Pléiade n°63 (Avril 2018)
- La Lettre de la Pléiade n°64 (13 novembre 2018)
- Moving Worlds: "New" New Zealand
- Percutio 1 (2007), ed. Bill Direen (Dunedin)
- SARE: Southeast Asian Review of English
- Side Stream: Poetry from the Fringe
- Signals one
- Signals two
- Signals three
- Signals four
- Southerly, vol. 73 (1)
- Tauroa, Hiwi & Pat. Te Marae: A Guide to Customs and Protocol. Photographs by Gil Hanly. 1986. A Raupo Book. Auckland: Penguin Group (NZ), 2007.
- Ross, Jack, Alison Denham, Robin McConnell, Theresia Liemlienio Marshall, Jade Reidy & Apirana Taylor. When the Sea Goes Mad at Night (anthology). Ed. Theresia Liemlienio Marshall. Auckland: Christian Gray New Zealand, 1999-2000.
- Ross, Jack & Gabriel White. The Perfect Storm. Auckland: Perdrix Press, 2000.
- Ross, Jack, ed. [your name here]: Life Writing. 1st Impression. Massey University, Albany: School of Social and Cultural Studies, 2003.
- Ross, Jack, ed. [your name here]: Life Writing. 2nd Impression. Massey University, Albany: School of Social and Cultural Studies, 2003.
- Ross, Jack, ed. Where Will Massey Take You? Life Writing 2. Massey University, Albany: School of Social and Cultural Studies, 2005.
- Lee, Kathryn & Jack Ross, ed. Home & Away: Life Writing 3. Massey University, Albany: School of Social and Cultural Studies, 2008.
- Smithyman, Kendrick. Campana to Montale: Versions from Italian. Ed. Jack Ross. Auckland: The Writers Group, 2004.
- Ross, Jack & Graeme Lay, ed. Golden Weather: North Shore Writers Past & Present. Auckland: Cape Catley, 2004.
- Shaw, Tina & Jack Ross, ed. Myth of the 21st Century: An Anthology of New Fiction. Auckland: Reed, 2006.
- Ross, Jack, ed. Classic New Zealand Poets in Performance. Poems Selected by Jack Ross & Jan Kemp. 1st Impression. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 2006.
- Ross, Jack, ed. Classic New Zealand Poets in Performance. Poems Selected by Jack Ross & Jan Kemp. 2nd Impression. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 2006.
- Ross, Jack & Jan Kemp, ed. Contemporary New Zealand Poets in Performance. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 2007.
- Ross, Jack, ed. New New Zealand Poets in Performance. Poems Selected by Jack Ross & Jan Kemp. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 2008.
- Ross, K. M. Falling through the Architect. Auckland: The Writers Group, 2005.
- Lloyd, Bronwyn & Jack Ross, ed. Orange Roughy: Stories & Poems for Tazey. Auckland: Pania Press, February 2008.
- McCormick, Rowan. Writers of Passage. Ed. Jack Ross. Introduction by Mary Paul. Afterword by Eleanor Rimoldi. Social and Cultural Studies, 9. Massey Albany: School of Social and Cultural Studies, 2008.
- Ross, Jack, & Grant Duncan, ed. 11 Views of Auckland. Preface by Jack Ross. Social and Cultural Studies, 10. Massey Albany: School of Social and Cultural Studies, 2010.
- Ross, Jack, ed. Fallen Empire: Maui in the Underworld, Kupe & the Fountain of Youth, Hatupatu & the Nile-monster: Three Play-Fragments from the Literary Remains of The Society of Inner Light. Attributed to Bertolt Wegener. Museum of True History in Collaboration with Karl Chitham and Jack Ross (20 June – 21 July 2012). Dunedin: Blue Oyster Art Project Space, 2012.
- Smithyman, Kendrick. Campana to Montale: Versions from Italian. 2004. Ed. Jack Ross & Marco Sonzogni. Transference Series. Novi Ligure: Edizioni Joker, 2010.
- Kyle, Leicester. Koroneho: Joyful News Out Of The New Found World. Ed. Jack Ross. Preface by Ian St George. Auckland: The Leicester Kyle Literary Estate / Wellington: The Colenso Society, 2011.
- Kyle, Leicester. The Millerton Sequences. Edited by Jack Ross. Poem by David Howard. Pokeno, Auckland: Atuanui Press, 2014.
- Kyle, Leicester. Letters to a Psychiatrist. Afterword by Jack Ross. Paper Table Novellas 1. Auckland: Paper Table, 2017.
- Poetry NZ 22 (February 2001): featuring Jack Ross. Ed. Alistair Paterson. Auckland & Palm Springs: Brick Row Publishing, 2001. (x 2)
- Ross, Jack,ed. Poetry NZ 38: featuring Jen Crawford (March, 2009). Auckland & Palm Springs: Puriri Press & Brick Row, 2009.
- Poetry New Zealand Yearbook 1 [Issue 49]: Featuring Lisa Samuels (2014), ed. Jack Ross. Auckland: Massey School of English and Media Studies, 2014.
- Poetry New Zealand Yearbook 2 [Issue 50]: Featuring Robert Sullivan (2015), ed. Jack Ross. Auckland: Massey School of English and Media Studies, 2015.
- Poetry New Zealand Yearbook 2017 [Issue 51], ed. Jack Ross. Auckland: Massey University Press, 2017.
- Poetry New Zealand Yearbook 2018 [Issue 52], ed. Jack Ross. Auckland: Massey University Press, 2018.
- Poetry New Zealand Yearbook 2019 [Issue 53], ed. Jack Ross. Auckland: Massey University Press, 2019.
- Poetry New Zealand Yearbook 2020 [Issue 54], ed. Johanna Emeney. Auckland: Massey University Press, 2020.
- Alexander, Raewyn, ed. Summer Book from Eye Street. By Jack Ross, Alice Hooton, Genevieve McClean, Jacqueline Crompton Ottaway, Raewyn Alexander & Geneva Alexander-Marsters. Auckland: brightspark books, 2005.
- Alexander, Raewyn, ed. Eye Street Book: Poetry and Photographs from Where We Live. By Jack Ross, Raewyn Alexander, Jacqueline Crompton Ottaway, Rosetta Allan, Ila Selwyn, Genevieve McClean, Alice Hooton, & Lee Dowrick. Auckland: brightspark books, 2012.
- Argante, Jenny, ed. Poetry Pudding: A Delicious Collection of Rhyme & Wit. Illustrations by Debbie Tipuna. Auckland: Reed, 2007.
- Horrocks, Ingrid, & Cherie Lacey, ed. Extraordinary Anywhere: Essays on Place from Aotearoa New Zealand. 2016. Wellington: Victoria University Press, 2017.
- Riemenschneider, Dieter, ed. & trans. Wildes Licht: Poems / Gedichte aus Aotearoa Neuseeland (English-German). Kronberg: Tranzlit, 2010.
- Selwyn, Ila, & Lesley Smith, ed. Red Tendrils: Poems by Selina Tusitala Marsh, Kevin Ireland, Janet Charman, Courtney Meredith, Daniel Larsen, Mark Pirie, Ross Brighton, Raewyn Alexander, Doug Poole & Ila Selwyn. Limited edition of 110 copies. Titirangi: Lopdell House Gallery, 2010.
- Selwyn, Ila, & Lesley Smith, ed. the winding stair: Poems by Rosetta Allan, Murray Edmond, Siobhan Harvey, Alice Hooton, Michele Leggott, Judith McNeil, Bob Orr, Alistair Paterson, John Pule, Jack Ross, Ila Selwyn, Penny Somervaille, Robert Sullivan & Denys Trussell. Limited edition of 80 copies. Titirangi: Lopdell House Gallery, 2011.
- Wilkinson, Tanya, ed. Len Castle: Mountain to the Sea. Ceramics / Poetry / Photographs. Napier: Hawke’s Bay Museum and Art Gallery, 2008.
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Social and Cultural Studies Monograph Series. Massey Albany: School of Social and Cultural Studies, 2001-2009:
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