- Simone de Beauvoir (1908–1986)
- Karen Blixen ['Isak Dinesen'] (1885-1962)
- Mikhail Bulgakov (1891-1940)
- Italo Calvino (1923-1985)
- Albert Camus (1913-1960)
- Joseph Conrad (1857-1924) [M]
- Umberto Eco (1932-2016) [M]
- Maxim Gorky (1868-1936)
- Günter Grass (1927-2015)
- Hermann Hesse (1877-1962) [M]
- Franz Kafka (1883-1924) [M]
- Arthur Koestler (1905-1983) [M]
- Stanisław Lem (1921-2006) [M]
- Primo Levi (1919-1987) [M]
- Thomas Mann (1875-1955) [M]
- Robert Musil (1880-1942) [M]
- Vladimir Nabokov (1899–1977)
- Zoé Oldenbourg (1916–2002)
- Georges Perec (1936-1982) [M]
- W. G. Sebald (1944-2001) [M]
- Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn (1918-2008) [M]
- George Steiner (1929–2020)
- Stendhal (1783–1842)
Books I own are marked in bold:
- L'Invitée (1943)
- She Came to Stay. 1943. Trans. Yvonne Moyse & Roger Senhouse. 1949. Fontana Modern Novels. London: Fontana / Collins, 1975.
- Le Sang des autres (1945)
- Le Sang des autres. 1945. Collection Folio, 363. Paris: Éditions Gallimard, 1978.
- Tous les hommes sont mortels (1946)
- Les Mandarins (1954)
- The Mandarins. 1954. Trans. Leonard M. Friedman. 1957. Fontana Books. London : Fontana / Collins, 1967.
- Les Belles Images (1966)
- Les Inséparables (2020)
- La Femme rompue (1967)
- The Woman Destroyed. 1967. Trans. Patrick O’Brian. 1969. Fontana Modern Novels. London: Fontana / Collins, 1971.
- Quand prime le spirituel (1979)
- Malentendu à Moscou (2013)
- Les Bouches inutiles (1945)
- Mémoires d'une jeune fille rangée (1958)
- Mémoires d’une jeune fille rangée. 1958. Le Livre de Poche, 1315-16. Paris: Éditions Gallimard, 1966.
- Memoirs of a Dutiful Daughter. 1958. Trans. James Kirkup. 1959. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1967.
- La Force de l'âge (1960)
- The Prime of Life. 1960. Trans. Peter Green. 1962. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1966.
- La Force des choses (1963)
- Force of Cicumstance. 1963. Trans. Richard Howard. 1965. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1968.
- Une mort très douce (1964)
- A Very Easy Death. 1964. Trans. Patrick O’Brian. 1966. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1975.
- Tout compte fait (1972)
- All Said and Done. 1972. Trans. Patrick O’Brian. 1974. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1977.
- La Cérémonie des adieux suivi de Entretiens avec Jean-Paul Sartre : août - septembre 1974 ['Adieux: A Farewell to Sartre'] (1981)
- America Day by Day ['L'Amérique au jour le jour', 1954] (1948)
- America Day by Day. 1948. Trans. Patrick Dudley. London: Gerald Duckworth & Co Ltd, 1952.
- Pyrrhus et Cinéas (1944)
- Pour une morale de l'ambiguïté (1947)
- Le Deuxième Sexe (1949)
- The Second Sex. 1949. Trans. & Ed. H. M. Parshley. 1953. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1972.
- Faut-il brûler Sade ? ['Must We Burn de Sade?', 1953] (1951-52 / 1955)
- The Marquis de Sade, with Selections from His Writings. Ed. Paul Dinnage. London: New English Library, 1972.
- Privilèges (1955)
- La Longue Marche (1957)
- La Vieillesse [UK: 'The Coming of Age' / USA: 'Old Age', 1972] (1970)
- Philosophical Writings. Ed. Margaret A. Simons et al. (2004)
- Lettres à Sartre, tome I : 1930-1939 (1990)
- Lettres à Sartre, tome II : 1940-1963 (1990)
- Journal de guerre, septembre 1939-janvier 1941 (1990)
- Lettres à Nelson Algren. Trans. Sylvie Le Bon (1997)
- A Transatlantic Love Affair: Letters to Nelson Algren (1998)
- Correspondance croisée avec Jacques-Laurent Bost (2004)
- Cahiers de jeunesse, 1926-1930 (2008)
- Diary of a Philosophy Student, 1926–27 (2006)
- Deirdre Bair, Simone Beauvoir: A Biography (1990)
Letters & Journals:
Despite being overshadowed at times by her fellow-existentialists Camus and Sartre, it's becoming increasingly obvious that it's Beauvoir who really has the staying power both as a novelist and a philosopher.
In English:
- Seven Gothic Tales (1934)
- Seven Gothic Tales. 1934. Penguin Modern Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1965.
- Seven Gothic Tales. 1934. With Découpages by Queen Margrethe II. Ed. Frans Lasson. Denmark: Gylendal / The Rungstedlund Foundation, 2002.
- Out of Africa (1937)
- Included in: Out of Africa and Shadows on the Grass. 1937 & 1960. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1984.
- The Illustrated Out of Africa. 1937. illustrated by Bina Dahanani. 1985. London: Cresset Press, 1989.
- Winter's Tales (1942)
- Winter's Tales. 1942. Penguin Modern Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1983.
- The Angelic Avengers (1946)
- The Angelic Avengers. 1946. Penguin Modern Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1986.
- Last Tales (1957)
- Last Tales. New York: Random House, Inc., 1957.
- Anecdotes of Destiny (1958)
- Included in: Anecdotes of Destiny and Ehrengard. 1958 & 1963. Vintage International. New York: Random House, Inc., 1993.
- Shadows on the Grass (1960)
- Included in: Out of Africa and Shadows on the Grass. 1937 & 1960. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1984.
- Ehrengard (1963)
- Included in: Anecdotes of Destiny and Ehrengard. 1958 & 1963. Vintage International. New York: Random House, Inc., 1993.
- Carnival: Entertainments and Posthumous Tales (1977)
- Carnival: Entertainments and Posthumous Tales. Foreword by Frans Lasson. 1975. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1977.
- Daguerreotypes and Other Essays (1979)
- On Modern Marriage and Other Observations (1986)
- Letters from Africa, 1914–1931 (1981)
- Letters from Africa, 1914-1931. Ed. Frans Lasson. 1978. Trans. Anne Born. 1981. Picador. London: Pan Books Ltd., 1983.
- "The Revenge of Truth: A Marionette Comedy." 1926. Trans. Donald Hannah, Performing Arts Journal (1986)
- [as Osceola]: "Eneboerne" [The Hermits], Tilskueren (1907)
- [as Osceola]: "Pløjeren" [The Ploughman], Gads danske Magasin (1907)
- [as Osceola]: "Familien de Cats" [The de Cats Family], Tilskueren (1909)
- Karen Blixen in Danmark: Breve 1931–1962 (1996)
- Karen Blixen i Afrika. En brevsamling, 1914–31 i IV bind (2013)
- Thurman, Judith. Isak Dinesen: The Life of Karen Blixen. 1982. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1984.
In Danish:
The two movies "Out of Africa" and "Babette's Feast" pretty much account for her ongoing fame, but her stories are definitely worth reading, once one can get past their rather mannered exteriors.
Collected Works:
- Pоманы (1974):
- Белая гвардия / Театральный роман / Мастер и Маргарита. Ленинград: «Художественная литературa», 1978.
- The White Guard [Белая гвардия] (1924-25 / 1966)
- The White Guard. 1918. Trans. Michael Glenny. Epilogue by Viktor Nekrasov. London: Collins Clear-Type Press / The Harvill Press, 1971.
- The White Guard. Trans. Michael Glenny. Epilogue by Viktor Nekrasov. Fontana Books. 1971. London: Collins and Harvill Press, 1979.
- The White Guard. Trans. Marian Schwartz. Introduction by Evgeny Dobrenko. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2008.
- The White Guard. Trans. Roger Cockrell. Richmond: Alma Classics, 2012.
- Heart of a Dog [Собачье сердце] (1925)
- The Heart of a Dog. Trans. Mirra Ginsburg. New York: Grove Press, 1968.
- The Heart of a Dog. Trans. Michael Glenny. 1968. London: Collins Harvill, 1989.
- Theatrical Novel [aka Notes of a Dead Man] [Театральный роман] (1936-39 / 1965)
- Black Snow: A Theatrical Novel. 1965. Trans. Michael Glenny. London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1967.
- Black Snow: A Theatrical Novel. 1965. Trans. Michael Glenny. 1967. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1971.
- A Dead Man's Memoir: A Theatrical Novel. Trans. Andrew Bromfield. London: Penguin, 2007.
- Black Snow. Trans. Roger Cockrell. Richmond: Alma Books, 2014.
- The Master and Margarita [Мастер и Маргарита] (1929-39 / 1966-67 & 1969)
- The Master and Margarita. Trans. Mirra Ginsburg, New York: Grove Press, 1967.
- The Master and Margarita. 1938. Trans. Michael Glenny. London: Collins Clear-Type Press / The Harvill Press, 1967.
- The Master and Margarita. Trans. Michael Glenny. Fontana Books. 1967. London: Collins and Harvill Press, 1971.
- The Master and Margarita. 1929-40. Trans. Diana Burgin & Katherine Tiernan O'Connor. Annotations and Afterword by Ellendea Proffer. 1995. Vintage International. New York: Random House, Inc., 1996.
- The Master and Margarita. 1966-67. Trans. Richard Pevear & Larissa Volokhonsky. 1997. Penguin Classics. London: Penguin, 2007.
- The Master and Margarita. Trans. Michael Karpelson. Lulu Press, 2006.
- The Master and Margarita. Trans. Hugh Aplin. One World Classics, 2008.
- Notes on the Cuff [Записки на манжетах] (1922-23 / 1973)
- Nakanune
- Vozrozhdenie
- Rossija
- Zvezda Vostoka
- Notes on the Cuff & Other Stories. 1922-23. Trans. Alison Rice. Introduction by Ellendea Proffer. 1991. New York: Ardis Publishers, 2011.
- Diaboliad [Дьяволиада] (1925]
- Diaboliad [Дьяволиада] (1924)
- The Fatal Eggs [Роковые яйца] (1925)
- No 13, the Elpit-Workers' Commune (1925)
- A Chinese Tale (1925)
- The Adventures of Chichikov [Похождения Чичикова] (1925)
- Diaboliad. Trans. Carl R. Proffer. Introduction by Julie Curtis. 1972. Harvill Press. London: HarperCollins, 1991.
- Diaboliad and Other Stories. Trans. Hugh Aplin. Richmond: Oneworld Classics, 2010.
- The Fatal Eggs [Роковые яйца] (1925 / 1970)
- The Fatal Eggs. 1925. Trans. Hugh Aplin. Foreword by Doris Lessing. 2003. Modern Voices. London: Hesperus Press Limited, 2005.
- A Country Doctor's Notebook [Записки юного врача] (1925-26)
- The Embroidered Towel
- The Steel Windpipe
- Black as Egypt's Night
- Baptism by Rotation
- The Speckled Rash
- The Blizzard
- The Vanishing Eye
- Morphine
- The Murderer
- A Country Doctor’s Notebook. 1925-27. Trans. Michael Glenny. 1975. Fontana Books. London: William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd, 1976.
- The Red Crown. In The Terrible News: Russian Stories from the Years Following the Revolution. London: Black Spring Press, 1990.
- Zoya's apartment [Зойкина квартира] (1925)
- The Days of the Turbins [Дни Турбиных] (1926)
- Flight [Бег] (1926-1928)
- The Crimson Island [Багровый остров] (1927)
- The Cabal of Hypocrites / Molière [Кабала святош] (1929)
- Adam and Eve [Адам и Ева] (1931)
- Beatitude [Блаженство] (1933-1934)
- Ivan Vasilyevich [Иван Васильевич] (1934-1935)
- Don Quixote [Дон Кихот] (1937-1938)
- Pushkin [Пушкин] / The last days [Последние дни] (1940)
- Batum [Батум]
- The White Guard [The Days of the Turbins]. 1926. Trans. Michael Glenny. Introduction by Lesley Milne. A Methuen Modern Play. London: Eyre Methuen, 1979.
- Two Plays: Flight & Bliss. Trans. Mirra Ginsburg. New York: New Directions, 1985.
- The Early Plays of Mikhail Bulgakov. Trans. Carl R. Proffer & Ellendea Proffer. Dana Point: Ardis Publishers, 1990.
- Zoya's Apartment: A Tragic Farce in Three Acts. Trans. Nicholas Saunders and Frank Dwyer, New York: Samuel French, 1991.
- Six Plays. Trans. Michael Glenny, William Powell & Michael Earley. Introduction by Lesley Milne. London: Methuen Drama, 1991.
- The White Guard
- Madame Zoyka
- Flight
- Molière (The Cabal of Hypocrites)
- Adam and Eve
- The Last Days
- Six Plays. ['The White Guard', trans. Michael Glenny; 'Madame Zoyka', trans. Michael Glenny; 'Flight', trans. Michael Glenny; 'Molière', trans. Michael Glenny; 'Adam and Eve', trans. Michael Glenny; 'The Last Days', trans. William Powell & Michael Earley]. Introduction by Lesley Milne. 1991. London: Methuen Drama, 2002.
- The Life of Monsieur de Molière: A Portrait (1933 / 1962)
- The Life of Monsieur de Molière: A Portrait. 1933. Trans. Mirra Ginsburg. New York: New Directions, 1986.
- Manuscripts Don’t Burn: A Life in Diaries and Letters (1991)
- Manuscripts Don’t Burn: A Life in Diaries and Letters. Ed & trans. J. A. E. Curtis. 1991. Harvill Press. London: HarperCollins, 1992.
Short Stories:
A tragic figure, certainly - but not without a certain panache.
- Il sentiero dei nidi di ragno (1947)
- The Path to the Spiders' Nests. 1947. Trans. Archibald Colquhoun. 1956. Rev. Martin McLaughlin. 1998. Penguin Modern Classics. London: Penguin, 2009.
- Ultimo viene il corvo (1949)
- Ultimo viene il corvo. 1949. Nuovi Coralli, 152. Torino: Giulio Einaudi editore, 1976.
- Il visconte dimezzato (1952)
- The Cloven Viscount. Trans. Archibald Colquhoun (1962)
- Included in: Our Ancestors: the Cloven Viscount; Baron in the Trees; The Non-existent Knight. 1951, 1957, 1959. Trans. Archibald Colquhoun. 1962, 1959, 1962. London: Picador, 1980.
- La formica argentina (1952)
- The Argentine Ant. Trans. Archibald Colquhoun (1957)
- Included in: Adam, One Afternoon, and Other Stories. 1947, 1949 & 1952. Trans. Archibald Colquhoun & Peggy Wright. 1957. London: Picador, 1984.
- L'entrata in guerra (1954)
- Into the War. Trans. Martin McLaughlin (2011)
- Into the War
- The Avanguardisti in Menton
- UNPA Nights
- Into the War. Trans. Martin McLaughlin (2011)
- Fiabe italiane (1956)
- Fiabe italiane: Selections. 1956. Ed. Joan Hall. Italian Texts. Ed. Kathleen Speight. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1976.
- Italian Fables. Trans. Louis Brigante (1961)
- Italian Folk Tales. Trans. Sylvia Mulcahy (1975)
- Italian Folktales. 1956. Trans. George Martin. 1980. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1982.
- Il barone rampante (1957)
- The Baron in the Trees. Trans. Archibald Colquhoun. 1959. A Harvest / HBJ Book / A Helen and Kurt Wolff Book. San Diego: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Publishers, n.d.
- Included in: Our Ancestors: the Cloven Viscount; Baron in the Trees; The Non-existent Knight. 1951, 1957, 1959. Trans. Archibald Colquhoun. 1962, 1959, 1962. London: Picador, 1980.
- La speculazione edilizia (1957)
- A Plunge into Real Estate. Trans. D. S. Carne-Ross (1984)
- Adam, One Afternoon and Other Stories. Trans. Archibald Colquhoun, Peggy Wright (1957)
- Adam, One Afternoon
- The Enchanted Garden
- Father to Son
- A Goatherd at Luncheon
- Leaving Again Shortly
- The House of the Beehives
- Fear on the Footpath
- Hunger at Bévera
- Going to Headquarters
- The Crow Comes Last
- One of the Three is Still Alive
- Animal Wood
- Theft in a Cake Shop
- Dollars and the Demi-Mondaine
- Sleeping Like Dogs
- Desire in November
- A Judgment
- The Cat and the Policeman
- Who Put the Mine in the Sea?
- The Argentine Ant
- Adam, One Afternoon, and Other Stories. 1947, 1949 & 1952. Trans. Archibald Colquhoun & Peggy Wright. 1957. London: Picador, 1984.
- Il cavaliere inesistente (1959)
- The Nonexistent Knight. Trans. Archibald Colquhoun (1962)
- Included in: Our Ancestors: the Cloven Viscount; Baron in the Trees; The Non-existent Knight. 1951, 1957, 1959. Trans. Archibald Colquhoun. 1962, 1959, 1962. London: Picador, 1980.
- I nostri antenati (1960)
- I nostri antenati: il visconte dimezzato; Il barone rampante; Il cavaliere inesitente. 1952, 1957, 1959, 1960. I libri di italo Calvino. Milano: Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, 1991.
- Our Ancestors: the Cloven Viscount; Baron in the Trees; The Non-existent Knight. 1951, 1957, 1959. Trans. Archibald Colquhoun. 1962, 1959, 1962. London: Picador, 1980.
- La giornata d'uno scrutatore (1963)
- The Watcher. Trans. William Weaver (1971)
- Marcovaldo ovvero le stagioni in città (1963)
- Marcovaldo or the Seasons in the City. 1963. Trans. William Weaver. 1983. Mandarin. London: Minerva, 1993.
- La nuvola di smog (1965)
- Smog. Trans. William Weaver (1971)
- Le cosmicomiche (1965)
- Cosmicomics. 1965. Trans. William Weaver. 1968. A Helen & Kurt Wolff Book. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich Publishers, 1976.
- Ti con zero (1967)
- Time and the Hunter. 1967. [aka t zero]. Trans. William Weaver. 1969. Abacus. London: Sphere Books, 1983.
- Il castello dei destini incrociati (1969)
- The Castle of Crossed Destinies. 1969 & 1973. Trans. William Weaver. 1977. London: Picador, 1978.
- Gli amori difficili (1970)
- Difficult Loves. Trans. William Weaver (1984)
- The Watcher and Other Stories. Trans. Archibald Colquhoun, William Weaver (1971)
- The Watcher
- The Argentine Ant
- Smog
- Le città invisibili (1972)
- Invisible Cities. 1972. Trans. William Weaver. 1974. London: Martin Secker & Warburg LImited, 1974.
- Se una notte d'inverno un viaggiatore (1979)
- If on a winter's night a traveller. 1979. Trans. William Weaver. 1981. London: Picador, 1982.
- Palomar (1983)
- Mr. Palomar. 1983. Trans. William Weaver. 1985. Vintage Classics. London: Vintage, 1999.
- Difficult Loves. Trans. William Weaver & D. S. Carne-Ross (1983)
- Difficult Loves
- Smog
- A Plunge into Real Estate
- Difficult Loves. Trans. William Weaver, Archibald Colquhoun, Peggy Wright (1984)
- Difficult Loves
- Adam, One Afternoon
- The Enchanted Garden
- A Goatherd at Luncheon
- The House of the Beehives
- Big Fish, Little Fish
- A Ship Loaded with Crabs
- Man in the Wasteland
- Lazy Sons
- Fear on the Footpath
- Hunger at Bévera
- Going to Headquarters
- The Crow Comes Last
- One of the Three Is Still Alive
- Animal Woods
- Mine Field
- Theft in a Pastry Shop
- Dollars and the Demimondaine
- Sleeping like Dogs
- Desire in November
- Transit Bed
- Sotto il sole giaguaro (1986)
- Under the Jaguar Sun. 1986. Trans. William Weaver. 1988. London: Jonathan Cape, 1992.
- Under the Jaguar Sun
- A King Listens
- The Name, The Nose
- Under the Jaguar Sun. 1986. Trans. William Weaver. 1988. London: Jonathan Cape, 1992.
- Romanzi e racconti. Ed. Claudio Milanini, with Mario Barenghi & Bruno Falcetto. Preface by Jean Starobinski. 3 vols. I Meridiani. Vol. 1. Milano: Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, 1991.
- Il sentiero dei nidi di ragno (1947)
- Ultimo viene il corvo [30 short stories] (1949)
- Il visconte dimezzato (1952)
- La formica argentina (1952)
- L'entrata in guerra (1954)
- L'entrata in guerra
- Gli Avanguardisti a Mentone
- Le notti dell'UNPA]
- Il barone rampante (1957)
- La speculazione edilizia (1957)
- La nuvola di smog (1965)
- Il cavaliere inesistente (1959)
- Marcovaldo ovvero le stagioni in città [20 stories] (1963)
- Romanzi e racconti. Ed. Claudio Milanini, with Mario Barenghi & Bruno Falcetto. 3 vols. I Meridiani. Vol. 2. Milano: Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, 1992.
- La giornata d'uno scrutatore (1963)
- Le cosmicomiche [12 stories] (1965)
- Ti con zero ([11 stories] 1967)
- Le città invisibili (1972)
- Il castello dei destini incrociati (1969)
- Se una notte d'inverno un viaggiatore (1979)
- Palomar (1983)
- da I Racconti (Gli idilli difficili) [9 stories] (1958)
- da Gli amori difficili [10 stories] (1970)
- da La memoria del mondo e altre storie cosmicomiche [8 stories] (1968)
- da Cosicomiche vecchie e nuove [2 stories] (1984)
- Romanzi e racconti. Ed. Claudio Milanini, with Mario Barenghi & Bruno Falcetto. Bibliography by Luca Baranelli. 3 vols. I Meridiani. Vol. 3: Racconti sparsi e altri scritti d’invenzione. Milano: Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, 1994.
- Ricordi Racconti per "Passagi Obbligati" (1962-77)
- La strada di San Giovanni
- Auobiografia di uno spettatore
- Ricordo di una battaglia
- La poubelle agréée
- Altri Ricordi, Altre Confessioni (1962-74)
- Diario in clinica
- Dall'opaco
- Eremita a Parigi
- Racconti per "I Cinque Sensi" (1971-84)
- Il nome, il naso
- Sapore Sapere (Sotto il sole giaguaro)
- Un re in ascolto
- Capitoli per "Dialoghi Storici" (1974-82)
- L'uomo di Neanderthal
- Montezuma
- Henry Ford
Parte II
- Racconti e Apologhi sparsi (1957-84)
- [14 stories]
- Poesie e Invenzioni Oulipiennes (1962-64, 1972-83)
- [7 texts]
- Storie per Bambini (1977-81)
- [4 stories]
Parte III
- Guardando disegni e Quadri (1976-83, 1977-85)
- [10 texts]
- Prose di Teatro, Trattamenti e Scenggiature (1943, 1956-62, 1977-81)
- [8 texts]
- Testi per Musica (1958-60, 1955-82)
- [7 canzoni]
- [7 azioni musicali]
Parte IV
- Raccontini Giovanili (1943-44)
- [26 stories]
- Raccontini esclusi da I Racconti (1945-54, 1954)
- [25 racconti sparsi]
- [I viaggi di Gulliver: 9 stories]
- Prove di Romanzo (1949-54)
- I giovani del Po
- Frammento di romanzo: La collana della regina
- Abbozzi, Rifacimenti, Traduzioni (1977-83, 1980, 1985)
- Dall'officina di "Palomar": 4 stories
- Una "cosmicomica" trasformata: L'altra Euridice
- Una poesia di Queneau tradotta: La canzone di polistirene
- Ricordi Racconti per "Passagi Obbligati" (1962-77)
- Prima che tu dica 'Pronto' (1993)
- Numbers in the Dark and Other Stories. Trans. Tim Parks. Preface by Esther Calvino. 1995. Penguin Modern Classics. London: Penguin, 2009.
- The Man Who Shouted Teresa
- The Flash
- Making Do
- Dry River
- Conscience
- Solidarity
- The Black Sheep
- Good for Nothing
- Like a Flight of Ducks
- Love Far from Home
- Wind in a City
- The Lost Regiment
- Enemy Eyes
- A General in the Library
- The Workshop Hen
- Numbers in the Dark
- The Queen's Necklace
- Becalmed in the Antille
- The Tribe with Its Eyes on the Sky
- Nocturnal Soliloquy of a Scottish Nobleman
- A Beautiful March Day
- World Memory
- Beheading the Heads
- The Burning of the Abominable House
- The Petrol Pump
- Neanderthal Man
- Montezuma
- Before You Say 'Hello'
- Glaciation
- The Call of the Water
- The Mirror, the Target
- The Other Eurydice
- The Memoirs of Casanova
- Henry Ford
- The Last Channel
- Implosion
- Nothing and Not Much
- Numbers in the Dark and Other Stories. Trans. Tim Parks. Preface by Esther Calvino. 1995. Penguin Modern Classics. London: Penguin, 2009.
- Tutte le cosmicomiche (1997)
- The Complete Cosmicomics. 2002. Trans. Martin McLaughlin, Tim Parks & William Weaver. 1969, 1995 & 2009. Introduction by Martin McLaughlin. Penguin Classics. London: Penguin, 2009.
- Cosmicomics (1965)
- t zero (1967)
- 4 stories from Numbers in the Dark and Other Stories (1993)
- 7 stories newly translated by Martin McLaughlin
- The Complete Cosmicomics. 2002. Trans. Martin McLaughlin, Tim Parks & William Weaver. 1969, 1995 & 2009. Introduction by Martin McLaughlin. Penguin Classics. London: Penguin, 2009.
- Orlando Furioso di Ludovico Ariosto (1970)
- Una pietra sopra: Discorsi di letteratura e società (1980)
- The Literature Machine. 1980 & 1982. [aka The Uses of Literature]. Trans. Patrick Creagh. 1986. London: Vintage, 1997.
- Racconti fantastici dell'ottocento (1983)
- Fantastic Tales: Visionary and Everyday. 1983. Trans. Alfred MacAdam & Martin McLaughlin. 1987 & 2001. Modern Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 2009.
- Science et métaphore chez Galilée (1983)
- The Written and the Unwritten Word. Trans. William Weaver (1983)
- Collezione di sabbia (1984)
- Collection of Sand: Journalistic essays from 1974–1984. Trans. Martin McLaughlin (2013)
- Lezioni americane: Sei proposte per il prossimo millennio (1988)
- Six Memos for the Next Millennium. Trans. Patrick Creagh (1993)
- Sulla fiaba (1988)
- La strada di San Giovanni (1990)
- The Road to San Giovanni. Trans. Tim Parks (1993)
- I libri degli altri. Lettere 1947–1981 (1991)
- Perché leggere i classici (1991)
- Why Read the Classics? 1991. Trans. Martin McLaughlin. 1993. Vintage Classics. London: Vintage, 2000.
- Eremita a Parigi. Pagine autobiografiche (1994)
- Hermit in Paris: Autobiographical Writings. 1994. Trans. Martin McLaughlin. 2003. London: Vintage, 2004.
- Album Calvino (1995)
He was one of the most famous writers in the world: a god of postmodernism. Do people read him now? There's a delightful energy to his work, first and last. Let's hope that at least some of it will last.
- La Mort heureuse [writ. 1936–38] (1971)
- A Happy Death. Afterword and Notes by Jean Sarocchi. 1971. Trans. Richard Howard. 1972. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1973.
- L'Étranger (1942)
- L’étranger. 1942. Collection Folio. Paris: Éditions Gallimard, 1980.
- L’Étranger. 1942. Ed. Gremaine Brée & Carlos Lynes. 1955. Methuen’s Twentieth Century French Texts. Ed. W. J. Strachan. London: Methuen Educational Ltd., 1970.
- Included in: Théâtre – Récits et nouvelles. Ed. Roger Quilliot. Préface de Jean Grenier. Bibliothèque de la Pléiade, 161. 1962 (Paris: Gallimard, 2005): 1123-1212.
- The Outsider. 1942. Trans. Stuart Gilbert. Introduction by Cyril Connolly. London: Hamish Hamilton, 1946.
- La Peste (1947)
- La Peste. 1947. Ed. W. J. Strachan. 1959. Methuen’s Twentieth Century Texts. London: Methuen and Co. Ltd., 1965.
- Included in: Théâtre – Récits et nouvelles. Ed. Roger Quilliot. Préface de Jean Grenier. Bibliothèque de la Pléiade, 161. 1962 (Paris: Gallimard, 2005): 1213-1474.
- La Chute (1956)
- La chute. 1956. Collection Folio, 10. Paris: Éditions Gallimard, 1973.
- Included in: Théâtre – Récits et nouvelles. Ed. Roger Quilliot. Préface de Jean Grenier. Bibliothèque de la Pléiade, 161. 1962 (Paris: Gallimard, 2005): 1475-1551.
- Le premier homme (1994)
- The First Man. 1994. Trans. David Hapgood. 1995. A Borzoi Book. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, Inc., 1995.
- L'exil et le royaume (1957)
- La Femme adultère
- Le Renégat ou un esprit confus
- Les Muets
- L'Hôte
- Jonas, ou l'artiste au travail
- La Pierre qui pousse)
- Included in: Théâtre – Récits et nouvelles. Ed. Roger Quilliot. Préface de Jean Grenier. Bibliothèque de la Pléiade, 161. 1962 (Paris: Gallimard, 2005): 1553-1686.
- Exile and the Kingdom. 1957. Trans. Justin O’Brien. 1958. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1970.
- Caligula [writ. 1938] (1945)
- Included in: Théâtre – Récits et nouvelles. Ed. Roger Quilliot. Préface de Jean Grenier. Bibliothèque de la Pléiade, 161. 1962 (Paris: Gallimard, 2005): 3-108.
- Included in: Caligula and Three Other Plays. 1944, 1948, 1950. Trans. Stuart Gilbert. Vintage Books. New York: Alfred A. Knopf & Random House, Inc., 1958.
- Le Malentendu (1944)
- Included in: Théâtre – Récits et nouvelles. Ed. Roger Quilliot. Préface de Jean Grenier. Bibliothèque de la Pléiade, 161. 1962 (Paris: Gallimard, 2005): 109-80.
- Included in: Caligula and Three Other Plays. 1944, 1948, 1950. Trans. Stuart Gilbert. Vintage Books. New York: Alfred A. Knopf & Random House, Inc., 1958.
- L'État de Siège (1948)
- Included in: Théâtre – Récits et nouvelles. Ed. Roger Quilliot. Préface de Jean Grenier. Bibliothèque de la Pléiade, 161. 1962 (Paris: Gallimard, 2005): 181-300.
- Included in: Caligula and Three Other Plays. 1944, 1948, 1950. Trans. Stuart Gilbert. Vintage Books. New York: Alfred A. Knopf & Random House, Inc., 1958.
- Les Justes (1949)
- Included in: Théâtre – Récits et nouvelles. Ed. Roger Quilliot. Préface de Jean Grenier. Bibliothèque de la Pléiade, 161. 1962 (Paris: Gallimard, 2005): 301-93.
- Included in: Caligula and Three Other Plays. 1944, 1948, 1950. Trans. Stuart Gilbert. Vintage Books. New York: Alfred A. Knopf & Random House, Inc., 1958.
- Requiem pour une nonne [from William Faulkner's novel] (1956)
- Included in: Théâtre – Récits et nouvelles. Ed. Roger Quilliot. Préface de Jean Grenier. Bibliothèque de la Pléiade, 161. 1962 (Paris: Gallimard, 2005): 821-922.
- Les Possédés [from Fyodor Dostoyevsky's novel] (1959)
- Included in: Théâtre – Récits et nouvelles. Ed. Roger Quilliot. Préface de Jean Grenier. Bibliothèque de la Pléiade, 161. 1962 (Paris: Gallimard, 2005): 923-1119.
- L'envers et l'endroit (1937)
- Included in: Essais. Ed. Roger Quilliot & Louis Faucon. Bibliothèque de la Pléiade, 183. 1965 (Paris: Gallimard, 1981).
- Noces (1938)
- Included in: Noces, suivi de L’Été. 1938 & 1959. Collection Folio, 16. Paris: Éditions Gallimard, 1980.
- Included in: Essais. Ed. Roger Quilliot & Louis Faucon. Bibliothèque de la Pléiade, 183. 1965 (Paris: Gallimard, 1981).
- Le Mythe de Sisyphe (1942)
- Included in: Essais. Ed. Roger Quilliot & Louis Faucon. Bibliothèque de la Pléiade, 183. 1965 (Paris: Gallimard, 1981).
- The Myth of Sisyphus. 1942. Trans. Justin O’Brien. 1955. Penguin Modern Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1979.
- The Crisis of Man [Lecture at Columbia University] (1946)
- Neither Victims nor Executioners [Essays in Combat] (1946)
- Included in: Essais. Ed. Roger Quilliot & Louis Faucon. Bibliothèque de la Pléiade, 183. 1965 (Paris: Gallimard, 1981).
- Why Spain? [on 'L'Etat de Siège'] (1948)
- Included in: Essais. Ed. Roger Quilliot & Louis Faucon. Bibliothèque de la Pléiade, 183. 1965 (Paris: Gallimard, 1981).
- Actuelles / Écrits politiques. 1950. Collection Idées, 376. Paris: Éditions Gallimard, 1977.
- Included in: Essais. Ed. Roger Quilliot & Louis Faucon. Bibliothèque de la Pléiade, 183. 1965 (Paris: Gallimard, 1981).
- L'Homme révolté (1951)
- Included in: Essais. Ed. Roger Quilliot & Louis Faucon. Bibliothèque de la Pléiade, 183. 1965 (Paris: Gallimard, 1981).
- The Rebel. 1951. Trans. Anthony Bower. Foreword by Sir Herbert Read. 1953. A Peregrine Book. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1969.
- L'Été (1954)
- Included in: Noces, suivi de L’Été. 1938 & 1954. Collection Folio, 16. Paris: Éditions Gallimard, 1980.
- Included in: Essais. Ed. Roger Quilliot & Louis Faucon. Bibliothèque de la Pléiade, 183. 1965 (Paris: Gallimard, 1981).
- Réflexions sur la guillotine (1957)
- Included in: Essais. Ed. Roger Quilliot & Louis Faucon. Bibliothèque de la Pléiade, 183. 1965 (Paris: Gallimard, 1981).
- Create Dangerously [Nobel Prize essay] (1957)
- Included in: Essais. Ed. Roger Quilliot & Louis Faucon. Bibliothèque de la Pléiade, 183. 1965 (Paris: Gallimard, 1981).
- Chroniques algériennes (1958)
- Included in: Essais. Ed. Roger Quilliot & Louis Faucon. Bibliothèque de la Pléiade, 183. 1965 (Paris: Gallimard, 1981).
- Resistance, Rebellion, and Death (1961)
- Selected Political Writings. 1965. Ed. Jonathan H. King. Methuen’s Twentieth Century French Texts. Ed. W. J. Strachan & J. E. Flower. London: Methuen Educational Ltd., 1981.
- Lyrical and Critical Essays (1968)
- Included in: Essais. Ed. Roger Quilliot & Louis Faucon. Bibliothèque de la Pléiade, 183. 1965 (Paris: Gallimard, 1981).
- Carnets, mai 1935 — fevrier 1942 (1962)
- Notebooks 1935-1942. 1962. Trans. Philip Thody. 1963. The Modern Library. New York: Random House, Inc., 1965.
- Carnets II: janvier 1942 - mars 1951 (1965)
- Carnets II: Janvier 1942 – Mars 1951. Nouvelle Revue Française. Paris: Éditions Gallimard, 1964.
- Selected Essays and Notebooks. 1962, 1963 & 1964. Ed. & trans. Philip Thody. 1970. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1979.
- Youthful Writings (Cahier II). Introductory Essay by Paul Viallaneix. 1973. Trans. Ellen Conroy Kennedy. 1976. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1980.
- Journaux de voyage (1978)
- Carnets Tome III: mars 1951 – décembre 1959 (1989)
- [with María Casares] Correspondence (1944–1959). Preface by Catherine Camus (2017)
- Lottman, Herbert R. Albert Camus: A Biography. 1979. Picador. London: Pan Books Ltd., 1981.
Short Stories:
Journals & Letters:
A phenomenal talent, on so many levels. His early death robbed us of so much.

Józef Teodor Konrad Korzeniowski [Joseph Conrad]
- Almayer's Folly (1895)
- Included in: The First and Last of Conrad: Almayer's Folly; An Outcast of the Islands; The Arrow of Gold; & The Rover. 1895, 1896, 1919, & 1923. London: Ernest Benn Limited, 1929.
- An Outcast of the Islands (1896)
- An Outcast of the Islands. 1896. Ed. J. H. Stape & Hans van Marle. The World's Classics. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1992.
- Included in: The First and Last of Conrad: Almayer's Folly; An Outcast of the Islands; The Arrow of Gold; & The Rover. 1895, 1896, 1919, & 1923. London: Ernest Benn Limited, 1929.
- The Nigger of the 'Narcissus' (1897)
- Included in: The Nigger of the 'Narcissus' / Typhoon; Amy Foster; Falk; Tomorrow. 1897 & 1903. Penguin Modern Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1970.
- Heart of Darkness (1899)
- Included in: Two Tales of the Congo: Heart of Darkness & An Outpost of Progress. Copper-Engravings by Dolf Rieser. London: The Folio Society. 1952.
- Heart of Darkness: An Authoritative Text; Backgrounds and Sources; Essays in Criticism. 1899. Ed. Robert Kimbrough. A Norton Critical Edition. New York & London: W. W. Norton & Company, 1963.
- Heart of Darkness: An Authoritative Text; Backgrounds and Sources; Essays in Criticism. 1899. Ed. Robert Kimbrough. 1963. Second Edition. 1971. Third Edition. A Norton Critical Edition. New York & London: W. W. Norton & Company, 1988.
- Lord Jim (1900)
- Lord Jim: A Tale. 1900. Joseph Conrad’s Works: Collected Edition. London: J. M. Dent & Sons Ltd., 1946.
- Lord Jim: Authoritative Text; Backgrounds; Sources; Criticism. 1900. Ed. Thomas C. Moser. A Norton Critical Edition. 1968. 2nd ed. New York & London: W. W. Norton & Company, 1996.
- [with Ford Madox Ford] The Inheritors (1901)
- Included in: [with Ford Madox Ford] The Inheritors: An Extravagant Story / Laughing Anne: A Play / One Day More: A Play. 1901 & 1924. Illustrated by Jutta Ash. Joseph Conrad: Complete Works. Geneva: Heron Books, 1969.
- [with Ford Madox Ford] Romance (1903)
- [with Ford Madox Ford] Romance. 1903. Joseph Conrad’s Works: Collected Edition. London: J. M. Dent & Sons Ltd., 1949.
- Nostromo (1904)
- Nostromo: A Tale of the Seaboard. 1904. The Works of Joseph Conrad: Uniform Edition. London & Toronto: J. M. Dent & Sons Ltd. / Paris: J. M. Dent et Fils, 1923.
- Nostromo: A Tale of the Seaboard. 1904. Ed. Martin Seymour-Smith. 1983. Penguin Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1986.
- Nostromo: A Tale of the Seaboard. 1904. Introduction by Richard Holmes. Lithographs by Paul Hogarth. London: The Folio Society, 1984.
- The Secret Agent (1907)
- The Secret Agent: A Simple Tale. 1907. Penguin Modern Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1974.
- Under Western Eyes (1911)
- Under Western Eyes. 1911. Penguin Modern Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1966.
- Chance (1913)
- Chance: A Tale in Two Parts. 1913. Penguin Modern Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1984.
- Victory (1915)
- Victory: An Island Tale. 1915. Introduction by V. S. Pritchett. London: The Book Society, 1952.
- The Shadow Line (1917)
- The Shadow Line: A Confession. 1917. Ed. Jacques Berthoud. Penguin Modern Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1986.
- The Arrow of Gold (1919)
- Included in: The First and Last of Conrad: Almayer's Folly; An Outcast of the Islands; The Arrow of Gold; & The Rover. 1895, 1896, 1919, & 1923. London: Ernest Benn Limited, 1929.
- The Rescue (1920)
- The Rescue: A Romance of the Shallows. 1920. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1950.
- The Rover (1923)
- Included in: The First and Last of Conrad: Almayer's Folly; An Outcast of the Islands; The Arrow of Gold; & The Rover. 1895, 1896, 1919, & 1923. London: Ernest Benn Limited, 1929.
- Suspense (1925)
- Suspense. Introduction by Richard Curle. London & Toronto: J. M. Dent & Sons Ltd., 1925.
- Tales of Unrest (1898) [TU]
- Tales of Unrest [The Idiots; The Lagoon; An Outpost of Progress; The Return; Karain: A Memory]. 1898. Penguin Modern Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1977.
- Youth and Two Other Stories (1902) [Y]
- Youth; Heart of Darkness; The End of the Tether: Three Stories. 1902. Joseph Conrad’s Works: Collected Edition. 1946. London: J. M. Dent & Sons Ltd., 1961.
- Typhoon and Other Stories (1903) [T]
- Included in: The Nigger of the 'Narcissus' / Typhoon; Amy Foster; Falk; Tomorrow. 1897 & 1903. Penguin Modern Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1970.
- A Set of Six (1908) [S6]
- A Set of Six [Gaspar Ruiz; The Informer; The Brute; An Anarchist; The Duel; Il Conde]. 1908. London: Methuen & Co. Ltd., 1927.
- 'Twixt Land and Sea (1912) [TLS]
- ’Twixt Land and Sea: Three Tales [A Smile of Fortune; The Secret Sharer; Freya of the Seven Isles]. 1912. Penguin Modern Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1978.
- Within the Tides (1915) [WT]
- Within the Tides [The Planter of Malata; The Partner; The Inn of the Two Witches; Because of the Dollars]. 1915. Penguin Modern Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1978.
- Tales of Hearsay (1925) [TH]
- Included in: Tales of Hearsay and Last Essays [The Warrior's Soul; Prince Roman; The Tale; The Black Mate]. 1925 & 1926. Joseph Conrad’s Works: Collected Edition. London: J. M. Dent & Sons Ltd., 1955.
- The Complete Short Stories (1933)
- The Complete Short Stories [To-morrow (1902); Amy Foster (1901); Karain: A Memory (1897); The Idiots (1896); An Outpost of Progress (1896); The Return (1897); The Lagoon (1896); Youth: A Narrative (1898); Heart of Darkness (1898-99); The End of the Tether (1902); Gaspar Ruiz (1904-5); The Informer (1906); The Brute (1906); An Anarchist (1905); The Duel (1908); Il Conde (1908); A Smile of Fortune (1910); The Secret Sharer (1909); Freya of the Seven Isles (1910-11); The Planter of Malata (1914); The Partner (1911); The Inn of the Two Witches (1913); Because of the Dollars (1914); The Warrior's Soul (1915-16); Prince Roman (1910); The Tale (1916); The Black Mate (1886)]. London: Hutchinson & Co. (Publishers), Ltd., [1933].
- The Complete Short Fiction of Joseph Conrad. Ed. Samuel Hynes. 4 vols (1991-92)
- The Stories, Volume I [The Idiots (1896); The Lagoon (1896); An Outpost of Progress (1896); Karain: A Memory (1897); The Return (1897); Youth: A Narrative (1898); Amy Foster (1901); To-morrow (1902); Gaspar Ruiz: A Romantic Tale (1904-5)]. New York: The Ecco Press, 1991.
- The Stories, Volume II [An Anarchist: A Desperate Tale (1905); The Informer: An Ironic Tale (1906); The Brute: An Indignant Tale (1906); The Black Mate (1886); Il Conde: A Pathetic Tale (1908); The Secret Sharer: An Episode from the Coast (1909); Prince Roman (1910); The Partner (1911); The Inn of the Two Witches: A Find (1913); Because of the Dollars (1914); The Warrior's Soul (1915-16); The Tale (1916); Appendix: The Sisters (1895)]. New York: The Ecco Press, 1992.
- The Tales, Volume III [Heart of Darkness (1898-99); Typhoon (1899-1901]; The End of the Tether (1902)]. New York: The Ecco Press, 1992.
- The Tales, Volume IV [Falk: A Reminiscence (1901); The Duel (1908); A Smile of Fortune (1910); Freya of the Seven Isles: A Story of Shallow Waters (1910-11); The Planter of Malata (1914)]. New York: The Ecco Press, 1992.
- The Black Mate (1886) [TH]
- The Sisters (1895)
- The Idiots (1896) [TU]
- The Lagoon (1896) [TU]
- An Outpost of Progress (1896) [TU]
- Karain: A Memory (1897) [TU]
- The Return (1897) [TU]
- Youth: A Narrative (1898) [Y]
- Heart of Darkness (1898-99) [Y]
- Typhoon (1899-1901] [T]
- Amy Foster (1901) [T]
- Falk: A Reminiscence (1901) [T]
- To-morrow (1902) [T]
- The End of the Tether (1902) [Y]
- Gaspar Ruiz (1904-5) [S6]
- An Anarchist (1905) [S6]
- The Informer (1906) [S6]
- The Brute (1906) [S6]
- The Duel (1908) [S6]
- Il Conde (1908) [S6]
- [with Ford Madox Ford] The Nature of a Crime (1909) [CD]
- A Smile of Fortune (1910) [TLS]
- The Secret Sharer (1909) [TLS]
- Prince Roman (1910) [TH]
- Freya of the Seven Isles (1910-11) [TLS]
- The Partner (1911) [WT]
- The Inn of the Two Witches (1913) [WT]
- The Planter of Malata (1914) [WT]
- Because of the Dollars (1914) [WT]
- The Warrior's Soul (1915-16) [TH]
- The Tale (1916) [TH]
- The Mirror of the Sea (1906)
- Included in: The Mirror of the Sea: Memories and Impressions / A Personal Record: Some Reminiscences. 1906 & 1912. Everyman’s Library, 1189. London: J. M. Dent & Sons Ltd., 1972.
- A Personal Record (1912)
- Included in: The Mirror of the Sea: Memories and Impressions / A Personal Record: Some Reminiscences. 1906 & 1912. Everyman’s Library, 1189. London: J. M. Dent & Sons Ltd., 1972.
- Notes on Life and Letters (1921)
- Notes on Life and Letters. London & Toronto: J. M. Dent & Sons Ltd., 1921.
- Last Essays (1926)
- Included in: Tales of Hearsay and Last Essays [The Warrior's Soul; Prince Roman; The Tale; The Black Mate]. 1925 & 1926. Joseph Conrad’s Works: Collected Edition. London: J. M. Dent & Sons Ltd., 1955.
- The Congo Diary and Other Uncollected Pieces (1978) [CD]
- Congo Diary and Other Uncollected Pieces. Ed. Zdzislaw Najder. New York: Doubleday & Company, Inc., 1978.
- Conrad's Congo (2013)
- Conrad’s Congo. Ed. J. H. Stape. Preface by Adam Hochschild. London: The Folio Society, 2013.
- One Day More (1917)
- Laughing Anne (1923)
- Laughing Anne & One Day More: Two Plays. Introduction by John Galsworthy. London: John Castle, 1924.
- Included in: [with Ford Madox Ford] The Inheritors: An Extravagant Story / Laughing Anne: A Play / One Day More: A Play. 1901 & 1924. Illustrated by Jutta Ash. Joseph Conrad: Complete Works. Geneva: Heron Books, 1969.
- Conrad’s Polish Background: Letters to and from Polish Friends. Ed. Zdzislaw Najder. Trans. Halina Carroll. London: Oxford University Press, 1964.
- Joseph Conrad’s Letters to R. B. Cunninghame Graham. Ed. C. T. Watts. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1969.
- Baines, Jocelyn. Joseph Conrad: A Critical Biography. 1960. Pelican Biographies. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1971.
- Conrad, Borys. My Father: Joseph Conrad. London: Calder & Boyars, 1970.
- Curle, Richard. Joseph Conrad: A Study. London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co., Ltd., 1914.
- Eames, Andrew. Crossing the Shadow Line: Travels in South-East Asia. Sceptre. London: Hodder and Stoughton Paperbacks, 1986.
- Karl, Frederick R. Joseph Conrad: The Three Lives. A Biography. London: Faber, 1979.
- Sherry, Norman. Conrad's Eastern World. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1966.
Short Story Collections:
What can one say? I read all of his works from cover to cover in the 1980s, as a by-product of my Doctoral studies, and have regarded him as a literary nonpareil ever since. He just seems so much wiser - so much more of a grown-up - than virtually any other English language novelist before or since.
- Il nome della rosa (1980)
- The Name of the Rose. 1980. Trans. William Weaver. 1983. London: Picador, 1984.
- Il pendolo di Foucault (1988)
- Foucault's Pendulum. 1988. Trans. William Weaver. London: Secker & Warburg, 1989.
- L'isola del giorno prima (1994)
- The Island of the Day Before. 1994. Trans. William Weaver. 1995. Minerva. London: Mandarin Paperbacks, 1996.
- Baudolino (2000)
- Baudolino. 2000. Trans. William Weaver. 2001. London: Vintage Books, 2003.
- La misteriosa fiamma della regina Loana (2004)
- The Mysterious Flame of Queen Loana. 2004. Trans. Geoffrey Brock. 2005. London: Vintage Books, 2006.
- Il cimitero di Praga (2010; English translation: The Prague Cemetery, 2011)
- The Prague Cemetery. 2010. Trans. Richard Dixon. Harvill Secker. London: Random House, 2011.
- Numero zero (2015; English translation: Numero Zero, 2015)
- Numero Zero. 2015. Trans. Richard Dixon. Harvill Secker. London: Vintage, 2015.
- Il problema estetico in San Tommaso (1956)
- The Aesthetics of Thomas Aquinas (1988)
- "Sviluppo dell'estetica medievale", in Momenti e problemi di storia dell'estetica (1959)
- Art and Beauty in the Middle Ages (1985)
- Opera aperta (1962)
- The Open Work (1989)
- Diario Minimo (1963)
- Misreadings. 1963. Trans. William Weaver. 1993. London: Picador, 1994.
- Apocalittici e integrati (1964)
- Apocalypse Postponed (1994)
- Le poetiche di Joyce (1965)
- The Middle Ages of James Joyce: The Aesthetics of Chaosmos (1989)
- La Struttura Assente (1968)
- Il costume di casa (1973)
- Travels in Hyperreality: Essays [aka Faith in Fakes]. 1973. Trans. William Weaver. 1986. London: Picador, 1987.
- Il segno (1973)
- Trattato di semiotica generale (1975)
- A Theory of Semiotics (1976)
- Il Superuomo di massa (1976)
- Come si fa una tesi di laurea (1977)
- How to Write a Thesis (2015)
- Dalla periferia dell'impero (1977)
- "Lector in fabula", in A Semiotic Landscape. Panorama sémiotique. Proceedings of the 1st Congress of the International Association for Semiotic Studies. Approaches to Semiotics, 29. Ed. with Seymour Chatman & Jean-Marie Klinkenberg (1979)
- The Role of the Reader: Explorations in the Semiotics of Texts [Essays from Opera aperta, 1962; Apocalittici e integrati, 1964; Forme del contenuto, 1971; Il Superuomo di massa, 1976; Lector in Fabula, 1979] (1979)
- Sette anni di desiderio (1983)
- Postille al nome della rosa (1983)
- Reflections on The Name of the Rose. 1983. Trans. William Weaver. 1984. London: Secker & Warburg, 1985.
- Semiotica e filosofia del linguaggio (1984)
- Semiotics and the Philosophy of Language (1984)
- De Bibliotheca (1986)
- Lo strano caso della Hanau 1609 (1989)
- L'Enigme de l'Hanau 1609 (1990)
- I limiti dell'interpretazione (1990)
- The Limits of Interpretation (1990)
- [with R. Rorty, J. Culler, C. Brooke-Rose] Interpretation and Overinterpretation. Ed. S. Collini (1992)
- Il secondo diario minimo (1992)
- How to Travel with a Salmon & Other Essays (1998)
- La ricerca della lingua perfetta nella cultura europea (1993)
- The Search for the Perfect Language. 1993. Trans. James Fentress. 1995. Fontana Press. London: HarperCollins, 1997.
- Six Walks in the Fictional Woods (1994)
- Ur Fascism (1995)
- Eternal Fascism [aka How to Spot a Fascist] (1995)
- Incontro – Encounter – Rencontre (1996)
- [with Carlo Maria Martini] In cosa crede chi non crede? (1996)
- Belief or Nonbelief? A Dialogue (2000)
- Cinque scritti morali (1997)
- Five Moral Pieces (2001)
- Kant e l'ornitorinco (1997)
- Kant and the Platypus: Essays on Language and Cognition. 1997. Trans. Alastair McEwen. 1999. London: Vintage Books, 2000.
- Serendipities: Language and Lunacy (1998)
- La bustina di Minerva (1999)
- Experiences in Translation (2000)
- Experiences in Translation. Toronto Italian Studies. Trans. Alastair McEwen. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2001.
- Sugli specchi e altri saggi (2002)
- Sulla letteratura (2003)
- On Literature. 2002. Trans. Martin McLaughlin. 2004. London: Vintage Books, 2006.
- Mouse or Rat?: Translation as Negotiation (2003)
- Mouse or Rat? Translation as Negotiation. 2003. A Phoenix Paperback. London: Orion Books, Ltd. 2004.
- [with Girolamo de Michele] Storia della bellezza (2004)
- On Beauty: A History of a Western Idea. 2002. Trans. Alastair McEwen. Secker & Warburg. London: Random House, 2004.
- A passo di gambero. Guerre calde e populismo mediatico (2006)
- Turning Back the Clock: Hot Wars and Media Populism. 2005. Trans. Alastair McEwen. 2006. Vintage. London: Random House, 2008.
- Storia della bruttezza (2007)
- On Ugliness. 2007. Trans. Alastair McEwen. Harvill Secker. London: Random House, 2007.
- Dall'albero al labirinto: studi storici sul segno e l'interpretazione (2007)
- From the Tree to the Labyrinth: Historical Studies on the Sign and Interpretation (2014)
- La Vertigine della Lista (2009)
- The Infinity of Lists (2009)
- Costruire il nemico e altri scritti occasionali (2011)
- Inventing the Enemy and Other Occasional Writings. 2011. Trans. Richard Dixon. Harvill Secker. London: Random House, 2012.
- Storia delle terre e dei luoghi leggendari (2013)
- The Book of Legendary Lands. 2013. Trans. Alastair McEwen. Rizzoli Ex Libris. New York: Rizzoli International Publications, Inc., 2013.
- Pape Satàn Aleppe: Cronache di una società liquida (2016)
- Chronicles of a Liquid Society. 2016. Trans. Richard Dixon. Harvill Secker. London: Penguin Random House, 2017.
- Sulle spalle dei giganti (2017)
- On the Shoulders of Giants. Trans. Alastair McEwen (2019)
- [with Thomas A. Sebeok] The Sign of Three: Dupin, Holmes, Peirce (1984)
- [with Eugenio Carmi] La bomba e il generale (1966)
- The Bomb and the General. Illustrated by Eugenio Carmi. Trans. William Weaver. London: Secker & Warburg, 1989.
- [with Eugenio Carmi] I tre cosmonauti (1966)
- The Three Cosmonauts. Illustrated by Eugenio Carmi (1989)
- [with Eugenio Carmi] Gli gnomi di Gnu (1992)
- The Gnomes of Gnu Bompiani. Illustrated by Eugenio Carmi (1992)
Children's Books:
Pop culture guru or dusty professor? Eco had elements of both: it's perhaps a pity that he published so many mediocre collections of occasional pieces alongside genuinely insightful works such as The Search for the Perfect Language. His novels - particularly the early ones - certainly deserve to live on, though.
- Orphan Paul [Горемыка Павел] (1894)
- Foma Gordeyev [Фома Гордеев] (1899)
- Foma Gordeyev. Trans. Margaret Wettlin. Library of Selected Soviet Literature. Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing House, n.d.
- Three of Them [Трое] (1900)
- Mother [Мать] (1906)
- The Life of a Useless Man [Жизнь ненужного человека] (1908)
- The Spy. Introduction by R. D. B. Thomson. Illustrated by Anthony Colbert. The Greatest Masterpieces of Russian Literature. Geneva: Edito-Service, S. A., n.d.
- The Life of a Useless Man. Trans. Moura Budberg. 1971. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1975.
- A Confession [Исповедь] (1908)
- Okurov City [Городок Окуров] (1908)
- The Life of Matvei Kozhemyakin [Жизнь Матвея Кожемякина] (1910)
- The Artamonov Business [Дело Артамоновых] (1925)
- The Artamonovs. Trans. Helen Altschuler. Illustrated by D. Shmarinov. Library of Selected Soviet Literature. Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing House, n.d.
- The Artamonovs. Trans. Alec Brown. Woodcuts by Peter Pendry. London: The Folio Society, 1955.
- The Life of Klim Samgin [Жизнь Клима Самгина] (1927-1936)
- The Bystander (1927)
- The Magnet (1928)
- Other Fires (1930)
- The Spectre (1936)
- Konovalov [Коновалов] (1897)
- The Orlovs [Супруги Орловы] (1897)
- Creatures That Once Were Men [Бывшие люди] (1897)
- Varenka Olesova [Варенька Олесова] (1898)
- Summer [Лето] (1909)
- Great Love [Большая любовь] (1911)
- Sketches and Stories (3 volumes, 1898–1899)
- Creatures That Once Were Men. Introduction by G. K. Chesterton (Бывшие люди] (1905)
- City of the Yellow Devil [Город Жёлтого дьявола] (1906)
- Tales of Italy [Сказки об Италии] (1911–1913)
- Through Russia [По Руси] (collection; 1923)
- Through Russia. Trans. C. J. Hogarth. Everyman’s Library, 1741. 1921. London: J. M. Dent & Sons Ltd. / New York: E. P. Dutton & Co. Inc., 1964.
- Seven Plays. Trans. Alexander Bakshy, with Paul S. Nathan. 1945. New Haven: Yale University Press / London: Humphrey Milford Oxford University Press, 1947.
- The Lower Depths [На дне] (1902)
- Barbarians [Варвары] (1905)
- Enemies [Враги] (1906)
- Queer People [Чудаки] (1910)
- Vassa Zheleznova [Васса Железнова] (1910/1936)
- The Zykovs [Зыковы] (1913)
- Yegor Bulychov and Others [Егор Булычев и другие] (1932)
- The Philistines [Мещане] (1901)
- Summerfolk [Дачники] (1904)
- Children of the Sun [Дети солнца] (1905)
- The Last Ones [Последние] (1908)
- Children [Дети] (1910)
- Counterfeit Money [Фальшивая монета] (1913)
- The Old Man (Старик] (1915)
- Workaholic Slovotekov (Работяга Словотеков] (1920)
- Somov and Others (Сомов и другие] (1930)
- Dostigayev and Others (Достигаев и другие] (1933)
- My Childhood [Детство] (Part I, 1913–1914)
- My Childhood. Trans. Ronald Wilks. 1966. Penguin Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1971.
- Childhood. Trans. Margaret Wettlin. Library of Selected Soviet Literature. Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing House, n.d.
- In the World [В людях] (Part II, 1916)
- My Apprenticeship. Trans. Margaret Wettlin. Library of Selected Soviet Literature. Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing House, 1952.
- My Apprenticeship. Trans. Ronald Wilks. 1974. Penguin Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1980.
- My Universities [Мои университеты] (Part III, 1923)
- My Universities. Trans. Helen Altschuler. Library of Selected Soviet Literature. Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing House, n.d.
- Fragments from My Diary (1923)
- Fragments from My Diary. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1940.
- Letters. Trans. V. Dutt. Ed. P. Cockerell. Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1966.
- Self-Taught Writers (1911)
- Untimely Thoughts (1918)
- My Recollections of Tolstoy (1919)
- The Times of Korolenko (1923)
- About S. A. Tolstaya (1924)
- Days with Lenin (1924)
- V. Lenin (1925)
- On Guard for the Soviet Union (1930)
- On Literature (1930)
- Talks on the Craft (1931)
- Socialist Realism (1933)
- Soviet Literature (1934)
- A History of Woman (1934)
- The I.V. Stalin White Sea – Baltic Sea Canal (1934)
- Culture and the People (1935)
Short Stories:
I'm not sure how many of these books are worth having, but his autobiography, in particular, is a classic.
- Die Vorzüge der Windhühner (1956)
- Gleisdreieck (1960)
- Ausgefragt (1967)
- Poems. Trans. Michael Hamburger & Christopher Middleton. 1966 & 1968. Introduction by Michael Hamburger. Penguin Modern European Poets. 1969. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1971.
- In the Egg and Other Poems (1977)
- Letzte Tänze (2003)
- Dummer August (2007)
- Vonne Endlichkait [prose, poetry, & drawings] (2015)
- Of All That Ends [poetry & prose] (2016)
- Die bösen Köche. Ein Drama [The Wicked Cooks] (1956)
- Hochwasser. Ein Stück in zwei Akten [The Flood] (1957)
- Onkel, Onkel. Ein Spiel in vier Akten [Mister, Mister] (1958)
- Four Plays. 1957 & 1965. Introduction by Martin Esslin. 1967. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1972.
- Flood
- Mister, Mister
- Only Ten Minutes to Buffalo
- The Wicked Cooks
- Die Plebejer proben den Aufstand (1966)
- The Plebeians Rehearse the Uprising: A German Tragedy. 1966. Trans. Ralph Manheim. 1966. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1972.
- Davor (play, 1970)
- Max: A Play. 1970. Trans. A. Leslie Wilson & Ralph Manheim. Original Harvest. A Helen & Kurt Wolff Book. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1972.
- Danziger Trilogie
- Die Blechtrommel (1959)
- The Tin Drum. 1959. Trans. Ralph Manheim. 1961. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1971.
- Katz und Maus (1961)
- Cat and Mouse. 1961. Trans. Ralph Manheim. 1963. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1974.
- Hundejahre (1963)
- Dog Years. 1963. Trans. Ralph Manheim. 1965. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1976.
- Die Blechtrommel (1959)
- Örtlich betäubt (1969)
- Local Anaesthetic. 1969. Trans. Ralph Manheim. 1970. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1973.
- Der Butt (1977)
- The Flounder. 1977. Trans. Ralph Manheim. 1978. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1979.
- Das Treffen in Telgte (1979)
- The Meeting at Telgte. 1979. Trans. Ralph Manheim. Afterword by Leonard Forster. A Helen & Kurt Wolff Book. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1981.
- Kopfgeburten oder Die Deutschen sterben aus (1980)
- Headbirths or The Germans are Dying Out. 1980. Trans. Ralph Manheim. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1984.
- Die Rättin (1986)
- The Rat. 1986. Trans. Ralph Manheim. 1987. London: Picador, 1988.
- Unkenrufe (1992)
- The Call of the Toad (1992)
- Ein weites Feld (1995)
- Too Far Afield. 1995. Trans. Krishna Winston. 2000. London: Faber, 2001.
- Mein Jahrhundert (1999)
- My Century. 1999. Trans. Michael Henry Heim. 1999. London: Faber, 2000.
- Im Krebsgang (2002)
- Crabwalk: A Novel. 2002. Trans. Krishna Winston. 2003. A Harvest Book. New York: Harcourt, Inc., 2004.
- Über das Selbstverständliche. Reden – Aufsätze – Offene Briefe – Kommentare (1968)
- Speak out! Speeches, Open Letters, Commentaries [with 3 additional pieces] (1969)
- Aus dem Tagebuch einer Schnecke (1972)
- From the Diary of a Snail. 1972. Trans. Ralph Manheim. 1973. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1976.
- Der Bürger und seine Stimme. Reden Aufsätze Kommentare (1974)
- Denkzettel. Politische Reden und Aufsätze 1965–1976 (1978)
- Widerstand lernen. Politische Gegenreden 1980–1983 (1984)
- Zunge zeigen. Ein Tagebuch in Zeichnungen (1988)
- Show Your Tongue (1989)
- Two States One Nation? (1990)
- Beim Häuten der Zwiebel [Memoir, vol. 1] (2006)
- Peeling the Onion. 2006. Trans. Michael Henry Heim. 2007. London: Vintage Books, 2008.
- Die Box [Memoir, vol. 2] (2008)
- The Box: Tales from the Darkroom. 2008. Trans. Krishna Winston. Boston & New York: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2010.
- The Box. 2008. Trans. Krishna Winston. Harvill Secker. London: Random House, 2010.
- Unterwegs von Deutschland nach Deutschland. Tagebuch 1990 (2009)
- From Germany to Germany: Diary 1990 (2012)
- Grimms Wörter [Memoir, vol. 3] (2010)
There was a time when he was one of the most famous writers in the world. It seems a bit odd now, but people hung on his every word. I certainly enjoyed some of the novels very much: Cat and Mouse, in particular, but also The Meeting at Telgte.
- Peter Camenzind (1904)
- Peter Camenzind. 1904. Trans. W. J. Strachan. 1961. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1974.
- Unterm Rad [The Prodigy] (1906)
- The Prodigy. 1905. Trans. W. J. Strachan. 1961. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1973.
- Gertrud (1910)
- Gertrude. 1910. Trans. Hilda Rosner. 1969. New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1972.
- Roßhalde (1914)
- Rosshalde. 1914. Trans. Ralph Manheim. 1970. London: Picador, 1973.
- Knulp [Three Tales from the Life of Knulp] (1915)
- Knulp: Three Tales from the Life of Knulp. 1915. Trans. Ralph Manheim. 1971. London: Picador, 1974.
- [as Emil Sinclair] Demian (1919)
- Demian. 1919. Trans. W. J. Strachan. 1960. Frogmore, St Albans: Panther Books, 1975.
- Klingsors letzter Sommer (1920)
- Klingsor’s Last Summer. 1920. Trans. Richard & Clara Winston. 1970. London: Picador, 1973.
- Siddhartha (1922)
- Siddhartha. 1922. Trans. Hilda Rosner. 1954. London: Picador, 1976.
- Der Steppenwolf (1927)
- Der Steppenwolf: Erzählung. 1927. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp Taschenbuch Verlag, 1974.
- Steppenwolf. 1927. Trans. Basil Creighton. 1929. Rev. Walter Sorell. 1963. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1975.
- Narziß und Goldmund (1930)
- Narziss and Goldmund. 1930. Trans. Geoffrey Dunlop. 1959. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1973.
- Die Morgenlandfahrt (1932)
- The Journey to the East. 1932. Trans. Hilda Rosner. 1956. Introduction by Timothy Leary. 1966. Frogmore, St Albans: Panther Books, 1973.
- Das Glasperlenspiel [Magister Ludi] (1943)
- The Glass Bead Game (Magister Ludi). 1943. Trans. Richard & Clara Winston. 1969. London: Jonathan Cape, 1971.
- The Glass Bead Game (Magister Ludi). 1943. Trans. Richard & Clara Winston. 1960. Penguin Modern Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1976.
- Eine Stunde hinter Mitternacht (1899)
- Freunde (1908)
- In the Old Sun (1914)
- Schön ist die Jugend (1916)
- Märchen [Strange News from Another Star] (1919)
- Strange News from Another Star and Other Stories. 1919. Trans. Denver Lindley. 1972. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1976.
- Klein und Wagner (1919)
- Stories of Five Decades: 1899-1948 (1972)
- Stories of Five Decades. Ed. Theodore Ziolkowski. Trans. Ralph Manheim & Denver Lindley. 1954 & 72. St Albans, Herts: Triad Panther, 1976.
- Stories of Five Decades. Ed. Theodore Ziolkowski. Trans. Ralph Manheim & Denver Lindley. 1954 & 1972. Frogmore, St Albans: Triad Panther, 1976.
- Pictor’s Metamorphoses and Other Fantasies (1982)
- Pictor’s Metamorphoses and Other Fantasies. Ed. Theodore Ziolkowski. Trans. Rita Lesser. 1982. Triad Panther. London: Granada, 1984.
- The Fairy Tales of Hermann Hesse (1995)
- The Fairy Tales of Hermann Hesse. Trans. Jack Zipes. Woodcut Illustrations by David Frampton. A Bantam Book. New York: Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group, Inc., 1995.
- Besuch aus Indien (1913)
- Blick ins Chaos (1920)
- Wandering: Notes and Sketches (1920)
- Wandering: Notes and Sketches. 1920. Trans. James Wright. 1972. New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1973.
- If the War Goes On (1946)
- If the War Goes On … Reflections on War and Politics. 1946. Trans. Ralph Manheim. 1971. London: Picador, 1974.
- Reflections (1971)
- Reflections. Ed. Volker Michels. 1971. Trans. Ralph Manheim. 1974. Frogmore, St Albans: Triad Panther, 1979.
- Autobiographical Writings (1972)
- Autobiographical Writings. Ed. Theodore Ziolkowski. Trans. Denver Lindley. 1971-72. New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1973.
- My Belief: Essays on Life and Art (1973)
- My Belief: Essays on Life and Art. 1973. Ed. Theodore Ziolkowski. Trans. Denver Lindley & Ralph Manheim. 1974. Frogmore, St Albans: Triad Panther, 1978.
- Hermann Lauscher [poetry and prose] (1900)
- Poems: 1899-1921 (1953)
- Poems. 1953. Trans. James Wright. 1970. Cape Poetry Paperbacks. London: Jonathan Cape, 1978.
- Crisis: Pages from a Diary (1975)
- Hours in the Garden and Other Poems (1979)
- Hours in the Garden and Other Poems. Trans. Rika Lesser. 1979. Cape Poetry Paperbacks. London: Jonathan Cape, 1980.
- Carlsson, Anni & Volker Michels, ed. The Hesse-Mann Letters: The Correspondence of Hermann Hesse and Thomas Mann, 1910-1955. 1968. Trans. Ralph Manheim. Foreword by Theodore Ziolkowski. 1975. London: Peter Owen, 1976.
- Freeman, Ralph. Hermann Hesse: Pilgrim of Crisis. A Biography. 1978. An Abacus Book. London: Sphere Books, 1981.
- Michels, Volker, ed. Hermann Hesse: A Pictorial Biography. 1973. Trans. Theodore & Yetta Ziolkowski and Denver Lindley. 1975. Frogmore, St Albans: Triad Panther, 1979.
Novellas and Stories:
Just because so many English-speaking people first encountered Hermann Hesse in a drug-induced haze, the myth has grown up that his works are just sixties counter-culture drivel. Actually he's a far more interesting writer than that, and is long overdue for reevaluation.
- Der Prozess [The Trial] (1925)
- The Trial, trans. Willa and Edwin Muir (1937). In The Trial / America / The Castle / Metamorphosis / In the Penal Settlement / The Great Wall of China / Investigations of a Dog / Letter to His Father / The Diaries 1910-1923. Trans. Willa & Edwin Muir et al. London: Secker & Warburg / Octopus, 1976.
- The Trial: Definitive Edition. 1925. Trans. Willa & Edwin Muir. 1937. Rev. E. M. Butler. 1956. London: Secker & Warburg, 1963.
- The Trial. 1925. Trans. Douglas Scott & Chris Waller. Introduction by J. P. Stern. 1977. London: Picador, 1980.
- Das Schloss [The Castle] (1926)
- America, trans. Willa and Edwin Muir (1930). In The Trial / America / The Castle / Metamorphosis / In the Penal Settlement / The Great Wall of China / Investigations of a Dog / Letter to His Father / The Diaries 1910-1923. Trans. Willa & Edwin Muir et al. London: Secker & Warburg / Octopus, 1976.
- The Castle: Definitive Edition. 1926. Trans. Willa & Edwin Muir. 1930. Rev. Eithne Wilkins & Ernst Kaiser. 1953. London: Secker & Warburg, 1961.
- Amerika or Der Verschollene [Amerika or The Man Who Disappeared] (1927)
- Amerika: Roman. 1935. Frankfurt am Main: Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag, 1985.
- America, trans. Willa and Edwin Muir (1938). In The Trial / America / The Castle / Metamorphosis / In the Penal Settlement / The Great Wall of China / Investigations of a Dog / Letter to His Father / The Diaries 1910-1923. Trans. Willa & Edwin Muir et al. London: Secker & Warburg / Octopus, 1976.
- America: Definitive Edition. 1927. Trans. Willa & Edwin Muir. 1938. Rev. ed. London: Secker & Warburg, 1949.
- The Man Who Disappeared (Amerika). 1927. Trans. Michael Hofmann. Penguin Twentieth-Century Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1996.
- Betrachtung [Contemplation] (1912)
- Kinder auf der Landstraße [Children on a Country Road]
- Die Bäume [The Trees]
- Kleider [Clothes]
- Der Ausflug ins Gebirge [Excursion into the Mountains]
- Die Abweisung [Rejection]
- Das Gassenfenster [The Street Window]
- Der Kaufmann [The Tradesman]
- Zerstreutes Hinausschaun [Absent-minded Window-gazing]
- Der Nachhauseweg [The Way Home]
- Die Vorüberlaufenden [Passers-by]
- Der Fahrgast [On the Tram]
- Zum Nachdenken für Herrenreiter [Reflections for Gentlemen-Jockeys]
- Wunsch, Indianer zu werden [The Wish to be a Red Indian]
- Unglücklichsein [Unhappiness]
- Das Unglück des Junggesellen [Bachelor's Ill Luck]
- Entlarvung eines Bauernfängers [Unmasking a Confidence Trickster]
- Der plötzliche Spaziergang [The Sudden Walk]
- Entschlüsse [Resolutions]
- Ein Landarzt [A Country Doctor] (1919)
- Der neue Advokat [The New Advocate]
- Ein Landarzt [A Country Doctor]
- Auf der Galerie [Up in the Gallery]
- Ein altes Blatt [An Old Manuscript]
- Vor dem Gesetz [Before the Law]
- Schakale und Araber [Jackals and Arabs]
- Ein Besuch im Bergwerk [A Visit to a Mine]
- Das nächste Dorf [The Next Village]
- Eine kaiserliche Botschaft [A Message from the Emperor]
- Die Sorge des Hausvaters [The Cares of a Family Man]
- Elf Söhne [Eleven Sons]
- Der Mord / Ein Brudermord [A Fratricide]
- Ein Traum [A Dream]
- Ein Bericht für eine Akademie [A Report to an Academy]
- Der Unredliche in seinem Herzen [Shamefaced Lanky and Impure in Heart] (1902) [In Letters to Friends, Family & Editors (1959)]
- Beschreibung eines Kampfes [Description of a Struggle] (1909)
- Gespräch mit dem Beter [Conversation with the Supplicant]
- Gespräch mit dem Betrunkenen [Conversation with the Drunk]
- Hochzeitsvorbereitungen auf dem Lande [Wedding Preparations in the Country] (1907-1908)
- Das Urteil [The Judgment] (1913)
- Die Verwandlung [The Metamorphosis] (1915)
- Der Heizer [The Stoker] (1913) [In Amerika (1927)]
- In der Strafkolonie [In the Penal Colony] (1919)
- Der Dorfschullehrer / Der Riesenmaulwurf [The Village Schoolmaster / The Giant Mole] (1915)
- Blumfeld, ein älterer Junggeselle [Blumfeld, an Elderly Bachelor] (1913)
- Der Gruftwächter [The Warden of the Tomb] (1916-17)
- Der Jäger Gracchus [The Hunter Gracchus] (1917)
- Beim Bau der Chinesischen Mauer [The Great Wall of China] (1917)
- Die Abweisung [The Refusal] (1920)
- Ein Hungerkünstler [A Hunger Artist] (1922)
- Forschungen eines Hundes [Investigations of a Dog] (1922)
- Eine kleine Frau [A Little Woman] (1924)
- Der Bau [The Burrow] (1931)
- Josefine, die Sängerin oder Das Volk der Mäuse [Josephine the Singer, or The Mouse Folk] (1924)
- Die Brücke [The Bridge]
- Der Kübelreiter [The Bucket Rider] (1917)
- Der Schlag ans Hoftor [The Knock at the Manor Gate]
- Der Nachbar [My Neighbour] (1917)
- Eine Kreuzung [A Crossbreed]
- Eine alltägliche Verwirrung [A Common Confusion]
- Die Wahrheit über Sancho Pansa [The Truth about Sancho Panza]
- Das Schweigen der Sirenen [The Silence of the Sirens]
- Prometheus [Prometheus] (1917-23)
- Das Stadtwappen [The City Coat of Arms]
- Poseidon [Poseidon] (1920)
- Gemeinschaft [Fellowship]
- Nachts [At Night]
- Zur Frage der Gesetze [The Problem of Our Laws]
- Die Truppenaushebung [The Conscription of Troops]
- Die Prüfung [The Test]
- Der Geier [The Vulture]
- Der Steuermann [The Helmsman]
- Der Kreisel [The Top]
- Kleine Fabel [A Little Fable]
- Heimkehr [Home-Coming]
- Erstes Leid [First Sorrow] (1921-22)
- Der Aufbruch [The Departure] (1920-21)
- Fürsprecher [Advocates] (1922)
- Das Ehepaar [The Married Couple] (1922)
- Gibs auf! [Give It Up!]
- Von den Gleichnissen [On Parables]
- Der Kaiser von Peking [Peking and the Emperor]
- Die Chinesische Mauer und der Turmbau von Babel [The Great Wall and the Tower of Babel]
- Das Paradies [Paradise]
- Der Turm zu Babel [The Tower of Babel]
- Der Schacht von Babel [The Pit of Babel]
- Abraham [Abraham]
- Der Berg Sinai [Mount Sinai]
- Der Tempelbau [The Building of the Temple]
- Das Tier in der Synagoge [The Animal in the Synagogue]
- Der Wächter [The Watchman]
- Das Kommen des Messias [The Coming of the Messiah]
- Die Sirenen [The Sirens]
- Leoparden in Tempel [Leopards in the Temple]
- Alexander der Grosse [Alexander the Great]
- Diogenes [Diogenes]
- Der Bau einer Stadt [The Building of a City]
- Der Kaiserliche Oberst [The Imperial Colonel]
- Der Kaiser [The Emperor]
- In der Karawanserei [In the Caravansary]
- Die Zelle [The Cell]
- Die Erfindung des Teufels [The Invention of the Devil]
- Die Wilden [The Savages]
- Der Grüne Drache [The Green Dragon]
- Der Tiger [The Tiger]
- Kuriere [Couriers]
- Ein Geduldspiel [A Chinese Puzzle]
- Robinson Crusoe [Robinson Crusoe]
- Die Quelle [The Spring]
- Die Unersättlichsten [The Hunger Strike]
- Das Ziel [My Destination]
- Betrachtung [Contemplation] (1912)
- Kinder auf der Landstraße [Children on a Country Road]
- Die Bäume [The Trees]
- Kleider [Clothes]
- Der Ausflug ins Gebirge [Excursion into the Mountains]
- Die Abweisung [Rejection]
- Das Gassenfenster [The Street Window]
- Der Kaufmann [The Tradesman]
- Zerstreutes Hinausschaun [Absent-minded Window-gazing]
- Der Nachhauseweg [The Way Home]
- Die Vorüberlaufenden [Passers-by]
- Der Fahrgast [On the Tram]
- Zum Nachdenken für Herrenreiter [Reflections for Gentlemen-Jockeys]
- Wunsch, Indianer zu werden [The Wish to be a Red Indian]
- Unglücklichsein [Unhappiness]
- Das Unglück des Junggesellen [Bachelor's Ill Luck]
- Entlarvung eines Bauernfängers [Unmasking a Confidence Trickster]
- Der plötzliche Spaziergang [The Sudden Walk]
- Entschlüsse [Resolutions]
- Ein Landarzt [A Country Doctor] (1919)
- Der neue Advokat [The New Advocate]
- Ein Landarzt [A Country Doctor]
- Auf der Galerie [Up in the Gallery]
- Ein altes Blatt [An Old Manuscript]
- Vor dem Gesetz [Before the Law]
- Schakale und Araber [Jackals and Arabs]
- Ein Besuch im Bergwerk [A Visit to a Mine]
- Das nächste Dorf [The Next Village]
- Eine kaiserliche Botschaft [A Message from the Emperor]
- Die Sorge des Hausvaters [The Cares of a Family Man]
- Elf Söhne [Eleven Sons]
- Der Mord / Ein Brudermord [A Fratricide]
- Ein Traum [A Dream]
- Ein Bericht für eine Akademie [A Report to an Academy]
- Ein Hungerkünstler [A Hunger Artist] (1924)
- Erstes Leid [First Sorrow]
- Eine kleine Frau [A Little Woman]
- Ein Hungerkünstler [A Hunger Artist]
- Josefine, die Sängerin oder Das Volk der Mäuse [Josephine the Singer, or the Mouse Folk]
- Sämtliche Erzählungen. Ed. Paul Raabe. 1970. Hamburg: Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag, 1983.
I. Die vom Autor veröffentlichten Bücher
- Betrachtung [Contemplation] (1913)
- Kinder auf der Landstraße [Children on a Country Road]
- Entlarvung eines Bauernfängers [The Trees]
- Der plötzliche Spaziergang [The Sudden Walk]
- Entschlüsse [Resolutions]
- Der Ausflug ins Gebirge [Excursion into the Mountains]
- Das Unglück des Junggesellen [Bachelor's Ill Luck]
- Der Kaufmann [The Tradesman]
- Zerstreutes Hinausschaun [Absent-minded Window-gazing]
- Der Nachhauseweg [The Way Home]
- Die Vorüberlaufenden [Passers-by]
- Der Fahrgast [On the Tram]
- Kleider [Clothes]
- Die Abweisung [Rejection]
- Zum Nachdenken für Herrenreiter [Reflections for Gentlemen-Jockeys]
- Das Gassenfenster [The Street Window]
- Wunsch, Indianer zu werden [The Wish to be a Red Indian]
- Die Bäume [The Trees]
- Unglücklichsein [Unhappiness]
- Das Urteil [The Judgment] (1913)
- Der Heizer [The Stoker] (1913)
- Die Verwandlung [The Metamorphosis] (1915)
- In der Strafkolonie [In the Penal Colony] (1919)
- Ein Landarzt [A Country Doctor] (1919)
- Der neue Advokat [The New Advocate]
- Ein Landarzt [A Country Doctor]
- Auf der Galerie [Up in the Gallery]
- Ein altes Blatt [An Old Manuscript]
- Vor dem Gesetz [Before the Law]
- Schakale und Araber [Jackals and Arabs]
- Ein Besuch im Bergwerk [A Visit to a Mine]
- Das nächste Dorf [The Next Village]
- Eine kaiserliche Botschaft [A Message from the Emperor]
- Die Sorge des Hausvaters [The Cares of a Family Man]
- Elf Söhne [Eleven Sons]
- Ein Brudermord [A Fratricide]
- Ein Traum [A Dream]
- Ein Bericht für eine Akademie [A Report to an Academy]
- Ein Hungerkünstler [A Hunger Artist] (1924)
- Erstes Leid [First Sorrow]
- Eine kleine Frau [A Little Woman]
- Ein Hungerkünstler [A Hunger Artist]
- Josefine, die Sängerin oder Das Volk der Mäuse [Josephine the Singer, or the Mouse Folk]
II. Zerstreut veröffentlichte, nicht von Kafka in Bücher aufgenommene Erzählungen
- Gespräch mit dem Beter [Conversation with the Supplicant]
- Gespräch mit dem Betrunkenen [Conversation with the Drunk]
- Großer Lärm [Big noise] (1912)
- Der Kübelreiter [The Bucket Rider] (1917) III. Die Erzählungen aus dem Nachlaß
- Beschreibung eines Kampfes [Description of a Struggle] (1909)
- Hochzeitsvorbereitungen auf dem Lande [Wedding Preparations in the Country] (1907-1908)
- Der Dorfschullehrer [The Village Schoolmaster] (1915)
- Blumfeld, ein älterer Junggeselle [Blumfeld, an Elderly Bachelor] (1913)
- Die Brücke [The Bridge]
- Der Jäger Gracchus [The Hunter Gracchus] (1917)
- Beim Bau der Chinesischen Mauer [The Great Wall of China] (1917)
- Der Schlag ans Hoftor [The Knock at the Manor Gate]
- Der Nachbar [My Neighbour] (1917)
- Eine Kreuzung [A Crossbreed]
- Eine alltägliche Verwirrung [A Common Confusion]
- Die Wahrheit über Sancho Pansa [The Truth about Sancho Panza]
- Das Schweigen der Sirenen [The Silence of the Sirens]
- Prometheus [Prometheus] (1917-23)
- Das Stadtwappen [The City Coat of Arms]
- Poseidon [Poseidon] (1920)
- Gemeinschaft [Fellowship]
- Nachts [At Night]
- Die Abweisung [The Refusal] (1920)
- Zur Frage der Gesetze [The Problem of Our Laws]
- Die Truppenaushebung [The Conscription of Troops]
- Die Prüfung [The Test]
- Der Geier [The Vulture]
- Der Steuermann [The Helmsman]
- Der Kreisel [The Top]
- Kleine Fabel [A Little Fable]
- Heimkehr [Home-Coming]
- Der Aufbruch [The Departure] (1920-21)
- Fürsprecher [Advocates] (1922)
- Forschungen eines Hundes [Investigations of a Dog] (1922)
- Das Ehepaar [The Married Couple] (1922)
- Gibs auf! [Give It Up!]
- Von den Gleichnissen [On Parables]
- Der Bau [The Burrow] (1931)
- Betrachtung [Contemplation] (1913)
- The Great Wall of China and Other Pieces. Trans. Willa & Edwin Muir. 1933. Rev. ed. London: Secker & Warburg, 1946.
Longer Stories:
- Investigations of a Dog [Forschungen eines Hundes]
- The Burrow [Der Bau]
- The Great Wall of China [Beim Bau der Chinesischen Mauer]
- The Giant Mole [Der Riesenmaulwurf] Shorter Stories and Fables:
- The Hunter Gracchus [Der Jäger Gracchus]
- The Married Couple [Das Ehepaar]
- My Neighbour [Der Nachbar]
- A Common Confusion [Eine alltägliche Verwirrung]
- The Bridge [Die Brücke]
- The Bucket Rider [Der Kübelreiter]
- A Crossbreed [Eine Kreuzung]
- The Knock at the Manor Gate [Der Schlag ans Hoftor]
- The City Coat of Arms [Das Stadtwappen]
- The Silence of the Sirens [Das Schweigen der Sirenen]
- Prometheus [Prometheus]
- The Truth about Sancho Panza [Die Wahrheit über Sancho Pansa]
- The Problem of Our Laws [Zur Frage der Gesetze]
- On Parables [Von den Gleichnissen]
- A Little Fable [Kleine Fabel] Aphorisms:
- "He"
- Reflections on Sin, Pain, Hope and the True Way
- The Metamorphosis / Die Verwandlung. 1935. Trans. Willa & Edwin Muir. 1968. New York: Schocken Books, 1974.
- In the Penal Settlement: Tales and Short Prose Works. Definitive Edition. 1935. Trans. Willa & Edwin Muir. London: Secker & Warburg, 1949.
- Two Dialogues (From a work later destroyed: 'Description of a Struggle' [Beschreibung eines Kampfes])
- Conversation with the Suppliant [Gespräch mit dem Beter]
- Conversation with the Drunken Man [Gespräch mit dem Betrunkenen]
- Meditation [Betrachtung]
- Children on a Country Road [Kinder auf der Landstraße]
- Unmasking a Confidence Trickster [Entlarvung eines Bauernfängers]
- The Sudden Walk [Der plötzliche Spaziergang]
- Resolutions [Entschlüsse]
- Excursion into the Mountains [Der Ausflug ins Gebirge]
- Bachelor's Ill Luck [Das Unglück des Junggesellen]
- The Tradesman [Der Kaufmann]
- Absent-minded Window-gazing [Zerstreutes Hinausschaun]
- The Way Home [Der Nachhauseweg]
- Passers-by [Die Vorüberlaufenden]
- On the Tram [Der Fahrgast]
- Clothes [Kleider]
- Rejection [Die Abweisung]
- Reflections for Gentlemen Jockeys [Zum Nachdenken für Herrenreiter]
- The Street Window [Das Gassenfenster]
- The Wish to be a Red Indian [Wunsch, Indianer zu werden]
- The Trees [Die Bäume]
- Unhappiness [Unglücklichsein]
- The Judgement [Das Urteil]
- The Transformation [Die Verwandlung]
- A Country Doctor [Ein Landarzt]
- The New Advocate [Der neue Advokat]
- A Country Doctor [Ein Landarzt]
- Up in the Gallery [Auf der Galerie]
- An Old Manuscript [Ein altes Blatt]
- Before the Law [Vor dem Gesetz]
- Jackals and Arabs [Schakale und Araber]
- A Visit to a Mine [Ein Besuch im Bergwerk]
- The Next Village [Das nächste Dorf]
- A Message from the Emperor [Eine kaiserliche Botschaft]
- Troubles of a Householder [Die Sorge des Hausvaters]
- Eleven Sons [Elf Söhne]
- A Brother's Murder [Ein Brudermord]
- A Dream [Ein Traum]
- A Report to an Academy [Ein Bericht für eine Akademie]
- In the Penal Settlement [In der Strafkolonie]
- A Hunger Artist [Ein Hungerkünstler]
- First Sorrow [Erstes Leid]
- A Little Woman [Eine kleine Frau]
- A Fasting Showman [Ein Hungerkünstler]
- Josephine the Singer, or the Mouse-folk [Josefine, die Sängerin oder Das Volk der Mäuse]
- First Chapter of the Book Richard and Samuel, by Max Brod and Franz Kafka
- Foreword [Vorwort]
- The First Long Train Journey [Die erste lange Eisenbahnfahrt]
- Epilogue (Publisher's Note)
- Two Dialogues (From a work later destroyed: 'Description of a Struggle' [Beschreibung eines Kampfes])
- Wedding Preparations in the Country and Other Posthumous Prose Writings: Definitive Edition. 1953. Trans. Ernst Kaiser & Eithne Wilkins. London: Secker & Warburg, 1954.
- Wedding Preparations in the Country [Hochzeitsvorbereitungen auf dem Lande]
- Reflections on Sin, Pain, Hope and the True Way
- The Eight Octavo Notebooks [Oxforder Oktavhefte]
- Letter to His Father [Brief an den Vater]
- Fragments from Note-books and Loose Pages
- Paralipomena
- Description of a Struggle and The Great Wall of China: Definitive Edition. 1933. Trans. Willa & Edwin Muir and Tania & James Stern. 1958. London: Secker & Warburg, 1960.
- Introduction by Edwin Muir to The Great Wall of China
- Description of a Struggle [Beschreibung eines Kampfes]
- The Great Wall of China [Beim Bau der Chinesischen Mauer]
- The Refusal [Die Abweisung]
- The Problem of Our Laws [Zur Frage der Gesetze]
- The City Coat of Arms [Das Stadtwappen]
- On Parables [Von den Gleichnissen]
- Poseidon [Poseidon]
- The Hunter Gracchus [Der Jäger Gracchus]
- The Knock at the Manor Gate [Der Schlag ans Hoftor]
- A Crossbreed [Eine Kreuzung]
- The Bridge [Die Brücke]
- The Vulture [Der Geier]
- The Departure [Der Aufbruch]
- Give it Up! [Gibs auf!]
- At Night [Nachts]
- The Helmsman [Der Steuermann]
- The Top [Der Kreisel]
- A Little Fable [Kleine Fabel]
- The Bucket Rider [Der Kübelreiter]
- The Married Couple [Das Ehepaar]
- My Neighbour [Der Nachbar]
- The Test [Die Prüfung]
- Advocates [Fürsprecher]
- Home-coming [Heimkehr]
- Fellowship [Gemeinschaft]
- Blumfeld, an Elderly Bachelor [Blumfeld, ein älterer Junggeselle]
- The Burrow [Der Bau]
- The Giant Mole [Der Riesenmaulwurf]
- Investigations of a Dog [Forschungen eines Hundes]
- "He"
- The Warden of the Tomb [Der Gruftwächter]
- Fragments of 'A Report to an Academy' [Ein Bericht für eine Akademie]
- Fragment of 'The Great Wall of China' [Beim Bau der Chinesischen Mauer]
- The Conscription of Troops [Die Truppenaushebung]
- Fragment of 'The Hunter Gracchus' [Der Jäger Gracchus]
- Postscript by Max Brod to the German Edition
- Der Heizer / In der Strafkolonie / Der Bau. 1935. Ed. J. M. S. Pasley. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1966.
- Parables and Paradoxes: In German and English. 1935-37. Ed. Nahum N. Glatzer. Trans. Clement Greenberg; Ernst Kaiser & Eithne Wilkins; Willa & Edwin Muir; Tania and James Stern. 1961. New York: Schocken Books Inc., 1975.
- On Parables [Von den Gleichnissen] I
- An Imperial Message [Eine kaiserliche Botschaft]
- Peking and the Emperor [Der Kaiser von Peking]
- The News of the Building of the Wall: a Fragment [Die Chinesische Mauer und der Turmbau von Babel]
- The Great wall and the Tower of Babel [Die Chinesische Mauer und der Turmbau von Babel] II
- Paradise [Das Paradies]
- The Tower of Babel [Der Turm zu Babel]
- The Pit of Babel [Der Schacht von Babel]
- The City Coat of Arms [Das Stadtwappen]
- Abraham [Abraham]
- Mount Sinai [Der Berg Sinai]
- The Building of the Temple [Der Tempelbau]
- The Animal in the Synagogue [Das Tier in der Synagoge]
- Before the Law [Vor dem Gesetz]
- The Watchman [Der Wächter]
- The Coming of the Messiah [Das Kommen des Messias] III
- Prometheus [Prometheus]
- Poseidon [Poseidon]
- The Silence of the Sirens [Das Schweigen der Sirenen]
- The Sirens [Die Sirenen]
- Leopards in the Temple [Leoparden in Tempel]
- Alexander the Great [Alexander der Grosse]
- Diogenes [Diogenes]
- The New Attorney [Der neue Advokat] IV
- The Building of a City [Der Bau einer Stadt]
- The Imperial Colonel [Der Kaiserliche Oberst]
- The Emperor [Der Kaiser]
- In the Caravansary [In der Karawanserei]
- The Cell [Die Zelle]
- The Invention of the Devil [Die Erfindung des Teufels]
- The Savages [Die Wilden]
- The Hunter Gracchus + Fragment [Der Jäger Gracchus]
- The Vulture [Der Geier]
- The Green Dragon [Der Grüne Drache]
- The Tiger [Der Tiger]
- The Problem of Our Laws [Zur Frage der Gesetze]
- The Refusal [Die Abweisung]
- Couriers [Kuriere]
- A Chinese Puzzle [Ein Geduldspiel]
- The Truth about Sancho Panza [Die Wahrheit über Sancho Pansa]
- The Test [Die Prüfung]
- Robinson Crusoe [Robinson Crusoe]
- The Spring [Die Quelle]
- The Hunger Strike [Die Unersättlichsten]
- My Destination [Das Ziel]
- The Complete Stories. Ed. Nahum N. Glatzer. 1971. New York: Schocken Books, 1976.
Two Introductory Parables:
- Before the Law [Vor dem Gesetz] (from The Trial)
- An Imperial Message [Eine kaiserliche Botschaft] (from "The Great Wall of China") The Longer Stories:
- Description of a Struggle [Beschreibung eines Kampfes]
- Wedding Preparations in the Country [Hochzeitsvorbereitungen auf dem Lande]
- The Judgment [Das Urteil]
- The Metamorphosis [Die Verwandlung]
- In the Penal Colony [In der Strafkolonie]
- The Village Schoolmaster (The Giant Mole) [Der Dorfschullehrer / Der Riesenmaulwurf]
- Blumfeld, an Elderly Bachelor [Blumfeld, ein älterer Junggeselle]
- The Warden of the Tomb [Der Gruftwächter]
- A Country Doctor [Ein Landarzt]
- The Hunter Gracchus + fragment [Der Jäger Gracchus]
- The Great Wall of China + fragment [Beim Bau der Chinesischen Mauer]
- A Report to an Academy + two fragments [Ein Bericht für eine Akademie]
- The Refusal [Die Abweisung]
- A Hunger Artist [Ein Hungerkünstler]
- Investigations of a Dog [Forschungen eines Hundes]
- A Little Woman [Eine kleine Frau]
- The Burrow [Der Bau]
- Josephine the Singer, or The Mouse Folk [Josefine, die Sängerin oder Das Volk der Mäuse] The Shorter Stories:
- Children on a Country Road [Kinder auf der Landstraße]
- The Trees [Die Bäume]
- Clothes [Kleider]
- Excursion into the Mountains [Der Ausflug ins Gebirge]
- The Rejection [Die Abweisung]
- The Street Window [Das Gassenfenster]
- The Tradesman [Der Kaufmann]
- Absent-minded Window-gazing [Zerstreutes Hinausschaun]
- The Way Home [Der Nachhauseweg]
- Passers-by [Die Vorüberlaufenden]
- On the Tram [Der Fahrgast]
- Reflections for Gentlemen-Jockeys [Zum Nachdenken für Herrenreiter]
- The Wish to be a Red Indian [Wunsch, Indianer zu werden]
- Unhappiness [Unglücklichsein]
- Bachelor's Ill Luck [Das Unglück des Junggesellen]
- Unmasking a Confidence Trickster [Entlarvung eines Bauernfängers]
- The Sudden Walk [Der plötzliche Spaziergang]
- Resolutions [Entschlüsse]
- A Dream [Ein Traum]
- Up in the Gallery [Auf der Galerie]
- A Fratricide [Ein Brudermord]
- The Next Village [Das nächste Dorf]
- A Visit to a Mine [Ein Besuch im Bergwerk]
- Jackals and Arabs [Schakale und Araber]
- The Bridge [Die Brücke]
- The Bucket Rider [Der Kübelreiter]
- The New Advocate [Der neue Advokat]
- An Old Manuscript [Ein altes Blatt]
- The Knock at the Manor Gate [Der Schlag ans Hoftor]
- Eleven Sons [Elf Söhne]
- My Neighbor [Der Nachbar]
- A Crossbreed [Eine Kreuzung]
- The Cares of a Family Man [Die Sorge des Hausvaters]
- A Common Confusion [Eine alltägliche Verwirrung]
- The Truth about Sancho Panza [Die Wahrheit über Sancho Pansa]
- The Silence of the Sirens [Das Schweigen der Sirenen]
- Prometheus [Prometheus]
- The City Coat of Arms [Das Stadtwappen]
- Poseidon [Poseidon]
- Fellowship [Gemeinschaft]
- At Night [Nachts]
- The Problem of Our Laws [Zur Frage der Gesetze]
- The Conscription of Troops [Die Truppenaushebung]
- The Test [Die Prüfung]
- The Vulture [Der Geier]
- The Helmsman [Der Steuermann]
- The Top [Der Kreisel]
- A Little Fable [Kleine Fabel]
- Home-Coming [Heimkehr]
- First Sorrow [Erstes Leid]
- The Departure [Der Aufbruch]
- Advocates [Fürsprecher]
- The Married Couple [Das Ehepaar]
- Give it Up! [Gibs auf!]
- On Parables [Von den Gleichnissen] Postscript, by Nahum N. Glatzer
- Metamorphosis and Other Stories. Trans. Willa & Edwin Muir. 1933 & 1958. Penguin Modern Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1974.
- Metamorphosis [Die Verwandlung]
- The Great Wall of China [Beim Bau der Chinesischen Mauer]
- Investigations of a Dog [Forschungen eines Hundes]
- The Burrow [Der Bau]
- In the Penal Settlement [In der Strafkolonie]
- The Giant Mole [Der Riesenmaulwurf]
- Wedding Preparations in the Country and Other Stories. Trans. Ernst Kaiser & Eithne Wilkins. 1953. Penguin Modern Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1978.
- Wedding Preparations in the Country [Hochzeitsvorbereitungen auf dem Lande]
- Letter to His Father [Brief an den Vater]
- Two Dialogues (From a work later destroyed: 'Description of a Struggle' [Beschreibung eines Kampfes])
- Conversation with the Suppliant [Gespräch mit dem Beter]
- Conversation with the Drunken Man [Gespräch mit dem Betrunkenen]
- Meditation [Betrachtung]
- Children on a Country Road [Kinder auf der Landstraße]
- Unmasking a Confidence Trickster [Entlarvung eines Bauernfängers]
- The Sudden Walk [Der plötzliche Spaziergang]
- Resolutions [Entschlüsse]
- Excursion into the Mountains [Der Ausflug ins Gebirge]
- Bachelor's Ill Luck [Das Unglück des Junggesellen]
- The Tradesman [Der Kaufmann]
- Absent-minded Window-gazing [Zerstreutes Hinausschaun]
- The Way Home [Der Nachhauseweg]
- Passers-by [Die Vorüberlaufenden]
- On the Tram [Der Fahrgast]
- Clothes [Kleider]
- Rejection [Die Abweisung]
- Reflections for Gentlemen Jockeys [Zum Nachdenken für Herrenreiter]
- The Street Window [Das Gassenfenster]
- The Wish to be a Red Indian [Wunsch, Indianer zu werden]
- The Trees [Die Bäume]
- Unhappiness [Unglücklichsein]
- The Judgement [Das Urteil]
- A Country Doctor [Ein Landarzt]
- The New Advocate [Der neue Advokat]
- A Country Doctor [Ein Landarzt]
- Up in the Gallery [Auf der Galerie]
- An Old Manuscript [Ein altes Blatt]
- Before the Law [Vor dem Gesetz]
- Jackals and Arabs [Schakale und Araber]
- A Visit to a Mine [Ein Besuch im Bergwerk]
- The Next Village [Das nächste Dorf]
- A Message from the Emperor [Eine kaiserliche Botschaft]
- Troubles of a Householder [Die Sorge des Hausvaters]
- Eleven Sons [Elf Söhne]
- A Brother's Murder [Ein Brudermord]
- A Dream [Ein Traum]
- A Report to an Academy [Ein Bericht für eine Akademie]
- A Hunger Artist [Ein Hungerkünstler]
- First Sorrow [Erstes Leid]
- A Little Woman [Eine kleine Frau]
- A Fasting Showman [Ein Hungerkünstler]
- Josephine the Singer, or the Mouse-folk [Josefine, die Sängerin oder Das Volk der Mäuse]
- Description of a Struggle and Other Stories. Trans. Willa & Edwin Muir, Malcolm Pasley, Tania & James Stern. 1973. Penguin Modern Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1979.
- Description of a Struggle [Beschreibung eines Kampfes]
- Blumfeld, an Elderly Bachelor [Blumfeld, ein älterer Junggeselle]
- The Warden of the Tomb [Der Gruftwächter]
- The Bridge [Die Brücke]
- The Hunter Gracchus [Der Jäger Gracchus]
- Fragments of 'A Report to an Academy' [Ein Bericht für eine Akademie]
- The Bucket Rider [Der Kübelreiter]
- The Knock at the Manor Gate [Der Schlag ans Hoftor]
- My Neighbour [Der Nachbar]
- A Crossbreed [Eine Kreuzung]
- An Everyday Occurrence [Eine alltägliche Verwirrung]
- The Truth about Sancho Panza [Die Wahrheit über Sancho Pansa]
- The Silence of the Sirens [Das Schweigen der Sirenen]
- Prometheus [Prometheus]
- The City Coat of Arms [Das Stadtwappen]
- Poseidon [Poseidon]
- Fellowship [Gemeinschaft]
- At Night [Nachts]
- The Refusal [Die Abweisung]
- The Problem of Our Laws [Zur Frage der Gesetze]
- The Conscription of Troops [Die Truppenaushebung]
- The Test [Die Prüfung]
- The Vulture [Der Geier]
- The Helmsman [Der Steuermann]
- The Top [Der Kreisel]
- A Little Fable [Kleine Fabel]
- Homecoming [Heimkehr]
- The Departure [Der Aufbruch]
- Advocates [Fürsprecher]
- The Married Couple [Das Ehepaar]
- A Comment [Gibs auf!]
- On Parables [Von den Gleichnissen]
- Stories 1904-1924. Trans. J. A. Underwood. Foreword by Jorge Luis Borges. 1981. A Futura Book. London: Macdonald & Co, 1983.
- Looking to See [Betrachtung]
- Children in the lane [Kinder auf der Landstraße]
- Unmasking a confidence trickster [Entlarvung eines Bauernfängers]
- The spur-of-the-moment stroll [Der plötzliche Spaziergang]
- Decisions [Entschlüsse]
- The excursion into the mountains [Der Ausflug ins Gebirge]
- The bachelor's lot [Das Unglück des Junggesellen]
- The businessman [Der Kaufmann]
- Wool-gathering at the window [Zerstreutes Hinausschaun]
- The way home [Der Nachhauseweg]
- Passers-by [Die Vorüberlaufenden]
- The passenger [Der Fahrgast]
- Dresses [Kleider]
- The rebuff [Die Abweisung]
- For jockeys to ponder [Zum Nachdenken für Herrenreiter]
- The window on the street [Das Gassenfenster]
- Wanting to be a Red Indian [Wunsch, Indianer zu werden]
- The trees [Die Bäume]
- Unhappiness [Unglücklichsein]
- The Judgement [Das Urteil]
- The Stoker [Der Heizer]
- The Metamorphosis [Die Verwandlung]
- In the Penal Colony [In der Strafkolonie]
- A Country Doctor [Ein Landarzt]
- The new attorney [Der neue Advokat]
- A country doctor [Ein Landarzt]
- In the gallery [Auf der Galerie]
- A leaf from the past [Ein altes Blatt]
- At the door of the law [Vor dem Gesetz]
- Jackals and Arabs [Schakale und Araber]
- A mine visit [Ein Besuch im Bergwerk]
- The next village [Das nächste Dorf]
- A message from the emperor [Eine kaiserliche Botschaft]
- The householder's concern [Die Sorge des Hausvaters]
- Eleven sons [Elf Söhne]
- A case of fratricide [Ein Brudermord]
- A dream [Ein Traum]
- A report for an academy [Ein Bericht für eine Akademie]
- A Fasting-Artist [Ein Hungerkünstler]
- First sorrow [Erstes Leid]
- A little woman [Eine kleine Frau]
- A fasting-artist [Ein Hungerkünstler]
- Josephine the singer, or The mouse people [Josefine, die Sängerin oder Das Volk der Mäuse]
- Looking to See [Betrachtung]
- Metamorphosis and Other Stories. Trans. Michael Hoffman. Modern Classics. London: Penguin, 2007.
- Contemplation [Betrachtung] (1913)
- Children on the Road [Kinder auf der Landstraße]
- Unmasking a Confidence Trickster [Entlarvung eines Bauernfängers]
- The Sudden Walk [Der plötzliche Spaziergang]
- Resolutions [Entschlüsse]
- The Excursion into the Mountains [Der Ausflug ins Gebirge]
- The Plight of the Bachelor [Das Unglück des Junggesellen]
- The Businessman [Der Kaufmann]
- Looking out Distractedly [Zerstreutes Hinausschaun]
- The Way Home [Der Nachhauseweg]
- The Men Running Past [Die Vorüberlaufenden]
- The Passenger [Der Fahrgast]
- Dresses [Kleider]
- The Rejection [Die Abweisung]
- For the Consideration of Amateur Jockeys [Zum Nachdenken für Herrenreiter]
- The Window on to the Street [Das Gassenfenster]
- Desire to be a Red Indian [Wunsch, Indianer zu werden]
- The Trees [Die Bäume]
- Being Unhappy [Unglücklichsein]
- The Judgement: A Story for F. [Das Urteil] (1913)
- The Stoker: A Fragment [Der Heizer] (1913)
- Metamorphosis [Die Verwandlung] (1913)
- In the Penal Colony [In der Strafkolonie] (1919)
- A Country Doctor: Short Prose for my Father [Ein Landarzt] (2020)
- The New Advocate [Der neue Advokat]
- A Country Doctor [Ein Landarzt]
- In the Gallery [Auf der Galerie]
- An Old Journal [Ein altes Blatt]
- Before the Law [Vor dem Gesetz]
- Jackals and Arabs [Schakale und Araber]
- A Visit to the Mine [Ein Besuch im Bergwerk]
- The Neighbouring Village [Das nächste Dorf]
- A Message from the Emperor [Eine kaiserliche Botschaft]
- The Worries of a Head of Household [Die Sorge des Hausvaters]
- Eleven Sons [Elf Söhne]
- A Fratricide [Ein Brudermord]
- A Dream [Ein Traum]
- A Report to an Academy [Ein Bericht für eine Akademie]
- A Hunger-Artist: Four Stories [Ein Hungerkünstler] (1924)
- First Sorrow [Erstes Leid]
- A Little Woman [Eine kleine Frau]
- A Hunger-Artist [Ein Hungerkünstler]
- Josefine, the Singer, or The Mouse People [Josefine, die Sängerin oder Das Volk der Mäuse]
- Appendix
- Aeroplanes in Brescia [Die Aeroplane in Brescia] (1909)
- Great Noise [Großer Lärm] (1912)
- The Coal-Scuttle Rider [Der Kübelreiter] (1921)
- Contemplation [Betrachtung] (1913)
- Abandoned Fragments: The Unedited Works of Franz Kafka, 1897-1917. ["Nachgelassene Schriften und Fragmente", Vol. 1 of 2, 1992]. Trans. Ida Pfitzner. USA: Sun Vision Press, 2012.
- Investigations of a Dog & Other Creatures. Trans. Michael Hofmann. New York: New Directions Press, 2017.
- The Lost Writings. ["Nachgelassene Schriften und Fragmente", 2 vols, 1992-93]. Ed. Reiner Stach. Trans. Michael Hoffman. A New Directions Paperbook. New York: New Directions Publishing Corporation, 2020.
- Die Aeroplane in Brescia [The Aeroplanes At Brescia] (1909)
- [with Max Brod] Die erste lange Eisenbahnfahrt [The First Long Train Journey] (1912)
- Eine entschlafene Zeitschrift [Review of Hyperion]
- Ein Roman der Jugend: Felix Sternheim, Die Geschichte des jungen Oswald [Review of A Novel about Youth]
- Über Kleist's Anekdoten [On Kleist's "Anecdotes"]
- The Scope of Compulsory Insurance for the Building trades [Franz Kafka: The Office Writings] (1908)
- Speech on the Occasion of the Inauguration of the Institute's New Director [Franz Kafka: The Office Writings] (1909)
- Fixed-Rate Insurance Premiums for Small Farms Using Machinery [Franz Kafka: The Office Writings] (1909)
- Inclusion of Private Automobile "Firms" in the Compulsory Insurance Program [Franz Kafka: The Office Writings] (1909)
- Appeal against Risk Classification of Christian Geipel & Sohn, Mechanical Weaving Mill in Asch [Franz Kafka: The Office Writings] (1910)
- Measures for Preventing Accidents from Wood-Planing Machines [Franz Kafka: The Office Writings] (1910)
- On the Examination of Firms by Trade Inspectors [Franz Kafka: The Office Writings] (1911)
- Workmen's Insurance and Employers: Two Articles in the Tetschen Bodenbacher Zeitung [Franz Kafka: The Office Writings] (1911)
- Petition of the Toy Producers' Association in Katharinaberg, Erzgebirge [Franz Kafka: The Office Writings] (1912)
- Risk Classification Appeal by Norbert Hochsieder, Boarding House Owner in Marienbad [Franz Kafka: The Office Writings] (1912)
- Letters to the Workmen's Accident Insurance Institute in Prague [Franz Kafka: The Office Writings] (1912–15)
- Criminal Charge against Josef Renelt for the Illegal Withholding of Insurance Fees [Franz Kafka: The Office Writings] (1913)
- Second International Congress on Accident Prevention and First Aid in Vienna [Franz Kafka: The Office Writings] (1913)
- Accident Prevention in Quarries [Franz Kafka: The Office Writings] (1914)
- Jubilee Report: Twenty-Five Years of the Workmen's Accident Insurance Institute [Franz Kafka: The Office Writings] (1914)
- Risk Classification and Accident Prevention in Wartime [Franz Kafka: The Office Writings] (1915)
- A Public Psychiatric Hospital for German-Bohemia [Franz Kafka: The Office Writings] (1916)
- "Help Disabled Veterans! An Urgent Appeal to the Public" [Franz Kafka: The Office Writings] (1916/1917)
- Franz Kafka: The Office Writings. Ed. & Trans. Eric Patton & Ruth Hein. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2008.
- Die Zürauer Aphorismen or Betrachtungen über Sünde, Hoffnung, Leid und den wahren Weg (1931)
- "Reflections on Sin, Pain, Hope and the True Way." In The Great Wall of China and Other Pieces. Trans. Willa & Edwin Muir. 1933. Rev. ed. London: Secker & Warburg, 1946. 142-59.
- The Zürau Aphorisms. Ed. Roberto Calasso. London: Harvill Secker, 2014.
- Tagebücher 1910–1923 (1948)
- The Diaries of Franz Kafka: 1910-23. Ed. Max Brod. Trans. Joseph Kresh and Martin Greenberg with Hannah Arendt. 1948 & 1949. Peregrine Books. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1964.
- Oxforder Oktavhefte (1954)
- "The Eight Octavo Notebooks." In Wedding Preparations in the Country and Other Posthumous Prose Writings: Definitive Edition. 1953. Trans. Ernst Kaiser & Eithne Wilkins. London: Secker & Warburg, 1954. 54-156.
- Briefe an Milena [Letters to Milena] (1952)
- Letters to Milena. Ed. Willy Haas. 1952. Trans. Tania & James Stern. 1953. London: Corgi Books, 1967.
- Brief an den Vater [Letter to His Father] (1953)
- Letter to His Father, trans. Ernst Kaiser & Eithne Wilkins (1954). In Wedding Preparations in the Country and Other Posthumous Prose Writings: Definitive Edition. 1953. Trans. Ernst Kaiser & Eithne Wilkins. London: Secker & Warburg, 1954. 157-217.
- Briefe 1902–1924 [Letters to Friends, Family, and Editors] (1959)
- Letters to Friends, Family and Editors. 1959. Trans. Richard & Clara Winston. 1977. Richmond, Surrey: Alma Classics Ltd., 2014.
- Briefe an Felice und andere Korrespondenz aus der Verlobungszeit [Letters to Felice] (1967)
- Letters to Felice. Ed. Erich Heller & Jürgen Born. Trans. James Stern & Elizabeth Duckworth. 1973. With Elias Canetti: Kafka’s Other Trial. 1969. Trans. Christopher Middleton. 1974. Penguin Modern Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1978.
- Briefe an Ottla und die Familie [Letters to Ottla] (1974)
- Letters to Ottla and the Family: Excerpts. 1974. Trans. Richard and Clara Winston. 1982. Independently published, 2021.
- Brod, Max. Franz Kafka: A Biography. 1937. Trans. G. Humphreys Roberts. 1947. Rev. Richard Winston. 1960. New York: Schocken Books, 1973.
- Janousch, Gustav. Conversations with Kafka. 1953. Rev. ed. 1968. Trans. Goronwy Rees. New York: New Directions, 1971.
- Hayman, Ronald. K: A Biography Of Kafka. 1981. An Abacus Book. London: Sphere Books, 1983.
- Pawel, Ernst. The Nightmare of Reason: A Life of Franz Kafka. 1984. London: Collins Harvill, 1988.
- Calasso, Roberto. K. 2002. Trans. Geoffrey Brock. Jonathan Cape. London: Random House, 2005.
Short stories:
[bold = included in Complete Stories (1971) /
underlined = included in Parables and Paradoxes (1961)]
Work writings:
To call the bibliographical complexities of Kafka's posthumous oeuvre labyrinthine would be to damn them with faint praise. Admittedly, if he weren't one of the greatest geniuses of the twentieth century, there mightn't be quite the same motivation to uncover 'new' and 'lost' work with such monotonous regularity.
- Die Erlebnisse des Genossen Piepvogel in der Emigration. 1934 (2013)
- The Gladiators (1939)
- The Gladiators. Trans. Edith Simon. 1939. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1947.
- Darkness at Noon (1940)
- Darkness at Noon. 1940. Trans. Daphne Hardy. Penguin Modern Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin. 1973.
- Darkness at Noon: The New Translation of the Rediscovered Manuscript. 1941. Trans. Philip Boehm. Introduction by Michael Scammell. Vintage Koestler. London: Penguin Random House UK, 2019.
- Arrival and Departure (1943)
- Arrival and Departure. 1943. Harmondsworth: Penguin. 1969.
- Thieves in the Night (1946)
- Thieves in the Night: Chronicle of an Experiment. 1946. London: Macmillan & Co., 1947.
- The Age of Longing (1951)
- The Age of Longing. 1951. London: Collins, 1951.
- The Call-Girls (1972)
- The Call Girls: A Tragicomedy with a Prologue and Epilogue. 1972. London: Pan Books, 1976.
- Twilight Bar (1945)
- Twilght Bar: An Escapade in Four Acts. London: Jonathan Cape, 1945.
- Spanish Testament (1937)
- Menschenopfer unerhört: ein Schwarzbuch über Spanien (1937)
- L'Espagne ensanglantée (1937)
- Spanish Testament. Trans. Trevor & Phyllis Blewitt. Left Book Club Edition. London: Gollancz, 1937.
- Scum of the Earth (1941)
- Scum of the Earth. London: Jonathan Cape, 1941.
- Scum of the Earth. 1941. An Ace Book. London: The Harborough Publishing Co. Ltd., 1958.
- Dialogue with Death (1942)
- Dialogue with Death. Trans. Trevor & Phyllis Blewitt. 1937. Abridged ed. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1942.
- Dialogue with Death. Trans. Trevor & Phyllis Blewitt. 1937. Abridged ed., 1942. Rev. Danube ed., 1966. London: Papermac, 1983.
- Arrow in the Blue: The First Volume of an Autobiography, 1905–31 (1952)
- Arrow In The Blue: The First Volume Of An Autobiography, 1905-31. London: Collins with Hamish Hamilton, 1952.
- The Invisible Writing: The Second Volume of an Autobiography, 1932–40 (1954)
- The Invisible Writing: An Autobiography 1931-1955. London: Collins with Hamish Hamilton, 1954.
- [with Cynthia Koestler] Stranger on the Square (1984)
- Arthur & Cynthia Koestler. Stranger on the Square. Ed. Harold Harris. 1984. London: Hutchinson, 1984.
- Von weissen Nächten und roten Tagen [Red Days and White Nights] (1934)
- Le yogi et le commissaire (1942)
- The Yogi and the Commissar and other essays (1945)
- The Yogi and the Commissar and Other Essays. 1945. London: Jonathan Cape, 1971.
- The Challenge of Our Time (1949)
- Promise and Fulfilment: Palestine 1917–1949 (1949)
- Promise and Fulfilment: Palestine 1917-1949. London: Macmillan & Co, 1949.
- Insight and Outlook (1949)
- Insight and Outlook: An Inquiry into the Common Foundations of Science, Art and Social Ethics. London: Macmillan & Co, 1949.
- The Trail of the Dinosaur and other essays (1955)
- The Trail of the Dinosaur and Other Essays. London: Collins, 1955.
- Reflections on Hanging (1956)
- Reflections on Hanging. London: Victor Gollancz, 1956.
- The Sleepwalkers: A History of Man's Changing Vision of the Universe (1959)
- The Sleepwalkers: A History of Man's Changing Vision of the Universe. 1959. Introduction by Herbert Butterfield. A Pelican Book. Harmondsworth: Penguin. 1972.
- The Watershed: A Biography of Johannes Kepler (1960)
- The Lotus and the Robot (1960)
- The Lotus and the Robot. London: Hutchinson, 1960.
- Control of the Mind (1961)
- The Act of Creation (1964)
- The Act of Creation. 1964. Revised Danube Edition. 1969. London: Pan Books, 1970.
- The Ghost in the Machine (1967)
- The Ghost in the Machine. London: Hutchinson, 1967.
- Drinkers of Infinity: Essays 1955–1967 (1968)
- Drinkers of Infinity: Essays 1955-1967. London: Hutchinson, 1968.
- The Case of the Midwife Toad (1971)
- The Case of the Midwife Toad. 1971. London: Pan Books, 1974.
- The Roots of Coincidence (1972)
- The Roots of Coincidence. Postscript by Renée Haynes. 1972. London: Picador, 1974.
- The Lion and the Ostrich (1973)
- The Heel of Achilles: Essays 1968–1973 (1974)
- The Heel of Achilles: Essays 1968-1973. 1974. London: Picador, 1976.
- The Thirteenth Tribe: The Khazar Empire and Its Heritage (1976)
- The Thirteenth Tribe: The Khazar Empire and Its Heritage. 1976. London: Picador, 1980.
- Janus: A Summing Up (1978)
- Janus: A Summing Up. 1978. London: Picador, 1983.
- Bricks to Babel: A selection from 50 years of his writings, chosen and with new commentary by the author (1980)
- Bricks to Babel: Selected Writings with Comments by the Author. 1980. London: Picador, 1982.
- Kaleidoscope. Essays from Drinkers of Infinity and The Heel of Achilles, plus later pieces and stories (1981)
- Kaleidoscope: Essays from Drinkers of Infinity, and The Heel of Achilles and later pieces and stories. The Danube Edition. London: Hutchinson & Co (Publishers) Ltd., 1981.
- [As "Drs A. Costler, A. Willy, et al."] The Encyclopœdia of Sexual Knowledge (1934)
- [uncredited] Foreign Correspondent, dir. Alfred Hitchcock (1940)
- The God That Failed (1950)
- Richard Crossman, ed. The God That Failed, by André Gide, Richard Wright, Ignazio Silone, Stephen Spender, Arthur Koestler, & Louis Fischer. 1950. New York: Bantam Books, 1959.
- "Attila, the Poet." Encounter 2 (5) (1954)
- "The Anatomy of Snobbery" in The Anchor review No. 1 (1955)
- [with C. H. Rolph] Hanged by the Neck (1961)
- Arthur Koestler & C. H. Rolph. Hanged by the Neck: An Exposure of Capital Punishment in England. A Penguin Special. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1961.
- Suicide of a Nation (1963)
- Arthur Koestler, ed. Suicide of a Nation? An Enquiry into the State of Britain Today. London: Hutchinson, 1963.
- [Ed., with J. R. Smythies] Beyond Reductionism: The Alpbach Symposium. New Perspectives in the Life Sciences (1969)
- Arthur Koestler & J. R. Smythies, ed. Beyond Reductionism: New Perspectives in the Life Sciences. The Alpbach Symposium 1968. London: Hutchinson, 1969.
- [Ed., with Alister Hardy & Robert Harvie] The Challenge of Chance: A Mass Experiment in Telepathy and Its Unexpected Outcome (1973)
- Arthur Koestler, Alister Hardy & Robert Harvie, ed. The Challenge of Chance: Experiments and Speculations. 1973. London: Hutchinson, 1973.
- The Concept of Creativity in Science and Art (1976)
- [Ed., with Arnold Toynbee et al.] Life After Death (1976)
- Humour and Wit. Encyclopædia Britannica. 15th ed. vol. 9. (1983)
- John Atkins. Arthur Koestler. London: Nevill Speaman Ltd., 1956.
- Harold Harris, ed. Astride the Two Cultures: Arthur Koestler at 70. London: Hutchinson, 1975.
- Murray A. Sperber, ed. Arthur Koestler. Twentieth Century Views: A Collection of Critical Essays (1977)
- S. A. Pearson. Arthur Koestler (1978)
- Iain Hamilton. Koestler: A Biography. London: Secker & Warburg, 1982.
- George Mikes. Arthur Koestler: The Story of a Friendship (1983)
- M. Levene. Arthur Koestler (1984)
- Mamaine Koestler. Living with Koestler: Mamaine Koestler's Letters 1945–51 (1985)
- David Cesarani. Arthur Koestler: The Homeless Mind (1998)
- Michael Scammell. Koestler: The Literary and Political Odyssey of a Twentieth-Century Skeptic. [aka Koestler: The Indispensable Intellectual (2010)]. New York: Random House, 2009.
Autobiographical writings:
I have to admit to being a bit of a fan. There have been some very disturbing allegations of rape directed at him since his death, which certainly gives one pause, but his most recent biographer, Michael Scammell, has thrown some doubt on these.
- The Man from Mars (1946)
- Czas nieutracony: Szpital przemienienia [Hospital of the Transfiguration] (1948 / 1955)
- Hospital of the Transfiguration. 1955. Trans. William Brand. A Helen and Kurt Wolff Book. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc., 1988.
- Astronauci [The Astronauts] (1951)
- Obłok Magellana [The Magellanic Cloud] (1955)
- Eden (1959)
- Eden. 1959. Trans. Marc E. Heine. 1989. A Helen and Kurt Wolff Book. San Diego: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich Publishers, 1989.
- The Hunt (1950s / 2018)
- In The Truth and Other Stories. 1956-1993. Trans. Antonia Lloyd-Jones. Foreword by Kim Stanley Robinson. Cambridge, Mass & London: The MIT Press, 2021.
- Śledztwo [The Investigation] (1959)
- The Investigation. 1959. Trans. Adele Milch. 1974. A Harvest Book. San Diego: Harcourt Brace & Company, 1986.
- Pamiętnik znaleziony w wannie [Memoirs Found in a Bathtub] (1961)
- Memoirs Found in a Bathtub. 1961. Trans. Michael Kandel & Christine Rose. 1973. A Harvest / HBJ Book. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1986.
- Powrót z gwiazd [Return from the Stars] (1961)
- In Tales of Pirx the Pilot / Return from the Stars / The Invincible. 1973, 1961, 1964. Trans. Louis Iribarne, 1979; Barbara Marszal & Frank Simpson, 1980; Wendayne Ackerman, 1973. King Penguin. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1981.
- Solaris (1961)
- Solaris. 1961. Translated from French by Joanna Kilmartin & Steve Cox. 1970. London: Arrow Books, 1973.
- Niezwyciężony [The Invincible] (1964)
- The Invincible. 1964. Translated from German by Wendayne Ackerman. 1973. Penguin Science Fiction. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1976.
- Głos pana [His Master's Voice] (1968)
- His Master's Voice. 1968. Trans. Michael Kandel. 1983. London: Mandarin, 1990.
- Ze wspomnień Ijona Tichego: Kongres futurologiczny [The Futurological Congress] (1971)
- The Futurological Congress. 1971. Trans. Michael Kandel. 1974. An Orbit Book. London: Futura, 1977.
- Katar [The Chain of Chance] (1976)
- In Solaris / The Chain of Chance / A Perfect Vacuum. 1961, 1975, 1971. Trans. Joanna Kilmartin & Steve Cox, 1970; Louis Iribarne, 1978; Michael Kandel, 1979. King Penguin. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1981.
- Golem XIV (1981)
- In Imaginary Magnitude. Trans. Marc E. Heine. 1984. London: Mandarin, 1991.
- Wizja lokalna [Observation on the Spot] (1982)
- Fiasko [Fiasco] (1986)
- Fiasco. 1986. Trans. Michael Kandel. 1987. London: Futura, 1989.
- Pokój na Ziemi [Peace on Earth] (1987)
- Peace on Earth: From the Memoirs of Ijon Tichy. 1987. Trans. Michael Kandel & Elinor Ford. 1994. A Harvest Book, A Helen and Kurt Wolff Book. San Diego: Harcourt, Inc., 2002.
- Sezam [Sesame] (1955)
- Dzienniki gwiazdowe [The Star Diaries] (1957-1971)
- The Star Diaries. Illustrated by the Author. 1957-71. Trans. Michael Kandel. 1976. An Orbit Book. London: Futura, 1978.
- Memoirs of a Space Traveller: Further Reminiscences of Ijon Tichy. Illustrated by the Author. 1957-71. Trans. Joel Stern & Maria Swiecicka-Ziemianek. 1982. A Helen and Kurt Wolff Book. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1982.
- Inwazja z Aldebarana [The Invasion from Aldebaran] (1959)
- In The Truth and Other Stories. 1956-1993. Trans. Antonia Lloyd-Jones. Foreword by Kim Stanley Robinson. Cambridge, Mass & London: The MIT Press, 2021.
- Bajki robotów [Mortal Engines] (1961)
- Mortal Engines. 1961. Trans. Michael Kandel. 1977. A Bard Book. New York: Avon Books, 1982.
- Cyberiada [The Cyberiad: Fables for the Cybernetic Age] (1965)
- The Cyberiad: Fables for the Cybernetic Age. [‘Cyberiada’, 1967]. Trans. Michael Kandel. Illustrated by Daniel Mroz. 1974. An Orbit Book. London: Futura, 1977.
- Doskonała próżnia [A Perfect Vacuum] (1971)
- In Solaris / The Chain of Chance / A Perfect Vacuum. 1961, 1975, 1971. Trans. Joanna Kilmartin & Steve Cox, 1970; Louis Iribarne, 1978; Michael Kandel, 1979. King Penguin. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1981.
- Wielkość urojona [Imaginary Magnitude] (1973)
- Imaginary Magnitude. 1973. Trans. Marc E. Heine. 1984. London: Mandarin, 1991.
- Opowieści o pilocie Pirxie [Tales of Pirx the Pilot] (1973)
- In Tales of Pirx the Pilot / Return from the Stars / The Invincible. 1973, 1961, 1964. Trans. Louis Iribarne, 1979; Barbara Marszal & Frank Simpson, 1980; Wendayne Ackerman, 1973. King Penguin. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1981.
- More Tales of Pirx the Pilot. 1973. Trans. Louis Iribarne with Magdalena Majcherczyk & Michael Kandel. 1982. London: Mandarin, 1990.
- The Cosmic Carnival of Stanisław Lem: An Anthology of Entertaining Stories by the Modern Master of Science Fiction. Edited with Commentary by Michael Kandel. New York: Continuum, 1981.
- The Condor [from The Invincible (trans. from German by Wendayne Ackerman)]
- Excerpt [from Solaris (trans. from French by Joanna Kilmartin & Steve Cox)]
- The Test (trans. Louis Iribarne)
- Chapter Seven [from Return from the Stars (trans. Barbara Marszal & Frank Simpson)]
- Excerpt [from The Futurological Congress (trans. Michael Kandel)]
- Two Monsters (trans. Michael Kandel)
- The Second Sally (trans. Michael Kandel)
- Tale of the Computer that Fought a Dragon (trans. Michael Kandel)
- The history of Zipperupus (trans. Michael Kandel)
- The Star Diaries: The Seventh Voyage (trans. Michael Kandel)
- The Star Diaries: The Fourteenth Voyage (trans. Michael Kandel)
- Les Robinsonades (trans. Michael Kandel)
- Prowokacja [Provocation] (1984)
- Biblioteka XXI wieku [Library of the 21st century] (1986)
- One Human Minute. 1986. Trans. Catherine S. Leach. 1986. London: Mandarin, 1991.
- Zagadka [The Riddle] (1996)
- Fantastyczny Lem [The Fantastical Lem] (2001)
- Lemistry: A Celebration of the Work of Stanisław Lem. Ed. Magda Raczynska & Ra Page. Manchester: Comma Press, 2011.
- The Lilo
- Darkness and Mildew
- Invasion from Aldebaran
- Stories and essays inspired by Lem by Brian Aldiss, Annie Clarkson, Frank Cottrell Boyce, Jacek Dukaj, Trevor Hoyle, Stanislaw Lem, Toby Litt, Antonia Lloyd-Jones, Adam Marek, Mike Nelson, Sean O'Brien, Wojciech Orlinski, Adam Roberts, Andy Sawyer, Sarah Schofield, Danusia Stok, Piotr Szulkin, & Ian Watson
- The Truth and Other Stories. 1956-1993. Trans. Antonia Lloyd-Jones. Foreword by Kim Stanley Robinson. Cambridge, Mass & London: The MIT Press, 2021.
- The Hunt (late 1950s)
- Rat in the Labyrinth (1956)
- Invasion from Aldebaran (1959)
- The Friend (1959)
- The Invasion (1959)
- Darkness and Mildew (1959)
- The Hammer (1959)
- Lymphater's Formula (1961)
- The Journal (1962)
- The Truth (1964)
- One Hundred and Thirty-Seven Seconds (1976)
- An Enigma (1993)
- Dialogi [Dialogues] (1957)
- Dialogues. 1957 / 1971. Trans. Frank Prengel. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 2021.
- Wejście na orbitę [Going into Orbit] C1962)
- Summa Technologiae (1964)
- Summa Technologiae. 1964. Trans. Joanna Zylinska. Electronic Mediations, 40. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2013.
- Wysoki zamek [Highcastle: A Remembrance] (1966)
- Highcastle: A Remembrance. 1966. Trans. Michael Kandel. 1995. Krakow, Poland: Pro Auctore Wojciech Zemek, 2017.
- Filozofia Przypadku [The Philosophy of Chance] (1968)
- Fantastyka i futurologia [Science Fiction and Futurology] (1970)
- Microworlds: Writings on Science Fiction and Fantasy. 1970. Ed. Franz Rottensteiner. 1984. London: Secker & Warburg, 1985.
- Rozprawy i szkice [Essays and drafts] (1975)
- Lube czasy [Pleasant Times] (1995)
- Dziury w całym [Looking for Problems] (1995)
- Tajemnica chińskiego pokoju [Mystery of the Chinese Room] (1996)
- Sex Wars (1996)
- A Stanislaw Lem Reader. Ed. Peter Swirsky. 'Rethinking Theory' Series. Ed. Gary Saul Morson. Evanston, Illinois: Northwestern University Press, 1997.
- Bomba megabitowa [The Megabit Bomb] (1999)
- Okamgnienie [A Blink of an Eye] (2000)
- Mój pogląd na literaturę [My View of Literature] (2003)
- Krótkie zwarcia [Short Circuits] (2004)
- Lata czterdzieste: Dyktanda [The 40s: Dictations] (2005)
- Rasa drapieżców: Teksty ostatnie [The Predator Race] (2006)
- Stanisław Bereś. Rozmowy ze Stanisławem Lemem [Conversations with Stanisław Lem]. Kraków: Wydawnictwo Literackie, 1987.
- M. Szpakowska. Dyskusje ze Stanisławem Lemem [Discussions with Stanisław Lem]. Warszawa, 1996.
- Tomasz Fiałkowski. Świat na krawędzi [World on the Brink: Interviews with Lem] (2000)
- Tako rzecze... Lem [Thus Spoke... Lem: Interviews] (2002)
- Stanisław Lem, Ewa Lipska, Tomasz Lem. Boli tylko, gdy się śmieję ... Listy i rozmowy [It Only Hurts When I Laugh... Letters and Conversations] (2018)
Interviews & Letters:
Ever since I first bought a second-hand copy of Solaris in a local secondhand shop, I've been addicted to Lem's strange, dry, discordant writing. See my post about him here.
- If This Is a Man / The Truce. [‘Se questo è un uomo’, 1947/58 / ‘La tregua’ 1963]. Trans. Stuart Woolf. 1960 & 1965. Introduction by Paul Bailey. 1971. Penguin Modern Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1979.
- If This Is a Man / The Truce. 1947 & 1963. Trans. Stuart Woolf. 1960 & 1965. Introduction by Paul Bailey. London: Abacus, 2005.
- The Sixth Day and Other Tales. [‘Storie naturali’ (as Damiano Malabaila), 1966 / ‘Vizio di forma’, 1971]. Trans. Raymond Rosenthal. 1990. Abacus. London: Sphere Books Ltd., 1991.
- A Tranquil Star. [‘Vizio di forma’, 1971 / ‘Lilìt e altri racconti’, 1981]. Trans. Ann Goldstein & Alessandra Bastagli. 2006. Penguin Modern Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 2008.
- The Periodic Table. [‘Il sistema periodico’, 1975]. Trans. Raymond Rosenthal. 1984. Essay by Philip Roth. Penguin Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 2000.
- Collected Poems. [‘L'osteria di Brema’, 1975 / ‘Ad ora incerta’, 1984]. Trans. Ruth Feldman & Brian Swann. 1988. London: Faber, 1991.
- The Wrench. [‘La chiave a stella’, 1978]. Trans. William Weaver. 1986. London: Michael Joseph Ltd., 1987.
- Moments of Reprieve. [‘Lilìt e altri racconti’, 1981]. Trans. Ruth Feldman. 1986. Introduction by Michael Ignatieff. Penguin Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 2002.
- The Search for Roots: A Personal Anthology. [‘La ricerca delle radici’, 1981]. Trans. Peter Forbes. 2001. Penguin Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 2002.
- If Not Now, When? [‘Se non ora, quando?’, 1982]. Trans. William Weaver. 1985. An Abacus Book. London: Little, Brown and Company (UK) Limited, 1992.
- Other People’s Trades. [‘L'altrui mestiere’, 1985]. Trans. Raymond Rosenthal. 1986. London: Michael Joseph Ltd., 1989.
- The Drowned and the Saved. [‘I sommersi e i salvati’, 1986]. Trans. Raymond Rosenthal. 1986. Introduction by Paul Bailey. London: Michael Joseph Ltd., 1988.
- The Mirror Maker: Stories & Essays. [‘Racconti e Saggi’, 1986]. Trans. Raymond Rosenthal. 1989. London: Methuen, 1990.
- Opere Complete. Ed. Marco Belpoliti in collaboration with Centro Internazionale di Studi Primo Levi. Introduction by Daniele Del Giudice. 2 vols. 1997. Nuova Universale Einaudi. Torino: Einaudi, 2017.
Vol. I:
- Se questo è un uomo (1947)
- Se questo è un uomo (1958) e appendice
- La tregua (1963)
- Storie Naturali (1966)
- Vizio di forma (1971)
- Il sistema periodico (1975)
- La chiave a stella (1978)
- Appendice
- Note ai testi Vol. II:
- La ricerca delle radici (1981)
- Lilít e altri racconti (1981)
- Se non ora, quando? (1982)
- Ad ora incerta (1984)
- Altre poesie (1984)
- L'altrui mestiere (1985)
- Racconti e saggi (1986)
- I sommersi e i salvati (1986)
- Pagine sparse (1947-1987)
- Appendice alle pagine sparse
- Note ai testi
- The Black Hole of Auschwitz. [‘L'asimmetria e la vita: Articoli e saggi 1955-1987’, ed. Marco Belpoliti, 2002]. Trans. Sharon Wood, 1997]. UK: Polity Press, 2005.
- [with Leonardo de Benedetti]. Auschwitz Report [‘Report on the Sanitary and Medical Organization of the Monowitz Concentration Camp for Jews (Auschwitz - Upper Silesia)’, 1945]. Trans. Judith Woolf. UK: Verso, 2006.
- The Complete Works of Primo Levi. Ed. Ann Goldstein. Introduction by Toni Morrison. 3 vols. Liveright Publishing Corporation. New York: W. W. Norton & Company. Inc., 2015.
Vol. 1:
- If This Is a Man. Trans. Stuart Woolf (1947)
- The Truce. Trans. Ann Goldstein (1963)
- Natural Histories. Trans. Jenny McPhee (1966)
- Flaw of Form. Trans. Jenny McPhee (1971) Vol. 2:
- The Periodic Table. Trans. Ann Goldstein (1975)
- The Wrench. Trans. Nathaniel Rich (1978)
- Uncollected Stories and Essays, 1949-1980. Trans. Alessandria Bastagli & Francesco Bastagli (2015)
- Lilith and Other Stories. Trans. Ann Goldstein (1981)
- If Not Now, When? Trans. Anthony Shugaar (1982) Vol. 3:
- Collected Poems. Trans. Jonathan Galassi (1984)
- Other People’s Trades. Trans. Anthony Shugaar (1985)
- Stories and Essays. Trans. Anne Milano Appel (1986)
- The Drowned and the Saved. Trans. Michael F. Moore (1986)
- Uncollected Stories and Essays, 1981-1987. Trans. Alessandria Bastagli & Francesco Bastagli (2015)
- [with Tullio Regge]. Conversations. ['Dialogo', 1984]. Trans. Raymond Rosenthal. 1989. Introduction by Tullio Regge. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1992.
- The Voice of Memory: Interviews, 1961-1987. [‘Conversazioni e interviste 1963–1987’, ed. Marco Belpoliti, 1997]. Ed. & Trans. Robert Gordon. 2001. New York: The New Press, 2001.
- Anissimov, Myriam. Primo Levi: Tragedy of an Optimist. 1996. Trans. Steve Cox. 1998. London: Aurum Press Ltd., 1999.
- Angier, Carole. The Double Bond: Primo Levi, A Biography. 2002. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 2003.
- Thomson, Ian. Primo Levi. 2002. Vintage. London: Random House, 2003.
- Luzzatto, Sergio. Primo Levi's Resistance: Rebels and Collaborators in Occupied Italy. 2013. Trans. Frederika Randall. Picador / Metropolitan Books. New York: Henry Holt & Company, LLC, 2016.
Primo Levi is certainly one of the most interesting writers of the twentieth century. His work may be uneven at times, but all of it deserves to be read: hence the need for a Complete Works in English.
- Buddenbrooks – Verfall einer Familie (1901)
- Buddenbrooks: The Decline of a Family. 1902. Trans. H. T. Lowe-Porter. 1924. London: Secker & Warburg, 1947.
- Buddenbrooks: The Decline of a Family. 1902. Trans. H. T. Lowe-Porter. 1924. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1957.
- Königliche Hoheit (1909)
- Royal Highness. 1909. Trans. A. Cecil Curtis. 1926. Rev. Constance McNab. 1962. Penguin Modern Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1979.
- Der Zauberberg (1924)
- The Magic Mountain. 1924. Trans. H. T. Lowe-Porter. 1928. London: Secker & Warburg, 1948.
- The Magic Mountain: With a Postscript by the Author on The Making of the Novel. 1924. Trans. H. T. Lowe-Porter. 1928. London: Nationwide Book Service, 1979.
- Joseph und seine Brüder (1933-1943)
- Die Geschichten Jaakobs (1933)
- Der junge Joseph (1934)
- Joseph in Ägypten (1936)
- Joseph, der Ernährer (1943)
- Joseph and His Brothers. ['The Stories of Jacob' (1933 / 1934); 'Young Joseph' (1934 / 1935); 'Joseph in Egypt' (1936 / 1938); 'Joseph the Provider' (1943 / 1944)]. Trans. H. T. Lowe-Porter. 1948. London: Secker & Warburg, 1956.
- Joseph and His Brothers. ['The Stories of Jacob' (1933 / 1934); 'Young Joseph' (1934 / 1935); 'Joseph in Egypt' (1936 / 1938); 'Joseph the Provider' (1943 / 1944)]. Trans. Helen T. Lowe-Porter. Penguin Modern Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1978.
- Lotte in Weimar (1939)
- Lotte in Weimar. 1939. Trans. H. T. Lowe-Porter. London: Secker & Warburg, 1940.
- Doktor Faustus (1947)
- Doctor Faustus: The Life of the German Composer Adrian Leverkühn as Told by a Friend. 1947. Trans. H. T. Lowe-Porter. A Borzoi Book. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1948.
- Doctor Faustus: The Life of the German Composer Adrian Leverkühn as Told by a Friend. 1947. Trans. H. T. Lowe-Porter. 1948. Penguin Modern Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1968.
- Der Erwählte (1951)
- The Holy Sinner. 1951. Trans. H. T. Lowe-Porter. 1952. Penguin Modern Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1965.
- Bekenntnisse des Hochstaplers Felix Krull. Der Memoiren erster Teil (1911 / 1954)
- Confessions of Felix Krull, Confidence Man: Memoirs Part I. 1954. Trans. Denver Lindley. 1955. Penguin Modern Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1973.
- Vision [A Vision] (1893)
- Gefallen [Fallen] (1894)
- Der Wille zum Glück [The Will to Happiness] (1896)
- Enttäuschung [Disillusionment] (1896)
- Der kleine Herr Friedemann [Little Herr Friedemann] (1896)
- Der Tod [Death] (1897)
- Der Bajazzo [The Dilettante] (1897)
- Gerächt [Avenged] (1897)
- Luischen [Little Lizzy] (1897 / 1900)
- Tobias Mindernickel (1898)
- Der Kleiderschrank [The Wardrobe] (1899)
- Der Weg zum Friedhof [The Way to the Churchyard] (1900)
- Die Hungernden [The Hungry] (1903)
- Das Wunderkind [The Child Prodigy] (1903)
- Ein Glück [A Gleam] (1904)
- Beim Propheten [At the Prophet's] (1904)
- Schwere Stunde [A Weary Hour] (1905)
- Wӓlsungenblut [The Blood of the Walsungs] (1905)
- Das Eisenbahnunglück [The Railway Accident] (1907)
- Anekdote [Anecdote] (1908)
- Wie Jappe und Do Escobar sich prügelten [The Fight between Jappe and Do Escobar] (1911)
- Bekenntnisse des Hochstaplers Felix Krull [Felix Krull] (1911 / 1922)
- Fiorenza [Florence] (1905)
- Gesang vom Kindchen: Idylle [Song of the Children: Idyll] (1919)
- Gladius Dei (1902)
- Tristan (1903)
- Tonio Kröger (1903)
- Der Tod in Venedig [Death in Venice] (1912)
- Herr und Hund [A Man and His Dog / Bashan and I] (1918)
- Unordnung und frühes Leid [Disorder and Early Sorrow] (1925)
- Mario und der Zauberer [Mario and the Magician] (1930)
- Die vertauschten Köpfe – Eine indische Legende [The Transposed Heads] (1940)
- Das Gesetz [The Tables of the Law] (1944)
- Die Betrogene: Erzählung [The Black Swan] (1954)
- Die Erzählungen, Erster Band. 2 vols. 1975. Frankfurt am Main: Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag, 1981.
- Vision (1893)
- Gefallen (1894)
- Der Wille zum Glück (1896)
- Enttäuschung (1896)
- Der Tod (1897)
- Der kleine Herr Friedemann (1896)
- Der Bajazzo (1897)
- Gerächt (1897)
- Luischen (1897 / 1900)
- Tobias Mindernickel (1898)
- Der Kleiderschrank (1899)
- Der Weg zum Friedhof (1900)
- Gladius Dei (1902)
- Tristan (1903)
- Die Hungernden (1903)
- Tonio Kröger (1903)
- Das Wunderkind (1903)
- Ein Glück (1904)
- Beim Propheten (1904)
- Schwere Stunde (1905)
- Wӓlsungenblut (1905)
- Anekdote (1908)
- Das Eisenbahnunglück (1907)
- Wie Jappe und Do Escobar sich prügelten (1911)
- Der Tod in Venedig (1912)
- Die Erzählungen, Zweiter Band. 2 vols. 1975. Frankfurt am Main: Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag, 1983.
- Herr und Hund (1918)
- Unordnung und frühes Leid (1925)
- Mario und der Zauberer (1930)
- Die vertauschten Köpfe – Eine indische Legende (1940)
- Das Gesetz (1944)
- Die Betrogene: Erzählung (1954)
- Fiorenza (1905)
- Gesang vom Kindchen: Idylle (1919)
- Death in Venice / Tristan / Tonio Kröger. 1912, 1903, 1902. Trans. H. T. Lowe-Porter. 1928. Penguin Modern Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1972.
- Death in Venice (1912)
- Tristan (1903)
- Tonio Kröger (1903)
- Stories of Three Decades. Trans. H. T. Lowe-Porter. The Modern Library. New York: Random House, Inc., 1936.
- Little Herr Friedemann (1897)
- Disillusionment (1896)
- The Dilettante (1897)
- Tobias Mindernickel (1897)
- Little Lizzy (1897)
- The Wardrobe (1899)
- The Way to the Churchyard (1901)
- Tonio Kröger (1903)
- Tristan (1903)
- The Hungry (1903)
- The Infant Prodigy (1903)
- Gladius Dei (1902)
- Fiorenza (1904)
- A Gleam (1904)
- At the Prophet's (1904)
- A Weary Hour (1905)
- The Blood of the Walsungs (1905)
- Railway Accident (1907)
- The Fight between Jappe and Do Escobar (1911)
- Felix Krull (1911)
- Death in Venice (1912)
- A Man and His Dog (1918)
- Disorder and Early Sorrow (1925)
- Mario and the Magician (1929)
- Stories of Three Decades. Trans. H. T. Lowe-Porter. 1936. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1974.
- Stories of a Lifetime: The Collected Stories. Trans. H. T. Lowe-Porter. 1936. Vol. 1 of 2. Mercury Books 8. London: The Heinemann Group of Publishers, 1961.
- Little Herr Friedemann (1897)
- Disillusionment (1896)
- The Dilettante (1897)
- Tobias Mindernickel (1897)
- Little Lizzy (1897)
- The Wardrobe (1899)
- The Way to the Churchyard (1901)
- The Hungry (1902)
- Tristan (1902)
- Gladius Dei (1902)
- Tonio Kröger (1903)
- The Infant Prodigy (1903)
- A Gleam (1904)
- Fiorenza (1904)
- At the Prophet's (1904)
- A Weary Hour (1905)
- The Blood of the Walsungs (1905)
- Railway Accident (1907)
- The Fight between Jappe and Do Escobar (1911)
- Stories of a Lifetime: The Collected Stories. Trans. H. T. Lowe-Porter. 1936. Vol. 2 of 2. Mercury Books 9. London: The Heinemann Group of Publishers, 1961.
- Death in Venice (1912)
- A Man and His Dog (1918)
- Disorder and Early Sorrow (1925)
- Mario and the Magician (1929)
- The Transposed Heads (1940)
- The Tables of the Law (1944)
- The Black Swan (1953)
- Mario and the Magician and Other Stories. Trans. H. T. Lowe-Porter. 1961. Penguin Modern Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1975.
- A Man and His Dog (1918)
- Disorder and Early Sorrow (1925)
- Mario and the Magician (1929)
- The Transposed Heads (1940)
- The Tables of the Law (1944)
- The Black Swan (1953)
- Death in Venice and Other Stories. Trans. David Luke (1988)
- Little Herr Friedemann (1896)
- The Joker (1897)
- The Road to the Churchyard (1900)
- Gladius Dei (1902)
- Tristan (1903)
- Tonio Kroger (1903)
- Death in Venice (1912)
- Six Early Stories. Trans. Peter Constantine. Ed. Burton Pike. Sun & Moon Classics. Los Angeles: Sun & Moon Press, 1997.
- A Vision: Prose Sketch (1893)
- Fallen (1894)
- The Will to Happiness (1896)
- Death (1897)
- Avenged: Study for a Novella (1897)
- Anecdote (1908)
- Death in Venice and Other Tales. Trans. Joachim Neugroschel (1998)
- The Will for Happiness (1896)
- Little Herr Friedemann (1896)
- Tobias Mindernickel (1898)
- Little Lizzy (1897)
- Gladius Dei (1902)
- Tristan (1903)
- The Starvelings: A Study (1903)
- Tonio Kröger (1903)
- The Wunderkind (1903)
- Harsh Hour (1905)
- The Blood of the Walsungs (1905)
- Death in Venice (1912)
- Death in Venice and Other Stories. Trans. Jefferson Chase (1999)
- Tobias Mindernickel (1898)
- Tristan (1903)
- Tonio Kröger (1903)
- The Child Prodigy (1903)
- Hour of Hardship (1905)
- Death in Venice (1912)
- Man and Dog (1918)
- Reflections of a Nonpolitical Man / Thoughts in Wartime / On the German Republic. ['Betrachtungen eines Unpolitischen', 1918; 'Gedanken im Kriege', 1914; 'Von deutscher Republik', 1922]. Trans. Walter D. Morris, Mark Lilla & Cosima Mattner, Lawrence Rainey. 1983, 2021, 2007. Introduction by Mark Lilla. New York: New York Review Books, 2021.
- Three Essays. Trans. H. T. Lowe-Porter. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1929.
- Friedrich und die große Koalition [Frederick and the Great Coalition] (1915)
- Goethe und Tolstoi [Goethe and Tolstoy] (1922)
- Okkulte Erlebnisse [An Experience in the Occult] (1924)
- A Sketch of My Life. ['Lebensabriß', 1930]. Trans. H. T. Lowe-Porter. A Borzoi Book. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1960.
- Past Masters and Other Papers. Trans. H. T. Lowe-Porter (1933)
- An Exchange of Letters. Trans. H. T. Lowe-Porter (1937)
- Freud, Goethe, Wagner. Trans. H. T. Lowe-Porter & Rita Matthias-Rail (1937)
- The Coming Victory of Democracy. Trans. Agnes E. Meyer. 1938. London: Secker & Warburg, 1938.
- This Peace. Trans. H. T. Lowe-Porter (1938)
- This War. Trans. Eric Sutton (1940)
- Order of the Day: Political Essays and Speeches of Two Decades. Trans. H. T. Lowe-Porter, Agnes E. Meyer & Eric Sutton (1942)
- Listen, Germany! Twenty-Five Radio Messages to the German People over the BBC (1943)
- Essays of Three Decades. Trans. H. T. Lowe-Porter. London: Secker & Warburg, 1947.
- Goethe's Faust (1938)
- Goethe's Career As a Man of Letters (1932)
- Goethe as Representative of the Bourgeois Age (1932)
- Goethe and Tolstoy (1922)
- Anna Karenina (1939)
- Lessing (1929)
- Kleist's Amphitryon (1926)
- Chamisso (1911)
- Platen (1930)
- Theodor Storm (1930)
- The Old Fontane (1910)
- Sufferings and Greatness of Richard Wagner (1933)
- Richard Wagner and the Ring (1937)
- Schopenhauer (1938)
- Freud and the Future (1936)
- Voyage with Don Quixote (1934)
- The Story of a Novel: The Genesis of Doctor Faustus. ['Die Entstehung des Doktor Faustus', 1949]. Trans. Richard & Clara Winston. A Borzoi Book. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1961.
- Last Essays. Trans. Richard & Clara Winston and Tania & James Stern. 1958. London: Secker & Warburg, 1959.
- On Schiller
- Fantasy on Goethe
- Nietzsche's Philosophy in the Light of Recent History
- Chekhov
- Appendix: 'A Weary Hour'. Trans. H. T. Lowe-Porter (1905)
- Diaries 1918-1939: 1918-1921; 1933-1939. Ed. Hermann Kesten. 1977-80. Trans. Richard & Clara Winston. 1982. London: Robin Clark, 1984.
- Winston, Richard & Clara, ed. & trans. Letters of Thomas Mann, 1889-1955. Vol. I: 1889-1942. 2 vols. London: Secker & Warburg, 1970.
- Winston, Richard & Clara, ed. & trans. Letters of Thomas Mann, 1889-1955. Vol. II: 1943-1955. 2 vols. London: Secker & Warburg, 1970.
- Letters of Thomas Mann, 1889-1955. Ed. & Trans. Richard & Clara Winston. 1970. Penguin Modern Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1975.
- Winston, Richard. Thomas Mann: The Making of an Artist, 1875-1911. Afterword by Clara Winston. A Borzoi Book. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1981.
- Hayman, Ronald. Thomas Mann: A Biography. 1995. Bloomsbury. London: Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, 1997.
Short Stories:
[bold = included in Stories of a Lifetime (1961) /
underlined = included in Six Early Stories (1997)]
Having just finished reading The Magic Mountain for the third time, I can certainly testify to the pleasure one can still obtain from his somewhat ponderous-seeming works. He's far more subtle and subversive a writer than he seems and, in this case as in so many others, third time round was the charm.
- Die Verwirrungen des Zöglings Törleß [The Confusions of Young Törless] (1906)
- Young Törless. 1906. Trans. Eithne Wilkins & Ernst Kaiser. 1955. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1962.
- Der Mann ohne Eigenschaften [The Man Without Qualities] (1930, 1933, 1943)
- The Man Without Qualities. Vol. 1: A Sort of Introduction; The Like of It Now Happens (I). 1930. 3 vols. Trans. Eithne Wilkins & Ernst Kaiser. 1954. London: Picador, 1979.
- The Man Without Qualities. Vol. 2: The Like of It Now Happens (II). 1930. 3 vols. Trans. Eithne Wilkins & Ernst Kaiser. 1954. London: Picador, 1979.
- The Man Without Qualities. Vol. 3: Into the Millennium (The Criminals). 1932. 3 vols. Trans. Eithne Wilkins & Ernst Kaiser. 1954. London: Picador, 1979.
- The Man Without Qualities: A Sort of Introduction; Pseudoreality Prevails; Into the Millennium. Trans. Sophie Wilkins and Burton Pike. 1995. London: Picador, 1997.
- Vereinigungen ["Die Vollendung des Liebe" & "Die Versuchen der Stillen"] (1911)
- Unions: Two Stories. Trans. Genese Grill. New York: Contra Mundum Press: 2019.
- Intimate Ties: Two Novellas. Trans. Peter Wortsman. Archipelago, 2019.
- Drei Frauen ["Grigia", "Die Portugiesin", & "Tonka"] (1924)
- Tonka and Other Stories. Trans. Eithne Wilkins & Ernst Kaiser. London: Secker & Warburg, 1965.
- The Perfecting of a Love (1911)
- The Temptation of Quiet Veronica (1911)
- Grigia (1923)
- The Lady from Portugal (1923)
- Tonka (1921-22)
- Die Schwärmer [The Enthusiasts] (1921)
- Vinzenz und die Freundin bedeutender Männer [Vinzenz and the Girlfriend of Important Men] (1924)
- Agathe, or the Forgotten Sister. Trans. Joel Agee. New York Review Books, 2019.
- Theater Symptoms: Plays & Writings on Drama. Trans. Genese Grill. New York: Contra Mundum Press, 2020.
- Nachlaß zu Lebzeiten [Posthumous Papers of a Living Author] (1936)
- Posthumous Papers of a Living Author. Trans. Peter Wortsman. New York: Eridanos Press, 1988.
- Über die Dummheit [About Stupidity] (1937)
- Thought Flights. Trans. Genese Grill. New York: Contra Mundum Press, 2015.
- Frisé, Adolf, ed. Diaries 1899-1941. 1976. Trans. Philip Payne. Ed. Mark Mirsky. 1995. Basic Books. New York: The Perseus Books Group, 1998.
I don't really quite get Robert Musil's reputation as a writer: I guess that a lot of it comes down to being the author of one of the great tomes of Modernism - alongside Bely's Petersburg, Joyce's Ulysses and Céline's Voyage au bout de la nuit. There are certainly some interesting things in his novel, though. See my blogpost on the subject here.
Collected works:
- Nabokov's Congeries [aka The Portable Nabokov] (1968)
- The Portable Nabokov. 1968. Ed. Page Stegner. Viking Compass Edition. New York: The Viking Press, Inc., 1971.
- Boyd, Brian, ed. Vladimir Nabokov, Novels and Memoirs 1941–1951. Library of America (1996)
- Novels and Memoirs 1941-1951: The Real Life of Sebastian Knight / Bend Sinister / Speak, Memory: An Autobiography Revisited. 1941, 1947, 1951. Ed. Brian Boyd. The Library of America, 87. New York: Literary Classics of the United States, Inc., 1996.
- Boyd, Brian, ed. Vladimir Nabokov, Novels 1955–1962. Library of America (1996)
- Novels 1955-1962: Lolita / Pnin / Pale Fire / Lolita: A Screenplay. 1955, 1957, 1962, 1974. Ed. Brian Boyd. The Library of America, 88. New York: Literary Classics of the United States, Inc., 1996.
- Boyd, Brian, ed. Vladimir Nabokov, Novels 1969–1974. Library of America (1996)
- Novels 1969-1974: Ada, or Ardor: a Family Chronicle / Transparent Things / Look at the Harlequins!. 1969, 1972, 1974. Ed. Brian Boyd. The Library of America, 89. New York: Literary Classics of the United States, Inc., 1996.
- Машенька (1926)
Mary (1970)- Mary: A Novel. [‘Машенька’, 1926]. Trans. Michael Glenny in collaboration with the Author. 1970. A Fawcett Crest Book. Greenwich, Conn.: Fawcett Publications, Inc., 1971.
- Король, дама, валет (1928)
King, Queen, Knave (1968)- King, Queen, Knave. [‘Король, дама, валет’, 1928]. Trans. Dmitri Nabokov in collaboration with the Author. 1968. London: Panther Books, 1970.
- Защита Лужина (1930)
The Defence [aka The Luzhin Defense] (1964)- The Defence. [‘Защита Лужина’, 1930]. Trans. Michael Scammell in collaboration with the Author. 1964. Panther Books Ltd. Frogmore, St Albans, Herts: Granada Publishing Limited, 1973.
- Соглядатай (1930 / 1938)
The Eye (1965)- The Eye. [‘Соглядатай’, 1930]. Trans. by the Author. 1965. London: Panther Books Ltd., 1968.
- Подвиг (1932)
Glory (1971)- Glory. [‘Подвиг’, 1932]. Trans. Dmitri Nabokov. 1971. Penguin Twentieth-Century Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1974.
- Камера Обскура (1933)
Camera Obscura (1936)
Laughter in the Dark (1938)- Laughter in the Dark. [‘Камера Обскура’, 1933]. Trans. by the Author. 1938. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1969.
- Отчаяние (1934)
Despair (1937, 1965)- Despair. [‘Отчаяние’, 1934]. Trans. by the Author. 1937 & 1965. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1981.
- Приглашение на казнь (1936)
Invitation to a Beheading (1959)- Invitation to a Beheading. [‘Приглашение на казнь’, 1936]. Trans. Dmitri Nabokov in collaboration with the Author. 1959. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1969.
- Дар (1938)
The Gift (1963)- The Gift. [‘Дар’, 1938]. Trans. Michael Scammell with the collaboration of the Author. 1963. London: Panther Books Ltd., 1966.
- Волшебник (1939)
The Enchanter (1985)- The Enchanter. [‘Волшебник’, 1939]. Trans. Dmitri Nabokov. 1985. Picador. London: Pan Books Ltd., 1986.
- The Real Life of Sebastian Knight (1941)
- The Real Life of Sebastian Knight. 1941. Harmondsworth: Penguin Books, 1971.
- Bend Sinister (1947)
- Bend Sinister. 1947. Harmondsworth: Penguin Books, 1974.
- Lolita (1955)
- Лолита. Trans. by the author (1965)
- Lolita. 1955. A Corgi Book. London: Transworld Publishers Ltd., 1965.
- The Annotated Lolita. 1955. Ed. Alfred Appel, Jr. 1970. Rev. ed. 1991. Vintage Books. New York: Random House, Inc., 1991.
- Pnin (1957)
- Pnin. 1957. Penguin Books 1491. Harmondsworth: Penguin Books, 1960.
- Pale Fire (1962)
- Pale Fire. 1962. A Corgi Book. London: Transworld Publishers Ltd., 1964.
- Ada or Ardor: A Family Chronicle (1969)
- Ada or Ardor: A Family Chronicle. 1969. Harmondsworth: Penguin Books, 1971.
- Transparent Things (1972)
- Transparent Things. 1972. Harmondsworth: Penguin Books, 1975.
- Look at the Harlequins! (1974)
- Look at the Harlequins! 1974. Penguin Modern Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1987.
- The Original of Laura (2009)
- The Original of Laura (Dying is Fun). Ed. Dmitri Nabokov. 2009. Penguin Classics. London: Penguin, 2009.
- [as V. Sirin] Vozvrashchenie Chorba [Stories and Poems] (1929)
- [as V. Sirin] Sogliadatai (1938)
- Nine Stories (1947)
- "Colette". The New Yorker (1948)
- Vesna v Fial'te i drugie rasskazy [Spring in Fialta and other stories] (1956)
- Nabokov's Dozen: A Collection of Thirteen Stories (aka Spring in Fialta & First Love and Other Stories (1958)
- Nabokov's Dozen: Thirteen Stories. 1958. London: William Heinemann Ltd., 1959.
- Nabokov's Quartet (1966)
- Nabokov's Quartet. 1966. London: Panther Books, 1969.
- A Russian Beauty and Other Stories (1973)
- A Russian Beauty and Other Stories. 1973. Penguin Twentieth-Century Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1975.
- Tyrants Destroyed and Other Stories (1975)
- Tyrants Destroyed and Other Stories. 1975. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1981.
- Details of a Sunset and Other Stories (1976)
- Details of a Sunset and Other Stories. 1976. Penguin Twentieth-Century Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1994.
- The Stories of Vladimir Nabokov (aka The Collected Stories (1995)
- The Stories of Vladimir Nabokov. 1995. Vintage International. New York: Random House, Inc., 1997.
- "The Word". 1923. The New Yorker (2005)
- "Natasha". 1921. The New Yorker (2008)
- "The Man Stopped". 1926. Harper's Magazine (2015)
- The Tragedy of Mister Morn. 1924 (2012)
- Izobretenie Val'sa (1938)
The Waltz Invention: A Play in Three Acts (1966)- The Waltz Invention: A Play in Three Acts. [‘Izobretenie Val'sa’, 1938]. Trans. 1966. A Pocket Cardinal Edition. New York: Pocket Books, 1967.
- Lolita: A Screenplay (1974)
- The Man from the USSR and Other Plays (1984)
- The Man from the USSR and Other Plays. With Two Essays on the Drama. Trans. Dmitri Nabokov. Bruccoli Clark. San Diego & New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Publishers, 1984.
- Stikhi (1916)
- [with Andrei Balashov] Al'manakh: Dva Puti (1918)
- [as V. Sirin] Grozd (1922)
- [as Vl. Sirin] Gornii Put' (1923)
- Stikhotvoreniia 1929–1951 (1952)
- Poems (1959)
- Poems and Problems (1969)
- Poems and Problems. 1970. London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1972.
- Stikhi (1979)
- Selected Poems (2012)
- Collected Poems. Ed. Thomas Karshan. Trans. Dmitri Nabokov. 2012. London: Penguin, 2013.
- Nikolai Gogol (1944)
- Nikolai Gogol. 1944. Oxford Lives. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1989.
- Conclusive Evidence: A Memoir [aka Speak, Memory: A Memoir] (1951)
- Другие берега (1954)
- Notes on Prosody (1963)
- Speak, Memory: An Autobiography Revisited (1967)
- Speak, Memory: An Autobiography Revisited. 1967. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1969.
- Speak, Memory: An Autobiography Revisited. 1951, 1967, 1998. Introduction by Brian Boyd. Everyman's Library, 188. London: David Campbell Publishers Limited, 1999.
- Strong Opinions: Interviews, Reviews, Letters to Editors (1973)
- Strong Opinions. 1973. Vintage International. New York: Vintage Books, A Division of Random House, Inc., 1990.
- Lectures on Literature (1980)
- Lectures on Literature. Ed. Fredson Bowers. Introduction by John Updike. 1980. Picador. London: Pan Books Ltd., 1983.
- Lectures on Ulysses: Facsimiles (1980)
- Lectures on Russian Literature (1981)
- Lectures on Russian Literature. Ed. Fredson Bowers. 1981. Picador. London: Pan Books Ltd., 1983.
- Lectures on Don Quixote (1983)
- Lectures on Don Quixote. Ed. Fredson Bowers. Foreword by Guy Davenport. 1983. A Harvest / HBJ Book. Bruccoli Clark. San Diego, New York & London: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Publishers, 1984.
- Carrousel: Three short texts (1987)
- Nabokov's Butterflies (2000)
- Nabokov's Butterflies: Unpublished and Uncollected Writings. Ed. Brian Boyd & Robert Michael Pyle. Trans. Dmitri Nabokov. Allen Lane. London: The Penguin Press, 2000.
- Conversations with Vladimir Nabokov (2017)
- Think, Write, Speak: Uncollected Essays, Reviews, Interviews and Letters to the Editor (2019)
- Think, Write, Speak: Uncollected Essays, Reviews, Interviews, and Letters to the Editor. Ed. Brian Boyd & Anastasia Tolstoy. 2019. Penguin Modern Classics. London: Penguin Random House UK, 2020.
- Nikolka Persik: A Translation of Romain Rolland's Colas Breugnon (1922)
- Аня в стране чудес: Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (1923)
- Three Russian Poets: Selections from Pushkin, Lermontov, and Tyutchev (USA, 1944)
- Pushkin, Lermontov, Tyutchev: Poems (UK, 1947)
- [with Dmitri Nabokov] Mikhail Lermontov: A Hero of Our Time (1958)
- Lermontov, Mihail. A Hero of Our Time: A Novel. 1839-40. Trans. Vladimir Nabokov in collaboration with Dmitri Nabokov. Illustrated by Edward Gorey. Doubleday Anchor Books. New York: Doubleday & Company, Inc., 1958.
- The Song of Igor's Campaign: An Epic of the Twelfth Century (1960)
- Aleksandr Pushkin: Eugene Onegin: Including Notes on Prosody. 4 vols (1964)
- Pushkin, Aleksandr. Eugene Onegin: A Novel in Verse, Translated from the Russian, with a Commentary. Revised Edition. Trans. Vladimir Nabokov. 1964 & 1975. Bollingen Series LXXII. 4 vols. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1975.
- Translator's Introduction / Eugene Onegin: The Translation
- Commentary on Preliminaries and Chapters One to Five
- Commentary on Chapters Six to Eight, "Onegin's Journey, " and "Chapter Ten" / Appendixes
- Index / Evgeniy Onegin: Reproduction of the 1837 Edition
- Pushkin, Aleksandr. Eugene Onegin: A Novel in Verse, Translated from the Russian, with a Commentary. Revised Edition. Trans. Vladimir Nabokov. 1964 & 1975. Bollingen Series LXXII. 4 vols. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1975.
- Aleksandr Pushkin: Eugene Onegin. Revised edition. 2 vols (1975)
- Pushkin, Aleksandr. Eugene Onegin: A Novel in Verse, Translated from the Russian, with a Commentary. Revised Edition. Trans. Vladimir Nabokov. 1964 & 1975. Paperback Edition in Two Volumes. 1981. Bollingen Series LXXII. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1990.
- Translator’s Introduction / Eugene Onegin: The Translation
- Commentary and Index
- Pushkin, Aleksandr. Eugene Onegin: A Novel in Verse, Translated from the Russian, with a Commentary. Revised Edition. Trans. Vladimir Nabokov. 1964 & 1975. Paperback Edition in Two Volumes. 1981. Bollingen Series LXXII. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1990.
- Verses and Versions. Ed. Brian Boyd & Stanislav Shvabrin (2008)
- Verses and Versions: Three Centuries of Russian Poetry. Ed. Brian Boyd & Stanislav Shvabrin. Introduction by Brian Boyd. Harcourt, Inc. Orlando, Florida: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company, 2008.
- The Nabokov–Wilson Letters (1979)
- Karlinsky, Simon, ed. The Nabokov-Wilson Letters: Correspondence between Vladimir Nabokov and Edmund Wilson, 1940-1971. 1979. Harper Colophon Books. New York: Harper & Row, Publishers, Inc., 1980.
- Переписка с Сестрой (1984)
- Selected Letters (1989)
- Selected Letters, 1940-1977. Ed. Dmitri Nabokov & Matthew J. Bruccoli. 1989. London: Vintage, 1991.
- Dear Bunny, Dear Volodya: The Nabokov–Wilson Letters, 1940–1971 (2001)
- Letters to Véra (2014)
- Field, Andrew. Nabokov: His Life in Part. 1977. London: Hamish Hamilton Ltd., 1977.
- Quennell, Peter, ed. Vladimir Nabokov: A Tribute. His Life, His Work, His World. London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson Ltd., 1979.
- Field, Andrew. VN: The Life and Art of Vladimir Nabokov. 1967, 1977 & 1986. A Queen Anne Press Book. London: Macdonald & Co. (Publishers) Ltd., 1987.
- Boyd, Brian. Vladimir Nabokov: The Russian Years. 1990. London: Chatto & Windus, 1990.
- Boyd, Brian. Vladimir Nabokov: The American Years. 1991. London: Chatto & Windus, 1992.
- Schiff, Stacy. Véra (Mrs. Vladimir Nabokov). 1999. Picador. London: Macmillan Pubishers Ltd., 2000.
- Boyd, Brian. Stalking Nabokov: Selected Essays. New York: Columbia University Press, 2011.
Short Stories:
For all his undoubted brillance, there's a certain amount of melodramatic excess about much of his work: it may not be fatal to his reputation that style so predominates over substance, but it does give the lie to many of his own strictures about other writers.
- Argile et cendres (1946)
- The World is Not Enough. 1946. Trans. Willard A. Trask. 1948. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1964.
- La Pierre angulaire (1953)
- The Cornerstone. 1953. Trans. Edward Hyams. London: Victor Gollancz Ltd., 1954.
- Réveillés de la vie (1956)
- The Awakened. Trans. Edward Hyams (1957)
- Les Irréductibles (1958)
- The Chains of Love. 1958. Trans. Michael Bullock. London: Victor Gollancz Ltd., 1959.
- Les Brûlés (1960)
- Destiny of Fire. 1960. Trans. Peter Green. 1961. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1969.
- Les Cités charnelles, ou L'Histoire de Roger de Montbrun (1961)
- Cities of the Flesh, or The Story of Roger de Montbrun. Trans. Anne Carter (1962)
- La Joie des pauvres (1970)
- The Heirs of the Kingdom. 1970. Trans. Anne Carter. 1971. Fontana Books. London: Wm. Collins., 1974.
- La Joie-souffrance (1980)
- Le Procès du rêve (1982)
- Les Amours égarées (1987)
- Déguisements [short stories] (1989)
- Le Bûcher de Montségur, 16 mars 1244 (1959)
- Massacre at Montségur: A History of the Albigensian Crusade. 1959. Trans. Peter Green. 1961. Phoenix Giant. London: Orion Books Ltd., 1998.
- Les Croisades (1965)
- The Crusades. 1965. Trans. Anne Carter. Pantheon Books. New York: Random House, Inc., 1966.
- Catherine de Russie (1966)
- Catherine the Great. 1966. Trans. Anne Carter. Preface by Arthur Calder-Marshall. Women Who Made History. Geneva: Heron Books, 1968.
- Saint Bernard (1970)
- L'Épopée des cathédrales (1972)
- Que vous a donc fait Israël ? (1974)
- Visages d'un autoportrait (1977)
- Que nous est Hécube ?, ou Un plaidoyer pour l'humain (1984)
- L'Évêque et la vieille dame, ou La Belle-mère de Peytavi Borsier, pièce en dix tableaux et un prologue (1983)
- Aliénor, pièce en quatre tableaux (1992)
Ever since I first read the (to me, at least) revelatory Massacre at Montségur, her history of the Cathars and the Albigensian crusade, I've had a soft spot for the works of this impressively learned and thorough Russian-French writer. I seem to have collected quite a few of them over the years.
Works issued during his lifetime:
- Les Choses: Une histoire des années soixante (Paris: René Juillard, 1965)
- Les choses: Une histoire des années soixante. 1965. Collection 10/18, 1426. Ed. Christian Bourgois. Paris: Julliard, 1989.
- Romans et Récits. Ed. Bernard Magné. Classiques modernes. La Pochothèque. Le Livre de Poche. Paris: Librarie Générale Française, 2002.
- Œuvres I. Ed. Christelle Reggiani, with Dominique Bertelli, Claude Burgelin, Florence de Chalonge, Maxime Decout & Yannick Séité. Bibliothèque de la Pléiade, 623. Paris: Gallimard, 2017.
- Les choses: A Story of the Sixties, trans. Helen Lane (New York: Grove Press, 1967)
- Things: A Story of the Sixties / A Man Asleep. 1965 & 1967. Trans. David Bellos & Andrew Leak. Introduction by David Bellos. London: Collins Harvill, 1990.
- Quel petit vélo à guidon chromé au fond de la cour ? (Paris: Denoël, 1966)
- Romans et Récits. Ed. Bernard Magné. Classiques modernes. La Pochothèque. Le Livre de Poche. Paris: Librarie Générale Française, 2002.
- Œuvres I. Ed. Christelle Reggiani, with Dominique Bertelli, Claude Burgelin, Florence de Chalonge, Maxime Decout & Yannick Séité. Bibliothèque de la Pléiade, 623. Paris: Gallimard, 2017.
- Three by Perec: Which Moped with Chrome-plated Handlebars at the Back of the Yard? / The Exeter Text: Jewels, Secrets, Sex / A Gallery Portrait. 1966, 1972 & 1979. Trans. Ian Monk. Introductions by David Bellos. London: The Harvill Press, 1996.
- Un homme qui dort (Paris: Denoël, 1967)
- Un homme qui dort. 1967. Collection 10/18, 1110. Ed. Christian Bourgois. Les Lettres Nouvelles. Ed. Maurice Nadeau. Paris: Éditions Denoël, 1976.
- Romans et Récits. Ed. Bernard Magné. Classiques modernes. La Pochothèque. Le Livre de Poche. Paris: Librarie Générale Française, 2002.
- Œuvres I. Ed. Christelle Reggiani, with Dominique Bertelli, Claude Burgelin, Florence de Chalonge, Maxime Decout & Yannick Séité. Bibliothèque de la Pléiade, 623. Paris: Gallimard, 2017.
- Things: A Story of the Sixties / A Man Asleep. 1965 & 1967. Trans. David Bellos & Andrew Leak. Introduction by David Bellos. London: Collins Harvill, 1990.
- La Disparition (Paris: Denoël, 1969)
- La disparition. 1969. Collection L’Imaginaire. Gallimard. Paris: Éditions Denoël, 1989.
- Romans et Récits. Ed. Bernard Magné. Classiques modernes. La Pochothèque. Le Livre de Poche. Paris: Librarie Générale Française, 2002.
- Œuvres I. Ed. Christelle Reggiani, with Dominique Bertelli, Claude Burgelin, Florence de Chalonge, Maxime Decout & Yannick Séité. Bibliothèque de la Pléiade, 623. Paris: Gallimard, 2017.
- A Void. 1969. Trans. Gilbert Adair. Harvill. London: HarperCollins Publishers, 1994.
- [with Pierre Lusson & Jacques Roubaud] Petit traité invitant à la découverte de l'art subtil du go (Paris: Christian Bourgois, 1969)
- A Short Treatise Inviting the Reader to Discover the Subtle Art of Go, trans. Peter Consenstein (Wakefield Press, 2019)
- Les Revenentes (Paris: Editions Julliard, 1972)
- Romans et Récits. Ed. Bernard Magné. Classiques modernes. La Pochothèque. Le Livre de Poche. Paris: Librarie Générale Française, 2002.
- Œuvres I. Ed. Christelle Reggiani, with Dominique Bertelli, Claude Burgelin, Florence de Chalonge, Maxime Decout & Yannick Séité. Bibliothèque de la Pléiade, 623. Paris: Gallimard, 2017.
- Three by Perec: Which Moped with Chrome-plated Handlebars at the Back of the Yard? / The Exeter Text: Jewels, Secrets, Sex / A Gallery Portrait. 1966, 1972 & 1979. Trans. Ian Monk. Introductions by David Bellos. London: The Harvill Press, 1996.
- Die Maschine (Stuttgart: Reclam, 1972)
- "The Machine", trans. Ulrich Schönherr. The Review of Contemporary Fiction: Georges Perec Issue: Spring 2009 Vol. XXIX, No. 1 (Chicago: Dalkey Archive, 2009)
- La Boutique obscure: 124 rêves (Paris: Denoël, 1973)
- La Boutique Obscure: 124 Dreams, trans. Daniel Levin Becker (Melville House, 2013)
- Espèces d'espaces (Paris: Galilée 1974)
- Œuvres I. Ed. Christelle Reggiani, with Dominique Bertelli, Claude Burgelin, Florence de Chalonge, Maxime Decout & Yannick Séité. Bibliothèque de la Pléiade, 623. Paris: Gallimard, 2017.
- Species of Spaces and Other Pieces. Ed. & trans. John Sturrock. 1997. Penguin Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 2008.
- Ulcérations (Bibliothèque oulipienne, 1974)
- W ou le souvenir d'enfance (Paris: Denoël, 1975)
- W ou le souvenir d'enfance. Les Lettres Nouvelles. Ed. Maurice Nadeau. Paris: Éditions Denoël, 1975.
- Œuvres I. Ed. Christelle Reggiani, with Dominique Bertelli, Claude Burgelin, Florence de Chalonge, Maxime Decout & Yannick Séité. Bibliothèque de la Pléiade, 623. Paris: Gallimard, 2017.
- W or the Memory of Childhood. 1975. Trans. David Bellos. London: Collins Harvill, 1988. [Uncorrected Proof Copy].
- W or the Memory of Childhood. 1975. Trans. David Bellos. 1988. Boston: David R. Godine, Publisher, 2010.
- Tentative d'épuisement d'un lieu parisien (Paris: Christian Bourgois, 1975)
- Œuvres II. Ed. Christelle Reggiani, with Claude Burgelin, Maxime Decout, Maryline Heck et Jean-Luc Joly. Bibliothèque de la Pléiade, 624. Paris: Gallimard, 2017.
- An Attempt at Exhausting a Place in Paris, trans. Marc Lowenthal (Cambridge, MA: Wakefield Press, 2010)
- Alphabets. Illustrated by Dado (Paris: Galilée, 1976)
- Je me souviens (Paris: Hachette, 1978)
- Œuvres I. Ed. Christelle Reggiani, with Dominique Bertelli, Claude Burgelin, Florence de Chalonge, Maxime Decout & Yannick Séité. Bibliothèque de la Pléiade, 623. Paris: Gallimard, 2017.
- "Memories", trans./adapted Gilbert Adair. Myths and Memories (London: Harper Collins, 1986)
- I Remember, trans. Philip Terry and David Bellos (Boston: David R. Godine, 2014)
- La Vie mode d'emploi (Paris: Hachette, 1978)
- La Vie mode d'emploi: Romans. 1978. Le Livre de poche. Paris: Hachette, 1989.
- Romans et Récits. Ed. Bernard Magné. Classiques modernes. La Pochothèque. Le Livre de Poche. Paris: Librarie Générale Française, 2002.
- Œuvres II. Ed. Christelle Reggiani, with Claude Burgelin, Maxime Decout, Maryline Heck et Jean-Luc Joly. Bibliothèque de la Pléiade, 624. Paris: Gallimard, 2017.
- Life: A User's Manual. Fictions. 1978. Trans. David Bellos. 1987. London: Collins Harvill, 1988.
- Les mots croisés (Mazarine, 1979)
- Un cabinet d'amateur (Balland, 1979)
- Romans et Récits. Ed. Bernard Magné. Classiques modernes. La Pochothèque. Le Livre de Poche. Paris: Librarie Générale Française, 2002.
- Œuvres II. Ed. Christelle Reggiani, with Claude Burgelin, Maxime Decout, Maryline Heck et Jean-Luc Joly. Bibliothèque de la Pléiade, 624. Paris: Gallimard, 2017.
- Three by Perec: Which Moped with Chrome-plated Handlebars at the Back of the Yard? / The Exeter Text: Jewels, Secrets, Sex / A Gallery Portrait. 1966, 1972 & 1979. Trans. Ian Monk. Introductions by David Bellos. London: The Harvill Press, 1996.
- Alfred et Marie [film-script] (1979)
- La Clôture et autres poèmes (Paris: Hachette, 1980)
- Œuvres II. Ed. Christelle Reggiani, with Claude Burgelin, Maxime Decout, Maryline Heck et Jean-Luc Joly. Bibliothèque de la Pléiade, 624. Paris: Gallimard, 2017.
- Récits d'Ellis Island: Histoires d'errance et d'espoir (INA/Éditions du Sorbier, 1980)
- Œuvres II. Ed. Christelle Reggiani, with Claude Burgelin, Maxime Decout, Maryline Heck et Jean-Luc Joly. Bibliothèque de la Pléiade, 624. Paris: Gallimard, 2017.
- [with Robert Bober] Ellis Island and the People of America, trans. Harry Mathews (New York: New Press, 1995)
- Théâtre I (Paris: Hachette, 1981)
- Epithalames (Bibliothèque oulipienne, 1982)
- [producer] Catherine Binet's Les Jeux de la Comtesse Dolingen de Gratz (1980–82)
- Penser Classer (Paris: Hachette, 1985)
- Selections in Species of Spaces and Other Pieces. Ed. & trans. John Sturrock. 1997. Penguin Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 2008.
- "Thoughts of Sorts", trans. David Bellos (Boston: David R. Godine, 2009)
- Les mots croisés II (P.O.L.-Mazarine, 1986)
- 53 Jours. Ed Harry Mathews and Jacques Roubaud (Paris: P.O.L., 1989)
- “53 Days”. Ed. Harry Mathews & Jacques Roubaud. 1989. Trans. David Bellos. Harvill. London: HarperCollins Publishers, 1992.
- L'infra-ordinaire (Paris: Seuil, 1989)
- Selections in Species of Spaces and Other Pieces. Ed. & trans. John Sturrock. 1997. Penguin Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 2008.
- Voeux (Paris: Seuil, 1989)
- Selections in Species of Spaces and Other Pieces. Ed. & trans. John Sturrock. 1997. Penguin Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 2008.
- Wishes, trans. Mara Cologne Wythe-Hall (Wakefield Press, 2018)
- Je suis né (Paris: Seuil, 1990)
- Selections in Species of Spaces and Other Pieces. Ed. & trans. John Sturrock. 1997. Penguin Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 2008.
- Cantatrix sopranica L. et autres écrits scientifiques (Paris: Seuil, 1991)
- Selections in Species of Spaces and Other Pieces. Ed. & trans. John Sturrock. 1997. Penguin Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 2008.
- [with Harry Mathews] "Cantatrix sopranica L. Scientific Papers" (London: Atlas Press, 2008)
- L.G.: Une aventure des années soixante (Paris: Seuil, 1992)
- Selections in Species of Spaces and Other Pieces. Ed. & trans. John Sturrock. 1997. Penguin Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 2008.
- Le Voyage d'hiver (Paris: Seuil, 1993)
- Romans et Récits. Ed. Bernard Magné. Classiques modernes. La Pochothèque. Le Livre de Poche. Paris: Librarie Générale Française, 2002.
- Œuvres II. Ed. Christelle Reggiani, with Claude Burgelin, Maxime Decout, Maryline Heck et Jean-Luc Joly. Bibliothèque de la Pléiade, 624. Paris: Gallimard, 2017.
- [with the Members of Oulipo] Le Voyage d'hiver & ses suites. 1979, 1993 etc. Postface de Jacques Roubaud. La Librairie du XXIe Siècle. Paris: Éditions du Seuil, 2013.
- The Winter Journey, trans. John Sturrock (London: Syrens, 1995)
- Species of Spaces and Other Pieces. Ed. & trans. John Sturrock. 1997. Penguin Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 2008.
- Beaux présents belles absentes (Paris: Seuil, 1994)
- Jeux intéressants (Zulma, 1999)
- Nouveaux jeux intéressants (Zulma, 1999)
- Romans et Récits: Les Choses / Quel petit vélo à guidon chromé au fond de la cour ? / Un homme qui dort / La Disparition / Les Revenentes / La Vie mode d’emploi / Un cabinet d’amateur / Le Voyage d’hiver. Ed. Bernard Magné. 1965, 1966, 1967, 1969, 1972, 1978, 1979, 1993. Classiques modernes. La Pochothèque. Le Livre de Poche. Paris: Librarie Générale Française, 2002.
- Entretiens et conférences. 2 vols (Joseph K., 2003)
- Entretiens, conférences, textes rares, inédits. 2003. Ed. Mireille Ribière with Dominique Bertelli. Paris: Éditions Joseph K, 2019.
- L'art et la manière d'aborder son chef de service pour lui demander une augmentation (Hachette, 2008)
- Œuvres II. Ed. Christelle Reggiani, with Claude Burgelin, Maxime Decout, Maryline Heck et Jean-Luc Joly. Bibliothèque de la Pléiade, 624. Paris: Gallimard, 2017.
- Le Condottière (Éditions du Seuil, 2012)
- Portrait of a Man Known as Il Condottiere, translated David Bellos (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2014)
- L'Attentat de Sarajevo (Éditions du Seuil, 2016)
- Œuvres I: Les Choses - Quel petit vélo à guidon chromé au fond de la cour ? - Un homme qui dort - La Disparition - Les revenentes - Espèces d'espaces - W ou Le souvenir d'enfance - Je me souviens. 1965, 1966, 1967, 1969, 1972, 1974, 1975, 1978. 2 vols. Ed. Christelle Reggiani, with Dominique Bertelli, Claude Burgelin, Florence de Chalonge, Maxime Decout & Yannick Séité. Bibliothèque de la Pléiade, 623. Paris: Gallimard, 2017.
- Œuvres II: La Vie mode d'emploi - Un cabinet d'amateur - La Clôture et autres poèmes - L'Éternité. Appendice : Tentative d'épuisement d'un lieu parisien - Le Voyage d'hiver - Ellis Island - L'art et la manière d'aborder son chef de service pour lui demander une augmentation - L'Augmentation. 1978, 1979, 1980, 1982 / 1975, 1993, 1980, 2008. 2 vols. Ed. Christelle Reggiani, with Claude Burgelin, Maxime Decout, Maryline Heck et Jean-Luc Joly. Bibliothèque de la Pléiade, 624. Paris: Gallimard, 2017.
- David Bellos. Georges Perec: A Life in Words. Harvill. London: HarperCollins Publishers, 1993.
- David Bellos. Georges Perec: A Life in Words. 1993. London: the Harvill Press, 1995.
- Claude Burgelin. Album Georges Perec: Iconographie commentée. Albums de la Pléiade, n° 56. Paris: Gallimard, 2017.
- The Penguin Book of Oulipo: Queneau, Perec, Calvino and the Adventure of Form. Ed. Philip Terry. 2019. Penguin Modern Classics. London: Penguin Random House UK, 2020.
Works collected posthumously:
I definitely worship at the shrine of Georges Perec. Ever since the late 1980s, when David Bellos' magisterial translation of Life: A User's Manual first appeared, I've been trying to collect and understand his - at times - unfathomable works.
- Nach der Natur. Ein Elementargedicht (1988)
- After Nature. 1988. Trans. Michael Hamburger. 2002. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 2003.
- For Years Now. Images by Tess Jaray. London: Short Books, 2001.
- Unerzählt, 33 Texte (2003)
- [with Jan Peter Tripp] Unrecounted: 33 Texts and 33 Etchings. 2003. Trans. Michael Hamburger. Hamish Hamilton. London: Penguin, 2004.
- Über das Land und das Wasser. Ausgewählte Gedichte 1964–2001 (2008)
- Across the Land and the Water: Selected Poems 1964-2001. 2008. Trans. Iain Galbraith. Hamish Hamilton. London: Penguin, 2011.
- Schwindel. Gefühle (1990)
- Vertigo. 1990. Trans. Michael Hulse. London: Harvill Press, 1999.
- Die Ausgewanderten. Vier lange Erzählungen (1992)
- The Emigrants. 1992. Trans. Michael Hulse. 1996. London: Vintage, 2002.
- The Emigrants. 1992. Trans. Michael Hulse. 1996. Vintage Classics. London: Random House, 2002.
- Die Ringe des Saturn. Eine englische Wallfahrt (1995)
- The Rings of Saturn. 1995. Trans. Michael Hulse. 1998. London: Vintage, 2002.
- Logis in einem Landhaus (1998)
- A Place in the Country: On Gottfried Keller, Johann Peter Hebel, Robert Walser and Others. 1998. Trans. Jo Catling. 2013. London: Penguin, 2014.
- Luftkrieg und Literatur: Mit einem Essay zu Alfred Andersch (1999)
- On the Natural History of Destruction: With Essays on Alfred Andersch, Jean Améry and Peter Weiss. 1999. Trans. Anthea Bell. 2003. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 2004.
- Austerlitz (2001)
- Austerlitz. 2001. Trans. Anthea Bell. 2001. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 2002.
- Campo Santo, Prosa, Essays (2003)
- Campo Santo. Ed. Sven Meyer. 2003. Trans. Anthea Bell. 2005. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 2006.
- Angier, Carol. Speak, Silence: In Search of W. G. Sebald. London: Bloomsbury Circus, 2021.
I like Sebald's labyrinthine, meditative prose very much. He does have a tendency to elicit a disproportionate adulation in some of his fans, but that may be inspired by his late start as a writer, combined with his tragic early death.
- One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich (1962)
- One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich. 1962. Trans. Ralph Parker. 1963. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1971.
- One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich. Trans. Ronald Hingley & Max Hayward. New York: Bantam, 1963.
- One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich. Authorized translation. Trans. H. T. Willetts. New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1991.
- An Incident at Krechetovka Station (1963)
- Included in: We Never Make Mistakes: Two Short Novels. Trans. Paul W. Blackstock. Columbia: University of South Carolina Press, 1963.
- Included in: Stories and Prose Poems. 1970. Trans. Michael Glenny. 1971. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1973.
- Matryona's Place (1963)
- Included in: We Never Make Mistakes: Two Short Novels. Trans. Paul W. Blackstock. Columbia: University of South Carolina Press, 1963.
- Included in: Stories and Prose Poems. 1970. Trans. Michael Glenny. 1971. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1973.
- For the Good of the Cause (1963)
- Included in: Stories and Prose Poems. 1970. Trans. Michael Glenny. 1971. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1973.
- The First Circle (1968)
- The First Circle. 1955-58, 1964. Trans. Michael Guybon. 1968. Fontana / Collins. London: William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd., 1974.
- The First Circle. Trans. Thomas P. Whitney. New York: Harper & Row, 1968.
- In the First Circle: A Novel. The Restored Text. 1955-58, 1968. Trans. Harry T. Willetts. Harper Perennial. New York: HarperCollins Publishers, 2009.
- Cancer Ward (1968)
- Cancer Ward. Trans. Rebecca Frank. New York: Dial Press, 1968.
- Cancer Ward. 1968. Trans. Nicholas Bethell & Daniel Burg. 1968-69. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1971.
- The Red Wheel (1969-1991)
- August 1914, Node I (1971 / 1984)
- August 1914. 1971. Trans. Michael Glenny. 1972. London: The Bodley Head, 1973.
- The Red Wheel. Knot 1: August 1914. 1983. Trans. H. T. Willetts. New York: The Noonday Press, 1989.
- November 1916, Node II (1983)
- Lenin in Zürich: Chapters. 1975. Trans. H. T. Willetts. 1976. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1977.
- The Red Wheel. Knot 2: November 1916. 1983. Trans. H. T. Willetts. 1999. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2014.
- March 1917, Node III, Book One (1990)
- The Red Wheel. Node III, Book 1: March 1917. 1989. Trans. Marian Schwartz. South Bend, Indiana: University of Notre Dame Press, 2017.
- March 1917, Node III, Book Two
- The Red Wheel. Node III, Book 2: March 1917. 1989. Trans. Marian Schwartz. South Bend, Indiana: University of Notre Dame Press, 2019.
- March 1917, Node III, Book Three
- The Red Wheel. Node III, Book 3: March 1917. 1989. Trans. Marian Schwartz. South Bend, Indiana: University of Notre Dame Press, 2021.
- March 1917, Node III, Book Four
- April 1917, Node IV, Book One (1991)
- April 1917, Node IV, Book Two
- August 1914, Node I (1971 / 1984)
- Apricot Jam: and Other Stories (2011)
- Apricot Jam and Other Stories. 1994. Trans. Kenneth Lantz & Stephan Solzhenitsyn. Melbourne: The Text Publishing Company, 2011.
- Candle in the Wind (1960)
- Candle in the Wind. 1960. Trans. Keith Armes, with Arthur Hudgkins. Introduction by Keith Armes. 1973. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1976.
- The Love-Girl and the Innocent (1969)
- The Love-Girl and the Innocent. 1970. Trans. Nicholas Bethell & Daniel Burg. 1969. Penguin Plays. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1975.
- Included in: Three Plays: Victory Celebrations, Prisoners, The Love-Girl and the Innocent. Trans. Nicholas Bethell, Daniel Burg, Helen Rapp, & Nancy Thomas. New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux. 1986.
- Victory Celebration (1983)
- Victory Celebrations: A Comedy in Four Acts. 1981. Trans. Helen Rapp & Nancy Thomas. London: The Bodley Head, 1983.
- Included in: Three Plays: Victory Celebrations, Prisoners, The Love-Girl and the Innocent. Trans. Nicholas Bethell, Daniel Burg, Helen Rapp, & Nancy Thomas. New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux. 1986.
- Prisoners (1983)
- Included in: Three Plays: Victory Celebrations, Prisoners, The Love-Girl and the Innocent. Trans. Nicholas Bethell, Daniel Burg, Helen Rapp, & Nancy Thomas. New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux. 1986.
- Prussian Nights (1951 / 1974)
- Prussian Nights: A Narrative Poem. 1974. Trans. Robert Conquest. 1977. London: Fontana / Collins, 1978.
- The Gulag Archipelago. 3 vols. (1973-78)
- The Gulag Archipelago, 1918-1956. 1973. Trans. Thomas P. Whitney. 1973-74. Collins / Fontana. Auckland: Wilson and Horton Ltd., 1974.
- The Gulag Archipelago 2, 1918-1956: Parts III-IV. 1974. Trans. Thomas P. Whitney. 1975. Collins / Fontana. Glasgow: William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd., 1976.
- The Gulag Archipelago 3, 1918-1956: An Experiment in Literary Investigation V-VI. 1976. Trans. H. T. Willetts 1978. Collins / Fontana. Glasgow: William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd., 1978.
- The Gulag Archipelago, 1918-1956. Ed. Authorized abridgment. Ed. Edward E. Ericson Jr. Trans. Thomas P. Whitney and H. T. Willetts. New York: Harper & Row, 1985.
- The Oak and the Calf (1975)
- The Oak and the Calf: Sketches of Literary Life in the Soviet Union. 1975. Trans. Harry Willetts. 1979. London: Collins and Harvill Press, 1980.
- Two Hundred Years Together: Russian-Jewish relations since 1772. 2 vols (2003)
- The Solzhenitsyn Reader: New and Essential Writings, 1947-2005 (2006)
- The Solzhenitsyn Reader: New and Essential Writings, 1947-2005. Ed. Edward E. Ericson Jr. & Daniel J. Mahoney. 2006. ISI Books. 2009. Wilmington, DE: Intercollegiate Studies Institute, 2020.
- Between Two Millstones. 2 vols (2018-20)
- Between Two Millstones, Book 1: Sketches of Exile, 1974–1978. Trans. Peter Constantine. Foreword by Daniel J. Mahoney. The Center for Ethics and Culture Solzhenitsyn Series. Notre Dame, Indiana: University of Notre Dame Press, 2018.
- Between Two Millstones, Book 2: Exile in America, 1978-1994. Trans. Clare Kitson & Melanie Moore. Foreword by Daniel J. Mahoney. The Center for Ethics and Culture Solzhenitsyn Series. Notre Dame, Indiana: University of Notre Dame Press, 2020.
- Nobel Prize lecture (1970)
- The Nobel Lecture on Literature. translated by Thomas P. Whitney. New York: Harper & Row. 1972.
- Nobel Lecture (bilingual edition). translated by F. D. Reeve. New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux. 1972.
- Included in: East & West: The Nobel Lecture on Literature, A World Split Apart, Letter to Soviet Leaders, and an Interview with Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn by Janis Sapiets. Trans. Alexis Klimoff, Irina Alberti, and Hilary Sternberg. New York: Harper & Row. 1980.
- A Letter to the Soviet leaders (1974)
- Letter to the Soviet Leaders. Trans. Hilary Sternberg. New York: Index on Censorship in association with Harper & Row, 1974.
- Included in: East & West: The Nobel Lecture on Literature, A World Split Apart, Letter to Soviet Leaders, and an Interview with Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn by Janis Sapiets. Trans. Alexis Klimoff, Irina Alberti, and Hilary Sternberg. New York: Harper & Row. 1980.
- [with others] From Under the Rubble (1974)
- Solzhenitsyn, Alexander et al. From Under the Rubble. 1974. Trans. Michael Scammell et al. 1975. Fontana / Collins. London: William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd., 1976.
- Solzhenitsyn: The Voice of Freedom (1975)
- Warning to the West (1976)
- Warning to the West. translated by Harris L. Coulter and Nataly Martin. New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux. 1976.
- Harvard Commencement Address (1978)
- The Mortal Danger: Misconceptions about Soviet Russia and the Threat to America (1980)
- The Mortal Danger: How Misconceptions About Russia Imperil America. Trans. Michael Nicholson & Alexis Klimoff. New York: Harper & Row. 1981.
- Pluralists (1983)
- Godlessness, the First Step to the Gulag. London: Templeton Prize (1983)
- Rebuilding Russia (1990)
- Rebuilding Russia: Reflections and Tentative Proposals. Trans. Alexis Klimoff. New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux. 1991.
- The Russian Question (1995)
- The Russian Question at the End of the Twentieth Century. Trans. Yermolai Aleksandrovich Solzhenitsyn. New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux. 1995.
- Invisible Allies (1997)
- Invisible Allies. Trans. Alexis Klimoff & Michael Nicholson. Washington, D.C.: Counterpoint. 1995.
- Россия в обвале [Russia under Avalanche] (1998)
- Russia in Collapse. Trans. Olga Cooke. Intercollegiate Studies Institute. May 2006.
- Dunlop, John B., Richard Haugh, & Alexis Klimoff, ed. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn: Critical Essays and Documentary Materials. 1973. Second edition. Collier Books. New York: Macmillan Publishing Co., Inc. / London: Collier Macmillan Publishers, 1975.
- Labedz, Leopold, ed. Solzhenitsyn: A Documentary Record. 1970. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1974.
- Lukács, Georg. Solzhenitsyn. 1969. Trans. William David Graf. London: Merlin Press, 1970.
- Medvedev, Zhores. Ten Years after Ivan Denisovich. 1973. Trans. Hilary Sternberg & Guy Daniels. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1975.
- Solzhenitsyn, Alexander. Solzhenitsyn: A Pictorial Record. London: The Bodley Head, 1974.
Lectures & Pamphlets:
The contrast between Solzhenitzyn's reputation fifty years ago, when he was expelled from the Soviet Union and feted as one of the greatest writers of the twentieth century, and now, when he's regarded as a rather embarrassing old Russian ideologue, if not an outright anti-Semite, is astonishing. It's a shame, because much of his early work is still worth reading.
- Fantasy Poets Number Eight (Eynsham: Fantasy Press, 1952)
- Anno Domini: Three Stories. 1964 (London: Faber, 1985)
- The Portage to San Cristobal of A. H. 1979 (London: Faber, 1983)
- Proofs and Three Parables (London: Faber, 1992)
- The Deeps of the Sea, and Other Fiction. Introduction by John Banville (London: Faber, 1996)
- At Five in the Afternoon (Kenyon Review and Pushcart Prize XXVIII, 2004)
- A cinq heures de l'après-midi (Paris: L'Herne, 2008)
- Tolstoy or Dostoevsky: An Essay in Contrast. 1959. A Peregrine Book (Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1967)
- The Death of Tragedy (London: Faber, 1961)
- Language and Silence: Essays 1958-1966 (London: Faber, 1967)
- In Bluebeard's Castle: Some Notes Towards the Re-definition of Culture. 1971 (London: Faber, 1974)
- Extraterritorial: Papers on Literature and the Language Revolution (London: Faber, 1972)
- The Sporting Scene: White Knights of Reykjavik (London: Faber, 1973)
- Nostalgia for the Absolute (1974)
- After Babel: Aspects of Language and Translation. 1975 (London: Oxford University Press, 1976)
- Why English? (London: Oxford University Press, 1975)
- Contemporary Approaches to English Studies (London: Heinemann Education, 1977)
- Has Truth a Future? The Bronowski Memorial Lecture 1978 (London: BBC, 1978)
- Heidegger (London: Fontana Modern Masters, 1978)
- On Difficulty and Other Essays (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1978)
- The Uncommon Reader (1978)
- Antigones. 1984 (New Haven & London: Yale University Press, 1996)
- George Steiner: A Reader (New York: Oxford University Press, 1984)
- A Reading Against Shakespeare (Scotland: University of Glasgow, 1986)
- Treblinka (1986)
- Real Presences: Is There Anything in What We Say? (London: Faber, 1989)
- What is Comparative Literature? An Inaugural Lecture before the University of Oxford, on October 11, 1994 (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1995)
- No Passion Spent: Essays 1987-1996 (London: Faber, 1996)
- Errata: An Examined Life (London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1997)
- Grammars of Creation: Originating in the Gifford Lectures for 1990. 2001 (London: Faber, 2002)
- Lessons of the Masters (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2003)
- The Idea of Europe (Washington, D.C.: Nexus Institute, 2004)
- Le Silence des Livres (Paris: Arléa, 2006)
- My Unwritten Books. 2008. A Phoenix Book (London: Orion Books Ltd., 2009)
- George Steiner at The New Yorker (New York: New Directions, 2008)
- Les Logocrates (Paris: L'Herne, 2008)
- Ceux qui brûlent les livres (Paris: L'Herne, 2008)
- The Poetry of Thought: From Hellenism to Celan (New York: New Directions, 2011)
- [with Robert Fagles] Homer: A Collection of Critical Essays. Twentieth Century Views (Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1962)
- Poem into Poem: World Poetry in Modern Verse Translation. [As 'The Penguin Book of Modern Verse Translation', 1966]. The Penguin Poets (Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1970)
- [with Aminadav Dykman] Homer in English. Penguin Poets in Translation (Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1996)
A bit of an old curmudgeon by all accounts, but terrifyingly learned.

Marie-Henri Beyle ['Stendhal']
- Le Roman de Métilde [unfinished]. 1819 (1905)
- Armance. Quelques scènes d'un salon de Paris en 1827 (1827)
- Le Rouge et le Noir (1830)
- Le Rouge et le Noir: Chronique du XIXe siècle. Édition illustrée. 1831. Ed. Henri Martineau. Classiques Garnier. 1960. Paris: Éditions Garnier Frères, 1962.
- Lucien Leuwen [unfinished]. 1835 (1894)
- Le Rose et le Vert [unfinished]. 1837 (1854)
- La Chartreuse de Parme (1839)
- La Chartreuse de Parme: Édition illustrée, augmentée d’une biographie. 1839. Ed. Henri Martineau. Classiques Garnier. 1961. Paris: Éditions Garnier Frères, 1968.
- The Charterhouse of Parma. 1839. Trans. C. K. Scott-Moncrieff. Wood-engravings by Zelma Blakely. London: The Folio Society, 1977.
- The Charterhouse of Parma. 1839. Trans. Margaret R. B. Shaw. 1958. Penguin Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1972.
- Lamiel [unfinished]. 1839–1842 (1889)
- Lamiel. 1839-42. Trans. T. W. Earp. 1951. London: Turnstile Press Ltd., 1951.
- Journal de Sir John Armitage [unfinished]. 1822 (1855)
- Une position sociale [unfinished]. 1832 (1927)
- Souvenirs d'un gentilhomme italien (1826)
- Vanina Vanini (1829)
- Included in: L’Abbesse de Castro / Vittoria Accoramboni / Les Cenci / La Duchesse de Palliano / Vanina Vanini / Le Coffre et le Revenant / Le Philtre. Classiques Garnier. Paris: Librairie Garnier Frères, 1925.
- Le Coffre et le Revenant (1830)
- Included in: L’Abbesse de Castro / Vittoria Accoramboni / Les Cenci / La Duchesse de Palliano / Vanina Vanini / Le Coffre et le Revenant / Le Philtre. Classiques Garnier. Paris: Librairie Garnier Frères, 1925.
- Le Philtre (1830)
- Included in: L’Abbesse de Castro / Vittoria Accoramboni / Les Cenci / La Duchesse de Palliano / Vanina Vanini / Le Coffre et le Revenant / Le Philtre. Classiques Garnier. Paris: Librairie Garnier Frères, 1925.
- Mina de Vanghel. 1830 (1853)
- Le Juif. 1831 (1855)
- San Francesco a Ripa. 1831 (1853)
- Paul Sergar. c.1832 (1855)
- Chroniques italiennes (1837–1839)
- Vittoria Accoramboni
- Les Cenci (1837)
- La Duchesse de Palliano
- L'Abbesse de Castro (1832)
- Included in: L’Abbesse de Castro / Vittoria Accoramboni / Les Cenci / La Duchesse de Palliano / Vanina Vanini / Le Coffre et le Revenant / Le Philtre. Classiques Garnier. Paris: Librairie Garnier Frères, 1925.
- Romans et nouvelles (1854)
- Théâtre : Selmours, Les Quiproquos, Le Ménage à la Mode, Zélinde et Lindor, Ulysse, Hamlet, Les Deux Hommes, Letellier, Brutus, Les Médecins, La Maison à Deux Portes, Il Forestiere in Italia, Philippe II, La Comtesse de Savoie, La Gloire et la Bosse, Torquato Tasso. 3 vols (1931)
- Souvenirs d'égotisme. 1832 (1892)
- Memoirs of an Egotist. 1832. Ed. & trans. T. W. Earp. London: Turnstile Press Ltd., 1949.
- Vie de Henry Brulard. 1835–1836 (1890)
- The Life of Henri Brulard. 1835. Trans. Jean Stewart & B. C. J. G. Knight. 1958. Penguin Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1973.
- Vies de Haydn, Mozart et Métastase [Lettres écrites de Vienne en Autriche, sur le célèbre compositeur Haydn, suivies d'une vie de Mozart, et des considérations sur Métastase et l'état présent de la musique en France et en Italie] (1815)
- Vie de Napoléon. 1817–1818 (1929)
- Vie de Rossini (1823)
- Histoire de la peinture en Italie (1817)
- Rome, Naples et Florence (1817)
- Included in: Voyages en Italie. Ed. V. Del Litto. Bibliothèque de la Pléiade, 249. Paris: Gallimard, 1973.
- De l'amour (1822)
- De l’Amour. 1822. Ed. Michel Crouzet. GF. Paris: Garnier-Flammarion, 1965.
- Love. 1822. Trans. Gilbert & Suzanne Sale. 1957. Introduction by Jean Stewart & B. C. J. G. Knight. Penguin Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1975.
- Racine et Shakespeare (1823-25)
- D'un nouveau complot contre les industriels (1825)
- Promenades dans Rome (1829)
- Included in: Voyages en Italie. Ed. V. Del Litto. Bibliothèque de la Pléiade, 249. Paris: Gallimard, 1973.
- Le Lac de Genève. 1831 (1933))
- Mémoires d'un touriste (1838)
- Voyage dans le midi de la France. 1838 (1930)
- Travels in the South of France. Trans. Elisabeth Abbott. Introduction by Victor Brombert. 1970. European Classics Series. London: Calder & Boyars Ltd., 1971.
- Idées italiennes sur quelques tableaux célèbres (1840)
- Mélanges d'art. 1867 (1932)
- Molière, Shakespeare, la Comédie et le Rire (1930)
- Filosofia nova (1931)
- Écoles italiennes de peinture (1932)
- Pages d'Italie (1932)
- Les Tombeaux de Corneto (1853)
- Mélanges de politique et d'histoire (1933)
- Courrier anglais (1935-1936)
- Mélanges intimes et Marginalia (1936)
- Voyages en Italie (1973)
- Voyages en Italie. [Rome, Naples et Florence en 1817 - L'Italie en 1818 - Rome, Naples et Florence (1826) - Promenades dans Rome (1829). Suppléments : Les Marionnettes - Lettres de Rome à Romain Colomb - Les Ambassadeurs, etc.]. Ed. V. Del Litto. Bibliothèque de la Pléiade, 249. Paris: Gallimard, 1973.
- Histoire d'Espagne : depuis la révolution du 28 avril 1699 jusqu'au testament du 2 octobre 1700 (2007)
- Correspondance. 10 vols (1927)
- Journal. 1801-1817. 5 vols (1937)
- The Private Diaries of Stendhal (Marie-Henri Beyle). Ed. & trans. Robert Sage. London: Victor Gollancz Limited, 1955.
Novellas & Stories:
Letters & Journals:
Perhaps more argued about than read nowadays, but still a major influence on the European novel.
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