
Bookcase 24

Craig Sydney: Our Turn to Turn Heads (2009)

Bookcase 24 (House):
New Zealand Literature
[9 Shelves / 1467 books]

1, 2 … = shelf numbers counting downwards
[…] = bound Xerox copy

[1] New Zealand Literature
[2] New Zealand Literature (cont.)
[3] New Zealand Literature (cont.)
[4] New Zealand Literature (cont.)
[5] New Zealand Literature (cont.)
[6] New Zealand Literature (cont.)
[7] New Zealand Literature (cont.)
[8] New Zealand Literature (cont.)
[9] New Zealand Literature (cont.)

    Shelf 1:
    [New Zealand Literature]

  1. Ackerley, Chris. The Bridging of Troy, or Tales from the Trojan Tournament. London: Victor Gollancz, 1986.

  2. Adams, John. Briefcase. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 2011.

  3. Adams, John. The Elbow Stories. Wellington: Steele roberts Publishers, 2013.

  4. Adcock, Fleur. Poems 1960-2000. Newcastle-on-Tyne: Bloodaxe, 2000.

  5. Adcock, Fleur. The Eye of the Hurricane: Poems. Wellington & Auckland: A. H. & A. W. Reed, 1964.

  6. Adcock, Fleur, ed. The Oxford Book of Contemporary New Zealand Poetry. Auckland: Oxford University Press, 1982.

  7. Alexander, John H. Historic Wellington. Wellington: A. H. & A. W. Reed, 1959.

  8. Allan, Rosetta. The Unreliable People. Auckland: Penguin Random House New Zealand, 2019.

  9. Alldritt, Charles. Tree Worship: With Incidental Myths and Legends. Auckland: Printed for the Author by Strong and Ready Ltd., 1965.

  10. Alldritt, Charles. Grandpa's Little Verses. Auckland: Charles Alldritt, 1978.

  11. Alldritt, Charles. No Holds Bard. Auckland: Charles Alldritt, 1979.

  12. Alldritt, Charles. The Clone and Other Fantasies. Auckland: Charles Alldritt, 1981.

  13. Allen, Julia. Midas Touch. Illustrations by Kate Bowes. Christchurch: Nag’s Head Press, 1990.

  14. Alley, Elizabeth, & Mark Williams, ed. In the Same Room: Conversations with New Zealand Writers. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 1992.

  15. Alley, Rewi. Fragments of Living Peking and Other Poems. Christchurch: New Zealand Peace Council, 1955.

  16. Alley, Rewi. An Autobiography. 1986. Beijing & Auckland: New World Press & Ode Record and Publishing Company, 1987.

  17. Alpers, Anthony. Maori Myths & Tribal Legends. Illustrated by Pat Hanley. 1964. Auckland: Longman Paul, 1975.

  18. Alpers, Anthony. Legends of the South Sea. Auckland: Whitcombe & Tombs, 1970.

  19. Anderson, Barbara. Collected Stories. ['I Think We Should Go Into the Jungle', 1989; 'The Peacocks', 1997; 'Glorious things', 1999.] Wellington: Victoria University Press, 2005.

  20. Ashton-Warner, Sylvia. Spinster. 1958. London & Auckland: Heinemann, 1972.

  21. Ashton-Warner, Sylvia. Bell Call. 1969. London & New Zealand: Robert Hale & Whitcombe & Tombs, 1971.

  22. Ashton-Warner, Sylvia. I Passed This Way. 1979. Auckland: Reed Methuen Publishers Ltd., 1985.

  23. Hood, Lynley. Sylvia! The Biography of Sylvia Ashton-Warner. 1988. Auckland: Penguin Books, 2008.

  24. Hood, Lynley. Who is Sylvia? The Diary of a Biography. Dunedin: John McIndoe Ltd., 1990.

  25. AUP New Poets 1: Raewyn Alexander, Anna Jackson, Sarah Quigley. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 1999.

  26. AUP New Poets 2: Stu Bagby, Jane Gardner, Sonja Yelich. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 2002.

  27. AUP New Poets 3: Janis Freegard, Katherine Liddy, Reihana Robinson. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 2008.

  28. Bagby, Stu. Spindrift: Poems. Auckland: Antediluvian Press, 1995.

  29. Bagby, Stu. As it was in the beginning: poems. Wellington: Steele Roberts, 2005.

  30. Bagby, Stu. So Goes the Dance: Poems. Wellington: Steele Roberts, 2010.

  31. Bagby, Stu. Pockets of Warmth. Auckland: Antediluvian Press, 2017.

  32. Bagby, Stu, ed. Just Another Fantastic Anthology: Auckland in Poetry. Auckland: Antediluvian Press, 2008.

  33. Baker, Heretaunga Pat. Behind the Tattooed Face. Queen Charlotte Sound: Cape Catley Ltd., 1975.

  34. Ballantyne, David. The Cunninghams. 1948. Christchurch: Whitcoulls Ltd., 1976.

  35. Ballantyne, David. And the Glory. London: Robert Hale Limited / Auckland: Whitcombe & Tombs Limited, 1963.

  36. Ballantyne, David. A Friend of the Family. London: Robert Hale Limited / Auckland: Whitcombe & Tombs Limited, 1966.

  37. Ballantyne, David. Sydney Bridge Upside Down. Auckland: Longman Paul, 1968.

  38. Ballantyne, David. The Penfriend. Palmerston North: The Dunmore Press Limited / London: Robert Hale Limited, 1980.

  39. Reid, Bryan. After the Fireworks: A Life of David Ballantyne. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 2004.

  40. Barker, Lady. Station Life in New Zealand. 1870. New Zealand Classics. Auckland: Viking, 1987.

  41. Barker, Lady. Station Amusements in New Zealand. 1873. Facsimile Edition. Auckland: Wilson & Horton, Ltd., n.d.

  42. Gilderdale, Betty. The Seven Lives of Lady Barker: Author of Station Life in New Zealand. Auckland: David Bateman Ltd., 1996.

  43. Barnett, Sarah Jane. A Man Runs into a Woman. Auckland: Hue & Cry Press, 2012.

  44. Barnett, Sarah Jane. Work. Auckland: Hue & Cry Press, 2015.

  45. Baxter, Archibald. We Will Not Cease. 1939. New Zealand: Cape Catley, 1983.

  46. Baxter, James K. Cold Spring: Baxter's Early Unpublished Collection. Ed. Paul Millar. Auckland: Oxford University Press, 1996.

  47. Baxter, James K. In Fires of No Return: Poems. 1958. London: Oxford University Press, 1974.

  48. Baxter, James K. Pig Island Letters. London: Oxford University Press, 1966.

  49. Baxter, James K. The Rock Woman: Selected Poems. 1969. London: Oxford University Press, 1973.

  50. Baxter, James K. Jerusalem Daybook. Wellington: Price Milburn, 1971.

  51. Baxter, James K. Autumn Testament. 1972. Wellington: Price Milburn, 1973.

  52. Baxter, James K. Autumn Testament. 1972. Ed. Paul Millar. Auckland: Oxford University Press, 1997.

  53. Baxter, James K. Runes. 1973. London: Oxford University Press, 1974.

  54. Baxter, James K. The Tree House and Other Poems for Children. Wellington: Price Milburn, 1974.

  55. Baxter, James K. The Labyrinth: Some Uncollected Poems 1944-72. Ed. J. E. Weir. Wellington: Oxford University Press, 1974.

  56. Baxter, James K. The Bone Chanter: Unpublished Poems 1945-72. Chosen and Introduced by J. E. Weir. Wellington: Oxford University Press, 1976.

  57. Baxter, James K. The Holy Life and Death of Concrete Grady: Various Uncollected and Unpublished Poems. Chosen and Introduced by J. E. Weir. Wellington: Oxford University Press, 1976.

  58. Baxter, James K. Collected Poems. Ed. J. E. Weir. Auckland: Oxford University Press, 1979.

  59. Baxter, James K. Complete Poems. Ed. John Weir. 4 vols. Wellington: Te Herenga Waka University Press, 2022.
  60. Volume 1: Dunedin and Christchurch: The Early Years, 1943-1948
  61. Volume 2: The Wellington Years, 1949-1965
  62. Volume 3: Return to Dunedin, 1966-1968 / The Jerusalem Years, 1969-1972
  63. Volume 4: Appendices - Introduction; Chronology; Abbreviations; Notes and References; Glossary of Māori Words and Phrases; Bibliography; Index

  64. Baxter, James K. The Devil and Mr Mulcahy / The Band Rotunda. New Zealand Playwrights. Ed. Michael Noonan. Auckland: Heinemann Educational Books, 1971.

  65. Baxter, James K. The Sore-footed Man / The Temptations of Oedipus. New Zealand Playwrights. Ed. Michael Noonan. Auckland: Heinemann Educational Books, 1971.

  66. Baxter, James K. Collected Plays. Ed. Howard McNaughton. Auckland: Oxford University Press, 1982.

  67. Baxter, James K. The Fire and The Anvil: Notes on Modern Poetry. 1955. Wellington: New Zealand University Press, 1957.

  68. Baxter, James K. The Coaster. Illustrated by William Jones. A Primary School Bulletin. Department of Education, Wellington: School Publications Branch, n.d.

  69. Baxter, James K. Aspects of Poetry in New Zealand. Christchurch: The Caxton Press, 1967.

  70. Baxter, James K. The Man on the Horse. Dunedin: University of Otago Press, 1967.

  71. Baxter, James K. The Flowering Cross. Dunedin: New Zealand Tablet Co. Ltd., 1969.

  72. McKay, Frank, ed. James K. Baxter as Critic: A Selection from His Literary Criticism. Auckland: Heinemann Educational Books, 1978.

  73. Baxter, James K. Horse. New Zealand Classic. Auckland: Oxford University Press, 1985.

  74. Baxter, James K. Complete Prose. Ed. John Weir. 4 vols. Wellington: Victoria University Press, 2015.
  75. Volume 1: Dunedin and Christchurch: The Early Years, 1943-1948 / The Wellington Years, 1949-1965
  76. Volume 2: Return to Dunedin, 1966-1968
  77. Volume 3: The Jerusalem Years, 1969-1972
  78. Volume 4: Complete Prose, edited and introduced by John Weir

  79. Millar, Paul, ed. Spark to a Waiting Fuse: James K. Baxter’s Correspondence with Noel Ginn, 1942-46. Wellington: Victoria University Press, 2001.

  80. Baxter, James K. Letters of a Poet. Ed. John Weir. 2 vols. Wellington: Victoria University Press, 2019.
  81. Volume 1: 1939-1961
  82. Volume 2: 1962-1972

  83. O’Sullivan, Vincent. James K. Baxter. New Zealand Writers and their Work. Ed. James Bertram. Wellington: Oxford University Press, 1976.

  84. Weir, Father J. E. & Barbara A. Lyon. A Preliminary Bibliography of Works by and Works about James K. Baxter. Christchurch: University of Canterbury, 1979.

  85. Oliver, W. H. James K. Baxter: A Portrait. Auckland: Godwit Press, 1983.

  86. McKay, Frank. The Life of James K. Baxter. Auckland: Oxford University Press, 1990.

  87. Baysting, Arthur, ed. The Young New Zealand Poets. Auckland: Heinemann Educational Books, 1973.

  88. Beaumont, William. Equal & Opposite. Drawings by Corinne Curtis. Avondale, Auckland: Solent Publishing, 1986.

  89. Beautrais, Airini. Flow: Whanganui River Poems. Wellington: Victoria University Press, 2017.

  90. Belich, James. The New Zealand Wars and the Victorian Interpretation of Racial Conflict. 1986. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 1986.

  91. Bell, Brian. The Brian Bell Reader. Wellington: Bumper Books, 2001.

  92. Bennett, Warwick, & Patrick Hudson, ed. Rutherford's Dreams: A New Zealand Science Fiction Collection. Wellington: IPL Books, 1995.

  93. Bertram, James. Capes of China Slide Away: A Memoir of Peace and War 1910-1980. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 1993.

  94. Taylor, Nancy M., ed. The Journal of Ensign Best, 1837-1843. A Turnbull Library Monograph. Wellington: R. E. Owen, Government Printer, 1966.

  95. Bethell, Ursula. Collected Poems. Ed. Vincent O’Sullivan. Auckland: Oxford University Press, 1985.

  96. Whiteford, Peter, ed. Vibrant with Words: The Letters of Ursula Bethell. Wellington: Victoria University Press, 2005.

  97. Beyer, Tony. Dream Boat: Selected Poems. Wellington: HeadworX, 2007.

  98. Beyer, Tony. Anchor Stone. Lyttelton: Cold Hub Press, 2017.

  99. Billing, Graham. Forbush and The Penguins. 1965. London: Coronet Books, 1970.

  100. Billing, Graham. Statues: a Novel. London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1971.

  101. Billing, Graham. Changing Countries. Dunedin: Caveman Press, 1980.

  102. Billing, Graham. The Chambered Nautilus. Christchurch: Canterbury University Press, 1993.

  103. Billing, Graham. The Lifeboat. Queen Charlotte Sound: Cape Catley Ltd., 1997.

  104. Binney, Judith. The Legacy of Guilt: A Life of Thomas Kendall. The University of Auckland: Oxford University Press, 1968.

  105. Binney, Judith. Redemption Songs: A Life of Te Kooti Arikirangi Te Turuki. Auckland: Auckland University Press & Bridget Williams Books, 1995.

  106. Binney, Judith. Encircled Lands: Te Urewera, 1820-1921. Wellington: Bridget Williams Books, 2009.

  107. Binney, Judith. Stories without End: Essays 1975-2010. Wellington: Bridget Williams Books Limited, 2010.

  108. Bland, Peter. Collected Poems: 1956-2011. Wellington: Steele Roberts Publishers, 2011.

  109. Booth, Pat. Long Night Among the Stars. London: Collins, in association with Dunedin: The Otago Daily Times, 1961.

  110. Bornholdt, Jenny. Waiting Shelter. Wellington: Victoria University Press, 1991.

  111. Bornholdt, Jenny. How We Met. Drawings by Noel McKenna. Wellington: Victoria University Press, 1995.

  112. Bornholdt, Jenny. Miss New Zealand: Selected Poems. Wellington: Victoria University Press, 1997.

  113. Bornholdt, Jenny. Summer. Wellington: Victoria University Press, 2003.

  114. Bornholdt, Jenny, & Gregory O’Brien, ed. My heart goes swimming: New Zealand Love Poems. Auckland: Godwit Publishing Ltd., 1996.

  115. Bornholdt, Jenny, Gregory O’Brien, & Mark Williams, ed. An Anthology of New Zealand Poetry in English. 1997. Auckland: Oxford University Press, 1998.

  116. Bracken, Thomas. Musings in Maori-land: A Jubilee Volume. Historical Sketch by Sir Robert Stout. Preface by Sir George Grey. Dunedin: Arthur T. Keirle, 1890.

  117. Brasch, Charles. Indirections: A Memoir 1909-1947. Wellington: Oxford University Press, 1980.

  118. Brasch, Charles. The Universal Dance: A Selection from the Critical Prose Writings of Charles Brasch. Ed. J. L. Watson. Dunedin: University of Otago Press, 1981.

  119. Brasch, Charles. Collected Poems. Ed. Alan Roddick. Auckland: Oxford University Press, 1984.

  120. Brasch, Charles, ed. Landfall Country: Work from Landfall, 1947-61. Christchurch: The Caxton Press, 1962.

  121. Brasch, Charles. Charles Brasch in Egypt. Introduction by Margaret Scott. Wellington: Steele Roberts, 2007.

  122. Brasch, Charles: Journals, 1938–1945. Introduction by Rachel Barrowman. Transcribed by Margaret Scott. Annotated by Andrew Parsloe. Dunedin: Otago University Press, 2013.

  123. Brasch, Charles. Journals, 1945–1957. Ed. Peter Simpson. Dunedin: Otago University Press, 2017.

  124. Brasch, Charles. Journals, 1958–1973. Ed. Peter Simpson. Dunedin: Otago University Press, 2018.

  125. Brathwaite, Errol. An Affair of Men. London: Collins / Dunedin: Otago Daily Times, 1961.

  126. Brathwaite, Errol. The Flying Fish. London & Auckland: Collins, 1964.

  127. Brathwaite, Errol. The Needle’s Eye. London & Auckland: Collins, 1965.

  128. Brathwaite, Errol. The Evil Day. London & Auckland: Collins, 1967.

  129. Braunias, Steve. Civilisation: Twenty places on the Edge of the World. 2012. Wellington: Awa Press, 2013.

  130. Braunias, Steve. The Scene of the Crime. Auckland: HarperCollins Publishers, 2015.

  131. Broom, Sarah. Tigers at Awhitu. 2010. Oxford Poets. Manchester: Carcanet Press, 2010.

  132. Broom, Sarah. Gleam. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 2013.

  133. Broom, Sarah. Contemporary British and Irish Poetry: An Introduction. Houndsmill, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2006.

  134. Brown, Bernard. Victims and Traders: Selected Verse. Wellington: Mallinson Rendell, 1980.

  135. Brown, David Lyndon. Calling the Fish & Other Stories. Dunedin: University of Otago Press, 2001.

  136. Brown, David Lyndon. Marked Men. Auckland: Titus Books, 2007.

  137. Brown, David Lyndon. Skin Hunger. Auckland: Titus Books, 2009.

  138. Brunton, Alan. Black and White Anthology. Taylors Mistake: Hawk Press, 1976.

  139. Brunton, Alan. A Red Mole Sketch Book. Wellington: Victoria University Press, 1989.

  140. Brunton, Alan & Sally Rodwell. Day for a Daughter. Wellington: Untold Books, 1989.

  141. Brunton, Alan. Slow Passes: 1978-88. Introduction by Peter Simpson. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 1991.

  142. Brunton, Alan. Years Ago Today: Language & Performance, 1969. New Zealand Cultural Studies. Wellington: Bumper Books, 1997.

  143. Brunton, Alan. Romaunt of Glossa: A Saga. Wellington: Bumper Books, 1998.

  144. Brunton, Alan. Moonshine. Wellington: Bumper Books, 1998.

  145. Brunton, Alan. Ecstasy. Wellington: Bumper Books, 2001.

  146. Brunton, Alan. Fq. Wellington: Bumper Books, 2002.

  147. Celebrating Alan Brunton: A Concert and Book Launch for Fq. Wellington: Saturday 26 October, 2002 / Auckland: Friday 6 December, 2002.

  148. Brunton, Alan. Grooves of Glory: Three Performance Texts. Wellington: Bumper Books, 2004

  149. Brunton, Alan. Beyond the Ohlala Mountains: Poems 1968-2002. Ed. Michele Leggott & Martin Edmond. Pokeno: Titus Books, 2013.

  150. Brunton, Alan, Murray Edmond & Michele Leggott. Big Smoke: New Zealand Poems 1960-1975. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 2000.

  151. Buck, Peter H. [Te Rangi Hiroa]. Vikings of the Sunrise. 1938. Whitcombe & Tombs. 1954. Wellington: Whitcoulls Limited, 1975.

  152. Buck, Sir Peter [Te Rangi Hiroa]. The Coming of the Maori. Foreword by Peter Fraser. 1949. Wellington: Maori Purposes Fund Board / Whitcombe & Tombs Ltd., 1950.

  153. Bullock, Craig. Quake Cats: Heart-warming Stories of Christchurch Cats. Auckland: Random House New Zealand, 2014.

  154. Busch, Glenn, & Bruce Connew. My Place. A Place in Time. 21st Century Documentary Project. Christchurch: Canterbury University Press, 2005.

  155. Butcher-McGunnigle, Zarah. Autobiography of a Marguerite. Auckland: Hue & Cry Press, 2014.

  156. Jones, Henry Festing. Samuel Butler, Author of Erewhon (1835-1902): A Memoir. 2 vols. London: Macmillan and Co., Limited, 1919.
  157. Vol. 1
  158. Vol. 2

  159. Shelf 2:
    [New Zealand Literature] (cont.)

  160. Brown, Ben. If nobody listens then no one will know: The Writers in Youth Justice Programme. Wellington: Read NZ Te Pou Muramura Pānui, 2020.

  161. Butler, Samuel. A First Year in Canterbury Settlement With Other Early Essays. 1863. Ed. R. A. Streatfield. London: A. C. Fifield, 1914.

  162. Butler, Samuel. A First Year in Canterbury Settlement. 1863. Ed. A. C. Brassington & P. B. Maling. Auckland & Hamilton: Blackwood & Janet Paul, 1964.

  163. Butler, Samuel. Erewhon, or Over the Range. 1872. New Zealand Classics. Auckland: Golden Press Pty Ltd., in assocaiton with Whitcombe and Tombs Limited, 1973.

  164. Butler, Samuel. Erewhon. 1872. Ed. Peter Mudford. 1970. Penguin Classics. London: Penguin, 1985.

  165. Butler, Samuel. Erewhon Revisited. The Travellers’ Library. 1901. London: Jonathan Cape, 1927.

  166. Butler, Samuel. The Way of All Flesh. 1903. Melbourne: Penguin Books, 1953.

  167. Butler, Samuel. Ernest Pontifex or The Way of All Flesh. Ed. Daniel F. Howard. 1964. London: Methuen & Co. Ltd., 1966.

  168. Butler, Samuel. The Humour of Homer & Other Essays. Ed. R. A. Streatfield. London: A. C. Fifield, 1913.

  169. Butler, Samuel. The Note-Books of Samuel Butler. Ed. Henry Festing Jones. 1912. London: A. C. Fifield, 1919.

  170. Samuel Butler's Note-Books. Selections Edited by Geoffrey Keynes & Brian Hill. London: Jonathan Cape, 1951.

  171. Butler, Samuel. Letters between Samuel Butler and Miss E. M. A. Savage, 1871-1885. Ed. Geoffrey Keynes & Brian Hill. London: Jonathan Cape, 1935.

  172. Jones, Joseph. The Cradle of Erewhon: Samuel Butler in New Zealand. Parkville, Victoria: Melbourne University Press, 1960.

  173. Maling, Peter Bromley. Samuel Butler at Mesopotamia, together with Butler’s “Forest Creek” Manuscript and His Letters to Tripp and Acland. 1960. Wellington: New Zealand Historic Places Trust, 1984.

  174. Henderson, Philip. Samuel Butler: The Incarnate Bachelor. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1954.

  175. Caffin, James. Partisan. 1945. Auckland: HarperCollins Publishers (New Zealand) Limited, 2019.

  176. Calder, Alex. The Settler's Plot: How Stories Take Place in New Zealand. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 2011.

  177. Calder, Alex, ed. The Writing of New Zealand: Inventions and Identities. Auckland: Reed Books, 1993.

  178. Campbell, Alistair. Mine Eyes Dazzle. 1950. Christchurch: The Pegasus Press, 1956.

  179. Campbell, Alistair. The Happy Summer. Drawings by Richard Kennedy. Christchurch: Whitcombe and Tombs Limited, 1961.

  180. Campbell, Alistair. The Frigate Bird. Pacific Writers Series. Auckland: Heinemann Reed, 1989.

  181. Campbell, Alistair. Sidewinder. Pacific Writers Series. Auckland: Reed Books, 1991.

  182. Campbell, Alistair. Tia. Pacific Writers Series. Auckland: Reed, 1993.

  183. Campbell, Alistair Te Ariki. Fantasy with Witches. Christchurch: Hazard Press Limited, 1998.

  184. Campbell, Alistair Te Ariki. Maori Battalion: A Poetic Sequence. Wellington: Wai-te-ata Press, 2001.

  185. Campbell, Alistair Te Ariki. Pocket Collected Poems. Introduction by Roger Robinson. Christchurch: Hazard Press Limited, 1996.

  186. Campbell, Alistair Te Ariki. The Dark Lord of Savaiki: Collected Poems. Christchurch: Hazard Press, 2005.

  187. Campbell, Alistair. Island to Island. Christchurch: Whitcoulls Publishers, 1984.

  188. Stone, R. C. J., ed. Poenamo Revisited: A Facsmile of the 1898 Edition of Poenamo by Sir John Logan Campbell. Foreword by John Clark. A Godwit Book. Auckland: Random House New Zealand, 2012.

  189. Stone, R. C. J. Young Logan Campbell. Auckland: Auckland University Press / Oxford University Press, 1982.

  190. Stone, R. C. J. The Father and His Gift: John Logan Campbell's Late Years. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 1987.

  191. Campion, Edith. A Place to Pass through and Other Stories. Wellington: A. H. & A. W. Reed Ltd., 1977.

  192. Caro, Anna, & Juliet Buchanan, ed. A Foreign Country: New Zealand Speculative Fiction. Wellington: Random Static Ltd., 2010.

  193. Carr-Gregg, Charlotte. Japanese Prisoners of War in Revolt: The Outbreaks at Featherston and Cowra during World War II. St. Lucia, Queensland: University of Queensland Press, 1978.

  194. Caselberg, John. Six Songs & The Wake: Poems. Christchurch: The Nag’s Head Press, 1965.

  195. Caselberg, John, ed. Maori is My Name: Historical Maori Writings in Translation. Dunedin: John McIndoe Limited, 1975.

  196. Catton, Eleanor. The Rehearsal. Wellington: Victoria University Press, 2008.

  197. Catton, Eleanor. The Luminaries. Wellington: Victoria University Press, 2013.

  198. Chamier, George. A South-Sea Siren. Ed. Joan Stevens. New Zealand Fiction. Ed. J. C. Reid. Auckland: Auckland University Press & Oxford University Press, 1970.

  199. Chan, Jill. The Smell of Oranges. Wellington: Earl of Seacliff Art Workshop, 2003.

  200. Chan, Jill. These Hands Are Not Ours: Poems. Paekakariki: Earl of Seacliff Art Workshop, 2009.

  201. Chapman, Clive (the Investigator) & his Journalist Friend G. A. W. The Blue Room: Being the Absorbing Story of the Development of Voice-to-Voice Communication in BROAD LIGHT with Souls who have Passed into THE GREAT BEYOND. Auckland: Whitcombe and Tombs Ltd., 1927.

  202. Chapman, Robert, & Jonathan Bennett, ed. An Anthology of New Zealand Verse. 1997. London & Wellington: Geoffrey Cumberlege / Oxford University Press, 1956.

  203. Charman, Janet. 2 Deaths in 1 Night. Auckland: New Women’s Press, 1987.

  204. Charman, Janet. red letter. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 1992.

  205. Charman, Janet. end of the dry. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 1995.

  206. Charman, Janet. Rapunzel Rapunzel. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 1999.

  207. Charman, Janet. Snowing Down South. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 2002.

  208. Charman, Janet. Cold Snack. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 2007.

  209. Chidgey, Catherine. In a Fishbone Church. Wellington: Victoria University Press, 1997.

  210. Chidgey, Catherine. The Wish Child. Wellington: Victoria University Press, 2016.

  211. Chitham, Karl. MOTH [Museum of True History]: Recent Acquisitions. Auckland: Objectspace, 2010.

  212. Christie, Will. luce cannon. Auckland: Titus Books, 2007.

  213. Christie, Stephanie. The Facts of Light. deciBel Series 001. Ed. Pam Brown. Sydney: Vagabond Press, 2014.

  214. Christie, Stephanie. Carbon Shapes and Dark Matter. Pokeno: Titus Books, 2015.

  215. Cleary, Farrell. Beyond the Pale. Wellington: Steele Roberts Aotearoa Publishers, 2024 [2023].

  216. Cochrane, Geoff. 84-484. Wellington: Victoria University Press, 2007.

  217. Cochrane, Geoff. Astonished Dice: Collected Short Stories. Wellington: Victoria University Press, 2014.

  218. Cochrane, Geoff. Selected Poems. Wellington: Te Herenga Waka University Press, 2023.

  219. Cole, Gina. Black Ice Matter. Wellington: Huia Publishers, 2016.

  220. Cole, Gina. Na Viro. Wellington: Huia Publishers, 2022.

  221. Cole, John Reece. It was so late and Other Stories. 1949. Ed. Cherry Rankin. New Zealand Fiction. Ed. Bill Pearson. Auckland: Auckland University Press & Oxford University Press, 1978.

  222. St George, Ian, ed. Give your thoughts life: William Colenso's Letters to the Editor. Dunedin: Otago University Press, 2011.

  223. Bagnall, A. C., & G. C. Petersen. William Colenso: His Life and Journeys. 1948. Ed Ian St George. Dunedin: Otago University Press, 2012.

  224. Conroy, Thom. The Naturalist: A Novel. A Vintage Book. Auckland: Random House New Zealand, 2014.

  225. Corballis, Tim. Below. Wellington: Victoria University Press, 2001.

  226. Corballis, Tim. R. H. I.: Two Novellas. Wellington: Victoria University Press, 2015.

  227. Courage, James. Such Separate Creatures: Stories. Ed. Charles Brasch. New Zealand Short Stories, 3. Christchurch: The Caxton Press, 1973.

  228. Cowan, James. The Adventures of Kimble Bent: A Story of Wild Life in the New Zealand Bush. Christchurch, Wellington & Dunedin, N.Z.: Whitcombe & Tombs, Limited, 1911. Facsimile edition. Christchurch: Capper Press, 1975.

  229. Cowan, James. The New Zealand Wars: A History of the Maori Campaigns and the Pioneering Period. Vol. 1: 1845-64. 1922. Wellington: R. E. Owen, Government Printer, 1955.

  230. Cowan, James. The New Zealand Wars: A History of the Maori Campaigns and the Pioneering Period. Vol. 2: The Hauhau Wars, 1864-72. 1922. Wellington: R. E. Owen, Government Printer, 1956.

  231. Cowan, James. The New Zealand Wars: A History of the Maori Campaigns and the Pioneering Period. Vol. 1: 1845-64. 1922. Introduction by Michael King. Wellington: P. D. Hasselberg, Government Printer, 1983.

  232. Cowan, James. The New Zealand Wars: A History of the Maori Campaigns and the Pioneering Period. Vol. 2: The Hauhau Wars, 1864-72. 1922. Wellington: P. D. Hasselberg, Government Printer, 1983.

  233. Cowan, James. The Old Frontier: Te Awamutu / The Story of the Waipa Valley. Te Awamutu: The Waipa Post Printing and Publishing Company, 1922.

  234. Cowan, James, & Hon. Sir Maui Pomare in Collaboration. Legends of the Maori. 2 vols. Vol. 1: Mythology, Traditional History, Folk-lore and Poetry. By James Cowan. Illustrations by Stuart Peterson. 1930. Papakura: Southern Reprints, 1987.

  235. Cowan, James. Tales of the Maori Coast. Wellington: Fine Arts (N.Z.) Limited, 1930.

  236. Cowan, James. Tales of the Maori Bush. 1934. Wellington: A. H. & A. W. Reed, 1966.

  237. Cowan, James. Tales of the Maori Border. Foreword by Peter Fraser. Tribute by Alan Mulgan. Wellington: A. H. & A. W. Reed, 1944.

  238. Cowan, James. Settlers and Pioneers. Centennial Surveys. Wellington: Department of Internal Affairs, 1940.

  239. Cox, Nigel. Waiting for Einstein. Auckland: Benton Ross Publishers Ltd., 1984.

  240. Cox, Nigel. Dirty Work. Auckland: Benton Ross Publishers Ltd., 1987.

  241. Cox, Nigel. Skylark Lounge. Wellington: Victoria University Press, 2000.

  242. Cox, Nigel. Tarzan Presley. [Reprinted as 'Jungle Rock Blues', 2011]. Wellington: Victoria University Press, 2004.

  243. Cox, Nigel. Jungle Rock Blues. 2004. Wellington: Victoria University Press, 2011.

  244. Cox, Nigel. Responsibility. Wellington: Victoria University Press, 2005.

  245. Cox, Nigel. The Cowboy Dog. Wellington: Victoria University Press, 2006.

  246. Cox, Nigel. Phone Home Berlin: Collected Non-fiction. Wellington: Victoria University Press, 2007.

  247. Cranna, John. Visitors. Pacific Writers Series. Auckland: Heinemann Reed, 1989.

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  410. Frame, Janet. In the Memorial Room. 1974. Melbourne: Text Publishing Company, 2013.

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  418. Frame, Janet. You are Now Entering the Human Heart. Wellington: Victoria University Press, 1983.

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  420. Frame, Janet. The Daylight and the Dust: Selected Short Stories. The Janet Frame Collection. Introduction by Michèle Roberts. Virago Modern Classics. London: Virago Press, 2010.

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  467. Gormack, R. S. Diary of a Hundred Days: Volume Two (51-100). Christchurch: The Nag's Head Press, 1975.

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  478. Shelf 4:
    [New Zealand Literature] (cont.)

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  485. Hager, Nicky. Dirty Politics: How Attack Politics is Poisoning New Zealand's Political Environment. Nelson: Craig Potton Publishing, 2014.

  486. Hager, Nicky, & Jon Stephenson. Hit & Run: The New Zealand SAS in Afghanistan and the Meaning of Honour. Nelson: Potton & Burton, 2017.

  487. Haley, Russell. The Walled Garden. Northcote: The Mandrake Root, 1972.

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  750. Svoboda, Teresa. Anything that Burns You: A Portrait of Lola Ridge, Radical Poet. Introduction by Molly Crabapple. Tucson, Arizona: Schaffner Press, Inc., 2018.

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  758. Lindsay, Graham. The Subject. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 1994.

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  762. Lloyd, Bronwyn. Nine Stories. In Far Far Away: Romance, Anxiety & the Uncertainty of Place. Curated by Carl Chitham. Rawene: Hokianga Art Gallery, 2009.

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  767. Lloyd, Thérèse. Other Animals. Wellington: Victoria University Press, 2013.

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  783. Macassey, Olivia. Love in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction. Auckland: Titus Books, 2005.

  784. Macassey, Olivia. The Burnt Hotel. Pokeno: Titus Books, 2015.

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  787. McDonnell, Brian. In My Father's Den. New Zealand Film Classics, 1. Nottingham, UK: Kakapo Books, 2016.

  788. Macfarlane, Stuart, ed. The Erebus Papers: Edited Extracts from the Erebus Proceedings with Commentary. Auckland: Avon Press, 1991.

  789. MacKenzie, Joy, & Iain Sharp. Sharing Our Ghosts: Poems. Auckland: Cumberland Press, 2011.

  790. McLaren, Daryl. The Back-to-Front Runner Poems. Illustrated by Joanna Harris. Wellington: Wai-te-Ata Press, 1974.

  791. McLeod, Marion, & Bill Manhire, ed. Some Other Country: New Zealand’s Best Short Stories. Third Edition. 1984. Wellington: Unwin Paperbacks, with Port Nicholson Books, 1986.

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  793. McMillan, Frankie. Dressing for the Cannibals. Christchurch: Sudden Valley Press, 2009.

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  795. McNeish, James. Mackenzie: A Novel. 1970. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1974.

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  800. McQueen, Cilla. Axis: Poems and Drawings. Dunedin: Otago University Press, 2001.

  801. McQueen, Cilla. Soundings: Poems and Drawings. Dunedin: Otago University Press, 2002.

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  804. McQueen, Cilla. In a Slant Light: A Poet’s Memoir. Dunedin: Otago University Press, 2016.

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  806. McQueen, Harvey. Recessional. Wellington: HeadworX, 2004.

  807. McQueen, Harvey, & Lois Cox, ed. Ten Modern New Zealand Poets. Auckland: Longman Paul, 1974.

  808. Mahon, Peter. Verdict on Erebus. 1984. A Fontana Paperback. Auckland: Collins, 1985

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    [New Zealand Literature] (cont.)

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  827. Duder, Tessa. Margaret Mahy: A Writer’s Life: A Literary Portrait of New Zealand’s Best-Loved Children’s Author. Auckland: HarperCollins, 2005.

  828. Makereti, Tina. Once Upon a Time in Aotearoa. Wellington: Huia Publishers, 2010.

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  830. Manasiadis, Vana, ed. & trans. Shipwrecks/Shelters: Six Contemporary Greek Poets / / Ναυάγια/Καταφύγια: Έξι Σύγχρονοι Έλληνες Ποιητές. With Lena Kallergi, Theodore Chiotis, Phoebe Giannisi, Patricia Kolaiti, Vassilis Amanatidis & Katerina Iliopoulou. Seraph Press Translation Series No. 1. Wellington: Seraph Press, 2016.

  831. Manasiadis, Vana. The Grief Almanac: A Sequel. Wellington: Seraph Press, 2019.

  832. Mander, Jane. The Story of a New Zealand River. 1920. Christchurch: Whitcombe & Tombs, 1974.

  833. Mander, Jane. Allen Adair. 1925. Ed. Dorothea Turner. New Zealand Fiction. Ed. J. C. Reid. Auckland: Auckland University Press & Oxford University Press, 1971.

  834. Manhire, Bill. Good Looks. Auckland: Oxford University Press / Auckland University Press, 1982.

  835. Manhire, Bill. Hoosh. [NZ]: Anxious Husky Press, 1995.

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  843. Manhire, Bill. Mutes & Earthquakes: Bill Manhire’s Creative Writing Course at Victoria. Wellington: Victoria University Press, 1997.

  844. Manhire, Bill, ed. 121 New Zealand Poems. 1993. A Godwit Book. Auckland: Random House New Zealand, 2005.

  845. Manhire, Bill, ed. The Wide White Page: Writers Imagine Antarctica. Wellington: Victoria University Press, 2004.

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  847. Mann, Phillip, ed. Tales from the Out of Time Cafe. Christchurch: Hazard Press Limited, 1996.

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  860. Mansfield, Katherine. The Complete Stories of Katherine Mansfield. 1974. Auckland: Golden Press, 1978.

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  864. Meyers, Jeffrey. Katherine Mansfield: A Biography. 1978. London: Hamish Hamilton, 1979.

  865. Mansfield, Katherine. The Stories of Katherine Mansfield: Definitive Edition. Ed. Antony Alpers. Auckland: Oxford University Press, 1984.

  866. Mansfield, Katherine. The Collected Fiction of Katherine Mansfield, 1898-1915. Ed. Gerri Kimber & Vincent O'Sullivan. The Edinburgh Edition of the Collected Works of Katherine Mansfield, Vol. 1 of 4. Series Editor: Gerri Kimber. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2012.

  867. Mansfield, Katherine. The Collected Fiction of Katherine Mansfield, 1916–1922. Ed. Gerri Kimber & Vincent O'Sullivan. The Edinburgh Edition of the Collected Works of Katherine Mansfield, Vol. 2 of 4. Series Editor: Gerri Kimber. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2012.

  868. Mansfield, Katherine. The Poetry and Critical Writings of Katherine Mansfield. Ed. Gerri Kimber & Angela Smith. Editorial Assistant: Anna Plumridge. The Edinburgh Edition of the Collected Works of Katherine Mansfield, Vol. 3 of 4. Series Editor: Gerri Kimber. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2014.

  869. Mansfield, Katherine. The Collected Poems of Katherine Mansfield. Ed. Gerri Kimber & Claire Davidson. Dunedin: Otago University Press, 2016.

  870. Murry, J. Middleton, ed. Journal of Katherine Mansfield. 1927. London: Constable & Co. Ltd., 1933.

  871. Mansfield, Katherine. The Katherine Mansfield Notebooks. Ed. Margaret Scott. 2 vols. Canterbury & Wellington: Lincoln University Press & Daphne Brasell Associates, 1997.

  872. Mansfield, Katherine. The Urewera Notebook. Ed. Ian A. Gordon. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1978.

  873. Hankin, C. A., ed. The Letters of John Middleton Murray to Katherine Mansfield. Auckland: Hutchinson Group (New Zealand) Limited, 1983.

  874. Mansfield, Katherine. The Collected Letters of Katherine Mansfield – Volume 1: 1903-1917. Ed. Vincent O’Sullivan & Margaret Scott. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1984.

  875. Alpers, Antony. The Life of Katherine Mansfield. 1980. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1982.

  876. Woods, Joanna. Katerina: The Russian World of Katherine Mansfield. Auckland: Penguin, 2001.

  877. Marsh, Ngaio. Black Beech and Honeydew: An Autobiography. 1966. Revised and Enlarged Edition. Auckland: William Collins Publishers Limited, 1981.

  878. Marshall, Owen. The Day Hemingway Died and Other Stories. Dunedin: John McIndoe Limited, 1984.

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  886. Marshall, Owen. A Many Coated Man. Dunedin: Longacre Press Ltd., 1995.

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  888. Marshall, Owen. Drybread: A Novel. 2007. A Vintage Book. Auckland: Random House New Zealand, 2007.

  889. Marshall, Owen. The Larnachs. A Vintage Book. Auckland: Random House New Zealand, 2011.

  890. Marshall, Theresia Liemlienio. The Pohutukawa-Beringin Tree. Panmure, Auckland: The Griffin Press, 1993.

  891. Marshall, Theresia Liemlienio. From the Pohutukawa This Poem is for You. Panmure, Auckland: The Griffin Press, 1995.

  892. Mason, Bruce. The End of the Golden Weather: A Voyage into a New Zealand Childhood. Wellington: Price Milburn, 1962.

  893. Mason, Bruce. The Pohutukawa Tree: A Play in three Acts. Wellington: Price Milburn, 1963.

  894. Mason, Bruce. Awatea: A Play in three Acts. 1969. New Zealand Playscripts. Wellington: Price Milburn & Victoria University Press, 1978.

  895. Mason, Bruce. Solo: the End of the Golden Weather; To Russia, with Love; Not Christmas, but Guy Fawkes; Courting Blackbird. 1962, 1965 & 1976. Wellington: Price Milburn / Victoria University Press, 1981.

  896. Mason, Bruce. Every Kind of Weather. Ed. David Dowling. Auckland: Reed Methuen Publishers Ltd., 1986.

  897. Mason, R. A. K. Collected Poems. Ed. Allen Curnow. 1962. Christchurch: Pegasus Press, 1975.

  898. Mason, R. A. K. Uncollected Poems. Ed. Roger Hickin. Introduction by Robert McLean. Lyttelton: Cold Hub Press, 2019.

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  900. Mason, R. A. K. Four Short Stories: 1931-35. Afterword by Rachel Barrowman. Auckland: The Holloway Press, 2003.

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  902. ‘Asclepius’[John Caselberg]. Poet Triumphant: The Life and Writings of R. A. K. Mason (1905-1971). Wellington: Steele Roberts, 2004.

  903. McGill, David. Ghost Towns of New Zealand. 1980. Wellington: A. H. & A. W. Reed Ltd., 1983.

  904. McLauchlan, Danyl. Mysterious Mysteries of the Aro Valley. Wellington: Victoria University Press, 2016.

  905. McNeish, James. Tavern in the Town. Drawings by Dennis Turner. Photgraphic editor Helen MicNeish. 1957. Rev. ed. Wellington: A. H. & A. W. Reed Ltd., 1984.

  906. Medary, M. B. The Uroborus Quintet. Dunedin: Otago University Print, 2001.

  907. Menzies, Rosemary, Mike Johnson & Michael Morrissey, ed. The Globe Tapes. Auckland: Hard Echo Press, 1985.

  908. Middleton, O. E. The Stone and Other Stories. Distributed by Paul's Book Arcade Limited. Auckland: The Pilgrim Press, 1959.

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  910. Miles, Geoffrey, John Davidson, & Paul Millar. The Snake-Haired Muse: James K. Baxter and Classical Myth. Wellington: Victoria University Press, 2011.

  911. Millar, Lynley. The Catlins Collection: Verse and Vistas – A Personal Journey. Invercargill: Morepork Press, 1998.

  912. Mitchell, David. Pipe Dreams in Ponsonby: Poems. 1971. Dunedin: Caveman Press, 1975.

  913. Edmond, Martin, & Nigel Roberts, ed. Steal Away Boy: Selected Poems of David Mitchell. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 2010.

  914. Molloy, Harvey. Moonshot. Wellington: Steel Roberts Publishers, 2008.

  915. Monin, Lydia. From the Writer’s Notebook: Around New Zealand with 80 Authors. Auckland: Reed, 2006.

  916. Monin, Paul. This is My Place: Hauraki Contested, 1769-1875. Wellington: Bridget Williams Books, 2001.

  917. Morrieson, Ronald Hugh. The Scarecrow. 1963. Auckland: Heinemann Educational Books (NZ) Ltd., 1976.

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  919. Morrieson, Ronald Hugh. Predicament. Preface by Maurice Shadbolt. Palmerston North: The Dunmore Press, 1974.

  920. Morrieson, Ronald Hugh. Pallet on the Floor and Two Stories. 1976. With an Introduction by Peter Simpson. Auckland: Penguin, 1983.

  921. Morrissey, Michael. Closer to the Bone: Poems. Christchurch: Sword Press, 1981.

  922. Morrissey, Michael. She's Not the Child of Sylvia Plath. Christchurch: Sword Press, 1981.

  923. Morrissey, Michael. Dreams. Wellington: Sword Press, 1981.

  924. Morrissey, Michael. Taking in the View. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 1986.

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  929. Morrissey, Michael. Octavio’s Last Invention. Auckland: Brick Row, 1991.

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  934. Morrissey, Michael, ed. The New Fiction. Auckland: Lindon Publishing, 1985.

  935. Morton, Elizabeth. Wolf. Hoopla series. Wellington: Mākaro Press, 2017.

  936. Mulgan, Alan, & Walter Murdoch, ed. A Book of Australian and New Zealand Verse. 1918. Oxford Standard Authors. London: Oxford University Press, 1950.

  937. Mulgan, John. Man Alone. 1939. Auckland: Longman Paul, 1973.

  938. Mulgan, John. Report on Experience. 1947. New Zealand Classic. Auckland: Oxford University Press, 1984.

  939. Mulgan, John, ed. Poems of Freedom. Introduction by W. H. Auden. Left Book Club Edition. London: Victor Gollancz Ltd., 1938.

  940. O’Sullivan, Vincent. Long Journey to the Border: A Life of John Mulgan. Auckland: Penguin, 2003.

  941. Munro, Jessie. The Story of Suzanne Aubert. Auckland: Auckland University Press with Bridget Williams Books, 1996.

  942. Murphy, Geoff. A Life on Film. Auckland: HarperCollins Publishers (New Zealand) Limited, 2015.

  943. Murray, Stuart. Never a Soul at Home: New Zealand Literary Nationalism and the 1930s. Wellington: Victoria University Press, 1998.

  944. New Authors Limited. New Authors Short Story One: Diana Athill, Maurice Duggan, Maurice Gee, C. K. Stead. London: Hutchinson & Co. (Publishers) Ltd., 1961.

  945. Newton, John. The Double Rainbow: James K. Baxter, Ngāti Hau and the Jerusalem Commune. 2009. Wellington: Victoria University Press, 2010.

  946. Norcliffe, James. The Sportsman & Other Poems: Rites of Admission. Auckland: Hard Echo Press, 1987.

  947. Norcliffe, James. Letters to Dr Dee. Hazard Poets. Christchurch: Hazard Press, 1993.

  948. Norcliffe, James. Villon in Millerton. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 2007.

  949. O’Brien, Gregory. Location of the Least Person. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 1987.

  950. O’Brien, Greg. Moments of Invention: Portraits of 21 New Zealand Writers. Photographs by Robert Cross. Auckland: Heinemann Reed, 1988.

  951. O’Brien, Gregory. Man with a Child's Violin. The Caxton Press New Poetry Series. Ed. Michael Harlow. Christchurch: The Caxton Press, 1990.

  952. O’Brien, Gregory. Days Beside Water. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 1993.

  953. O’Brien, Gregory. Afternoon of an Evening Train. Wellington: Victoria University Press, 2005.

  954. O’Connor, John. As It Is: Poems 1981-1996. Christchurch: Sudden Valley Press, 1997.

  955. O’Connor, John. A Particular Context. Christchurch: Sudden Valley Press, 1999.

  956. O’Connor, John, & Eric Mould. Working Voices. Auckland: Hallard Press, 2003.

  957. O’Connor, John. Parts of the Moon: Selected Haiku & Senryu 1988-2007. Teneriffe: Post Pressed, 2007.

  958. O’Connor, John. Aspects of Reality. Wellington: HeadworX, 2013.

  959. O’Connor, John. Whistling in the Dark. Wellington: HeadworX, 2014.

  960. Ogilvie, Gordon. The Riddle of Richard Pearse. Wellington: A. H. & A. W. Reed Ltd., 1973.

  961. Olds, Peter. You Fit the Description: The Selected Poems. Introduction by Ian Wedde. Lyttelton: Cold Hub Press, 2014.

  962. O’Leary, Michael. Toku Tinihanga (Self Deception): Selected Poems 1982-2002. Foreword by F. W. N. Wright. Wellington: HeadworX, 2003.

  963. Oliver, Stephen. Night of Warehouses: Poems 1978-2000. Wellington: HeadworX, 2001.

  964. Oliver, Stephen. Either Side the Horizon. Auckland: Titus Books, 2005.

  965. Oliver, Stephen. Letter to james K. Baxter. Auckland: Horizontal Press, 1980.

  966. Oliver, Stephen. Heroides: 15 Sonnets. Auckland: Puriri Press, 2020.

  967. Oliver, W. H. Poems 1946-2005. Wellington: Victoria University Press, 2005.

  968. Orange, Claudia. The Treaty of Waitangi. Wellington: Allen & Unwin & Port Nicholson Press, 1987.

  969. Orr, Bob. Calypso. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 2008.

  970. Orsman, Chris. South: An Antarctic Journey. Wellington: Victoria University Press, 1996.

  971. O’Sullivan, Vincent. The Butcher Papers. Oxford Poets. Auckland: Oxford University Press, 1982.

  972. O’Sullivan, Vincent. Selected Poems. Oxford Poets. Auckland: Oxford University Press, 1992.

  973. O’Sullivan, Vincent. Further Convictions Pending: Poems 1998-2008. Wellington: Victoria University Press, 2009.

  974. O’Sullivan, Vincent. Shuriken. New Zealand Playscripts. Ed. John Thomson. Wellington: Victoria University Press, 1985.

  975. O’Sullivan, Vincent. The Boy, The Bridge, The River. Dunedin & Wellington: John McIndoe & A. H. & A. W. Reed, 1978.

  976. O’Sullivan, Vincent. The Snow in Spain. Wellington: Allen & Unwin New Zealand Limited, 1990.

  977. O’Sullivan, Vincent. Palms and Minarets: Selected Stories. Wellington: Victoria University Press, 1992.

  978. O’Sullivan, Vincent. Let the River Stand. Auckland: Penguin, 1993.

  979. O’Sullivan, Vincent. Believers to the Bright Coast: A Novel. Auckland: Penguin, 1998.

  980. O’Sullivan, Vincent, ed. An Anthology of Twentieth Century New Zealand Poetry. London: Oxford University Press, 1970.

  981. Pope, Diana & Jeremy. Mobil New Zealand Travel Guide: North Island. Illustrations by Karen Beck. 1973. Sixth Edition Fully Revised. Auckland: Heinemann Reed, 1990.

  982. Pope, Diana & Jeremy. Mobil New Zealand Travel Guide: South Island, Stewart Island & the Chatham Islands. Illustrations by Karen Beck. 1974. Fifth Edition Fully Revised. Auckland: Heinemann Reed, 1991.

  983. Frank Sargeson (Takapuna, 1932)

    Shelf 7:
    [New Zealand Literature] (cont.)

  984. Orsman, Harry & Jan Moore, ed. Heinemann Dictionary of New Zealand Quotations. Auckland: Heinemann, 1988.

  985. Ottaway, Jacqueline Crompton. Travels in the Antipodes: A Collection of Poems. Chippenham, Wiltshire: Piper’s Ash Limited, n.d. [c.1999].

  986. Ottaway, Jacqueline Crompton. Phosphorescence on the Oars. Auckland: BF Publishing, 2006.

  987. Ottaway, Jacqueline Crompton. The Lion Roars: Piha Poems. Paintings by Barbara Pflaum. Auckland: Glen Esk Publishing, 2009.

  988. Pasi, Claudio. Observations: Poems / Osservazione: Poesie. Trans. Tim Smith & Marco Sonzogni. ISBN 978-0-9941345-4-7. Seraph Press Translation Series No. 2. Wellington: Seraph Press, 2016.

  989. Paterson, A. I. H. Caves in the Hills: Selected Poems. Christchurch: Pegasus Press, 1965.

  990. Paterson, Alistair. Birds Flying. Christchurch: Pegasus Press, 1973.

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  1002. Paul, Joanna Margaret. Like Love Poems: Selected Poems. Ed. Bernadette Hall. Wellington: Victoria University Press, 2006.

  1003. beauty, even: A Tribute to Joanna Margaret Paul (1945-2003). Ed. Emma Bugden, Greg Donson & Gregory O’Brien. Wellington: City Gallery, 2004.

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  1005. Paul, Mary. Her Side of the Story: Readings of Mander, Mansfield, & Hyde. Dunedin: University of Otago Press, 1999.

  1006. Edmond-Paul, Mary, ed. Lighted Windows: Critical Essays on Robin Hyde. Dunedin: Otago University Press, 2008.

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  1011. Millar, Paul. No Fretful Sleeper: A Life of Bill Pearson. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 2010.

  1012. Pennefather, Audie M. A True and Strange Story: The Life of Teuane Ann Tibbo - Artist, 1895-1984. Vermont South, Victoria, Australia, 2009.

  1013. Perkins, Emily. The New Girl. Picador. London: Macmillan Publishers Ltd., 2001.

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  1017. Pirie, Mark, ed. New Zealand Writing: The NeXt Wave. Dunedin: University of Otago Press Press, 1998.

  1018. Plumb, Vivienne. The Diary as a Positive in Female Adult Behaviour. Wellington: HeadworX, 1999.

  1019. Plumb, Vivienne. Nefarious: Poems and Parables. Wellington: HeadworX, 2004.

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  1024. Pope, Quentin, ed. Kowhai Gold: An Anthology of Contemporary New Zealand Verse. London: J. M. Dent / New York: E. P. Dutton, 1930.

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  1026. Pule, John Puhiatau. Tagata Kapakiloi: Restless People. Auckland: Pohutukawa Press, 2004.

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  1034. Reed, A. W. Myths and Legends of Maoriland. Illustrated by George Woods & W. Dittmer. 1946. Wellington: A. H. & A. W. Reed, 1947.

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  1036. Reeve, Richard. Dialectic of Mud. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 2001.

  1037. Reeve, Richard. The Life and the Dark. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 2004.

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  1041. Reid, J. C. Creative Writing in New Zealand: A Brief Critical History. Auckland: Whitcombe and Tombs Ltd., 1946.

  1042. Richards, Mark. Liberation Ode and Other Poems 1973-76. Auckland: The Pelorus Press Ltd., 1976.

  1043. Richards, Mark. A Burnt Child: Collected Plays (1960-85). Auckland: Hudson-Cresset, 1989.

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  1045. Rickerby, Helen. Abstract Internal Furniture. Wellington: HeadworX, 2001.

  1046. Rickerby, Helen. My Iron Spine. Wellington: HeadworX, 2008.

  1047. Rickerby, Helen. Heading North. Dunedin: Kilmog Press, 2010.

  1048. Rickerby, Helen. Cinema. Hoopla Series. Wellington: Mākaro Press, 2014.

  1049. Ricketts, Harry. Your Secret Life. Wellington: HeadworX, 2005.

  1050. Ricketts, Harry. Just Then. Wellington: Victoria University Press, 2012.

  1051. Ricketts, Harry. Half Dark. Wellington: Victoria University Press, 2015.

  1052. Ricketts, Harry. Talking about Ourselves: Twelve New Zealand Poets in Conversation with Harry Ricketts. Wellington: Mallinson Rendell, 1986.

  1053. Ricketts, Harry, & Gavin MacLean, ed. The Penguin Book of New Zealand War Writing. Auckland: Penguin Random House New Zealand, 2015.

  1054. Riseborough, Hazel. Days of Darkness: Taranaki 1878-1884. 1989. Revised Edition. Auckland: Penguin, 2002.

  1055. Robinson, Ian D. Days to Go. Christchurch: Quoin Press, 1999.

  1056. Robley, Major-General Horatio Gordon. Moko; or Maori Tattooing. 1896. Papakura: Southern Reprints, 1987.

  1057. Ross, Anne. Poinsettia: A Mermaid's Tale. Pania Chapbooks, 6. Auckland: Pania Press, 2013.

  1058. Ross, J. E. Focus on Ashburton N.Z. Photography by C. P. Hickman. Christchurch: J. E. Ross, 1977.

  1059. Ross, Jack. City of Strange Brunettes: Poems. Auckland: Pohutukawa Press, 1998.

  1060. Ross, Jack. Nights with Giordano Bruno. A Novel. Wellington: Bumper Books, 2000.

  1061. Ross, Jack. Chantal’s Book. Wellington: HeadworX, 2002.

  1062. Ross, Jack. Monkey Miss her Now. Auckland: Danger Publishing, 2004.

  1063. Ross, Jack. A Bus Called Mr Nice Guy. Auckland: Perdrix Press, 2005.

  1064. Ross, Jack. The Imaginary Museum of Atlantis. Auckland: Titus Books, 2006.

  1065. Ross, Jack. To Terezín. Afterword by Martin Edmond. Social and Cultural Studies, 8. Massey Albany: School of Social and Cultural Studies, 2007.

  1066. Ross, Jack. EMO. Auckland: Titus Books, 2008.

  1067. Len Castle. Mountain to the Sea: Ceramics / Poetry / Photographs. Ed. Tanya Wilkinson (Napier: Hawke’s Bay Museum and Art Gallery, 2008).

  1068. Ross, Jack. The Return of the Vanishing New Zealander. Dunedin: Kilmog Press, 2009.

  1069. Ross, Jack. Kingdom of Alt. Auckland: Titus Books, 2010.

  1070. Ross, Jack, & William T. Ayton. Scenes from The Puppet Oresteia. Rhinebeck, NY: Narcissus Press / Auckland: Perdrix Press, 2011.

  1071. Ross, Jack, & Emma Smith. Celanie: Poems & Drawings after Paul Celan. Afterword by Bronwyn Lloyd. Auckland: Pania Press, 2012.

  1072. Ross, Jack. A Clearer View of the Hinterland: Poems & Sequences 1981-2014. Wellington: HeadworX, 2014.

  1073. Ross, Jack. Papyri: Love Poems & Fragments from Sappho & Elsewhere. Auckland: Soapbox Press, 2007.

  1074. Lloyd, Bronwyn, & Jack Ross. One Brown Box: A Storybook Exhibition for Children, by Bronwyn Lloyd & Karl Chitham (6 November – 18 December 2010). Auckland: Objectspace, 2010.

  1075. Ross, Jack, & Karl Chitham. Fallen Empire: Maui in the Underworld, Kupe & the Fountain of Youth, Hatupatu & the Nile-monster: Three Play-Fragments from the Literary Remains of The Society of Inner Light. Attributed to Bertolt Wegener. Edited with an introduction by Jack Ross. Museum of True History in Collaboration with Karl Chitham and Jack Ross (20 June – 21 July 2012). Dunedin: Blue Oyster Art Project Space, 2012.

  1076. Ross, John. "News from Home." In In Living Memory: Dr John Ross (10 Decemeber 1928 – 10 September 2013). Albany, Auckland: Dil's Funeral Services, 2013.

  1077. Ross, Jack, ed. Classic New Zealand Poets in Performance. Poems Selected by Jack Ross & Jan Kemp. 2 CDs included. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 2006.

  1078. Ross, Jack & Jan Kemp, ed. Contemporary New Zealand Poets in Performance. 2 CDs included. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 2007.

  1079. Ross, Jack, ed. New New Zealand Poets in Performance. Poems Selected by Jack Ross & Jan Kemp. 2 CDs included. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 2008.

  1080. Ross, K. M. Falling through the Architect. Auckland: The Writers Group, 2005.

  1081. Ross, K. M. The Blinding Walk. Chipping Norton, Oxon / Baltimore: The Waywiser Press, 2014.

  1082. Samuels, Lisa. Tomorrowland. Exeter: Shearsman Books, 2009.

  1083. Samuels, Lisa. Wild Dialectics. Exeter: Shearsman Books, 2012.

  1084. Samuels, Lisa. Anti M. Tucson, AZ: Chax Press, 2013.

  1085. Samuels, Lisa. Over Hear: Six Types of Poetry Experiment in Aotearoa / New Zealand. Kane’ohe. Hawai’i: Tinfish Press, 2015.

  1086. Samuels, Lisa. Foreign Native. Berkeley, CA: Black Radish Books, 2018.

  1087. Samuels, Lisa. The Long White Cloud of Unknowing. Tucson, Arizona: Chax Press, 2019.

  1088. Samuels, Lisa, & Sawako Nakayasu, ed. A TransPacific Poetics. Brooklyn, NY: Litmus Press, 2017.

  1089. Curnow, Allen. Collected Poems. Ed. Elizabeth Caffin & Terry Sturm. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 2017.

  1090. Sturm, Terry. Simply by Sailing in a New Direction. Allen Curnow: A Biography. Ed. Linda Cassells. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 2017.

  1091. Sargeson, Frank. That Summer and Other Stories. London: John Lehmann, 1946.

  1092. Sargeson, Frank. Collected Stories: 1935-1963. 1964. Introduction by Bill Pearson. Prefatory Note by E. M. Forster. Auckland: Blackwood & Janet Paul, 1966.

  1093. Sargeson, Frank. The Stories of Frank Sargeson. 1973. Auckland: Longman Paul, 1974.

  1094. Sargeson, Frank. Frank Sargeson's Stories. 1964. Rev. ed with 13 New Stories. Introduction by Janet Wilson. Auckland: Cape Catley Ltd., 2010.

  1095. Sargeson, Frank. I Saw in My Dream. 1949. Ed. H. Winston Rhodes. New Zealand Fiction. Ed. Bill Pearson. Auckland: Auckland University Press & Oxford University Press, 1974.

  1096. Sargeson, Frank. Memoirs of a Peon. London: MacGibbon & Kee, 1965.

  1097. Sargeson, Frank. 2 Short Novels: The Hangover & Joy of the Worm. 1967 & 1969. Auckland: Penguin, 1984.

  1098. Sargeson, Frank. Man of England Now. Christchurch: Caxton Press, 1972.

  1099. Sargeson, Frank. Sunset Village. Wellington: A. H. & A. W. Reed, 1976.

  1100. Sargeson, Frank & Edith Campion. Tandem: The Chain & En Route. Wellington & Auckland: A. H. & A. W. Reed, 1979.

  1101. Sargeson, Frank. Wrestling with the Angel. Two Plays: A Time for Sowing and The Cradle & the Egg. Christchurch: Caxton Press, 1964.

  1102. Sargeson, Frank. Conversation in a Train and Other Critical Writing. Ed. Kevin Cunningham. Auckland: Auckland University Press & Oxford University Press, 1983.

  1103. Sargeson, Frank. Sargeson: Once is Enough; More than Enough; Never Enough. 1973, 1975 & 1977. Auckland: Penguin, 1981.

  1104. Shieff, Sarah, ed. Letters of Frank Sargeson. Vintage. Auckland: Random House New Zealand, 2012.

  1105. King, Michael. Frank Sargeson: A Life. Viking. Auckland: Penguin Books (NZ) Ltd., 1995.

  1106. Lay, Graeme, & Stephen Stratford, eds. An Affair of the Heart: A Celebration of Frank Sargeson’s Centenary. Auckland: Cape Catley Ltd., 2003.

  1107. Ireland, Kevin. Mr Sargeson at Home. Occasional Paper 4. Hamilton: The University Of Waikato, 2005.

  1108. Satchell, William. The Land of the Lost. 1902. Ed. Kendrick Smithyman. New Zealand Fiction. Ed. J. C. Reid. Auckland: Auckland University Press & Oxford University Press, 1971.

  1109. Satchell, William. The Toll of the Bush. 1905. Ed. Kendrick Smithyman. New Zealand Fiction. Ed. Bill Pearson. Auckland: Auckland University Press & Oxford University Press, 1985.

  1110. Satchell, William. The Greenstone Door. 1914. New Zealand Classics. Auckland: Golden Press, 1973.

  1111. Scott, Dick. Ask That Mountain: The Story of Parihaka. 1975. Auckland: Heinemann / Southern Cross, 1981.

  1112. Scott, Rosie. Glory Days: A Novel. Auckland: Penguin, 1988.

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  1114. Scott, Rosie. Feral City. Melbourne: William Heinemann Australia, 1992.

  1115. Scott, Rosie. Lives on Fire. Auckland: Sceptre NZ, 1993.

  1116. Scott, Rosie. The Red Heart. A Vintage Book. Auckland: Random House New Zealand, 1999.

  1117. Sewell, Bill. The Ballad of Fifty-One. Wellington: HeadworX, 2003.

  1118. Shadbolt, Maurice. The New Zealanders: a sequence of stories. 1959. Christchurch: Whitcoulls, 1976.

  1119. Shadbolt, Maurice. Summer Fires and Winter Country. London: Eyre & Spotiswoode (Publishers) Ltd. / New Zealand: Whitcombe & Tombs Ltd., 1963.

  1120. Shadbolt, Maurice. Selected Stories. Ed. Ralph Crane. Auckland: David Ling Publishing Limited, 1998.

  1121. Shadbolt, Maurice. Among the Cinders. New Zealand: Whitcombe & Tombs, 1965.

  1122. Shadbolt, Maurice. This Summer’s Dolphin. London: Cassell, 1969.

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  1133. Shelf 8:
    [New Zealand Literature] (cont.)

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  1135. Shadbolt, Maurice, ed. The Shell Guide to New Zealand. Christchurch: Whitcombe and Tombs Ltd., 1968.

  1136. Sharp, Iain. The Singing Harp. Wellington: Earl of Seacliff Art Workshop, 2004.

  1137. Shaw, Tina. Paradise. Auckland: Penguin, 2002.

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  1139. Shepard, Deborah, ed. Between the Lives: Partners in Art. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 2005.

  1140. Shuker, Carl. A Mistake. Wellington: Victoria University Press, 2019.

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  1142. Simpson, Peter, ed. Seven New Zealand Novellas. Auckland: Reed, 2003.

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  1144. Sinclair, Keith. A History of New Zealand. 1959. Auckland: Penguin, 1988.

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  1153. Smaill, Anna. The Chimes. London: Sceptre, 2015.

  1154. Smith, Angela. I Love Myself. Auckland: Benefitz DMA Ltd., 2007.

  1155. Smith, G. M. More Notes from a Backblock Hospital. Christchruch: Caxton Press, 1941.

  1156. Smith, G. M. Later Notes from a Backblock Hospital. Wellington: A. H. & A. W. Reed, 1949.

  1157. Smither, Elizabeth. Casanova’s Ankle. Drawings by Jürgen Waibel. Auckland: Oxford University Press, 1981.

  1158. Smither, Elizabeth. The Legend of Marcello Mastroianni’s Wife. Auckland: Auckland University Press & Oxford University Press, 1981.

  1159. Smither, Elizabeth. First Blood: A Novel. Auckland: Hodder & Stoughton, 1983.

  1160. Smither, Elizabeth. Shakespeare Virgins. Auckland: Auckland University Press & Oxford University Press, 1983.

  1161. Smither, Elizabeth. Gorilla / Guerilla. Illustrated by Gregory O’Brien. Auckland: Earl of Seacliff Art Workshop, 1986.

  1162. Smither, Elizabeth. The Journal Box. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 1996.

  1163. Smither, Elizabeth. The Mathematics of Jane Austen and Other Stories. Auckland: Godwit Publishing Limited, 1997.

  1164. Smither, Elizabeth. Ruby Duby Du. Lyttelton: Cold Hub Press, 2014.

  1165. [Smithyman, Kendrick. Seven Sonnets. Auckland: Pelorus Press, 1946.]

  1166. Smithyman, Kendrick. The Blind Mountain and Other Poems. Christchurch: Caxton Press, 1950.

  1167. Smithyman, Kendrick. The Gay Trapeze. Poems in Pamphlet 4. Wellington: Handcraft Press, 1955.

  1168. Smithyman, Kendrick, with James K. Baxter, Charles Doyle, and Louis Johnson. The Night Shift: Poems on Aspects of Love. Wellington: Capricorn Press, 1957.

  1169. Smithyman, Kendrick. Inheritance. Hamilton & Auckland: Paul’s Book Arcade, 1962.

  1170. Smithyman, Kendrick. Flying to Palmerston. Christchurch: Auckland University & Oxford University Press, 1968.

  1171. Smithyman, Kendrick. Earthquake Weather. Auckland: Auckland University Press & Oxford University Press, 1972.

  1172. Smithyman, Kendrick. The Seal in the Dolphin Pool. Auckland: Auckland University Press & Oxford University Press, 1974.

  1173. Smithyman, Kendrick. Dwarf with a Billiard Cue. Auckland: Auckland University Press & Oxford University Press, 1978.

  1174. Smithyman, Kendrick. Stories About Wooden Keyboards. Auckland: Auckland University Press & Oxford University Press, 1985.

  1175. Smithyman, Kendrick. Are You Going to the Pictures? Auckland: Auckland University Press, 1987.

  1176. Smithyman, Kendrick. Selected Poems. Edited by Peter Simpson. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 1989.

  1177. Smithyman, Kendrick. Auto/Biographies. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 1992.

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  1180. Smithyman, Kendrick. Last Poems. Edited by Peter Simpson. Auckland: Holloway Press, 2002.

  1181. Smithyman, Kendrick. Campana to Montale: Versions from Italian. Ed. Jack Ross. Auckland: The Writers Group, 2004.

  1182. Smithyman, Kendrick. Campana to Montale: Versions from Italian. 2004. Ed. Jack Ross & Marco Sonzogni. Transference Series. Novi Ligure: Edizioni Joker, 2010.

  1183. Smithyman, Kendrick. Private Bestiary: Selected Unpublished Poems, 1944-1993. Edited by Scott Hamilton. Auckland: Titus Books, 2010.

  1184. Numbers 3 (June 1955), ed. Charles Doyle, Louis Johnson & James K. Baxter (Lambton Quay, Wellington).

  1185. Mate 11 (July 1963), ed. Robin Dudding (Queen Street, Auckland)

  1186. Thompson, Robert, & Helen Shaw, ed. Poems by Several Hands: To the Memory of Noel Farr Hoggard. Auckland: Pompallier Press, 1976.

  1187. Sinclair, Keith, Murray Edmond & C. K. Stead. Three Poems for Kendrick Smithyman. Auckland: Department of English / Auckland University Press, 20 November 1987.

  1188. Smithyman, Kendrick. A Way of Saying: A Study of New Zealand Poetry. Auckland & London: Collins, 1965.

  1189. Solomon, Laura. Black Light. Birkenhead, Auckland: Tandem Press, 1996.

  1190. Solomon, Laura. Frida Kahlo’s Cry and Other Poems. Hong Kong: Proverse Hong Kong, 2015.

  1191. Sonzogni, Marco, ed. Second Violins: New Stories Inspired by Katherine Mansfield. A Vintage Book. Auckland: Random House New Zealand, 2008.

  1192. Spear, Charles. Twopence Coloured. The Caxton Poets 7. Christchurch: The Caxton Press, 1951.

  1193. Spear, Charles. Collected Poems. Ed. Peter Simpson. Images by Tony Lane. Foreword by Daintry Midgely. Bookplate by Leon Bensemann. Notes by Peter Simpson & Matthew Wood. No 55 of a limited edition of 100 copies, printed by Tara McLeod. Auckland: The Holloway Press, 2007.

  1194. Stanley, Mary. Starveling Year: Poems. Pegasus New Zealand Poets. Christchurch: The Pegasus Press, 1953.

  1195. Stanley, Mary. Starveling Year and Other Poems. 1953. Ed. Kendrick Smithyman. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 1994.

  1196. Stead, C. K. Collected Poems 1951-2006. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 2008.

  1197. Stead, C. K. Straw into Gold: Poems New & Selected. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 1997.

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  1201. Stead, C. K. The Yellow Buoy: Poems 2007-2012. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 2013.

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  1206. Stead, C. K. Sister Hollywood. London: Collins, 1989.

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  1208. Stead, C. K. Talking about O’Dwyer: A Novel. Auckland: Penguin, 1999.

  1209. Stead, C. K. The Secret History of Modernism. London: The Harvill Press, 2001.

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  1211. Stead, C. K. My Name was Judas. London: Harvill Secker, 2006.

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  1213. Stead, C. K. The Name on the Door is Not Mine: Stories New & Selected. Auckland: Allen & Unwin, 2016.

  1214. Stead, C. K. The New Poetic: Yeats to Eliot. 1964. A Pelican Book. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1967.

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  1217. Stead, C. K. Book Self: The Reader as Writer and the Writer as Critic. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 2008.

  1218. Stead, C. K. Shelf Life: Reviews, Replies and Reminiscences. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 2016.

  1219. Stead, C. K. South-West of Eden: A Memoir 1932-1956. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 2010.

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  1222. Stead, C. K., ed. New Zealand Short Stories: Second Series. The World's Classics, 613. London: Oxford University Press, 1966.

  1223. Steven, Michael. Homage to Robert Creeley. Auckland: Soapbox Press, 2007.

  1224. Steven, Michael. Bartering Lines. Dunedin: Kilmog Press, 2009.

  1225. Stevens, Joan. The New Zealand Novel: 1860-1960. 1961. Wellington & Auckland: A. H. & A. W. Reed, 1963.

  1226. Stewart, Adela. My Simple Life in New Zealand. 1908. Facsimile Edition. Auckland: Wilson & Horton, Ltd., n.d.

  1227. Stewart, Olwyn. Curriculum Vitae. Auckland: Titus Books, 2005.

  1228. Strickson-Pua, Rev. Mua. Matua: Parent. Auckland: The Pohutukawa Press, 2006.

  1229. Sullivan, Robert. Piki Ake! Poems 1990-1992. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 1993.

  1230. Sullivan, Robert. Star Waka. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 1999.

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  1232. Sullivan, Robert. Voice carried My Family. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 2005.

  1233. Sullivan, Robert. Cassino: City of Martyrs / Città Martire. Wellington: Huia Publishers, 2010.

  1234. Summer, Jane. Erebus. Little Rock, Arkansas: Sibling Rivalry Press, 2014.

  1235. Sutton, Bill. Jabberwocky. Wellington: Steele Roberts Publishers, 2014.

  1236. Sweeney, T. P. Butades. Pokeno, Auckland: Titus Books, 2016.

  1237. Sweven, Godfrey. Riallaro: The Archipelago of Exiles. 1897. London: Humphrey Milford / Oxford University Press, 1931.

  1238. Sweven, Godfrey. Limanora: The Island of Progress. The Knickerbocker Press. New York & London: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1903.

  1239. Sylva, Rowan. Swamp Gum. 99% Press. Auckland: Lasavia Publishing Ltd., 2017.

  1240. Tawhai, Alice. Festival of Miracles. Wellington: Huia Publishers, 2005.

  1241. Tawhai, Alice. Luminous. Wellington: Huia Publishers, 2007.

  1242. Tawhai, Alice. Dark Jelly. Wellington: Huia Publishers, 2011.

  1243. Taylor, Richard. Conversation with a Stone. Auckland: Titus Books, 2007.

  1244. Temple, Philip. Beak of the Moon. Illustrations by Chris Gaskin. 1981. Auckland: Penguin, 1993.

  1245. Temple, Philip. Dark of the Moon. Auckland: Penguin, 1993.

  1246. Temple, Philip. MiStory. Dunedin: Font Publishing, 2014.

  1247. Texidor, Greville. In Fifteen Minutes You Can Say a Lot: Selected Fiction. Ed. Kendrick Smithyman. Wellington: Victoria University Press, 1987.

  1248. Texidor, Greville. In Fifteen Minutes You Can Say a Lot: Selected Fiction. Ed. Kendrick Smithyman. 1987. The VUP Classics Collection. Wellington: Victoria University Press, 2019.

  1249. Schwass, Margot. All the Juicy Pastures: Greville Texidor and New Zealand. Wellington: Victoria University Press, 2019.

  1250. Thomas, Rhydian. Milk Island. Wellington: Lawrence & Gibson Publishing Collective, 2017.

  1251. Thomson, John. New Zealand Drama 1930-1980: An Illustrated History. Auckland: Oxford University Press, 1984.

  1252. Toussaint, Steven. Fiddlehead. Auckland: Compound Press, 2014.

  1253. Howe, K. R. Singer in a Songless Land: A Life of Edward Tregear, 1846-1931. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 1991.

  1254. Tregear, Edward. The Verse of Edward Tregear. Ed. K. R. Howe. Palmerston North: Nagare Press, 1989.

  1255. Shelf 9:
    [New Zealand Literature] (cont.)

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  1257. Trussell, Denys. Words for the Rock Antipodes. Auckland: Hudson / Cresset, 1986.

  1258. Trussell, Denys. The Man of Paradise. Auckland: Hudson / Cresset, 1991.

  1259. Trussell, Denys. Archipelago: The Ocean Soliloquies. 1991. Auckland: Hudson / Cresset, 1999.

  1260. Trussell, Denys. Walking into the Millennium & Shorter Poems, 1991-1998. Auckland: Brick Row, 1998.

  1261. Trussell, Denys. Islands of Intimacy: Love Poems 1970-2000. Auckland: Addenda, 2000.

  1262. Trussell, Denys. Speaking to the Isle of the Ancestors: Four Long Poems and Commentaries. Auckland: Brick Row, 2005.

  1263. Turner, Brian. Listening to the River. Dunedin: John McIndoe limited, 1983.

  1264. Turner, Brian. Somebodies and Nobodies: Growing up in an Extraordinary Sporting Family. Auckland: Vintage, 2002.

  1265. Turner, Brian. Into the Wider World: A Back Country Miscellany. Godwit. Auckland: Random House New Zealand, 2008.

  1266. Turner, Brian. Just This: Poems. Wellington: Victoria University Press, 2009.

  1267. Turner, Brian. Boundaries: People and Places of Central Otago. Auckland: Penguin Random House New Zealand, 2015.

  1268. Turner, Brian. Selected Poems. Wellington: Victoria University Press, 2019.

  1269. Tuwhare, Hone. No Ordinary Sun. 1964. A Godwit Book. Auckland: Random House New Zealand, 1998.

  1270. Tuwhare, Hone. Sap-wood and Milk. 629 of 700 numbered copies. Dunedin: Caveman Press, 1973.

  1271. Tuwhare, Hone. Mihi: Collected Poems. Auckland: Penguin, 1987.

  1272. Tuwhare, Hone. Deep River Talk: Collected Poems. 1993. Introduction by Frank Stewart. Honolulu: University Of Hawaii Press, 1994.

  1273. Tuwhare, Hone. Piggy-back Moon. Te Mata Estate Poet Laureate 02. Book number 513 of a limited edition of 2000 copies. A Godwit Book. Auckland: Random House New Zealand, 2001.

  1274. Tuwhare, Hone. Oooooo......!!! Wellington: Steele Roberts, 2005.

  1275. Tuwhare, Hone. Small Holes in the Silence: Collected Works. Ed. Janet Hunt & Rob Tuwhare. Translations by Herewini Muru, Waihoroi Shortland & Patu Hohepa. A Godwit Book. Auckland: Random House New Zealand, 2011.

  1276. Hunt, Janet. Hone Tuwhare: A Biography. A Godwit Book. Auckland: Random House New Zealand, 1998.

  1277. Auckland Festival Presents: Tuwhare (New Zealand, 2007).

  1278. Vasil, Lisa. Escape from the Future. Auckland: William Collins Publishers Ltd., 1991.

  1279. Vogel, Julius. Anno Domini 2000; or, Woman’s Destiny. Colonial Edition. London: Hutchinson & Co., 1889.

  1280. Vogel, Julius. Anno Domini 2000; or, Woman’s Destiny. 1889. Ed. Roger Robinson. Auckland: Exisle Publishing, 2000.

  1281. Dalziel, Raewyn. Julius Vogel: Business Politician. Auckland: Auckland University Press / Oxford University Press, 1986.

  1282. von Sturmer, Richard. We Xerox Your Zebras. Auckland: Modern House, 1988.

  1283. von Sturmer, Richard. A Network of Dissolving Threads. Drawings by Derek Ward. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 1991.

  1284. von Sturmer, Richard. Suchness: Zen Poetry and Prose. Wellington: HeadworX, 2005.

  1285. von Sturmer, Richard. On the Eve of Never Departing. Auckland: Titus Books, 2009.

  1286. von Sturmer, Richard. invisible sunrise. Auckland: Puriri Press, 2010.

  1287. von Sturmer, Richard. Book of Equanimity Verses. Illustrated by Adel Salmanzadeh. Auckland: Puriri Press, 2013.

  1288. von Sturmer, Richard. On Remembering and Forgetting the Gods. No. 11 of a limited edition of 12 copies. Auckland, 2018.

  1289. von Sturmer, Richard. Postcard Stories. Pokeno, Auckland: Titus Books, 2019.

  1290. von Sturmer, Richard. Resonating Distances. Pokeno, Auckland: Titus Books, 2022.

  1291. Mattson, Tony, ed. "in defense of Poesy"; A Selection of Poems presented in a reading of Auckland campus poets at the Little Theatre, Thursday 4th May 1978. Limited edition of 100 copies. Auckland Uni: The Underground Press, 1978.

  1292. Rubble Emits Light: "Both Sides of Street" (essay by Gabriel White) / "Tanka Film Verses" (by Richard von Sturmer). Exhibition 15 July-13 August, 2010. Auckland: The Film Archive, 2009.

  1293. von Sturmer, Richard, Scott Hamilton, & Chris Holdaway, ed. Thirty Poems. Pokeno, Auckland: Titus Books, 2022.

  1294. Walpert, Bryan. Ephraim's Eyes. Nottingham, UK: Pewter Rose Press, 2009.

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  1325. Wells, Peter. The Duration of a Kiss. Auckland: Secker & Warburg, 1994.

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  1328. Wells, Peter, ed. The Cat's Whiskers: New Zealand Writers on Cats. A Vintage Book. Auckland: Random House New Zealand, 2005.

  1329. Wendt, Albert. Pouliuli. Pacific Paperbacks. Auckland: Longman Paul Limited, 1977.

  1330. Wendt, Albert. Leaves of the Banyan Tree. Auckland: Longman Paul Limited, 1979.

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  1336. Wendt, Albert, Reina Whaitiri & Robert Sullivan, eds. Mauri Ola: Contemporary Polynesian Poems in English. Whetu Moana II. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 2010.

  1337. Whaitiri, Reina & Robert Sullivan, eds. Puna Wai Kōrero: An Anthology of Māori Poetry in English. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 2014.

  1338. Westwater, Keith. Tongues of Ash. Interactive Press. Brisbane: IP (Interactive Publications Pty Ltd.), 2011.

  1339. Wevers, Lydia. Country of Writing: Travel Writing and New Zealand 1809-1900. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 2002.

  1340. Wevers, Lydia, ed. Yellow Pencils: Contemporary Poetry by New Zealand Women. Auckland: Oxford University Press, 1988.

  1341. White, Pat. Drought & Other Intimacies. With Images by the Author. Wellington: Steele Roberts Ltd., 1999.

  1342. White, Pat. Planting the Olives & Other Essential Acts. Greytown: Frontiers Press, 2004.

  1343. White, Pat. Fracking & Hawk. Aotearoa New Zealand: Frontiers Press, 2015.

  1344. White, Pat. Watching for the Wingbeat: New and Selected Poems. Lyttelton: Cold Hub Press, 2018.

  1345. Wigmore, Summer. The Wind City. Wellington: Steam Press, 2013.

  1346. Wild, Alex. The Constant Losers. Auckland: Titus Books, 2010.

  1347. Wilkins, Damien. Max Gate: A Novel. Wellington: Victoria University Press, 2013.

  1348. Willcox, Wensley. A Woman in Green. Wellington: Steele Roberts, 2001.

  1349. Williams, Mark. Leaving the Highway: Six Contemporary New Zealand Novelists. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 1990.

  1350. Williams, Mark, ed. The Source of the Song: New Zealand Writers on Catholicism. Wellington: Victoria University Press, 1995.

  1351. Williams, Mark, ed. The Caxton Press: New Zealand Poetry, 1972-1986. Christchurch: The Caxton Press, 1987.

  1352. Williams, Mark, & Michele Leggott, eds. Opening the Book: New Essays on New Zealand Writing. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 1995.

  1353. Wiliamson, Nicholas. The Blue Outboard: New and Selected Poems. Port Chalmers: Black Doris Press, 2016.

  1354. Willis, H. A. Bad Blood: The Story of Stanley Graham. 1979. Auckland: Fontana/Collins, 1981.

  1355. Wilson, Annabel. Aspiring Daybook: The Diary of Elsie Winslow. Submarine. Wellington: Mākaro Press, 2018.

  1356. Wishart, Ian. The Paradise Conspiracy. 1995. Auckland: Howling at the Moon Productions Ltd., 1996.

  1357. Wiśniowski, Sygurd. Tikera, or Children of the Queen of Oceania. Trans. Jerzy Podstolski. Ed. Dennis McEldowney. New Zealand Fiction. Ed. J. C. Reid. Auckland: Auckland University Press & Oxford University Press, 1972.

  1358. Wizard, The. My Life as A Miracle. Christchurch: Canterbury University Press, 1998.

  1359. Wolfe, Richard. Moa: The Dramatic Story of the Discovery of a Giant Bird. Auckland: Penguin, 2003.

  1360. Wolfskehl, Karl. 1933: A Poem Sequence – In German and English. Trans. Carol North Valhope & Ernst Morwitz. New York: Schocken Books, 1947.

  1361. Wong, Alison. Cup. Wellington: Steele Roberts, 2006.

  1362. Wong, Alison. As the Earth Turns Silver. Auckland: Penguin, 2009.

  1363. Woodhouse, A. E., ed. New Zealand Farm & Station Verse, 1850-1950. Introduction by L. J. Wild. 1950. Christchurch: Whitcombe & Tombs Limited, 1968.

  1364. Yang Lian. Unreal City: A Chinese Poet in Auckland. Trans. Jacob Edmond & Hilary Chung with Brian Holton. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 2006.

  1365. Young, Mark. Blues for New Lovers. Document No. 1. Auckland: The Poets' Co-operative, 1969.

  1366. Young, Mark. The Right Foot of the Giant. Wellington: Bumper Books, 1999.

  1367. Young, Mark. Lunch Poems. Auckland: Soapbox Press, 2008.

  1368. Young, Mark. Pelican Dreaming: Poems 1959-2008. Ed. Thomas Fink. San Francisco & St. Helena: Meritage Press, 2008.

  1369. Young, Mark. the allegrezza ficcione. Rockhampton, Queensland: Otoliths, 2008.

  1370. Young, Mark. Genji Monogatari. Rockhampton, Queensland: Otoliths, 2010.

  1371. The Refugee Status Appeal Authority. New Zealand Refugee Appeal No. 74540. 1 August 2003. Auckland: Human Rights Foundation, 2005.

  1372. Manning, Selwyn, Yasmine Ryan & Katie Small. "I Almost Forgot About The Moon": The Disinformation Campaign against Ahmed Zaoui. Auckland: Multimedia Investments Ltd., 2004.

  1373. Zaoui, Ahmed. Migrant Birds: 24 Contemplations. Introduction by Bill Manhire. Nelson: Craig Potton Publishing, 2005.

  1374. Zelas, Karen. The Trials of Minnie Dean: A Verse Biography. Submarine. Wellington: Mākaro Press, 2017.

  1375. Outsize:

  1376. Alba One (31 August 1995).

  1377. Allison, John, & Angela Patton. Making Myths. Lyttelton, April 1998.

  1378. Auckland: The Best of Life. Christchurch: Philip King Publishers & Shoal Bay Press, 1993.

  1379. Baxter, James K. New Zealand in Colour. Photographs by Kenneth & Jean Bigwood. 1961. Wellington: A. H. & A. W. Reed, 1977.

  1380. Blackley, Roger. Two Centuries of New Zealand Landscape Art. Auckland: Auckland City Art Gallery, 1990.

  1381. Campbell, John. Rutherford: Scientist Supreme. Christchurch: AAS Publications, 1999.

  1382. Catran, Ken. Hanlon: A Casebook. Auckland: BCNZ Enterprises, 1985.

  1383. Cooper, Annabel. Filming the Colonial Past: The New Zealand Wars on Screen. Dunedin: Otago University Press, 2018.

  1384. [Curnow, Allen. Appendix to Collected Poems. Ed. Elizabeth Caffin & Terry Sturm. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 2017.]

  1385. Davis, Leigh. Stunning Debut of the Repairing of a Life. Dunedin: Otago University Press, 2010.

  1386. Dittmer, W. Te Tohunga: The Ancient Legends and Traditions of the Maoris. London: George Routledge & Sons, Limited, 1907. Wellington: A. H. & A. W. Reed, 1970.

  1387. Eggleton, David. Tiwai. Dunedin: Public Art Gallery, 2004.

  1388. Farrell-Green, Simon, ed. Coast Bush Foothills. Legends of the West. Auckland: Waitakere City Council, 2010.

  1389. Fenton, John. Slightly Foxed b.o.f.: A Society for Book Lovers. Auckland: Slightly Foxed, 1997.

  1390. Filer, David. Painting the Frontier: The Art of New Zealand's Pioneers. Auckland: David Bateman Ltd., 2009.

  1391. Fitchett, Sue, & Jane Zusters. Charts & Soundings: some small navigation aids. New Zealand: Spiral, 1999.

  1392. [Geraets, John. discourse #5. Auckland: Hard Copy, 1985.]

  1393. [Geraets, John. Itsan. Auckland: Watermark, 1990.]

  1394. Geraets, John. Sanage Adventure Field. Japan: Linemen, 1995.

  1395. Geraets, John. ? X. Auckland: Cornerdreamers, 2000.

  1396. Geraets, John. station master. Auckland: John Geraets, 2011.

  1397. Green, Paula, & Fifty Children. Flamingo Bendalingo: Poems from the Zoo. Illustrated by Michael Hight. Auckland: Auckland Universtiy Press, 2006.

  1398. [Hamilton, Scott. To the Moon, In Seven Easy Steps. (2006).]

  1399. [Harlow, Michael. Edges: Poems. Athens: Lycabettus Press, 1974.]

  1400. Hasard 1 (August 1977). Ed. Martin Edmond, Janet Macaskill, & Simon Wilson. Wellington: V.U.W. Students’ Association, 1977.

  1401. Hilliard, Chris. The Bookmen’s Dominion: Cultural Life in New Zealand 1920-1950. AUP Studies in Cultural and Social History, 3. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 2006.

  1402. Holdaway, Chris. Dreaming in the Anthropocene. Photographs by Chris Corson-Scott. Auckland: Compound Press, 2017.

  1403. [Horrocks, Dylan. Introduction to the New Edition. Hicksville: A Comic Book. 1998. Montreal: Drawn & Quarterly Publications, 2010. i-xiii.]

  1404. [Howard, David. Wet Stone Memory. Auckland, 1999].

  1405. Howard, David. S(t)et. Port Chalmers, Otago: The Gumtree Press, 2009.

  1406. Howard, David. you're so pretty when you're unfaithful to me. Auckland: The Holloway Press, 2012.

  1407. Hogg, Colin. Angel Gear: On the Road with Sam Hunt. Auckland: Heinemann Reed, 1989.

  1408. Hunt, Sam, & Gary McCormick. Roaring Forties. Photography by John McDermott. Hodder Moa Beckett Publishers Limited. Auckland: Hodder Headline Group, 1995.

  1409. Hunt, Sam. Backroads: Charting a Poet's Life. Nelson: Craig Potton Publishing, 2009.

  1410. [Hyde, Robin. Notes for Young Knowledge: The Poems of Robin Hyde. Ed. Michele Leggott. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 2003.

  1411. Ika 4 (May 2016), ed. Anne Kennedy (Auckland: MIT, 2016).

  1412. Ireland, Kevin. The New Zealand Collection; A Celebration of the New Zealand Novel. Auckland: Random House New Zealand Limited, 1989.

  1413. Jackson, Peter. Lord of the Rings cuttings (2000-2003)

  1414. King, Richard. The Kelliher: 67 Award Winning Paintings. Auckland: Orakau House, 1979.

  1415. Kemp, Jan. Tripstones: A Selection of Poems. Auckland: Puriri Press, 2020.

  1416. King, Michael. The Penguin History of New Zealand Illustrated. 2003. Picture Research & Captions by David Filer. Auckland: Penguin, 2007.

  1417. Koea, Shonagh. Time for a Killing. Auckland: Vintage, 2001 [proof].

  1418. Kyle, Leicester. Options. Mt Eden: Heteropholis Press, 1996-97.

  1419. Kyle, Leicester. State Houses. Mt Eden: Heteropholis Press, 1997.

  1420. Kyle, Leicester. A Voyge to New Zealand: the Log of Joseph Sowry, Translated and Made Better. Mt Eden: Heteropholis Press, 1997.

  1421. Kyle, Leicester. Heteropholis. Mt Eden: Heteropholis Press, 1998.

  1422. Kyle, Leicester. A Machinery for Pain. Millerton: Heteropholis Press, 1999.

  1423. Kyle, Leicester. A Safe House for a Man. Millerton: Heteropholis Press, 2000.

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  1425. Kyle, Leicester. Five Anzac Liturgies. Millerton, Buller, 2000.

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  1429. Kyle, Leicester. Dun Huang Aesthetic Dance. Millerton, Buller, 2002.

  1430. Kyle, Leicester. 8 Great O’s. Millerton, Buller, 2003.

  1431. Kyle, Leicester. Anogramma. Millerton: Heteropholis Press, 2005.

  1432. Laing, Sarah. Let Me Be Frank: Diary-style Comics. Issue 1: Parenting. NZ: Pikitia Press, 2013.

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  1435. Laing, Sarah. Let Me Be Frank: Diary-style Comics. Issue 4: Celebrity. NZ: Pikitia Press, 2013.

  1436. [Laird, Tessa. The Amateur Potter. Auckland: ELAM].

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  1438. [Loney, Alan. The Bare Remembrance. Dunedin: Caveman Press, 1971].

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  1442. [Loney, Alan. Mondrian’s Flowers (1999)].

  1443. [Loney, Alan. Melbourne Journal (October 1998 – May 1999)].

  1444. [Loney, Alan. Catalogue (1998)].

  1445. Browns Bay School formerly Long Bay School: 1888-1988. A History (1988)].

  1446. McNeish, James & Helen. Walking on My Feet: A. R. D. Fairburn, 1904-1957. A Kind of Biography. Auckland: Collins, 1983.

  1447. O’Sullivan, Vincent. Katherine Mansfield’s New Zealand. 1974. Auckland: Viking, 1988.

  1448. New Zealand Feature Films 1986-87. New Zealand Film Commission, 1987.

  1449. Neutze, Guyon. Dark out of Darkness. Images by Jürgen Waibel. Wellington: Steele Roberts, 1999.

  1450. Pander 2 (Summer ’97/’98), ed. Andrew Forsberg, Robert Hutchinson & Vanessa York (Mt Eden, Auckland).

  1451. Papaspiropoulos, Antonios. Poems from the George Wilder Cottage: A Poetry Cycle. Southbank, VIC: St Antoni Publishing, 2015.

  1452. Pattrick, Jenny. The Illustrated Denniston Rose and Heart of Coal. 2003, 2004. Black Swan. Auckland: Random House NZ, 2006.

  1453. Paul, Joanna Margaret. Imogen: Poems. Days Bay, Eastbourne: Hawk Press, 1978.

  1454. Paul, Joanna Margaret. The Lone Goose. Dunedin: John McIndoe Ltd, 1979.

  1455. Paul, Joanna Margaret. The Cherry Now. Wellington: The Fernbank Studio, 2001.

  1456. Reed, A. W. Wonder Tales of Maoriland. Illustrated by A. S. Paterson. Wellington & Auckland: A. H. & A. W. Reed, 1964.

  1457. Reeve, Richard. The Among: A Poem. Warrington, Otago: Maungatua Press, 2008.

  1458. Sale, E. V. Historic Trails of the Far North. Wellington: A. H. & A. W. Reed, 1981.

  1459. Sanders, Owen. Incident at Featherston. Heinemann Social Studies. Auckland: Heinemann Education, 1990.

  1460. Scott, Dick. Inheritors of a Dream: A Pictorial History of New Zealand. 1962. Wellington: A. H. & A. W. Reed, 1969.

  1461. Scott, Dick. Seven Lives on Salt River. Auckland: Hodder & Stoughton & Southern Cross Books, 1987.

  1462. Scott, Dick. Would a Good Man Die? Niue Island, New Zealand and the Late Mr. Larsen. Auckland: Hodder & Stoughton & Southern Cross Books, 1993.

  1463. Shadbolt, Maurice. The New Zealand Wars Trilogy: The House of Strife; Monday’s Warriors; Season of the Jew. 1993, 1990, 1986. Auckland: David Ling Publishing Limited, 2005.

  1464. Simmons, D. R. The Great New Zealand Myth: a study of the discovery and origin traditions of the Maori . Wellington: A. H. & A. W. Reed Ltd., 1976.

  1465. Simpson, Peter. Answering Hark: McCahon/Caselberg, Painter/Poet. Nelson: Craig Potton Publishing, 2001.

  1466. Sinclair, Keith, ed. The Oxford Illustrated History of New Zealand. 1990. Second edition. 1996. Auckland: Oxford University Press, 1999.

  1467. Slane, Chris, & Robert Sullivan. Maui: Legends of the Outcast: A Graphic Novel. Auckland: Godwit Publishing Ltd., 1996.

  1468. Smithyman, Kendrick. Tomarata. Afterword by Peter Simpson. Tamaki: Holloway Press, 1996.

  1469. Stone, Cornelius, & Roger Langridge. Knuckles the Malevolent Nun. Vol. 1: No More Mrs. Nice Nun. Auckland: Antipodes Publishing, 2003.

  1470. Sydney, Graham, Owen Marshall, & Brian Turner. Timeless Land. Introduction by Sam Neill. 1995. Dunedin: Longacre Press Ltd., 2004.

  1471. Talmont, Ralph. Legends of the Land: Living Stories of Aotearoa as Told by Ten Tribal Elders. Reed Books. Auckland: Reed Publishing (NZ) Ltd., 2000.

  1472. Thomson, Margie. Whale Oil. Nelson: Potton & Burton, 2019.

  1473. Verran, David. The North Shore: An Illustrated History. A Random House Book. Auckland: Random House New Zealand Ltd., 2010.

  1474. Moncrief-Spittle, Malcolm, ed. The Lost Journal of Edward Jerningham Wakefield: Being an Account of his Exploits and Adventures in New Zealand in the years 1850-1858, including: his various visitations, conversations & observations &c. &c. To which is added, an Introduction. Dunedin: Kilmog Press, 2008.

  1475. May, Sue. River Queen: A Film by Vincent Ward – The Making of the Film on the Whanganui River. Wanganui: Wanganui Inc., 2006.

  1476. Wendt, Albert. The Book of the Black Star. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 2002.

  1477. Westra, Ans. Washday at the Pa. Department of Education. G. P. Serial No. 26. Wellington: Government Printer, 1964.

  1478. White, Pat. Gallipoli: In Search of a Family Story. Masterton, Wairarapa: Red Roofs, 2005.

  1479. Wolfe, Richard. Lost Heritage: The Stories Behind Our Forgotten Landmarks. Auckland: New Holland Publishers (NZ) Ltd., 2013.

  1480. Writing Wellington: Twenty Years of Victoria University Writing Fellows. Ed. Roger Robinson. Photographs by Robert Cross. Wellington: Victoria University Press, 1999.


  1. Its an okay website but i don't understand what its about

  2. Well, it's not really about anything. It's just a booklist: useful to me so I know where everything else, but I can't see why it would interest anyone else. Some of the information on it might be handy to researchers or bibliographers, perhaps.

    If you want to know more, just hit the "preface" link on the top of the sidebar ...

  3. Useful? I can't be sure. But I have found it interesting to browse, learning and comparing. Thank you.
