
Gene Wolfe: The Wolfe at the Door (2023)
[Amazon.com.au - 3/3/25]:
Gene Wolfe. The Wolfe at the Door. Introduction by Kim Stanley Robinson. A Tor Book. New York: Tom Doherty Associates, 2023.
I guess that most people, when they think of Gene Wolfe, think about his novels and - in particular - his novel-sequences. The four-volume Book of the New Sun (1980-83), with its sequels The Book of the Long Sun (1993-96) and The Book of the Short Sun (1999-2001), have attracted the lion's share of the critical interest in him to date.
As well as this twelve-volume "Solar Cycle," though, there's the Latro series (3 volumes, 1886-2006), the two-volume Wizard Knight (2004), and the Borrowed Man sequence (2 volumes, 2016-2020).
Oh, and let's not forget his baker's dozen of standalone novels, from Operation Ares (1970) to The Land Across (2013).
Like many other SF writers, his work straddles the two genres roughly labelled "Science Fiction" and "Fantasy" - depending largely on the technological flavour of the narratives in question. Another distinguishing feature of this larger field of "Speculative Fiction" is the unusual respect accorded by its devotees to the humble short story.
Even though they seldom generate the same financial (or critical) returns as a novel, SF writers have historically kept up their engagement with short fiction: not so much, it would seem, because they wish to experiment technically with its constraints, but rather because it meshes perfectly with their predilection for short thought experiments.
Gene Wolfe, to put it mildly, was no exception to this rule. As you can see from the listings below, he published no fewer than 258 pieces of short fiction during his career (plus or minus a few extracts from novels), which were reprinted in at least 15 book-length collections, as well as a number of standalone chapbooks.
Books I own are marked in bold:
- The Island of Doctor Death and Other Stories and Other Stories (1980) [14 stories]
- Gene Wolfe's Book of Days (1981) [18 stories]
- The Wolfe Archipelago (1983) [4 stories]
- Plan(e)t Engineering (1984) [7 stories]
- Bibliomen: Twenty Characters Waiting for a Book (1984) [19 stories]
- Storeys from the Old Hotel (1988) [34 stories]
- Endangered Species (1989) [36 stories]
- Castle of Days (1992) [23 stories]
- Young Wolfe (1992) [9 stories]
- Strange Travelers (2000) [15 stories]
- Innocents Aboard (2004) [22 stories]
- Starwater Strains (2005) [25 stories]
- The Best of Gene Wolfe (2009) [31 stories]
- The Dead Man and Other Horror Stories (2023) [28 stories]
- The Wolfe at the Door (2023) [38 stories]
Recently there have been some attempts to clean up this vast and untidy legacy. After The Best of Gene Wolfe (2009), which mostly reprinted work which had already appeared in one or other of the earlier collections, The Wolfe at the Door (2023) is clearly intended to cover as many as possible of the remaining uncollected pieces.
There may well come a time for Gene Wolfe to achieve the accolade of one of those multi-volumed extravaganzas showcasing the complete stories of such luminaries as Philip K. Dick, Robert Silverberg, or Theodore Sturgeon but, unfortunately, it seems that time is not yet.
They are, to be honest, an uneven bunch. You can't write 250 stories (or, for that matter, 30-odd novels) without a few misses here and there. Much of the material in Gene Wolfe's Book of Days (1982), for instance, is not up to the standard of his debut collection, The Island of Doctor Death and Other Stories and Other Stories (1980). But given the circumstances of their composition - and the fact that it wasn't until 1984 that he was able to retire from his job as an engineer to concentrate on writing full-time - his tales are almost never negligible, and large numbers of them have achieved the status of instant classics.
The four stories collected in The Wolfe Archipelago (1984) are a case in point:
Grinning, John Jakes said, “You know, Gene, if you’d just write ‘The Death of Doctor Island’ now, you’d win.”Titling a story "The Island of Doctor Death and Other Stories" shows a certain propensity for setting out to tease and confuse your readers. Following it up with no fewer than three variations on the same theme shows a virtuosity (and, let's admit it, perversity) more Borgesian and metafictional than most previous SF writers - with the possible exception of Stanisław Lem - would have dared to attempt:
He thinks I can’t do it, I thought. We’ll see about that! But that’s another story, one you’ll find later in this book.
- The Island of Doctor Death and Other Stories (1970)
- The Death of Dr. Island (1973)
- The Doctor of Death Island (1978)
- Death of the Island Doctor (1983)
At least one reviewer has observed of this selection:
I note that works from Wolfe’s earlier career form a larger chunk of this collection than works from his later career. Of the thirty-one stories in the collection, fifteen are from the 1970s, eleven from the 1980s and just five from the 1990s. None are from the 21st century. The tilt does not seem to be driven by a shift from short fiction to novels. A glance at the ISFDB shows that Wolfe produced short fiction at a fair rate throughout his whole career.It's presumably for this reason that a new, posthumous selection, The Wolfe at the Door, was issued last year (though dated 2023, it seems to have actually been issued in 2024). Of the 38 stories included in this volume, exactly half were published in the 21st century, and most of the others have been gathered from hitherto untouched strata in the author's bibliography.
So, while I'm still hanging out for that maximalist Complete Stories which continues to hover in my mind's eye, in the meantime I guess I'll just have to content myself with this latest overview of his work in the genre.
- Operation Ares (1970)
- Operation Ares. A Berkley Science Fiction Novel. New York: Berkley Medallion Books, 1970.
- The Fifth Head of Cerberus (1972)
- The Fifth Head of Cerberus: Three Novellas. 1972. London: Quartet Books, 1975.
- Peace (1975)
- Peace. 1975. New English Library Paperbacks. London: Hodder & Stoughton Ltd., 1989.
- The Devil in a Forest (1976)
- The Devil in a Forest. Ace Science Fiction. New York: Ace Books, 1976.
- The Book of the New Sun [The Solar Cycle] (1980-83):
- The Shadow of the Torturer (1980)
- The Shadow of the Torturer. 1980. London: Arrow Books, 1983.
- The Claw of the Conciliator (1981)
- The Shadow of the Torturer. 1980. London: Arrow Books, 1983.
- The Sword of the Lictor (1982)
- The Sword of the Lictor. 1982. London: Arrow Books, 1984.
- The Citadel of the Autarch (1983)
- The Citadel of the Autarch. 1983. London: Arrow Books, 1983.
- The Shadow of the Torturer (1980)
- Free Live Free (1984)
- Free Live Free. 1984. London: Arrow Books, 1986.
- Latro (1986-2006):
- Soldier of the Mist (1986)
- Soldier of the Mist. 1986. An Orbit Book. London: Futura Publications, 1987.
- Soldier of Arete (1989)
- Soldier of Arete. 1989. New English Library, 1990.
- Soldier of Sidon (2006)
- Soldier of Sidon. A Tor Book. New York: Tom Doherty Associates, 2006.
- Soldier of the Mist (1986)
- Latro in the Mist (2003)
- Soldier of the Mist (1986)
- Soldier of Arete (1989)
- The Urth of the New Sun [The Solar Cycle] (1987):
- The Urth of the New Sun. 1987. An Orbit Book. London: Futura Publications, 1988.
- There Are Doors (1988)
- There Are Doors. 1988. An Orbit Book. London: Futura Publications, 1990.
- Castleview (1990)
- Castleview. 1990. London: New English Library, 1991.
- Pandora, By Holly Hollander (1990)
- Pandora, By Holly Hollander. 1990. London: New English Library, 1991.
- The Book of the Long Sun [The Solar Cycle] (1993-96):
- Nightside the Long Sun (1993)
- Lake of the Long Sun (1994)
- Litany of the Long Sun: Nightside the Long Sun and Lake of the Long Sun. 1993 & 1994. An Orb Edition. New York: Tom Doherty Associates, LLC, n.d.
- Caldé of the Long Sun (1994)
- Exodus From the Long Sun (1996)
- Epiphany of the Long Sun: Caldé of the Long Sun and Exodus from the Long Sun. 1994 & 1996. An Orb Edition. New York: Tom Doherty Associates, LLC, n.d.
- The Book of the Short Sun [The Solar Cycle] (1999-2001):
- On Blue's Waters (1999)
- On Blue’s Waters. 1999. A Tor Book. New York: Tom Doherty Associates, LLC, n.d.
- In Green's Jungles (2000)
- In Green's Jungles. 2000. A Tor Book. New York: Tom Doherty Associates, LLC, n.d.
- Return to the Whorl (2001)
- Return to the Whorl. 2001. A Tor Book. New York: Tom Doherty Associates, LLC, n.d.
- On Blue's Waters (1999)
- The Wizard Knight (2004):
- The Knight (2004)
- The Wizard (2004)
- The Wizard Knight. 2004. Gollancz. London: Orion Publishing Group, 2005.
- Pirate Freedom (2007)
- An Evil Guest (2008)
- The Sorcerer's House (2010)
- Home Fires (2011)
- The Land Across (2013)
- The Smithe Series (2015-2020):
- A Borrowed Man (2015)
- A Borrowed Man. A Tor Book. New York: Tom Doherty Associates, 2015.
- Interlibrary Loan (2020)
- Interlibrary Loan. 2020. A Tor Book. New York: Tom Doherty Associates, 2021.
- A Borrowed Man (2015)
- The Island of Doctor Death and Other Stories and Other Stories (1980) [Island]
- The Island of Doctor Death and Other Stories (1970)
- Alien Stones (1972)
- La Befana (1973)
- The Hero As Werwolf (1975)
- Three Fingers (1976)
- The Death of Dr. Island (1973)
- Feather Tigers (1973)
- Hour of Trust (1973)
- Tracking Song (1975)
- The Toy Theater (1971)
- The Doctor of Death Island (1978)
- "Cues" (1974)
- The Eyeflash Miracles (1976)
- Seven American Nights (1978)
- The Island of Doctor Death and Other Stories and Other Stories. New York: Pocket Books, 1980.
- Gene Wolfe's Book of Days (1981) [Days]
Introduction by Gene Wolfe (1981)
- How the Whip Came Back (1970) Valentine's Day:
- Of Relays and Roses (1970) Arbor Day:
- Paul's Treehouse (1969) St. Patrick's Day:
- St. Brandon [from Peace] (1975) Earth Day:
- Beautyland (1973) Mother's Day:
- Car Sinister (1970) Armed Forces Day:
- The Blue Mouse (1971) Memorial Day:
- How I Lost the Second World War and Helped Turn Back the German Invasion (1973) Father's Day:
- The Adopted Father (1980) Labor Day:
- Forlesen (1974) First Day of Hunting Season:
- An Article About Hunting (1973) Homecoming Day:
- The Changeling (1968) Halloween:
- Many Mansions (1977) Armistice Day:
- Against the Lafayette Escadrille (1972) Thanksgiving:
- Three Million Square Miles (1971) Christmas Eve:
- The War Beneath the Tree (1979) Christmas Day:
- La Befana (1973) New Year's Eve:
- Melting (1974)
Lincoln's Birthday:- Gene Wolfe's Book of Days. 1981. London: Arrow Books, 1985.
- The Wolfe Archipelago (1983) [Archipelago]
Foreword by Gene Wolfe (1983)
- Death of the Island Doctor (1983)
- The Island of Doctor Death and Other Stories (1970)
- The Death of Dr. Island (1973)
- The Doctor of Death Island (1978)
- Plan(e)t Engineering (1984) [Engineering]
Gene Wolfe, by David G. Hartwell (1984)
- In Looking-Glass Castle (1980)
- The Rubber Bend (1974)
- The Marvelous Brass Chessplaying Automaton (1977)
- When I Was Ming the Merciless (1976)
- The Horars of War (1970)
- A Criminal Proceeding (1980)
- The Detective of Dreams (1980)
- British Soldier Near Rapier Antiaircraft Missile Battery Scans for the Enemy [poem] (1984)
- Last Night in the Garden of Forking Tongues [poem] (1984)
- The Computer Iterates the Greater Trumps [poem] (1977) The Anatomy of a Robot, by Gene Wolfe (1984)
Logology, by Gene Wolfe (1984)
The Books in The Book of the New Sun, by Gene Wolfe (1984) - Bibliomen: Twenty Characters Waiting for a Book (1984) [Bibliomen]
Foreword by Gene Wolfe (1984)
- Kirk Patterson Arthurs, Ph.D. (1984)
- Hopkins Dalhousie (1984)
- Gertrude S. "Spinning Jenny" Deplatta (1984)
- Bernard A. French (1984)
- Mary Beatrice Smoot Friarly, SPV (1984)
- Sir Gabriel (1984)
- John Glaskin (1984)
- Kopman Goldfleas (1984)
- Peter O. Henry (1984)
- John J. Jons, Jr. (1984)
- Xavier McRidy (1984)
- Lieutenant James Ryan O'Murphy, NYPD (1984)
- Anne Parsons (1984)
- Adam(?) Poor(?) (1984)
- John K. (Kinder) Price (1984)
- Paul Rico (1984)
- Rishi (1984)
- Skeeter Smyth (1984)
- The Woman Who Resigned (1984) Untitled Letter from the author to Mr. Hiroshi Hayakawa of Hayakawa Publishing Inc., Tokyo, Japan (1984)
- Storeys from the Old Hotel (1988) [Hotel]
Introduction by Gene Wolfe (1988)
- The Green Rabbit from S'Rian (1985)
- Beech Hill (1972)
- Sightings at Twin Mounds (1988)
- Continuing Westward (1973)
- Slaves of Silver (1971)
- The Rubber Bend (1974)
- Westwind (1973)
- Sonya, Crane Wessleman, and Kittee (1970)
- The Packerhaus Method (1970)
- Straw (1975)
- The Marvelous Brass Chessplaying Automaton (1977)
- To the Dark Tower Came (1977)
- Parkroads — A Review? (1987)
- The Flag (1988)
- Alphabet (1988)
- A Criminal Proceeding (1980)
- In Looking-Glass Castle (1980)
- Cherry Jubilee (1982)
- Redbeard (1984)
- A Solar Labyrinth (1983)
- Love, Among the Corridors (1984)
- Checking Out (1986)
- Morning-Glory (1970)
- Trip, Trap (1967)
- From the Desk of Gilmer C. Merton (1983)
- Civis Lapvtvs Svm (1975)
- The Recording (1972)
- Last Day (1982)
- Death of the Island Doctor (1983)
- On the Train (1983)
- In the Mountains (1983)
- At the Volcano's Lip (1983)
- In the Old Hotel (1983)
- Choice of the Black Goddess (1986)
- Endangered Species (1989) [Species]
Introduction by Gene Wolfe (1989)
- A Cabin on the Coast (1984)
- The Map (1984)
- Kevin Malone (1980)
- The Dark of the June (1974)
- The Death of Hyle (1974)
- From the Notebook of Doctor Stein (1974)
- Thag (1975)
- The Nebraskan and the Nereid (1985)
- In the House of Gingerbread (1987)
- The Headless Man (1972)
- The Last Thrilling Wonder Story (1982)
- House of Ancestors (1968)
- Our Neighbour by David Copperfield (1978)
- When I Was Ming the Merciless (1976)
- The God and His Man (1980)
- The Cat (1983)
- The War Beneath the Tree (1979)
- Eyebem (1970)
- The Horars of War (1970)
- The Detective of Dreams (1980)
- Peritonitis (1973)
- The Woman Who Loved the Centaur Pholus (1979)
- The Woman the Unicorn Loved (1981)
- The Peace Spy (1987)
- All the Hues of Hell (1987)
- Procreation I - Creation (1989)
- Procreation II - Re-creation (1989)
- Procreation III - The Sister's Account (1989)
- Lukora (1988)
- Suzanne Delage (1980)
- Sweet Forest Maid (1971)
- My Book (1989)
- The Other Dead Man (1988)
- The Most Beautiful Woman on the World (1987)
- The Tale of the Rose and the Nightingale (And What Came of It) (1988)
- Silhouette (1975)
- Endangered Species. 1989. An Orbit Book. London: Futura Publications, 1990.
- Letters Home (1991)
- Castle of Days (1992)
- The Castle of the Otter [Otter]
- Empires of Foliage and Flower (1987)
- The Old Woman Whose Rolling Pin Is the Sun (1991)
- The Boy Who Hooked the Sun (1985)
- The Cat (1983)
- The Map (1984)
- Gene Wolfe's Book of Days
- The Castle of the Otter [Otter]
- Young Wolfe (1992) [Young]
- The Case of the Vanishing Ghost (1992)
- The Grave Secret (1951)
- The Dead Man (1965)
- Mountains Like Mice (1966)
- The Green Wall Said (1967)
- Screen Test (1967)
- Volksweapon (1967)
- The Largest Luger (1992)
- The Last Casualty of Cambrai (1992)
- Strange Travelers (2000) [Strange]
- Bluesberry Jam (1996)
- One-Two-Three for Me (1996)
- Counting Cats in Zanzibar (1996)
- The Death of Koshchei the Deathless: A Tale of Old Russia (1995)
- No Planets Strike (1997)
- Bed and Breakfast (1996)
- To the Seventh (1996)
- Queen of the Night (1994)
- And When They Appear (1993)
- Flash Company (1997)
- The Haunted Boardinghouse (1990)
- Useful Phrases (1993)
- The Man in the Pepper Mill (1996)
- The Ziggurat (1995)
- Ain't You 'Most Done? (1996)
- Innocents Aboard (2004) [Innocents]
Introduction by Gene Wolfe
- The Tree Is My Hat (1999)
- The Old Woman Whose Rolling Pin Is the Sun (1991)
- The Friendship Light (1989)
- Slow Children at Play (1989)
- Under Hill (2002)
- The Monday Man (1990)
- The Waif (2002)
- The Legend of Xi Cygnus (1992)
- The Sailor Who Sailed After the Sun (1992)
- How the Bishop Sailed to Inniskeen (1989)
- Houston, 1943 (1988)
- A Fish Story (1999)
- Wolfer (1997)
- The Eleventh City (2000)
- The Night Chough (1998)
- The Wrapper (1998)
- A Traveler in Desert Lands (1999)
- The Walking Sticks (2000)
- Queen (2001)
- Pocketsful of Diamonds (2000)
- Copperhead (2001)
- The Lost Pilgrim (2004)
- Starwater Strains (2005) [Starwater]
Introduction by Gene Wolfe
- Viewpoint (2001)
- [with Brian A. Hopkins] Rattler (2004)
- In Glory Like Their Star (2001)
- Calamity Warps (2003)
- Graylord Man's Last Words (2003)
- Shields of Mars (2002)
- From the Cradle (2002)
- Black Shoes (2003)
- Has Anybody Seen Junie Moon? (1999)
- Pulp Cover (2004)
- Of Soil and Climate (2003)
- The Dog of the Drops (2002)
- Mute (2002)
- Petting Zoo (1997)
- Castaway (2003)
- The Fat Magician (2000)
- Hunter Lake (2003)
- The Boy Who Hooked the Sun (1985)
- Try and Kill It (1996)
- Game in the Pope's Head (1988)
- Empires of Foliage and Flower (1987)
- The Arimaspian Legacy (1987)
- The Seraph from Its Sepulcher (1991)
- Lord of the Land (1990)
- Golden City Far (2004)
- Starwater Strains: New Science Fiction Stories. A Tor Book. New York: Tom Doherty Associates, 2005.
- Shadows of the New Sun: Essays (2007)
- The Best of Gene Wolfe (2009) [Best]
- The Island of Doctor Death and Other Stories (1970)
- The Toy Theater (1971)
- The Fifth Head of Cerberus (1972)
- Beech Hill (1972)
- The Recording (1972)
- Hour of Trust (1973)
- The Death of Dr. Island (1973)
- La Befana (1973)
- Forlesen (1974)
- Westwind (1973)
- The Hero As Werwolf (1975)
- The Marvelous Brass Chessplaying Automaton (1977)
- Straw (1975)
- The Eyeflash Miracles (1976)
- Seven American Nights (1978)
- The Detective of Dreams (1980)
- Kevin Malone (1980)
- The God and His Man (1980)
- On the Train (1983)
- From the Desk of Gilmer C. Merton (1983)
- Death of the Island Doctor (1983)
- Redbeard (1984)
- The Boy Who Hooked the Sun (1985)
- Parkroads — A Review? (1987)
- Game in the Pope's Head (1988)
- And When They Appear (1993)
- Bed and Breakfast (1996)
- Petting Zoo (1997)
- The Tree Is My Hat (1999)
- Has Anybody Seen Junie Moon? (1999)
- A Cabin on the Coast (1984) Afterwords to each story by Gene Wolfe (2009)
- The Very Best of Gene Wolfe. Introduction by Kim Stanley Robinson (2009) [Very Best]
- Christmas Inn (2005) Afterword by Gene Wolfe (2009)
- The Dead Man and Other Horror Stories (2023) [Horror]
- The Dead Man (1965)
- The Hero As Werwolf (1975)
- Many Mansions (1977)
- The Detective of Dreams (1980)
- Redbeard (1984)
- In the House of Gingerbread (1987)
- The Other Dead Man (1988)
- The Friendship Light (1989)
- The Haunted Boardinghouse (1990)
- Lord of the Land (1990)
- The Seraph from Its Sepulcher (1991)
- Queen of the Night (1994)
- The Death of Koshchei the Deathless: A Tale of Old Russia (1995)
- Bed and Breakfast (1996)
- The Walking Sticks (2000)
- Mute (2002)
- My Name Is Nancy Wood (2003)
- Talk of Mandrakes (2003)
- Black Shoes (2003)
- Hunter Lake (2003)
- Prize Crew (2004)
- Monster (2004)
- The Card (2005)
- The Vampire Kiss (2005)
- Innocent (2010)
- Josh (2011)
- Why I Was Hanged (2011)
- Uncaged (2013)
- The Wolfe at the Door (2023) [Door]
Introduction by Kim Stanley Robinson
- On a Vacant Face a Bruise (2006)
- Bea and Her Bird Brother (2006)
- Memorare (2007) Monsters in the Trees
- A Method Bit in "B" (1970)
- Tarzan of the Grapes (1972) A Howling Wind
- The Little Stranger (2004)
- Christmas Inn (2005)
- At the Point of Capricorn (1983)
- The Gunner's Mate (2005)
- The Grave Secret (1951)
- The Old Woman in the Young Woman (2006) Out of the Darkness
- Dormanna (2012)
- Easter Sunday (1992)
- Archangel Gabriel (2023) Musing Under a Tree
- Last Night in the Garden of Forking Tongues [poem] (1984)
- Maybe We've Been Doing It Wrong [poem] (1988)
- Connect the Dots [poem] (1981) Travelers Along the Road
- Planetarium in Orbit (2009)
- Remembrance to Come (1970)
- The On-Deck Circle (2006)
- Hopkins Dalhousie (1984)
- How I Got Three Zip Codes (1999)
- Screen Test (1967)
- Volksweapon (1967)
- The Largest Luger (1992)
- The Last Casualty of Cambrai (1992)
- Last Drink Bird Head (2009) A Different Part of the Wood: Steel-Tipped Branches
- Mountains Like Mice (1966)
- The Green Wall Said (1967)
- Thou Spark of Blood (1970)
- Unrequited Love (2007)
- Loco Parentis (1972)
- Going to the Beach (1973)
- It's Very Clean (1972)
- Frostfree (2013) Through the Mists and Out into the Void
- The Giant (2011)
- The Magic Animal (2007)
- The Hour of the Sheep (2007)
- The Woman Who Went Out (1985)
- Leif in the Wind (2010)
- The Sea of Memory (2013)
Entering the Wood- The Wolfe at the Door. Introduction by Kim Stanley Robinson. A Tor Book. New York: Tom Doherty Associates, 2023.
- At the Point of Capricorn (1983) [Capricorn]
- The Boy Who Hooked the Sun (1985) [Boy]
- Empires of Foliage and Flower: A Tale From the Book of the Wonders of Urth and Sky (1987) [Empires]
- The Arimaspian Legacy (1988) [Arimaspian]
- Slow Children at Play (1989) [Children]
- The Old Woman Whose Rolling Pin is the Sun (1991) [Rolling Pin]
- The Case of the Vanishing Ghost (1991) [Ghost]
- The Grave Secret (1991) [Grave]
- [with Neil Gaiman] A Walking Tour of the Shambles (2002) [Shambles]
- Talk of Mandrakes (2003) [Mandrakes]
- Christmas Inn (2005) [Christmas]
- Strange Birds (2006) [Birds]
- On a Vacant Face a Bruise
- Sob in the Silence
- Memorare (2008) [Memorare]
- The Grave Secret (1951) [Grave] [Young] [Door]
- The Dead Man (1965) [Young] [Horror]
- Mountains Like Mice (1966) [Young] [Door]
- Screen Test (1967) [Young] [Door]
- Volksweapon (1967) [Young] [Door]
- Trip, Trap (1967) [Hotel]
- The Green Wall Said (1967) [Young] [Door]
- House of Ancestors (1968) [Species]
- The Changeling (1968) [Days]
- Paul's Treehouse (1969) [Days]
- Morning-Glory (1970) [Hotel]
- Car Sinister (1970) [Days]
- How the Whip Came Back (1970) [Days]
- Remembrance to Come (1970) [Door]
- The Packerhaus Method (1970) [Hotel]
- The Horars of War (1970) [Engineering] [Species]
- Thou Spark of Blood (1970) [Door]
- Eyebem (1970) [Species]
- Of Relays and Roses (1970) [Days]
- King Under the Mountain (1970)
- A Method Bit in "B" (1970) [Door]
- Sonya, Crane Wessleman, and Kittee (1970) [Hotel]
- The Island of Doctor Death and Other Stories (1970) [Island] [Archipelago] [Best]
- The Toy Theater (1971) [Island] [Best]
- Slaves of Silver (1971) [Hotel]
- Sweet Forest Maid (1971) [Species]
- The Blue Mouse (1971) [Days]
- Three Million Square Miles (1971) [Days]
- Alien Stones (1972) [Island]
- Beech Hill (1972) [Hotel] [Best]
- The Headless Man (1972) [Species]
- Against the Lafayette Escadrille (1972) [Days]
- Loco Parentis (1972) [Door]
- Mathoms from the Time Closet (1972)
- Robot's Story (1972)
- The Recording (1972) [Hotel] [Best]
- Tarzan of the Grapes (1972) [Door]
- It's Very Clean (1972) [Door]
- The Fifth Head of Cerberus (1972) [Best]
- Feather Tigers (1973) [Island]
- La Befana (1973) [Island] [Days] [Best]
- Hour of Trust (1973) [Island] [Best]
- How I Lost the Second World War and Helped Turn Back the German Invasion (1973) [Days]
- Going to the Beach (1973) [Door]
- An Article About Hunting (1973) [Days]
- Beautyland (1973) [Days]
- Continuing Westward (1973) [Hotel]
- Westwind (1973) [Hotel] [Best]
- Peritonitis (1973) [Species]
- The Death of Dr. Island (1973) [Island] [Archipelago] [Best]
- Cues (1974) [Island]
- Forlesen (1974) [Days] [Best]
- Melting (1974) [Days]
- The Dark of the June (1974) [Species]
- The Death of Hyle (1974) [Species]
- From the Notebook of Doctor Stein (1974) [Species]
- The Rubber Bend (1974) [Engineering] [Hotel]
- Civis Lapvtvs Svm (1975) [Hotel]
- Silhouette (1975) [Species]
- St. Brandon [Excerpt from Peace] (1975) [Days]
- Straw (1975) [Hotel] [Best]
- Thag (1975) [Species]
- Tracking Song (1975) [Island]
- The Hero As Werwolf (1975) [Island] [Best] [Horror]
- The Eyeflash Miracles (1976) [Island] [Best]
- When I Was Ming the Merciless (1976) [Engineering] [Species]
- Three Fingers (1976) [Island]
- The Marvelous Brass Chessplaying Automaton (1977) [Engineering] [Hotel] [Best]
- Many Mansions (1977) [Days] [Horror]
- To the Dark Tower Came (1977) [Hotel]
- Our Neighbour by David Copperfield (1978) [Species]
- Seven American Nights (1978) [Island] [Best]
- The Doctor of Death Island (1978) [Island] [Archipelago]
- The Woman Who Loved the Centaur Pholus (1979) [Species]
- War Beneath the Tree (1979) [Days] [Species]
- In Looking-Glass Castle (1980) [Engineering] [Hotel]
- Kevin Malone (1980) [Species] [Best]
- A Criminal Proceeding (1980) [Engineering] [Hotel]
- The God and His Man (1980) [Species] [Best]
- The Detective of Dreams (1980) [Engineering] [Species] [Best] [Horror]
- Suzanne Delage (1980) [Species]
- The Adopted Father (1980) [Days]
- Date Due (1981)
- The Woman the Unicorn Loved (1981) [Species]
- The Claw of the Conciliator [Excerpt] (1981)
- Cherry Jubilee (1982) [Hotel]
- Last Day (1982) [Hotel]
- The Last Thrilling Wonder Story (1982) [Species]
- Procreation (1983)
- A Solar Labyrinth (1983) [Hotel]
- The Cat (1983) [Species] [Otter]
- Four Wolves (1983)
- From the Desk of Gilmer C. Merton (1983) [Hotel] [Best]
- Creation (1983)
- At the Point of Capricorn (1983) [Capricorn] [Door]
- Death of the Island Doctor (1983) [Archipelago] [Hotel] [Best]
- On the Train (1983) [Hotel] [Best]
- In the Mountains (1983) [Hotel]
- At the Volcano's Lip (1983) [Hotel]
- In the Old Hotel (1983) [Hotel]
- Adam(?) Poor(?) (1984) [Bibliomen]
- Anne Parsons (1984) [Bibliomen]
- Bernard A. French (1984) [Bibliomen]
- Gertrude S. "Spinning Jenny" Deplatta (1984) [Bibliomen]
- Hopkins Dalhousie (1984) [Bibliomen] [Door]
- John Glaskin (1984) [Bibliomen]
- John J. Jons, Jr. (1984) [Bibliomen]
- John K. (Kinder) Price (1984) [Bibliomen]
- Kirk Patterson Arthurs, Ph.D. (1984) [Bibliomen]
- Kopman Goldfleas (1984) [Bibliomen]
- Lieutenant James Ryan O'Murphy, NYPD (1984) [Bibliomen]
- Mary Beatrice Smoot Friarly, SPV (1984) [Bibliomen]
- Paul Rico (1984) [Bibliomen]
- Peter O. Henry (1984) [Bibliomen]
- Rishi (1984) [Bibliomen]
- Sir Gabriel (1984) [Bibliomen]
- Skeeter Smyth (1984) [Bibliomen]
- The Woman Who Resigned (1984) [Bibliomen]
- Xavier McRidy (1984) [Bibliomen]
- A Cabin on the Coast (1984) [Species] [Best]
- The Map (1984) [Species] [Otter]
- Redbeard (1984) [Hotel] [Best] [Horror]
- Love, Among the Corridors (1984) [Hotel]
- The Boy Who Hooked the Sun (1985) [Boy] [Otter] [Starwater] [Best]
- The Green Rabbit from S'Rian (1985) [Hotel]
- The Nebraskan and the Nereid (1985) [Species]
- The Woman Who Went Out (1985) [Door]
- Checking Out (1986) [Hotel]
- Choice of the Black Goddess (1986) [Hotel]
- Empires of Foliage and Flower (1987) [Empires] [Otter] [Starwater]
- Parkroads — A Review? (1987) [Hotel] [Best]
- The Most Beautiful Woman on the World (1987) [Species]
- The Peace Spy (1987) [Species]
- In the House of Gingerbread (1987) [Species] [Horror]
- All the Hues of Hell (1987) [Species]
- The Arimaspian Legacy (1987) [Arimaspian] [Starwater]
- Alphabet (1988) [Hotel]
- Sightings at Twin Mounds (1988) [Hotel]
- The Flag (1988) [Hotel]
- The Other Dead Man (1988) [Species] [Horror]
- Read Me (1988)
- Lukora (1988) [Species]
- The Tale of the Rose and the Nightingale (And What Came of It) (1988) [Species]
- Game in the Pope's Head (1988) [Starwater] [Best]
- Houston, 1943 (1988) [Innocents]
- Slow Children at Play (1989) [Children] [Innocents]
- My Book (1989) [Species]
- The Tale of the Four Accused (1989)
- How the Bishop Sailed to Inniskeen (1989) [Innocents]
- The Friendship Light (1989) [Innocents] [Horror]
- Procreation I - Creation (1989) [Species]
- Procreation II - Re-creation (1989) [Species]
- Procreation III - The Sister's Account (1989) [Species]
- The Monday Man (1990) [Innocents]
- The Haunted Boardinghouse (1990) [Strange] [Horror]
- Lord of the Land (1990) [Starwater] [Horror]
- The Case of the Vanishing Ghost (1991) [Ghost] [Young]
- The Seraph from Its Sepulcher (1991) [Starwater] [Horror]
- The Old Woman Whose Rolling Pin Is the Sun (1991) [Rolling Pin] [Otter] [Innocents]
- The Largest Luger (1992) [Young] [Door]
- The Last Casualty of Cambrai (1992) [Young] [Door]
- The Legend of Xi Cygnus (1992) [Innocents]
- The Sailor Who Sailed After the Sun (1992) [Innocents]
- Easter Sunday (1992) [Door]
- Useful Phrases (1993) [Strange]
- And When They Appear (1993) [Strange] [Best]
- Queen of the Night (1994) [Strange] [Horror]
- Lake of the Long Sun [excerpt] (1994)
- Captain Roy C. Mirk, B.A., M.A., Ph.D. (1995)
- Seaman (1995)
- The Death of Koshchei the Deathless: A Tale of Old Russia (1995) [Strange] [Horror]
- The Ziggurat (1995) [Strange]
- Ain't You 'Most Done? (1996) [Strange]
- Bed & Breakfast (1996) [Strange] [Best] [Horror]
- Counting Cats in Zanzibar (1996) [Strange]
- The Man in the Pepper Mill (1996) [Strange]
- Try and Kill It (1996) [Starwater]
- One-Two-Three for Me (1996) [Strange]
- To the Seventh (1996) [Strange]
- Bluesberry Jam (1996) [Strange]
- No Planets Strike (1997) [Strange]
- Flash Company (1997) [Strange]
- Petting Zoo (1997) [Starwater] [Best]
- Wolfer (1997) [Innocents]
- The Night Chough (1998) [Innocents]
- The Wrapper (1998) [Innocents]
- A Traveler in Desert Lands (1999) [Innocents]
- How I Got Three Zip Codes (1999) [Door]
- Has Anybody Seen Junie Moon? (1999) [Starwater] [Best]
- The Tree Is My Hat (1999) [Innocents] [Best]
- A Fish Story (1999) [Innocents]
- The Walking Sticks (2000) [Innocents] [Horror]
- The Fat Magician (2000) [Starwater]
- Pocketsful of Diamonds (2000) [Innocents]
- The Eleventh City (2000) [Innocents]
- Master Ash's Joke (2001)
- Viewpoint (2001) [Starwater]
- Copperhead (2001) [Innocents]
- In Glory Like Their Star (2001) [Starwater]
- Queen (2001) [Innocents]
- Mute (2002) [Starwater] [Horror]
- The Waif (2002) [Innocents]
- [with Neil Gaiman] A Walking Tour of the Shambles (2002) [Shambles]
- Shields of Mars (2002) [Starwater]
- [with Lawrence Santoro] The Tree Is My Hat [play] (2002)
- From the Cradle (2002) [Starwater]
- The Dog of the Drops (2002) [Starwater]
- Under Hill (2002) [Innocents]
- Knight [excerpt] (2002)
- Calamity Warps (2003) [Starwater]
- My Name Is Nancy Wood (2003) [Horror]
- Talk of Mandrakes (2003) [Mandrakes] [Horror]
- Castaway (2003) [Starwater]
- Black Shoes (2003) [Starwater] [Horror]
- Graylord Man's Last Words (2003) [Starwater]
- Hunter Lake (2003) [Starwater] [Horror]
- Of Soil & Climate (2003) [Starwater]
- Prize Crew (2004) [Horror]
- The Lost Pilgrim (2004) [Innocents]
- [with Brian A. Hopkins] Rattler (2004) [Starwater]
- Pulp Cover (2004) [Starwater]
- Golden City Far (2004) [Starwater]
- Monster (2004) [Horror]
- The Little Stranger (2004) [Door]
- Comber (2005)
- The Card (2005) [Horror]
- The Vampire Kiss (2005) [Horror]
- The Gunner's Mate (2005) [Door]
- Christmas Inn (2005) [Christmas] [Very Best] [Door]
- Six from Atlantis (2006)
- The On-Deck Circle (2006) [Door]
- Bea and Her Bird Brother (2006) [Door]
- On a Vacant Face a Bruise (2006) [Birds] [Door]
- Sob in the Silence (2006) [Birds]
- Build-A-Bear (2006)
- The Old Woman in the Young Woman (2006) [Door]
- The Hour of the Sheep (2007) [Door]
- Green Glass (2007)
- Memorare (2007) [Memorare] [Door]
- The Magic Animal (2007) [Door]
- Unrequited Love (2007) [Door]
- Donovan Sent Us (2009)
- Planetarium in Orbit (2009) [Door]
- Last Drink Bird Head (2009) [Door]
- Innocent (2010) [Horror]
- Bloodsport (2010)
- Leif in the Wind (2010) [Door]
- King Rat (2010)
- The Giant (2011) [Door]
- Josh (2011) [Horror]
- Why I Was Hanged (2011) [Horror]
- Dormanna (2012) [Door]
- Frostfree (2013) [Door]
- The Sea of Memory (2013) [Door]
- Uncaged (2013) [Horror]
- Incubator (2015)
- A Borrowed Man [excerpt] (2015)
- Archangel Gabriel (2023) [Door]
- For Rosemary (1988)
Published Stories:
- category - SF: Authors
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